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Let's start the textbook by reading Chapter One and I'm going to summarize what the main topics are.


You should still read the book. The page numbers are right next to the first slide and also to be
announced by Professor Jyothy and others.


Managing and performing has many, many........


Fictional (untrue) things like people say in the movies sometimes. People say something when you talk to
them. This textbook cannot address all those different varieties, but gives you a more general view of
how you look at what a manager does.


So in this.

First set of slides.


In chapter one we will start with looking at what type of jobs are there in management.


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By the way, they're very good ones. The second one is, is it a very regular job? No, it's pretty messy.
Hectic, very quick. Lot of activity, but a lot of fun and people that..........


Usually do it end up being very happy and feel very involved in their work.


3rd, no matter where you are.


Speaker 1

And if you have a desire to be a manager or not, you should know about these people. Could they run
your lives in a company? YES!!! So that's why you should study this chapter with a lot of interest.

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As in all well written textbooks, they each focus on a certain help that they want to give you as a student,
and those are called learning outcomes.
If you were to spend time studying the learning outcomes, great...and we will talk about that now. There
are three main ones in this chapter. It's a short chapter one.
1. What do managers do that make the company want them and need them?
2. What is the role that they play? I mean, do they actually work like in a factory and do some
Or what do they do? Are they working or are they not keeping busy? What is happening because of a
manager, and 3rd?
How do you know who's good? What type of things are they doing in their workplace that other people
will say...............That person is a good manager.

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So when you read the textbook, you will see that.

Managers rarely sit somewhere and do all their work.

They have to be in constant communication action.

Doing something, getting information, talking to someone, writing something, having a meeting, all
those serve a very, very important purpose in the company.

Some of them are not that useful as the manager may not do it well, but the attempt is that most of
them try to become useful. They're not there just to waste time.

So how do they? How do the managers help achieve the companies big goals?

One... what they do day today is to be like the glue between different parts of the company. That's one
of the important roles for them.

It's not that managers....they're sitting there and planning and then executing than controlling all... that.
We will learn all those words because textbooks cover it that way. But the reality is that their work is not
like that. They're rarely spending time by themselves first.


And rarely are they sitting there contemplating or thinking about what an important decision is. They're
usually in meetings, discussing it, or trying to get some information about it, or talking to someone about

They spend most of their time interacting with others. They are in constant action, interacting with
others, and the third.... and the last part most of.

it is requiring good verbal communication skills, both in listening and speaking.

Because managers.

On a day to day basis, have to gather a lot of information about what is happening, what is the right
number, what is the right set of people here and they have to make sure that they understand the
project pretty well, not being being able to do each of the works, but knowing what is being done when
it will be finished.

Or the work.....When it will be halfway.

Identifying problems before they become big ones. Negotiating between different people so that they
don't end up angry with each other, but more say yeah, that makes sense for both of us.

OK, let's do that. But they also do put plans together and that is not usually done by themselves. They
might start that.

Way, but usually you will have to get people to cooperate so they'll be in constant action getting that

And finally, the things you see in TV, the manager giving orders, making sure they look big and so on.

It's not done as much as, frankly, the movies have it, but some of that rare behavior is required for
people to see that this manager is also leading them.

And the last point for this section about how do managers help companies become real?
Managers build up connections with people that you can rely upon for your work doings. They rely on
you, you rely on them, and that network of people that you have developed through work experience
through number of years of working there where we truly understand each other and know what the.

Times and pluses and minuses are where you can interact. That's what
makes a good manager.

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So a way to look at what are the roles that are managers play?

It's a slightly different way of looking than what we just described, and it is needed.....because textbooks
will try to put a structure around things so that you can remember it, not because the the textbook
doesn't know that things are different.

They do know, but if they just start saying everything is a mess and it's all these things.

You're not going to be able to read the textbook, and understand it, so that's why the textbook on
purpose is designed with the structure. So you Start learning it.

So in this next section, what roles do managers play in organizations? To recap what we talked about and
also carry things further. One...... good interpersonal role?

The manager has to connect with a lot of people. In a typical work week. It's amazing, probably
depending by company. It could be 10 to 100 people and some lot more.


Managers are required to get information, figure out what is the relevant part of things.

Keep it within their brains or in writing, and also talk about it when it's necessary to their group of
people and others.

That's the informational role. The third one is a decision role. You have to be doing this for a purpose,
right? You just don't go talk to people for no reason. You're trying to get something. you talk to people about this information you're gathering?

