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Curved and Layer. Struct.

2020; 7:125–138

Research Article

Joseph Nkongho Anyi, Jean Chills Amba, Dieudonné Essola, Ngayihi Abbe Claude Valery*,
Merlin Bodol Momha, and Robert Nzengwa

Generalised assumed strain curved shell finite

elements (CSFE-sh) with shifted-Lagrange and
applications on N-T’s shells theory
Received Feb 22, 2020; accepted Jun 25, 2020
Abstract: We present a simple methodology to design a•• , b•• , First, second and third fundamental
curved shell finite elements based on Nzengwa-Tagne’s c•• form of the surface S
shell equations. The element has three degrees of freedom (a α , a3 ) Local vector basis at the midsurface S
at each node. The displacements field of the element satis- a i (i = 1,
Unknown coefficients
fies the exact requirement of rigid body modes in a ‘shifted- ......, 9)
Lagrange’ polynomial basis. The element is based on inde- a αβ , a αβ Covariant and contravariant components of
pendent strain assumption insofar as it is allowed by the the metric tensor of the surface S
compatibility equations. The element developed herein is Aα Norm of a α
first validated on analysis of benchmark problems involv- b αβ Covariant component of curvature tensor
ing a standard shell with simply supported edges. Exam- b αβ b αβ Contravariant and mixt components of cur-
ples illustrating the accuracy improvement are included vature tensor
in the analysis. It showed that reasonably accurate results Bm , Bk , Bg Global matrix shape function of the change
were obtained even when using fewer elements compared of first, second and third fundamental
to other shell elements. The element is then used to anal- forms respectively
yse spherical roof structures. The distribution of the var- (CB) (︁= C ijkl B kl)︁:
ious components of deflection is obtained. Furthermore, If C = C ijkl (x) , B = (B kl )
the effect of introducing concentrated load on a cylindri- C : B =(︁ C ij)︁
B ij :
cal clamped ends structure is investigated. It is found that
If C = C ij , B = B ij
(︀ )︀
the CSFE3-sh element considered is a very good candidate
ID, OD Inner and outer diameters
for the analysis of general shell structures in engineering
ε•• Covariant strain tensor
practice in which the ratio h/R ranges between 1/1000 and
σ•• Contravariant stress tensor
e•• Covariant component of the linearized
Keywords: double curved, shells, shifted-Lagrange, strain membrane strain tensor of the mid surface
approach, deflexion, convergence S
E Young modulus
∈ Belongs to. . . . . . .

*Corresponding Author: Ngayihi Abbe Claude Valery: Labora-

toire E3M, Faculté de Génie Industriel, Université de Douala, BP. tional advanced School Polytechnics of the University of Yaounde I
2701, Douala, Cameroon; Department of Mechanical Engineering, – Cameroon, P.O. Box 8390 Yaounde, Cameroon
National advanced School Polytechnics of the University of Yaounde Jean Chills Amba, Dieudonné Essola, Merlin Bodol Momha:
I – Cameroon, P.O. Box 8390 Yaounde, Cameroon; Laboratoire E3M, Faculté de Génie Industriel, Université de Douala,
Email: BP. 2701, Douala, Cameroon
Joseph Nkongho Anyi: Laboratoire E3M, Faculté de Génie Indus- Robert Nzengwa: Laboratoire E3M, Faculté de Génie Industriel,
triel, Université de Douala, BP. 2701, Douala, Cameroon; Department Université de Douala, BP. 2701, Douala, Cameroon; Department of
of Mechanical Engineering, Higher Technical Teachers Training Mechanical Engineering, National advanced School Polytechnics
College of the University of Buea in Kumba, P.O. Box 249 Buea Road, of the University of Yaounde I – Cameroon, P.O. Box 8390 Yaounde,
Kumba, Cameroon; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Na- Cameroon

Open Access. © 2020 J. Nkongho Anyi et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 License
126 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

