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Using a Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Pump
*Assess VS , LOC and Blood sugar level
* Assess skin for pallor, masses,lesions and skin turgor
DEFINITION *Assess for s/sx of hyperglycemia : Polydipsia, polyuria
and polyphagia
It is a continuous delivery of short acting insulin all day long used *Assess for s/sx of hypoglycemia: diaphoresis, hunger,
for type 1 diabetic patient where it measures the level of blood trembling, dizziness and tachycardia
sugar in tissue fluid and reports it wirelessly to the pump, which
releases insulin based on its setting and the glucose requirements.

*Blood sugar level will be at the normal range
To achieve near-normal levels of blood glucose and
improved lifestyle flexibility by preventing multiple daily
insulin shots EVALUATION

MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT *Blood sugar level maintained within the normal range

 *Insulin pump COMPLICATION

 *Infusion
 *Alcohol wipes *Consistently high blood sugar and DKA d/t tube kinks and infusion
 *Cartridges with filling syringes and Insulin vials for filling set malfunction
 *Backup basal insulin


1. Verifies the physician’s order and documentation of informed consent
2. Perform hand hygiene and aseptic technique of inserting a cannula
3. Verify the correct patient using two identifiers and explain procedure
4.Assess VS, LOC , blood sugar and area of the skin to be inserted w/ cannula
6. Clean the insertion area (buttocks, thigh, abdomen and anterior part of arm)
7.Insert the cannula subcutaneously and set the infusion rate based on body requirements
8. Assess for s/sx of hypoglycemia such as dizziness ,sweating, hand tremors, etc
9. If hypoglycemia occur, increase the infusion rate as ordered

1.Teach the patient on how to use the continuous SC infusion pump and preventing kinks of tube
2. Tell the patient to monitor blood sugar level via smartphone or in the infusion pump controller itself
3.Teach how to manage hypoglycemia by increasing it or by drinking orange juice
4.Instruct the pt to report s/sx of infection, blood sugar that is consistently high and s/sx of DKA as this can be due to
obstructed infusion set and malfunction of infusion set
5.Instruct pt to regularly clean the insertion site and keeping it dry to prevent infection
6. Instruct pt to do moderate exercise while monitoring BSL
7. Instruct pt to eat low carbs , low fat and lean protein
8. Instruct to avoid crowed places and person w/ recent infection

1.Document the rendered care, findings and patient’s response

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