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Paul’s Convent School

Club Moderators and Officers Training

Date: 4th September 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Venue: School Hall

Participants: House/Club/Society moderators and office-bearers

Introduction to Extra-curricular Activities
Duties of Club/Society Moderators & Office-bearers – Mrs. M. Iu
House Enterprise and Overall House Championship – Mrs. M. Iu
School Homepage – Mrs. M. Iu
School Magazine – Mrs. V. Au Yeung
Non-academic Scholarship – Mrs. P. Tam
Clubs' Bulletin Boards Decoration – Ms. J. Fok
Financial Reports – Mrs. I. Luk
School Plasma – Mrs. M. Iu



1. Supervision over club functioning

2. Membership
3. Programme Implementation
4. Finance
5. Co-operation with School Authority
6. School Magazine
7. School Homepage
8. Liaison with Outside Bodies
9. Related Education Bureau Policy
10. Others




As extra-curricular activities are part of the informal curriculum from which students
gain valuable knowledge, skills and experiences that cannot be learnt from
classroom teaching, it is therefore important that teachers guide students in these
activities as part of their teaching.

These activities aim to cultivate students’ skills and interests in different fields so
that they would be able to:
a) develop leadership, learn and serve through planning and organizing
b) co-operate and socialize with one another;
c) be mature in the process of decision-making;
d) develop potential in non-academic fields.

Extra-curricular activities in our school are divided into the following categories:
1. Activities organised by clubs & societies (e.g. talk, visit, interest group, inter-
class competition, etc.)
2. Short-term training course (e.g. leadership camp, field training, etc.)
3. Whole school function *(e.g. Paulinian Show, Swimming Gala, Christmas
Celebration, etc.)

* For activities involving the whole school, all teachers should assist in carrying out
the programmes. And all teachers should be present to give participating students
moral support.


Duties of Club Moderators

Teachers should know well and grasp the importance and significance of the extra-
curricular activities to the students. They should equip themselves to master the
related knowledge and skills.
page 1
Attitude of the teachers who organize and lead the activities should be serious. All
moderators of the same club should work closely together to supervise the smooth
running of the club.

1. Supervision over club functioning

The moderators should be present at the meetings and club activities to provide
adequate guidance to the club officers in the following areas of club functioning:

a) Operation of club
When selecting officers, moderators should see that each officer is entrusted with
no more than two responsible posts for effective task and time management. At
the beginning of the academic year, the moderators will discuss with officers the
aims of the club, the duties of respective work, the division of work among club
officers, the working procedure of committee meeting and the preparation of
budget etc. The club should hold regular meetings with agenda and minutes
(Appendix 1.1 & 1.2).

b) Programme Monitoring
At the beginning of the academic year, moderators should assist officers to plan
out appropriate activities programme commensurate with the club’s aim and the
school theme. The club should submit the year plan and official list (Appendix 2
/Form E1) to the ECA coordinator – Mrs. M. Iu (no later than 30th September

The ECA coordinator should co-ordinate the overall arrangement of activities for
the whole school. Please note that no extra-curricular activities should be held
two weeks before the examination.

During the academic year, any proposed and modified programmes should be
approved and signed by the moderators before submission to the ECA
coordinator who should be kept well informed of the updated progress of club

c) Programme Held Outside School

Teachers who wish to organize outings or camps for their students should seek
permission from the school authority. The moderators should accompany the
participants of the activities held outside school.

page 2
2. Membership

a) Recruitment
Students are encouraged to participate actively in the extra-curricular activities.
The club should keep a name list of its members at the beginning of each
academic year.

b) Duty and Right

Members should support the club activities with conscientious attitude, for
example, observe rules and regulations, be punctual in attending functions, keep
school premises clean and tidy etc.