fe , fk , fQ Matrix functions that interpolate strain ten-

sor components
1 Introduction
Fv Volume force over an element S e
A great number of research works has been expended over
F Global force vector
the past five decades on the development of shell finite el-
Fe Element force vector
ements methods for the analysis of curved structures [1,
g ij , g ij Covariant and contravariant components of
2]. The formulation of simple and robust finite elements
the metric tensor of the shell Ω
has become one of the most important research fields in
g• , g• Local vector basis at a point M of a Shell
structural mechanics [3], like high order elements of Car-
G•• Global matrix of strain tensor interpolation
rera et al. [4]; Keshava Kumar S. et al. [5]. However, sur-
face displacement-based elements such as the four-node
λ, µ Lame’s coefficients
quadrilateral element behave very poorly for the case of
v Poisson’s ratio
bending problems [3]. Considerable efforts have been ori-
h 3D shell’s thickness
1 ented to overcome the weaknesses of these elements by
IH Γ0 Sobolev space
(︁−→ − → − → )︁ the development of efficient elements using different con-
i, j, k , cepts and formulations such as the assumed strain or en-
Cartesian orthonormal bases
(e1 , e2 , e3 ) hanced assumed strain elements Li and Huang [6]; Piltner
k•• Covariant linearized change of curvature and Taylor [7]; the generalized conforming elements Chen
tensor at the mid surface S et al. [8]; Li and Huang [6]; the quasi-conforming elements
Ke Elementary stiffness matrix Wang et al. [9]; Xia et al. [10] and the quadrilateral area co-
K GN−T Global N-T stiffness matrix ordinate elements Li and Huang [6]; Cen et al. [11]. Other
L p,q Lagrange space of shape functions robust membrane elements with in-plane rotation Kugler
IL p,q Shifted-Lagrange space of shape functions et al. [12]; Cen et al. [13]; Zouari et al. [14] have been devel-
Q•• Covariant linearized change of the third fun- oped. Grafton and Strome [15] developed conical segments
damental form tensor of S, or change of for the analysis of shell of revolution. Later Jones and
Gauss curvature tensor of the mid surface S Strome [16] modified the method and used meridional ele-
u α , u3 Components of a displacement in (a α , a3 ) ments which were found to lead to considerably improved
basis results for the stresses. Curved rectangular and cylindri-
U α , U3 Components of the displacements in cal shell elements were also developed by [17, 18]. How-
(g α , g3 ) basis ever, to model a spherical shape shells using the finite el-
̂︀ Global discrete displacements of vector ement method, triangular and rectangular spherical shell
(ξ α , ξ3 ) , are displacement components elements are needed [19–21].
(η α , η3 ) of vector fields on S Several spherical shell elements have been developed
χ Thickness ratio to analyse curved structures. Most notably, the higher or-
Ω Domain of the 3-D shell der elements of Bathe et al. [21–24], Do-Nyun Kim et al.
Γ ij Γ αβ Christoffel symbols defined on Ω and S re- [2], Tornabene et al. [25], Zeighampour [26], Feumo et al.
spectively [27] and Echter et al. [28] have resulted in an improvement
∇α Covariant derivative on S of the accuracy of the results. However, this improvement
U α/β Covariant derivative on Ω is achieved at the expense of increased computational ef-
: Matrix scalar product forts and storage. Meanwhile, a simple alternative strain
p Volume forces in the domain Ω based approach by István M. et al. [18], Lakhdar B. [29],
pi , pi Covariant and contravariant components of Nkongho et al. [30] and Kim et al. [22] has been used to
force vectors develop curved elements.
P Shape function In this approach, the exact terms representing all the
P i , P0 Inner and outer pressure rigid body modes and the displacement functions repre-
δ αβ , δ ij , δ ij Kronecker symbols senting the element’s strain are determined by assuming
• Euclidean scalar product independent strain functions insofar as it is allowed by the
compatibility equations (A.I. Mousa et al. [19]). These ele-
ments were found to yield faster convergence when com-
pared with other available finite elements Lakhdar B. [29],
Nkongho et al. [30], Sabir et al. [31] and Mousa et al. [19, 32].
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 127

The strain-based approach was also used to develop rect- Let M be a point in the domain Ω (see Figures 1 and 2),
angular and triangular spherical shell elements. These from its position we define the basis
spherical elements possess only the five essential external
g α = OM ,α = δ να − zb να a ν ; g3 = a3 .
(︀ )︀
nodal degrees of freedom (dof) at each summit node and
were found to have excellent convergence. Most spherical For a three dimensional shell, the following basis
g , g 3 ,(g α , g3 ) are dual bases and a α , a3 , (a α , a3 ) de-
(︀ )︀ (︀ )︀
shell structures are supported by circular arched beams. In
finite element analysis, these beams are usually modelled fined on the midsurface also constitute dual bases of shell
using finite elements having six degrees of freedom at each ifχ = 2R < 1. h denotes the shell’s thickness while
R = min (|r α |). Let U x α , x3 be the three dimensional dis-
(︀ )︀
summit node to represent their general three dimensional
placement field vector, U i x , x and u i x α , x3 its com-
(︀ α 3 )︀ (︀ )︀
forms of deformation. These six degrees of freedom are the
usual five essential external degrees used in shell analy- ponents defined as follow in the local coordinates system:
(︁ )︁
sis together with a sixth representing the rotation about U x α , x3 = U α g α + U3 g3 = u α a α + u3 a3 , (1b)
the normal to the shell surface Nkongho et al. [30] and
István M. et al. [18]. It is therefore of interest to introduce
(︁ )︁ (︁ )︁
u α = u α x α , x3 and u3 = u3 x α , x3 . (2)
in the shell an additional degree of freedom (as a sixth
degree) representing this in plane (as drilling) rotation in
order to enhance the compatibility between the spherical
shell and curved beam elements Nkongho et al. [30]. Un-
like, the strain based approach, also known as the Cardiff
Approach (Mousa et al. [19, 32]), in the present study, no ro-
tational degree of freedom will be used on the N-T’s shell
equations [33].
The objective of this paper is to develop CSFE triangu-
lar shell finite elements that can be practically used for N-T
shell equations which are more general for shell structures.
In the following sections of the paper, we first present the Figure 1: Domain of shell Ω
formulation of general curved finite element in shifted-
Lagrange space of shape functions. We then propose a sim-
ple methodology to design these elements using the strain
approximation technique and apply it on an example. A
large number of elements can be constructed using our
methodology. We introduce a selected CSFE3-sh triangular
shell finite element with its numerical test results.

2 Formulation of general curved

shell finite elements with Figure 2: Local and membrane basis

shifted-La Grange (CSFE-sh)

2.1 Shells equations and shape functions

2.1.1 N-T’s two dimensional elastic thick shells model

The N-T’s two dimensional model for linear elastic thick

shells has been deduced from the three dimensional prob-
lem without any ad hoc assumption whether of a geomet-
rical or mechanical nature.

Figure 3: Surface S with its tangential basis vectors

128 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

We deduce from equations (1a) that g α = µ−1 ν a ν and
order derivatives ξ α,β , transverse displacements ξ3 (x, y),
g3 = a3 . and its first and second order derivatives ξ3,α and ξ3,αβ
The strain tensor for a three dimensional shell reads: R. Nzengwa [33]. For this reason, the strain tensor compo-
1 (︀ )︀ nents can be approximated at least in IL p+2,q+2 because
ϵ αβ (U ) = U α/β + U β/α = ϵ αβ (u) (3) IL1,1 functions cannot materialize the curvature and as
1 [︀ ν consequence, final displacements results will certainly
µ (∇ u ν − b αβ u3 ) + µ νβ (∇α u ν − b νβ u3 ) ;
2 α β be compromised. Three independent unknown displace-
ments are sufficient to express strain and stress tensors;
1 (︀ )︀ then 3×n - coefficients are needed to totally define the field
ϵ α3 (U ) = U α/3 + U3/α = ϵ α3 (u) (4)
2 of displacements (n is the number of nodes). The two mem-
1 [︀ ν
µ u + (u3,α + b να u ν ) ; brane displacements are in IL p+1,q+1 while the transverse
2 α ν,3
displacement is in IL p+2,q+2 .

