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College should not permit the use of Computers during Exams


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College should not permit the use of Computers during Exams

The use of computers during exams has raised major concerns among different colleges

and universities. The issue is critical since the assessment of the positive outcomes and negative

impacts have not been ascertained—the threat imposed danger on the quality of education and

cheating among students in the colleges and students. This paper aims to support and illustrate

why computers should not be permitted in collages during exams. The use of computers during

exams in collages greatly impacts the quality of education through cheating and accessing the

exams through their computers.

Cheating in exams among students due to the ability to access notes and some academic

materials is one of the threats that has made using computers during exams tricky. The use of

computers during exams has made the credibility of exams to be in question. Students can access

saved notes and internet sources to answer the set questions in exams, a form of exam cheating

and irregularity (Mellar, et al., 2018). It is evident that exams irregularity and cheating among

students when they access the computers during exams.

Secondly, accessing computers during exams reduces the student’s ability to carry

mastery memory of what they have learned without a computer through the internet and notes

from computers. Students should be allowed to use their knowledge and what they have learned

without referring to the notes on their computers and accessing internet sources. The quality of

education is under threat when the norms of using computers are allowed during exams (Zhang,

2017). For achieving quality and the relevance of identifying the level of students in whatever

they learned, computers should not be used during exams.


Finally, computers during exams are time-consuming and deny students proper attention

and concentration during exams. Lack of attention and proper concentration resulted in poor

grades and low marks for students. Some of the computers are hard to operate regardless of their

needs by students during the exams; thus, it will take them much time, which they would

otherwise use in proper concentrations for good grades and marks (Mian & Khan, 2020). It is

therefore not advisable and not accepted that students should use computers during exams.

From the above indication, using computers during exams in collages is not healthy for

achieving a good quality of education. Students need to be innovative, read their notes, and

eventually, have learning skills to achieve quality grades. Computers are the key sources of

academic irregularity and wastage of time during exams and various academic activities in

academics. The use of computers in colleges during exams should therefore not be permitted

since it greatly affects the quality of both examiners and graduates in various college fields.


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