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Leadership Skills: Fundamental in Leading to Effective

Functioning of the Organizations

Dr. Radhika Kapur


In all types of organizations, the leaders need to focus upon up-gradation of leadership
skills. These are regarded as fundamental in leading to effective functioning of the
organizations. The main objective of this research paper is to focus upon the importance of
leadership skills. In addition, the leaders are well-aware of the fact that in leading to effective
functioning of the organization, they need to focus upon up-gradation of these skills
throughout their jobs. The different types of leadership skills are, communication, motivation,
creativity, positivity, feedback, delegating, trustworthiness, work ethics, conscientiousness
and dispute settlement. The implementation of leadership skills in an effective and
satisfactory manner depends upon various factors. These are the types of job duties,
situations, goals and objectives and customer demands. When the leaders are putting into
operation one or more types of skills, they need to ensure that they prove to be beneficial to
the individuals, internal and external to the organization as well as the organization as a
whole. Therefore, the leaders need to focus upon honing of these skills throughout their jobs.
The main areas that are taken into account in this research paper are, traits needed by leaders
to attain success, differentiating between management skills and leadership skills, leadership
skills and measures to up-grade leadership skills.

Keywords: Leaders, Leadership Skills, Goals, Management Skills, Measures,

Organizations, Success

Leadership skills are the tools, behaviors and capabilities that leaders should have in
promoting well-being of the employees and leading to up-gradation of the organizations
(Leadership Skills, 2010). The primary job duties of the leaders are focused towards directing
and motivating employees towards the implementation of job duties and achievement of
goals and objectives. The true leadership skills involve helping the individuals grow in their
own abilities. The leaders gain success in the implementation of leadership skills, when they
facilitate others to grow in their own abilities. The leadership skills are numerous. The leaders
need to be aware that in performing well in their jobs and achieving the desired goals and
objectives, they need to possess the essential skills. Furthermore, they need to understand
what kinds of skills, they need to put into operation in various types of situations and settings.
The implementation of skills need to be put into operation in such a manner that they should
be beneficial to the employees as well as the organization as a whole.

In the implementation of leadership skills in an effective manner, there are various

factors that need to be taken into consideration (Leadership Skills, 2010). These are, they
need to be committed towards vision and goals, they need to acquire an efficient
understanding of their job duties and responsibilities, demonstrate honesty and integrity, set
an example in terms of their jobs, understand how to motivate others and stimulate their
mind-sets, generate awareness in terms of measures to cope with problems and challenges,
exercise control on psychological problems, provide solutions to various types of problems
and challenges, promote mutual understanding and create an amiable environment within the
workplace. In accordance to the research studies, some leaders are committed towards their
job duties to a major extent that they obtain the skills and abilities of other members as well
to carry out their job duties and responsibilities. On the other hand, most of the leaders do not
claim that they possess leadership skills. But they make use of their skills in the
implementation of job duties.

Leadership skills are learned. When the individuals attain leadership positions, they
need to pay attention towards up-gradation of these skills. The traits needed to acquire an
understanding of these skills are, patience, open-mind and the commitment to put into action,
what has been learned. The leadership skills are primarily put into practice by the leaders in
the implementation of job duties. For example, when the individuals are heads of the
departments in universities, they need to pay attention to number of tasks and activities.
These are a part of their jobs. Hence, it is stated, leadership skills are primarily put into
practice in the implementation of job duties and achievement of organizational goals. In some
cases, it is difficult to learn leadership skills and the individuals are required to experience
number of challenges. Leadership positions are normally challenging and enable the leaders
to experience difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the leaders need to be well-equipped in
terms of measures and approaches to overcome challenges and barriers and carry out their job
duties in a well-organized manner.

Traits needed by Leaders to attain Success

Attaining success is crucial by the leaders. When the leaders will carry out their job
duties successfully, not only they themselves will benefit, but their success will be beneficial
to the members as well as the organizations as a whole. The leadership skills need to be put
into practice in an efficacious manner to be successful in the implementation of job duties as
well as in leading to effective growth and development of the organization as a whole. In
order to attain success, they need to implement three important traits, these are, desire to lead,
commitment to the mission and vision of the organization and integrity. These are stated as
follows: (Leadership Skills, 2010).