ϵ33 (U ) = U3/3 = U3,3 = u3,3 = ε33 (u). (5)

From the limit analysis Nzengwa et al. [33] demonstrated 2.2 CSFE-sh model
that the displacements field satisfies the equation ϵ i3 (U) =
0 and the unique solution is As previously mentioned, the CSFE-sh model is built from
⎧ (︀ strain assumption hypothesis on the N-T kinematic equa-
u ρ x1 , x2 , z = µ𝛾ρ ξ 𝛾 x1 , x2 − z∂ ρ ξ3 , u3 = ξ3 ; tions. The interpolation is based onC0 functions, in-plane
)︀ (︀ )︀


U α x1 , x2 , z = µ α u ρ , µ𝛾ρ = δ𝛾ρ − zb𝛾ρ z = x3 ; linear and transversally quadratic which must properly re-
⎨ (︀ )︀
U α x , x , z = ξ α x1 , x2 − zθ α x1 , x2 produce the rigid-body like motion. The Figure 4 below
(︀ 1 2 )︀ (︀ )︀ (︀ )︀

+z2 ψ α x1 , x2 ; presents the shape of both CSFE3-sh and CSFE4-sh.
⎩ (︀ )︀

(ξ α ) are local membrane displacement components and

u3 = ξ3 the transvers displacement,

θ α = 2b τα ξ τ + ∇α ξ3 ;
(︀ )︀
ψα = b𝛾α b𝛾τ ξ τ + b𝛾α ∇𝛾 ξ3 .

The general shell deformation tensor derived from the

kinematics defined above is:
Figure 4: CSFE-sh family
ϵ αβ (U ) = e αβ (ξ ) − zk αβ (ξ ) + z2 Q αβ (ξ ) , (8)

In what follows, the curvilinear coordinates

ϵ i3 (U) = 0. (9) x1 , x2 , x3 is replaced by (x, y, z). Let us recall that the
(︀ )︀

two-dimensional displacements of the N-T shell kinematic

equations reads
e αβ : is the membrane strain tensor;
k αβ : is the Bending strain tensor; U α (x, y, z) = ξ α (x, y) − z ∇α ξ3 + 2b ρα ξ ρ
(︀ )︀
Q αβ : is the Tensor of Gauss curvature (scarcely used in lit- 2 (︀ ρ ρ 𝛾 )︀
+ z b α ∇ρ ξ 3 + b α b ρ ξ 𝛾 ,

U3 (x, y, z) = ξ3 (x, y) (10b)

2.1.2 CSFE-sh shape functions space
and their consequences on the plane state deformations
tensor reveal
The methodology is that of the strain-based approach.
Here the general strain tensor components are not simpli- ε αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) = e αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) − zk αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) (10c)
fied with respect to a particular shell geometry. So the in- 2
+ z Q αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) .
terpolation here depends on general Assumed Strain using
‘Shifted-Lagrange (SL)’ shape functions basis. Here, e αβ , k αβ , Q αβ are respectively the membrane defor-
The strain tensor components of N-T shell model are mation tensor, the bending tensor and the Gaussian curva-
function of membrane displacements ξ α (x, y), their first ture tensor components which is not found in many shell
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 129

[︃ (︃ o )︃
theories [33]. 1 ξ αo A α,β ξβ
(︂ )︂
Q αα (u0 ) = − − (16)
Rα A α R α ,α A α A β R β
1 (︀ )︀
e αβ = ∇α ξ β + ∇β ξ α − b αβ ξ3 (10d) (︃ o )︃]︃
2 (︂ o )︂
1 ξ3,α A α,β ξ3,β
+ + = 0;
A α A α ,α A α A β Aβ
k αβ = ∇α b ρβ ξ ρ + b ρα ∇β ξ ρ + b ρβ ∇α ξ ρ + ∇α ∇β ξ3 (10e)
b ρα b ρβ ξ3
[︃ (︂ )︂ (︂ o )︂]︃
− 1 1 ξ αo A α,β ξα
2Q αβ (u0 ) = − − (17)
R α A β R α ,β A α A β R β
1 (︁ µ
[︃ (︃ o )︃ (︃ o )︃]︃
Q αβ = b α ∇β b ρµ ξ ρ + b µα b ρµ ∇β ξ ρ + b µβ b ρµ ∇α ξ ρ (10f) 1 1 ξβ A β,α ξβ
2 − −
)︁ Rβ Aα Rβ Aα Aβ Rα
+b µβ ∇α b ρµ ξ ρ + b µβ ∇α ∇µ ξ3 + b µα ∇β ∇µ ξ3 (︂ o )︂

(︃ o )︃
1 ξ 3,α 1 ξ3,β
+ +
ε αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) is a second order polynomial in z-parameter. A β R α A α ,β A α R β A β