You're trying to get something that will help you to decide upon, that's a decision role, and the managers
are charged with that decision on behalf of the company and also all the people that are looking at the
company like employees, customers, etc.

Stakeholders... the company where you are a manager.... it Is a part of their lives and they want to make
sure that each thing that happens there, at least you give some consideration to their connection with
the company or point of view.

An example....if the manager were to go out there and say something, that really makes all the
employees angry.

That's probably not a good decision.

So you have to take care of all these stakeholders, by making sure their points of view are understood
and addressed. When you make a decision.

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A very famous management researcher. ......, they have an interesting job. They basically look around,
talk to hundreds of managers, do surveys, do interviews, and they find out what are the main types of
things that these managers seems to do. Not just today. But let's say if you take it for a year or two years.

What are they doing? Well, this chart is actually describing what we just finished talking about, which is
the roles of managers being....., informational, interpersonal and decisional.

OK, the three roles, in the interpersonal, which is the first category we had covered before.

First .....The manager needs to be something like a formal person reading people saying hi how are you?

Thank you on behalf of the company for coming here or signing a contract or signing some documents
on behalf of the company. Second, they may have to be a leader. They have to motivate people, train
them. Make sure that.

They get proper communication about how they're doing.

And that group of people that the managers supervises relies on them for that.

3rd in the interpersonal category, they need to get good connections both inside the organization and
outside the organization so they can connect and keep their part of the management of the entire
company going well, because typically management would require these connections with the group.

The people that they have.

So that's interpersonal the second one we had discussed was informational.

First thing you need to do in informational..... is monitor....... what does that mean?

You basically want to take a look at the outside world, the Internet, and seeing what's happening. Did my
competition do something here?

Did my big customer just end up getting a lot of big money from somewhere? Oh that's important. I
should approach them to see if they want to buy more of my product.

Second, manager has to be a disseminator (you have to pass on some information that you have so that
other people know it).

For example, even things coming from senior people saying that we will have a bonus plan in place for
10% additional bonus that people do this. Obviously the manager has to.

give a clear Explanation of the above, communications made for their group, and third, they also have to
be a spokesperson. They may have to give talks, interviews, etc. So all that helps the company through
the manager.

So that the manager becomes part of the company's decision making and liaison and outgoing role.

And finally, as I had mentioned before, they have to make some decisions. They have to start projects....
and they have to make sure that if there is any problem with the project, managers fix it..

They handle those disturbances. Make sure that they give the proper amount of people for each type of
project category or the amount of money you need. The amount of time.

All those resources and finally you have to be good at making sure.

Or that people you know that don't have as much of what they need. You have to negotiate with them to
say maybe you can do it this way so that it doesn't require all that and you go through a problem solving
session to see if the other person can be somehow adjusted because they didn't get exactly what they

Ask for which typically happens in a company. You can't just give everybody do everything 'cause you
may not.

Love it.

The company may not have that much money to buy all these things, so you have to be a negotiator, so
those are some of the main categories of paths that researchers and business have figured out on what
management is.

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This next section.

Shows the type of ways that you can tell if management is doing a good job or not, but before even the
good job is are they working and what does it look like when they're working? So we'll describe that.

First, the type of work that they do and how they display it. It's usually very quick things. You know it's

sitting there for 8 hours and figuring out a problem, some job management jobs are like that, but most.

Not, they seem to have very little time. Use a lot of talking quick things to get things done.

And they might find that their job is way too much for them, and so they might have to choose and
prioritize what they can accomplish today and the rest they leave for some other time.

So they have to become more and more efficient also. So what varies day today in a managers job?

Mostly they have to become more creative. They have to start new projects more. They have to be
aware of what is happening in the outside world.

As an example, there could be a problem for their department and could be labor reduction because of
the pandemic as an example, or a technology.

Like a robot that could replace some things. All that they have.

To keep a little bit of an eye on things and how they do that is they read different things..... to learn

They do searches on the Internet ...they call people in certain areas that would know so that leadership
type of role in order to get information and really understand what is happening outside is a very big.

Thing nowadays.


And that involves not only getting the information, but also using that information by motivating people
that are working with you.

Make sure that they understand how to react and do well with this type of new information, so they do
that by being a coach like in a in a sports.

Team the coach. They don't play the game, but they help you say why don't you look at it this way?

Why don't you get started now? OK, very good. Send me a report. All that is a manager job.

And by the way, when you do these things, you have to make sure you think about them, because if the
employee sees you is not really knowing how to give directions, they may not like it.

