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Hey there. This is a compilation of some questions of OB dated 11-09-2021.

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1. The behavioural response of target towards the sensed and accepted expectation of the
perceiver is known as- Pygmalion effect
2. Role Modelling is done by – anyone / the senior, more-experienced people
3. Anita is a manager at Country roads plc. She encourages employees’ participation and
delegates as much authority as she can to her subordinate’s, she is a good example of - a
democratic leader / An autocratic leader
4. Consistency is established by observing whether- the same person behaves in the same
fashion over time
5. When leaders act as change agents - they set the direction from the top / Focus only on
hard elements
6. The stories about an organisation on how it handles the ‘firing policy for employees’ is an
example of ____ level of culture - Rites / Values
7. Consensus is established by observing whether people other than the target person
behaved in- the same manner in the same situation / the different manner in the same
8. The process by which individuals try to control the impression others have of them-
Impression Management
9. Which of the following is not a Big 5 Trait? - Locus of Control
10. When an individual is able to perceive multiple characteristics of another person rather
than attend to just a few traits is a function of- cognitive complexity
11. Personal enactment by top managers in an organisation is an example of ___of culture-
12. Experience and satisfaction of secondary needs require- presence of and conflicts with
others / presence of and interaction with others
13. While the modern, fast, high-tech modes of communication increase the freedom and
speed but they also have very different implications for the - interpersonal processes of
communication, problem solving and the bonding between members of the same group
14. Attitudes such as satisfaction commitment and citizenship behaviour can influence -
Performance and organization’s effectiveness significantly
15. The transformational approach to leadership emphasizes- Human relation emphasis / the use
of compelling vision, brilliant, insight, and/or charismatic quality
16. Needs are important for optimal human development and integrity because prolonged
deprivation of important needs may lead to- negative results and serious problems /
Positive results and simple problems
17. Non contingent rewards induce employees to develop- personalized relationship with
powerful people within the organisation
18. Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCBs) are - Pro-social, voluntary, and discretionary
19. When someone exercises the qualitative aspects of skill such as- effectiveness or
appropriateness, we judge that person as competent
20. Territory is often demarcated by the- hierarchy, system and formal authority
21. The conflict management style that is intermediate in both assertiveness and
cooperativeness is- Compromising
22. Presenting to share information can be crucial for - problem solving and collaboration /
Problem solving and cooperation
23. Personality is understood as a dynamic organisation within the individual of those
psychological systems that determine- His unique adjustment to his environment
24. The first meaning of personality refers to the way an individual is perceived by others-
personality from the observer’s perspective- private and verifiable / public and verifiable
25. An empowering leader - Relinquish power / develop power
26. The process of transforming newcomers to effective members of the organisation by
making them organisation culture is- organisational socialisation
27. As per Hofstede’s research, Japanese Managers valued- group decisions
28. Autonomy as a part of the job design is measured by verifying if the employees feel -
Accountable and responsible
29. As per path goal theory if employees are inexperienced & working on ambiguous
unstructured task, the leadership style suited is- directive oriented style
30. The Indian Managers are willing to put- time and resources into thinking differently about
how to manage people
31. Mr. Sharma Called the company for resolution of his complaint, his call was transferred to
several different people/ departments- jurisdictional ambiguity / Communication barrier
32. An employee-oriented supervisor’s behaviour conveys his belief that- – The ‘human
relations’ are important aspect of the job
33. Organisations are also the social units deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek-
Specific goals
34. As per leadership grid theory a scale of 1.9 points to - a country club manager style
35. A transactional focus on leadership suggested that leader and followers form a
relationship of reciprocal influence / Exchanges by leader with different subordinates can
be different in quality / Leaders changing deep structures, major processes, culture of
36. Attractive individuals are perceived to be warm social independent etc This is due to___
barrier to social perception - Stereotype
37. Consequential theory of ethics states - That the consequences are based on character of the
38. The expression “reality-distortion” was coined by employees of ___ - Apple
39. Fiedler’s situational leadership model suggests that when the situation is highly favourable