Desire to Lead

In the implementation of any types of job duties, resisting the work of leading will
make it difficult to promote effectiveness. Furthermore, the individuals usually do not feel
confident enough in carrying out their job duties well. The desire to lead enables the leaders
to provide adequate knowledge and understanding to the subordinates, they will develop
motivation among them towards their job duties, stimulate their mind-sets towards learning,
provide solutions to any types of problems and difficulties experienced by them, promote
teamwork and mutual understanding and they will be able to move towards the right path.
When the leaders possess the desire that they will lead their subordinates well and lead to up-
gradation of the organization, they will render an important contribution towards up-
gradation of leadership skills. Therefore, leadership skills are focused towards desire to lead.

There are number of factors, which need to be taken into consideration in reinforcing
the desire to lead. These are, the leaders feel pleasurable, when others follow their
instructions; leaders have the right to bring about changes in various aspects of the
organizations, i.e. rules, regulations, laws, policies, infrastructure, facilities, amenities and
overall working environmental conditions; they have the right to put forward challenging
questions before the employees; they assign complicated job duties to the subordinates; they
feel pleasurable, when they are approached to seek ideas and suggestions; they have the right
to transform mission and vision of the organization; make provision of opportunities to
capable employees; generate ideas and share them with groups; leaders have the right to plan
seminars and workshops and make decisions in terms of various aspects of the organizations.
Normally, information in terms of these factors is attained through work experience.
Therefore, it can be stated, when these factors are taken into consideration, the leaders are
able to strengthen their desire to lead.
Commitment to the Mission and Vision of the Organization

The leaders need to be well-aware in terms of mission and vision of the organization.
The mission and vision are primarily focused upon the areas, i.e. what the organization would
do, who it would serve and how the goals and functioning of the organization would prove to
be beneficial to the community. Commitment to the mission and vision of the organization
would facilitate in generating awareness in terms of what methods, approaches and strategies
would be put into practice in leading to effective functioning of the organization and
achievement of mission and goals. The leaders need to focus upon development of skills and
abilities in terms of modern, pioneering and innovative methods. As in the present existence,
with advancements taking place, they need to make use of technologies and creative
approaches. Therefore, commitment to the mission and vision of the organization enables the
leaders to hone their leadership skills and attain success in their job duties.

The leaders cannot carry out their job duties in seclusion. They need to work in co-
ordination and integration with others. They recruit and select the employees, who would
contribute efficiently and work in co-ordination with the leaders. In some cases, when leaders
and other members are working on a project, the other members may communicate with the
leaders in terms of viewpoints and perspectives, which may be useful and beneficial. The
leaders need to ensure that in the implementation of training and development programs as
well, there are utilization of modern and innovative teaching-learning methods, teaching-
learning materials and instructional strategies. When these programs will be organized well,
they will render an important contribution in augmenting knowledge and understanding of the
employees in terms of various aspects of the organization. Therefore, it can be stated, the
training and development of the employees will contribute efficiently in reinforcement of the
commitment to the mission and vision of the organization.


Integrity is defined simply as being true, authentic in one’s actions and deeds and
demonstrating sensibility, reasonableness, maturity and wisdom. When the leaders implement
these traits, they are able to benefit in number of ways. These are, carrying out one’s job
duties well, forming cordial terms and relationships with others, acquiring reverence and
appreciation, possessing the abilities to work under stress, inculcating the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness, possessing the abilities to cope with problems and
challenges, depicting accuracy in the implementation of job duties, depicting the traits of
honesty and righteousness, developing an understanding and a thoughtful attitude, and
treating other individuals, internal and external to the organization with respect and courtesy.
These factors prove to be beneficial to the members as well as the organization as a whole to
a major extent. Therefore, it can be stated, integrity is an aspect which is crucial in attaining

After putting in extensive hard-work and efforts, the individuals attain leadership
positions. It is apparent that leaders feel pleasurable and contented, when they attain these
positions, they need to ensure, their conduct and actions are put into operation in such a
manner that they retain them. The factor of integrity would render a significant contribution
in retaining one’s job positions, carrying out one’s job duties well and in forming pleasant
and amiable working environmental conditions. When the leaders reinforce the trait of
integrity, they are able to contribute efficiently in achieving organizational goals and
enhancing the overall structure of the organization. On the other hand, they will make
provision of knowledge and understanding to the other members as well. The research studies
have indicated, when the factor of integrity is violated, the individuals need to undergo
detrimental effects. Therefore, integrity enables the individuals to carry out their job duties
successfully and inculcate the feeling of job satisfaction.

