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Name: Ken Vincent G.

Degree Program: BSED Major in Social Studies 2B
Course Title: Teaching Approaches in Secondary Social Studies
Course Code: SSM 8
Date: October 23, 2021

Unit 3: Time- Tested Methods; Lesson 1: The Inductive Method

Instructions: Answer the following guide questions on a sheet of paper.

1. What is meant by induction?

In my understanding, the process of induction is about discovering ideas out
from something. It may result in the learners engaging more on facts. This also
forms to introduce new concepts from the particular objects/examples.

2. What are the aims of the inductive method?

-----The aims of conducting the inductive method are the following:
● Help students discover important rules or truths for themselves through
careful observation of enough specific examples that will support the
● Make meanings, explanations, and relationships of ideas clear to students;
● Enable students to carry on investigations by themselves, independent of
the teacher.

3. Enumerate the steps of the inductive method.

-----The steps in conducting the inductive method are the following:
● Preparation
● Presentation
● Comparison and abstraction
● Generalization
● Application

4. What are some potential downfalls of using the inductive method?

The process should be carefully deliberated in giving the learners with such
information and significant to their knowledge-based learning. Also, the time
could be consuming and may be drawn to an incorrect and inaccurate conclusion.

Instructions: Create a set of cards that contains events, figures, and other
information for whatever historical event in Philippine history. Some cards might
also include information about the key players, in addition to economic data. The
set of cards should contain diverse data and be substantial enough to suit your
needs. Take a picture of it and upload your cards to Google classwork.

Note: For those who have no internet access, you may make a sketch or timeline
on any of the chronicles of Philippine history (e.g., Pre-Spanish, Spanish
Colonization, The Republican Years, etc.)


Instructions: Visit this link below the icon by using a modernized approach to
the application of inductive teaching, and then you may consider utilizing video
content to showcase the rule-in-question in a fun, dynamic, and engaging manner
on social studies teaching.


Instructions: Recall every concept on the teaching approach, method, and

technique that you have learned in this lesson. Evaluate the extent of your
understanding of an item by checking in the right column.

Standards Excellent Average Little Poor

Learning Learning Learning Learning

The lectures, readings, and ✓

complemented each other

The text and assigned readings ✓

were valuable

The course was organized in a ✓

manner that helped me
understand underlying

The course assignments ✓

(readings, assigned
problems, laboratory
experiments, videos, etc.)
facilitated my learning.

The tests/assessments ✓
accurately assess what I have
learned in this course.

The course was well organized. ✓

The course followed the ✓


The instructor grades ✓

consistently with the
evaluation criteria.

The course environment felt like ✓

a welcoming place to express
my ideas.

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