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Compurm & Strucrures Vol 60. No 6. pp 971-980.

CopyrIght c 1996 Elsewer Science Ltd
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PII: soo45-7949(96)ooo53-3 0045.7949/96 %I 5 00 + 0 00


D. Thambiratnamt and Y. Zhuge
School of Civil Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane,
Queensland 400 I, Australia

(Recerved 8 March 1995)

Abstract-A simple finite element method is developed and applied to treat the free vibration analysts
of beams supported on elastic foundations. The entire analysis is programmed to run on a
microcomputer and with few elements modelling the beam, gives quick and reliable results. Numerical
examples pertaining to the free vibration of beams in some special situations are considered, such as a
stepped beam on an elastic foundation, beam on a stepped elastic foundation and a continuous beam on
an elastic foundation. Present results compare very well with those obtained from existing solutions,
wherever possible. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


a a vector of undetermined coefficients in displace- Dynamic analysis is an important part of structural

ment function
investigation and the results of free vibration analysis
A vector of polynomials in displacement function
B second derivative A are useful in this context. A knowledge of the natural
C connectivity matrix for element ij frequencies of vibration and associated mode shapes
C” damping matrix is also useful in vibration isolation problems, and
D EI, Young’s modulus of the beam in general as indicators of anticipated dynamic
E Young’s modulus of the beam
response. Hence free vibration analysis forms an
G) the thickness of the beam important aspect in the total investigation of a
I second moment of area structure or a structural system.
k,, k, element stiffness matrices due to bending and Free vibration analysis of beams has been exten-
foundation modulus, respectively
sively investigated by many researchers including
k, foundation modulus
k element stiffness matrix Blevins [l] and Timoshenko et al. [2]. Blevins has
K structure stiffness matrix presented detailed information on the frequencies of
I element length vibration and associated mode shapes for practical
element mass matrix use. Special cases have also been treated by methods
ZI structure mass matrix
the bending moment developed particularly for such cases. These include
P(f) vector of forcing functions a finite element method, with non-integer polynomial
P mass density shape functions, to solve the vibration of stepped
9 vector of nodal displacements beams [3], an “exact solution” for the vibration of a
Y mass per unit length
stepped beam with two different cross-sections [4] and
kinetic energy
&I, G potential energy due to bending and foundation vibration of clamped-clamped uniform beams with
modulus, respectively an intermediate elastic support [5]. Free vibration
ratio of stepped length to the total length of beam analysis of beams on elastic foundation, or Winkler
(Example 2), or ratio of supported length to the foundation, has been studied in Refs [l, 2 and 6-Q
total length of beam (Example 3)
lateral displacement Lai et al. [6] used a finite element method, based on
volume of element the exact solution of the shape functions governing
mode shapes vector the end deflction the end deflection of the beam, for
frequency studying the free vibration analysis of uniform beams
circular frequency = 2nf
on uniform elastic foundations. However, available
eigenvalue solutions for special cases where the beam and/or the
dimensionless frequency = L4,/‘m foundation properties vary along the beam length are
dimensionless frequency = L~J= limited. Free vibration of a stepped beam on an
elastic foundation has been investigated by Wang [7],
t Author to whom all correspondence should be while Kukla [S] studied the free vibration of a beam
addressed. supported on a stepped (variable) elastic foundation.
972 D. Thambiratnam and Y. Zhuge

.-~-.-~-.-~_~_._ _ -X
hi “( i j V,
1 t T hi

Fig. 1. Beam on elastic foundation element.