Differentiating between Management Skills and Leadership Skills

Both management skills and leadership skills are important in leading to effective
growth and progression of any organization. The managers and leaders are different
individuals. The managers are leaders, whereas, leaders are the heads and directors and are
vested with number of job duties and responsibilities. In some cases, there are occurrence of
perplexity. The leaders may develop confusion in terms of methods and approaches of
leading the human resources in the right direction. In some cases, they may concentrate upon
one factor and not the others. Whereas, in other cases, they experience problems in getting
work done through the individuals to their best abilities. When these problems and difficulties
take place, they need to differentiate between management skills and leadership skills. One of
the important factors that need to be taken into account is, making use of knowledge and
skills of human resources. The reason being, human resources are the assets of the
organizations. When they are performing their job duties as managers or are in leadership
positions, they need to pay adequate attention towards up-gradation of their skills and
abilities. Therefore, differentiating between management skills and leadership skills is vital
because, it enable the leaders to generate awareness in terms of job duties of managers and

Management skills are the skills required in the management of resources in order to
deliver a task, product or service. The managers are required to implement the managerial
functions of planning, organizing, leading, directing, coordinating and controlling. When they
are exercising these managerial functions, they need to obtain ideas and suggestions from
their superiors. The managers have superiors and subordinates. Their planning is normally
carried out in terms of short-term assignments and projects. The managers are normally well-
aware in terms of their job duties. They are focusing upon the ways of bringing about
improvements in products and services. When they have generated awareness in terms of
various modern and pioneering methods in implementing tasks and activities, they need to
convey them and get them approved by their superiors. When the workforce is experiencing
any kinds of problems in terms of various factors, which can be working environmental
conditions or infrastructure, amenities, tools, materials and resources, they report them to the
managers. Before, managers can take any actions, they need to obtain ideas and suggestions
from their superiors. Therefore, it can be stated, management skills can be honed and put into
operation in an efficient manner, when they obtain guidance and direction from their

Leadership skills are the skills, which are focused upon number of factors within the
organization. These are, they need to be dedicated towards goals and objectives, they need to
acquire an efficient understanding of their job duties and responsibilities, determine honesty
and integrity, follow the principles and norms, make provision of equal rights and
opportunities to others, manage infrastructure, amenities, tools, materials, technologies and
resources in an appropriate manner, set an example in terms of their jobs, understand how to
motivate others and stimulate their mind-sets, generate awareness in terms of measures to
cope with problems and challenges, exercise control on psychological problems, provide
solutions to various types of problems and challenges, promote mutual understanding and
create an amiable environment within the workplace. In the implementation of all these
factors in a well-organized manner, the various leadership skills that need to be honed are,
communication, motivation, creativity, positivity, feedback, delegating, trustworthiness, work
ethics, conscientiousness and dispute settlement (Important Leadership Skills for Workplace
Success, n.d.). Up-gradation of these skills is not a difficult task. The leaders need to augment
their understanding in terms of ways to hone these skills. Therefore, leadership skills are
regarded as crucial in leading to well-being of the members and organization as a whole.

Leadership Skills

The different types of leadership skills are stated as follows:


Effective communication is regarded as the fundamental skill of explaining the

employees various aspects of the organization. When the leaders will put into operation
effective communication processes, they will be able to impart instructions, ideas, and
viewpoints to the employees in terms of implementation of job duties, convey them
information in terms of organizational goals, provide solutions to their problems and issues,
make provision of help and support to them in the implementation of job duties and put into
operation the managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading, directing, coordinating
and controlling in an effective manner. The communication skills are regarded as the lifeline,
which needs to be put into operation in a polite and decent manner. The leaders need to make
provision of equal rights and opportunities and not discriminate against members in terms of
any of the factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, and socio-economic
background. When these factors are taken into consideration, the communication process will
take place in an effective manner.

Communication takes place in a verbal and in a written form. Verbal communication

takes place either face to face or over the phone. Whereas, written communication takes place
through emails, letters, messages, notices or any other written form. Within the organizations,
communication takes place through both verbal as well as in a written form. The leaders need
to ensure, they are well-aware in terms of problems and concerns, before, they impart
information to the employees. The leaders need to ensure, they take out sufficient time for the
employees to listen to their problems and concerns. After the leaders have acquired an
efficient understanding of their problems and are making provision of ideas and suggestions,
the leaders need to understand and put them into operation in an efficient manner. Therefore,
communication is regarded as an effectual leadership skill, which needs to be honed
throughout one’s jobs.

