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Chapter II


This chapter discusses relevant readings and articles on topics relating to Proposed

Design of a Learning Center for Lucban Academy Annex as the research topic. The following

topic discusses the aspect for the design of a learning center. 

It's been such a long time since individuals seem to have such a pandemic. This

tragedy has affected school libraries the most. Researchers have seen that this learning center

can allow students to improve skills and provide students with freedom to talk about their

thoughts with other students to gain more knowledge. Researchers agreed to proposed design

of a learning center because students are craving to learn further information. The topics

below are presented to achieve the following objectives:

1. Determine where the structure will be located

2. Design a floor plan for a proposed learning center

3. Design a 3D model for the exterior and interior of a learning center

4. Determine the acceptability

Determine where the structure will be located

Construction location aware computing is an emerging field in which the location of

materials, labor, and equipment may be utilized to extract knowledge about the condition of

the project. The goal of this study is to provide a low-cost location sensing solution for inside

construction and subsurface facilities when satellite navigation systems are not available. A

collection of low-cost passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags is distributed in


this approach utilizing a preset topology to offer adequate spatial coverage of the project-

active region. Zones and coordinates are used to depict approximate locations ( Saiedeh N.

Razavi 2012).

The best site is the location in which a building can be established with a minimum

use of resources (manpower, material, machines, money, and time) and which is logistically

and economically viable, adequate, and safe for future expansion (Paradis and Trans, 2013).

In site selection, two-dimensional (2D) maps, plans, and sketches are widely used. To

represent the ideas of architects or engineers, solid three-dimensional (3D) models and CAD-

based 3D models are also used (Waly and Thabet, 2002).

Locational and topographical aspects of a region play a key role in site selection.

Keeping in mind the importance of these aspects, architects and engineers create, store, and

share 3D models of a building along with its surroundings in GIS (Bansal, 2011a, Bansal and

Pal, 2008).

Analyzing, and refining the information of an area where a building is likely to be

located. The locational and topographical aspects of an area located in hilly regions play a

major role in SSS, but are generally neglected in traditional and CAD-based systems used for

site selection. Architects and engineers select a site based on their judgment, knowledge, and

experience, but issues related to site safety are generally ignored (Kumar S., & Bansal V.K.,


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