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Flair Furniture Company

The Flair Furniture Company produces inexpensive tables and chairs.

number of hours of carpentry work and a certain number of labor ho
carpentry and 2 hours in the painting and varnishing shop. Each chai
the current production period, 240 hours of carpentry time are availa
sold yields a profit of $70; each chair produced is sold for a $50 profi
tables and chairs to manufacture in order to reach the maximum pro
problem. We begin by summarizing the information needed to formu
faced. Next we identify the objective and the constraints.
The objective is Maximize profit.
The constraints are:
1. The hours of carpentry time used cannot exceed 240 hours per we
2. The hours of painting and varnishing time used cannot exceed 100
Maximize profit = $70T+$50C
4T+3C ≤ 240 (hours of carpentry time)
2T+1C ≤ 100 (hours of painting and varnishing time)

Flair Furniture

T (Tables) C (Chairs)
Variables 30 40 Profit
Units produced 70 50 4100

Constraints Hours used Hours available

Carpentry 4 3 240 ≤ 240
Painting 2 1 100 ≤ 100
bles and chairs. The production process for each is similar in that both requir
ber of labor hours in the painting and varnishing department. Each table tak
hop. Each chair requires 3 hours in carpentry and 1 hour in painting and varn
y time are available and 100 hours in painting and varnishing time are availab
for a $50 profit. Flair Furniture’s problem is to determine the best possible c
e maximum profit. The firm would like this production mix situation formulat
eeded to formulate and solve this problem. This helps us understand the pro

0 hours per week.

not exceed 100 hours per week.
that both require a certain
t. Each table takes 4 hours of
ainting and varnishing. During
time are available. Each table
e best possible combination of
uation formulated as an LP
derstand the problem being
Lab Project 4– Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch (Minimization Problem)
The Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch is considering buying two different b
blending them to provide a good, low-cost diet for its turkeys. Each f
proportions, some or all of the three nutritional ingredients essentia
Each pound of brand 1 purchased, for example, contains 5 ounces of
ingredient B, and 0.5 ounce of ingredient C. Each pound of brand 2 c
ingredient A, 3 ounces of ingredient B, but no ingredient C. The bran
cents a pound, while the brand 2 feed costs 3 cents a pound. The ow
like to use LP to determine the lowest-cost diet that meets the minim
requirement for each nutritional ingredient.
Question A
Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch (Minimization Problem)

Variables Brand1 Brand2

Units Produced Cost
Objective 2 3 0

Ing A 5 10 0 >=
Ing B 4 3 0 >=
Ing C 0.5 0 0 >=

Question B
Recalculate costs taking into consideration units produced of Brand 1 is 7.6 and Brand 2 is 5.5.
Question C
Recalculate costs taking into consideration units produced of Brand 1 is 9.0 and Brand 2 is 4.7.
Question D
Recalculate costs taking into consideration units produced of Brand 1 is 7.8 and Brand 2 is 5.7.
Question E
Recalculate costs changing constraints (set up 80 instead of 90 ounces; set up 45 instead of 48 oun
imization Problem)
uying two different brands of turkey feed and
or its turkeys. Each feed contains, in varying
ingredients essential for fattening turkeys.
contains 5 ounces of ingredient A, 4 ounces of
pound of brand 2 contains 10 ounces of
gredient C. The brand 1 feed costs the ranch 2
nts a pound. The owner of the ranch would
hat meets the minimum monthly intake
s 7.6 and Brand 2 is 5.5.

s 9.0 and Brand 2 is 4.7.

s 7.8 and Brand 2 is 5.7.

set up 45 instead of 48 ounces).

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