Motivation is the leadership skill that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented
behaviors. Motivation involves biological, social, emotional and cognitive forces to activate
the behavior of the individuals. It is the condition inside the individuals that desires change,
either in self or in the environment (Souders, 2020). When the individuals are determined
towards bringing about changes and improvements, they develop motivation. The leaders
need to motivate the employees towards the implementation of job duties and generation of
desired outcomes. When the employees are motivated, their mind-sets will be stimulated and
they will be able to render a significant contribution towards the implementation of job
duties. This is regarded as one of the essential approaches in arousing interest and enthusiasm
among members towards the implementation of job duties. Some of the important ways of
motivating employees are, giving rewards and incentives, increasing pay and
reimbursements, offering promotional opportunities, additional job duties and responsibilities
and so forth.

Within the organizations, it is comprehensively understood that all the members need
to form amiable terms and relationships with each other. The leaders and the subordinates get
engaged in pleasant informal conversations as well with each other. But when approaches are
implemented, then the individuals are dedicated towards goal-directed behavior. When the
individuals are motivated, they move and take action. The essence of motivation is energized
and persistent goal-directed behavior (Souders, 2020). The working environmental conditions
and job duties render an important contribution in development of motivation. When the
working environmental conditions comprise of all the facilities and materials and when the
job duties are straightforward and easily understandable to the employees, they will be
motivated towards the implementation of tasks and activities and achievement of goals and
objectives. Therefore, it is well-understood that motivation is an indispensable skill, which
needs to be put into operation by the leaders.


Creativity is the phenomenon of forming something new and something valuable. It is

referred to an act of turning into new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is
characterized by the ability to perceive the world from different viewpoints. The two
important processes involved in creativity are thinking and producing (What is Creativity?
n.d.). First the leaders need to think in terms of creative ideas and then put into operation to
generating the desired outcomes. During the initial stage, it might be difficult for the
individuals to put into operation creative ideas. But with regular practice, they are able to
augment their understanding in terms of them and put into operation in a well-ordered
manner. Within the course of time the members of the organizations, irrespective of their
categories and backgrounds are augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of
modern and innovative ideas. They are implementing them within the course of performance
of their job duties and achievement of organizational goals. The primary objective of
implementing creativity is to enhance productivity and profitability. The leaders are required
to carry out number of job duties. They need to be creative in all their tasks and activities.

Creativity requires passion and commitment (What is Creativity? n.d.). In the present
existence, the leaders are paying attention towards up-gradation of technical skills. The
reason being, technologies are being made use of to a major extent in the implementation of
tasks and activities. The advancements taking place in technologies are so extensive that the
leaders are implementing them in their tasks and activities. Within the training and
development programs, the instructors make use of technologies and innovative teaching-
learning methods and instructional strategies. Within the course of the implementation of
their job duties as well, they get enrolled in training and development programs to generate
information in terms of modern, technical and pioneering methods. They utilize these
methods to enhance creativity. Therefore, the skill of creativity is put into operation by the
leaders as well as other members.


Within the course of implementation of job duties and responsibilities, there are
number of problems and challenges that are experienced by the individuals. These are related
to goals and objectives, job duties and responsibilities, infrastructure, amenities, tools,
materials, technologies and resources, human resources, work pressure, training and
development programs, and overall working environmental conditions. But when there are
occurrence of any problems in terms of these factors, it needs to be ensured, they are coped
with in a well-ordered manner and prevented from assuming a major form. Positivity is
regarded as one of the indispensable leadership skills, which need to be reinforced throughout
one’s jobs. The leaders need to ensure, they form positive viewpoints in terms of all aspects
regarding their jobs as well as the workplace. The leaders as well as the other members of the
organizations need to reinforce positivity throughout their jobs in leading to desired outcomes
and progression of the human resources and organizations as a whole.
There are number of factors experienced, which are responsible for curbing positivity.
Some of these are, occurrence of conflicting situations and disputes, deficiencies in financial,
material, technical and human resources, lack of infrastructure, amenities and facilities,
inadequate teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies in the training and
development programs and so forth. When these problems are experienced to a lesser,
moderate or major extent, they arouse negative viewpoints in the mind-sets of the leaders as
well as the other members of the organizations. But when one is determined towards bringing
about improvements, they formulate measures and approaches, which are favorable in
bringing about improvements. When the leaders form negative viewpoints, they will not be
motivated towards their job duties. Hence, the leaders need to reinforce positivity and
formulate measures in leading to effective growth and progression of the organizations.
Therefore, it can be stated, the leadership skill of positivity needs to be reinforced throughout
one’s jobs.


