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NAME: Francis Oliver C.

Sampan GRADE & SECTION: 8 - Benguet


SCIENCE: What kind of energy did you use to make this Performance Task? Is it Potential or
Kinetic energy? Why?
While doing the Performance Task, I noticed that I used both Kinetic and Potential
energy. Brushing the Paper Mache with paint and cutting the newspaper in strips means
that my body will be in motion, and there would be Kinetic Energy. While sitting in the floor
and putting the Paper Mache in a chair to dry means that there will be no motion, and there
would be Potential Energy.

MATHEMATICS: How long will it take you

to do the Activity? Estimate the number of
hours and write the time you consumed. If
you do your Performance Task in 2 hours
and your Friend can do the task at 3
hours, how long it will take if you both
work together?
I finished my task in 2 Hours while
He/She finished in about 3 hours, if my
Friend and I work together in this project
we could finish it in about:
1.2 hours or 1 1/5 hours

TLE: Based on the Ingredients used in making a glue, give the equivalent of the following
1. 6 tbsp. of Water = 18 tsp.
2. 2 tbsp. of Cornstarch = 6 tsp.
Use a substitute if the given ingredients are not available.
What are the substitute ingredients used? What makes your alternative ingredient
effective? Why?

ENGLISH: List down your sources of information below.

Life Hacktory. (2016, March 16). How to Make Glue (5 Types).

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