The displacements which describe well the rigid-body like (︂ o )︂ (︃ o )︃
A α,β ξ3,α A β,α ξ3,β
motion hold for ε αβ ξ α0 , ξ30 = e αβ ξ α0 , ξ30 −zk αβ ξ α0 , ξ30 +
(︀ )︀ (︀ )︀ (︀ )︀
− − = 0.
Aα Aβ Aα Rβ Aα Aβ Aβ Rα
z2 Q αβ ξ α0 , ξ30 = 0, withu0 = ξ α0 , ξ30 . This can be verified
(︀ )︀ (︀ )︀

if and only if Solutions to above partial differential equations (p.d.e)

may be many but the simplest is
e αβ (u0 ) = 0, k αβ (u0 ) = 0 and Q αβ (u0 ) = 0 (11)
ξ αo (x, y) = ξ3o (x, y) = 0. (18)
In what follows, the Einstein convention on repeated index
is not applied to below equations. Next, because of the 3 unknown displacements per node,
The strain tensor components defined in equation (11) we need 3 times n-independent coefficients to totally de-
yields fine the field of displacements over a given element. The
o A α,β o ξ3o final solution of the p.d.e issued from assumed strain
ξ α,α
e αα (u0 ) = + ξ + = 0; (12) can then be found. It means that, there exist functions
Aα Aα Aβ β Rα
of bilinear polynomials G (f e (x, y) , f k (x, y) , f Q (x, y) , z)
which satisfy
o o
ξ α,β A α,β o ξ β,α A β,α o
2e αβ (u0 ) = − ξα + − ξ (13) ε αβ (u) = G (f e (x, y) , f k (x, y) , f Q (x, y) , z) . (19)
Aβ Aα Aβ Aα Aα Aβ β
+ b αβ ξ3 + b βα ξ3 = 0; To make it simple, let us construct the functions
f e (x, y) , f k (x, y) and f Q (x, y) using Shifted-Lagrange base
shape functions. We therefore write
2A α,β ξ βo
(︂ o )︂ (︃ )︃
R α,α o 2 ξ α,α
k αα (u0 ) = ξα − − (14)
A α R2α Rα Aβ Aα Aβ Rα e αβ (u) = f e (x, y) ; (20)
(︂ o )︂ (︃ o )︃
1 ξ3,α A α,β ξ3,β ξo
+ + − 32 = 0;
A α A α ,α A α A β Aβ Rα k αβ (u) = f k (x, y) ; (21)

(︃ o )︃ Q αβ (u) = f Q (x, y) . (22)

R α,β o 2 ξ α,β
2k αβ (u0 ) = 2
ξα − (15)
Aβ Rα Rα Aβ Let u = (ξ α (x, y) , ξ3 (x, y)) be the final solution that
1 1
A α,β o
(︂ o )︂
1 ξ3,α satisfies equations)︁(20), (21) and (22), there exist u d =
+ + ξα + ξ αd (x, y) , ξ3d (x, y) ; ξ αd (x, y) ∈ IL1,1 and ξ3d (x, y) ∈ IL2,2
Rβ Rα Aα Aβ A β A α ,β
(︂ o )︂ (︃ o )︃ such that
A α,β ξ3,α R β,α o 2 ξ β,α
− + ξβ − (︁ )︁
Aα Aβ Aα Aα Rβ 2 Rβ Aα u (ξ α (x, y) , ξ3 (x, y)) = u0 ξ α0 (x, y) , ξ30 (x, y) (23a)
(︃ o )︃
1 ξ3,β
(︁ )︁
A β,α o
(︂ )︂
ξβ + + u d ξ αd (x, y) , ξ3d (x, y) ;
Rα Rβ Aα Aβ Aα Aβ

(︃ o )︃ where IL1,1 denotes the linear Shifted-Lagrange functions
A β,α ξ3,β
− = 0; space and IL2,2 is the quadratic Shifted-Lagrange func-
Aα Aβ Aβ
tions space defined as follow:
130 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

Figure 5: (a) Lagrange family; (b) Shifted-Lagrange family

let be real coefficients, then X = α s x + β s and Y = α s y + β s are the 3 × n - independent coefficients necessary to define
are first order polynomial functions. the 3 × n - degree of freedom (see Figure 6) as below:
IL p,q space corresponds to the set of monomers X i Y j
ξ1d (x, y) = a1 + a2 X (x) + a2 Y (y) ; (24)
with i = 0, 1, . . . , p and j = 0, 1, . . . , q. By utilizing Pascal
monomers triangle for hierarchical triangular element or
quadrangular element, this polynomial space can be pre- ξ2d (x, y) = a4 + a5 Y (x) + a6 X (y) (25)
sented as below.
The particular solution u d (ξ αd (x, y) , ξ3d (x, y)) previ- ξ3d (x, y) = a7 X 2 (x) + a8 X (x) Y(y) + a9 Y 2 (y) . (26)
ously mentioned is then presented according to the ele-
ment type and such that the bilinear polynomial function ξ1d , ξ2d and ξ3d are displacement components which result
G (f e (x, y) , f k (x, y) , f Q (x, y)) in equation (19) satisfies the from assumed strain functions with no energy contribu-
following compatibility equations tion from rigid body like motion.
(︂ )︂
1 1 1 1 (︀ )︀
+ e αβ − k αβ + R α + R β Q αβ = 0. (23b)
2 Rα Rβ 2
The equation (23b) is obtained by consid-
ering the above nine components of strain
[e11 e22 e12 k11 k22 k12 Q11 Q22 Q12 ] to be independent.
As they are a function of the three displacements ξ1 , ξ2
and ξ3 , they must satisfy three additional compatibility
equations. These compatibility equations are derived by
eliminating ξ1 , ξ2 and ξ3 from Equations (10d), (10e) and
Figure 6: A general curved shell triangular finite element.