and unfavourable, a leader should use - A high task-oriented style
40. When you are promoted in your job, your attribute your success to your hard work &
intelligence this is an example of attribution error of - Self-serving bias error
41. As per Path Goal Theory, if employees are skilled professionals’ task is difficult yet
achievable the leadership suited is – Achievement oriented style
42. Level 2 leader contributes individual capabilities - To the achievement of group objectives /
Highly capable individual who plays an important role through his/her own talent
43. One of the major challenges any CEO or senior level executive faces is- almost never-
finding and keeping efficient people / almost always-finding and keeping good people
44. Attributions means when causal relationship is established between- an event and its
45. Leader- member relationship is favourable to the extent to which- the employees accept
the leader
46. Delaying action on a conflict by buying time is referred as- Administrative Orbiting
47. Perception and personality of an employee play a very crucial role in shaping their -
behaviour at work
48. The early studies at Ohio State and Michigan universities brought in a shift focus from skills
and traits to leader’s behaviour classified as- consideration and “initiating structure”
49. Several theorists present motivation perception and learning as interacting forces shaping-
50. The work/home conflict where the role as worker clashes with the role of spouse/parent is
an example of - Inter-role conflict /Intra personal conflict
51. How many types of organisational culture are known as per Handy? (1933) - Four
52. The major contentions against the drive theory are that its assumptions take leader-
mechanistic view of humans / a socialist view of humans
53. According to Maslow, the higher needs are different because they do not arise out of-
Deficiency and they are not cyclical
54. In management literature the term Organisation refers to both- process of management as
well as outcome of that process that is structure
55. Which of the following characteristic is not shown by managers who use power
successfully? - preference for principled dissent
56. In an MBA class, Indian students were horrified (surprised) when American students
challenged the professor on a subject topic. This conflict occurs due to- differences in
57. Leadership wisdom is associated with self-objectivity and self-reflection
58.The term dedication as a work attitude is defined as disposition of employees to voluntarily
engage in affectively – Unpleasant, non-rewarding organizationally relevant behaviours
59. A company organises a family annual day for its employees, it can be considered as- a rite
of integration / A rite of success
60. The leadership grid theory is propounded by - Robert Black & Jane Mouton
61.The social context of work plays an important role - Not only in satisfying the need for
connectedness and social effectiveness, but also in managing the thresholds for social
62. The leadership trait theory focuses on - Leader personality characteristics / All of these
63. BATNA stands for- best alternative to a negotiated agreement / By agreement to a
negotiated alternative
64. One of the most frequently quoted definition describes work motivation as a set of
energetic forces- both within and beyond and individual’s being.
65. There are three elements of perception. - The target, the object and the context of
66. The three levels of organizational culture are - Artifacts, values, basic assumptions
67. The situational focus by Hersey and Blanchard highlighted that- In order to be effective, a
leader should adopt leadership style depending upon subordinate maturity
68. When a manager shouts at employee after a heated argument with a customer. It is an
example of what kind of defence mechanism – displacement
69. Interpersonally competent people comfortably and naturally use the skills necessary to get
component; - Performance, growth, solidarity among colleagues
70. When your friend achieved good grades in the exam, you attribute his success to coaching
that he received for the exam, this is an example of attribution error of ___ - Fundamental
attribution error
71. The Western perspective of organisation would suggest that- membership is contractual
72. As per Fiedler if a leader describes his LPC in positive terms are – Relationship oriented
73. Motivation is understood as a goal directed behaviour aimed at achieving some goal - only
achieving something desirable / both achieving something desirable and avoiding something
74. The Path Goal Theory suggested that- leader should create conditions enabling
subordinate success / Management styles can be placed on the grid coordinates along
two axes of leader’s concern for task and people.
75. A high LPC score suggest that the leader has a- human relation orientation
76. When the interview and experiential data about a candidate is insufficient or too
voluminous varied or contradictory managers use their own- perception and information /
Attribution and contacts / perception and attribution.
77. Fiedler’s theory states that leader’s effectiveness is based upon- the favourableness of
their situation / The combination of situation and behaviour factor
78. The Loyalty paradigm means that the employees – do actively manages their own career
from their own interest and they wait for the employer to tell them what to do.
