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Expanding Kate Farms into Mexico’s Market: GCBR Report

Sofia Contreras

University of California at Davis

UWP 104A: Writing in the Professions: Business Writing

Instructor DJ Quinn

December 8, 2021

Table of Contents



Mexican Culture……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...3

Business Strategies………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Conclusions and Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…4


Kate Farms is a company that sells nutritional shakes and tube feeding formulas in the US to provide
customers with a healthier alternative to meal replacement shakes. The drinks are vegan with minimal
allergy inducing ingredients and is comprised of vitamins and minerals. As of now, Kate Farms has
minimal business connections internationally as their company is exclusive to the US. An international
relationship that will reap benefits and set a strong foundation for future business connections is one
with the country of Mexico. The business culture in Mexico is considered to be amiable, personal, and
non-time sensitive. Kate Farm’s expansion into Mexico will take time as business relationships need to
be formed and eventually grow into one built on trust.


In having a basis of knowing Mexican culture, Culture Atlas is a resource that will build our company’s
knowledge of common traditions. Kate Farms needs to be informed about the everchanging social
culture that influences Mexico’s business culture. Latina Republic on the other hand, gives Kate Farms a
conversation starter about Mexico’s social culture and shows representatives from Mexico the
dedication and respect we have. This website covers festivities from most states in Mexico, so each
state can be differentiated as everyone in Mexico is unique in their own cultural aspect.

The business culture in Mexico is next in building up Kate Farms’ knowledge to avoid disrespect and
broken relationships. NAPS and Worldwide Erc are two resources which inform readers about traditions
and customs inside business deals as time and socialization is a requirement for most companies in
Mexico. Smithsonian Magazine gives a small emphasis on a personal perspective of Mexico’s beverage
culture as Kate Farms will likely export a variation of the meal replacement shakes.

Mexican Culture

Mexico’s culture is generally categorized as a friendly and tight-knit community with a vast majority of
Mexicans relying on close friendships and family to support one another as “the government cannot be
depended upon to provide security and support” (Cultural Atlas, 2021). In most traditions, family is the
central focus of any celebration along with a strong national pride in their heritage as shown in the
tribute to the dead with Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) or the celebration of El Aniversario del
Día de la Independencia (Independence Day) (Quartucci, 2021). Although, there are many stereotypes of
Mexico’s culture that only focus on the festivities, Mexicans have a strong work ethic as they have one
of the “longest working week on average” in a slower paced environment (Cultural Atlas). As any other
culture, every region in Mexico differs with their own unique traditions, so this generalization of
traditions can only be loosely applied as a foundation for future research into their culture.

In acknowledging the “common” traditions in Mexico, Kate Farms can gain respect and establish
relationships with companies founded in Mexico. Acknowledging basic information about an
international company’s culture will improve our relationship with them as more conversations will form
and a deeper connection will develop. It is always useful, in “highly indulgent cultures” at least, to start
and continue the socialization when having a business meeting as time isn’t a concern since enjoying
another’s company is more sought after (Cultural Atlas, 2021). There are major differences between
most companies in Mexico and Kate Farms as customs and traditions are based on each society’s
culture, resulting in differing expectations for meetings. Kate Farms has little experience in international

business connections, so having research on the specific community for each Mexico-based company
will lead to higher success rate for future business.

Business Strategies

Mexico’s business culture is vastly different than in the US where Kate Farms is established. Mexico
forms more personal relationships as previously mentioned, have prolonged business meetings, and
have an indirect way of speaking. The most essential tradition of Mexico’s business culture is treating
respected business partners as family, as family is the central focus in most of Mexico’s society. Business
meetings will tend to span a longer time as talk about personal affairs will be the first topic covered. In
knowing more about your business partner, there will be a deeper connection that almost mimics a
family relation to secure future business connections with that company. Trust and reliability are the
foundation for secured business connections in the future (NAPS, 2021).

In communicating with future companies established in Mexico, it’s important to know the use of
language as most Mexicans will communicate and interpret information differently. Mexico will
communicate indirectly in writing or speaking as opposed to the direct approach in the US (WorldWide
Erc, 2021). Kate Farms will need to keep this type of speech in mind when communicating as a blunt
answer can cause misunderstandings. Mexico also favors a passive approach as it helps keep
confrontations low with minimal conflict in your relationship with them (NAPS, 2021). Kate Farms
representatives will need to present themselves in friendly manner by trying an indirect form of
communication or else we will seem unapproachable.

In understanding the basic traditions and way of life in Mexico, Kate Farms will have a higher chance of
establishing business connections and formulating their products to Mexico’s social culture. Kate Farms
is a company that sells meal replacement shakes, so in formulating our products for Mexico, we need to
do additional research on cultural beverages as well. Mexico’s culture influences the beverages that are
traditionally made from street vendors as there is a common theme. In referencing non-alcoholic drinks,
aguas frescas are the most common beverage that are enjoyed by many as they range in different
flavors. Most times, they are sweet and milky like horchata or give a fresh taste with fresh vegetables
included in a water base for consumption any time of the day (Smithsonian Magazine, 2021). Kate Farms
can include more flavors in their line of products which can be inspired by the common aguas frescas
found in Mexico as it will be tailored to their preferences for a higher rate of retention.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Kate Farms’ future expansion into Mexico requires research into Mexico’s common societal and
business culture as they go hand-in-hand with one another. Mexico is a country with a family-inspired
culture that focuses on personal relationships as trust and respect are essential aspects of their
traditions. Business culture in Mexico is based on family-established values with a smaller emphasis on
time management as having a strong connection will secure your future in having a reliable business
partner. Although there are many differences between Kate Farms’ US culture and Mexico’s culture, a
connection can be made through a mutual understanding of one another’s traditions. Kate Farms has
potential in successfully expanding into Mexico’s market by creating a line that is inspired by common
drinks consumed by the general population in Mexico. In having a familiar flavor, Kate Farms can help
these shakes have a higher rate of acceptance in hospitals as hospitals should have more flavor options
available when patients choose their life-saving shakes.


Bramen, Lisa, (2010). Cinco Non-Alcoholic Mexican Beverages, Smithsonian Magazine.

Durio, Sue, (2018). The Mexican Business Culture: What to Know About Doing Business in Mexico,
Worldwide Erc.

(2021). Mexican Culture, Cultural Atlas.


Quartucci, Soledad. (2021). Popular Festivals and Traditions of Mexico, Latina Republic.

(2020). Understanding Mexican Business Culture, NAPS.


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