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Greetings to everyone, and thank you for taking the time today to listen.

Please allow
me to introduce myself, I am Ronel Caballes, and I'm here to talk to you about the challenges
of globalization and ethical pluralism. But before diving into the downsides of these topics,
it's critical for us first to comprehend what the phrase implies.
Let us first understand globalization; globalization is a well-established feature of
today's daily living. For example, you can use a phone to call someone instantaneously, using
developed communication tools installed in it, no matter where people are in the world. You
can board an aircraft and arrive halfway around the world in a matter of hours. Globalization
contributes to the shrinking world by bringing people together for similar or competitive
Have you ever wondered how these two have affected our development as youth or as
human people? Globalization has a wide range of effects on young cultures. As a youth in a
third-world developing country, it is safe to say that globalization has not taken to our
advantage. As distance learning was implemented during the pandemic, we have seen that
only those who were privileged enough were the one who was benefiting from globalization.
It is also seen that globalization has significantly altered the employment market, and young
people, as newcomers, are "especially vulnerable." New technology has mostly overtaken
manual labor, impacting primarily low-skilled positions in the service industry.
In addition, consumerism is frequently related to globalization in which it promotes
the creation and consumption of internationally traded goods and brands, which might be
incompatible with local cultures and economic activity patterns. Consumerism may also
encourage people to take on unsustainable debt, which contributes to financial crises and
recessions. Global consumerism has come from the expansion of media channels.
Young people have a tendency to accept and interpret global products through the
perspective of their own local cultures and experiences, resulting in the formation of new
hybrid cultural forms whose meanings vary depending on local and national conditions.
Many of us teenagers in developing nations, as well as underprivileged youth in the
developed world, are unable to meet their increasing material well-being demands over time.
This behavior can be identified as materialism; it is an attitude that exhibits a desire to
acquire and spend, having people viewing themselves as successful to the extent that their
things portray the desired impressions in their envisioned perfect lifestyle. It can then lead to
social isolation and dissatisfaction, as well as violence and societal conflict if not obtained.
On the other hand, ethical pluralism states that there are several ideas about what is
"good" and what is "wrong" (moral standards) that may be conflicting and/or incompatible
with your own personal moral norms. Several genuine human values cannot be reduced to or
explained in terms of a single underlying value system. The reason for this is that specific
human values may clash with several other equally acceptable human values. For example,
individual liberty might collide with equality or public order; impartial justice can fight with
compassion and mercy; scientific truth can clash with public value, and so on.
Respect for differences in culture is one of the difficulties that has arisen as a result of
the development of globalization. It is usually known that the success of economic
globalization leads to social and cultural uniformity. To the extent that cultural difference is
commonly seen as a positive fact, this worldwide tendency appears to run opposite to our
attempts to respect ethical pluralism within society, both personal and cultural.
Everyone utilizes social media in today's cultural and digital environment. Both
economically and culturally, the youth community has an unclear connection with the
globalizing globe. And as a youth myself, I am aware of how social media can affect the
mindset of the people my age. Social media may supply new information that persuades
people to accept it. One of the significant characteristics of social media is that anybody
might just be a source of information, as opposed to the traditional media, where the source
usually is authoritative after screening and verification.
Furthermore, anybody may make a post on social media at any moment; these posts
are often not checked or authenticated. Again, public perception of these posts continues to
rise. In most situations, people blindly follow and support opinion leaders, resulting in fresh
content that worsens the public opinion trend.
Modern mass media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many
other, have become significant in the exchange and transmission of information. They are
also increasingly gaining prominence in influencing public opinion. When compared to
traditional media, these platforms offer unique characteristics such as very efficient
information transmission and interactive discussion, both of which can lead to information
overload. Still, media also educates listeners about what others learn, allowing for better
coordination. With social media's increasing prevalence across all ages, more attention has to
be paid to what it's doing to us as individual users. Social media's never-ending stream of
communication and interaction is altering the way we think and absorb information.
In general, globalization is a controversial subject in the social sciences. It is critical
for us young people all across the globe to be knowledgeable about these issues and to be
concerned about the negative implications of globalization, such as unfair economic
distribution and environmental destruction. And to know that globalization has a direct and
profound impact on our lives inasmuch as it actively promotes the kind of social divisions to
which young people are all too frequently subjected. Understanding your own cultural and
ethical norms, as well as those of other people, is critical in developing cultural competence.
The previously stated challenges are likely inevitable; therefore, awareness of these topics is
necessary for everyone to know how to resolve them, if possible. That is all for now,
everyone. It's been an honor to be among such accomplished individuals and to be able to
present my perspective before you all. Thank you and good day.

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