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Merriam-Webster's rhyming dictionary,

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ISBN 0-87779-632-7
1. English language-Rhyme-Dictionaries. I. Title: Rhyming dictionary. II.
Merriam-Webster, Inc.

PE1519 .M47 2002


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Explanatory Notes
MERRIAM-WEBSTER's RHYMING DICTIONARY is a listing of words grouped
according to the way they rhyme. The words are drawn from Merriam-
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Though many uncommon words can be
found here, many highly technical or obscure words have been omitted, as
have words whose only meanings are vulgar or offensive.
Rhyming sound Words in this book are gathered into entries on the basis
of their rhyming sound. The rhyming sound is the last part of the word, from
the vowel sound in the last stressed syllable to the end of the word. This last
stressed syllable may receive either primary or secondary stress. That is, a
word may be listed at a given entry either because (1) the rhyming sound
begins with the word's most strongly accented syllable or (2) the rhyming
sound begins with a following syllable that is only somewhat accented. In
this book, the rhyming sound may have one, two, or three syllables.
One-syllable rhyming sounds are found in one-syllable words, as in
wide Vwld\ (rhyming sound \Id\), and in words in which the primary or
secondary stress falls on the final syllable, as in Dundee \,d3n-'de\ or passkey
\'pas-,ke\, both with rhyming sounds \e\. Other words with one-syllable
rhyming sounds are appeal \3-'pel\ (rhyming sound \el\), mongoose Vman-
,gus\ (rhyming sound \us\), and undergrad \'3n-d3r-,grad\ (rhyming sound
Two-syllable rhyming sounds are found in words in which the last
syllable with primary or secondary stress is the next-to-last syllable in the
word. For example, cola Vko-laX and remover Xri-'mu-varX have two-syllable
rhyming sounds. For cola, the rhyming sound is \6-ta\, as in granola and
Gorgonzola; for remover, it is \u-vsr\, as in louver and maneuver.
Three-syllable rhyming sounds are found in words in which the third
syllable from the end carries the stress. Mutable Vmyut-a-balX and frivolity
\friv-'al-3t-e\ have three-syllable rhyming sounds. For mutable, it is \ut-3-bal\
as in suitable and inscrutable; for frivolity, it is \al-st-e\ as in jollity and

Main entries Main entries in this dictionary consist of an entry form (in
boldface type), a pronunciation, and a list of words that rhyme, separated
into syllable groupings. The entry form is the most common spelling of the
rhyming sound shown in the pronunciation. To find a rhyme for a given
word, then, you need to know only the spelling of the word and its rhyming
sound. If, for instance, you wanted to find a word to rhyme with deep, you
would look up eep, because that is the way the rhyming sound is spelled. At
eep, you will find the following entry:
Explanatory Notes vi

eep \ep\ beep, bleep, cheap, cheep,

clepe, creep, deep, heap, jeep, . . .

If the word you wanted to find a rhyme for had been cheap, you might have
looked up eap, and found the following cross-reference entry:
eap \ep\ see eep
When the same spelling is used for more than one rhyming sound,
superscript numbers are used to alert users to all identically spelled entries.
The user searching for a rhyme for give, for example, would look up ive and
find the following entries:

ive1 \iv\ chive, dive, drive, five,

gyve, hive, I've, jive,. ..
ive2 \iv\ give, live, sheave, shiv,
sieve, spiv
forgive,. . .
ive3 \ev\ see eave 1

The rhyming sound in give is pronounced \iv\, so the second entry is the
appropriate one.
Since many words have more than one standard pronunciation, some
words appear in more than one list, and not every word on every list will
rhyme for every person.
An explanation of the pronunciation symbols is found on page ix.

Order of rhyming words The words that follow the boldface entry form
and the pronunciation are separated into groups by number of syllables, from
those with the fewest to those with the most, as shown in the following

arten \art- 3 n\ Barton, carton,

hearten, marten, martin, Martin,
smarten, Spartan, tartan
baum marten, dishearten,
Dumbarton, freemartin, Saint Martin,
Sint Maarten

Cross-reference entries Main entries in this book are supplemented by

cross-reference entries. Like main entries, cross-reference entries have an
entry form and a pronunciation, but in place of a list of rhyming words,
cross-reference entries provide a note that directs the user to a main entry
where the list of rhyming words can be found. The pronunciation in the
cross-reference entry matches the pronunciation shown at the main entry.
vii Explanatory Notes

The following cross-reference entries, for instance, send the reader to the
entry arten shown above:
artin \art- 3 n\ see arten
aarten \art- 3 n\ see arten

If a cross-reference entry directs users to an entry that is one of several

spelled identically, the superscript identification number ensures that users
will find the correct entry:
ieve1 \iv\ see ive2
ieve2 \ev\ see eave1

Unlisted rhyming words In order to save space, inflected forms of words

have not been listed as entries or included in the lists of rhymes. Inflected
forms are those forms that are created by adding grammatical endings to the
base word. For instance, the base word arm, a noun, is made plural by adding
-s to form arms, and the base word walk, a verb, forms its past tense by
adding -ed to form walked. Users must go to entries for the base word in such
In some cases, both inflected and noninflected forms share the same
rhyming sounds. For example, the uninflected forms lox and paradox share
the same rhyming sound with the inflected forms docks and socks. In such
cases, only the rhyming uninflected forms are listed, but an italicized note at
the end of the entry indicates where the base words of the rhyming inflected
forms can be found:
ox \aks\ box, cox, fox,...
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of
nouns, and -s forms of verbs, listed
at OCk1

Such notes have been added whenever two or more rhyming words
could be created by adding endings to the base words at the entry. (If only
one such rhyme could be created, it has simply been added to the list.)
Other rhyming words that may not be listed are derived words. Like an
inflected word, a derived word is one to which an ending has been added;
however, a derived word generally represents a different part of speech from
its base word. For instance, when -ly is added to the adjective quick, the
derived word, quickly, is an adverb; likewise, when -ness is added to the
adjective glad, the derived word, gladness, is a noun.
There is no entry for a rhyming sound if all the words that would be on
the list are regular derived words formed by adding a suffix to words drawn
from another list. For instance, there is no entry for arkly, because the only
rhyming words, darkly and starkly, are adverbs formed by adding -ly to the
adjectives found at the entry ark. If, however, any of the rhyming words are
Explanatory Notes viii

not derived forms, a complete list is given. The entry eanly1, for instance, is
included because among the adverbs at the entry there is also the adjective
queenly, and, for the purposes of this book, adjectives ending in -ly are not
treated as regular derived forms.
Editorial acknowledgments Merriam-Webster's Rhyming Dictionary is
based on Merriam-Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary and Webster's
Compact Rhyming Dictionary, and thus on work done by the editors of those
books. It was adapted by Jocelyn White Franklin, with assistance from
Robert D. Copeland and Francesca M. Forrest.
Pronunciation Symbols
a banana, collide, abut un bon vin blonc \oe n -bo n -
preceding \1\ and \n\, as in va n -bla n \
battle, mitten, and eaten; n sing \'sirj\, finger Yfin-garX,
following \1\, \m\, \r\, as in ink \'ink\
French table, prisme, titre 6 bone, know, beau
ar further, merger, bird 6 saw, all, caught
a mat, gag, sap 6i coin, destroy
a day, fade, aorta P pepper, lip
a bother, cot, father r red, car, rarity
aii now, loud, Faust s source, less
b baby, ri6 sh shy, mission, machine,
ch chin, nafure \'na-char\ special
d did, adder t fie, attack, late
e bet, peck, help th thin, ether
e fee, easy, media th then, either
f fifty, phone, rough ii rale, fool, union Vyun-yanX,
g go, big few \'fyu\
h nat, a/read ii pull, would, book

i tip, banish, active v vivid, give

I site, buy, deny w we, away

j job, gem, judge y yard, cue \'kyu\, mute

k fcin, coofc, acne
z zone, raise
k. German ich, Buck
zh vision, azure Va-zhsrX
1 lily, pool
\ slant line used in pairs to
m murmur, dim mark off pronunciations
n no, own 1
precedes a syllable with
preceding vowel or primary (strongest) stress
diphthong is pronounced , precedes a syllable with
with the nasal passages secondary (medium) stress
open, as in French
mark of syllable division
a 1 \a\ aah, ah, baa, bah, blah, bra, Nishinomiya, pate de foie gras,
dah, droit, fa, Fra, ha, Jah, Kwa, la, Tokorozawa, Utsunomiya
ma, na, nah, pa, pas, qua, Ra, rah, Afars and the Isas, exempli gratia,
schwa, shah, ska, spa Isthmus of Panama, Novaya Zemlya
a bas, aba, Accra, aha, Allah,
Armagh, blah-blah, Borgia, bourgeois, a 2 \ a \ see ay 1
brava, Casbah, chamois, Chang-sha, a 3 \ 6 \ see aw1
Chita, Degas, Dumas, eclat, fa la, faux
pas, fellah, fetah, foie gras, gaga, aa 1 \ a \ see ah 3
galah, Galois, grandma, grandpa, ha-
aa 2 \ a \ see a 1
ha, halvah, Hama, hoo-ha, hoopla,
Hsia, hurrah, huzzah, isba, Issa, Luda, aachen \a-kan\ Aachen, lochan
Marat, markka, mudra, Oita, opah,
orgeat, Oujda, quinoa, pai-hua, paisa, aag \ag\ seeog 1
Para, pasha, patois, pooh-bah, prutah, aal1 \al\ see ail
pya, San'a, sangfroid, selah, Shema,
sola, supra, tola, Tonghua, Ufa, Utah, aal 2 \61\ see all
Valois, Vaudois, viva, voila, whoopla
abaca, Adana, agora, ahimsa, Akita, aal 3 \al\ see al
aloha, assignat, Aymara, baccarat, aam \am\ see om1
baklava, Bogota, brouhaha, cervelat,
Chippewa, coup d'etat, Cumana, aan \an\ see an 5
Delacroix, entrechat, feria, habdalah,
haftarah, haniwa, Kashiwa, koruna, aans 1 \ans\ see ance 2
Kostroma, la-di-da, Libera, ma-and- aans 2 \anz\ see onze
pa, Machida, Malinois, Mardi Gras,
Modena, moussaka, Omaha, Oshawa, aard \ard\ see ard 1
Ottawa, pakeha, panama, Panama,
Parana, parashah, pas de trois, aari \ar-e\ see ari1
persona, picara, pieta, podesta, aaron \ar-sn\ see aron 2
polenta, polynya, port de bras,
Quebecois, reseda, rufiyaa, Shangri-la, aarten \art- 3 n\ see arten
tempura, ulema, usquebaugh
aas \as\ see OS1
Ahvenanmaa, Alma-Ata, ayatollah,
Baha' Allah, caracara, con anima, aatz \atz\ see ots
coureur de bois, hispanidad, hors de
combat, je ne sais quoi, Karaganda, ab 1 \ a b \ see ob
Makhachkala, menage a trois, ab 2 \av\ see olve2
phenomena, res publica, sursum
corda, tamandua ab 3 \ a b \ blab, cab, crab, dab, drab,
Alto Parana, Haleakala, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, Lab, Mab,
Katharevusa, mousseline de soie, nab, scab, slab, stab, tab
aba 2

Ahab, baobab, Cantab, confab, abbie 2 \ab-e\ see abby

Moab, prefab, Rajab, rehab, smack-
dab abbin \ab-an\ see abin
astrolabe, minilab, pedicab, taxicab abbit \ab-at\ see abit
aba \ab-a\ Kaaba, Labe, PABA, abbitry \ab-a-tre\ see abbittry
Saba, Sabah
casaba, djellaba, indaba abbitt \ab-at\ see abit
Ali Baba, Orizaba, Sorocaba abbittry \ab-s-tre\ B abbittry,
jaboticaba rabbitry
Pico de Orizaba
abbie 1 \ab-al\ bauble, bobble,
abah \ab-s\ see aba cobble, gobble, hobble, Kabul, nobble,
abala \ab-a-b\ cabala, cabbalah obol, squabble, wabble, wobble
parabola abbie 2 \ab-al\ Babel, babble,
abalist \ab-3-last\ cabalist brabble, dabble, drabble, gabble,
diabolist grabble, habile, rabble, scrabble
bedabble, hardscrabble
abard \ab-srd\ clapboard, scabbard, psychobabble, technobabble
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at abblement Xab-sl-mantX
abber 2 babblement, rabblement

abatis \ab-9t-as\ abatis, habitus abbler \ab-tar\ babbler, dabbler,

gabbler, grabbler, rabbler, scrabbler
abbalah \ab-3la\ see abala
abbly \ab-le\ see ably
abbard \ab-ard\ see abard
abbot \ab-9t\ see abit
abbas \ab-as\ see abbess
abby \ab-e\ abbey, Abby, blabby,
abbat \ab-at\ see abit cabbie, crabby, flabby, gabby, grabby,
abbed 1 \ab-ad\ crabbed, rabid scabby, shabby, tabby
kohlrabi, Panjabi, Punjabi
abbed 2 \abd\ blabbed, stabbed
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at abe 1 \ a b \ babe, mabe, nabe
ab 3 astrolabe

abber 1 \ab-ar\ see obber abe 2 \ a b \ see ab

abber 2 \ab-3r\ blabber, clabber, abe 3 \a-ba\ see aba

crabber, dabber, drabber, gabber, abel \a-bal\ see able
grabber, jabber, slabber, stabber,
yabber aben \ab-an\ see obin
rehabber aber 1 \a-bsr\ see abor
aber 2 \ab-ar\ see obber
abbess \ab-as\ abbess
Barabbas abes \a-bez\ see abies
abbet \ab-at\ see abit abi1 \ab-e\ see obby
abbey \ab-e\ see abby abi 2 \ab-e\ see ubby
abbie 1 \ab-e\ seeobby abi 3 \ab-e\ see abby
3 accid

abia \a-be-a\ labia, Swabia abot \ab-9t\ see abit

Bessarabia abra \ab-ra\ sabra, Sabra
Saudi Arabia candelabra

abian \a-be-an\ Fabian, gabion abre \ab\ see ob 1

Arabian abul \ab-al\ see abble 1
abular \ab-y9-lar\ fabular, tabular
abid \ab-ad\ see abbed vocabular
abies \a-bez\ rabies, scabies, tabes
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns abulous Xab-ya-lasX fabulous
listed at aby fantabulous
abile \ab-al\ see abble 2 abulum \ab-y9-l9m\ pabulum
acetabulum, incunabulum
abilis \ab-9-bs\ obelus
annus mirabilis aby \a-be\ baby, gaby, maybe
crybaby, grandbaby
abin \ab-9n\ cabin, rabbin
ac 1 \ak\ see ack 2
abion \a-be-an\ see abian
ac 2 \ak\ see ock1
abit \ab-9t\ abbot, babbitt, Babbitt,
Cabot, habit, rabbet, rabbit, sabbat ac 3 \ 6 \ see aw1
cohabit, inhabit, jackrabbit
aca 1 \ak-a\ see aka 1
abitant \ab-9t-9nt\ habitant
cohabitant, inhabitant aca 2 \ak-a\ Dacca, Dhaka, paca
alpaca, malacca, Malacca, sifaka
abitus \ab-3t-ss\ see abatis portulaca
Strait of Malacca
able \a-bal\ Abel, able, Babel, cable,
fable, Froebel, gable, label, Mabel, acable \ak-s-b9l\ see ackable
sable, stable, table
disable, enable, instable, pin-table, acao \6-k6\ see oco
retable, round table, timetable, acas \ak-as\ Bacchus, fracas,
turntable, unable, unstable, worktable Gracchus
abled \a-bsld\ fabled, gabled Caracas
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at acca 1 \ak-a\ see aca
acca 2 \ak-s\ see aka 1
ablis \ab-le\ see ably
accent \ak-s9nt\ accent
ably \ab-le\ chablis, drably, scrabbly relaxant
abola \ab-a-b\ see abala acchanal \ak-sn- 3 l\ see aconal
abolist \ab-9-bst\ see abalist acchic \ak-ik\ bacchic
halakic, stomachic, tribrachic
abor \a-bar\ caber, labor, neighbor,
saber, tabor
belabor, von Weber, zeitgeber acchus \ak-as\ see acas
aborer \a-b9r-9r\ laborer, taborer accid \as-sd\ see acid
accio 4

accio \a-che-6\ bocaccio, Bocaccio, ace 3 \as\ see os 1

ace 4 \as\ see a s s 3
acco 1 \ak-a\ see aca
ace 5 \ach-e\ see otchy
acco 2 \ak-6\ see ako 2
ace 6 \as-a\ see asa 1
acculus \ak-y3-las\ sacculus
miraculous aceable \a-s9-bal\ placeable,
ace 1 \ a s \ ace, base, bass, brace, case, displaceable, effaceable,
chase, dace, face, grace, Grace, lace, embraceable, erasable, persuasible,
mace, Mace, pace, place, plaice, prase, replaceable
race, res, space, Thrace, trace, vase
ineffaceable, irreplaceable
abase, airspace, Alsace, ambsace,
apace, backspace, best-case, biface, acean Xa-shanX see ation1
birthplace, blackface, boldface,
bookcase, bootlace, braincase, aced \ast\ based, baste, chaste,
briefcase, crankcase, debase, deface, faced, geest, haste, laced, mayest,
disgrace, displace, dogface, paste, taste, waist, waste
doughface, efface, embrace, emplace, bald-faced, barefaced, bold-faced,
encase, enchase, enlace, erase, distaste, dough-faced, foretaste,
firebase, fireplace, footpace, footrace, impaste, lambaste, lightfaced,
foreface, gyrase, half-space, hard case, moonfaced, pie-faced, po-faced,
headspace, Jerez, lightface, manes, posthaste, rad waste, self-paced,
millrace, milreis, misplace, notecase, shamefaced, shirtwaist, snail-paced,
null-space, outface, outpace, outrace, slipcased, stone-faced, straight-faced,
paleface, postface, Quilmes, replace, straitlaced, toothpaste, two-faced,
retrace, scapegrace, shoelace, unchaste, unplaced, white-faced
showcase, showplace, slipcase, aftertaste, brazen-faced, double-
smearcase, someplace, staircase, faced, Janus-faced, hatchet-faced,
subbase, subspace, suitcase, surbase, pantywaist, poker-faced, thorough-
tailrace, tenace, typeface, ukase, paced
unbrace, unlace, watchcase, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
wheelbase, whey-face, whiteface, ace1
workplace, worst-case
aceless \a-slas\ baseless, faceless,
about-face, aerospace, anyplace,
graceless, laceless, placeless,
boniface, bouillabaisse, carapace,
spaceless, traceless
commonplace, contrabass, double-
space, everyplace, interface, interlace, aceman \a-sman\ baseman,
kilobase, lemures, lowercase, placeman, spaceman
marketplace, pillowcase, Samothrace,
single-space, steeplechase, acement \a-smant\ basement,
thoroughbass, thoroughbrace, triple- casement, placement
space, uppercase abasement, debasement, defacement,
rarae aves displacement, effacement,
beta-lactamase, in medias res embracement, emplacement,
Aguascalientes encasement, enlacement,
Goya y Lucientes, superoxide misplacement, outplacement,
dismutase replacement
litterae humaniores self-effacement
ace 2 \a-se\ see acy acence \as- 3 ns\ see ascence 1
5 acias

