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Never Forget a Name or Detail Again

Johnn Four
The NPC Tracker
By Johnn Four, Roleplaying Tips Publishing

How To Use
Hi! Thank you for downloading the NPC Tracker. I'm Johnn and I've
been publishing the Roleplaying Tips Newsletter for GMs since 1999. I
co-wrote the Dungeon Master's Guide II, have been a Dragon Magazine
columnist, and have written several GMing books and courses. I also
produced a best-selling GM organizer app called the Campaign Logger.
I live in Edmonton, Alberta and play D&D 5E currently with a group of
murder hobos.

To use the NPC Tracker, start by filling in the name of your Campaign
at the top of each sheet so you can sort your papers easier.

Use the Group name to theme and group your NPCs for better
immersion. For example, use one page per monster type or world

The NPC Tracker already has 240 names pre-filled for you! And each
page has names pulled from Earth cultures and online generators
grouped by theme to get you started.

Use the Details boxes to record what you make up about each NPC
before and during sessions. Use the boxes as cheat sheets to help you
GM better.

There are two blank pages at the end of this PDF. Print these off to
help keep your NPCs organized and well-tracked for all your
Free Campaign Tracker Workbook

Speaking of campaigns, would you be interested in an entire Campaign


I've created another workbook just like this one to help organize our
campaigns better, and it's totally free. It's got these features:

• Grant equal spotlight time Players Said & Memories

each session with the sheet
Character Roster  • Remember the fallen with the
• Confirm sessions and ping Graveyard, including Last
late players faster with the Words and Will & Testament
Player Roster • Stop losing treasure details
• Stop forgetting session details and gp values until identified
and use the Session Logs or appraised with the Item
• Keep your world coordinates Tracker
and features straight with the • End dumb arguments fast
Location Tracker with the House Rules Tracker
• Record your campaign’s best
moments with the Sh*t My

Please download the Campaign Tracker Workbook right now:

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