3. Programme Implementation

a) Parent’s consent
Moderators should make sure that the students have submitted the Parents’
Consent Form (Form E4) at least one day before attending activities held out of
school or after school hours.

b) Activity Memo
Before holding any outdoor activities, together with Parents’ Consent Form, and
Activity Memo (Form E 4b) summarising details of programme, like name of
club/ society, nature, date, time duration, destination of the activity, number of
participants and name of responsible teachers should be handed in one day before
the activity to the General Office. A copy of this activity memo should be
submitted to the ECA coordinator for school record.

c) Programme Calendar
Moderators/officers should provide the required information of the activities by
entering the details of club activities in
http://spcsstars ->School -> Calendar -> ECA

d) Publicity
Club members should be well informed of the activities through their club’s
homepage, bulletin board, posters, circulars and announcements. All means of
publicity should be approved and signed by moderators before being posted up
in the assigned notice boards. Publications in location other than the notice board
should seek the permission from the school authority in advance and have a
school chop chopped on in the General Office. All outdated publications should
be removed promptly after the activities.
page 3
Any club/ society would like a survey, questionnaire or Google form for the
purpose of conducting any extra-curricular activities, all these documents must
be checked and approved by the moderators, Mrs. M. Iu/ Mrs. L. Ko.

Form E8 should be submitted to Mrs. M. Iu electronically at least 2 days before

making any announcements during morning assembly. Form E5d should be
submitted with the PowerPoint file or video file to Mrs. M. Iu at least 2 days in
advance if you want your file to be broadcast in the plasma. Form E5e should be
submitted to Mrs. M. Iu for the updating of the club’s homepage. The club
homepage should be updated with photos, award list and description of the
activity within 1 week’s time.

e) Booking of School Facilities

In the event of using a special room, classroom, hall, display board and other
school facilities after school hours, teachers should enter the details of club
activities and facilities required in
http://spcsstars ->Teacher -> Special Room

In addition, they should also fill in and submit the form for the booking of school
facilities (Form E5) in Chinese to Ms. Amy Ali (1/F General Office) who will
inform janitors for the required preparation and cleaning of the venue/room.

f) Safety Precaution
i) Inform Police
For outdoor activities, moderator should write directly to the Division
Commander, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) of the visiting area at least
10 days in advance (Form E6). On the day of outing, the moderator should
telephone the Duty Officer of the corresponding police station for the required
information before and immediately after the outing.
* The list of police station – address and telephone number are pinned up at
the General Office Notice Board.

ii) Briefing
Instruction on necessary dress code, safety rules and regulations such as
immediate report of an accident, early departure, etc. should be given to all
participants prior to the outing.

page 4
iii)First Aid Kit
In the event of field trips, picnics, camping or any kind of outdoor functions,
the moderators should prepare a First Aid Kit for any possible accidents

g) Time Management
Programme should start and end in accordance with the stipulated time as stated
in students’ handbook or parent’s consent form. Full attendance is required for
activities that involve the whole school. Students should not be allowed to leave
early since the stated time is regarded as normal school hours.

h) Attendance
The officers should record attendance of members (Form E2) at each activity for
evaluating the degree of the participation of the members and the popularity of
the programme. This serves as a reference for future planning of the club
activities. This Form E2 is to be submitted to the ECA coordinator for school
record in the year-end report.

i) Certificate of Appreciation
Students who have shown good performance in participating club activities and
have attained any awards can be awarded the Certificate of Appreciation
(Appendix 3) upon the recommendation of the moderators with the approval of
the Principal. The club should keep a record of awarded members (Form E3) for
school reference and attach it to the year-end report.

j) House Awards
In order to enhance house spirit, marks obtained by students in various
competitions e.g. Dance Competitions, Bulletin Board Decoration, Swimming
Gala, Sports Day and etc. will be added to the House Award System (Appendix
4) while marks will be deducted due to poor tardiness or attendance.

k) Outstanding Paulinian Awards

Outstanding Paulinian Award Record Booklet issued to every student is designed
to acknowledge the student’s personal achievements in both academic and
extracurricular activities. Students will be able to obtain different awards
according to the marks they have scored based on their participation in club
activities, competitions and awards received.

page 5
The school authority can recommend suitable students awarded with the
Certificate of Appreciation for the application of relevant prizes and scholarships
offered inside and outside school, for example Paulinian Prizes and Paulinian

4. Finance

The moderators should work with the officers for a balanced budget, including the
estimated income and expenditure of the year. Clubs can collect membership fees.
The income should be spent for the benefits of the members.