acency \as- 3 n-se\ adjacency, ached \acht\ attached, detached

complacency, subj acency unattached
acent \as- 3 nt\ nascent —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
adjacent, complacent, complaisant, atch4
circumjacent, superjacent acher \a-kar\ see aker 1
aceor \a-sar\ see acer 1 achet \ach-at\ see atchet
aceous \a-shas\ see acious achi \ach-e\ see otchy
acer \a-sar\ baser, bracer, chaser, achial \a-ke-sl\ see acheal
facer, pacer, placer, racer, spacer,
tracer achian \a-shan\ see ation1
defacer, disgracer, effacer, achic \ak-ik\ see acchic
embraceor, embracer, eraser, replacer,
subchaser aching \a-kin\ see aking1
achio 1 \ash-6\ mustachio, pistachio
acer \as-sr\ see asser
achio 2 \ash-e-6\ mustachio,
acery \as-re\ tracery pistachio
achm \am\ see am 2
acet 1 \a-sat\ hie jacet, non placet
achment \ach-m9nt\ see atchment
acet 2 \as-at\ asset, facet, tacet, tacit
achne \ak-ne\ see acne
acewalking \as-wo-kirj\
racewalking, spacewalking acho \ach-6\ muchacho, quebracho
acey \a-se\ see acy achou \ash-ii\ see ashew
ach 1 \ak\ Bach, saugh achsen \ak-san\ see oxen
Pesach, pibroch
Offenbach acht \at\ see ot1
achtsman \at-sm3n\ see otsman
ach 2 \ak\ see ock1
achy \a-ke\ see aky
ach 3 \ak\ see ack 2
acia \a-shs\ Dacia, fascia, geisha
ach 4 \ach\ see atch 4 acacia, Croatia, Dalmatia, ex gratia,
acha \ach-a\ cha-cha, dacha, prima facie
kwacha exempli gratia
acial \a-shal\ facial, glacial, racial,
achary \ak-a-r-e\ see ackery 2 spatial
ache 1 \ak\ see ake 1 abbatial, bifacial, biracial, englacial,
palatial, primatial, subglacial
ache 2 \ash\ see ash 3 interfacial, interglacial, interracial,
ache 3 \ach-e\ see otchy multiracial
ache 4 \ach-e\ see atchy acian \a-shan\ see ation1
acheal \a-ke-al\ brachial, tracheal acias Xa-shssX see acious
acid 6

acid \as-ad\ acid, Chasid, flaccid, opacity, rapacity, sagacity, tenacity,

Hasid, jassid, placid veracity, vivacity, voracity
Abbasid, antacid efficacity, incapacity
acie \a-shs\ see acia
acive \a-siv\ see asive
acient \a-shant\ see atient
ack1 \ak\ see ock1
acier 1 \a-shsr\ see asure 1
ack 2 \ak\ back, black, clack, claque,
acier 2 \a-zhar\ see azier crack, flack, flak, hack, jack, Jack,
acile \as-sl\ see assel 2 knack, lac, lack, mac, Mac, Mack,
pack, plaque, quack, rack, sac, Sac,
acing \a-sirj\ bracing, casing, facing, sack, sacque, shack, slack, smack,
lacing, racing, spacing, tracing snack, stack, tach, tack, thwack, track,
catfacing, effacing Wac, whack, wrack, yak
all-embracing, interfacing, aback, ack-ack, alack, amtrac,
Interspacing, self-effacing Anzac, Arak, attack, backpack,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at backtrack, Balzac, bareback,
ace 1 blackjack, blue-black, bootblack,
bootjack, brushback, bushwhack,
acious \a-sb.9s\ gracious, spacious buyback, callback, calpac, champac,
audacious, bodacious, capacious, cheapjack, Coalsack, coatrack,
ceraceous, cretaceous, crustaceous, cognac, come back, comeback,
curvaceous, edacious, fallacious, cookshack, cossack, crackback,
flirtatious, fugacious, herbaceous, crookback, cut back, cutback, Dayak,
Horatius, Ignatius, loquacious, dieback, draw back, drawback, fall
mendacious, mordacious, pomaceous, back, fallback, fastback, fast-track,
predaceous, pugnacious, rapacious, fatback, feedback, finback, fireback,
sagacious, salacious, sebaceous, flapjack, flareback, flashback,
sequacious, setaceous, tenacious, fullback, gimcrack, graywacke,
testaceous, ungracious, veracious, greenback, gripsack, guaiac, halfback,
vexacious, vinaceous, vivacious, half-track, hardback, hardhack,
voracious hardtack, hatchback, hayrack,
alliaceous, arenaceous, argillaceous, haystack, hijack, hogback, hold back,
carbonaceous, contumacious, holdback, hopsack, horseback,
coriaceous, disputatious, efficacious, humpback, hunchback, Iraq, jam-
farinaceous, fieri facias, foliaceous, pack, jet-black, kayak, Kazak,
ostentatious, pectinaceous, kickback, knapsack, knickknack,
perspicacious, pertinacious, Kodak, kulak, kyack, laid-back,
saponaceous, scire facias, lampblack, leaseback, linac, macaque,
stercoraceous, violaceous man jack, manpack, Micmac,
inefficacious mossback, muntjac, Muzak,
notchback, offtrack, outback,
acis \as-e\ see assy packsack, payback, pitch-black, play
acist \a-ssst\ see assist back, playback, plow back, plowback,
pullback, quillback, racetrack,
acit \as-at\ see acet 2 ransack, rickrack, roll back, rollback,
roorback, rucksack, runback, scatback,
acity 1 \as-te\ see asty 2 serac, set back, setback, shellac,
acity 2 \as-at-e\ audacity, capacity, shellback, shoeblack, shoepac,
fugacity, loquacity, mendacity, sidetrack, six-pack, skewback,
7 acking

skipjack, skyjack, slapjack, slotback, ackable \ak-3-bal\ packable,

Slovak, smokejack, smokestack, snap placable, stackable
back, snapback, snowpack, softback, implacable
sumac, swayback, sweepback, swept-
back, switchback, tailback, tarmac, ackage \ak-ij\ package, trackage
thornback, throw back, throwback, prepackage, repackage
thumbtack, ticktack, tieback, tie tack, ackal \ak-al\ see ackle
tombac, touchback, tow sack, trictrac,
tripack, unpack, Welsbach, wetback, acked \akt\ see act
whaleback, wingback, wisecrack,
woolpack, woolsack, yashmak, Yurak, acken \ak-sn\ blacken, bracken,
zwieback flacon, slacken
almanac, amberjack, anorak,
antiblack, applejack, Arawak, ackened \ak-and\ blackened
Armagnac, birdyback, bivouac, bric-a- —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
brac, camelback, canvasback, cardiac, acken
carryback, celiac, coeliac, cornerback,
Cousin Jack, crackerjack, cul-de-sac, acker \ak-ar\ backer, clacker,
diamondback, fiddleback, fishyback, cracker, hacker, j acker, knacker,
Frontenac, gunnysack, hackmatack, lacquer, packer, sacker, slacker,
haversack, high-low-jack, huckaback, smacker, stacker, tacker, tracker,
hydrocrack, iliac, ipecac, Kodiak, whacker
ladder-back, leatherback, lumberjack, attacker, backpacker, bushwhacker,
maniac, medevac, minitrack, firecracker, hijacker, kayaker,
moneyback, nunatak, otomac, linebacker, nutcracker, racetracker,
paperback, Pasternak, pickaback, ransacker, safecracker, shellcracker,
piggyback, Pontiac, portapak, skyjacker, unpacker, wisecracker
quarterback, razorback, retropack, simulacre
running back, sandarac, Sarawak, counterattacker
Sazerac, silverback, single-track,
Skaggerak, snapper-back, solonchak, ackeray \ak-s-re\ see ackery
steeplejack, stickleback, supplejack, ackerel \ak-rsl\ see acral
Syriac, tamarack, tenure-track,
theriac, tokamak, turtleback, umiak, ackery \ak-s-re\ flackery, quackery,
zodiac Thackeray, Zachary
Adirondack, ammoniac, amnesiac, gimcrackery
Aniakchak, biofeedback, celeriac, acket \ak-3t\ bracket, jacket, packet,
counterattack, demoniac, elegiac, placket, racket
insomniac, Monterey Jack, paranoiac, bluejacket, straitjacket
simoniac, tacamahac yellowj acket
aphrodisiac, coprophiliac, Dionysiac,
dipsomaniac, egomaniac, ackey \ak-e\ see acky
hemophiliac, hypochondriac,
intracardiac, kleptomaniac, ackguard \ag-ard\ see aggard
melancholiac, monomaniac, ackie \ak-e\ see acky
mythomaniac, necrophiliac,
neophiliac, nymphomaniac, acking \ak-irj\ backing, blacking,
pedophiliac, pyromaniac, Rhodesian cracking, packing, sacking, smacking,
Ridgeback, sacroiliac, sal ammoniac tracking, whacking
megalomaniac bushwhacking, kayaking,
Cyrano de Bergerac linebacking, meatpacking,
ackish 8

nerve-racking, nerve-wracking, acque 1 \ak\ see ack 2

safecracking, skyjacking
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at acque 2 \ak\ see ock1
ack 2
acquer \ak-ar\ see acker
ackish \ak-ish\ blackish, brackish,
quackish acques \ak\ see ock1

ackle \ak-al\ cackle, crackle, acral \ak-ral\ mackerel, sacral

grackle, hackle, jackal, made, rackle,
acre 1 \a-ksr\ see aker1
shackle, spackle, tackle
debacle, gang-tackle, ramshackle, acre 2 \ak-ar\ see acker
tabernacle acrum \ak-r9m\ sacrum
ackly \ak-le\ blackly, crackly, hackly
abstractly, compactly, exactly act \akt\ act, backed, bract, cracked,
inexactly fact, packed, pact, stacked, tact,
tracked, tract
ackman \ak-m9n\ hackman, abstract, attract, coact, compact,
packman, trackman contact, contract, crookbacked,
ackney \ak-ne\ see acne detract, didact, diffract, distract, enact,
entr'acte, epact, exact, extract, half-
ackneyed \ak-ned\ see acned tracked, humpbacked, hunchbacked,
impact, infract, intact, mossbacked,
acko \ak-6\ see ako 2
playact, protract, react, redact, refract,
acksman \ak-sman\ see axman subtract, swaybacked, transact,
ackson \ak-san\ see axon abreact, artifact, cataract, chain-
acky \ak-e\ hackie, Jackie, Jacky, react, counteract, cross-react, inexact,
khaki, lackey, tacky, wacky interact, overact, paperbacked,
ticky-tacky precontact, razor-backed, reenact,
subcompact, subcontract, underact,
acle 1 \ik-al\ see ickle vacuum-packed, ventifact
acle 2 \ak\ see ock1 autodidact, matter-of-fact, overreact,
semiabstract, underreact
acle 3 \ak-al\ see ockle — also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ack 2
acle 4 \ak-al\ see ackle
actable \ak-ts-bal\ actable, tractable
acne \ak-ne\ acne, hackney,
abstractable, attractable,
compactible, contractible, distractable,
extractable, intractable
acned \ak-ned\ acned, hackneyed
actance \ak-t9ns\ attractance,
aco \ak-6\ see occo reactance
aeon 1 \a-kan\ see aken 1 actant \ak-tant\ attractant, reactant,
2 surfactant
aeon \ak-an\ see acken interactant
aconal \ak-an- 3 l\ bacchanal acte 1 \akt\ see ocked
archidiaconal acte 2 \akt\ see act
9 acture

acted \ak-tsd\ fracted overaction, petrifaction, putrefaction,

abstracted, impacted rarefaction, retroaction, satisfaction,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at single-action, stupefaction,
act tumefaction
dissatisfaction, photoreaction, self-
acter \ak-tar\ see actor satisfaction
actery \ak-tre\ see actory actional \ak-shn9l\ factional,
fractional, tractional
actible \ak-t3-bal\ see actable
abstractional, contractional,
actic \ak-tik\ lactic, tactic redactional, transactional
atactic, climactic, didactic, galactic, interactional, rarefactional
actious \ak-shas\ factious, fractious
ataractic, chiropractic, parallactic,
paratactic, prophylactic active \ak-tiv\ active, tractive
anaphylactic, anticlimactic, abstractive, attractive, coactive,
autodidactic, extragalactic, contractive, detractive, distractive,
intergalactic, intragalactic, stereotactic extractive, impactive, inactive,
proactive, reactive, refractive,
actical \ak-ti-ksl\ practical, tactical subtractive
didactical, impractical, syntactical bioactive, counteractive, hyperactive,
actice \ak-tss\ cactus, practice interactive, overactive, psychoactive,
malpractice putrefactive, retroactive, unattractive
cataractous radioactive

actios \ak-tiks\ tactics actly \ak-le\ see ackly

didactics, syntactics actor \ak-tar\ actor, factor, tractor
phonotactics abstractor, attractor, cofactor,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns compactor, contractor, detractor,
listed at actic enactor, exactor, extractor, g-factor,
actile \ak-t 3 l\ dactyl, tactile impactor, infractor, protractor, reactor,
contractile, protractile, refractile, redactor, refractor, retractor,
retractile subtracter, transactor
benefactor, chiropractor, malefactor,
polydactyl, pterodactyl
acting \ak-tirj\ acting bioreactor, Campylobacter
exacting, self-acting actory \ak-tre\ factory
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at olfactory, phylactery, refractory
act calefactory, manufactory,
action \ak-sh9n\ action, faction, satisfactory
fraction, taction, traction dissatisfactory, unsatisfactory
abstraction, attraction, bolt-action, actous \ak-tas\ see actice
coaction, compaction, contraction,
detraction, diffraction, distraction, actress \ak-trss\ actress
exaction, extraction, impaction, benefactress
inaction, infraction, olfaction,
actual \ak-chal\ actual, factual,
protraction, reaction, redaction,
refraction, retraction, subtraction,
artifactual, counterfactual
benefaction, counteraction, acture \ak-char\ facture, fracture
interaction, liquefaction, malefaction, contracture
actus 10

manufacture ada 2 \ad-a\ nada, sadhe, tsade

remanufacture Agada, Agade, Aggada, armada,
actus \ak-tas\ see actice cicada, gelada, Granada, Haggadah,
Jumada, Nevada, panada, posada,
actyl \ak-t 3 l\ see actile tostada
acular \ak-y9-lar\ macular autostrada, empanada, enchilada,
oracular, spectacular, spiracular, Ensenada, Theravada
tentacular, vernacular aficionada, Ponta Delgada,
tabernacular Vijayawada
cascara sagrada, Sierra Nevada
aculate \ak-y3-lat\ maculate
ejaculate, immaculate ada 3 \ad-s\ Ada, Veda
armada, cicada, Grenada
aculous \ak-y3-tas\ see acculus alameda
acy \a-se\ Basie, lacy, pace, precis, Avellaneda
racy, spacey, Stacey, Stacy, Tracey,
adable \ad-3-bal\ gradable, tradable,
abradable, degradable, evadable,
prima facie, Sulawesi, Veronese persuadable
acyl \as-al\ see assel 2 biodegradable
ad 1 \a\ see a 1 a'dah \ad-a\ see ada 1
ad \ad\ see od adah \ad-a\ see ada 2
ad \ad\ ad, add, bad, bade, brad,
cad, chad, Chad, clad, dad, fad, gad, adal \ad- 3 l\ see addle
Gad, glad, grad, had, lad, mad, pad, adam \ad-am\ Adam, madam
plaid, rad, sad, scad, shad, tad, Thad, macadam
trad tarmacadam
Akkad, aoudad, Baghdad, Belgrade,
Carlsbad, caudad, comrade, Conrad, adams \ad-amz\ Adams
crawdad, doodad, dorsad, dryad, dyad, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
egad, farad, footpad, forbade, gonad, listed at adam
granddad, heptad, hexad, horn-mad,
ironclad, keypad, launchpad, maenad, adan 1 \ad-n\ see adden
Mashad, monad, naiad, nicad, nomad, adan 2 \ad-n\ see odden
notepad, pentad, pleiad, Sinbad,
Sindbad, tetrad, thinclad, triad, triclad, adant \ad- 3 nt\ cadent
Troad abradant, decadent
armor-clad, Ashkhabad, cephalad,
add \ad\ see ad 3
chiliad, ennead, Galahad, hebdomad,
helipad, Hyderabad, laterad, mediad, adden \ad- 3 n\ gladden, madden,
oread, overplaid, Pythiad, superadd, sadden
Trinidad, undergrad, Volgograd Aladdin, Ibadan
Allahabad, bromeliad, gesneriad,
hamadryad, hispanidad, Kaliningrad, adder \ad-ar\ adder, bladder, ladder,
Kirovograd, olympiad, seminomad, madder
Upanishad stepladder
Voroshilovgrad —also -er forms of adjectives listed
ada 1 \ad-a\ Dada
aficionada addie \ad-e\ see addy
11 aden

addik \ad-ik\ see odic homemade, housemaid, inlaid, invade,

3 limeade, low-grade, man-made,
addin \ad- n\ see adden mermaid, milkmaid, navaid,
adding \ad-irj\ cladding, madding, nightshade, nursemaid, outlaid,
padding parade, persuade, pervade, plain-laid,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at pomade, postpaid, repaid, sacheted,
ad 3 scalade, sea-maid, self-made, shroud-
laid, souffleed, stockade, sunshade,
addish 1 \ad-ish\ see oddish switchblade, tirade, torsade,
twayblade, twice-laid, unbraid,
addish 2 \ad-ish\ seeadish
unlade, unmade, unpaid, upbraid,
addison \ad-3-san\ Addison, upgrade, waylaid
Madison accolade, Adelaide, ambuscade,
aquacade, autocade, balustrade,
addle \ad- 3 l\ addle, paddle, raddle, barricade, bastinade, cable-laid,
saddle, staddle, straddle cannonade, carronade, cavalcade,
astraddle, foresaddle, gonadal, centigrade, chambermaid, chiffonade,
packsaddle, sidesaddle, skedaddle, colonnade, countertrade, custom-
unsaddle made, dairymaid, defilade, enfilade,
fiddle-faddle escalade, escapade, esplanade,
addler1 \ad-tor\ see oddler everglade, fusillade, gallopade,
gasconade, grant-in-aid, hawser-laid,
addler 2 \ad-tar\ saddler, paddler, intergrade, lemonade, marinade,
straddler marmalade, masquerade, medicaid,
skedaddler motorcade, orangeade, orthograde,
addo \ad-6\ see adow overtrade, palisade, pasquinade,
plantigrade, promenade, ready-made,
addock 1 \ad-ik\ see adic 2 renegade, retrograde, serenade, stock-
in-trade, tailor-made, underlaid
addock 2 \ad-ak\ haddock, paddock,
shaddock fanfaronade, harlequinade,
overpersuade, rodomontade
addy1 \ad-e\ baddie, caddie, caddy,
daddy, faddy, laddie, paddy ade 2 \ad\ see od
forecaddie, granddaddy ade 3 \ad\ see ad
finnan haddie
ade 4 \ad-a\ see ada 2
addy 2 \ad-e\ see ody1
aded \ad-ad\ bladed
ade 1 \ad\ aid, aide, bade, blade, arcaded, brocaded, cockaded
braid, cade, clade, fade, glade, grade, colonnaded
jade, lade, laid, made, maid, paid, raid, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
rayed, shade, spade, stade, staid, ade1
suede, they'd, trade, wade, Wade
abrade, afraid, aggrade, arcade, adefess \ad-las\ fadeless, gradeless,
Band-Aid, barmaid, Belgrade, shadeless
blockade, bondmaid, bridesmaid,
brigade, brocade, cascade, Cascade, adely \ad-le\ see adly
charade, cliched, cockade, corrade, aden 1 \ad- 3 n\ Aden, laden, maiden
cross-trade, crusade, decade, degrade,
handmaiden, menhaden
dissuade, downgrade, evade, eyeshade,
fair-trade, forebade, gainsaid, glissade, aden 2 \ad-an\ Aden
grenade, handmade, handmaid, Wiesbaden
adent 12