79. The question is not about which one is a better source of motivation, we all experience-
both extrinsic and intrinsic
80. How people address each other in an organisation refers to the practice of - rituals
81. Based on previous knowledge perceivers also plug additional data so that the information
they have at hand for making- meaning become complete and unconnected becomes
82. It is believed that the levels of our emotional, psychological and physical well-being go as
high as allowed by the levels of our- Interpersonal skills
83. Positive personal and work outcomes include- internal work motivation, general job
satisfaction, growth satisfaction and work effectiveness
84. A clan type culture is characterised by - The relationships structured by the hierarchy,
mutual interests and a share fate
85. The term skill in behavioural science is defined as - Intentionally repeatable, goal directed
behaviours and behaviour sequences.
86. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to engage in – late coming, absenteeism and
87. The first double bind causing - Strong work motivation and commitment / weak work
motivation and performance
88. Perceptual constancy is a perceiver’s tendency to view objects as- constant regardless of
the change in viewing condition
89. Secondary or learned needs are developed because of our interaction with others in our:
Social Group
90. An empathic leader can - Identify, retain, and develop talent of people
91. As per transactional leadership theory, the leader relies on - Rewards and punishment
92. As per Kotter, leadership process involves- setting a direction for the organisation / All of
93. Leaders have the ability - to affect the behaviour of others in a particular direction.
94. Intrinsic motivation is considered superior, more enduring source of motivation that has
positive association with important organizational outcomes such as - creativity, risk taking
and work quality
95. It is now established that these patterns of perception and judging the cause of an event is-
psychologically shaped / socially shaped
96. Planned organisational change is aimed at - Involving everyone in the organization /
Changing organization structure
97. Hull explained motivation in terms of drives which are created by- fulfilled needs, deficits
or satisfaction / fulfilled needs, deficits or deprivation
98. As per trait theory, which of the following is not focus of trait theory - Situational
99. As per Fiedler’s theory if a leader-member relations are good, the task is unstructured and
position power is weak, then it would lead to- LPC will be situational / High LPC
100. The least preferred co-worker or LPC scale requires a leader to describe the one person
with whom he or she- worked the least well with.
101. P-I motive relates with the need for- Pioneering- Innovating
102. Self-awareness involves - knowing one strength, weakness, drives values and impact on others
103. Attribution means when causal relationship is established between - Attribution means
104. Organisations are a continuing system of - differentiated and coordinated human activities
105. When system undergo transition, it creates- uncertainty and confusion
106. For more favorable attitudes at work, the organisations can provide the context for-
Creating, strengthening and sustaining employee effectiveness / Creating, strengthening
and changing employee effectiveness
107. Primary or unlearned needs are- biological and cyclical in nature
108. There are four components of commitment- affective, involvement, continuance,
109. The achievement of super ordinated goals requires - cooperation by both the parties
110. Organisation socialization can be understood as an attempt to - Manage the newcomer’s
desire for an identity by defining the organization
111. Distinctiveness is established by observing whether - the same (target) person behaves the
same in different situations
112. The Trait theories highlighted that- the leader brings personal skills and traits to
everything he does
113. Organisations that are considering opening foreign offices should focus on - Understanding
cultural (customs) differences
114. Organisational commitment has been found to be a more direct measure of - Turnover
intentions than satisfaction / Loyalty than satisfaction.
115. Interpersonally competent people comfortably and naturally use the skills necessary to get
competent - Performance, growth, solidarity among colleagues.
116. As per LMX theory of leadership the out-group employees- All of the above
117. A social membership which limits or closes admission of the outside by rules, so far as its
order is enforced by the action--- Specific Individuals.
118. Managers focus on - to get things done, make people perform better
119. Assertive skills refer to acting or communicating in ways that are realistic and polite, aimed
at maintaining respect for self as well as others and not being either- aggressive or
120. Organisations are also the social units deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek –
Ordinary Goals / Specific Goals
121. Herzberg proposed that the job content element of challenge in the job- Job Satisfaction
122. To be effective culture tools, stories must be- Credible
123. Which of the following organisational conditions do not encourage political activity? -
Availability of resources / Autocratic Decision making.