Feedback is an important area, in terms of which the leaders need to up-grade their
skills. The employees are assigned tasks and duties, which they need to carry out within a
specified time. These tasks and duties are assignments, reports, projects, production processes
and so forth. This is apparent that when the employees will be determined towards the
implementation of tasks and functions, they will put in their best abilities. The outcomes that
are generated needs to be in accordance to the expectations of the leaders. The main objective
of feedback is to make provision of information to the employees in terms of their
performance. In addition, it needs to be ensured, they are performing well in accordance to
the expectations of the employers. When the feedback is positive, it indicates, the employees
have performed well, whereas, when the feedback is negative, it indicates, there are
occurrence of flaws and inconsistencies in the implementation of tasks and activities. When
there are occurrence of limitations, the leaders need to provide help and support to the
employees to bring about improvements. Therefore, feedback is an essential leadership skill.

When the job duties are complicated, it is apparent that employees will experience
setbacks within the course of implementation of their job duties. In such cases, the
performance may not meet the expected standards and there are occurrence of limitations.
The job duty of the leaders is focused upon guiding and leading the employees in the right
direction. The leaders need to stimulate the mind-sets of the employees towards the
implementation of tasks and activities. Communication needs to take place in an effective
manner, so the employees are able to acquire an efficient understanding of their job
performance. Feedback is provided verbally as well as in writing. Therefore, when the leaders
are well-aware in terms of measures and approaches to make provision of adequate feedback,
it is stated, feedback is an important leadership skill.


Delegating is referred to the assignment of any authority to another person to

implement specific functions. It is regarded as one of the core concepts of management
leadership. The individuals, who are delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome
of the delegated work. By delegating the tasks and activities, the leaders are giving the team
more confidence, making them feel important and they are made to recognize their skills and
abilities. Delegation helps the members of the staff to be more engaged as they form the
viewpoint that their managers had faith in them and this is the main reason that they are
assigned the tasks and activities. Within various types of organizations, managers make use
of the delegated leadership skill to share authority and responsibility with the employees.
When the employees are delegated with tasks and activities, they are vested with the
authority to complete them on their own. They are responsible for the outcomes generated.

In the implementation of this leadership skill in an appropriate manner, the leaders

need to acquire information in terms of various factors. These are, delegating work duties and
responsibilities, ensuring they are capable to complete the assigned tasks, making selection of
the right team, giving them appropriate instructions and directions, having faith in the team
members, setting a target date and ensuring the tasks get completed within the required time
frame, establishing a system, setting appropriate rules and procedures, selecting the right
person, who is capable and experienced and formulating proper measures and rules.
Delegating is the difficult task, as it requires faith in others. Within the working environment,
there are number of employees, who are competent and qualified. But when they are
delegated work duties and responsibilities, they need to make sure that they possess the
required educational qualifications, competencies and capabilities. Therefore, delegation is
the leadership skill, which requires hard work and conscientiousness.

Trustworthiness is referred to the ability to be relied on as honest and truthful. Within
organizations, it is comprehensively understood that leaders and other members need to work
in co-operation and integration with each other. In addition, they need to form pleasant and
amiable terms and relationships with each other. These factors can be put into operation in an
efficacious manner, when the leaders and subordinates trust each other. Trustworthiness is
regarded as an indispensable leadership skill, which lays the foundation for implementation
of job duties in a successful manner and achieving desired goals and objectives.
Trustworthiness within the working environmental conditions is being honest, reliable and
sincere. When the leaders trust the employees, they assign them additional job duties. On the
other hand, when the employees trust their leaders, they understand the ideas and suggestions
given by them and put them into operation in the implementation of tasks and activities.
Therefore, it is understood, trustworthiness is an important leadership skill, which needs to be
reinforced on a regular basis.