adent \ad- 3 nt\ see adant adient \ad-e-ant\ see adiant

ader \ad-ar\ aider, braider, cheder, adies \ad-ez\ see ades 1
fader, grader, heder, nadir, raider,
seder, shader, spader, trader, wader ading \ad-irj\ braiding, lading,
blockader, crusader, degrader, shading
dissuader, evader, invader, persuader arcading, degrading, downgrading,
masquerader, serenader unfading
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ades 1 \ad-ez\ ladies, Hades ade 1
adir \ad-ar\ see ader
ades 2 \adz\ AIDS, Glades
Cascades adish \ad-ish\ caddish, faddish,
antitrades, Everglades radish
jack-of-all-trades horseradish
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, adison \ad-9-san\ seeaddison
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ade
adist 1 \6d-ast\ broadest, sawdust
adge \ a j \ badge, cadge, hajj, Madge haggadist
adger \aj-ar\ badger, cadger
adist 2 \ad-ast\ see odest
adh \ad\ see od
adium \ad-e-3m\ radium, stadium
ad he 1 \ad-a\ see ada 2 caladium, palladium, vanadium
adhe 2 \ad-e\ see ody1 adle \ad- 3 l\ cradle, dreidel, ladle,
adia \ad-e-a\ stadia
Acadia, arcadia, Arcadia, palladia adley \ad-le\ see adly
adial \ad-e-al\ radial adly \ad-le\ badly, Bradley, gladly,
biradial madly, sadly
interstadial comradely
adian \ad-e-9n\ Acadian, Akkadian, adness \ad-nas\ badness, gladness,
arcadian, Arcadian, Barbadian, madness, sadness
Canadian, circadian, Orcadian,
Palladian ado 1 \ad-6\ bravado, camisado,
carbonado, cruzado, Manado, mikado,
adiant \ad-e-ant\ gradient, radiant passado, stoccado, strappado
avocado, bastinado, Colorado,
adic 1 \ad-ik\ Vedic
Coronado, desperado, El Dorado,
adic 2 \ad-ik\ Braddock, haddock, amontillado, zapateado
paddock aficionado, incommunicado, Llano
balladic, dyadic, faradic, haggadic, Estacado
hexadic, maenadic, monadic,
nomadic, sporadic, tetradic, tornadic, ado 2 \ad-6\ dado, credo
triadic crusado, gambado, strappado, teredo,
Iliadic tornado
seminomadic barricado, bastinado, camisado,
carbonado, desperado, El Dorado
adie \ad-e\ see ady fettuccine Alfredo
13 afe

ados \a-dgs\ see adus aena 2 \e-na\ see ina2

adow \ad-6\ Caddo, shadow aenia 1 \e-ne-a\ see enia 1
overshadow aenia 2 \e-nya\ see enia 2

adrate \ad-rst\ see oderate aens \a n s\ see ance 1

adre \ad-re\ see adery aeon \e-an\ see ean 1
adrian \a-dre-an\ Adrian, Adrienne, aera \ir-a\ see era 2
aere 1 \er-e\ see ary 1
adrienne \a-dre-sn\ see adrian
aere 2 \ir-e\ see eary
adt \at\ see ot
aerial1 \er-e-9l\ see arial
adual \aj-sl\ see agile
aerial 2 \ir-e-sl\ see erial
adus \a-dss\ Padus
Barbados aerie 1 \a-re\ aerie, aery, faerie, fairy
—also -s, -'s, and -s'forms of nouns
aerie 2 \er-e\ see ary 1
listed at ada
aerie 3 \ir-e\ see eary
ady \ad-e\ cedi, glady, lady, Sadie,
shady aero 1 \er-6\ see ero 2
forelady, landlady, milady, saleslady
aero 2 \ar-6\ see arrow2
ae 1 \a\ see ay1
aeroe 1 \ar-6\ see arrow2
ae 2 \ e \ see ee 1
aeroe 2 \er-6\ see ero 2
ae 3 \ i \ see y1
aery 1 \a-re\ see aerie 1
aea \e-a\ see ia1
aery 2 \er-e\ see ary 1
aean \e-an\ see ean 1
aedal \ed- 3 l\ see eedle aesar \e-zsr\ see easer 2

aedile \ed- 3 l\ see eedle a e s e \a-za\ see esa 2

aedra \e-dra\ see edra aestor \e-star\ see easter

aegis \a-jss\ see ageous aestus \es-tas\ see estis
aegis \e-jas\ see egis aet \at\ see ate 1
ael \al\ see ail aetor \et-ar\ see eater 1
aeli \a-le\ see aily aeum \e-3m\ see eum 1
aelic 1 \al-ik\ see olic1 aeus \e-as\ see eus 1
aelic \al-ik\ see allic af \af\ see aph
aemon \e-man\ see emon 1 afe 1 \af\ chafe, safe, strafe, waif
n 1
aen \a \ see ant fail-safe, vouchsafe
aena 1 \a-na\ scena
faena afe 2 \af\ see aph
afel 14

afel \af-al\ offal, waffle statecraft, updraft, witchcraft,

falafel, pantofie, rijsttafel woodcraft
countershaft, fore-and-aft,
afer \a-fsr\ chafer, safer, strafer, handicraft, Hovercraft, overdraft,
wafer rotorcraft, turboshaft, understaffed,
cockchafer watercraft
aff \af \ see aph antiaircraft

affable \af-9-bal\ affable, laughable aftage \af-tij\ graftage, waftage

affe \af\ see aph after \af-tar\ after, dafter, drafter,

grafter, laughter, rafter
affed \aft\ see aft2 hereafter, thereafter
fore-and-after, handicrafter,
affer1 \af-ar\ see offer1 hereinafter, thereinafter
affer2 \af-ar\ chaffer, gaffer, Kaffir, aftness \af-nas\ daftness, Daphnis,
kafir, Kafir, laugher, staffer, zaffer halfness
paragrapher, polygrapher
aftsman \af-sman\ craftsman,
affia \af-e-a\ raffia draftsman, raftsman
agraphia handcraftsman
affic \af-ik\ see aphic handicraftsman
afty \af-te\ crafty, drafty
affick \af-ik\ see aphic
ag \ag\ bag, brag, crag, dag, drag,
affir \af-ar\ see affer2 fag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, mag, nag,
affish \af-ish\ raffish quag, rag, sag, scag, scrag, shag, slag,
giraffish snag, sprag, stag, swag, tag, wag,
YAG, zag
affle1 \af-sl\ see afel beanbag, black-flag, chin-wag,
dirtbag, dishrag, fleabag, gasbag,
affle2 \af-al\ baffle, raffle, snaffle
greylag, handbag, hangtag, mailbag,
affron \af-ran\ saffron postbag, ragbag, ragtag, ratbag,
Biafran sandbag, schoolbag, scumbag, seabag,
sleazebag, washrag, wigwag,
affy \af-e\ chaffy, daffy, taffy windbag, workbag, zigzag
ballyrag, bullyrag, carpetbag,
afic \af-ik\ see aphic
litterbag, lollygag, saddlebag,
afir \af-ar\ see affer2 scalawag, tucker-bag
afran \af-ran\ see affron aga 1 \ag-a\ quagga, raga, saga
anlage, vorlage
aft1 \aft\ toft, waft 's Gravenhage
gemeinschaft, gesellschaft
— also -ed forms of verbs listed at aga 2 \a-ga\ Vega
bodega, omega
aft2 \aft\ aft, craft, daft, draft, graft,
aga 3 \eg-a\ see ega 1
haft, kraft, raft, shaft, Taft, waft
abaft, aircraft, campcraft, camshaft, aga 4 \6-ga\ see auga
crankshaft, engraft, handcraft, indraft,
agan \a-gsn\ see agin
kingcraft, rockshaft, scoutcraft,
seacraft, spacecraft, stagecraft, agar 1 \a-gar\ Hagar, jaeger
15 agger

agar 2 \ag-ar\ see ogger 1 ageable \a-j3-bal\ gaugeable,

3 1
agar \9g-sr\ see ugger unassuageable
agary \ag-a-re\ see aggery aged \ajd\ aged, gauged
broad-gauged, engaged, unpaged
agate \ag-at\ see aggot middle-aged
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
age 1 \ a j \ dodge, lodge, raj, stodge, age 3
barrage, collage, corsage, dislodge, agel \a-gsl\ bagel, Hegel, plagal
garage, hodgepodge, Karaj, massage, finagle, inveigle
swaraj wallydraigle
espionage ageless \aj-las\ ageless, wageless
counterespionage agen 1 \a-gsn\ see agin
age \azh\ plage agen 2 \a-gsn\ see oggin
assuage, barrage, collage, corsage,
dressage, frottage, gavage, lavage, agenous \aj-3-nas\ see aginous
massage, menage, mirage, montage,
moulage, portage, potage, treillage, a g e o u s \a-jas\ aegis
triage ambagious, courageous, contagious,
arbitrage, assemblage, badinage, bon outrageous, rampageous, umbrageous
voyage, bricolage, cabotage, advantageous
camouflage, colportage, curettage, disadvantageous
decoupage, empennage, enfleurage, ager 1 \a-jar\ gauger, major, Major,
entourage, fuselage, Hermitage, pager, stager, wager
maquillage, persiflage, repechage, teenager
sabotage, vernissage Canis Major, golden-ager, middle-
decolletage, espionage, ager, Ursa Major
photomontage, rite de passage
counterespionage ager 2 \ag-sr\ see ogger 1

age 3 \ a j \ age, cage, gage, Gage, agey \a-je\ see agy

gauge, mage, page, rage, sage, stage,
swage, wage agga \ag-a\ see aga 1
assuage, backstage, birdcage, broad- aggar \ag-ar\ see ogger 1
gauge, downstage, encage, engage,
enrage, forestage, front-page, aggard \ag-ard\ blackguard,
greengage, offstage, onstage, haggard, laggard
Osage, outrage, presage, rampage,
restage, soundstage, space-age, agged \ag-ad\ cragged, jagged,
substage, teenage, uncage, ragged
upstage agger \ag-ar\ bagger, bragger,
disengage, multistage, ossifrage, dagger, dragger, gagger, j agger, lagger,
overage, saxifrage, underage nagger, sagger, stagger, swagger,
age 4 \ag\ see eg1
foot dragger, four-bagger, one-
age5 \azh\ see eige1 bagger, sandbagger, three-bagger, two-
age 6 \ag-s\ see aga1 carpetbagger
aggery 16

aggery \ag-a-re\ jaggery, staggery, aginous \aj-3-nas\ collagenous,

vagary, waggery farraginous, plumbaginous, viraginous
carpetbaggery cartilaginous, mucilaginous,
aggie \ag-e\ see aggy 2
agging \ag-irj\ bagging, flagging, agion \a-jan\ See ajun
lagging, nagging agious \a-jas\ see ageous
brown bagging, foot-dragging,
unflagging aglia 1 \al-ya\ see ahlia1
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at aglia 2 \al-ya\ see alue
ag aglio \al-yo\ intaglio, seraglio
aggish \ag-ish\ haggish, waggish agm \am\ see am 2
aggie \ag-al\ draggle, gaggle,
agma \ag-ma\ magma
haggle, raggle, straggle, waggle
raggle-taggle agman Xag-manX bagman, flagman,
aggly \ag-le\ scraggly, straggly, swagman
waggly agna \an-ys\ see ania 1
aggot \ag-st\ agate, faggot, fagot, agne \an\ see ane 1
aggy 1 \ag-e\ see oggy1 agnes \ag-nss\ Agnes
Albertus Magnus
aggy 2 \ag-e\ aggie, baggy, braggy,
craggy, draggy, jaggy, quaggy, ragi, agnum \ag-nam\ magnum,
scraggy, shaggy, snaggy, staggy, sphagnum
swaggy agnus \ag-nas\ see agnes
agh \ a \ see a 1
ago 1 \ag-6\ lago
agi 1 \ag-e\ see oggy 1 Chicago, farrago, galago, virago
Asiago, Calinago, Santiago, solidago
agi 2 \ag-e\ see aggy 2
agian \a-jan\ see ajun ago 2 \a-go\ sago
farrago, galago, imago, lumbago,
agic \aj-ik\ magic, tragic plumbago, sapsago, Tobago, virago
choragic, pelagic solidago, San Diego
Tierra del Fuego
agile \aj-al\ agile, fragile, gradual,
vagile ago 3 \arj-go\ see ongo
agin \a-gan\ fagin, pagan, Reagan agon \ag-an\ dragon, flagon, lagan,
Copenhagen wagon
aginal \aj-an- 3 l\ paginal, vaginal bandwagon, jolt-wagon, Pendragon,
imaginal snapdragon
aging \a-jirj\ aging, raging, staging
unaging agonal \ag-sn- 3 l\ agonal
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at diagonal, heptagonal, hexagonal,
age3 octagonal, pentagonal, tetragonal
17 aiad

agora \ag-9-ra\ agora ahlia1 \al-yg\ dahlia

mandragora passacaglia
agoras \ag-9-rgs\ Protagoras, ahlia 2 \al-yg\ see alue
ahlia 3 \a-le-a\ see alia1
agot \ag-at\ seeaggot
ahma 1 \a-ma\ see ama 3
agrance \a-gr9ns\ flagrance,
ahma 2 \am-a\ see ama 1
ahma 3 \am-a\ see ama 2
agrancy \a-gr9n-se\ flagrancy,
fragrancy, vagrancy ahman 1 \am-an\ see ommon
agrant \a-grgnt\ flagrant, fragrant, ahman 2 \am-an\ see ammon
conflagrant ahn \an\ see on 1

agster \ag-st9r\ dragster, gagster ahms \amz\ see alms

ahnda \an-da\ see onda
agua \ag-wg\ majagua, Managua,
piragua ahr \ar\ see ar 3
Aconcagua, Nicaragua
ahru \a-rii\ see aru
ague 1 \ag\ see eg 1
aht \at\ see ot1
ague 2 \ag\ see og 1
ahua \a-wa\ see awa 1
aguey \eg-e\ see eggy
ahum \a-am\ Graham, mayhem,
agus \a-ggs\ magus, Tagus Nahum
choragus, Las Vegas Te Deum
Simon Magus
ahveh \a-va\ seeave 1
agy \a-je\ cagey, Meiji, stagy
ai1 \ a \ see ay1
1 1
ah \a\ see a
ai 2 \ e \ see ee 1
2 1
ah \ 6 \ see aw
ai 3 \I\ see y1
ah \a\ baa, nah
ai 4 \6i\ see oy
pas de chat
ai 5 \a-e\ see aii
aha \a-ha\ Baja, Naha, Praha
a'i \ i \ seey 1
aham \a-9m\ see ahum
aia1 \a-a\ Freya
ahd \ad\ seeod 1 Aglaia, cattleya, Hosea, Isaiah,
ahdi \ad-e\ see ody1 Noumea
Himalaya, Kilauea, Mauna Kea,
ahdom \ad-9m\ see odom Meghalaya
ahib \ a b \ seeob 1 aia 2 \I-a\ see iah1
ahl \al\ seeal 1 aiad 1 \a-ad\ naiad, pleiad
abler \al-9r\ see ollar aiad 2 \l-sd\ see yad
aiah 18

aiah \a-a\ see aia aiga \I-ga\ taiga

1 Auriga
aias \a-as\ see ais
aigh \ak\ laigh, quaich
aic \a-ik\ laic
alcaic, Altaic, archaic, Chaldaic, aight \at\ see ate 1
deltaic, Hebraic, Incaic, Judaic, aighten \at- 3 n\ see aten 1
Mishnaic, Mithraic, mosaic, Mosaic,
prosaic, Romaic, spondaic, stanzaic, aightly \at-le\ see ately1
trochaic, voltaic
algebraic, Aramaic, Cyrenaic, aign \an\ see ane 1
faradaic, formulaic, pharisaic, aigne \an\ see ane 1
apotropaic, paradisaic, photomosaic, aignment Xan-mantA see ainment
aii \a-e\ Hawaii, Tubuai
aica \a-3-k-a\ Judaica
aiian \a-yan\ zayin
aical \a-3-kal\ laical aijin \I-jen\ gaijin, hygiene
paradisaical aik \Ik\ see ike2
aice \as\ see ace 1 aika \i-ka\ see ica1
aich \ak\ see aigh ail \al\ ail, ale, baal, bail, bale, brail,
braille, Braille, dale, Dale, drail, fail,
aiche \esh\ see esh flail, frail, Gael, gale, Gale, Gayle,
aicos \a-kas\ see ecas grail, hail, hale, Hale, jail, kale, mail,
male, nail, pail, pale, quail, Quayle,
aid1 \ad\ see ade 1 rail, sail, sale, scale, shale, snail, stale,
swale, tael, tail, taille, tale, they'll,
aid 2 \ed\ see ead 1 trail, vail, vale, veil, wail, wale, whale,
aid 3 \ad\ see ad
abseil, airmail, assail, avail, bangtail,
aida \i-da\ see ida2 bewail, blackmail, blacktail, bobtail,
broadscale, broadtail, bucktail,
aide 1 \ad\ see ade 1 canaille, cattail, Clydesdale, coattail,
cocktail, contrail, curtail, derail, detail,
aide 2 \Id-e\ see iday doornail, dovetail, downscale,
aiden \ad- 3 n\ see aden ducktail, E-mail, entail, exhale, fantail,
female, fishtail, folktale, foresail,
aider \ad-ar\ see ader foxtail, full-scale, Glendale,
greenmail, guardrail, Hallel, handrail,
aiding \ad-irj\ see ading hangnail, headsail, hightail, hobnail,
aido \I-do\ see ido1 horntail, horsetail, impale, inhale,
Longueuil, lugsail, mainsail, oxtail,
aids \adz\ see ades 2 pass-fail, percale, pigtail, pintail,
pinwale, portrayal, prevail, rattail,
aiety \a-at-e\ see aity regale, resale, rescale, retail, ringtail,
Sangreal, sei whale, shavetail,
aif \af\ see afe1
shirttail, skysail, small-scale,
aig \ag\ see eg 1 springtail, spritsail, staysail, surveil,
19 aimless

swordtail, taffrail, telltale, thumbnail, ailing \a-lirj\ failing, grayling,

timescale, toenail, topsail, travail, mailing, paling, railing, sailing,
treenail, trysail, unnail, unveil, tailing, veiling, whaling
upscale, ventail, wagtail, wassail, boardsailing, prevailing, retailing,
whitetail, wholesale self-mailing, unfailing
abigail, Abigail, aventail, betrayal, parasailing, unavailing
bristletail, Chippendale, Corriedale, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
cottontail, countervail, defrayal, ail
disentail, draggle-tail, farthingale,
fingernail, flickertail, forestaysail, aille1 \al\ see ail
gaff-topsail, galingale, martingale, aille 2 \l\ see y1
monorail, montadale, nightingale,
Nightingale, overscale, ponytail, aille 3 \fl\ see ile1
romeldale, scissortail, swallowtail,
tattletale, tripletail, trundle-tail, aille 4 \a-ya\ see aya 1
yellowtail aides \I\ see y1
self-betrayal, Fort Lauderdale,
Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail ailleur \ a - b r \ see ailer
ailable \a-l3-bal\ bailable, mailable, ailment \al-m3nt\ ailment, bailment
sailable, salable, scalable curtailment, derailment, entailment,
assailable, available, resalable impalement
ailor \a-lar\ see ailer
ailand \i-tand\ see ighland
ails \alz\ see ales
ailant \a-tont\ see alant
ailsman \alz-man\ see alesman
aile \I-le\ seeyly
aily \a-le\ bailey, Bailey, bailie,
ailed \ald\ mailed, nailed, sailed,
daily, gaily, grayly, paly, scaly, shaley,
scaled, tailed, veiled
detailed, engrailed, hobnailed,
Bareilly, Bareli, Disraeli, Israeli,
pigtailed, ring-tailed, unveiled
ponytailed, swallow-tailed
triticale, ukulele
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ail
ailer \a-lar\ alar, bailer, bailor, baler, aim \am\ see ame 1
hailer, jailer, mailer, malar, nailer, aima \i-ma\ seeyma
sailer, sailor, scalar, scaler, tailer,
tailor, Taylor, trailer, wailer, waler, aimable Xa-ma-balX see amable
blackmailer, curtailer, derailleur, aiman Xa-marA see amen 1
detailer, entailer, inhaler, loud-haler, aimant \a-m9nt\ see ayment
retailer, wassailer, wholesaler
semitrailer aiment \a-mant\ see ayment
—also -er forms of adjectives listed
aimer Xa-msrX blamer, claimer,
flamer, framer, gamer, tamer
ailey \a-le\ see aily declaimer, defamer, disclaimer,
ailful \al-fal\ see aleful
—also -er forms of adjectives listed
ailie \a-le\ see aily a? ame 1
ailiff \a-laf \ bailiff, caliph aimless \am-tas\ see ameless
am 20