These solutions are tedious and each solution was cal examples are treated in the next section and the
developed to solve a particular case. Free vibration of results compared, wherever possible, with those from
continuous beams on elastic foundation is either existing solutions. The present results agree very well
difficult or impossible to solve analytically. with those from available analytical and numerical
Though the theory of beams on elastic foundation solutions. The paper is concluded in Section 4 with
(BEF) has been in existence for decades, until recent relevant comments.
times it has not been fully linked to the finite element
method to make it amenable to a simple computer
solution. Analytical solutions are available in the
literature to treat certain problems of beams on 2.1. Element st$ness matrix
elastic foundation. In Ref. [9], Hetenyi solved several
Consider an element ij of length L of a beam on an
problems of beams on elastic foundation subjected to
elastic foundation as shown in Fig. 1, having a
static loads and elaborated on the application of the
uniform width b and a linearly varying thickness
concept of BEF to analyse several other problems.
h(x). It will be a simple matter to consider an element
Timoshenko et al. [2] analytically treated the free
having a linearly varying width if the need arises.
vibration of beams on elastic foundations. All these
Neglecting axial deformations, this beam on an elas-
analytical solutions are quite tedious and therefore
tic foundation element has 2 d.f. per node, a lateral
difficult for practitioners to readily apply them.
translation and a rotation about an axis normal to
Moreover, when there are variations in the beam or
the plane of the paper, and thus possesses a total of
foundation properties along the length of the beam or
4 d.f. The (4 x 4) stiffness matrix k of the element is
when there are intermediate supports, the problems
obtained by adding the (4 x 4) stiffness matrices k,
become very dificult or impossible to solve.
and k, pertaining to the ususal beam bending and
In this paper, a simple finite element method is
foundation modulus, respectively. Since there are
developed and applied to treat the free vibration
four end deflections (or degrees of freedom), a cubic
analysis of beams on elastic foundation. The entire
variation in displacement is assumed in the form
analysis has been programmed to run on a microcom-
puter and with few elements modelling the beam,
v=Aa, (1)
gives quick and reliable results. Results show that
modelling the foundation as discrete springs does not
where A = (1, x, x2, x3) and aT = a,, a2, a3, ad). The 4
reduce the accuracy of the solution. The technique
d.f. corresponding to the displacements v,, v, and the
can be applied to several special cases, including the
rotations v2, v, at the longitudinal nodes are given by
ones mentioned above. In Section 2, the theory is
briefly discussed and the analysis developed. Numeri-
q=Ca, (2)

where qT = (v, , v2, vj, v4) and C is the connectivity

matrix for the element u between x = 0 and x = L
(Fig. 1).
From eqns (1) and (2)

v=AC-’ q. (3)

Fig. 2. Simply-supported uniform beam on elastic foun- If E is the Young’s modulus and I = bh(~)~/l2 is the
dation. second moment of area of the cross-section about an
Free vibration analysis of beams 913

Table I. Frequencies of vibration of simple beam on elastic foundation

Proposed method Lai et al. [6]

Frequency Six element Eight element Ten element Six element Eight element Ten element Analytical
(I-W model model model model model model solution
.A 32.9035 32.9033 32.9033 32.9161 32.9073 32.9049 32.9032
fr 56.8462 56.8241 56.8193 56.8783 56.8343 56.8220 56.8135
A 112.317 112.041 111.961 112.385 112.064 111.973 112.908

axis normal to the plane of the paper, the bending

moment M, in the element is given by
v, = ;q’(C-‘)‘{
j-;ATkfAd,)C-I,, (10)

M~=D$=DBC-‘q, (4) Using Lagrange’s equations, the (4 x 4) stiffness

matrix kF pertaining to the foundation modulus is
given by
where D = El(x) and B = d*A/dx* = (0,0,2,6x).
The potential energy U, due to bending is
kF = (C-‘)Tik,C-‘, (11)

(5) where

J0 W)
which upon using eqns (3) and (4) becomes kF = ’ ATk,A dx.

(i,=iqT(C-i)T{J~BTDBdl~-lq. (6)
The above expression can also be evaluated explicitly,
and finally the complete stiffness matrix for the
Upon using Lagrange’s equations, the (4 x 4) element is
element stiffness matrix k. is obtained from the
potential energy of the element as
k=k,+k,. (13)
ke = (C-‘)$,C-‘, (7)

2.2. Element mass matrix

LB =
J0 ’ BTDB dx. For dynamic or free vibration analysis, it is also
necessary to derive the element mass matrix. The
element mass matrix is a matrix of equivalent nodal
The above expression can be evaluated explicitly. If masses that dynamically represent the actual dis-
the element has linearly varying thickness, this can be tributed mass of the element. In this investigation, the
taken into consideration by using the appropriate mass matrix is derived by considering the kinetic
expression for I. energy due to lateral velocity only, while neglecting
Potential energy U, due to the foundation modulus the contribution due to axial velocity, as it was found
is given by that the earlier modes of vibration of the beam were
not influenced by axial effects. This is consistent with
v, = ;
v Tkfv dx,
the derivation of the stiffness matrix where axial
effects were ignored.

