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Chapter 2 – STS and the Human Condition

Lesson 2: Technology as a Way of Revealing

Name: JOHNDEL R. DUMAWAL Score:_______________________

Program, Year/Section: BSHM 1- D Date Submitted: JANUARY 5, 2022

Key Question/s: Briefly answer the following questions.

a. What is the essence of technology?

Technology is a broad phrase that encompasses both human-made items, such as machines, as
well as the processes used to generate those artifacts. Technology is also frequently used as a
catch-all term for all of the technologies that humans create and use in their daily lives. More
broadly, technology can refer to a method of doing something or a system of organization:
democracy, for example, is a social technology. Today, the term "technology" is most commonly
used to refer to high-tech items such as computers, cell phones, and rockets, rather than
technology in general. The intentional use of knowledge, expertise, and resources to develop
processes and products that suit human needs is what technology entails.

b. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?

Without technology, humankind would be extremely stressed, and we would face several
challenges that we do not face now. If technology did not exist, there would be no social media,
which could mean finding a new line of job or activity, saving time, and feeling less nervous. Many
of us would benefit from being unable to use social media because we would begin to focus on
other elements of our lives rather than being on it. We wouldn't be able to communicate with
distant relatives or friends in real-time if technology didn't exist. We wouldn't be able to
communicate with the people we wanted to talk to because we live in a culture where technology
is one of our most important tools, humanity would be significantly different if we didn't have it.
We use technology in every aspect of our lives; we use it while shopping, at school, and work, and
life as we know it would be drastically different without it.

c. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that technology should only be seen as one of the
approaches in perceiving truth? What are other possible approaches we should consider?

Martin Heidegger is someone with whom I disagree. I admire the man's effort in developing and
disseminating that notion, but technology was never one of the methods for discovering the
truth. Technology is neutral in the sense that it only offers options and does not force anyone to
choose one. We get to decide whether or not to use each new technology, as well as how we use
it. We have the ability to use it for good or bad depending on how we choose to use it and how it
impacts us.

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