The moderators should closely monitor the financial matter of the club, for example,
the keeping of Expenditure Vouchers (Appendix 5), Daily Record Of Account
(Appendix 6) and drawing of money from the club's bank account for club activity.
An Activity Financial Report (Appendix 7) should be completed after each function.
An Annual Financial Report (Appendix 8) with the signatures of moderators and
treasurers should be handed in to the ECA coordinator by the end of the academic

If a club wants to make souvenirs for sale, e.g. stationery, it must have the approval
from the Principal. The main purpose of souvenirs is to build up the spirit of the club.

5. Co-operation with School Authority

a) Principal
The Club Annual Report (Appendix 9) should be submitted to the Principal
through the ECA Coordinator (Mrs. M. Iu) in early July of each year. This should
include the Lists of Office-bearers and members, the calendar of events, annual
evaluation, list of awarded students, activity memo, financial report and the
Proposed Year Plan for the coming year. Please hand in both the hard copies and
the soft copies.

b) Disciplinary Team / Prefects’ Board

Activities that involve the whole school and need help from the Prefects’ Board
for seating arrangement or maintenance of discipline, moderators should fill in
(Form E7) and submit to the moderators of the Prefects’ Board (Mrs. L Ko) at
least one week before the function takes place. Please do not contact the Head-
Prefect directly to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

page 6
6. School Magazine

Throughout the whole academic year, the club should collect programme schedule,
photographs of club meetings, activities and related publication materials for the
preparation of School Magazine. Moderators must be sure that the club has its
photographer for photo-taking.

7. School Homepage

Throughout the whole academic year, the club should keep the club webpage up-to-
date and ensure the information is suitable to be publicised. Moderators must be sure
that the club webpage is updated at the beginning of and throughout the academic

8. Liaison with Outside Bodies

Principal’s consent should be obtained beforehand for joining outside school

activities such as inter-school competitions and joint-school functions or any
activities organised by public organizations such as the District Board, Youth Center,

The school considers that it is a serious offence to recruit students for outside
activities or organizations without the authorization of the school.

9. Related Education Bureau Policy

a) Insurance
All teachers have been insured under the Employee’s Compensation Insurance
and Personal Accident Insurance for an injury sustained during their course of
duty. A teacher should notify the school immediately after the accident. The
school will then inform the Labour Department and the insurance company. For
students, they have also been insured under the Personal Accident Insurance in
school and school’s supported activities. An approval has to be sought with the
Principal before the activities are to be held. It should be noted that moderators
have to make reference to ‘Guidelines on Outdoor Activities’, ‘Guidelines on
Extra-curricular Activities’ and ‘Guidelines on Study Tour Outside HKSAR’
issued by EDB.

page 7
b) Teacher-student ratio
When teachers lead students to activity outside school, for every 20 students there
should be one teacher going along with and caring for them. Moderators should
read “School Activities Guidelines Circular” from the Education Bureau on
safety precautions posted up in the office or the webpage of EDB.

10. Others
Students should complete the student record form of extra-curricular activities
(Appendix 10) at the end of each academic year.



• To preside at all regular and special meetings of the club/society

• To appoint all standing and special committees.

Before the Meeting

1. Consult with the Moderator(s) and Secretary the agenda of the meeting and
the appropriate time for a meeting.
2. Set out the agenda precisely according to the significance of each item and the
time required.
3. If any item requires a decision, the President should prepare beforehand any
presentation or relevant information in order that it can be discussed during
the meeting.

During the Meeting

The President should be unbiased since she has a leading role.

1. During a discussion, direct the discussion so that everyone has a chance to
express her view.
2. Control the area of discussion so that time shall not be wasted.
3. Avoid forcing her opinion on others in deciding any issue. At the end of any
discussion, the decision should come about in a democratic way.

page 8
The following steps may help a President to lead a discussion at a meeting:-
1. Analyze the project/issue and the extent of its influence.
2. Try to make the members understand the project/issue involved by supplying
them with background information.
3. Try to see if the club/society has the necessary resources to take up the
4. Exchange ideas and explore different approaches.
5. Pick the best possible approach or ways of accomplishing the task.
6. Choose a person to be the in charge of the task.
7. At the end of the discussion period, the President can sum up briefly so that
the attending members can have an overall picture of the task discussed.