They may not consider you as a good person as a manager, so the emphasis changes a lot of variety.
Nothing like a scientific list.

That you have to do, but basically you have to make sure that you take care of your own area and the
people that are there.
Finally, what are the responsibilities that a manager really has?

Well, there are lists and lists and lists of things that we're going to go through in the next slide, so let me
wait until then.

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So here's a page, or two of the type of things the manager does not do Every day........ some
things may happen once a year for maybe 2 weeks.

Other things may be happening every few minutes. Other things happen once every 2-3 days, so the first
category of item is for managers that are, especially if they're top managers.

Senior management titles of managing Director or vice president. They typically will be charged to make
sure that they understand what could happen to the company three years from now. Well, how do the
managers figure that out? No one really can predict well.


You know, but basically you look in different areas to find out what is happening with the technology ......
with the customers that you have right now, ......where they are they getting better.

Are they suffering quite a bit because of the economy? All those type of things are part of long range


They also have to set up systems that figure out is this going well for us?

Is it is this person that's working with me? Are they working on the right things and are they doing it
pretty well?

Are they taking action to correct some of the things that they need to take? And that's important. That's
also called the aspect of control which we will talk about when we begin the study of this area under a

Way in the next few chapters third.

You have to watch what's happening again in the outside and this time it's different than the long range
planning one.

'cause here you're watching what the government regulations might be. Are they allowing exports now
or is it or they locked down?
Now what do I do? Can I if I'm a small business, can I do this? All that is part of environmental scanning

And you have to be aware of that now. Is there a book that helps you do that? Yeah, the book of
common sense.

You have to also have to talk to people if your are a manager to do an environmental scan.

Am I in a good cycle? Does it look like the economy is getting worse? I'm going to hire five people.

Is it the right thing to do or do I have to let them go soon? Because economy looks like it's going to go
very bad very soon. All those things are important for you to know ..........4th.

You have to oversee the work of other people. How do you oversee? Do you stand behind them and do
that once in a while?

But very rarely, it's basically encouraging them, congratulating them when they get done going inside
them, and finding out if you were there. What would you like, and more importantly?

If you understand what that other person like, what would they like, and seeing if you can satisfy them
so they can get more motivated and frankly more confident in doing what they're supposed to be doing
according to your directions.

And lastly, in this page...... coordinating have to coordinate people work so.

Two or three people working on a project. This person does that. This person does that. How are they
connecting? If they're doing it well, all those things are important parts of the management job to make

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Continuing on for this list of management jobs that don't happen every day or even every month, but
you need to do them at times......

Especially as you go higher in the company. In the beginning, the management is typically two or three of
these things, and that's what you focus on and the other ones.

Maybe you do once a year, but as you get higher and higher in a company and do a more senior role, you
do all these all the time. It's just you never know when.

It's unpredictable and it's fun. That's the reason that a lot of people strive and try to get these jobs
because they require a good set of skills that are hard to get just by someone coming from school or with
a certificate. You have to have work experience and the knowledge builds up over time.

When you're working

so #6 now.....

You have to make sure that you can speak to customers and make sure that they feel that the company is
taking care of them, that they're getting their questions answered.

It's honest and truthful stuff and not just Making them feel good, which is what most untrained do.......
people don't like it actually, even though the culture or the current day practice.

Is like that here especially, but in business............ You want to be a little bit more factual and accurate
because other people are relying on good information and not feel good info from you.

Point #7 is community relations. So you have to make sure that the government people, the licensing
people, the people that come to inspect the group company from the local community that wants to
make sure that they can do something.

Your suppliers, all of them are happy with your work and depending on the type of management.

Job you have. This is part of the managers job.... You could do a lot of this in certain management jobs,
or very little.

8......... internal consultant. Sometimes you have to be the person to help other groups.... so you can go
to say can I help you with this?

I've done this before and you know this is something that I'm working on right now so you help and you
get known inside the company as a problem solver and you get more connections. That also is

And the final one is monitoring. monitoring has a very bad name about it. You're watching over
somebody, you're like a policeman. You're spying..... no no. that is not monitoring

Monitoring make sure that as a coach, when you see the team going a certain way and you don't think
it's exactly the way you figure out what you need to do in order to get them back to the way they need
to be.

So if you see, like in a football game that you know the right side of the field, the players.

They're not acting in unison, you know. You go talk to them and don't discipline them unless absolutely
necessary, but ask them to be more consistent and you give all the information through the monitoring
you have done that displays that you actually know why this is happening so they feel comfortable and
they want to change.

