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Topik 1



Capaian Pembelajaran
 Memahami karakteristik sumber dana bank.
 Memahami jenis-jenis layanan bank
 Memahami pengaruh karakteristik sumber dana terhadap
kinerja bank.
 Memahami konsep dasar Assets and Liability Management
(ALM) dalam bisnis bank.
Diskripsi singkat materi
 Sumber Dana Bank
 Jasa Layanan Bank
 Assets dan Liabilitas Management (ALM) dalam Bisnis

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
1. Wajib
 Koch T.W., & Scott S. MacDonal, Bank Management, 6th Ed.
Thompson Higher Education, 2006
 Dahlan, S., Manajemen Lembaga Keuangan Kebijakan
Moneter dan Perbankan, Edisi ke-5, FEUI, 2005
2. Pelengkap
 Saunders, A & Millon, A.A. Financial Institution Management,
5th ed. International edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill, New York
 Riyadi, S. Banking Asset Liability Management, Edisi ke-3.
Lembaga Penerbit , FEUI, 2004
 Buku 2 Seri Literasi Keuangan untuk Perguruan Tinggi.
Perbankan, OJK. 2016.
 PBI/POJK dan perundangan yang terkait.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
1. Quiz & Tugas = Maks. 30%
2. UTS = Min. 35%
3. UAS = Min. 35%

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Topik 1

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
1. Financial Institution (FI)
2. Banking Institution (LKB)
3. Non Banking Institution (LKBB)

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Financial Institutions
 A financial institution is an institution that conducts
financial transactions such as investments, loans
and deposits.
 A financial institution is a company that dealing with
financial and monetary transactions, such as
deposits, loans, investments and currency
exchange (investopedia)
 Semua badan yang memiliki kegiatan (dalam) bidang
keuangan, (dengan) melakukan penghimpunan dan
penyaluran dana kepada masyarakat, terutama untuk
membiayai investasi (SK Menteri Keuangan RI
Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM
STIE Indonesia Banking School
Types of Financial Institutions
1. Banking Institutions (LKB)
 Commercial Bank
 Investment Bank
2. Non Banking Institutions (LKBB)
 Capital Market
 Insurance Companies
 Pension Funds,
 Brokerage Firms
 Investment Companies (Investment trust, face
amount certificate companies, and managed
investment companies)

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institutions (LKB)
1. Commercial Bank
 Commercial banks are what most people think when
they hear the term "bank."
 Commercial banks accept deposits, make loans,
safeguard assets, and work with many different types of
clients, including the general public and businesses
2. Investment Bank
 Investment banks provide services to large corporations
and institutional investors.
 An investment bank may help in M&A transactions,
issue securities, or provide financing for large-scale
business projects.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Goals of a Financial Institutions
1.Maximize the Profits
 Make money (profits) from financial transactions
activity  measured by the Profit Margin (PM)
 Profit-Margin (PM)  how much money a company
squeezes from its total revenue/total sales.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Goals of a Financial Institutions
2.Minimize the Costs
 To maximize profits  not only how to earn max.
Revenues  but also control the costs.
 Why ?
 If costs are too high, profit will be too low 
difficult to succeed against its competitors.
 How do you know the costs are low or high?
consider industry standards
compare to the competitors

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Goals of a Financial Institutions
3.Maximize the Market Share
 Market share  is a company's size relative to its
market and competitors, generally in term of sales.
 Calculated by  a company's sales dividing it by
the total sales of its industry over a certain period.
 To expand the market share  grow the size of the
market by appealing to larger demographics,
lowering prices or through advertising.
 Increase the market share  greater economic of
scale  improve profitability.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Financial Intermediary Activity

(Lending) FI (Funding)

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Indonesia Financial System

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Indonesia Financial System
Banking Institutions

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
 UU No. 10 tahun 1998
Badan usaha yang menghimpun dana dari
masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan
menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk
pinjaman dan atau bentuk-bentuk lainya dalam
rangka meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat banyak.
 a financial institution that has licensed to receive
deposits, make loans, and provide financial
services such as wealth management, currency
exchange and safe deposit boxes.
 Banks  supervised & regulated by the national
government or central bank.
Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM
STIE Indonesia Banking School
Bank as a Financial Intermediary Institution

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Strategic Roles of a Bank
1. Assets Transmutation
 Transform liabilities from the surplus spending units
to assets for financing the deficit spending units.
 Liabilities from the surplus spending unit are:
current deposit, saving deposit, time deposit, etc.
 Assets for financing the deficit units are: loan,
securities, placement on money market.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Strategic Roles of a Bank
2. Provide Liquidity
Provide liquidity to help the deficit spending unit that
need fund to support its operations.
3. Income Re-alocation
 We have various laternative to alocate income 
consumption &/ investment.
 Investment in securities will generate income, while
consumption have no impact on income.
4. Transaction
Secondary securities (current deposit, saving deposit,
and time deposit) are part of transaction in payment
Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM
STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Role of Bank in a Financial System
1. Agent of Trust
 The fundamental of financial intermediary activity of
a bank is based on the trust between the bank
and its customers.
 The depositors trust to the bank that the money
they deposit will safe.
 The bank trust to the borrowers that the money
they lend out will be payed.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Role of Bank in a Financial System
2. Agent of Development
 Funding activity of a bank (monetary sector) is
needed to help the company (real sector)
financing its operation.
 Investment, distribution and consumption support
to company activity (production) that affect the
economic development.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
The Role of Bank in a Financial System
3. Agent of Services
 Bank also provide services to help their customer’s
financial transaction (transfer, clearing, RTGS,
Digital Banking, etc.)
 Bank also support to the economic development
through their financial transaction services.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
Types of bank in Indonesia