After the Meeting

1. Supervise the working procedure. See that the decision arrived at the meeting
is carried out.
2. Go over all meetings' and activities' reports.
3. Sign necessary papers and reports.

page 9

Duties are many and varied:

• Responsible for the membership, members’ spirit and participation/
involvement in the club
• To assist the President in carrying out her duties
• In case of illness or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall act
as President.


• Keep a record of all meetings of the club/society.

• Keep records of attendance.
• Shall keep a record of membership.
• Conduct correspondence and be responsible for all club/society records that
should be preserved and transfer them to the next elected secretary.
• Subject to the approval of the Moderator(s), prepare notices of meetings for
school bulletin board.

Before the Meeting

1. Shall issue notices of meeting by listing the time, place and agenda clearly.
2. Consult the Moderator(s) and the President the content of the agenda and the
order for discussion.
3. Prepare all necessary information required for the meeting.
4. Make necessary arrangement for the meeting e.g. booking of facilities.

During the Meeting

1. Make a precise record of the meeting.
2. Handle all necessary correspondence involving the meeting.

After the Meeting

1. Clear and tidy up the area where the meeting is held.

2. File all materials and records resulting from the meeting.
3. Handle all correspondence.

page 10

• To receive all funds of the club/society and deposit them according to the
procedure recommended by the Moderator(s).
• To keep an account of the finance of the club/society and retain all invoices
and receipt, and keep copies of all bills.
• Issue receipts for all money collected.
• Pay all bills with Moderator’s approval when requested to do so.
• Prepare the club/society’s annual financial report.

page 11

Appendix 1.1 : Agenda (Sample)

Appendix 1.2 : Minutes (Sample)

Appendix 1.3 : Checklist for Extra-curricular Activities

Appendix 2 : Year Plan (Sample)

Appendix 3 : Certificate of Appreciation (Sample)

Appendix 4 : Overall House Championship

Appendix 5 : Voucher (Sample)

Appendix 6 : Daily Record of Accounts (Sample)

Appendix 7 : Activity Financial Report (Sample)

Appendix 8 : Annual Financial Report (Sample)

Appendix 9 : Club Annual Report

Appendix 10 : Student Record of extra-curricular activities

page 12
Appendix 1.1

St. Paul’s Convent School

Extra-curricular Activities – Agenda (Sample)


2021-2022 Annual General Meeting

Date : XX September 2021 (Monday)

Time : 3:30 p.m.

Place : Room 411

Agenda : 1. XXXXXX
5. Any other business

page 13
Appendix 1.2
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Minutes (Sample)


First Committee Meeting

Date : XX September 2021 (Monday)

Time : 3:30 p.m.

Place : Room 411

Attendance : XXXXXX

Absentee : XXXXXX

Items discussed : 1. Adoption of minutes of last meeting

2. Preparation of Dance Competition
2.1 Division of Labour
2.2 Schedule
Decision :

Action : Meeting ends at XXXXXX

Next meeting: XX October 2021 3:30 p.m. Room XXX

page 14
Appendix 1.3
St. Paul’s Convent School
Checklist for Extra-curricular Activities

Name of the activity: _____________________________________________________________________

Teacher-in-charge: ______________________________________________________________________
Name of the Club Officers: _________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________ (from _____ to _____) Time:_________________ Venue: __________________
No. of participants: ____________________ Level of Student involved: _________________________
Name of Moderator: ___________________ Signature of Moderator: ___________________________
Check List Non Applicable Date Completed
A. Planning and Preparation
1. Permission obtained from Principal  
/ECA Co-ordinator/Moderator about the activity
2. No. of Teachers involved ____________________
3. Adjudicating teachers involved _______________
4. Name of Speakers/Adjudicators_______________
Invitation letters sent out?  
5. Purchase of souvenirs/flags ready?  
6. Refreshments/drinks for guests?  
7. Help from Prefects required?  
8. Any rehearsal needed?  
a. When? __________________________________
b. Teacher-in-charge:_________________________
9. Any printing/handout/program sheet prepared  
10. Bookings made/equipment required:
a. Seating arrangement  
b. No. of chairs needed _______________________
c. No. of tables needed _______________________
d. Stage decoration prepared  
e. Microphone/studio equipment  
f. Visual equipment  
g. Others: __________________________________  
11. Parent’s Consent Form Collected?  
B. For Outdoor Activities
12. Need to notify the police?  
13. First Aid Box ready  
C. Promotion
14. Posters with school chop on  
15. Announcement during Wednesday Morning Assembly  
16. Plasma  
17. Circulars  
D. Evaluation Meeting
18. Place tidied up after activity?  
19. All outdated posters and circulars removed?  
20. Others ___________________________________