ain1 \a-an\ see ayan 1 aininess \a-ne-nas\ braininess,

2 1 graininess
ain \an\ see ane
ain 3 \en\ see en 1 aining \a-nirj\ veining
complaining, sustaining
ain 4 \in\ see in1 self-sustaining, uncomplaining
— also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ain 5 \In\ see ine1
ain 6 \a n \ see in4
ainish \a-nish\ brainish, Danish,
aina \I-na\ see ina1 swainish
ainable Xa-na-balX stainable, ainless \an-las\ brainless, painless,
trainable stainless
attainable, containable, explainable,
maintainable, restrainable, retrainable, ainly \an-le\ mainly, plainly, thegnly,
sustainable vainly
inexplainable humanely, insanely, profanely,
ainder \an-dar\ attainder, remainder inhumanely
aine 1 \an\ see ane 1 ainment Xan-msntX arraignment,
aine 2 \en\ see en 1 attainment, containment, detainment,
detrainment, enchainment,
ained \and\ brained, caned, craned, entrainment, ordainment,
drained, grained, maned, pained, refrainment
paned, stained, strained, vaned, veined entertainment, preordainment, self-
birdbrained, bloodstained, close- containment
grained, coarse-grained, crackbrained,
cross-grained, edge-grained, aino \I-no\ see ino1
harebrained, ingrained, lamebrained,
mad-brained, membraned, restrained, ains \anz\ Keynes, reins
tearstained, unfeigned cremains, Great Plains, Mains
featherbrained, rattlebrained, Plains, remains
scatterbrained, self-contained, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
unrestrained and -s forms of verbs, listed at ane
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ainsman \anz-man\ plainsman,
ane1 reinsman
ainer \a-nar\ caner, drainer, feigner,
aint \ant\ ain't, faint, feint, mayn't,
gainer, planar, planer, seiner, stainer,
paint, plaint, quaint, saint, taint, 'tain't
strainer, trainer, veiner
acquaint, attaint, bepaint, complaint,
campaigner, complainer, container,
constraint, distraint, greasepaint,
coplanar, cordwainer, detainer,
impaint, restraint
lupanar, maintainer, ordainer,
unconstraint, unrestraint
profaner, restrainer, retainer, sustainer,
Trakehner ain't \ant\ see aint
—also -er forms of adjectives listed ainting \an-tin\ underpainting
at ane 1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ainful \an-f9l\ baneful, gainful,
painful aintly \ant-le\ faintly, quaintly,
disdainful saintly
21 aist

ainy \a-ne\ brainy, grainy, meiny, unawares

rainy, veiny, zany —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
Allegheny and -s forms of verbs, listed at are 4
ainz \inz\ see ines 3 airy1 \er-e\ see ary 1
aipse \aps\ see apes airy2 \a-re\ see aerie 1
air1 \er\ see are 4 ais 1 \a-as\ dais, Laius
air2 \lr\ see ire1 Menelaus
aira \I-ra\ see yra ais 2 \ a \ see ay1
aird \erd\ see aired aisal 1 \a-zal\ seeasal 2
1 4
aire \er\ see are aisal 2 \I-S3l\ see isal1
2 2
aire \ir\ see eer
aisance \as- 3 ns\ see ascence 1
3 1
aire \Ir\ see ire
aisant \as- a nt\ see acent
aired \ard\ caird, haired, laird
aise 1 \az\ see aze 1
fair-haired, impaired, long-haired,
misleared, prepared, shorthaired, aise 2 \ez\ see ays 1
wirehaired aisement \az-m3nt\ see azement
multilayered, underprepared, aiser 1 \a-zar\ see azer
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at aiser 2 \I-zar\ see izer
are 4
aisian \a-zhan\ see asion
airer \er-ar\ see earer 1
aisin \az- 3 n\ seeazon
1 4
aires \er\ see are
aising \a-zirj\ braising, glazing,
aires 2 \ar-es\ see ares 2 hazing, phrasing
appraising, fund-raising, hair-raising,
airess 1 \er-as\ see errous hell-raising, house-raising, stargazing,
airess 2 \ar-as\ see aris 2 trailblazing
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
airie \er-e\ see ary 1 aze 1
airing \er-irj\ see aring 1 aisle \I1\ see ile1
airish \er-ish\ see arish aisley \az-le\ paisley
airist \er-ast\ see arist
airly \er-le\ fairly, ferlie, rarely, aisne \an\ see ane 1
squarely aisse \as\ see ace 1
aim \ern\ see ern 1 aisson \as- 9 n\ see ason 1
airo \I-ro\ seeyro 1 aist 1 \a-ast\ seeayest
airs \erz\ theirs aist 2 \ast\ see aced
backstairs, downstairs, nowheres,
somewheres, upstairs aist 3 \ast\ see ost 1
aisy 22

aisy \a-ze\ see azy aj \ a j \ see age 1

ait1 \a\ see ay1 aja1 \a-ha\ see aha
ait2 \at\ see ate 1 aja 2 \I-a\ see iah1
ait3 \It\ see ite1 ajan \a-jan\ see ajun
ait4 \at\ see at 5 ajj \ a j \ see adge
aite \It\ see ite1 ajor \a-jar\ see ager 1
aited \at-ad\ see ated ajos \a-ss\ see ais 1
aiten \at- 3 n\ see aten 1 ajun \a-jan\ Cajun, Trajan
contagion, Pelagian, reagin
aiter \at-ar\ see ator
ak1 \ak\ see ock
aith \ath\ eighth, faith, Faith, saithe,
scathe, wraith ak2 \ak\ see ack
unfaith aka1 \ak-a\ Dacca, Dhaka, kaka,
interfaith paca, taka
aithe \ath\ see aith Lusaka, maraca, medaka, Oaxaca,
Osaka, pataca
aithless \ath-tas\ faithless, natheless Mbandaka, saltimbocca, Toyonaka
Lake Titicaca
aiti \at-e\ see aty
aitian \a-shan\ see ation1 aka 2 \ak-s\ see aca 2
aiting \at-irj\ see ating akable Xa-ka-balX breakable,
aitly \at-le\ see ately1 makable, shakable
mistakable, unslakable
aitor \at-sr\ see ator unmistakable
aitorous \at-3-rss\ see ateress akan1 \ak-an\ seeaken 2
aitour \at-ar\ see ator akan 2 \ak-an\ see acken
aitress \a-tras\ traitress, waitress akar \ak-sr\ see ocker
ake 1 \ak\ ache, bake, Blake, brake,
aity \a-at-e\ deity, gaiety, laity break, cake, crake, drake, Drake, fake,
corporeity, spontaneity, synchroneity flake, hake, jake, Jake, lake, make,
diaphaneity quake, rake, sake, shake, sheikh, slake,
contemporaneity, extemporaneity snake, spake, stake, steak, strake, take,
wake, Wake
aius 1 \a-as\ see ais 1 awake, backache, beefcake,
aius 2 \i-3s\ see ias 1 beefsteak, betake, blacksnake,
canebrake, caretake, cheesecake,
aiva \i-vs\ see iva1 clambake, corncrake, cupcake,
daybreak, earache, earthquake,
aive \av\ see ave 2 firebreak, firedrake, forsake, friedcake,
aix \a\ see ay1 fruitcake, grubstake, handshake,
headache, heartache, heartbreak,
aize \az\ seeaze 1 hoecake, hotcake, housebreak, intake,
23 aking

jailbreak, keepsake, lapstrake, phrasemaker, platemaker, playmaker,

mandrake, Marsquake, mistake, printmaker, rainmaker, saltshaker,
moonquake, muckrake, namesake, shirtmaker, shoemaker, snowmaker,
newsbreak, oatcake, opaque, outbreak, stavesacre, steelmaker, strikebreaker,
outtake, Pan-Cake, pancake, partake, tastemaker, tiebreaker, toolmaker,
remake, retake, rewake, seaquake, trailbreaker, watchmaker,
seedcake, sheldrake, shortcake, windbreaker, wiseacre
snowflake, sweepstake, toothache, automaker, bellyacher, boilermaker,
unmake, uptake, windbreak, merrymaker, moneymaker,
youthquake moviemaker, papermaker, simulacre,
bellyache, give-and-take, troublemaker, undertaker
halterbreak, johnnycake, kittiwake, cabinetmaker, holidaymaker,
make-or-break, microquake, overtake, policymaker
pat-a-cake, patty-cake, put-and-take,
rattlesnake, stomachache, undertake, aker 2 \ak-ar\ see acker
wapentake, wideawake akery \a-kre\ bakery, fakery
akes \aks\ jakes
ake 2 \ak\ see ack 2 cornflakes, Great Lakes, sweepstakes
—also -s, -'s and -s' forms of nouns,
ake 3 \ak-e\ see ocky
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ake
aked \akt\ awaked, half-baked, ake-up \a-kap\ break-up, breakup,
ringstraked, sunbaked make-up, makeup, shake-up, shakeup,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at take-up, wake-up
ake 1
akey \a-ke\ see aky
akeless \a-klas\ brakeless, wakeless
akh1 \ak\ seeock 1
aken 1 \a-kan\ bacon, Bacon,
Macon, shaken, taken, waken akh 2 \ak\ see ack
awaken, betaken, forsaken, mistaken,
partaken, retaken, rewaken, well-taken aki1 \ak-e\ see ocky
godforsaken, overtaken, undertaken aki 2 \ak-e\ see acky
aken \ak-an\ kraken akian \ak-e-an\ see ockian
akic \ak-ik\ see acchic
aker1 \a-kar\ acre, baker, breaker,
faker, laker, maker, nacre, quaker, aking 1 \a-kirj\ aching, making,
Quaker, raker, saker, shaker, taker, waking
waker bookmaking, breathtaking,
backbreaker, bookmaker, caretaker, caretaking, dressmaking,
carmaker, comaker, dressmaker, earthshaking, filmmaking,
drugmaker, earthshaker, filmmaker, glassmaking, groundbreaking,
glassmaker, groundbreaker, heartbreaking, housebreaking,
grubstaker, hatmaker, haymaker, lawbreaking, lawmaking, leave-taking,
heartbreaker, homemaker, lovemaking, mapmaking,
housebreaker, icebreaker, jawbreaker, matchmaking, mythmaking,
kingmaker, lawbreaker, lawmaker, noisemaking, pacemaking,
mapmaker, matchmaker, mistaker, painstaking, pathbreaking,
muckraker, mythmaker, noisemaker, peacemaking, phrasemaking,
oddsmaker, pacemaker, peacemaker, printmaking, rainmaking,
aking 24

snowmaking, stocktaking, bacchanal, caracal, chaparral, femme

strikebreaking, toolmaking, fatale, musicale, pastoral, pastorale,
watchmaking, world-shaking pedocal, rationale, retinal, Seconal
merrymaking, moneymaking, Guadalcanal, kilopascal, sublittoral
moviemaking, papermaking,
undertaking ala1 \al-a\ a la, Allah, gala
cabinetmaking, policymaking ala 2 \al-a\ Allah, olla, tala, wallah
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at cabala, cantala, Chapala,
ake 1 chuckwalla, cicala, corolla, Douala,
aking 2 \ak-in\ see acking halala, Kampala, koala, Lingala,
marsala, nyala, tambala, Tlaxcala,
ako 1 \ak-6\ see occo Valhalla, Walhalla
ayotollah, Guatemala, Gujranwala
ako 2 \ak-6\ shako, wacko
tobacco ala 3 \a-la\ ala, gala
Venezuela, zarzuela
aku \ak-ii\ Bunraku, gagaku,
nunchaku ala 4 \al-a\ see allow
akum \a-kam\ vade mecum alaam \a-lam\ Balaam, golem,
shalom aleichem Salem
aky \a-ke\ achy, braky, cakey, flaky, Winston-Salem
laky, shaky, snaky alable \a-l3-bal\ see ailable
alace \al-as\ see alis 2
al1 \al\ Bale, col, dahl, dal, doll, loll,
moll, nal, pol, sol, Sol, Taal, toile alad \al-ad\ seealid 2
Algol, atoll, austral, Baikal, Bhopal,
cabal, Chagall, chorale, grand mal, alam \al-3m\ see olumn
gun moll, hamal, jacal, mistral, alamine Xal-a-msnX allemande,
narwhal, Natal, nopal, Pascal, petrol, calamine
quetzal, real, rial, riyal, Shawwal,
tical, timbale, Transvaal alan \al-an\ see allon
a cheval, aerosol, Emmenthal,
alance \al-ans\ balance, valance
falderal, femme fatale, folderol,
Heyerdahl, parasol, pastoral, imbalance, outbalance, unbalance
pastorale, protocol, Provencal, counterbalance, overbalance
Simmental, urial, Wuppertal alant \a-lant\ assailant, bivalent,
entente cordiale, Neanderthal, covalent, exhalent, inhalant,
proces-verbal, sublittoral surveillant, trivalent
succes de scandale multivalent, pentavalent,
al 2 \el\ see el1 quadrivalent, tetravalent, univalent

al 3 \61\ see all alap \al-ap\ see allop 2

al 4 \al\ Al, gal, Hal, pal, rale, sal, Val alar \a-lsr\ see ailer
banal, cabal, canal, Chagall, chorale, alary1 \al-re\ see allery
copal, corral, decal, fal-lal, grand mal,
joual, La Salle, Laval, locale, mescal, alary2 \al-3-re\ calorie, gallery,
moral, morale, nopal, pall-mall, Mallory, Malory, salary, Valerie,
pascal, percale, quetzal, salal, serval, Valery
vinal kilocalorie
25 alia

alas \al-as\ see alis 2 alends \al-anz\ see allans

alate \al-at\ see allet alent 1 \al-ant\ see allant
alcon 1 \6-kan\ see alkin1 alent 2 \a-lant\ see alant
alcon \al-kan\ falcon, gyrfalcon, alep \al-3p\ see allop 2
aler1 \a-lar\ see ailer
aid1 \61d\ bald, scald, skald, walled
close-hauled, keelhauled, kobold, aler 2 \al-ar\ see ollar
piebald, ribald, skewbald, so-called,
sunscald alerie \al-9-re\ see alary 2
Archibald, coveralled, overalled alery \al-a-re\ see alary 2
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at all
aid 2 \61t\ see alt ales 1 \alz\ sales, Wales
entrails, Marseilles
alder \61-dar\ alder, balder, Balder New South Wales, Prince of Wales
aldi \61-de\ Bartholdi, Vivaldi —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
Garibaldi and -s forms of verbs, listed at ail
aldron \61-drgn\ aldron, caldron,
ales 2 \al-9s\ see olis
cauldron, chaldron
alesman \alz-m9n\ bailsman,
ale 1 \a-le\ see aily
dalesman, salesman, talesman
ale 2 \al\ see ail
alet \al-at\ see allet2
ale 3 \al\ see al
alette \al-at\ see allet2
ale 4 \al\ see al
aley \a-le\ see aily
ale 5 \al-e\ see oily
alf \af \ see aph
ale 6 \al-e\ see ally4
alfa \al-fa\ see alpha
alea \a-le-a\ see alia1
alfness \af-nas\ see aftness
aleck1 \el-ik\ see elic2
algia \al-j9\ neuralgia, nostalgia
aleck 2 \al-ik\ see allic
ali1 \al-e\ see oily
aled \ald\ see ailed
aleful \al-fgl\ baleful, wailful ali 2 \al-e\ see ally

aleigh 1 \al-e\ see oily1 ali 3 \6-le\ see awly

aleigh 2 \61-e\ see awly ali4 \a-le\ see aily

alem \a-tam\ see alaam alia1 \a-le-s\ dahlia

Australia, azalea, battalia, realia,
alement Xal-msntX see ailment regalia, vedalia, Westphalia
alen \a-lsn\ see ollen5 bacchanalia, genitalia, glossolalia,
inter alia, Lupercalia, marginalia,
alence \a-l9ns\ valence penetralia, saturnalia
surveillance Orientalia, paraphernalia
alia 26

alia 2 \al-ya\ dahlia ality2 \al-9t-e\ anality, banality,

battalia, et alia brutality, carnality, causality,
passacaglia centrality, duality, extrality, fatality,
feudality, finality, formality, frontality,
alian1 \a-le-an\ alien frugality, legality, locality, mentality,
Australian, Daedalian, Deucalion, modality, morality, mortality, nasality,
Hegelian, mammalian, Pygmalion, natality, neutrality, nodality, orality,
Uralian plurality, primality, rascality, reality,
bacchanalian, Lupercalian, regality, rurality, sodality, tonality,
saturnalian totality, venality, vitality, vocality
Episcopalian, sesquipedalian, abnormality, actuality, amorality,
tatterdemalion animality, atonality, axiality, bestiality,
alian 2 \al-yan\ see allion bimodality, bipedality, cardinality,
classicality, coevality, comicality,
alic \al-ik\ see allic commonality, communality,
alice \al-as\ see alis 2 conjugality, cordiality, corporality,
criminality, criticality, ethicality,
alid1 \al-sd\ see olid externality, factuality, farcicality,
alid 2 \al-ad\ ballad, pallid, salad, fictionality, functionality, generality,
valid geniality, hospitality, ideality,
invalid illegality, immorality, immortality,
informality, integrality, internality,
alie \al-ya\ see ahlia1 irreality, lexicality, liberality, lineality,
literality, logicality, musicality,
alien \a-le-an\ see alian1 mutuality, nationality, notionality,
aling \a-lirj\ see ailing nuptiality, optimality, partiality,
personality, physicality, principality,
alinist \al-3-nast\ see olonist punctuality, rationality, seasonality,
alinn \al-an\ see allon sexuality, sociality, spaciality,
speciality, subnormality, technicality,
alion 1 \a-le-sn\ see alian1 temporality, topicality, triviality,
alion 2 \al-yan\ see allion unmorality, unreality, verticality,
virtuality, whimsicality
aliph \a-lsf\ see ail iff asexuality, atypicality, bisexuality,
alis 1 \a-tas\ see ayless collaterality, collegiality, colloquiality,
commerciality, conceptuality,
alis 2 \al-as\ Alice, balas, callous, conditionality, congeniality,
callus, chalice, Dallas, gallus, malice, connaturality, conventionality,
palace, Pallas, phallus, talus, thallous, conviviality, corporeality,
thallus dimensionality, directionality,
oxalis effectuality, emotionality,
digitalis ephemerality, equivocality,
hemerocallis essentiality, ethereality, eventuality,
aurora borealis, Corona Borealis exceptionality, extensionality,
fantasticality, grammaticality,
alist \al-9st\ ballast, callused, illiberality, illogicality, impersonality,
gallused impracticality, inhospitality,
cabalist, sodalist instrumentality, irrationality,
ality1 \al-3t-e\ jollity, polity, quality materiality, microtonality,
equality, frivolity monumentality, municipality,
coequality, inequality originality, orthogonality,
27 all

pansexuality, paranormality, alkie \6-ke\ balky, chalky, gawky,

polytonality, potentiality, provinciality, gnocchi, pawky, stalky, talkie, talky
self-partiality, sentimentality, Milwaukee
spirituality, substantiality, theatricality, Handie-Talkie, walkie-talkie
transexuality, triaxiality, universality, Winnipesaukee
ambisexuality, artificiality, alkin1 \6-ksn\ Balkan, falcon,
circumstantiality, confidentiality, malkin
consequentiality, constitutionality, grimalkin, gyrfalcon
homosexuality, hypersexuality, alkin 2 \al-k9n\ see alcon 2
immateriality, individuality,
ineffectuality, insubstantiality, alking \6-kirj\ caulking, walking
intellectuality, internationality, racewalking, spacewalking,
intersexuality, paradoxicality, streetwalking
psychosexuality, referentiality, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
superficiality, supranationality, alk
territoriality, tridimensionality, two-
dimensionality, uncongeniality, alkland \6k-tand\ see auckland
unconventionality, ungrammaticality,
alky \6-ke\ see alkie
unisexuality, unsubstantiality
exterritoriality, heterosexuality, all1 \61\ all, awl, ball, bawl, brawl,
inconsequentiality, unconstitutionality, call, caul, crawl, doll, drawl, fall, Gall,
unidimensionality Gaul, hall, Hall, haul, kraal, mall,
extraterritoriality maul, moll, pall, Paul, pawl, Saul,
scall, scrawl, shawl, small, Sol, spall,
alium \al-e-3m\ see allium
sprawl, squall, stall, tall, thrall, trawl,
alius \a-le-as\ alius wall, y'all, yauld, yawl
Sibelius Algol, ALGOL, appall, argol, air
alk \6k\ auk, balk, calk, caulk, chalk, ball, ashfall, at all, atoll, AWOL,
gawk, hawk, Koch, Salk, Sauk, baseball, Baikal, beanball, befall,
squawk, stalk, talk, walk Bengal, best-ball, birdcall, blackball,
Bartok, Black Hawk, bemock, Bokmal, bookstall, boxhaul, bradawl,
boardwalk, cakewalk, catwalk, broomball, catcall, catchall, COBOL,
chalktalk, cornstalk, crosswalk, cornball, Cornwall, cure-all, curveball,
duckwalk, eyestalk, fast-talk, deadfall, de Gaulle, dewfall,
goshawk, jaywalk, langue d'oc, dodgeball, downfall, downhaul,
leafstalk, Mohawk, nighthawk, drywall, enthrall, eyeball, fastball,
Norfolk, outtalk, ropewalk, shoptalk, fireball, floodwall, football, footfall,
sidewalk, skywalk, sleepwalk, Suffolk, footstall, footwall, forestall, forkball,
sweet-talk four-ball, free-fall, gadwall, goofball,
belle epoque, catafalque, double- googol, grease ball, guildhall, hair
talk, Swainson's hawk, tomahawk ball, handball, hardball, headstall,
heelball, highball, holdall, icefall,
alkan \61-k9n\ see alkin1 install, keelhaul, know-all, landfall,
alker \6-kar\ balker, caulker, gawker, Landsmal, line-haul, lowball,
hawker, squawker, stalker, walker meatball, menthol, Metol, miscall,
cakewalker, deerstalker, floorwalker, mothball, naphthol, Nepal, nightfall,
jayhawker, jaywalker, nightwalker, nutgall, oddball, outfall, outhaul,
ropewalker, sleepwalker, spacewalker, pitfall, plimsoll, pratfall, pub-crawl,
streetwalker, trackwalker puffball, punchball, pushball, rainfall,
double-talker rainsquall, recall, rial, Riksmal, riyal,
all 28