where kr is tbc stiffness of the foundation. Using eqn Table 2. Frequencies of vibration of a stepped beam on an
(3) in eqn (9) will yield elastic foundation
Wang [71 Proposed method

E’, XW M-W A (Hz) fi@W

E’, 1
‘m 0’0 42.6517
__V i
1 I 0:1 42.3838 166.0034
169.8519 42.4020
42.6720 166.1052
H1 *-&&,,A, Y 0.2 40.8063 152.2257 40.8256 152.3182
MA\‘/&\ \” OF 0.3 37.9155 143.6983 37.9333 143.7868
/’ 4 rp / 0.4 34.7788 143.3927 34.7950 143.4832

<_ Jk l
f -- _____~ --. L 0.8 28.9261 116.6921 28.9400 116.7631
Fig. 3. Simply-supported stepped beam on elastic 0.9 28.7695 113.6864 28.7835 113.7555
foundation. 1o 28.7506 113.3144 28.7646 113.3844
974 D. Thambiratnam and Y. Zhuge

The kinetic energy of the element shown in Fig. 1

1.00 -
is given by

P=; ‘(?)Tp dV\;, (14)

0.50 -
where the lateral velocity j is given by the time
derivative of the displacement v in the eqn (3) and p
is the mass density.
Using eqn (3) in eqn (14) and further simplification
will yield 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5
r=fn)T(C-‘)T{~AT&+4dxjC-1~. (15)

1 , I
Using Lagrange’s equations on the kinetic energy
term above, the mass matrix m is given by I YOdl 2
A---L I

m = (C-l)TEC-l, (16)
where 0


-1 ti
1.00 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 5. Mode shapes of stepped beam on elastic foundation:
p = 0.5.

If the thickness of the beam is varying, this has to be
accounted for in h(x) in the above equation.

2.3. Equations of motion

0.00 I ’ I 1 I I I
The element stiffness and mass matrices are assem-
0 1 2 3 4 5 bled in the usual manner to obtain the structure
L(m) stiffness and mass matrices [K] and [Ml, respectively.
The equation of motion can be represented as

{P(t)>- Kl{q) - [G1{4) = bfl{G (18)

where {P(t)> is the vector of forcing functions,
the damping matrix and {q), {Q} and {q} the vectors

0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 4. Mode shapes of uniform beam on elastic foundation: Fig. 6. Cantilever beam partially-supported on elastic foun-
/I =o. dation.
Free vibration analysis of beams 915

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

Fig. 7. Variation of fundamental frequency of cantilever beam with p.

of nodal displacements, velocities and accelerations, where I = l/w* and [r] is the identity matrix. Letting
respectively. the product [K]-‘[Ml = G and simplifying yields an
For free vibration of beams, {P(t)> = 0 and eigenvalue problem of the form
neglecting damping effects, eqn (18) after simplifying
yields determinant of {[G] - A[I]} = 0. (21)
wfl{~~+ Klb} = 0. (19)
The natural frequencies of vibration of the beam are
Substituting q = W sin ot into eqn (19) yields obtained by solving the above equation, while the
mode shapes are given by the values of the eigen-
(1 VI - vwPf1) {W> = 0, (20) vector {W} in eqn (20).

/ 0 Kukla
x Present
I K-1000

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.00 0.80 1.00

Fig. 8. Variation of second frequency of cantilever beam with p.
976 D. Thambiratnam and Y. Zhuge