page 15
Form E1
Extra-curricular Activities Year Plan Appendix 2
Name of Club/Society: Name of Moderators:
Name of Officers:
President: Vice-President:
Secretary: Treasurer:
Publicity Secretary: I.T. Co-ordinator:
Photographer: Video Editor: Environmental Officer:
Sept.21 Oct. 21 Nov.21 Dec.21 Jan.22 Feb.22
1 (Wed) 6/10 (Wed) 3/11 (Wed) 1/12 (Wed) 5/1 (Wed) 9/2 (Wed)
-School re-open -DIP 2 -DIP -DIP 10 -Commencement of Mid- -Chinese Debate
4/9 (Sat) 12-13/10 (Tue-Wed) 6/11 (Sat) 8/12 (Wed) term Examination for F.1- Finals
-Club Moderators and -F.5 Geography Field -Speech Day -DIP 11 3&5PAUL 16/2 (Wed)
Officers Training Studies Camp Rehearsal 15/12 (Wed) -DIP 13
8/9 (Wed) 13/10 (Wed) 10/11 (Wed) -DIP 12 19/2 (Sat)
-Mass of the Holy Spirit; -DIP 3 -DIP 7 21/12 (Tue) -Parents’ Day
Platform Speeches & 14/10 (Thu) 17/11 (Wed) -Christmas Mass & 23/2 (Wed)
Election of School Prefects, -PTA AGM -DIP 8 Programme -DIP 14
Teachers’ Day Celebration 20/10 (Wed) 18/11 (Thu) 22/12 (Wed)
11/9 (Sat) -DIP 4 -Speech Day (STT) -Christmas Party
-Form One Catholic 23/10 (Sat) 24/11 (wed)
Orientation Day -F.1 Information Day -DIP 9
17/9 (Fri) 26/10 (Tue)
-Swimming Gala -Dress Casual Day
21/9 (Tue) 27/10 (Wed)
-Installation of Prefects & -DIP 5
Monitors 28/10 (Thu)
29/9 (Wed) -Sports Day
-DIP 1

March 22 April 22 May 22 June 22 July 22 Aug 22

2/3 (Wed) 6/4 (Wed) 4/5 (Wed) 10/6 (Fri) 7/7 (Thu) 16-17/8 (Tue-Wed)
-DIP 15 -DIP 20 -DIP 22 -Commencement of -Inter-class Dance -Leadership
9/3 (Wed) 6-7/4 (Wed-Thu) 11/5 (Wed) Final Term Competition Training
-DIP 16 -TSA (Oral Assessment) -DIP 23 Examination 12/7 (Tue) 22/8 (Mon)
16/3 (Wed) 9/4 (Sat) 18/5 (Wed) 30/6 (Thu) - English Debate Finals -Staff Meeting
-DIP 17 -Catholic Retreat -DIP 24 -St. Paul’s Day 12/7 (Tue) 23-24/8 (Tue-Wed)
23/3 (Wed) 22/4 (Fri) Release of SSPA Results -Staff Development
-DIP 18 -Commencement of 14-15/7 (Thu-Fri) 27/8 (Sat)
30/3 (Wed) HKDSE Registration of F.1 Students -F.1 Orientation Day
-DIP 19 27/4 (Wed) (2022-2023)
-DIP 21 15/7 (Fri)
-Registration Day 8-
10:30am; Parents’ Day
19/7 (Tue)
-Pre-Secondary One Hong
Kong Attainment Test
20/7 (Wed)
-Release of HKDSE Results