rockfall, rorqual, Saint Paul, save-all, allans \al-9nz\ calends, Lallans

screwball, seawall, short-haul, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
shortfall, sidewall, sleazeball, listed at allon
slimeball, snowball, snowfall, softball,
speedball, spitball, Stendhal, stickball, allant \al-9nt\ callant, gallant, talent
stonewall, stoopball, T-ball, tell-all, topgallant
three-ball, trackball, Tyrol, Walsall, fore-topgallant
what all, Whitehall, whitewall, alias \al-9s\ seealis 2
windfall, windgall, withal, withdrawal,
you-all allasey \al-s-se\ see olicy
aerosol, alcohol, barbital, basketball,
bucky ball, butterball, buttonball, allast \al-ast\ see alist
cannonball, carryall, caterwaul, cover- alle 1 \al\ see al
all, coverall, Demerol, disenthrall,
Donegal, entresol, evenfall, free-for- alle 2 \al-e\ see ally4
all, gasohol, girasole, Grand Guignol,
haute ecole, know-it-all, knuckleball, alle 3 \al-e\ see oily
Komsomol, methanol, minie ball, ailed \61d\ see aid
Montreal, Nembutal, overall, overcall,
overhaul, paddleball, parasol, Parsifal, allee \al-e\ see ally4
Pentothal, protocol, racquetball,
Seconal, Senegal, superball, tattersall, allemande Xal-a-msnX see alamine
tetherball, therewithal, timolol, alien 1 \6-lan\ fallen, stollen
volleyball, waterfall, wherewithal befallen, chapfallen, chopfallen,
cholesterol, Costa del Sol, Mariupol, crestfallen, downfallen, tarpaulin
Massif Central, Neanderthal, unfallen
Sevastopol, Transalpine Gaul, Vincent
de Paul alien 2 \al-an\ see allon
be-all and end-all
aller1 \6-lgr\ bawler, brawler, caller,
2 1
all \al\ see al drawler, faller, hauler, mauler,
scrawler, squaller, trawler
all 3 \al\ see al 4 fireballer, footballer, forestaller,
alia1 \al-a\ see ala 2 installer, stonewaller
alia 2 \al-a\ see allow4
aller 2 \al-9r\ caller, pallor, valor
allable \6-l3-bal\ callable, spallable
alles \I-9s\ see ias 1
allace \al-ss\ see olis
allet1 \al-at\ see ollet
allacy \al-a-se\ fallacy, jalousie
allet 2 \al-9t\ ballot, callet, mallet,
allad \al-ad\ see alid 2 palate, palette, pallet, sallet, shallot,
allage \al-3-je\ see alogy 2
alley \al-e\ see ally4
allah1 \al-a\ see ala 1
alii \al-e\ see ally4
allah 2 \al-a\ see ala
alliard \al-yard\ galliard, halyard
allah 3 \al-a\ see allow4
allic \al-ik\ Gaelic, Gallic, malic,
allan \al-an\ see allon phallic, salic, Salic, thallic
29 alma

cephalic, italic, mandalic, medallic, allory 2 \al-a-re\ see alary 2

metallic, smart aleck, Uralic, Vandalic,
vocalic allot \al-at\ see allet2
genitalic, intervallic, ithyphallic, allous \al-9s\ see alis 2
nonmetallic, postvocalic, prevocalic
intervocalic allow1 \el-6\ see ello
allid \al-sd\ seealid 2 allow 2 \al-a\ see ala 2
allie \al-e\ see ally4 allow 3 \al-6\ see ollow1
ailing \6-lirj\ balling, calling, allow 4 \al-a\ Allah, gala, Galla
drawling, falling, galling, hauling, cavalla, impala, Valhalla
mauling, Pauling, stalling
infalling, name-calling allow 5 \al-6\ aloe, callow, fallow,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at hallow, mallow, sallow, shallow,
allion \al-y9n\ scallion, stallion
battalion, Italian, medallion, allowed \al-6d\ hallowed
rapscallion unhallowed
tatterdemalion allows \al-6z\ gallows
allis 1 \al-as\ see alis 2 Allhallows
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
allis 2 \al-e\ see ally listed at allow5
allis 3 \al-as\ see olis alls \61z\ Angel Falls
Niagara Falls
allish \6-lish\ Gaulish, smallish, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
tallish and -s forms of verbs, listed at all
allit \a-lat\ see ollet allsy \61-ze\ see alsy
allith1 \al-as\ see olis alius \al-as\ see alis 2
allith \al-st\ see ollet allused \al-ast\ see alist
allium \al-e-sm\ allium, gallium, ally1 \a-le\ see aily
pallium, thallium, Valium
ally2 \al-e\ see oily1
ailment \61-m3nt\ enthrallment,
forestallment, installment ally 3 \6-le\ see awly
alio \al-o\ see ollow1 ally 4 \al-e\ alley, bally, challis, dally,
galley, gaily, mallee, pally, rally, sallie,
allon \al-sn\ Alan, Allan, Allen, sally, Sally, tally, valley
Allyn, gallon, lallan, Talinn, talon Aunt Sally, bialy, crevalle, Death
allop 1 \al-ap\ see ollop Valley, finale, Nepali, tomalley
dillydally, Great Rift Valley,
allop 2 \al-sp\ gallop, galop, jalap, Mexicali, shilly-shally, teocalli,
salep, Salop, scallop, shallop
escallop allyn \al-3iA see allon
allor \al-sr\ see aller 2
aim \ a m \ seeom 1
allory1 \al-re\ see allery alma \al-m3\ Alma, halma
almar 30

almar \am-9r\ see omber 1 alpa \al-pa\ salpa

1 catalpa
aimer \am-3r\ see omber Tegucigalpa
almily \am-3-le\ see omaly alpal \al-pal\ palpal, scalpel
almish \am-ish\ see amish 1 alpel \al-pal\ see alpal
almist \am-3St\ palmist, psalmist alpha \al-fa\ alpha
Islamist alfalfa
almody \am-ad-e\ see omedy alque 1 \6k\ see alk
almon \am-3n\ see ammon alque 2 \alk\ caique, talc
almoner \am-9-n3r\ see ommoner
als \alz\ see ols
alms \amz\ alms, Brahms, Psalms
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, alsa \61-sa\ balsa, salsa
and -s forms of verbs, listed at om alse \61s\ false, waltz
almy \am-e\ see ami alsey \61-ze\ see alsy
alo \al-6\ see ollow alsy \61-ze\ ballsy, Halsey, palsy
aloe \al-6\ see allow alt \61t\ fault, gault, halt, malt, salt,
smalt, vault, volt, Walt
alogist \al-s-j9st\ see ologist asphalt, assault, basalt, cobalt,
alogist 2 \al-3-jast\ analogist, default, desalt, exalt, footfault, gestalt,
dialogist, mammalogist Great Salt, Schwarzwald, stringhalt
genealogist double-fault, somersault
alogy 1 \al-a-je\ see ology
alta \al-ta\ Malta, Salta, Volta, Yalta
alogy 2 \al-3-je\ analogy, hypallage, altar \61-tar\ see alter
mammalogy, tetralogy
mineralogy alter \61-tar\ altar, alter, falter, halter,
palter, Psalter, salter, vaulter, Walter
alom \al-sm\ see olumn defaulter, desalter, exalter, Gibraltar,
alon \al-3n\ see allon pole-vaulter
altery \61-tre\ see altry
alop \al-ap\ see allop 2
alti1 \al-te\ Balti
alor1 \al-ar\ see ollar difficulty
alor2 \al-ar\ see aller2 alti2 \61-te\ see alty
1 1
alorie \al-re\ see allery altic \61-tik\ Baltic
alorie 2 \al-a-re\ see alary 2 asphaltic, cobaltic, systaltic
alory1 \al-re\ see allery alting \61-tin\ halting, salting,
alory 2 \al-9-re\ see alary 2 vaulting
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
alousie \al-9-se\ see allacy alt
alp \alp\ alp, salp, scalp altless \61t-las\ faultless, saltless
31 ama

alto \al-to\ alto Annam, ashram, Assam, dirham,

contralto, rialto Edam, ngram, exam, flimflam,
goddamn, grandam, iamb, logjam,
alton \61t- 3 n\ Alton, dalton, Dalton, madame, mailgram, milldam, nizam,
Walton Priam, program, quondam, tam-tam,
altry \61-tre\ paltry, psaltery, psaltry thiram, trigram, whim-wham,
alty \61-te\ Balti, faulty, malty, salty, Abraham, aerogram, Amsterdam,
vaulty anagram, Birmingham, Boulder Dam,
altz \61s\ see alse cablegram, centigram, Christogram,
chronogram, cofferdam, cryptogram,
alu \al-ii\ Yalu decagram, deprogram, diagram,
Tuvalu diaphragm, dithyramb, epigram, fluid
alue \al-yii\ value dram, hexagram, histogram,
devalue, disvalue, misvalue, revalue, Hohokam, hologram, Hoover Dam,
transvalue kilogram, logogram, mammogram,
overvalue, undervalue milligram, Minicam, monogram,
nomogram, oriflamme, pentagram,
alus 1 \a-las\ see ayless phonogram, pictogram, reprogram,
Rotterdam, scattergram, skiagram,
alus 2 \al-as\ see alis 2 Smithfield ham, sonogram,
alve 1 \av\ see olve 2 subprogram, Surinam, telegram,
tetradrachm, thank-you-ma'am, Uncle
alve 2 \alv\ salve, valve Sam
bivalve ad nauseam, cardiogram, heliogram,
univalve ideogram, in personam,
inequivalve microprogram, New Amsterdam,
alve 3 \av\ calve, halve, have, salve Omar Khayyam
alver \al-var\ salver, salvor
quacksalver ama 1 \am-9\ Brahma, comma,
alvin \al-V9n\ Alvin, Calvin drama, Kama, lama, llama, mama,
momma, squama, Rama
alvor \al-v9r\ see alver Bahama, pajama, Toy ama
Atacama, cyclorama, Dalai Lama,
aly \al-e\ see ally4 diorama, docudrama, Fujiyama,
alyard \al-yard\ see alliard Fukuyama, Matsuyama, melodrama,
monodrama, Mount Mazama,
alysis \al-s-s9s\ analysis Okayama, panorama, photodrama,
dialysis, paralysis psychodrama, Suriname, Wakayama,
cryptanalysis, metanalysis, self- Yokohama
analysis Fuji-no-Yama
am 1 \am\ see om 1 Puna de Atacama

am 2 \am\ am, cam, cham, clam, ama 2 \am-9\ Brahma, drama,

cram, dam, damn, damned, drachm, gamma, grama, mamma
dram, DRAM, flam, gam, Graham, da Gama, Manama, Miami, pajama
gram, ham, Ham, jam, jamb, lam, Alabama, anadama, cyclorama,
lamb, Lamb, ma'am, Pam, pram, ram, diorama, docudrama, melodrama,
RAM, Sam, SAM, scam, scram, sham, monodrama, panorama, photodrama,
slam, swam, tarn, tram, wham, yam psychodrama
amable 32

amable Xa-ma-balX blamable, ambo \am-bo\ crambo, jambeau,

claimable, framable, nameable, sambo
tamable Ovambo
ambol \am-bal\ see amble 2
amah \am-a\ see ama 1
ambray \am-bre\ see ambry
aman 1 \a-m9n\ see amen 1
ambry \am-bre\ ambry, chambray
aman 2 \am-3n\ see ommon
ambulant Xam-bya-tentX ambulant
amant 1 \a-mant\ see ayment somnambulant
amant 2 \am-ant\ see ament 2 amby \am-be\ crambe
amas \am-as\ see amice Dushanbe
amash \am-ish\ see amish 1
ame \ a m \ aim, blame, came, claim,
amateur \am-st-ar\ see ameter dame, fame, flame, frame, game,
hame, kame, lame, maim, name, same,
amatist \am-9t-9st\ dramatist shame, tame, wame
epigrammatist, melodramatist A-frame, acclaim, aflame, airframe,
amba \am-b3\ gamba, mamba, became, byname, cross-claim,
samba, Zomba declaim, defame, disclaim, endgame,
Cochabamba enframe, exclaim, forename, freeze-
viola da gamba frame, grandame, inflame, mainframe,
misname, nickname, place-name,
ambar1 \am-bar\ see omber 2 prename, proclaim, quitclaim, reclaim,
selfsame, surname
ambar 2 \am-b3r\ amber, Amber, counterclaim, Niflheim, overcame
camber, sambar, timbre
liquidambar ame 2 \ a m \ see om 1
ambe \am-be\ see amby ame 3 \ a m \ see am 2
ambeau \am-bo\ see ambo ame 4 \am-3\ see ama 1
amber 1 \am-bar\ see ambar 2 ameable Xa-ms-balX see amable
amber \am-ar\ seeammer amed \amd\ famed, named
ambia \am-be-9\ Gambia, Zambia ashamed, forenamed
ambit \am-b3t\ ambit, gambit —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ame 1
amble 1 \am-bal\ see emble
ameful Xam-falX blameful, shameful
amble 2 \am-b3l\ amble, bramble,
gamble, gambol, ramble, scramble, amel \am-3l\ see ammel
preamble, unscramble ameless \am-las\ aimless,
skimble- skamble blameless, nameless, shameless,
ambler \am-bl3r\ ambler, gambler,
rambler, scrambler amely \am-le\ gamely, lamely,
unscrambler namely, tamely
33 amlets

amen 1 \a-man\ bayman, Bremen, amice \am-3s\ amice, camas,

caiman, Cayman, Damon, drayman, chlamys, Lammas
flamen, Haman, layman, shaman,
stamen, Yemen amies \am-iks\ see omics
examen, gravamen, highwayman amie 1 \a-me\ Amy, Jamie, Mamie,
amen 2 \am-an\ see ommon ramie
cockamamie, cockamamy
ameness \am-nas\ gameness,
lameness, sameness, tameness amie 2 \am-e\ see ammy

ament 1 \a-mant\ see ayment amil1 \am-al\ see ommel 1

ament 2 \am-9nt\ ament, clamant amil 2 \am-3l\ see ammel

amer \a-mar\ see aimer amily \am-le\ family

profamily, stepfamily
ames \amz\ James
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, amin \am-an\ see ammon
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ame amina \am-9-ri3\ lamina, stamina
ameter \am-9t-ar\ amateur aminal \am-an- 3 l\ laminal
decameter, diameter, heptameter, foraminal
hexameter, octameter, parameter,
pentameter, tetrameter aminant \am-3-n9nt\ contaminant,
1 2 examinant
amfer \am-p9r\ see amper
aminar Xam-a-narX see aminer 2
amfer2 \am-f3r\ camphor, chamfer
amine \am-an\ see ammon
ami1 \am-e\ balmy, commie,
mommy, palmy, qualmy, swami, aminer1 \am-3-nar\ see ommoner
gourami, pastrami, Sagami, salami, aminer 2 \am-3-nar\ laminar
tatami, tsunami gewurztraminer
origami aming \a-mirj\ flaming, framing,
ami 2 \am-3\ see ama 4 gaming
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ami 3 \am-e\ see ammy ame1
amia \a-me-a\ lamia, zamia amish 1 \am-ish\ Amish, qualmish,
Mesopotamia quamash
amic 1 \6-mik\ see omic 2
amish 2 \am-ish\ Amish, famish
amic 2 \am-ik\ gamic
Adamic, agamic, balsamic, ceramic, amist \am-ast\ see almist
adynamic, cleistogamic, amity \am-at-e\ amity
cryptogrammic, cycloramic, dioramic, calamity
exogamic, panoramic, phonogrammic, amlet \am-lat\ camlet, hamlet,
polygamic Hamlet, samlet
aerodynamic, biodynamic,
hydrodynamic, hypothalamic, amlets \am-tats\ Tower Hamlets
ideogramic, thermodynamic —also -s, -'s, and -s'forms of nouns
magnetodynamic listed at amlet
amma 34

amma \am-s\ see ama 4 ammy \am-e\ chamois, clammy,

gammy, Grammy, hammy, mammy,
ammable \am-3-bal\ flammable ramie, Sammie, Sammy, shammy,
programmable whammy
diagrammable Miami
ammal \am-sl\ see ammel amn \ a m \ see am 2
ammany \am-9-ne\ see ammony amned \am\ see am 2
ammar \am-3r\ see ammer amning \am-in\ see amming
am mas \am-as\ see amice amois \am-e\ see ammy
ammatist \am-3t-ast\ see amatist amon 1 \a-man\ see amen 1
amme \am\ see am amon 2 \am-9n\ see ommon
ammel \am-3i\ camel, mammal, amor \am-3r\ see ammer
stammel, Tamil, trammel
enamel amorous \am-ras\ amorous,
clamorous, glamorous
ammer \am-ar\ clamber, clammer,
clamor, clamour, crammer, dammar, amos \a-mas\ see amous
gammer, glamour, grammar, hammer,
jammer, lamber, rammer, shammer, amour \am-ar\ see ammer
slammer, stammer, yammer amous \a-mss\ Amos, famous,
clawhammer, enamor, fiimflammer, shamus, squamous
jackhammer, programmer, biramous, mandamus
sledgehammer, trip-hammer, ignoramus, Nostradamus
katzenj ammer, monogrammer, amp 1 \ a m p \ see omp 1
ninnyhammer, yellowhammer
amp 2 \ a n \ see ant 1
ammes \am-3s\ see omise
amp 3 \ a m p \ amp, camp, champ,
ammie \am-e\ see ammy clamp, cramp, damp, gamp, gramp,
guimpe, lamp, ramp, samp, scamp,
ammies \am-ez\ jammies stamp, tamp, tramp, vamp
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns blackdamp, C-clamp, chokedamp,
listed at ammy decamp, encamp, firedamp, headlamp,
amming \am-irj\ damning off-ramp, on-ramp, preamp, revamp,
programming sunlamp, unclamp
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at afterdamp, aide-de-camp, minicamp
am 2 ampean 1 \am-pe-an\ pampean,
ammock \am-ak\ drammock, tampion
hammock, mammock ampean 2 \am-pe-an\ see ampion 2
ammon \am-an\ Brahman, famine, amper 1 \am-par\ see omper
gamin, gammon, mammon, salmon
backgammon, examine amper 2 \am-par\ camper, chamfer,
cross-examine damper, hamper, pamper, scamper,
stamper, tamper
ammony \am-a-ne\ scammony,
Tammany amphor \am-fsr\ see amfer2
35 an

