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EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2

Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson title: Basic Concepts, Theories, and Principles in Materials:

Assessing Learning Using Alternative Methods SAS

Learning Targets:

At the end of the module, students will be able to: References:

1. explain the alternative assessment and related concepts; and Balagtas, M. et al. (2020).
2. demonstrate understanding of the different principles in Assessment in Learning 2
assessing learning using alternative methods of assessment



Hello everyone! Welcome to our first module for this course.

We are now done with the orientation on flexible learning and introduction of this subject in which you
became familiar with the new set-up and rules for our classes in this school year as well as the lessons that we
will cover and expected projects, activities and other tasks which you will comply all throughout this course.
And now, we will begin our first lesson titled Basic Concepts, Theories, and Principles in Assessing
Learning Using Alternative Methods.

As this is the first lesson, there is no prerequisite lesson that you need to read and understood. However, an
adequate understanding of lessons learned in your Assessment in Learning 1 course may help you understand
and appreciate this lessons better it is suggested that you go back to these lessons if there’s an opportunity.

I know you are all ready and so, let’s get started!


I. Content Notes
Read carefully the content notes and try to highlight or underline the key terms for greater level
of understanding.


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

Assessment is generally defined as the process of gathering quantitative and/or qualitative data for the
purpose of making decisions, whereas assessment of learning can be defined as the systematic and
purpose-oriented collection analysis, and interpretation of evidence of student learning in order to make
informed decisions relevant to the learners. In contrast, assessment for learning refers to the use of
assessment to identify the needs of students in order to modify instruction or the learning activities in the
classroom Assessment for learning is formative in nature, and it is meant to identify gaps in the learning
experiences of students, so they can be assisted in achieving the curriculum outcomes.

In practice, most teachers use traditional assessment methods to assess and evaluate the learning of
students in the classroom. Traditional assessment refers to the use of traditional assessment strategies or
tools to provide information on student learning. Typically, objective leg. multiple-choice) and subjective (e.g.
essay) paper-and-pencil tests are used to assess students. Traditional assessments are often used as the
basis for evaluating and grading students. They are more commonly used in classrooms because they are
easier to design and quicker to be scored.

In contrast, alternative assessment refers to the use of alternative or non-traditional assessment

strategies or tools to collect information on student learning Examples of alternative forms of assessment are
performance-oriented and product-oriented assessment methods. At the core of alternative assessment is the
need to design and implement assessment tasks or activities that refrain from using traditional paper and
pencil tests, which typically assess cognitive learning outcomes and thus have right or wrong answers The
following are features of alternative assessment.

1. Assessment is based on authentic tasks that demonstrate learners ability to accomplish communication
2. Instructor and learners focus on communication, not on right and wrong answers;
3. Learners help to set the criteria for successful completion of communication tasks; and
4. Learners have opportunities to asses themselves and their peers.

While the practice of assessing learning using traditional methods like paper and pencil tests is still
common in many classrooms, there is an emerging trend toward the use of alternative assessment or
assessment using nontraditional methods, which in theory and practice can capture learning targets and
learning outcomes in more authentic ways. In comparison, traditional assessments are viewed as less
authentic types of assessment.

While traditional assessment typically uses paper-and-pencil tests, alternative assessment is more
concerned with performance assessment or performance based assessment. Performance assessment refers
to assessing student learning by requiring a student to perform a task or develop a product as a demonstration
of one's learning. The focus of the assessment is on providing opportunity for the students to apply what they
have learned through task performance and or product creation. The emphasis is on assessing what students
know and what they can do. If the task to be demonstrated closely resembles what is typically performed or
experienced in the real world (high degree of realism), then performance assessment is also more authentic

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

Another alternative method of assessing learning is through portfolio assessment, which pertains to
students' construction and use of portfolios in a purposeful and systematic manner in order to document their
progress in the attainment of learning targets. A portfolio is a collection of learning and performance artifacts by
a student and is typically accompanied by personal narratives and reflections. The use of a portfolio allows
students to document and demonstrate their accomplishments in the classroom and provide opportunities to
the learners and their teachers to evaluate the progress in a given period of time (Tolentino 2009). A portfolio
assessment also allows the assessment of students learning processes and products/outputs in a
comprehensive and integrative manner.
Other alternative strategies for assessing learning are assessment of non cognitive learning outcomes
through performance rubrics (for psychomotor outcomes) and rating scales and checklists (for affective or
dispositional outcomes). It may provide opportunities for using self-assessment and peer assessment, which
allow for a more comprehensive assessment of student learning and performance in the classroom.

II. Skill-building Activity

Let us check what ideas you have acquired about the basic concepts and principles in assessing
learning using nontraditional or alternative methods.

1. What is alternative assessment of learning?


2. How similar or different is traditional assessment from alternative assessment?


3. Give three models of alternative or nontraditional assessment.


4. Give three criteria for an assessment task or activity to be considered as authentic.


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

5. Give and explain three principles in assessing learning using alternative methods.

III. Check for Understanding

Based on the lessons on the basic concepts and principles in assessing learning using nontraditional or
alternative methods, select three core principles in assessing learning and explain them in relation to your
experience with a previous or current teacher in one of your courses/subjects.
Principle Illustration of Practice
1. Assessment should reflect real-life In our practicum course, we were asked to prepare a
or realworld contexts. lesson plan then to execute the plan in front of the
students with my critic teacher around to evaluate my
performance. The actual planning of the lesson and its
execution in front of the class and the critic teacher are
authentic ways of assessing my ability to design and
deliver instruction rather than being assessed through
demonstration in front of my classmates in the classroom.

Principle Illustration of Practice



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________




Food for Thought!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. Why is it necessary to have adequate knowledge on the alternative assessments aside from the typical
paper-pencil test that we know?
As we all know, an objective kind of paper-pencil test cannot guarantee full 100% reliability and validity
of the students’ learning of the lesson. Alternative assessments are there to fill the gap between what students
actually learn using the various tools and the standard result of a paper-pencil test. It is very much helpful to
see other perspective on how students perform, as we note Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, we can note that
one cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb the tree. And that is why teachers have to consider various tools
in assessing the students’ learning.

2. When do we know that a certain tool is the best one to use in measuring students’ capability?
We are yet to understand that topic better when we touch the next part of the lesson, but for now, in
order to know that a certain tool is helpful to the students, the teacher must identify first the nature of the
lesson and what are the possible ways of assessing the students’ learning. Keep learning because in-depth
explanations will be provided in the next modules.


Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

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EDU 535: Assessment in Learning 2
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

Great Job! Did you finish all parts of the module? Do you have any questions you may want to ask to
clarify the topic? You may write any question to further help you learn and your teacher will get to you
on the answers.

1. What part of the lesson seems difficult for you to understand?


2. Is there a question you would like to ask your teacher about the lesson?

Answers on Skill-building Activity

(Refer to the content notes)

Answer on Check for Understanding Activity

(Answers may vary)

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