This Form is to be returned to Mrs. M. Iu on/before 30th September 2021

page 16
Appendix 3

page 17
Appendix 4

Overall House Championship

Item Scores of the position

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1. Sports Day 300 240 190 150 120 100
2. Swimming Gala 300 240 190 150 120 100
3. The Best Cheering Team (Sports Day) 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
4. The Best Cheering Team (Swimming Gala) 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
5. Superstar Badminton Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
6. Superstar Table Tennis Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
7. Superstar Volleyball Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
8. Superstar Netball Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
9. Superstar Basketball Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
10. Dance Competition 100 75 55 40 27.5 27.5
11. Choral speaking competition (English) 100 75 55 20 20 20
12. Choral speaking competition (Chinese) 100 75 55 20 20 20
13. 中華狀元紅 (Chinese) 50 40 30 20 20 20
14. Keep Classroom Clean Campaign 50 40 30 20 20 20
15. Bulletin Board Decoration 50 40 30 20 20 20
16. Solar Car Design & Racing 50 40 30 20 20 20

------------- *This slip is to be returned to Mrs. M. Iu within 1 week after the release of competition results. --------

Inter-class Competition – For the Overall House Championship


Name of Competition: ________________________________________________________________

Date of Competition: _________________________________________________________________

Results of Competition:
Winners 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Form 1
Form 2

Student In-charge: _______________________________________ Class: ______________________

Moderator In-charge: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________

page 18
Appendix 5
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Voucher 2021-2022
(Name of Club / Society)
Activity (specify) or Voucher No: No
General operation:

Items Amount

Write down the type of:

- income: (Attach with a detailed list of
payers and respective amounts.), or
- expense: (Attach with receipts*.).

Total amount xxx

* Also attach photocopies of receipts which tend to fade over time.

Requested by: ____________________ Treasurer: _______________

(signature) (signature)
(name) (name)

Upon Reimbursement of Money:

Received ____________________ Treasurer: _______________

by: (signature) (signature)
(name) (name)

Date: _________________

page 19
Appendix 6
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Daily Records of Accounts 2021-2022
(Name of Club / Society)

Date Particulars Voucher Credit Debit Balance

$ $ $
01/09/2021 Balance brought forward 264.4
10/09/2021 Photocopies No.1 10.5 253.9
16/09/2021 Membership fees No.2 500.0 753.9
22/09/2021 Orientation Day - food No.3 280.0 473.9
22/09/2021 Orientation Day - photocopies No.4 15.0 458.9

31/5/2021 Balance carried forward xxx.x

***** Club/ society holding both cash in hand and cash at bank needs to
prepare two respective sets of daily records of accounts with clear

Prepared by: ____________________ Approved by: _______________

(signature) (signature)
(name of Treasurer) (name of Moderator(s))

page 20
Appendix 7
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Activity Financial Report 2021-2022
(Name of Club / Society)
Activity: Orientation Day
Income and Expenditure Account
(A) Income Item Voucher Amount
$ $

Total Income 0

(B) Expenditure Item Voucher

1. Food No.3 280.0
2. Photocopies No.4 15.0

Total Expenditure 295.0

Surplus / (Deficit) (295.0)

Prepared by: ____________________ Approved by: _______________

(signature) (signature)
(name of Treasurer) (name of Moderator(s))

Date: __________________

page 21
Appendix 8

St. Paul’s Convent School

Extra-curricular Activities – Annual Financial Report 2021-2022
(Name of Club / Society)

$ $
Balance brought forward 264.4
Membership fee (20 x $25) 500.0
Surplus of Bookmark Making Workshop (refer to activity xx
financial report)
Total income 500

Photocopies 10.5
Stationery xx
Club photos xx
Deficit of Orientation Day (refer to activity financial 295.0
Deficit of Christmas party (refer to activity financial xx
Total expenses 305.5
Balance carried forward xxx.x

Prepared by: ____________________ Approved by: _______________

(signature) (signature)
(name of Treasurer) (name of Moderator(s))

Date: __________________

page 22
Club Annual Report: 2021-2022
Appendix 9

Name of Club/Society:
Office bearers: President: Vice President:
Treasurer: Secretaries:
Publicity Secretaries: I.T. coordinators:

Member List:



page 23

Total no. of members:___________

Calendar of events:

Date Name of No. of participants/ Attendance Grade Awards

event Name of participants % Awarded gained
*Key Int./Ext.