ampi1 \am-pe\ see ompy an 2 \an\ see on 1

ampi 2 \am-pe\ see ampy an 3 \ s n \ see un
ampian \am-pe-an\ see ampion 2 an 4 \arj\ see ang 2
ampion 1 \am-pe-an\ see ampean 1 an 5 \an\ an, Ann, Anne, ban, bran,
ampion 2 \am-pe-9n\ campion, can, clan, Dan, fan, Fan, flan, Jan,
champion, Grampian, pampean, Klan, man, Mann, nan, Nan, pan, Pan,
rampion, tampion panne, plan, ran, scan, San, Shan,
span, Stan, tan, van, Van
ample \am-pal\ ample, sample, adman, Afghan, aidman, ape-man,
trample ashcan, Bataan, bedpan, began,
ensample, example, subsample Bhutan, birdman, boardman, brainpan,
counterexample brogan, caftan, caiman, cancan,
capstan, captan, caveman, Cayman,
ampler \am-pl9r\ sampler, trampler Cezanne, chessman, Cheyenne,
ampo \am-po\ see ompo chlordan, Chopin, claypan, clubman,
Cohan, cooncan, corban, cowman,
ampos \am-pgs\ see ampus Cruzan, cyan, deadpan, deskman,
Dian, Diane, Diann, Dianne, dishpan,
ampsia \am(p)-se-a\ eclampsia
divan, doorman, dustpan, fan-tan,
fibranne, flyman, foreran, FORTRAN,
ampton \am-tsn\ Hampton freedman, freeman, frogman, G-man,
Easthampton, Northampton, gagman, Georgeann, glucan, Gosplan,
Southampton hardpan, he-man, iceman, inspan,
Wolverhampton Iran, japan, Japan, jazzman, Joann,
Joanne, Kazan, kneepan, Koran,
ampus \am-p3s\ Campos, campus, Kurgan, leadman, Leanne, legman,
grampus liftman, loran, Luanne, madman,
hippocampus Mandan, Marfan, mailman, merman,
ampy \am-pe\ campy, scampi Milan, milkman, newsman, oilcan,
oilman, outran, pavane, pecan,
ams \amz\ Jams plowman, postman, preman,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, pressman, propman, Queen Anne,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at am Qur'an, ragman, rattan, reedman,
reman, rodman, Roseanne, routeman,
amson \am-san\ damson, Samson Roxanne, Ruthann, Saipan, sampan,
amster \am-star\ hamster, lamster sandman, Saran, saucepan, scalepan,
schoolman, sedan, sideman, snowman,
amsun \am-san\ Hamsun, soundman, soutane, spaceman,
Thompson Spokane, stewpan, stickman,
amulus \am-v3-tas\ famulus, stockman, strongman, stuntman,
Sudan, suntan, Susanne, Suzanne, T-
man, TACAN, taipan, Tarzan, tisane,
amus 1 \a-mas\ see amous toucan, trainman, trashman, trepan,
Tristan, unman, vegan, Walkman,
amus 2 \am-as\ see omise wingspan, yardman, yes-man
amy \a-me\ see amie 1 Alcoran, allemande, also-ran,
Ameslan, anchorman, Andaman,
amys \am-ss\ see amice
astrakhan, Astrakhan, ataman,
an 1 \a n \ see ant 1 Athelstan, attackman, automan,
an 36

balmacaan, Bantustan, bartizan, Africana, belladonna, epifauna,

Belmopan, black-and-tan, bogeyman, French Guiana, Guadiana, Haryana,
boogeyman, businessman, Caliban, Hinayana, hiragana, ikebana,
cameraman, caravan, Catalan, Ludhiana, Mahayana, marijuana,
cattleman, Civitan, colorman, parmigiana, pozzolana, prima donna,
cornerman, counterman, counterplan, Rajputana, Rosh Hashanah, Tatiana
countryman, courtesan, dairyman, Americana, fata morgana,
defenseman, everyman, exciseman, Lincolniana, Ljubljana, nicotiana,
expressman, fancy-dan, fellowman, Shakespeareana, Victoriana
funnyman, gamelan, garageman, Ciudad Guyana
garbageman, Hamadan, handyman,
harmattan, Hindustan, hotelman, Isle ana 2 \a-na\ ana, Dana, Lana
of Man, jerrican, Juliann, Julianne, Africana, cantilena, Cartagena
Kazakhstan, Ku Klux Klan, Kurdistan, nicotiana, Shakespeareana
Kyrgyzstan, man-for-man, man-to- ana 3 \an-a\ ana, Anna, canna,
man, Marianne, Maryann, Maryanne, manna, Ghana, Hannah, Lana, nana
middleman, minuteman, Monaghan, banana, bandanna, cabana, Deanna,
moneyman, Occitan, ombudsman, Diana, Dianna, Fermanagh, goanna,
Omdurman, overman, overran, Guiana, Guyana, gymkhana, Havana,
Pakistan, Parmesan, partisan, hosanna, Joanna, Johanna, Montana,
pattypan, Peter Pan, pivotman, savanna, Savannah, sultana, Susanna,
plainclothesman, Port Sudan, Susannah
Powhatan, Ramadan, repairman, Africana, Indiana, Juliana, Mariana,
rewrite man, Ryazan, safetyman, Marianna, poinciana, PoUyanna, Santa
selectman, serviceman, shandrydan, Ana
Shantyman, shovelman, signalman, Americana, fata morgana, Louisiana,
spick-and-span, superman, tallyman, nicotiana, Shakespeareana, Victoriana
tamarin, Teheran, teleman, teleran,
triggerman, trimaran, turbofan, ana \an-ya\ see ania 1
weatherman, workingman, yataghan,
anacle \an-i-kal\ see anical
Afghanistan, arriere-ban, anage \an-ij\ manage, tannage
Baluchistan, bipartisan, catamaran, stage-manage
catch-as-catch-can, cavalryman, micromanage
committeeman, deliveryman, anagh \an-a\ see ana 3
Kalimantan, newspaperman,
orangutan, radioman, salary man, anah 1 \6-na\ seeona 1
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
anah 2 \an-a\ see ana 1
6 1
an \an-ys\ see ania
anal \an- 3 l\ anal, banal
7 1
an \ang\ see ong
analyst \an- 3 l-ast\ analyst, annalist,
an 8 \ant\ see ant 2 panelist
ana 1 \an-a\ ana, anna, Anna, bwana, cryptanalyst
Dona, donna, Donna, fauna, Ghana, psychoanalyst
Kana, Lana, Lonna, mana anan \an-an\ see annon
Botswana, chicana, gymkhana,
iguana, jacana, lantana, liana, anape \an-a-pe\ see anopy
Madonna, mafiana, nagana, nirvana, anary1 \an-re\ see anery
piranha, Purana, ruana, Tijuana,
Tirane, Toscana, zenana anary 2 \an-re\ see annery 2
37 anchy

anate \an-at\ see annet —also -ed forms of verbs listed at

ance 3
anative \an-at-iv\ sanative
explanative ancel \an-sal\ cancel, chancel,
anbe \am-be\ see amby expansile, precancel
anc 1 \a n \ see ant 1 anceler \an-slar\ canceler,
anc 2 \arj\ see ang 2 chancellor
anc 3 \arjk\ see ank
ancellor \an-star\ see anceler
anca \arj-k3\ Kanka
barranca ancement \an-smant\ advancement,
Casablanca, lingua franca, enhancement
Salamanca ancer \an-sar\ answer, cancer,
ance 1 \ a n s \ nuance, outrance, dancer, glancer, lancer, prancer
Provence, Saint-Saens, seance advancer, enhancer, free-lancer,
a outrance, diligence, Fort-de- merganser, romancer, ropedancer
France, ordonnance, renaissance anticancer, geomancer, necromancer,
mesalliance, par excellence rhabdomancer
concours d'elegance ances \an(t)-sas\ see ancis
piece de resistance
ancet \an-sst\ lancet
ance \ans\ Hans, nonce, sconce
brisance, ensconce, faience, nuance,
response anch 1 \anch\ seeaunch 1
Afrikaans, complaisance, fer-de-
lance, nonchalance, provenance, anch 2 \6nch\ see aunch 2
renaissance anch 3 \anch\ blanch, Blanche,
piece de resistance branch, ranch
ance 3 \ans\ chance, dance, France, rebranch
glance, lance, Lance, manse, prance, avalanche
stance, trance, trans, Vance anche 1 \a n sh\ tranche
advance, askance, bechance, carte blanche, revanche
enhance, entrance, expanse, finance,
mischance, perchance, romance, anche 2 \anch\ see anch 3
Romance, side-glance, sweatpants
circumstance, complaisance, anche 3 \an-che\ see anchy
contredanse, country-dance, fer-de- ancher 1 \6n-ch9r\ see auncher
lance, happenchance, happenstance,
Liederkranz, Port-au-Prince, ancher 2 \an-chsr\ ceinture, rancher
refinance, smarty-pants, underpants
— also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of anchi \an-che\ see anchy
nouns, and -s forms of verbs, listed at anchion \an-chsn\ see ansion
ant 5
anchor \arj-ksr\ see anker
anceable Xan-sa-balX seeansible
anchoress \arj-krss\ see ankerous
anced \anst\ canst
circumstanced anchy \an-che\ branchy, Ranchi
underfinanced Comanche
ancial 38

ancial \an-chal\ see antial Iceland, inkstand, inland, Inland,

kickstand, Kokand, Lapland, left-
ancis \an(t)-sas\ Frances, Francis hand, longhand, mainland, marshland,
Aransas misbrand, newsstand, nightstand,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, northland, noseband, offhand, outland,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ance outstand, parkland, pineland, playland,
proband, Queensland, quicksand,
anck \ank\ see onk1 rangeland, remand, repand, Rheinland,
anco \arj-ko\ see onco Rhineland, ribband, right-hand,
rimland, roband, Saarland, scabland,
ancolin \arj-ktan\ see anklin screenland, scrubland, seastrand,
shorthand, sideband, softland,
ancor \an-kar\ see anker southland, spaceband, stagehand,
summand, swampland, sweatband,
ancorous \arj-kras\ see ankerous Thailand, thirdhand, tideland,
trainband, unhand, unmanned,
ancre \arj-ksr\ see anker
waistband, washstand, wasteland,
ancrous \an-kras\ see ankerous watchband, wetland, wildland,
withstand, wristband
anct \arjt\ see anked ampersand, beforehand, behindhand,
bellyband, belly-land, borderland,
ancy \an-se\ chancy, fancy, Nancy bottomland, confirmand, contraband,
unchancy countermand, Damavand, Dixieland,
chiromancy, geomancy, hydromancy, fairyland, fatherland, Ferdinand,
necromancy, pyromancy, forestland, four-in-hand, graduand,
rhabdomancy, sycophancy hand-to-hand, hand to hand,
oneiromancy hinterland, Krugerrand, lotusland,
meadowland, motherland, Nagaland,
and 1 \a n \ see ant 1
narrowband, no-man's-land, operand,
and 2 \and\ see ond 1 ordinand, overhand, overland,
pastureland, reprimand, Rio Grande,
and 3 \and\ and, band, bland, brand, Samarkand, saraband, secondhand,
canned, gland, grand, hand, land, Swaziland, tableland, Talleyrand,
manned, NAND, rand, Rand, sand, timberland, Togoland, underhand,
Sand, stand strand undermanned, understand,
armband, backhand, backland, wonderland, Zululand
badland, bandstand, benchland, analysand, Bechuanaland, cloud-
blackland, broadband, brushland, cuckoo-land, fantasyland,
bushland, cabstand, cloudland, misunderstand, multiplicand, Prince
coastland, command, cowhand, crash- Rupert's Land, Somaliland,
land, cropland, deckhand, demand, Sudetenland, vacationland, videoland,
disband, dockhand, dockland, Witwatersrand
downland, dreamland, dryland, Matabeleland
duneland, expand, farmhand, Alice-in-Wonderland
farmland, fenland, filmland, firebrand, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
firsthand, flatland, forehand, four- an 5
hand, free hand, freehand, gangland,
glad-hand, Gotland, grandstand, and 4 \an\ see on1
grassland, handstand, hardstand,
and 5 \ant\ see ant 2
hatband, headband, headstand,
heartland, heathland, homeland, anda 1 \an-da\ Ganda, panda
39 andid

Amanda, Luanda, Luganda, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at

Miranda, Uganda, veranda and 3
jacaranda, memoranda, propaganda andel \an-d 3 l\ see andle
nomina conservanda
andem Xan-dsrrA see andum
anda 2 \an-da\ see onda
andent \an-dant\ candent, scandent
andable Xan-da-balX mandible
commandable, demandable,
expandable ander 1 \en-dar\ see ender
ander 2 \an-dar\ see onder 1
andaed \an-dad\ see anded
ander 3 \an-dar\ bander, brander,
andal \an-d 9 l\ see andle candor, dander, gander, grandeur,
lander, pander, sander, slander,
andaled \an-d 3 ld\ handled, sandaled
strander, zander
auslander, backhander, blackhander,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
bystander, commander, demander,
expander, flatlander, germander, glad-
andall \an-d 3 l\ see andle hander, goosander, grandstander,
inlander, Leander, left-hander,
andalous \an-dlas\ see andless mainlander, meander, outlander,
andam \an-dam\ see andum philander, pomander, right-hander,
scrimshander, soft-lander, Uitlander
andant \an-dant\ see andent Africander, alexander, Alexander,
calamander, coriander, gerrymander,
andar \and-9r\ see under
oleander, salamander, single-hander
andarin \an-dran\ mandarin —also -er forms of adjectives listed
alexandrine, salamandrine at and 3
ande 1 \an\ see un anderous \an-dras\ see androus
2 5
ande \an\ see an anders \an-darz\ Flanders
3 Bouvier des Flandres, golden
ande \an-de\ see andy
ande 4 \and\ see and 3 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ander
ande 5 \an-da\ see onda
andery \an-dre\ see andry
anded \an-dad\ banded, branded,
candid, handed, landed, stranded andes \an-dez\ Andes
backhanded, bare-handed, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
cleanhanded, forehanded, four- and -s forms of verbs, listed at andy
handed, freehanded, ham-handed,
hardhanded, high-handed, ironhanded, andeur 1 \an-dsr\ see ander 3
left-handed, light-handed, offhanded, andeur 2 \an-jar\ see anger 4
one-handed, red-handed, right-handed,
shorthanded, sure-handed, three- andhi \an-de\ see andy
handed, two-handed, unbranded,
verandaed andi \an-de\ see andy
empty-handed, evenhanded, heavy- andible Xan-da-balX see andable
handed, openhanded, overhanded,
singlehanded, underhanded andid \an-dad\ see anded
anding 40

anding \an-din\ standing andria \an-dre-a\ Andrea

commanding, crossbanding, Alexandria
freestanding, hardstanding, long-
standing, outstanding, upstanding andrill \an-dral\ see andrel
mind-expanding, notwithstanding, andrine \an-drsn\ see andarin
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at andros \an-drss\ see androus
and 3
androus \an-dras\ Andros
andish \an-dish\ blandish, brandish, slanderous
standish, Standish gynandrous, meandrous
outlandish polyandrous
andist \an-dast\ contrabandist, andry \an-dre\ commandery,
propagandist monandry
—also -est forms of adjectives listed polyandry
at and 3
ands \anz\ Badlands, Lowlands
and it \an-dat\ bandit, pandit Canyonlands
andle \an-d 3 l\ candle, dandle, andsel \an-sal\ see ancel
Handel, handle, Randall, sandal,
scandal, vandal andsman \anz-man\ bandsman,
footcandle, manhandle, mishandle, clansman, Klansman, landsman
panhandle, stickhandle
andsome \an-ssm\ see ansom
coromandel, Coromandel
andled \an-d 3 l\ see andaled andum \an-d3m\ fandom, grandam,
random, tandem
andler \an-lar\ candler, chandler, memorandum
handler nomen conservandum
panhandler, stickhandler subpoena ad testificandum
andless \an-tas\ see anless andy \an-de\ Andy, bandy, brandy,
2 Brandy, candy, dandy, handy, Handy,
andly \an-le\ see anly pandy, randy, Randy, sandhi, sandy,
andment \an-mant\ commandment, Sandy, shandy
disbandment jim-dandy, unhandy
Rio Grande
ando \an-do\ Fernando, Orlando modus operandi
andom \an-dam\ see andum ane 1 \an\ ain, Aisne, ane, bane,
andor \an-dar\ see ander 3 blain, Blaine, brain, Cain, cane, chain,
crane, Crane, Dane, deign, drain,
andra \an-dra\ Sandra Duane, Dwain, Dwayne, fain, fane,
Cassandra feign, gain, grain, Jane, Jayne, lane,
Alexandra, pachysandra Lane, main, Maine, mane, pain, Paine,
pane, plain, plane, quean, rain, reign,
andrea \an-dre-a\ see andria rein, sain, sane, seine, Seine, skein,
andrel \an-dral\ mandrel, mandrill, slain, Spain, sprain, stain, stane, strain,
spandrel swain, thane, thegn, train, twain,
Twain, vain, vane, vein, wain, wane,
andres \an-darz\ see anders Wayne, Zane
41 ang

abstain, again, airplane, amain, Tamburlaine, Tamerlane, terreplein,

arcane, arraign, attain, Bahrain, tramontane, transmontane,
Bassein, Beltane, biplane, birdbrain, windowpane
Biscayne, bloodstain, bugbane, Alsace-Lorraine, auf Wiedersehen,
campaign, champagne, champaign, balletomane, convertiplane,
Champlain, checkrein, chicane, demimondaine, elecampane,
chilblain, chow mein, cinquain, extramundane, intermontane, Lake
cocaine, Cockaigne, coxswain, Pontchartraine, legerdemain,
complain, constrain, contain, ultramontane
cordwain, cowbane, crackbrain, trichalomethane
demesne, deplane, destain, detain,
detrain, devein, disdain, distain, ane 2 \an\ see an 5
distrain, dogbane, domain, drivetrain, ane 3 \an-s\ see ana 1
Duane, dumbcane, edge-grain, Elaine,
emplane, enchain, engrain, enplane, ane 4 \an\ see on 1
entrain, explain, eyestrain, fleabane,
floatplane, floodplain, Fort Wayne, anea \a-ne-3\ see ania 2
Gawain, germane, grosgrain, Helaine, anean \a-ne-an\ seeanian 2
Helene, henbane, house-train,
humane, Hussein, Igraine, immane, aned \and\ see ained
inane, ingrain, insane, lamebrain, anee \an-e\ see anny
lightplane, lo mein, Loraine, Lorraine,
maintain, marchpane, membrane, aneful \an-fal\ see ainful
migraine, Montaigne, montane,
moraine, mortmain, Moulmein, anel \an- 3 l\ see annel
mundane, neck-rein, obtain, octane, anelist \an- 3 l-sst\ see analyst
ordain, pertain, plain-Jane, profane,
ptomaine, purslane, quatrain, refrain, aneous \a-ne-3s\ cutaneous,
remain, restrain, retain, retrain, extraneous, spontaneous
romaine, sailplane, sea-lane, seaplane, coetaneous, consentaneous,
seatrain, sustain, tearstain, terrain, instantaneous, miscellaneous,
terrane, triplane, Touraine, Ukraine, porcelaneous, simultaneous,
unchain, urbane, vervain, vicereine, succedaneous
villein, volplane, warplane, wolfsbane contemporaneous, extemporaneous
aeroplane, appertain, aquaplane, aner 1 \a-nar\ see ainer
Aquitaine, ascertain, avellane,
Bloemfontein, cellophane, aner 2 \an-ar\ see onor1
Charlemagne, Charles's Wain, anery \an-re\ granary
chatelain, chatelaine, counterpane, de chicanery
Montaigne, entertain, featherbrain,
foreordain, frangipane, gyroplane, anet \an-at\ see annet
hurricane, hydroplane, hyperplane,
inhumane, Kwajalein, La Fontaine, aneum \a-ne-3m\ see anium
marocain, Mary Jane, mise-en-scene, aney \6-ne\ see awny1
monoplane, Novocain, neutercane,
novocaine, overlain, paravane, paper- anford \an-fard\ Sanford, Stanford
train, peneplain, Port of Spain, port-
ang 1 \arj\ seeong 1
wine stain, preordain, rattlebrain,
scatterbrain, shaggymane, Spanish ang 2 \arj\ bang, bhang, clang, dang,
Main, sugarcane, suzerain, fang, Fang, gang, gangue, hang, pang,
ang 42