Trustworthiness is regarded as one of the most important qualities in life. It

establishes the foundation on which relationships are built. In order to achieve organizational
goals and lead to efficient functioning of the organization, it is of utmost significance to
create trustworthiness. When the leaders and other members trust each other, they are able to
render an important contribution in implementation of job duties. Within the workplace, the
various factors, which need to be put into practice to promote trustworthiness are,
appreciating employees for good work, giving them rewards and incentives, implementing
consistencies, sharing information, treating each other with respect and courtesy, depicting
efficiency, depicting co-operation and mutual understanding, encouraging non-verbal
communication, avoiding gossip and rumors and leaders need to make investments in the
development of the employees. Therefore, when the leaders focus upon making investments
in these areas, they are able to augment the leadership skill of trustworthiness.

Work Ethics

Work ethics are referred to as beliefs and principles that hard work and diligence have
made moral benefit an inherent ability, value or virtue to strengthen the character of the
abilities of the individuals. Apart from possession of required educational qualifications,
skills and abilities, the leaders and the other members of the organizations need to be well-
aware in terms of work ethics. The information and understanding in terms of work ethics
will enable the leaders and employees to carry out their tasks and activities in a well-
organized manner and achieve the desired goals and objectives. Having strong work ethics
involves up-dating of values and goals of the organization. These enable the leaders and other
members to carry out their job duties in a well-ordered manner. It means focusing on
completing the assigned tasks within the required time frame. The leaders and other members
need to ensure that they possess the skills and abilities to complete the tasks and activities
within the specific period of time. Therefore, when the individuals are well-aware of the
methods and strategies to complete the job duties well and in specific period of time, they are
well-equipped in terms of work ethics.

The important work ethics, which need to be taken into account are, appearance,
attendance, attitude, character, communication, co-operation, organizational skills,
productivity, conscientiousness, and teamwork. All the members of the organization need to
be well-aware in terms of these factors, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy and
need to reinforce them throughout their jobs. Strong work ethics are reflected in the desire
and determination on the part of the employees to put in their best abilities in the
implementation of job duties. Furthermore, when the individuals are punctual and efficient,
when they work productively with others, time workload management and acquire an
efficient understanding of the impact of non-verbal communication, they are stated to have
recognized the meaning and significance of work ethics. Therefore, it can be stated, when the
members of the organization are well-aware in terms of work ethics, they are able to achieve
professional goals in a satisfactory manner.


Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being careful and diligent. When the
individuals are conscientious, it indicates that they possess the desire to carry out their job
duties to the best of their abilities. Conscientious individuals tend to be efficient and
organized. They recognize their job duties and responsibilities. Apart from recognizing their
job duties and responsibilities, they implement time management skills. They assign priorities
to the tasks and are able to take out time for all tasks and activities. This leadership skill
enables the individuals to be well-aware of the fact that in order to do well in one’s job
duties, they need to inculcate the traits of honesty, integrity, resourcefulness, diligence and
morality. Ethical ways need to be put into operation to carry out one’s job duties and generate
the desired outcomes. When the leaders and other members are determined towards the
implementation of their job duties well and in leading to effective growth and progression of
the organization, they pay wholehearted attention towards leading to up-gradation of

In accordance to the research studies, the skill of conscientiousness normally develops

in individuals, when they grow older. The reason being, there are number of job duties and
responsibilities, which the individuals need to carry out. These are personal and professional
in nature. Hence, when they will augment the skill of conscientiousness, they are able to take
out time and carry out their job duties efficiently and resourcefully. The leaders are required
to carry out number of job duties and responsibilities, hence, depicting the skill of
conscientiousness will enable them to generate the desired outcomes. When the individuals
will perform well in their job duties, only then they will be able to generate the desired
outcomes, incur the feeling of job satisfaction, retain their jobs and lead to overall functioning
of the organization in an efficient manner. The leaders convey to their subordinates as well
that they need to be conscientious in the implementation of job duties. Therefore, it can be
stated, leadership skill of conscientiousness is regarded as indispensable in achieving the
desired goals and objectives.

Dispute Settlement

Dispute settlement or dispute resolution is the process of resolving the disputes

between the parties. The term dispute settlement is sometimes used interchangeably with
conflict resolution. When there are occurrence of disputes between members, they need to be
prevented from assuming a major form. Within organizations, there are occurrence of
disputes among individuals. The occurrence of disputes are regarded as barriers within the
course of achievement of desired outcomes. When there are occurrence of disputations
among management and union, then the third party, which is the arbitrator is called to settle
the disputes. Arbitrator is the neutral party, who is impartial and makes the decision, which
needs to be obeyed by both the parties. The leaders and other members of the organization
need to be aware of the methods of settling disputes. They need to realize that when they will
settle disputes, they will be able to render an effective contribution in the implementation of
job duties satisfactorily and in achieving organizational goals.