Key: A Very good B Good C Average D Below Average


Improvements (if any) to be made:

page 24
Proposed Year Plan (Sept. 2022 – Aug. 2023)

2022 September –
October –
November –
December –
2023 January –
February –
March –
April –

Report prepared by Approved by

____________________ ____________________
(Name) (Name)
Club president Moderator

page 25
Appendix 10

St. Paul’s Convent School

Name: ( ) Year of Entry: _________
Surname First Name Chinese
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Tel: ____________________
- - - - - - -
(I) Catholic Movement
Catechism Class
Catholic Choir
Children of Mary
Junior Friends of St. Paul
(II) Legion of Mary
Divine Child
Perpetual Succour
Good Counsel
(III) Clubs & Societies
Aerospace Society
Animal Lovers Club
Art & Craft Club
Astronomy Society
Big Sisters’ Scheme
Book Lovers Club
Careers & Further Studies Team
Campus TV
Chinese Society
Chinese Debating Society
Chinese History Society
Chinese Orchestra
Community Youth Club
Computer Club
Conservancy Club
Dance Club
Drama Club
English Club
English Debating Society
Film Society
French Club
Geography Society
Health Club
History Society
Horticulture Club
Korean Club
7th Island Girl Guide
7th Island Ranger Guide Co.
Japanese Club
Junior Police Call

page 26
Citizenship & Social Development Society
Library Club
Mathematics Club
Multimedia Club
Music Society
Philosophy Society
Photography & Video Society
Putonghua Club
Rocket & Aerospace Society
School Choir
Symphonic Orchestra
Science Society
Sister School Scheme
Spanish Club
TED-Ed Club
Visual Arts Renaissance Club
Voluntary Service Group
Zonta Z Club
Young Investors Society
(IV) Sports
Sports Committee
Athletics Team
Badminton Club
Dragon Dance Club
Netball Club
Swimming Team
Table Tennis Club
Volleyball Club
(V) Prefects’ Board
(VI) Houses

Fill in correct information with appropriate abbreviations.

Member –M President –P Vice-President –VP
Secretary –S Treasurer –T Editor –E
Reporter –R Artist –A Photographer –PH
Social Convener –SC Others –(Specify)

Other Participation:
(with Dates)


page 27

E1 : Extra-curricular Activities Year Plan

E2 : Extra-curricular activities Attendance Record

E3 : Outstanding Paulinian Award Achievements

E4 : Extra-curricular Activities – Parents’ Consent Form

E 4b : Extra-curricular Activities – Activity Memo

E5 : Extra-curricular Activities – 工友 Memo

E 5d : Application form for broadcasting PowerPoint/video

E 5e : Application form for updating club/society/house webpage

E6 : Letter to HK Police Force (Template)

E 6a : School Outing Notification Form

E7 : Application Form for Help from the Prefects' Board

E8 : Message for Announcement

Link in intranet: Public >> ECA >> ECA Forms

page 28
St. Paul’s Convent School Form E1
Extra-curricular Activities Year Plan
2021 – 2022

Name of Club/Society: _____________________ Name of Moderators: ________________________

Name of Officers:

President: _____________________ Form ( ) Vice-President: _____________________ Form ( )

Secretary: _____________________ Form ( ) Treasurer: _________________________ Form ( )
P.R.Os: _______________________ Form ( ) I.T. Co-ordinators: __________________ Form ( )

Environmental Officer: ______________________ Form ( )

Sept. 21 Oct. 21 Nov. 21 Dec. 21 Jan. 22 Feb. 22

Mar. 22 Apr. 22 May 22 Jun. 22 Jul. 22 Aug. 22

page 29
Form E2
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular activities Attendance Record

Club/ Society:
Activity: Venue:
Date: Time:
Officer in charge:
Teachers in charge:

Class Name Remarks Class Name Remarks

page 30
Form E3
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities
Outstanding Paulinian Award Achievements

Club/ Society:
Teachers in charge:
Nature: Inter-class/ Inter-school/ International
Date of Award:

Name Class Points Given Name Class Points Given

Signature of Moderator/s

page 31
Form E4
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Parents’ Consent Form

Date: Time: (approx.)

I agree/ disagree* to allow my daughter/ ward, , Form ( ) to

participate in the above-mentioned activity and I do not hold the school/ Teacher
responsible should any mishap occur.

