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Joe Kincheloe

Chapter · January 2008

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1 author:

Richard Kahn
Antioch University, Los Angeles


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Joe Kincheloe (1950-)

Joe Kincheloe is the Canada Research Chair in Critical Pedagogy at McGill University,

where he has founded with his partner, Shirley Steinberg, the Paulo and Nita Freire

International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Kincheloe is regarded as having been a

formative influence upon the development of critical pedagogy over the last two decades,

during which time he has utilized critical complexity theory to explore the manner in

which pedagogical acts are constructed out of the social, cultural, political, economic, and

cognitive dimensions of experience.

An eclectic scholar with a diverse array of interests and a prodigious outpouring

of books and essays on a wide variety of topics broadly related to the generation of

emancipatory educational research, Kincheloe is a leading expert who has helped to

shape fields such as critical qualitative research methods and epistemology, critical

multiculturalism, subjugated and indigenous knowledge studies, curriculum theory,

media pedagogy and cultural studies. A major focus for Kincheloe has been the creation

of what he terms “postformal” thinking and inquiry. Kincheloe’s postformalism mounts a

bricolage of multiple research methods and transformative critiques of the conditions that

have given rise to Newtonian/Cartesian paradigm of scientific objectivity and postivism,

on the one hand, while also politicizing naturalistic accounts of cognitive development

that he feels create reductive and hegemonic psychological structures in education, on the

other. Some of his recent book-length work includes: Critical Constructivism Primer

(2005), Critical Pedagogy Primer (2004), Teachers as Researchers: Qualitative Inquiry

as a Path to Empowerment (2nd. Ed, 2002) and The Post-Formal Reader (with Steinberg

and Hinchey, eds., 1999).

Richard Kahn

See also Critical Psychology; Qualitative Research; Teacher as Researcher; Social

Justice, Education for

Further Reading

Horn, R. A. (1999). Joe L. Kincheloe: Teacher-as-Researcher. Educational Researcher,

28(4), 27-31.

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