3 CSFE3-sh triangular element Having used zero constant to capture the rigid body
modes, the remaining nine constants are available for
CSFE3-sh is a double curved triangular shell finite element building the displacements field due to the strains within
having three nodes and three unknown displacements the element. These constants can be apportioned among
per node; two membrane displacements ξ αd (x, y) and one the strains in several ways. For the present element, the
transverse displacement ξ3d (x, y), which is different from following is proposed such that the assumed strains in a
that of Mousa [19] and Bathe [2, 23] who included an addi- double curved triangular element CSFE3-sh hold for:
tional rotational degree of freedom. The assumed strains ⎡αa A x,y ⎤
Ax + Ax Ay (a4 + a5 Y + a6 X )
s 2

components are approximated by polynomials that sat-

⎢ + R x a7 X 2 + a8 XY + a9 Y 2 ⎥
⎢ 1 (︀ )︀ ⎥
isfy compatibility equations (23b) and resultant nodal dis- ⎢ A y,x αa6 ⎥

⎢ A x A y (︀(a1 + a2 X + a3 Y ) + A y)︀ ⎥

placements which are bilinear and quadratic shape func- f e (x, y) = ⎢ 1 (27)
⎢ + R y a7 X 2 + a8 XY + a9 Y 2 ⎥

tions in the space of shifted-Lagrange polynomials.
⎢ αa3 − A x,y (a + a X + a Y ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Let (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ) and (x3 , y3 ) be curvilinear coordi- ⎣ Ay Ax Ay 1 2 3 ⎦
αa6 A y,x
nates of nodes 1, 2 and 3 respectively, a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . , a9 + Ax − Ax Ay (a4 + a5 Y + a6 X )
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 131

R x,x
(︂ )︂
⎡ 2α s a2 ⎤ 1 a8 X + 2a9 Y
A x R2x (a1 + a2 X + a3 Y ) − Ax Rx +
Ax Ry Ay
⎢ + A2A x,y
(a4 + a5 Y + a6 X ) ⎥ ,x
⎢ ⎥
x A y R x (︁ (︂ )︂
A x,y 2a7 X + a8 Y
⎢ )︁ ⎥
+ A1x 2a7 X+a 8Y
⎢ ⎥
A y A2x Ry
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ,x ⎥
A x,y
+ A x A2 (a8 X + 2a9 Y )
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥

⎢ + 1 a X 2 + a XY + a Y 2 ⎥
(︀ )︀ ⎥ The solutions f e (x, y) , f k (x, y) , f Q (x, y) satisfy very well
⎢ R2x 7 8 9
the compatibility equations (23b). The resulting displace-

⎢ R y,y 2α s a5 ⎥

f k (x, y) = ⎢ (
⎢ A y R2y 4 a + a 5 Y + a 6 X ) − Ay Ry ⎥ (28)
ments in (24), (25) and (26) are shifted-Lagrange polyno-
⎢ + 2A y,x (a1 + a2 X + a3 Y ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ A x A y R y (︁ )︁ ⎥ mials. The element has three degrees of freedom at each
+ A1y a8 X+2a 9Y summit node and the rigid modes are exactly represented.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ,y ⎥
⎢ A y,x ⎥

⎢ + Ay Ax2 (2a 7 X + a 8 Y ) ⎥

⎢ 1 (︀ 2 2 ⎥
⎣ + R2y a7 X + a8 XY + a9 Y ⎦
F xy k
+ F yx 4 Variational problem
k R x,y 2α s a3
F xy = (a1 + a2 X + a3 Y ) − In Order to calculate the stiffness matrix, we have to formu-
A y R2x Ay Rx
(︂ )︂ late the variational problem over a domain. Let the border
1 1 A x,y
+ + (a + a5 Y + a6 X ) of S, ∂S = 𝛾0 ∪ 𝛾1 be partitioned in two parts {︁ and the
}︁ bor-
Ry Rx Ax Ay 4 h h
(︂ )︂ der of the shell ∂Ω = Γ0 ∪ Γ1 with, Γ0 = 𝛾0 × − 2 , 2 and
1 a8 X + 2a9 Y A x,y
+ − (a8 X + 2a9 Y )
{︁ }︁ {︁ }︁
Ay Ax A y A2x Γ0 = 𝛾1 × − 2h , 2h ∪ Γ_ ∪ Γ+ . We denote Γ_ = S × − 2h and
,y {︁ }︁
k R y,x Γ+ = S × 2h . We suppose here that, the shell is clamped
F yx = (a4 + a5 Y + a6 X )
A x R2y on Γ o and loaded by volume and surface forces as stated
(︂ )︂
2α s a6 1 1 A y,x above, the three dimensional variational equation related
− + + (a + a2 X + a3 Y )
Ax Ry Ry Rx Ax Ay 1 to the equilibrium reads:
(︂ )︂
1 2a7 X + a8 Y A y,x ⎧ ⎫
+ − 2 (
2a7 X + a8 Y ) find U ∈ IH Γ10
Ax Ay A x Ay

⎨ ∫︀ ⎪

,x ∫︀ i

σ U
( ) : ε V
( ) dΩ = Ω
p .V i dΩ . (30)
⎩+ ∫︀ p i .V dΓ = L V
⎪ 1 ⎪
( ) for V ∈ IH Γ0

⎡ (︁ )︁ ⎤ ∂Ω i
a1 +a2 X+a3 Y
− A x1R x Rx
⎢ (︁ )︁,x ⎥ Where
− A x Ax,yy a4 +aR5xY+a 6X
IH Γ10 (Ω) = U i : Ω →, U i ∈ L2 (Ω) ; ∂ j U i ∈ L2 (Ω) and
⎢ ⎥ {︀

⎢ R y

(︁ )︁ (︁ )︁⎥
⎢ 1 2a7 X+a8 Y A x,y a8 X+2a9 Y ⎥ U i = 0 on Γ0 } is the Sobolev space.
⎢+ A x R x Ax + 2 Rx
(︁ ,x A x A y )︁

: and . denote respectively tensors and vectors scalar prod-
⎢ ⎥
f Q (x, y) = ⎢
⎢ 1 a4 +a5 Y+a6 X ⎥ (29)

