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Integer Operations

Created by Bethany @
Copyright ©2021 Math Geek Mama

Available at: All Rights Reserved.

These downloads are for personal use only. You may print
unlimited copies for your personal use. You may not copy for
the purposes of distribution in any format including but not
limited to, print, e-file, digital. You may store your digital copy via
2 locations, one for your primary usage and a second digital
location as a back up storage. You may share links to the web
page where the downloads can be found.

Some or all of the graphics were designed by the following

graphic designers who retain copyright for their own works.
You may not re-use these graphics for any other purpose.
Gingerbread Dash
Thank you for downloading this resource! I hope your students have
fun practicing operations with integers!

Game Setup:
First, print a game board and spinner for each small group that will
be playing the game. Then print a score card for each individual
student to tally their score.

You will need a die and some game pieces as well. You can pull these
from a regular board game or use coins, blocks, LEGO bricks, etc. if
you don’t have any regular game pieces.

How to Play:
To begin, each player places a piece at start. The first player rolls a
die and moves that many spaces on the game board. They then spin
the spinner to select a math operation. Finally, they write an
equation beginning with their starting value (on the first turn, they
start with zero), their math operation and the integer they land on.
They then find the total and that is their new score.

Example: On their first turn, let’s say they land on +10 and get a math
operation of addition. Then their equation would be 0 + 10 = 10 and
their new total is 10. On their next turn, the starting value is 10.

Players take turns rolling, spinning and calculating their new total until
all players reach the gingerbread house.

Once everyone has reached finish, the player with the highest
score wins.

As an alternative, you could play for the lowest score and whoever
has the lowest score at the end wins.
Gingerbread Dash
Directions: Each player begins at start. Roll a die and move that number of spaces.
Spin to select a math operation and perform that operation with the number you
landed on. Keep a running tally on your score card. Once each player reaches the
gingerbread house, the player with the highest score wins.

+3 -8 +14 -10 +18

-12 -9

+10 FINISH +15

-4 -7 -20

+7 +16 +8

-5 +6 -2
Gingerbread Dash
Directions: Use the spinner below to select a math operation. Keep
track of your score on the score tally sheet. The player with the
highest score at the end of the game wins!

b tr d
ac d

tip l y Multiply
Mul Su
b tr
d ac
d t

Gingerbread Dash
Directions: Begin your score below at zero. On each turn, add to, subtract from
or multiply your score depending on which math operation you spin and the
integer you land on.
For example, if your score is 12 and you spin “add” and land on -8 on the game
board, your equation would be 12 + (-8) = 4. Then your new total would be 4.

Current Score: Math Equation: New Total:


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