There are two main ways of settling disputes, i.e. when the parties find the mutually
agreed solution, particularly during the phase of bilateral consultations and through
adjudication, including the subsequent implementation of the panel and the Appellate Body
Reports, which are binding upon the parties, which are adopted by the Dispute Settlement
Body (DSB) (Dispute Settlement System, 2020). The leaders are vested with the authority
and responsibility of making sure that there is mutual understanding among the members and
they form cordial terms and relationships. The cordial terms and relationships are the
fundamental aspects in leading to efficient functioning of the organization. Therefore, it can
be stated, dispute settlement is regarded as one of the vital leadership skills, which need to be
put into operation by the leaders, when there are occurrence of any disputes between the
management and union.

Measures to Up-grade Leadership Skills

The measures to up-grade leadership skills are stated as follows:

Develop Passion – Passion is referred to desire or craving for something (Tony,

2020). When the leaders are implementing leadership skills, they need to be passionate in
terms of their job duties and responsibilities and other factors of the organization as well. The
development of passion will enable them to carry out their job duties well and attain the
desired outcomes. When the leaders will develop the passion, they will be able to generate
awareness among the subordinates as well. Furthermore, this measure will enable the leaders
to cope with various types of problems and challenges. The development of passion is
regarded as crucial in forming constructive viewpoints in terms of various aspects of the
organization. Therefore, it can be stated, development of passion is regarded as significant in
the up-gradation of leadership skills.

Model Great Leadership for others – In modeling great leadership for others requires
the leaders to generate awareness in terms of various aspects. These are, dedication towards
achievement of goals and objectives, understanding in terms of their job duties and
responsibilities, determine uprightness and reliability, following the principles, standards and
norms, providing equal rights and opportunities to others, managing infrastructure, facilities,
amenities, tools, materials, technologies and resources in an appropriate manner, setting an
illustration in terms of their jobs, understanding how to motivate others and stimulate their
mind-sets, generating awareness in terms of ways to cope with complications and challenges,
exercising control on psychological problems, providing solutions to various types of
problems, promoting cordial terms and relationships and creating an amiable environment
within the workplace. Therefore, it can be stated, modeling great leadership for others is
regarded crucial in the up-gradation of leadership skills.
Understand Strengths and Make use of them – It is comprehensively understood that
when the individuals attain leadership positions, they possess the essential qualifications and
traits. The need to be aware in terms of their strengths and make use of them in an
appropriate manner. The strengths need to be augmented and the leaders need to be well-
aware in terms of ways of making use of them in a well-organized manner. Furthermore, the
leaders need to be well-aware in terms of measures to bring about improvements in their
strengths. The individuals are normally aware of their strengths on their own. But in some
cases, their communication with others help them to generate awareness in terms of strengths.
Therefore, it is well-understood, understanding strengths and making use of them in an
efficient manner will facilitate in bringing about improvements in leadership skills.

Reward and Motivate Employees – When the individuals in leadership positions are
determined towards bringing about changes and improvements, they develop motivation. The
leaders need to reward and motivate the employees towards the implementation of job duties
and in generation of desired outcomes. When the employees are rewarded and motivated,
they will develop interest and enthusiasm towards the implementation of job duties. This is
regarded as one of the crucial ways of arousing concentration and fervor among employees
towards the implementation of job duties. Some of the important ways of motivating
employees are, giving rewards and incentives, promotional opportunities, paid leaves,
vacations and so forth. Therefore, it is well-understood, rewarding and motivating employees
will facilitate in bringing about improvements in leadership skills.

Conduct Research on Regular Basis – The leaders need to conduct research on

regular basis. The research is conducted through making use of internet, books, articles, and
other reading materials. In higher educational institutions and in other organizations, the
leaders get engaged in fieldwork as well. This will enable them to acquire practical
information. The internet comprises of number of articles regarding ways to bring about
improvements in leadership skills. Hence, when the leaders need to augment their knowledge
and understanding in terms of types of leadership skills and ways of bringing about
improvements in them, they make use of technologies and internet. Therefore, it is well-
understood, conducting research on regular basis is regarded as one of the essential measures,
which would contribute effectively in bringing about improvements in leadership skills.

