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Science and Technology

Activity 1

Revolutionary Memes
Create a modern-day meme. Draw/Cut out/Print pictures that involve intellectual revolutions.
Discuss the ways in which the historical context of the object, painting, sculpture or other source
you have chosen relate to your life today.

This meme shows a painting on which I can relate

myself today because I know to myself that
sometimes I based my knowledge on what I watch
in YouTube. Sometimes when I see interested
topics on the sites I use like Facebook, twitter,
TikTok etc. I immediately go to YouTube just watch
the story about that certain topic even though I’m
not sure if it’s really true or not. There is a time
when I am lazy to read articles so I prefer to watch
videos because I think my brain becomes more
active to listen rather than to read and I absorb
easily what they are saying because sometimes I could not understand the words written or
used in that article because the words that they used were too deep to understand. In our lives
we need to understand that not everything we see, read, and watch are true, we need to cite
more sources for us to give justice on what they invented and also to learn more so that we can
pass it to the next generation or our children what we know or learn because until now we still
use or we still get the benefits from what they have invented because I think, without them we
would not be in this position and we would not be developed or we would not be able to achieve
what our society needs. By believing easily on what we watch can cause us to make poor
decisions, wasting our time on tactics that don’t matter especially now most of us using internet
and in just one click we will get all what we need so for me I need to practice that I shouldn't
believe everything on the internet because even if I'm careful, I still can't help it to think that the
information I've gathered or watched is wrong.

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