− Ay Ry Ry
⎢ (︁ ,y
)︁ ⎥ ucts.
2A y,x a1 +a2 X+a3 Y
p i = Volume forces in the domain Ω.
⎢ ⎥

⎢ − Ax Ay Rx Ry

p i = Surface forces on Γ.
(︁ )︁ (︁
⎢+ 1 a8 X+2a9 Y A 2a7 X+a8 Y ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ Ay Ry Ay + A yy,x
Ax2 R y
,y Knowing that, the constitutive law of the linear elastic

F xy + F yx homogenous material is
(︂ )︂
Q 1 a1 + a2 X + a3 Y
F xy =−
Ay Rx Rx ,y σ = Cε (31)
(︂ )︂
A y,x a4 + a5 Y + a6 X
− where
Ax Ay Ry
(︂ )︂
1 2a7 X + a8 Y [︁ ]︁
+ C = C ijkl (32)
Ay Rx Ax ,y (︁ )︁
C ijkl = λg ij g kl + µ g ik g jl + g il g jk ,
(︂ )︂
A y,x a8 X + 2a9 Y and
A x A2y Rx
(︂ )︂ with
Q 1 a4 + a5 Y + a6 X
F yx =−
Ax Ry Ry ,x
λ= ; (33)
A x,y a1 + a2 X + a3 Y
)︂ λ + 2µ

Ax Ay Rx
132 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

The problem is now stated as follow: Where E and v are respectively the Young modulus and
Poisson’s coefficient for a given homogeneous elastic ma-
find(︁ U ∈ IH Γ10 )︁]︁
⎧ ⎫

⎪ [︁ ⎪
⎪ terial. One can deduct from equation (37) what follows
ij kl ik jl il jk
⎪ ∫︀ ⎪

λg g + µ g g + g g ε ( U ) : ⎬
. (34)
(︁ )︁ [︁ ]︁
∫︀ ∫︀ A1 U, ̂︀ V
̂︀ = V̂︀ T K GN−T U;̂︀ (38)

⎪ ε (V ) dΩ = Ω p.VdΩ + ∂Ω p.VdΓ = L (V )⎪ ⎪

for V ∈ IH Γ10
⎩ ⎭

h3 t t
∫︁ (︂
K GN−T = hB tm C t B m + B C Bb (39)
[︀ ]︀
The strain tensor ϵ = ϵ ij is defined at (10c), if substitu- 12 b
tion is done in the left hand side of the equation (34), the S
h3 t t h3 t t h5 t t
problem is now equivalent to:
+ Bm C Bg + Bg C Bm + B g C B g dS;
⎧ ⎫ 12 12 80

⎪ find (ξ α (x) , ξ3 (x)) , ξ i = 0, ξ3 = 0, ⎪

∂𝛾[︁ξ3 = 0 on 𝛾0 such that]︁

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪ ⎡ ⎤
⎪ ⎪
ij g kl + µ g ik g jl + g il g jk 1 0
⎪ ∫︀ (︀ )︀ ⎪

Ω λg ⎪ 1−v
E(1 − v)

⎪ ⎪

Ct =
⎢ v
1 0 ⎦ (40)
⎨ (︀ ⎬
e αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) − zk αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) + z2 Q αβ (ξ α , ξ3 ) :
)︀ ⎥
. (35) (1 + v)(1 − 2v) 1−v

e αβ (η α , η3 ) − zk αβ (η α , η3 ) + z2 Q αβ (η α , η3 ) dΩ⎪
(︀ )︀

⎪ ∫︀ ∫︀ ⎪
⎪ 0 0 2(1−v)

⎪ = Ω p.ηdΩ + ∂Ω p.ηdΓ = L (η) ; ⎪

The right-hand side of the best first order two-
⎪ ⎪

⎪ (η α (x) , η3 (x)) ; for every V , ⎪

η i = 0, η3 = 0 ∂𝛾 η3 = 0 on
⎩ ⎭
𝛾0 dimensional variational equation reads
⎛ ⎞
The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the (︁ )︁ ∫︁ ∫︁
variational equations are found in Nzengwa et al. [33]. L V ̂︀ = ⎝ p i η i dS + p i η i d𝛾 ⎠ (41)
)︀α (︀ )︀β
Naturally at the mid surface, g αβ = µ−1 ρ µ−1 λ a ρλ
S ∂S
⎛ ⎞
depends on z-parameter. By using Taylor’s expansion on NS
(︀ −1 )︀α ∫︁ ∫︁
̂︀ T T i
N T p i d𝛾 ⎠
µ ρ; =V ⎝ N p dS e +
⎜ ⎟
∞ n=1
α α Se ∂S e
(µ−1 )ρ = δ αρ + zb αρ + z n (b n )ρ
(36) (︁ )︁
n≥2 L V ̂︀ T (F v + M ) .
̂︀ = V
By truncating at n = 1 and integrating through the thick-
ness we obtain the best first order two-dimensional equa- Here p i and p i are defined as in R. Nzengwa et al. [33]. Let
tion: F be the resultant force vector from distributed load F V + M
∫︁ [︁ such that:
Eh αβ
A1 (ξ , η) = (1 − v) e (ξ ) (37) ∫︁
1 − v2 F v = N T p i dS; (42)
λ αβ
+ve λ a e αβ (η) dS
3 ∫︁ [︁
+ (︀ )︀ (1 − v) k (ξ ) M= N T p i d𝛾 . (43)
12 1 − v2
S ∂S e
λ αβ
+vk λ a k αβ (η) dS By equating A1 (u, v) to L(v), we obtain the structural dis-
Eh3 crete equilibrium equation over the whole area as follows:
∫︁ [︁
+ (︀ )︀ (1 − v) e (ξ )
12 1 − v2
̂︀ = F. (44)
λ αβ
+ve λ a Q αβ (η) dS
Over a single curved element of area S e the elementary stiff-
Eh3 ness matrix K e and elementary force vectors F e are locally
∫︁ [︁
+ (︀ )︀ (1 − v) Q (ξ )
12 1 − v2 calculated as follow:
h3 t t h3 t t
]︁ ∫︁ (︂
λ αβ
+vQ λ a e αβ (η) dS Ke = hB tm C t B m + Bb C Bb + B C Bg (45)
12 12 m
∫︁ [︁
+ (︀ )︀ (1 − v) Q (ξ ) h3 h5 t t
80 1 − v2 + B tg C t B m + B C Bg dS e ;
S 12 80 g
λ αβ
+vQ λ a Q αβ (η) dS = L (η) .
F e = F v + M + P ie . (46)
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 133

P ie denotes element nodal concentrated load.

