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Sir Iserlohn Peter M. Lim

Name: Daso, Benneth Day Course and Section: BSSW-13
Student Number:20-27-9937 Date: 05/23/2021

Make your own piece of art using an oslo paper that ‘reveals’ the human person in the
midst of technology, discuss the piece of art in relation to general concepts on Martin
Heidegger’s ‘The Question Concerning Technology’ Any medium will do. Use another
coupon bond for your discussion or interpretation. Criteria: Creativity and Originality
30, Content and Organization 20, Aesthetic quality (color, tones, design) 30, Learning
Impact 20. Submit one file in a word document at the UDMoodle.

My artwork contains a lot of technology including social media apps and logos. I also added a life line
and bulb, whereas technology made a huge impact to us. We use technology in every day life just to
make our day easier, to connect with people from afar but if we use the technology incorrectly it can
lead us to be addicted and affect our life. When human knew how to use a technology in moderation it
can eliminate the threats.

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