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1—25 Piece 2—6 Piece Spade
Drill Bit Set Drill Bit Set

2—12V Cordless 2—Drill Driver #2

Drill Robertson

 The cordless drill can be used to drill holes with the bits provided or drive screws with the
drill drivers. Drill drivers are used to drive screws. The provided drivers are a #2 size
designed for a #8 Robertson screw
 The twist drill bit is the most widely used drill bit, it can be used on either wood or metal.
The bit is made up of a cutting point at the tip and flutes that lift material out of the hole
 Spade bits are used for rough boring in wood. They tend to cause splintering when they
emerge from the workpiece. You can avoid this by placing a waste board behind the hole
being drilled

 Always wear safety glasses but never wear gloves when operating a drill
 Always tie long hair back and remove all rings, necklaces or other jewellery
 Remove anything that hangs down, i.e. sweater ties
 Always unplug or remove battery while changing bits
 Use drill bits only for their intended purpose and read all provided warnings and
instructions before using
 Always hold the drill securely while drilling and be sure to secure your material
 Keep your work area clean and always wash your hands after using any tool
 Always store tools in a safe and secure location


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