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Thank Mai for introducing me. Hello guy, my name is Trang.

In this
section, I I would like to present to you some Dangerous Side Effects Of
Vegan Diet that you should consider before choosING this diet

THE first side effect I want to share is Nutritional Deficiencies

YOU know when we going vegan we need cut out some kind of food Cutting out
whole food groups can certainly have its consequences and so it come as no
surprise that some vegans end up with nutritional deficiencies

. Nutrients such as omega-3, iron, calcium (Cấy si um) , iodine (Ai on đai) , and
vitamin B12 are more difficult to obtain from plant-based foods than anima.
Therefor, vegen diet can cause the nutritional inadequacy( in á đê qua cy) for the

 These deficiencies can impact your body in a variety of

ways, and  THE lack of B12 and Iron are the most common problems of
people who going vegan Now I will talk about Risk of vitamin B12 and
irion deficiency

Vitamin B12 cannot be made by the body and, (in the sreen, Poutry, ois ter) , It is found in

animal product, such as meat, dairy, eggs and some fish. And It is not found in fruit, veg or

grains (grein) and so there are limited ways for vegans to get B12.

its deficiency can cause numerous damages in the body. You can see in the
screen, these are some symtoms (sim tùm) of vitamin b12 deficiency. These are
some dangerrous symtoms such as disturb vision or changes the mobility. That
show the severity( sơ vé ri ti) of
Next I will share with you about the Lack of iron

There are two types of iron (ai òn): heme(him) iron and non-
heme iron.

Plant-Product contain iron, but it is of a ‘low-heme’ iron which does not get absorbed into the

body properly. Therefore, vegans are at a risk of iron deficiency.

Having a lack of heme iron in the body can cause severe( se via) symptoms, Like vitamin b12,

iron deficiency has serious consequences for the body

THE second side effect I want to mention is

Bad State of Health beside nutritional deficiencies, vegan also

face with a number of problem that are bad for our health. So in this
section I will give some examples of common health problems when going

Low energy problems

When we switch from an animal-based diet to a plant-based diet, it

becomes difficult to track our calories. It is because plant-based foods
are not as rich in calories as animal-based foods.

Hence, if you are eating smaller portions than you did in your earlier
lifestyle, it is sure to bring down your energy levels drastically.

By not having enough energy, you don’t just risk health problems but
also increase your chances to abandon( â ben đền) your diet and go
back to old ways.
THE next problem I want to focus on is Risk of developing an
eating disorder

. People who follow a strict vegan diet see more instances of

Orthorexia (o thờ rét tia), which is a type of eating disorder where
people have an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. Most
doctors who cure eating Orthorexia do not advise staying on a
restrictive diet such as veganism .(ví gần ni zium)

Negative Vegan Side Effect #5: Social Challenges

Personally, the hardest part of adopting (a đóp ting)a plant-based diet
has been the social chalenges

The major problems of being vegan really start with eating at

restaurants. Going out to eat can be tough in some where
veganism is not widespread and various. It’s common to have no
other options than a plate of chips or a salad. Sometimes, even those
aren’t available and many of vegans been left to go hungry.

Additionally, those who don't know how to accommodate

your diet , they may exclude you from social gatherings.
Or worse, they may invite you and encourage you to eat
foods that are not vegan-friendly

That is the end of my part, in the next section, nhai will introduce
to you some recipe ( re sơ pi) for vegan diet

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