Implement Grievance Redresser System – Within organizations, it is apparent that

employees experience problems in terms of various factors. These include, job duties and
responsibilities, infrastructure, facilities, amenities, tools, materials, technologies, resources,
personnel, and overall working environmental conditions. When they experience problems in
terms of one or more factors, they should be provided with the opportunities to redress their
grievances. Hence, there should be implementation of proper grievance redresser system. In
this system, the employees redress their problems and they are provided with solutions. The
leaders need to ensure that employees are satisfied and they do not experience any problems.
Therefore, it is well-understood, implementing grievance redresser system is regarded as one
of the vital measures, which would contribute in a well-organized in bringing about
improvements in leadership skills. Provided the leaders acquire an efficient understanding of
the problems of the employees.

Learn to Cope with Problems and Challenges – Problems and challenges may take
place in a minor, moderate and major form. They may give rise to barriers within the course
of implementation of job duties. Hence, the leaders will be able to make use of as well as
improve leadership skills in an effective manner, when they learn to cope with problems and
challenges. Furthermore, they need to impart information among subordinates as well in
terms of ways of coping with problems and challenges. One needs to understand that they
should not feel stressed or disheartened, when there are occurrence of problems and
challenges. Therefore, when the leaders are well-aware in terms of ways of coping with
problems and challenges, they would contribute in an appropriate manner in bringing about
improvements in leadership skills.

Develop Situational Awareness – Situational awareness is the perception of the

environmental elements or events with respect to time and space (A Practical Guide to
Situational Awareness, 2012). The advancements are taking place in various aspects in an
extensive manner that the leaders are executing them in their tasks and activities. Within the
training programs, the instructors make use of modern technologies and pioneering teaching-
learning methods and instructional strategies. Within the course of the implementation of
their job duties, it is of utmost significance to generate awareness in terms of various
methods, which would enable them to cope with internal and external environmental
conditions. Therefore, development of situational awareness is regarded as an indispensable
measure in bringing about improvements in leadership skills.

Resolve Conflicts and Disagreements – Within organizations, there are occurrence of

conflicts and disagreements among individuals. The occurrence of these factors are regarded
as barriers within the course of achievement of desired outcomes and in leading to effective
functioning of the organizations. The leaders need to augment their skills and abilities in
terms of resolving conflicts and disagreements. The most efficacious skill is communication
skill. When the individuals communicate with each other in a respectful manner and
implement effective listening skills, they will be able to resolve conflicts and disagreements
in an adequate manner. In this manner, one is able to form cordial terms and relationships
among members and a peaceful working environment. Therefore, when the leaders are well-
aware in terms of the ways of resolving conflicts and disagreements, they will be able to
bring about improvements in leadership skills.

Continue Learning throughout one’s Jobs – Learning is the lifelong process, which is
recognized not only by leaders but by other individuals as well. The leaders need to continue
to learn throughout their jobs. Learning needs to take place in terms of modern, scientific,
technical and innovative methods that need to be put into operation to achieve professional
goals and enhance the overall structure of the organization. Learning of the leaders mainly
takes place through two ways, i.e. making use of internet, books, articles, and other reading
materials and communicating with others. When there are organization of seminars and
workshops, the leaders present papers and generate information in terms of important areas
among the employees. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, when the leaders
continue learning throughout their jobs, they will be able to contribute efficiently in bringing
about improvements in leadership skills.


Leadership skills are the implements, activities and capabilities that leaders should
have in promoting well-being of the employees and leading to up-gradation of the
organizations. The primary job duties of the leaders are focused upon directing and
motivating employees towards the implementation of job duties and achievement of goals
and objectives. In attaining success, they need to implement three important traits, these are,
desire to lead, commitment to the mission and vision of the organization and integrity. The
different types of leadership skills are, communication, motivation, creativity, positivity,
feedback, delegating, trustworthiness, work ethics, conscientiousness and dispute settlement.
The measures to up-grade leadership skills are, develop passion, model great leadership for
others, understand strengths and make use of them, reward and motivate employees, conduct
research on regular basis, implement grievance redresser system, learn to cope with problems
and challenges, develop situational awareness, resolve conflicts and disagreements and
continue learning throughout one’s jobs. Finally, it can be stated, when the leaders in all types
of organizations put into operation leadership skills, they are able to render a significant
contribution in the implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and in achieving
organizational goals. Furthermore, they are well-aware of the methods and strategies to
complete the job duties.

A Practical Guide to Situational Awareness. (2012). Retrieved September 03, 2020 from

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