prang, rang, sang, slang, spang, sprang, anger 3 \arj-gar\ anger, clangor
stang, tang, twang, whang, yang
cliff-hang, defang, ginseng, anger 4 \an-jar\ flanger, grandeur
harangue, linsang, meringue, mustang, phalanger
orang, parang, Pinang, press-gang, angi \arj-e\ see angy 2
probang, shebang, slam-bang,
straphang, trepang, whizbang angible \an-J3-bal\ frangible,
boomerang, charabanc, overhang, tangible
parasang, siamang infrangible, intangible, refrangible
interrobang, orangutan
angie \arj-e\ see angy 2
3 2
ang \6rj\ see ong anging 1 \an-jirj\ bushranging,
anga Xan-gaX see onga unchanging, wide-ranging
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
angar \an-ar\ see anger 2 ange 2
ange 1 \a n zh\ blancmange, melange anging 2 \arj-irj\ hanging
ange 2 \anj\ change, grange, mange,
range, strange
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
arrange, derange, downrange,
ang 2
estrange, exchange, free-range,
gearchange, long-range, outrange, angle \arj-g3l\ angle, bangle, dangle,
short-range, shortchange jangle, mangel, mangle, spangle,
counterchange, disarrange, strangle, tangle, wangle,
interchange, omnirange wrangle
Great Dividing Range embrangle, entangle, Mount
Wrangell, pentangle, quadrangle,
ange 3 \anj\ flange
rectangle, triangle, untangle, wide-
angel \an-g9i\ see angle disentangle
angell \an-gal\ see angle angled \an-gald\ angled, tangled
newfangled, oldfangled, right-
angement \anj-m9nt\ arrangement, angled, star-spangled
derangement, estrangement —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
disarrangement angle
angency \an-jan-se\ plangency, anglement Xarj-gal-mantX
tangency tanglement
angent \an-jant\ plangent, tangent embranglement, entanglement
di sentanglement
anger 1 \an-jar\ changer, danger,
granger, manger, ranger, stranger angler \arj-glar\ angler, dangler,
j angler, mangier, strangler, wangler,
bushranger, endanger, estranger,
exchanger, shortchanger
angles \arj-galz\ Angles, strangles
anger 2 \arj-ar\ banger, clanger,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
clangor, clangour, ganger, hangar,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at angle
hanger, languor, Sanger, twanger
cliff-hanger, haranguer, straphanger anglian \an-gle-an\ Anglian,
paperhanger ganglion
43 anical

angling \arj-glin\ angling, gangling ania1 \an-ya\ Agana, Espana,

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at lasagna, Titania
angle Emilia-Romagna
anglion \an-gle-9n\ see anglian ania 2 \a-ne-a\ mania, titania, Titania,
angly \arj-gle\ gangly, jangly, tangly Acarnania, Anglomania, Aquitania,
ango \arj-go\ mango, tango collectanea, dipsomania, egomania,
Durango, fandango hypomania, kleptomania, Lithuania,
Mauretania, Mauritania, miscellanea,
angor 1 \arj-ar\ see anger 2 monomania, mythomania,
angor 2 \arj-gar\ see anger 3 nymphomania, Oceania, Pennsylvania,
Pomerania, pyromania, Transylvania
angorous \arj-3-ras\ clangorous, balletomania, bibliomania,
languorous decalcomania, megalomania
angour \arj-sr\ see anger 2 ania 3 \an-ya\ Campania, Catania,
Hispania, Titania
angster \arj-star\ gangster, Aquitania, malaguena
prankster Tripolitania
anguage \arj-gwij\ language, —also words listed at ania
slanguage anian 1 \an-e-3ii\ Kiwanian,
metalanguage, paralanguage, Turanian
protolanguage Araucanian
angue \an\ see ang 2 anian 2 \a-ne-sn\ Albanian,
anguer \arj-ar\ see anger 2 Dardanian, Iranian, Romanian,
Rumanian, Sassanian, Turanian,
anguish \arj-gwish\ anguish, Ukrainian, Uranian, vulcanian
languish Lithuanian, Pennsylvanian,
Pomeranian, Ruritanian, subterranean
anguor \arj-ar\ see anger 2
Indo-Iranian, Mediterranean
anguorous \arj-3-ras\ see angorous aniard \an-yard\ lanyard, Spaniard
angus \arj-gas\ Angus, Brangus anic \an-ik\ manic, panic, tannic
angy \an-je\ mangy, rangy Brahmanic, Britannic, cyanic,
firemanic, galvanic, Germanic,
angy 2 \arj-e\ tangy, twangy Hispanic, Koranic, mechanic, melanic,
Ubangi organic, Romanic, satanic, shamanic,
collieshangie Sudanic, titanic, tympanic, volcanic
aldermanic, Alemannic,
anha \an-s\ see ana 1 councilmanic, epiphanic, inorganic,
anhope \an-sp\ see annup messianic, oceanic, Ossianic, pre-
Hispanic, talismanic, theophanic
ani1 \an-e\ Bonnie, bonny, Connie, Indo-Germanic, megalomanic,
Donnie, fawny, johnny, Ronnie, tawny Rhaeto-Romanic, suboceanic,
afghani, Fulani transoceanic
chalcedony, Kisangani, maharani,
Nuristani, quadriphony, Rajasthani anical \an-i-kal\ manacle, panicle,
mulligatawny sanicle
botanical, mechanical, tyrannical
ani 2 \an-e\ see anny puritanical
anice 44

anice \an-ss\ see anise humanity, inanity, insanity, profanity,

anicle \an-i-kal\ see anical Christianity, churchianity,
anics \an-iks\ annex inhumanity
mechanics superhumanity
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, anium \a-ne-9m\ cranium
and -s forms of verbs, listed at anic geranium, uranium
anid1 \a-nsd\ ranid succedaneum
tabanid ank \ank\ bank, blank, brank, clank,
anid 2 \an-ad\ canid, ranid crank, dank, drank, flank, franc, frank,
Sassanid Frank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank,
sank, shank, shrank, spank, stank,
aniel1 \an- 3 l\ see annel swank, tank, thank, yank, Yank
Burbank, claybank, embank,
aniel 2 \an-yal\ see anual
foreshank, gangplank, greenshank,
anigan \an-i-gsn\ seeannigan nonbank, outflank, outrank, pickthank,
point-blank, redshank, sandbank,
anikin \an-i-kan\ see annikin sheepshank, snowbank
animous \an-9-m3s\ animus mountebank, riverbank
magnanimous, unanimous clinkety-clank
pusillanimous anka 1 \arj-ka\ concha, tanka
animus \an-3-mas\ see animous Sri Lanka

anion 1 \an-yan\ see onyon1 anka 2 \arj-ka\ see anca

ankable Xarj-ka-balX bankable,
anion 2 \an-ysn\ banyan, canon,
canyon, fanion
companion, Grand Canyon, Hells anked \arjt\ shanked, tanked
Canyon spindle-shanked, sacrosanct
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
anis \an-as\ see anise ank
anise \an-as\ anise, Janice, Janis, ankee \an-ke\ see anky
Johannes, Johnannes, pandanus, anken \arj-kan\ flanken, Rankine
titanous anker \an-ksr\ anchor, banker,
Scipio Africanus canker, chancre, flanker, franker,
anish 1 \a-nish\ see ainish hanker, rancor, ranker, spanker, tanker,
anish 2 \an-ish\ banish, clannish, co-anchor, unanchor
mannish, planish, Spanish, tannish, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
vanish at ank
Pollyannish, Judeo-Spanish
ankerous \arj-kras\ anchoress,
anist \an-ast\ see onest cankerous, chancrous, rancorous
anister \an-3-star\ banister, canister, cantankerous
ganister ankh \arjk\ seeonk 1
anite \an-at\ see annet ankie \arj-ke\ see anky
anity \an-st-e\ sanity, vanity ankine \arj-ksn\ see anken
45 anny

ankish \arj-kish\ Frankish, prankish annery 1 \an-re\ ornery, swannery

ankle \arj-kal\ ankle, crankle, rankle annery 2 \an-re\ cannery, granary,
ankly \arj-kle\ blankly, dankly,
frankly annes \an-as\ see anise
anks \arjs\ see anx anness \an-nas\ fondness, wanness
ankster \arj-stsr\ see angster an net \an-at\ gannet, granite, Janet,
anky \arj-ke\ cranky, hankie, lanky, pomegranate
swanky, Yankee
hanky-panky annexe \an-iks\ see anics
anless \an-lss\ handless, manless, annibal \an-3-bal\ cannibal,
planless Hannibal
anley \an-le\ see aniy2 annic \an-ik\ see anic
anli \an-le\ see aniy annle \an-e\ see anny
aniy1 \an-le\ fondly, thrawnly, wanly annigan \an-i-gan\ brannigan
aniy 2 \an-le\ blandly, grandly, shenanigan
manly, Stanley annikin \an-i-kan\ cannikin,
Osmanli, unmanly manikin, mannequin, pannikin
ann 1 \an\ see an 5 annin \an-an\ see annon
ann 2 \an\ see on 1
annish \an-ish\ see anish 2
1 1
anna \an-9\ see ana
annon \an-sn\ cannon, canon,
anna 2 \an-s\ see ana 3 Shannon, tannin
Buchanan, Clackmannan, colcannon
annage \an-ij\ see anage
annah \an-s\ see ana 3 annous \an-ss\ see anise
annalist \an- l-3st\ see analyst anns \anz\ see ans 4
annan \an-an\ see annon annual \an-ysl\ see anual
anne \an\ see an annular Xan-ya-larX annular,
3 cannular, granular
anned \and\ see and
annulate \an-ya-l9t\ annulate,
annel \an- 3 l\ channel, Channel,
Daniel, flannel, panel, scrannel,
impanel annulet \an-ya-bt\ see annulate
English Channel
annum \an-9m\ see anum 2
annequin \an-i-kan\ see annikin
annup \an-ap\ sannup, stanhope
anner \an-sr\ banner, canner, fanner,
lanner, manner, manor, planner, anny \an-e\ Annie, canny, cranny,
scanner, spanner, tanner, vanner Danny, fanny, granny, Lanny, nanny
deadpanner, japanner afghani, ca'canny, kokanee, uncanny
caravanner frangipani, Hindustani, hootenanny
ano 46

ano 1 \an-6\ guano, Kano, llano, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
mano, mono ance 3
Chicano, Marrano, Nagano, piano,
Romano, Serrano, soprano ansion \an-ch9n\ mansion,
altiplano scansion, stanchion
boliviano, fortepiano, mezzo piano, expansion
mezzo-soprano ansk \ansk\ Bryansk, Gdansk,
Citta del Vaticano Murmansk, Saransk
ano 2 \a-no\ ripieno, volcano ansman Xanz-msnX see andsman
ano \an-6\ Hispano, piano, soprano ansom Xan-ssmX handsome,
fortepiano, mezzo-soprano hansom, ransom, transom
anon 1 \an-an\ see annon unhandsome

anon 2 \an-yan\ see anion 2 anst XanstX see anced

anopy \an-a-pe\ canape, canopy answer \an-sar\ see ancer
anor \an-ar\ see anner answered \an-sard\ answered,
anous \an-as\ see anise unanswered
anqui \arj-ke\ see onky ansy \an-ze\ pansy, tansy
ans 1 \ans\ see ance 2 chimpanzee
ans 2 \anz\ see onze ant1 \a n \ Caen, Gant
arpent, beurre blanc, croissant, en
ans 3 \ans\ see ance 3 banc, Mont Blanc, riant, roman,
ans 4 \anz\ banns, Hans, sans, trans Rouen, savant, versant
Sextans accouchement, aide-de-camp, au
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, courant, battement, ci-devant,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at an contretemps, debridement,
denouement, en passant, Maupassant,
ans 5 \a n \ see ant 1 Mitterand, Orleans, Perpignan,
ansard \an-ssrd\ see answered rapprochement, revenant, se tenant,
soi-disant, vol-au-vent
ansas 1 \an(t)-sas\ see ancis arrondissement, Chateaubriand,
ansas 2 \an-zas\ Kansas Chateaubriand, Clermont-Ferrand, de
Arkansas Maupassant, idiot savant,
ressentiment, sauvignon blanc
anse \ans\ see ance 3
ant 2 \ant\ aunt, can't, daunt, flaunt,
ansea \an-ze\ see anzy font, fount, gaunt, taunt, vaunt, want,
anser \an-ssr\ see ancer wont
avant, avaunt, bacchant, bacchante,
anset \an-sat\ see ancet Balante, Beaumont, bouffant, brisant,
courante, detente, entente, Fremont,
ansett \an-sat\ see ancet
gallant, grandaunt, piedmont,
ansible Xan-sa-bslX danceable Piedmont, piquant, romaunt, Rostand,
expansible savant, sirvente, Vermont
bon vivant, commandant,
ansile \an-sal\ see ancel
complaisant, confidant, debridement,
ansing \an-sin\ Lansing debutant, debutante, dilettante, John of
47 anthus

Gaunt, intrigant, nonchalant, poste ante 4 \ant-e\ see anti1

restante, restaurant, symbiont
dicynodont, subdebutante ante 5 \ant-e\ ante, canty, chantey,
Montcalm de Saint Veran pantie, scanty, shanty, slanty
sinfonia concertante andanti, Asante, Ashanti, Chianti,
ant 3 XantX see ont1 non obstante, penny-ante, vigilante
pococurante, status quo ante
ant 4 \6nt\ see aunt 1
antean \ant-e-an\ Dantean
ant 5 \ant\ ant, aunt, brant, cant, Atlantean, post-Kantian
can't, chant, grant, Grant, hant, Kant,
pant, plant, rant, scant, shan't, anteau \an-to\ see anto 2
anted \an-tsd\ disenchanted
aslant, bacchant, bacchante, bezant,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
courante, decant, descant, discant,
ant 5
displant, eggplant, enceinte, enchant,
explant, extant, formant, gallant, antel \ant- 3 l\ see antle
grandaunt, houseplant, implant,
incant, leadplant, levant, Levant, antelet \ant-tat\ mantelet, plantlet
pieplant, pissant, plainchant, anter1 \ant-ar\ seeaunter 1
pourpoint, preplant, rampant, recant,
replant, savant, supplant, transplant anter 2 \ant-ar\ antre, banter, canter,
adamant, commandant, complaisant, cantor, chanter, granter, grantor,
confidant, cormorant, corposant, plantar, planter, ranter, scanter
Corybant, covenant, demipointe, decanter, implanter, instanter,
dilettante, disenchant, gallivant, levanter, transplanter, trochanter
hierophant, interplant, sycophant covenanter, covenantor,
anta Xant-aX anta, manta
Atlanta, infanta, vedanta antes \an-tez\ Cervantes
Atalanta —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ante 5
antage \ant-ij\ vantage
advantage antey \ant-e\ see ante 5
coign of vantage, disadvantage
anth \anth\ amaranth, coelacanth,
antain \ant- 3 n\ see anton 2 perianth, tragacanth
antal1 \ant- 3 l\ seeontal 1 antha \an-ths\ Samantha
polyantha, pyracantha
antal 2 \ant- 3 l\ see antle
anthemum Xan-tha-mamX
antam \ant-3m\ bantam, phantom chrysanthemum
antar \ant-sr\ see anter 2 mesembryanthemum

antasist \ant-3-sast\ see anticist anther \an-thar\ anther, panther

ante 1 \an-ta\ Bronte, Dante anthropy \an-thrs-pe\ lycanthropy,

andante, Asante, volante misanthropy, philanthropy
Belo Horizonte anthus \an-tb.9s\ acanthus,
ante 2 \ant\ see ant 2 ailanthus, dianthus
agapanthus, amianthus, polyanthus,
ante 3 \ant\ see ant 5 Rhadamanthus
anti 48

anti1 \ant-e\ Bronte, jaunty, monte, anti ing \ant-lirj\ bantling, scantling
Monte, Monty, vaunty dismantling
andante, Asante, Ashanti, Chianti
anto 1 \an-to\ Squanto
2 5
anti \ant-e\ see ante bel canto, Toronto
antial \an-ch3l\ financial, substantial
circumstantial, consubstantial, anto 2 \an-to\ canto, panto
insubstantial, transsubstantial, coranto, Otranto, portmanteau
unsubstantial Esperanto
supersubstantial Strait of Otranto
antian 1 \ant-e-an\ see ontian antom \ant-9m\ see antam
antian \ant-e-9n\ see antean anton 1 \ant- 3 n\ see onton
antic 1 \ant-ik\ see ontic anton 2 \ant- 3 n\ Anton, canton,
Canton, plantain, Scranton, Stanton
antic 2 \ant-ik\ antic, frantic, mantic adamantine
Atlantic, bacchantic, gigantic,
pedantic, romantic, semantic, Vedantic antor \ant-ar\ see anter 2
corybantic, geomantic, hierophantic,
antos 1 \an-tas\ see antis
necromantic, sycophantic,
transatlantic antos 2 \an-tss\ Santos
anticist \ant-a-s9st\ fantasist
Atlanticist, romanticist, semanticist antra \an-tra\ tantra, yantra
antid \ant-ad\ mantid antre \ant-ar\ see anter 2
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at antry \an-tre\ chantry, gantry, pantry
ant 5 ants \ans\ see ance 3
antie \ant-e\ see ante 5 antua \anch-wa\ mantua
3 2 Gargantua
antine \ant- n\ see anton
antus \ant-9s\ see antis
anting 1 \ant-in\ anting, canting
disenchanting anty \ant-e\ see ante 5
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
anual1 \an-yslX Daniel, spaniel
anting2 \ant-irj\ see unting anual 2 Xan-ya-walX annual, manual,
antis \ant-ss\ cantus, mantis, Santos Manuel
Atlantis biannual, bimanual, Emanuel,
Emmanuel, Immanuel
antish \ant-ish\ dilettantish, semi-annual
sycophantish Victor Emmanuel
antle \ant- a l\ cantle, mantel, mantle, anuel \an-yal\ see anual 2
anular \an-ya-br\ see annular
dismantle, quadrantal
consonantal, covenantal, overmantel anulate \an-ya-tat\ see annulate
anum 1 Xa-namX paynim
antlet \ant-bt\ see antelet arcanum
49 apboard

anum 2 \an-3m\ per annum, solanum aos 1 \aiis\ see ouse 2

anus 1 \a-nas\ see ayness a o s 2 \a-as\ chaos, Laos
anus 2 \an-ss\ see anise aotian \6-shan\ see otion
anx \arjs\ Manx, thanks aow \au\ see ow 2
Grand Banks, phalanx
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, ap 1 \ a p \ see op 1
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ank
ap 2 \ap\ see up
any \a-ne\ see ainy
ap 3 \ a p \ cap, chap, clap, crap, flap,
any \en-e\ see enny frap, gap, gape, hap, knap, lap, Lapp,
map, nap, nape, nappe, pap, rap, sap,
anyan \an-ysn\ see anion 2 scrap, slap, snap, strap, tap, trap, wrap,
anyard \an-yard\ see aniard yap, Yap, zap
backslap, backwrap, blackcap,
anyon \an-yan\ see anion 2 bootstrap, burlap, catnap, claptrap,
anz \ans\ see ance 3 dewlap, dognap, earflap, entrap,
enwrap, firetrap, flatcap, foolscap,
anza 1 \an-za\ kwanza, Kwanza, giddap, heeltap, hubcap, jockstrap,
Kwanzaa kidnap, kneecap, lagniappe, livetrap,
Sancho Panza madcap, mantrap, mayhap, mishap,
mobcap, mousetrap, nightcap,
anza 2 \an-z9\ stanza, zanza pinesap, rattrap, recap, redcap, remap,
bonanza, organza riprap, satrap, shiplap, shrink-wrap,
Sancho Panza skullcap, skycap, snowcap, steel-trap,
extravaganza stopgap, unsnap, unstrap, unwrap,
anzaa \an-za\ see anza 1 verb sap, whitecap, wiretap
afterclap, gingersnap, handicap,
anzee \an-ze\ see ansy overlap, rattletrap, thunderclap,
anzer \an-sar\ see onsor verbum sap, wentletrap
anzo \an-zo\ gonzo
garbanzo apa 1 \ap-a\ grappa, Joppa, papa,
poppa, tapa
anzy \an-ze\ bronzy, Ponzi, Swansea Jalapa
ao 1 \a-6\ see eo 1
apa 2 \ap-a\ kappa, tapa
ao 2 \ 6 \ see ow1
Phi Beta Kappa
ao 3 \au\ see ow 2
apable \a-p9-b9l\ capable, drapable,
ao 4 \a-6\ Caliao shapable
Mindanao escapable, incapable
aoedic \ed-ik\ see edic 1
apal \a-pal\ see aple
aoighis \ash\ see eche 1
apas \ap-as\ Chiapas
aole \au-le\ see owly2
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
aone \6n\ see one 1 listed at apa
aori \aur-e\ see owery apboard \ab-ard\ see abard
ape 50