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Another way of looking at work that the manager does.

We've talked about this a bit already, but if you look at the levels in the company......

in the beginning steps when we start working, usually you start as one of the employees. What is it?
What is an employee? Well, someone who works and does their individual work.

Reporting into a manager... employees..they don't have subordinates that report into them that are part
of their group.

employees may be part of a larger group that has a manager, but they may not be managing others.
That's a rank and file person. First line management means that you have the 1st.


Group responsible beneath you that is working with you.

That group that you're managing doesn't have other people as subordinates. That's why it's called
Firstline. It's kind of from the military, and I don't like it, but most people use it as a type of management.


Middle management, this means that you're kind of middle way in the company.

If it's a large company, your title could be director, and some people think that's a big shot at it is.

But if you look, they might have three or four people that are above them in levels, so there could be a
vice president then above them that Vice president could be working for a senior Vice president.

Senior vice president could be working for a managing director. Managing director could be working for a
CEO. All those type of levels are there that make the middle management in between the first line
managers and the senior people. So they.

have two or three levels of people underneath them that are first line management groups. Maybe they
coordinate several first line managers so they can do a good job.

Those are middle managers, and finally executive management or the senior people that mostly you're
in charge of major parts.

Of the company to carry them forward to have them do well.

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So the textbook looks at something and draws a chart which is pretty accurate. This is more realistic if
you are a senior person which is on the left hand column.

The type of problems, the type of issues as a manager that you handle is mostly unstructured things that
are more general.

Nonprogrammed decisions that you will learn about very quickly in Chapter 2. Those decisions that are
not there every day.

The routine decisions....Oh go here. Take right.

No, non's more of a new type of problem. Maybe you see something in the
environment and you have to figure out what the impact is.

So.... those are conceptual things.... and then human things are the ones that you have to connect with
people making sure you understand what they're saying.

Make sure they get information that they need. Try to build a connection with the company more so
they will do something better later on. And finally the technical aspect are the actual work.

It could be things like you're doing an Excel model for a certain part of the country that you're
responsible for, and all the things behind it, and that's the mechanics of the work, so that's why it's
called technical. It's not a project that has technology, but it's.

The the details of your work, the actual work that you're doing, middle managers you see are doing
much more technical work, or the regular work lot less conceptual work. They don't have to that senior
management doing that anyway.

And finally, first line managers don't get involved in the conceptual work much. Maybe once every few
months for a few days if that much, but they mostly do the human and technical side, but that's a
responsibility they're dealing with people and making sure things are getting done. They understand
their work pretty well, and other people work so they can.

Also help get that done.

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And final page here. This PowerPoint is about the other categories OK and these are important
but the textbook seems to only want to spend a little bit of time on it.... as we are evolving in our world
and we get to year 2021 now and in the future.........

There will be other years for these type of topics and new ones in management An example, so if you're
part of a department that let's say it's a customer support.


And within it you're handling South India and separately handling north India. Management would
change in how you would do it.

You have to relate to the people that are the customers in each of those areas, maybe by local state
areas or maybe even by district or panchayat and all that varies depending on if you're in the southern
area of.

The Management Department or the northern area? Or if you're in doing the customer support for large
accounts versus small accounts, all that varies.

The management work that you have to do, but pretty much you have to look at what we have just

And figure out which parts are the most important for that function. Second management by function.
What does that mean?

Well, if you're a marketing person managements more about getting all the things ready so that
customers would want to buy from you.

OK, so the salesperson can go out and make a very good sale. That's what marketing does sometimes.
Marketing is sometimes defined as sales also and there that you would actually go out and try to make
the sale.

But nowadays it's different. Marketing is the support for making sure that sales people can get the sale
and the sales person actually.

Goes out and gets the sale.

Or it can be somebody in finance or what do they work on ............numbers? Yeah, so that means that a
certain set of people have to interact.

There are a lot of Excel spreadsheets, etc. And finally management by modern times means that you're
working from home, aren't you? That's a pretty big thing that happened. That's a management style

Because you don't have to interact with anyone, and now these things called zoom and teams have
become your connector and I don't know about you now. Some people like these Zoom and TEAMS, I
Particularly, enjoy them, but they do the work while we're at home and doing things so the management
style. Depending on all these elements that we just discussed very and as a result what we just described
as management roles, they don't change completely. Someone would do, but mostly you have to adjust.

Based upon where you are.

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