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Name : Polo Jumita Sari Panjaitan

Nim : 2012021061

Class : 3C

Study : English Language Education

Academic Writing

Draft Report

The effects of mental health in pandemic

The task for

Polo jumita sari panjaitan

Ganesha University of Education

Keywords:Mental health,Covid-19,The effect covid-19,definition,ciri-ciri,etc.


In the current condition or situation, many people experience various symptoms caused
by the pandemic, one of which is on a person's mental health. everyone views situations or
circumstances differently and gives different meanings. At this time mental health diseases are
increasing, in line with the opinion (Patel et al., 2018) that the global burden of disease
attributable to mental disorders has been recently – across all countries globally – in line with
major shifts in demographic, environmental, and socio-political factors.


In the current situation (covid-19) many impacts have been given to people both on
relationships, education, the economy and most importantly health. As for health, what often
happens lately is mental health.soc. psihijatar. Vol. 48 (2020:3) "Health is a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity"Mental health is a form of change in the psychological or psychological condition of a
person where this condition can be called mental illness. one of the diagnostic criteria for mental
disorders is described in detail in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) this may not be an important factor in
determining whether an athlete (or individual) has a positive experience. mental health and
function.As for the various effects or sources of mental health illness, namely emotions,
frustration, stress, confusion, insomnia, fear, confusion, etc.Functioning, resulting in decreased
well-being, and lower levels of community participation and social inclusion (Wahlbeck, 2015).
Not only that, someone who has mental illness Ilness tends to be alone, blames himself or hates
himself, which results in death. At this time of pandemic, where technology or social media is
the main source of everything, it is one of the things that has the biggest negative impact, as well
as the surrounding environment (Family, friends, and society). Most of those who have this
disease need some small help such as giving small rewards or attention to those who have this


So, the conclusion is that in the current condition (covid-19 pandemic) which has brought
many changes, one of which is a change in the significant increase in mental health data. family,
etc.) which is the biggest factor because of Work From Home (WFH), namely social media and
family. And the thing that needs to be given to reduce is a little attention, especially the closest


Lj. Muslić, D. Jovičić Burić, M. Markelić, S. Musić Milanović: Mental Health Literacy. Soc.
psihijat. Vol. 48 (2020) No. 3,
Pdf accessed December 06,2021

Mental Health,analysis, req-
onCoverPdf accessed December 05,2021

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