By regular assembling process of elementary stiffness
matrix K e and elementary force vectors F e , we then ex-
press the global stiffness matrix and force vector over the
whole area as follow:
K GN−T =
Ke ; (47)

F= Fe . (48)

Where N S is the total number of elements of the discretized

domain. Figure 7: Hemisphere under diametrically opposite loads
A FEM model CSFE3-sh is built from N-T shell theory.
The assumed strains are chosen in order to satisfy com-
patibility equations (23b) and resultant displacements are
shape functions of shifted-Lagrange space of polynomials.
The rigid body like motion of no independent coefficient
is well described with zero energy contribution. Therefore,
nine parameters are used to describe completely the behav-
ior of a three nodes element. For the calculation of the stiff-
ness matrix and the force vector related to the distributed
load we formulate the total potential energy of a single el-
ement. We note that the expression above contains only
the strain energy and the work of the distributed load. It
is important to note that in this case, the term related to
the concentrated loads is excluded, consequently the vec-
tor of concentrated loads P ie should be produced addition-
ally. This is an easy task based on the nodal degrees of
freedom. The advantage of the double curved shell finite Figure 8: Hemisphere deformed configuration
element is that the curved surface is captured exactly; as
a consequence, it provides fairly accurate results even if
the number of elements is relatively small. The element de- example, the hemisphere undergoes significant rotations
veloped herein is first tested by applying it to the solution of rigid bodies around the normal of the mid surface. The
of a benchmark shell problem [20, 29], and is then used inextensible bending deformations out of membrane are
to analyse a clamped ends cylindrical structure. The dis- also significant and this problem serves consequently as
tribution of the various components of deflection will be an excellent test to examine the aptitude of a shell element
investigated. to represent the rigid modes and the inextensible modes. A
reference solution presented in [34] gives for displacement
according to the direction of the load: UA = VB = 0.094mm.
Because of symmetry considerations, only the quarter
5 Validation of CSFE-sh of the hemisphere is discretized. The mesh is regular and
the number of elements varies from 2 to 20. We compare
5.1 Hemisphere under diametrically our results obtained with both CSFE3 and CSFE3-sh, to sev-
opposed loads eral finite elements of shells. In the Figure 8, the conver-
gence of displacement UA according to the number of el-
The test of a thin hemisphere (R/h = 250) subjected to the ements is represented, Table 1 presents the values of dis-
free base with four concentrated loadings (see Figure 7) is placements UA obtained. It appears that the model CSFE-
used to check the absence of membrane locking and the sh with generalized Gaussian integration in the membrane
good representation of the rigid body like motion. In this and bending does not present any membrane locking but
134 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

Table 1: Hemisphere under diametrically opposite loads; displacement UA X103

UA X103
Mesh Step DKT12 DKT18 SFE3(cmc) SFE3(smc) CSFE3-sh
2 121 87 4.1 93 45.26
4 108 94 28 85 61.89
6 102 94 63 84 76.52
8 99 93 77 84 85.54
10 98 93 82 84 91.21
12 96 93 84 85 93.60

Figure 9: Convergence of U A compared to other models

very good convergence. So it is needless to decouple any

of the behavior to improve neither our results nor using re-
duced integration.
Figure 10: Geometry and loading of the clamped cylindrical shell
with diaphragm

5.2 Benchmark 2: Pinched cylinder Table 2: Geometry and mechanical data of the pinched cylinder

This test case makes it possible to check the behavior of the Length L=6m
element in bending and shearing. This test was studied by Radius R=3m
several authors. The two ends of the shell are clamped by Thickness h = 0.03 m
an infinitely rigid diaphragm. One quarter of the cylinder is Young’s Modulus E = 3×1010 Pa
meshed thanks to symmetries of the problem. The shell is Poisson’s Coeflcient υ = 0.3
subjected to a specific effort at point A, ‖P‖ = 1 (Figure 10).
The data of geometry, loading and of material for this Limit Conditions U = W = 0 on AD
test case are listed in Table 2. Conditions of symmetry W = 0 on AB; V = 0 on BC;
This traditional test of cylinder subjected to two oppo- U = 0 on CD
site loadings diametrically concentrated whose ends rest
on two rigid diaphragms in their plan is of thin shell. It Solicitation at C f = − 0.25 N
constitutes a severe case to study the capacity of a shell el-
ement to describe fields of deformations of complex mem-
brane with a significant share of bending without exten- Displacement WC following Z under the load:
sion of mid surface, in particular on the level of the zones
Wc · E · h
where the forces are exerted. A reference solution was pre- wc = = 164.24
sented in Lindberg G.M [35]:
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 135

