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Unit 2: The Atomic Theory •Grade 11/12

Lesson 2.1: The Concept of Atom

in Ancient Times
Worksheet 1

Name: Christine Mae D. Hornilla Date: September 28, 2020

Grade and Section: Grade 12 HUMSS St. Joseph Marello Rating: ________________________

Instructions: Identify what or who is being described for each item. Write your answer in the
blank space provided below each question.

1. Who was the Greek philosopher who proposed the idea of the atom?
*Leucippus and Democritus
2. Who was the teacher of Democritus?
3. Who was the Greek philosopher who rebuked the idea of the atomos?
4. What was the elements proposed by Aristotle?
*Four elements: air, fire, water, and earth.
5. What are the components of everything according to atomism?
* Everything is made up of small indivisible particles known as atomos .
6. What do you call the space where atomos can be found?
7. When was the idea of the atom rediscovered?
* at the start of the Renaissance period
8. Who was the alchemist who believed in the ideas of Democritus?
* John Dalton
9. What is the philosophy that emphasizes the presence of the atomos and void?
10. What is the idea that supports creationism?
*According to atomism, nature is composed of two basic principles: atom
and void. The atoms make up the universe as they are continuously
moving in a void that surrounds them, repelling each other when they
collide or combining into clusters.

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