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Impacts of employee motivation on job performance and career progression.

According to current research that was conducted in this year it simply detailed employees
motivation and job performance as an act that managers, directors, CEO, offer specific resources, services
like promotion to increase the productivity of the employees within the organization and according to the
current researcher in the year 2021 he detailed that non-motivated employees work unhappily and are not
produced within the organization and motivated ones, always gives several Impressive results and this
increases production within the company, organization, business or any other workplace thus enhancing
career progression in this workplaces. Some of the motivations include; promotion, an increase in
salaries, and free trips and many more. The research was conducted research using questioners,
descriptive methods and were embedded in in liker scale where this instrument was used for collecting
necessary data and it showed a number of impacts on employee motivation in job performance and career
progression which includes; employees using the emotional intelligence within the workplace, increase in
production in their workplace, employee using good communication skills in workplace, enhanced
teamwork within employees, increase of willingness to work, employees learning new working skills,
increase in number of customers if workplace was business, increase in profit, and good resources
management within the organization.

To start with employees using emotional intelligence as one of impact according to current
research, it showed that a number of employees who are motivated in their jobs uses emotional
intelligence as one impact on their job place. This no wonder you will find well treated employees having
absolutely no emotions reactions like being aggressive to their colleagues, looking depressed, or having
negative reactions to their bosses. Some of this emotional intelligence includes employees accepting
responsibility and criticism, having a full understanding why employee do things the way he does within
the work place, having empathy on others when they are going through hard situation in their life like
marriage break up and stress, having good communication skills, having courage to say no in polite way
when you need to say it, employees having confidence to share with other employees, be able to solve
critical problems in workplace, employees having courage to move on after doing making mistakes and
learning on how to carry that task in a special way so that that mistake will never occur again and finally
employees being not so judgmental on others within workplace. This affects the progression of career
through experiences, perspectives, and emotions of other colleagues and this will make the progression of
employees in workplace to be a smooth one.

The current researcher also showed an element of impact of increase in productivity in workplace
after motivation on employees. Motivated employees work more smartly, and closely with other
employees and their bosses. This can be shown by employees reporting to their working positions early in
the morning if it Is a day shift and early in the evening if it is a night shift. The current researcher also
showed that motivated employees will leave their work position late in the evening and this is when they
are working diligently in order to finish a certain task. In other words, they take tasks in work places
seriously and take the organization where they have job as their own. In addition they help others in their
working positions if they require position and sharing of working skills with other employees. This
include during induction sharing skills to new workers. Moreover, motivated employees repeat any task if
ordered by their bosses to do so whole heartedly and accept mistakes and learn how to conduct that task
so that it will not occur again. This includes also mobilizing others employees in order for the company to
achieve a certain development goal. This in result, make them being recognized in their work position
and maybe they may receive promotion thus their career progressing.

In current research showed motivated employees using good communication skills when they are
talking to their bosses, colleagues, and customers if it is work place related to business. This
communication skills include; friendliness when communicating, having empathy for others when they
are communicating, use of respecting words like ''yes sir or my boss'', use of verbal and non-verbal cues
during communication, communicating with confidence, having concision and empathy when
communicating with other people. Current researchers showed detailed in a report that good
communication within organization makes job be so effective by message communicated by motivated
employees reaching required recipient in a good way and this will make the job performance of this
employee to be so effective and enhance on job progression in their working positions.

The current research also showed that there is an impact of motivated employees to have good
team work in order to enhance good work performance and their carrier progression. This includes
employees giving shoulders to other employees when they need a certain help. Facing difficult situation
within the work place together, participating in research problems if it is an organization. Participating in
workplace official meetings and finally ensuring a certain task assigned to them is finished on time and
ensuring that team task is done according to instructions of supervisor. This will result in their bosses
always having a positive comment on the results of work they give. In return, this will impact positively
on their job performance hence good job progression.
The current researchers also detailed that, motivated employees learn new working skills. This is
shown during this time of coronavirus pandemic where employees were trying to cope with new working
skills like cleaning off hands shortly interacting with other employees. This is to make sure that they are
not infected by this dangerous disease and this will enhance their performance within the work place.
Other new skills motivated having willingness to learn new technology within the work place. The
current research showed that motivated employees develop these new working skills through going
training offered in workplace, carrying out research on certain new working skills, and consulting other
motivated employees within the work place. Through attaining new working skills it will results in labor
productivity and increase in friendship ties within the organization hence their job performance and
progression will be affected positively after achieving this new skills according to current research.

Finally the current research also showed that motivation of employees will have an impact of
growth of business if job was business-related and this will results in growth of a number of customers,
organization getting a number of new customers, increase in number of customers, and organization
making more profits. This is achieved through diligence in working of motivated of workers. There will
also be an impact of organization attaining new development goal. This will affect the job of employees
by making the organization which is a job place to them being sustainable after achieving some of goals
and highlighted achievements above and this will enhance progression of their carriers. Current research
conducted in USA showed that motivated employees are able to motivate resources like computers, other
instruments used in job place, other resources needed in their job position like money, they will be time
conscious and try to carry out some repairing on working instruments after its failure to carry out job
accordingly and this is if they have knowledge to do so. This is because they take this resources as they
own and they will maintain them with the highest degree. This will enhance on good job performance and
making their job positions in job place sustainable.

In conclusion motivation of employees according to current research conducted by several

organizations like universities, showed that is has a number of impacts on their job positions which
includes; ; employees using the emotional intelligence within the work place, increase in production in
their work place, employee using good communication skills in workplace, enhanced teamwork within
employees, increase of willingness to work, employees learning new working skills, increase in number
of customers if workplace was business, increase in profit, and good resources management within their
job positions. This can be achieved through organization carrying out a number of motivation to their
employees which include; providing promotion, giving incentives like gifts, increasing their salaries,
recognizing those employees who have good performance, providing off days to employees, giving some
allowances and compensation to employees when they get injured in workplace and providing tours to
employees to new places may be to carry job research or for enjoyment. This current research showed a
good distinction between motivated employees and non-motivated employees where motivated
employees have more willingness when working than non-motivated ones.

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