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IN modern day, the relationship between family members is becoming more and more distant.

It is
true that modern families do not have meals together as they used to be in the past.  This essay will
consider the reasons for this trend and the problems it may cause

There are several reasons why  families no longer share mealtimes together. Firstly, people are busy
with work so that they don't have time for family. Familly’s member can have different working or
studying plans in a day,therefore, they rarely sitt down to share a meal with their family. In addition,
young people tend to prefer eating out rather than eating at home. Eating at the restaurant is very
convenient and has a variety of dishes, so young people often choose it instead of going home and
eating lunch or dinner with their parents

One problem not having time eating together with family members is that the bond between family
members gradually disappear. Having a meal together is not just about eating together but about talking
and sharing with each other after hard’s day work. Therefore, reducing time of eating together with
family members also means that the opportunity for a family to boost their ties is lost. Furthermore, the
consequences of not eating at home is that the health of people are damaged. For example, children
who eat out too much will easily become obese because they do not have the right nutrition

In conclusion, it is true that family meals are vanishing nowadays because of some factor. As the result,
this phenomenon could have negative effects on the health and relationship of family members.

Q1- When discovered, the written records of the grave goods proved to be

Supporting Sentences: These graves' goods are confirmed by the oracle texts which
constitute almost all of the first handwritten records we possess of the Shang Dynasty.

Location: Section B, 3rd line

Explanation: The given statement is true. After reading the paragraph it is clear that the
grave good records are confirmed by oracle text. Oracle text is nothing but the first
handwritten records of the Shang Dynasty.

Q2- Human skeletons in Anyang's tomb were identified as soldiers who were killed in
the war.

Answer: False

Key Word: Anyang Tomb, Slaves

Supporting Sentences: The skeletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice

Location: Section B, 6th line

Explanation: The given statement is false as from the paragraph it is nowhere written
that the human skeleton found in Anyang Tomb were soldiers who killed in war but
skeleton found are evidence of human sacrifice.

Q3- The Terracotta Army was discovered by people who lived nearby by chance.

Answer: True

Key Word: Terracotta, Farmers

Supporting Sentences: The terracotta soldiers were accidentally discovered when a

group of local farmers was digging a well.

Location: Section C, 1st line.

Explanation: The given statement is true. The terracotta army was discovered by the
farmers who were digging a well during drought.

Q4- The size of King Tutankhamen’s tomb is bigger than that of in Qin Emperors’ tomb.

Answer: Not Given

Questions 5-10 :

Complete the notes below.

Choose One Word from the passage for each answer.

Write your answer in boxes 5-10 on your answer sheet.

5. The hub is made of wood from the tree of _____.

Answer: elm

Key Word: hub, elm

Supporting Sentences: Elm provided the hub

Location: Section D, 2nd line

Explanation: The hub is the main part of the wheel and is made up of elm tree wood.

6. The room through the hub was to put tempering axle in which is wrapped up by
leather aiming to retain_____.

Answer: oil
Key Word: hub, oil

Supporting Sentences: The whole being is covered with leather to retain lubricating


Location: Section D, 3rd line

Explanation: The wheel was wrapped up in leather to retain oil.

7. The number of spokes varies from_____.

Answer: 18 to 32

Key Word: spokes

Supporting Sentences: The number of spokes varied, a wheel by the fourth century

BC usually had eighteen to thirty-two of them.

Location: Section D, 5th line

Explanation: The spokes in the wheel in the fourth century BC varied but still usually
they are eighteen to thirty-two in number.

8. The shape of the wheel resembles a _____.

Answer: dish

Key Word: dish like wooden wheel

Supporting Sentences: Dishing refers to the dish-like shape of an advanced wooden

wheel, which looks rather like a flat cone.

Location: Section D, 9th line.

Explanation: The shape of the wheel looks like a flat cone which is also known as dish-

9. Two _____ were used to strengthen the wheel.

Answer: struts

Key Word: Wheel, struts

Supporting Sentences: On occasion, they choose to strengthen a dished wheel with a

pair of struts.
Location: Section D, 11th line

Explanation: The pair of struts are used to strengthen the wheel.

10. Leather-wrapped up the edge of the wheel aimed to retain _____.

Answer: bronze

Key Word: Leather

Supporting Sentences: Leather-wrapped up the edge of the wheel aimed to retain


Location: Section D, 14th line

Explanation: The leather is wrapped up to the edge of the wheel to retain the bronze.
They provide extra support and greater strength to the wheel.

Questions 11-13

Answer the following:

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for
each answer.

11. What body part of the horse has released the pressure from to the shoulder? 24

Answer: Neck

Key Word: shoulder

Supporting Sentences: Because the shafts curved upwards, and the harness pressed
against a horse,s shoulders, not his neck

Location: Section E, 3rd line

Explanation: The pressure of the shoulder was released by the neck. This is due to the
curved surface of the shaft that is upward in direction.

12. What kind of road surface did the researchers measure the speed of the chariot?

Answer: Sand

Key Word: Chariots
Supporting Sentences: The speed of the chariot which was tested on the sand was
quite fast.

Location: Section E, 7th line

Explanation: The speed of the chariot was measured on the sand surface where the
speed is measured as very fast.

13. What part of his afterlife palace was the emperor Qin Shi Huang buried?

Answer: Tomb Complex

Key Word: Tomb

Supporting Sentences: Qin Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex
ever constructed in China.

Location: Section F, 2nd line

Explanation: The Qin Shi Huang was buried in a most opulent complex tomb that is a
city-size collection of underground corners having everything for the afterlife. This is the
most complex tomb ever constructed

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