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Q) What is a computer?

 Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with

Information. The term computer is derived from the Latin term

‘computare’, this means to calculate or programmable machine.

Computer cannot do anything without a Program.

 Charles Babbage is called the “Grand Father” of the computer. The First

mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called

Analytical Engine. It uses read-only memory in the form of punch cards.

 The Full-Form of computer is Commonly Operated Machine Particular

Used For Trade Education Research.

 A computer system is made up of both hardware and software

components and is capable of:

o Data Input: Allowing users to input the instructions using input


o Data Processing: Using a microprocessor, typically the Central

Processing Unit (CPU) to process instructions,

o Data Storage: Storing user instructions,

o Data Output: Output processed instructions using output


o Data Transmission: Ensuring that data can be transferred to or

from another computer system As well as the personal computer,

this definition applies to any equipment which uses computer


Hardware is any physical components that make up the computer.

Software is any program that runs on the computer.

What is Hardware?

Hardware is the physical parts of the computer that you can touch.

This includes the computer itself, the parts inside the computer and any

peripherals (i.e. things that are attached to the computer):




Computer Case,


Graphics card,

Power supply unit,




Storage (HDD, DVD-ROM).

Q) What is Software?

Software are the programs that control how the computer works.

Software is any program that runs on a computer system. It can be grouped

into two main categories:

System Software: Programs that are needed to enable the computer to

function, including the operating system, utilities software, library routines

and programming language translators.

Application Software: Programs that enable a user to perform particular

tasks like; word processing, spreadsheet calculations, databases

management, gaming, web browsing, mobile phone apps, graphics design,

programming, music editing and many more programs for specific

applications such as payroll, accounts, air traffic control etc.

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