t L I L 1 L 1 few elements modelling the beam and that modelhng

the foundation with discrete springs does not reduce
the accuracy in any way. It has also been shown that
by neglecting axial effects in the present solution, the
Fig. 9. Continuous beam on elastic foundation. earlier modes of vibration are not affected. It is
therefore not necessary to complicate the solution by
3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES AND DISCUSSION including axial effects as done in Ref. [6] when the
beams on elastic foundation are horizontal.
Several numerical examples were treated and
wherever possible the results compared with those 3.2. Example 2: stepped beam on an elastic
from existing solutions. In all cases the two sets of foundation
results were in good agreement. Results for some
A simply-supported beam of length L = 5.0 m
representative problems are presented below in order
resting on an elastic foundation, as shown in
to illustrate the capability of the method and to
Fig. 3, is considered. The foundation modulus k,
validate it.
was kept constant at 21677.5 Nme2 along the
length of the beam, but the beam thickness was
3.1. Example 1: uniform beam on a uniform elastic changed from H, = 0.10 m to Hz = 0. I5 m at a dis-
tance pL from the left support. Young’s modulus,
A simply-supported uniform beam of length width and mass per unit area of the beam were
L = 6.10 m resting on a uniform elastic foundation, assumed as E = 6.5 x 10” N m-‘, b = 0.08 m and
as shown in Fig. 2, is considered. The beam has p = 213.60 kgmm2, respectively. Using the proposed
Young’s modulus E = 2.483 x 10’ kPa, second mo- technique with 10 elements, the lowest two frequen-
ment of area I = 144 x lo4 cm2 and mass per unit cies of vibration f, and fi were determined for various
length y = 447 kgm-‘. The modulus of the foun- values of the parameter p from 0 to 1.0.
dation kt = 50.5 kN cm-2. Using the technique devel- Present results are shown in Table 2 together with
oped in this paper, the first three frequencies of those from the analytical solution of Ref. [7]. It can
vibration were obtained with six, eight and 10 be seen that the two sets of results are in very good
elements modelling the beam. The results are shown agreement for all values of p. Frequencies of vi-
in Table 1 together with those from the analytical bration decrease with an increase in p, indicating that
solution from Refs [2,6], where an exact shape the effective decrease in the stiffness of the beam is
function was used in the development of the element more significant than the corresponding decrease in
properties. It can be seen that the present results the mass of the beam. For the particular beam treated
compare very well with the others and are closer in in this example when the thickness of the beam was
agreement with those from the analytical solution of decreased by about 33% (from 0.15 to 0.10 m), the
Ref. [2]. From these results it can be seen that the frequencies of vibration cf, and f2) seems to have
present method gives quick and accurate results with decreased by nearly the same amount, i.e. 33%. The


x 1 span
fi 2 span
0 3 span
* 4 span

k, W/m*)
Fig. 10. Variation of fundamental frequency of continuous beam with foundation modulus.
Free vibration analysis of beams 911

x 1 span
4 2 span
0 3 span
* 4 span

0 5000 10000
k ,W/m* 1
Fig. Il. Variation of second frequency of continuous beam with foundation modulus.

mode shapes corresponding to a uniform beam (with presented in Tables 1 and 2 confirm the validity of the
p = 0.0) and a stepped beam with p = 0.50 are shown proposed method.
in Figs 4 and 5. Changes in the mode shapes can be
observed when the beam is stepped. For the funda- 3.3. Example 3: beam supported on a stepped elastic
mental mode in the stepped beam, the peak amplitude foundation
has shifted towards the left, while in the second mode A cantilever beam of length L = 4.0 m, partially
the thicker part of the beam vibrates with a larger supported on an elastic foundation, as shown in
amplitude. Fig. 6, is considered. The stiffness and mass per
A special method was developed in Ref. [7j to treat unit length of the beam are assumed to be
the stepped beam, but the proposed method with few EZ = 4.08 x lo5 N mm2 and pA = 30.394 kg m-l, re-
elements is applicable equally well to both uniform snectivelv. Free vibration analysis of this beam has
and stepped beams on elastic foundations. The results been studied by Kukla [8] who divided the beam into

400 x

300 -I

0 j I
0 5000 10000
Fig. 12. Variation of third frequency of continuous beam with foundation modulus.
978 D. Thambiratnam and Y. Zhuge