(Name of Parent/ Guardian)
Home Tel.
(Signature of Parent/ Guardian)

Teacher-in-charge: (name) (signature)


Form E4b
St. Paul’s Convent School
Extra-curricular Activities – Activity Memo

Class/ Club/ Society:

Nature of outing:
Date: Time: Number of students participating:
Destination and/ or route:
Means of Transportation: Place and time of Dismissal:
Teachers-in-charge: (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)

*This form should be submitted to the office together with all parents’ consent forms, at least one
day before the activity.

page 32
Form E5

活動組別 將於 年 月 日

由 至 在 室 舉行活動,請作有關安排,細節如


負責人 老師/學生(中 )

page 33
Form E5d
St. Paul’s Convent School
Application form for submitting video for broadcasting/ central filing

Name of Staff/ Student:

Phone no.:
Email address:
Title of the PowerPoint/video:
*Class & no.: *Responsible teacher(s):
(* For student only)
□ Please keep this hard copy, no need to load it into the network.
□ Please load this hard copy into the network, expected show period is as follow:
□ I have already loaded my file into the network, the path is .
The expected show period is as follow:

Date of submission of this form:

Applicant signature:

(This form should be submitted to Mrs. M. Iu 2 days in advance)

page 34
Form E5e
St. Paul’s Convent School
Application form for updating club/society/house webpage

Date: _____________

Club/Society/House: __________________________________________________________________

Moderator(s): _______________________________________________________________________


E-mail address:

Description of the updated part



Location of the updated files (CD/Public):



Proofread by _______________________________________________ (Teacher’s name and signature)

Approved by moderator(s): ____________________________________ (Teacher’s name and signature)

(To be completed by the School Website administrator)

Approved by the School Website Administrator: ___________________________________________

Updated on: ________________________________________________________________________

page 35
Form E6
St. Paul’s Convent School
140 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Tel: 25761692 Fax: 28828464


The Hong Kong Police Force

The Divisional Commander

Dear Sir/ Madam:


This is to inform you that our School Club/ Society , will organize an outdoor activity on . We
should be very grateful if you could make some safety arrangement or have more frequent police patrol in the nearby
vicinity. Details of the activity are as follows:

Teacher/s in charge: Tel:

Nature of the outing: Date:

Destination: Means of transportation:


No. of students participating: Age range of students:

Special difficulties anticipated (if any):

Non Participant to be contacted in case of need: Tel:

Approved by:

(Principal) Signature

Name of Teacher-in-charge

page 36
Form E6a
School Outing Notification Form

To: Divisional Commander Police Station

From: (School)
Details of school outing are as follows:

Nature of outing:


Time: to (Scheduled time of return)


Route:♦ to

Number of participants:

Age range of participants:

Name and mobile telephone no. (if any) of the leader(s) of the outing:

Name and telephone no. of the responsible person* who is not participating:

( )
Head of School

Note: ♦ A map detailing the route is attached.

* A responsible person should have already access to details of next of the kin of
the participants, e.g. telephone no./ address

page 37
Form E7
St. Paul’s Convent School
Application Form for Help from the Prefect’s Board

Organizing club/ society: Teacher in-charge:

Name of Activity
Date: Time: Venue:
Nature of activities: □ Performance
□ Competition
□ Exhibition
□ Social service
□ Talks/ Course
□ Others:
Organizing unit: □ Joint School/s

□ Joint club/s

□ Independent
Participating Unit: □ Individual/ team
□ Inter-class
□ Inter-school
Name of guest/s (if any)
Number of participants

Program(s) of the function:

Number of school prefects required for discipline:

Special need required from Prefects' Board

This form is to be returned to Mrs. L. Ko at least one week before the function takes place. This is to
ensure the smooth running of the event and to allow enough time for the School Prefects to make
arrangements. Do not contact the School Prefect directly, so as not to create unnecessary

Page 38
Form E8
St. Paul’s Convent School
Date: ____________________

Message for Announcement

To: The Principal

Date of announcement:

Club/ Department:

Announcer : ____________________________________________


Signature of Moderator

(This form should be submitted to Mrs. M. Iu 2 days in advance.)

Page 39

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