Table 3: Transverse displacements results W C at point C

W C = −EhW C /P; Reference: W C = 164.24

Mesh Step DKT18 DKT12 SFE2 SFE3 (cmc) a SFE3 (smc) b CSFE3 CSFE3-sh
N=2 10.65 10.72 9.75 5.99 8.84 25.32 65.80
N=4 80.86 114.03 110.2 53.13 90.11 67.85 103.20
N=6 122.13 196.44 192.98 111.56 142.51 102.86 123.22
N=8 141.76 213.85 214.95 136.70 153.48 117.71 136.70
N=10 151.08 218.27 219.52 146.47 156.65 128.26 146.90
N=12 155.77 216.53 216.41 150.70 157.45 140.17 155.17
N=15 159.28 209.70 210.40 153.54 157.68 152.84 161.98

Table 4: Displacements results V D at point D

V D = −EhW D /P; Reference: V D = 4.114

Mesh Step DKT18 DKT12 SFE2 SFE3 (cmc) a SFE3 (smc) b CSFE3 CSFE3-sh
N=2 1.01 1.02 0.87 0.57 0.80 −2.89 1.74
N=4 4.11 5.68 5.54 3.18 4.79 1.54 2.24
N=6 4.17 6.06 5.84 4.39 4.92 0.99 3.40
N=8 4.10 5.00 5.00 4.31 4.35 3.08 3.82
N=10 4.10 4.42 4.67 4.19 4.17 4.06 4.03
N=12 4.10 4.42 4.58 4.14 4.11 4.42 4.11
N=15 4.11 4.30 4.39 4.11 4.08 4.24 4.19

Displacement VD following Y: elastic material of 660 mm ID and 1000 mm OD, subject to

VD · E · h an internal pressure of 150 MPa. Assume it has free ends
VD = = 4.11 with Length of 600 mm. Geometrically the entire cylin-
der is uniform (across the cross section also), material is
isotropic in nature. Entire analysis work has been done as-
5.3 Benchmark 3: Thick walled cylinder with suming neglecting thermal effects.
free ends Due to symmetry of loads and geometry of the vessel,
we model one quarter of the structure. All calculations and
One of the problems frequently used to evaluate the per- analysis are done at the mid surface of the thick cylinder.
formances of finite element on thick shell theory is found
in G.Raju [1]; A steel cylinder with homogeneous, isotropic

Figure 12: Convergence of displacements at point C

Figure 11: Convergence of transverse displacements at point D

136 | J. Nkongho Anyi et al.

Figure 13: Thick walled cylinder [1]

(a) (b)

Figure 14: Iinitial and deformed configuration of ¼ mid surface of the vessel

Table 5: Rate of transverse displacements gence is high (see Figures 11 and 12). Because of its single
curvature, CSFE3 cannot capture the geometry of a double
U ref (r) Reference: 0.6215 mm Error (%) curved structure that iss why it was not used to compute
Mesh step CSFE3 CSFE3-sh CSFE3-sh the hemisphere benchmark (Figure 8 and Table 1). Sev-
(N) eral authors have solved the problem of hemisphere by us-
2×2 1.400 0.6665 7.24 ing both triangular and rectangular finite elements, where
4×4 1.000 0.6367 2.45 all the displacement components are represented by cubic
6×6 0.863 0.6290 1.20 polynomials and also proposed a series (closed form) so-
8×8 0.767 0.6254 0.56 lution. Later on, Dawe used a quintet order triangular ele-
10×10 0.699 0.6233 0.29 ment, having 54 degrees of freedom to analyze the same
12×12 0.650 0.6220 0.08 shell as A.I. Mousa [19]. He reported that the results ob-
14×14 0.614 0.6212 0.05 tained were more accurate than those given by Yang for the
same number of elements. However, this element has an
excessively large number of degrees of freedom A.I. Mousa
6 Discussion [19]. It would therefore require large computational effort
to perform the analysis using this element. In comparison,
As compared to CSFE3 Nkongho et al. [30], which is a sin- the present element includes only three degrees of free-
gle curved triangular fem, the CSFE3-sh rate of conver- dom.
CSFE-sh with shifted-Lagrange and applications on N-T’s shells theory | 137

The hemispherical shell described above is analyzed convergence curves. While the elements have been devel-
here using: the triangular spherical shell element that has oped and tested using the continuum-mechanics based
only three degrees of freedom at each summit node. The re- approach with the N–T kinematics (with the underlying
sults from the analyses are compared with those obtained basic shell model identified by Nkongho et al. [30]), the
from the series (closed form) solution given in A.I. Mousa same interpolation approach is of course also applied by
[19, 32] and Yang [36]. Convergence tests were carried out Moussa [19] and Lakhdar [29]. The triangular family of el-
for the normal deflection at the point A (Figure 7) of the ements considered is a good candidate for the analysis of
shell. Figure 9 shows that CSFE3-sh requires only 10×10 general shell structures in engineering practice in which
mesh size to converge to acceptable results with a differ- the range of h/R is usually between 1/1000 and 2/5. The el-
ence of less than 3% in the case of the triangular element ements show good behavior in the chosen test problems
developed by Sabir and Djoudi [31, 37, 38] and less that forth at range of thickness values. However, it is still nec-
2.9% in the case of present element compared with the se- essary to study these elements further and to obtain uni-
ries solution, while it was reported that SFE3 element gives formly optimal triangular shell finite elements that behave
an error of above 10% for the same mesh size Mousa [19]. equally well in all types of shell problems.
Further investigations on the deflection are shown in
Figures 11, 12 and 13, which indicate excellent agreement Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank Prof.
between the results obtained from the present element and Francesco Tornabene, for his pertinent contributions on
those found in the literature for the variation of normal the dissertation improvement and formula justification re-
deflecting along structure generic line. The pinched cylin- quired in this work; Dr Stefano Valvano, for his contribu-
der is a very severe benchmark to test a fem model (espe- tions in enriching the theoretical background references
cially for thin shells). The loading case here is not symmet- and harmonization of typos in this work; Dr Agbortoko and
ric (because of the concentrated point load) and the solu- Dr Kaptso, for their comments on this work.
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