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
1. Bank Indonesia

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
2. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
3. General Banks
 as a financial intermediary institution  collect
the savings from individuals and lend them out to
business (people and manufacturers).
 create new capital  push economic growth.
 create money  supply the money to the economy
 facilitates trading activity  provide liquidity to
support market liquidity.
 customer advisor  advise the customers in:
financial and business activities, accounting, legal,

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
4. BPR
Definisi BPR menurut OJK
 Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) adalah Bank
yang melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara
konvensional atau berdasarkan prinsip syariah,
yang dalam kegiatannya tidak memberikan jasa
dalam lalu lintas pembayaran.
 Kegiatan BPR jauh lebih sempit jika dibandingkan
dengan kegiatan bank umum, karena BPR dilarang
menerima simpanan giro, kegiatan valas, dan

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Banking Institution
4. BPR (cont’d)
Kegiatan usaha BPR
 Menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk
simpanan berupa deposito berjangka, tabungan,
dan atau bentuk lainnya.
 Memberikan kredit.
 Menyediakan pembiayaan dan penempatan dana
berdasarkan prinsip syariah, sesuai ketentuan
Bank Indonesia.
 Menempatkan dana dalam bentuk Sertifikat Bank
Indonesia (SBI), deposito berjangka, sertifikat
deposito, dan atau tabungan pada bank lain.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Non Banking Institution
2.Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
3.Perusahaan Modal Ventura
4.Leasing Company / Multifinance
5.Dana Pensiun
6.Pasar Modal
7.Perusahaan Asuransi
 Jelaskan pengertian dan aktivitas dan produk usaha
masing-masing LKBB
 Cantumkan sumber referensi yang digunakan

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring

 Prinsip/kebijakan yang diterapkan dalam rangka:

 Mengetahui identitas nasabah,
 Mamantau kegiatan transaksi nasabah,
 Mengidentifikasi & melaporkan transaksi
keuangan yang mencurigakan (suspicious
transaction report/ STR).
 Diterapkan untuk memenuhi syarat dan kondisi FATF
(Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering)

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring
1. Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 3/10/PBI/2001 tanggal
18 Juni 2001 tentang Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah (Know
Your Customer Principles), bagi bidang usaha Perbankan;
2. Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 45/KMK.06/2003
tanggal 30 Januari 2003 tentang Penerapan Prinsip
Mengenal Nasabah Bagi Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank
(Asuransi, Pembiayaan, dan Dana Pensiun);
3. Keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal
Nomor: KEP-02/PM/2003 tanggal 15 Januari 2003
tentang Penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah bagi Pasar

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring
Pasal 17 UU TPPU (Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang)
 “Setiap orang yang melakukan hubungan usaha dengan
Penyedia Jasa Keuangan wajib memberikan identitasnya
secara lengkap dan akurat dengan mengisi formulir yang
disediakan oleh Penyedia Jasa Keuangan dan melampirkan
dokumen pendukung yang diperlukan”.
 Penyedia Jasa Keuangan  “wajib memastikan pengguna
jasa bertindak untuk diri sendiri atau orang lain”

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring

PRINSIP-2 KYC dalam Transaksi

1. Nama Jelas, Identitas dan Alamat Lengkap :
a. Pelaku Transaksi
b. Pemilik Rekening
c. Penerima Dana
2. Hubungan (hukum) antara pelaku dengan Pemilik rekening atau
Penerima Dana
3. Jumlah Uang yang ditransaksikan
4. Media Transaksi yang digunakan
5. Profile Nasabah (Pekerjaan, Jabatan, Jumlah Penghasilan, dll)
6. Tujuan Penggunaan Dana
7. Sumber Dana

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring

Bank  wajib memelihara profile nasabah, sekurang-

kurangnya meliputi informasi mengenai:
 Pekerjaan/bidang usaha
 Jumlah penghasilan
 Rekening lain yang dimiliki
 Aktivitas transaksi normal
 Tujuan pembukaan rekening

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring
Dasar Hukum
 40 + 9 FATF Recommendation
 UU RI No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana
Pencucian Uang sebagaimana telah diubah dengan
UU RI No. 25 Tahun 2003.
 UU RI No. 23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia
sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU RI No. 3 Tahun
 UU RI No. 15 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemberantaran
tindak pidana teroris.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
KYC and Anti Money Laundring
 Kewajiban membayar denda sebesar Rp.1 juta per
hari keterlambatan dan setinggi-tingginyaRp.30 juta.
 Pidana 3 s/d 8 tahun serta denda Rp.5 Milyar s/d
Rp.100 milyar, terhadap tidak dilaksanakannya
langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk memastikan
ketaatan terhadap ketentuan UU yang berlaku.

Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM

STIE Indonesia Banking School
Prepared by Dr.Ir. Indra Darmawan, MM
STIE Indonesia Banking School

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