segments, obtained a transcendental equation for the eating that the mode shapes were not significantly
eigen frequencies of the beam and then solved it affected by the partial support.
Variations of the two lowest dimensionless fre- 3.4. Example 4: continuous beam on elastic
quencies pi = L4dpm, (i = 1,2), with the foundation
dimensionless supported length m are shown in Figs 7 A continuous beam resting on an elastic foun-
and 8. Present results obtained with 10 elements are dation and having equal span lengths, as shown in
seen to compare very well with those from Ref. [8]. Fig. 9, is considered. To the authors’ knowledge, free
Calculations were performed for two different (and vibration analysis of such a beam has not been
rather extreme) values of the dimensionless foun- treated analytically in the literature. The proposed
dation modulus K = k,L4/EI. In general, frequencies method was used to analyse beams with one, two,
increase with p, the amount of support provided. three of four spans. The variations of the lowest three
p = 0 gives the frequencies of free vibration of the frequencies of vibration with the foundation modulus
beam without elastic support and p = 1 those of a kf are shown in Figs 10-12. In general, all three
beam fully supported on a uniform elastic foun- frequencies increase with the foundation modulus,
dation. From Figs 7 and 8 it is also evident that the but the rate of increase is most significant with the
influence of the partial support on the frequency fundamental frequency, which is unaffected by the
depends greatly on the value of the foundation number of spans. The higher frequencies can be seen
modulus K. The fundamental frequency at the larger to decrease with the number of spans, with the
value of foundation modulus seems to be significantly reduction becoming small beyond three spans. Fre-
influenced by the amount of partial support provided quencies of vibration with the foundation modulus
up to p = 0.60. At larger values of p, the frequencies (k,) set to zero were compared with those from a
converge for both values of K. standard structural analysis package program and
The mode shapes corresponding to the two lowest were found to be in excellent agreement.
frequencies were plotted for different values of p to Vibrating shapes corresponding to the first three
observe the effects of partial support, if any, on the modes were plotted and were found to be similar to
vibrating shapes. However, the mode shapes re- those for a continuous beam without any elastic
mained typical for those for a usual cantilever, indi- foundation. These interesting shapes are shown in

1.00 -
0.50 -

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5

L(m) L(m)







.O.%O I e I 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 13. First three mode shapes for single span beam on elastic foundation.
Free vibration analysis of beams


mode 1


0.60 -li

2345670 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10
L(m) L(m)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 14. First three mode shapes for two span beam on elastic foundation.

mode 2

0.40 -

0.00 -

-0.50 - -0.40 -

.0.80 -
.l.OO -

-1.50 1 1
I I 0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15 L(m)

0 5 10 15

Fig. 15. First three mode shapes for three span beam on elastic foundation.
980 D. Thambiratnam and Y. Zhuge

modr 1
1.00 -

0.50 -

0 10 20 0 10 20

1.00 -

0.50 -

0 10 20
Fig. 16. First three mode shapes for four span beam on elastic foundation.

Figs 13-16 for beams with one, two, three and four vibration characteristics of beams on elastic foun-
equal spans, respectively. dations. The analysis can be extended to treat dy-
namic loads and will find use in the earthquake
response of beams on elastic foundations.

In this paper, a simple finite element method has
been developed and applied for the free vibration R. D. Blevins, Formulas for Natural Frequency and
analysis of beams on elastic foundation. The analysis Mode Shape. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York
can handle beams and foundations whose properties (1979).
vary along the length of the beam. The entire analysis 2. S. Timoshenko, D. H. Young and W. Weaver, Vibration
Problems in Engineering, 4th edn. Wiley, New York
has been programmed to run on a microcomputer (1974).
and, with a few elements modelling the beam, gives 3. C. W. Bert and A. L. Newberry, Improved finite
fast and reliable results which agree well with those element analysis of beam vibration. J. Sound Vibr. 105,
from existing solutions, wherever possible. Numerical 179-183 (1986).
4. S. K. Jang and C. W. Bert, Free vibration of stepped
examples are presented to validate and illustrate the beams: exact and numerical solutions. J. Sound Vibr.
procedure. Some special cases pertaining to the free 130, 342-346 (1989).
vibration of stepped beams, beams on stepped foun- 5. C. Kameswara Rao, Frequency analysis of
dations and continuous beams are treated and the clamped-clamped uniform beams with intermediate
elastic support. J. Sound Vibr. 133, 502-509 (1989).
present results are in excellent agreement with those
6. Y. C. Lai, B. Y. Ting, W. S. Lee and W. R. Becker,
from analytical solutions developed specially for Dynamic response of beams on elastic foundation.
these problems. Contrary to what is stated in the J. struct. Engng. ASCE 118, 853-858 (1992).
literature, modelling the foundation by discrete 7. J. Wang, Vibration of stepped beams on elastic foun-
springs did not reduce the accuracy of the solution as dations. J. Sound Vibr. 149, 315-322 (1991).
8. S. Kukla, Free vibration of stepped beams on elastic
demonstrated in one of the examples in this paper. foundations. J. Sound Vibr. 149, 259-265 (1991).
The proposed technique is reliable, fast and easily 9. M. Hetenyi, Beams on Elastic Foundation. University of
accessible to those who wish to investigate the free Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI (1961).

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