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Orien is the capital of the Pragmath Plains, ruled by the Lordship of the Pragmaths.

The capital is a
large walled city which is roughly divided into four areas, The Stables, the Crowns, the Coins and

Orien has it’s standing army, known as the Hevonen which consists of three branches;

 The City Guard, which are known as the Varsa. Captains in different areas of the city are the
only ones with access to horses within the city to be ridden on. The regular guards have
muted, brass armor with horse imagery. The City Guard is often equipped with short swords
and pilums for CQC within the citizen-filled streets of Orien. Guard Captains are often given
ceremonial longswords that are regardless functional. Guard Captains are distinguishable
due to the unique horse full-helmet headdress that they wear which is usually a shinier
bronze, in contrast to their muted brass armor.
 The Border Guard, which are known as the Puledro. They’re usually seen to be of equal or
higher standing than the Varsa due to their escalated responsibilities of maintaining the
city’s sovereignty. The Border Guard are stationed within the main wall where there is a
keep just for the Puledro. Their responsibilities include customs-related duties at the Main
Gate leading into the Stables and also patrolling the Pragmath Plains. It’s an open secret that
Puledro officers stationed within the city are usually children of middle to lower upper class
families with influence within the political system of Orien as they have a lower chance of
seeing action or are at risk. The Puledro stationed out of Pragmath Plains are usually
promoted Varsa officers and have little respect for city-bound Puledros. They see themselves
as true embodiments as horse riding masters and the symbol of their country as they are
able to ride free on the expansive veldts of their nation rather than being shackled within
the walls of Orien. Eventhough there is no official distinction or recognition by the Hevonen
for the two different types of Puledro, the Puledro in the plains often modify their armor and
adorn their steeds with additional barding, armor and the more (unofficial) elite riders have
trophies they display on their person or on their steeds (can range from simple trophies like
colorful hawk feathers, to Manticore skulls or goblin bone fingers) The Puledro are armed
with a larger variety of armaments as their jobscope is broader. The standard gear includes a
small buckler shield, a short or longsword, a lance and the choice between a heavy crossbow
or a longbow.
 The Etalon, are the elite of the Hevanon. Horse masters and the best of Orien’s military. A
hundred thousand strong and loyal to the Pragmath lordship. However, the recent civil war
has shaken their oaths as some of their countrymen have decided to side with Baron
Jupi’erre instead. The Etalon are easily distinguishable from the rest of the Hevanon, with
their horsehead full face armor, horseshoe emblem breastplates and their mighty steeds,
the cream of the crop from established Orien stables, horses of dignified warhorse
pedigrees, adorned in heavy, muted bronze barding. The Etalon themselves are armed with
longswords, shields, heavy crossbows and longbows. They are also trained to survive in the
wild, and are sometimes trained to be artillerists, being able to use siege weapons to defend
or lay siege. The most elite of the Etalon are granted winged steeds; Griffons. Only about 50
Etalons are given this privilege and most of them are assigned as the Royal Guard.
The Stables

 The first area that you enter after crossing the Main Gate, home to most of Orien’s citizens,
a hundred thousand strong.
 Feuding horse-rearing familes. Some are into racing, commercial and military provisions
 Stallionshoe Racing track
 Has straight up horse racing. PCs can participate as a free agent or sign onto a racing
 Has jousting competitions as well. There are team jousts or solo jousts.
 Has an organized crime syndicate running the track races, underground fighting rings and
information network and subterfuge
 There are several underground fighting rings, run by different crime syndicates:
I. The Rumsoaked Badger – a beasts-only fighting ring where people can bring their
creatures to fight other creatures for money. This place is run by the Stoutsmen, a
group of street thugs led by a disgraced Etalon Captain, Meredith Stoutsmen.
II. Guyun – infamous for it’s bamboo ring rules fights where fighters can win by ring out
or killing their opponent. This particular bloodsport arena is run by the Orien chapter
of the Jade Clasp, a group of assassins from Iolas.
III. The Sandpit – a unique free for all royal rumble that takes place in a 60 ft deep
sandpit where sand is dumped in periodically throughtout the match. This place is
run by the Astangan noble family who is also a reputable crime family.
 There are three taverns in the Stables as multiple factions don’t necessarily get along with
each other
 Yellowtooth Saunter, one of the smaller taverns but the most welcoming to all folks of
walks of life. Ran by the Human Gershuldha Helgone, she tries to maintain a neutral
environment for her patrons and other troublemakers are aware of this and prefer not
to start trouble to get no trouble. The tavern is filled with paintings and sketches of
some previous jousting and racing champions of Stallionshoe. Locals consider this to be
as important a cultural and iconic locale as the Orien Keep itself. The centerpiece of this
tavern is a large central pillar that it’s surface is laden with wooden planks stacked side
by side and adorned with frames with the paintings, sketches, autographs and
memorabilia from Stallionshoe. It only has 3 single rooms to speak of.
 Polar Frontiersman, owned by Maven Jink, a third generation Orienite whose
grandparents immigrated from Seyana. The centerpiece of the tavern is a large
taxidermied polar bear, which is said to be a loyal mount of Maven’s grandfather,
Chisholm Jink, a northern explorer that was shipwrecked on the coast of Sud’Iona after a
massive maelstrom destroyed his fishing boat. This particular tavern is one of the two
largest taverns, as it is not only wide but multi storied and has an auxillary third floor,
built above the stairwell tower which serves as a storage room for dry goods and their
booze. The tavern boasts 6 single rooms and a single larger suite that can house up to 3
 The Kicking and Brayer is the other larger tavern in the Stables region of Orien. Another
old locale of this ancient city, the tavern is ran by the extended family of one of the
more influential noble families of Orien (the Marilous), the Bayleighns. The appeal of this
tavern is it’s self-styled Orienite cuisine, which focuses on horse meat. Steaks, meatballs
and dishes inspired by their culture is the real star of the tavern. With their conections
with the Marilous who have a finger in spice trading, their dishes are always a cut above
the rest as other taverns have not ascended to this level of Cuisinart. Most of the tavern
is dedicated to it’s overly large dining area while room & board is a distant second. It’s
upper floors have a humble 8 single rooms and a single penthouse suite.
 Congenio Tower – A minor temple to Ioun which houses some literature and lore that is
currently being curated by Archivist Milla J. Vichy. Most of the material there is local
Sud’Ionian material with some globally available material as well.
 Prinka’s Pretty Pets – An exotic pets shop run by Prinka, a redhead halfling lass.
 Munchausen’s Magical Misadventuring Miscreants – A magical item shop ran by Roja


