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“Digital Transformation of Bussiness Model by Schallmo & Williams Book”

Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Priyanto, M.Kom.



Business process reengineering (BPR) is similar to digital transformation in terms of
definition, principles and goals. both have definitions, principles and goals that emphasize
changing mindsets and behavior by rethinking and re-engineering processes to minimize
costs but improve products and services. Meanwhile, in fact the two of them also have a big
difference in terms of the focus of their goals. the objective focus of business process
reengineering is on rule-based processes, whereas digital transformation focuses on the goal
of acquiring new data and using this data to reorganize old rule-based processes.
When viewed in terms of the difference in goal focus between the two, however,
business process reengineering and digital transformation are closely related. BPR's focus is
primarily on automation of rules-based processes, whereas the main focus of digital
transformation is to acquire new data and use this data to reorganize old rules-based
processes. Digital transformation as a data-based approach has a role to explore new
knowledge, which in turn can be used to reorganize innovative business models and
operations. So digital transformation requires skills that involve data extraction and exchange
as well as analysis and conversion of that data into actionable information into business
models and operations
There are many theories that define digital transformation, each of which most people
share and follow. Although there is no definite theory to define true digital transformation,
the digitization process is a very important fact for all fields, including business. In the
business sector, digital transformation is defined as a change in the use of technology to
digital to improve business performance or reach by minimizing costs and time. Digital
transformation involves companies, business models, processes, relationships, products, etc.
Departing from the broad scope of digital transformation involving the business world,
then emerges the Digital Business Model Transformation. This model becomes an integrated
unit which refers to two aspects, namely digital transformation and business models. Digital
Transformation is the deliberate and continuous digital evolution of a company, business
model, idea process, or methodology, either strategically or tactical. Meanwhile, the business
model refers to the logic underlying the company which describes what benefits it provides to
customers and business partners to answer the question of how the profits provided by the
company also flow back to the company in the form of revenue.The business model involves
five dimensions, namely the customer dimension, benefits dimension, added value
dimension, partner dimension, and financial dimension
The digital transformation of a business model deals with the elements of an individual
business model, the entire business model, the value added chain, as well as the different
networks of actors in the value added network. The digital transformation of a business
model is based on an approach that includes a sequence of tasks and decisions that are related
to one another in a logical and temporal context. This affects four dimensions of goals: time,
finance, space and quality.
There are 5 components to the digital transformation of the business model, namely (1)
objective dimensions covering 3 aspects, namely time, finance, space that initiate the
transformation; (2) Procedures describing how the transformation occurs; (3) the level of
transformation which includes incremental and radical; (4) Reference unit which includes
customers, own affairs, partners, industry, competitors; and (5) Objects consisting of
individual elements, the entire business model, the value chain, the value creation network.

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