124. The context of perception is provided by - The type of occasion, timing and the customs.
125. People with low EI are more likely to be cause of conflicts- Inadequate Information
126. Motivated behaviour is understood to follow patterns created by- repetitive choice of
goals as well as the sets of behaviour for achieving those goals
127. As per Hofstede, the difference in work related attitudes is strongly due to- Culture
128. Hersey and Blanchard define employee readiness/ maturity is defined as the extent to
which a follower has- the ability and willingness to accomplish a given function
129. The employees are highly satisfied with their jobs are more likely- to stay with the
organisation, are less absent, are more likely to engage in organisational citizenship
130. Personality refers to a wide range of- individual attributes
131. The distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader are known as- Traits
132. If the power network is high versus middle versus low, then it results into - Role conflict
133. The second meaning of personality refers to the - Structures, dynamics, processes, and
134. The word trait or predisposition indicates unique - Individual attributes
135. One possible group process loss is attenuation blocking – members who are prevented from
contributing comments as they occur, forget or suppress them later in the meeting because
they seem- Less original, relevant or important
136. Employees and groups can achieve higher levels of productivity, quality & team member
satisfaction through- – Delegation of more task related decisions to the team
137. The basic skills practiced by interpersonally competent people include:
Listening, questioning, and presenting facilitating others, asserting self, negotiating and
group working
138. In a task culture, influence is strongly based on __ power - expert
139. The discounting principle in social perception is a characteristic of the- perceiver
140. Leaders who have socialized power orientation- empower their subordinates, share
information and delegate authority
141. Power is known as a – capacity to influence another person or group to accept one’s ideas
142. Decision making by groups in the high uncertainty work environments enables- faster or
more effective decision
143. Personality refers to a unique combination- behaviour and determines individual styles
144. Team leadership marks - All of the above (A break from a command-and-control
perspective of management, Movement toward facilitative, collaborative leadership,
Ensuring empowerment and continuous improvement)
145. In the USA, employees may view participative management positively, while in the
Germany employees may see it as managerial incompetence. Employees in India might
wonder – Why the boss is involving the employee in decision making
146. A culture with a consensus on the values that drive the company and with an intensity
is - A strong culture
147. Leaders have the ability – accepts people as they are with their own skills and
148. As per Fiedler’s contingency theory low LPC leaders are most effective in – situation of
task driven
149. In order to make meaningful conclusions, we tend to divide composite data into –
concrete data and its analysis.
150. Leader-member relationship is favourable to the extent to which – The employees
accept the leader
151. One important change on the employee’s side of the attitudes at work is that - loyalty is
becoming more relevant than commitment
152. Which of the following is not a dimension of political skills? - interpersonal influence
153. Organisation is also viewed as a system of - Consciously coordinated activities, of two or
more persons
154. In management literature generally the term “Interpersonal” refers to relationship and
interactions with; - Bosses, leaders, subordinates, peers, suppliers and customers
155. The acronym ERG stands for - Existence, Relatedness and Growth
156. A transnational organization is one where: - the global viewpoint supersedes national
157. When the powerful people reinforce it by performing personal status and adoption
personalized leadership style, job involvement and organizational commitment weaken,
leading to poor: - Work commitment
158. Persistence helps us distinguish motivation from similar concepts such as – Job
159. The companies are often trapped in transition between these two paradigms because -
while they ask their people to be committed to work at the very top of organisations,
executives still talk about loyalty
160. Task structure as a situational variable could be measured as high if: Formal authority
the leader due to his or her position in the organization is high
161. As per Hersey and Blanchard, the leader’s task behaviour reflects: The extent to which
the leader engages in specifying subordinate duties and responsibilities.
162. An instrument/tool used to measure Carl Jung’s theory or individual differences – MBTI
163. Territory is often demarcated by the - hierarchy, system and formal authority
164. Work dedication derives from the concept of duty doing those tasks about which one
has – positive beliefs but negative affect
165. Attitude of an individual reflects and individual’s persistent tendency to think, feel and
behave towards an object in a particular involving; - Favour or disfavour
166. The enduring nature and consistency of personality characteristics lead to. -
Predictable patterns of behaviour in similar ways across situations and settings
167. __ is deeply connected to organisation culture. – Anthropology / Sociology
168. Case Study
All of the above
Workers possess Theory X personality.

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