 Right outside the city walls are the slums, usually non humans, and even half elves and elves
reside there as there is a lot of discrimination within Orien against non humans. By law, they
are not allowed to enter Orien without proper working papers or by the grace of a Noble
house. However, slum dwellers enter the city en masse via cracks in the wall and organized
crime syndicates collect money with business owners to bribe and bring in workers to work
in The Stables. Guards will turn a blind eye towards non humans in the Stables but will
definitely not go out of their way to help them if they report any crimes. Any social
grievances are usually settled violently or by paying off criminals to settle it for you, by hook
or by crook.
 A tavern (with only one room to rent) called the Colt’s Neck. Those that live in the slums
aren’t able to afford the food or services afforded there as the owner, Deeks Harshcavern, a
dwarven grifter charges desperate travelers hoping to get into city using the tavern as a
halfway home while they sort out their business, exorbitant prices. It has five single rooms
that cost 2 gold pieces a night and offers some slum denizens as bedwarmers as well.
 On the northern end there is a little elevation, and underneath it is an opening into the
sewers of Orien, where the city’s sanitation department are quietly hiring slum denizens to
clear up the sewers, preventing blockage as the old and bloated pipes are insufficient in
handling the overpopulated. The turnover rate of such workers are pretty high as the sewers
are treacherous due to dangerous vermin and collapsing infrastructure that make the
sewers a deathtrap.
 Most of the houses are just makeshift shacks of wood and whatever material that floats out
the sewer or pieces of the wall that have broken off.

The Crowns

 Basically an affluent neighborhood where barons and other rich, influential members of
Orien stay at
 Most of the nobles stay here as well. Some live in the Narrows but not by choice.
 Most merchant families have properties here
 A lot of elite guard detail here
 It’s most a collection of vistas that seems very distant in terms of actual distance and
aesthetic as other places are all cramped whereas these are in wide fields etc save for some
of the richer houses bordering the Stables and the Coins
 This’ also where the Lord’s Residence is. This is the official residence of the ruling Lord of the
Pragmath Plain. Currently the Dragonsteel Throne is abdicated as Lord Pragmath, despite
being the last Lord, was unseated by his nephew Baron Jupi’erre and therefore needs to be
recoronated as the rightful Lord of the Pragmath Plains.

The Narrows
 This is where the lower to upper middle class stay. They are the most cutthroat of all the
citizens that stay in Orien as they are always trying to elevate themselves to live in the
Crowns or at the very least, be well connected to some noble families that live within the
 Somewhere in the heart of the Narrows, one magnificent structure stretches skywards
above the rest in the commercial district of the narrows. This is the Continental, an
establishment that serves as the premiere hotel and doubles as the city’s theatre as well.
The Danza Troupe, an all female performance band is the local theatre’s star and has been
so for three generations since the hotel branched out to have a theatre during it’s iconic
renovation then.
 This area is also attached to the maritime headquarters and the docks on Orien, which
serves as one of the busiest areas of the city. Trading ships come and go, mainly from Iolas
and as far as from the continent of Port Molassuf of Jiffram. The docks have a special area
where the Navy of the Hevanon dock their ships. The Hevanon Navy patrol the shores of the
Pragmath Plains and are currently engaged with Lizardfolk guerilla fighters coming out of the
Black Marsh.

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