ape \ a p \ ape, cape, chape, crape, aph \af\ caff, calf, chaff, daff, gaff,
crepe, drape, gape, grape, jape, nape, gaffe, graph, half, laugh, quaff, raff,
rape, scape, scrape, shape, tape sclaff, staff, staph, Waf, waff
agape, broomrape, cloudscape, duct agrafe, behalf, carafe, chiffchaff,
tape, escape, landscape, moonscape, cowlstaff, digraph, distaff, Falstaff,
North Cape, reshape, seascape, flagstaff, giraffe, half-staff,
shipshape, snowscape, streetscape, horselaugh, kenaf, mooncalf, paraph,
townscape, transshape, undrape, pikestaff, riffraff, tipstaff
waveshape autograph, barograph, bathyscaphe,
cityscape, masking tape, waterscape, cenotaph, chronograph, cryptograph,
Xeriscape epigraph, epitaph, half-and-half,
audiotape, stereotape, videotape hectograph, holograph, homograph,
hygrograph, kymograph, lithograph,
ape 2 \ a p \ see ap 3 logograph, micrograph, monograph,
pantograph, paragraph, phonograph,
ape 3 \ap-e\ see oppy photograph, pictograph, polygraph,
ape 4 \ap-e\ see appy quarterstaff, seismograph, serigraph,
shadowgraph, shandygaff,
aped \apt\ bell-shaped spectrograph, sphygmograph,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at telegraph, thermograph, typograph,
ape 1 understaff
cardiograph, choreograph,
apel \ap-al\ see apple
heliograph, ideograph, mimeograph,
apelin \ap-l9n\ see aplain oscillograph, pseudepigraph,
apen \a-psn\ capon, shapen chromolithograph, cinematograph,
unshapen encephalograph, photomicrograph
aper \a-par\ caper, draper, gaper, radiotelegraph
paper, scraper, shaper, taper, tapir, electrocardiograph
vapor, vapour electroencephalograph
curlpaper, endpaper, flypaper, aphael \af-e-sl\ see aphial
glasspaper, landscapes newspaper,
notepaper, sandpaper, skyscraper, aphe 1 \af\ seeafe 1
wallpaper, wastepaper
run-of-paper aphe 2 \af\ see aph

aperer \a-par-9r\ paperer, taperer, apher \af-sr\ see after2

aphia \af-e-a\ see affia
apery \a-pre\ drapery, japery,
napery, papery, vapory aphial \af-e-3l\ Raphael
sandpapery epitaphial

apes \aps\ traipse aphic \af-ik\ graphic, maffick,

jackanapes sapphic, traffic
— also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of digraphic, edaphic, serafic, triaphic
nouns, and -s forms of verbs, listed at allographic, autographic,
ape 1 barographic, biographic, calligraphic,
cartographic, cosmographic,
apey \a-pe\ crepey, drapy, grapey, cryptographic, demographic,
grapy, kepi, scrapie epigraphic, epitaphic, ethnographic,
51 appen

geographic, hectographic, apis \a-pgs\ Apis

homographic, hydrographic, Priapus, Serapis
lithographic, logographic,
mammographic, monographic, apist \a-p9st\ rapist
orthographic, pantographic, escapist, landscapist
paragraphic, petrographic, aplain \ap-l9n\ capelin, chaplain,
phonographic, photographic, chaplin, sapling
pictographic, polygraphic,
pornographic, reprographic, aple \a-pal\ maple, papal, staple
stenographic, stratigraphic,
telegraphic, tomographic, topographic, aples \a-p9lz\ Naples
typographic, xerographic —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
bibliographic, choreographic, and -s forms of verbs, listed at aple
crystallographic, hagiographic, apless \ap-l9s\ hapless, napless,
homolographic, iconographic, sapless, strapless
ideographic, lexicographic,
oceanographic, stereographic aplin \ap-b-n\ see aplain
autobiographic, cinematographic,
historiographic aply \ap-le\ see aptly
echocardiographic apnel \ap-n 3 l\ grapnel, shrapnel
apo \ap-6\ capo
aphical \af-i-kal\ graphical da capo, gestapo, Mount Apo
biographical, cartographical,
cosmographical, cryptographical, apolis \ap-9-bs\ Annapolis
epigraphical, ethnographical, Minneapolis
geographical, orthographical, Indianapolis
petrographical, topographical,
typographical apon \a-p9n\ see apen
bibliographical, choreographical, apor \a-par\ see aper
hagiographical, iconographical,
lexicographical, oceanographical aporer \a-psr-9r\ see aperer
autobiographical, historiographical
apory \a-pre\ see apery
aphics \af-iks\ graphics
apour \a-p9r\ see aper
demographics, micrographics,
supergraphics app \ a p \ see ap 3
aphnis \af-nas\ see aftness appa 1 \ap-9\ seeapa 1
aphora Xa-fs-rsX anaphora, appa 2 \ap-g\ see apa 2
appable \ap-9-b9l\ flappable,
api \ap-e\ see oppy mappable
apid \ap-sd\ rapid, sapid, vapid recappable, unflappable

apie \a-pe\ see apey appalli \ap-9-le\ see opoly

apin \ap-an\ see appen appe \ap\ see ap 3
apine \ap-sn\ see appen apped \apt\ see apt
apir \a-psr\ see aper appen \ap-9n\ happen, lapin, rapine
apper 52

apper 1 \ap-ar\ see opper adapt, black-capped, coapt,

2 dewlapped, enrapt, inapt, snowcapped,
apper \ap-ar\ capper, clapper, unapt, untapped
dapper, flapper, knapper, rapper, periapt
sapper, scrapper, snapper, strapper, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
tapper, wrapper, zapper ap 3
backslapper, catnapper, didapper,
kidnapper, knee-slapper, petnapper, apter \ap-tar\ captor, chapter, raptor
wiretapper adapter
handicapper, snippersnapper,
aption \ap-shan\ caption
understrapper, whippersnapper
adaption, contraption
appet \ap-at\ lappet, tappet aptive \ap-tiv\ captive
apphic \af-ik\ see aphic adaptive
maladaptive, preadaptive
appie \ap-e\ see oppy
aptly \ap-le\ aptly, haply, raptly
appily \ap-9-le\ happily, scrappily, inaptly, unaptly
unhappily aptor \ap-tsr\ see apter
apture \ap-chsr\ rapture
appiness \ap-e-nas\ happiness,
enrapture, recapture
sappiness, scrappiness, snappiness
unhappiness apular Xap-ya-larX papular, scapular
apping \ap-irj\ capping, mapping, apus \a-pss\ see apis
strapping, trapping, wrapping
kneecapping, petnapping apy1 \a-pe\ see apey
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at apy 2 \ap-e\ see appy
ap 3
aq 1 \ak\ see ock1
apple \ap-al\ apple, chapel, dapple,
grapple, scrapple aq 2 \ak\ see ack 2
mayapple, pineapple
aqi \ak-e\ see ocky
aque 1 \ak\ see ake 1
apps \aps\ see apse
aque 2 \ak\ see ack 2
appy \ap-e\ crappy, flappy, gappy,
happy, nappy, pappy, sappy, scrappy, aqui \ak-e\ see ocky
snappy, zappy
satrapy, serape, slaphappy, unhappy ar1 \er\ see are 4
triggerhappy ar2 \6r\ see or1
aps \aps\ see apse ar3 \ar\ ar, are, bar, barre, car, carr,
apse \aps\ apse, chaps, craps, lapse, char, charr, czar, far, gar, gnar, guar,
schnapps, taps, traps jar, Lar, mar, moire, noir, our, par,
collapse, elapse, perhaps, prolapse, parr, R, quare, Saar, scar, spar, SPAR,
relapse, synapse, time-lapse star, tar, tahr, Thar, tsar, tzar, yare
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, Adar, afar, ajar, all-star, armoire,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ap attar, bazaar, beaux arts, bete noire,
beurre noir, Bihar, bizarre, boudoir,
apt \apt\ apt, napped, rapt boxcar, boyar, briard, bulbar, Bulgar,
53 aras

bursar, canard, catarrh, Cathar, chukar, capybara, carbonara, Connemara,

cigar, clochard, cougar, couloir, deodara, Gemarara, Guanabara,
crossbar, crowbar, Dakar, daystar, solfatara, tuatara
debar, decare, devoir, dinar, disbar, Guadalajara, Ogasawara,
drawbar, Dunbar, durbar, earthstar, Sagamihara, Tarahumara, Timisoara
Elgar, eschar, eyebar, feldspar, five-
ara2 \er-a\ see era 1
star, flatcar, four-star, fulmar, gazar,
guitar, Gunnar, Hagar, handcar, ara 3 \ar-a\ see arrow1
Hoggar, horsecar, hussar, Invar, Ishtar,
Kolar, Loire, Iyar, jack-tar, jowar, ara4 \6r-s\ see ora
Khowar, lahar, Lamar, lekvar, lodestar, arab \ar-ab\ Arab, Carib, carob,
Magyar, memoir, Mizar, Mylar, scarab
Navarre, nightjar, paillard, peignoir, Shatt al Arab
petard, Pindar, pissoir, planar, plantar,
polestar, pourboire, pulsar, qintar, arable \ar-a-bal\ arable, bearable,
quasar, radar, railcar, rebar, Renoir, parable, shareable, spareable,
Safar, Samar, sandbar, scalar, shikar, wearable
shofar, sidebar, sidecar, sirdar, sitar, declarable, unbearable
sofar, solar, sonar, streetcar, Svalbard, inenarrable
tramcar, trocar, unbar, volar, voussoir,
Weimar aracen \ar-a-s9n\ see arison
abattoir, acinar, Ahaggar, Aligarh, aracin \ar-3-san\ see arison
aide-memoire, au revoir, avatar,
bolivar, Bolivar, cafe noir, caviar, arad \ar-ad\ see arid
cinnabar, commissar, communard, araday \ar-ad-e\ faraday, parody
coplanar, Cote d'lvoire, cultivar,
deciare, deodar, Dreyfusard, escolar, arage \ar-ij\ see arriage
escritoire, exemplar, fluorspar,
aragon \ar-3-gan\ paragon, tarragon
handlebar, insofar, isobar, Issachar,
jacamar, jaguar, Kandahar, Kashgar, arah1 \er-a\ see era 1
kilobar, Krasnodar, Malabar,
megabar, megastar, millibar, arah 2 \ar-a\ see arrow1
minicar, montagnard, motorcar, aral1 \ar-al\ see arrel 2
Mudejar, muscle car, Myanmar,
Nicobar, objet d'art, pinot noir, aral2 \9r-al\ see erral
Qiqihar, registrar, rent-a-car,
repertoire, reservoir, ricercar, samovar, aralee 1 \ar-9-le\ Marilee, Saralee
scimitar, seminar, simular, steak aralee 2 \er-9-le\ see arily
tartare, subahdar, superstar, tutelar,
turbocar, VCR, Veadar, zamindar, aran1 \er-9n\ see aron 1
Zanzibar aran 2 \ar-9n\ see aron 2
budgerigar, conservatoire, Gulf of
Mannar, Hubli-Dharwar, kala-azar, arant1 \er-9nt\ see arent 1
Kathiawar, proseminar
arant2 \ar-9nt\ see arent 2
ara \ar-9\ Kara, Laura, Mara, Nara, araoh 1 \er-6\ see ero 2
para, vara
Asmara, Bambara, begorra, Bukhara, araoh 2 \ar-6\ see arrow2
Camorra, Ferrara, Gomorrah, saguaro, araph \ar-sf\ seeariff
Samara, samsara, tantara,
tiara aras \ar-as\ see orris1
arass 54

arass \ar-as\ see aris 2 arch \arch\ arch, larch, march,

March, parch, starch
arat \ar-at\ Barrett, carat, caret, cornstarch, frog-march
carrot, claret, garret, Garrett, karat, countermarch
disparate archal \ar-kal\ darkle, sparkle
exarchal, monarchal
arate \ar-at\ see arat hierarchal, matriarchal, patriarchal
arative1 \er-9t-iv\ declarative, archate \ar-kat\ see arket
arche \arsh\ see arsh
arative 2 \ar-st-iv\ narrative
comparative, declarative, arched \archt\ arched, parched
preparative, reparative —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
arator \ar-at-ar\ barrator
apparitor, comparator, preparator archer \ar-char\ archer, marcher
arb \arb\ barb, barbe, carb, darb,
garb arches \ar-chaz\ Arches, Marches
bicarb, rhubarb
archie \ar-kik\ anarchic, autarchic,
arbel \ar-bal\ see arble 1 autarkic, monarchic, tetrarchic
hierarchic, oligarchic
arber \ar-bsr\ see arbor
arbered \ar-bard\ see arboard archical \ar-ki-kal\ autarchical,
autarkical, monarchical
arbin \ar-bsn\ see arbon oligarchical
arble1 \ar-bal\ barbel, garble, marble archon \ar-ksn\ see arken
arble \6r-bal\ see orbel archy \ar-ke\ barky, charqui, larky,
arboard \ar-bard\ barbered,
anarchy, autarchy, autarky, dyarchy,
larboard, starboard
eparchy, exarchy, heptarchy, malarkey,
astarboard, unbarbered menarche, monarchy, pentarchy,
arbon \ar-ban\ carbon, Harbin squirearchy, tetrarchy, triarchy,
arbor \ar-bar\ arbor, barber, harbor hierarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy,
Pearl Harbor oligarchy
arc1 \ak\ seeock 1 arck \ark\ see ark1
2 1
arc \ark\ see ark arco \ar-ko\ arco, narco
area \ar-ks\ see arka 1
arct \arkt\ see arked
arce 1 \ers\ scarce
arctic1 \ark-tik\ arctic, Arctic
Nez Perce
antarctic, Antarctic, Holarctic,
arce 2 \ars\ see arse 1 Nearctic, subarctic
Palearctic, subantarctic
arcel \ar-sal\ see arsal
arctic 2 \art-ik\ see artic1
arcener \ars-nar\ larcener, parcener
coparcener arcy \ar-se\ farcy, Parsi
55 are

ard1 \ard\ bard, barred, card, chard, arden 1 \ard- 3 n\ Arden, Dardan,
Dard, fard, guard, hard, lard, nard, garden, harden, pardon
pard, sard, shard, yard bombardon, case-harden, Kincardine
Asgard, backyard, bankcard,
barnyard, Bernard, blackguard, arden 2 \6rd- 3 n\ cordon, Gordon,
blowhard, boatyard, bombard, Jordan, warden
boneyard, brassard, brickyard, canard, churchwarden
churchyard, courtyard, deeryard, die- ardener \ard-nar\ gardener,
hard, diehard, discard, dockyard, hardener, pardner, pardoner, partner
dooryard, farmyard, filmcard,
fireguard, foreyard, foulard, Gerard, ardent \ard- 3 nt\ see ardant
graveyard, ill-starred, jacquard,
arder1 \ard-sr\ ardor, carder,
junkyard, lifeguard, Lombard,
guarder, harder, larder
mansard, Midgard, milliard,
discarder, green-carder
mudguard, noseguard, petard, placard,
postcard, poularde, rear guard, arder2 \6rd-ar\ see order
rearguard, regard, retard, ritard,
safeguard, scorecard, shipyard, ardi \ard-e\ see ardy
spikenard, steelyard, stockyard, ardian1 \ard-e-an\ guardian
switchyard, tabard, tanyard, tiltyard, Edwardian, Lombardian
unbarred, unguard, vanguard, vizard
avant-garde, Beauregard, bodyguard, ardian2 \6rd-e-3n\ see ordion
boulevard, disregard, goliard, ardic \ard-ik\ bardic, Dardic
Hildegard, interlard, Kierkegaard, Lombardic, Sephardic
Langobard, leotard, Longobard, no- goliardic, Longobardic
holds-barred, lumberyard, Saint
Bernard, Savoyard, Scotland Yard, ardine \ard- n \ see arden 1
self-regard, undercard, unitard
camelopard arding \6rd-irj\ see ording1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ardingly \6rd-irj-le\ see ordingly
ar 3
ardom \ard-9m\ czardom, stardom
ard2 \ar\ see ar 3 superstardom
ard3 \6rd\ see oard ardon \ard- a n\ see arden 1
ardant \ard- a nt\ ardent, guardant ardoner Xard-narX see ardener
regardant, retardant
ardor \ard-ar\ see arder 1
arde \ard\ see ard
ardy \ard-e\ hardy, Hardy, lardy,
arded1 \ard-ad\ guarded tardy
mansarded, retarded, unguarded foolhardy, Lombardy, Sephardi
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
are 1 \er-e\ see ary 1
ard 1
are 2 \ar\ see ar 3
arded 2 \6rd-ad\ corded, sordid,
swarded, warded are 3 \ar-e\ see ari1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oard are 4 \er\ air, Ayr, bare, bear, Blair,
blare, chair, chare, Claire, Clare, dare,
ardee \6rd-e\ see ordy1 Dare, e'er, ere, err, eyre, fair, fare,
area 56

flair, flare, glair, glare, hair, hare, Herr, de mer, medicare, metalware,
heir, lair, mare, ne'er, pair, pare, pear, millionaire, minaudiere, Mon-Khmer,
prayer, quare, rare, rear, scare, share, Mousquetaire, nom de guerre,
snare, spare, square, stair, stare, swear, otherwhere, outerwear, overbear,
tare, tear, their, there, they're, vair, overwear, potty-chair, porte cochere,
ware, wear, weir, where, yare questionnaire, riviere, Robespierre,
affair, aglare, airfare, Ajmer, Altair, Santander, savoir faire, self-aware,
armchair, au pair, aware, barware, self-despair, silverware, solitaire,
Basseterre, Baudelaire, beachwear, tableware, thoroughfare, unaware,
beware, bricklayer, bugbear, caneware, underwear, vaporware, Venushair,
carfare, clayware, cochair, coheir, vivandiere, willowware, woodenware,
compare, compere, confrere, yellowware, zillionaire
cookware, corsair, courseware, Cape Finisterre, charge d'affaires,
creamware, cudbear, day-care, chemin de fer, commissionaire,
daymare, decare, declare, delftware, concessionaire, couturiere, devil-may-
despair, dishware, eclair, elsewhere, care, enamelware, memoriter, pied-a-
enclair, ensnare, eyewear, fanfare, terre, ready-to-wear, son et lumiere,
fieldfare, firmware, flatware, Flaubert, vin ordinaire
footwear, forbear, forebear, forswear, cordon sanitaire
foursquare, funfair, galere, giftware,
glassware, Great Bear, Gruyere, area \er-e-s\ see aria
hardware, hectare, horsehair, impair,
infare, Khmer, Kildare, knitwear, Lake areable 1 \er-3-bal\ see earable 1
Eyre, life-care, longhair, loungewear, areable 2 \ar-3-bal\ see arable
menswear, meuniere, midair, mohair,
Moliere, neckwear, nightmare, areal \er-e-al\ see arial
outstare, outwear, Pierre, playwear,
plein air, plowshare, Poor Clare, arean 1 Xer-e-arA see arian 1
portiere, premiere, prepare, pushchair, arean 2 \ar-e-an\ see arian 2
rainwear, redware, repair, Saint Pierre,
Sancerre, shorthair, skiwear, ared \erd\ see aired
sleepwear, slipware, software,
somewhere, spongeware, sportswear, aredness \ar-3d-nas\ see aridness
stemware, stoneware, swimwear,
arel \ar-al\ see arrel 2
threadbare, tinware, torchere, trouvere,
tuyere, unfair, unhair, unswear, arely1 \er-le\ see airly
Voltaire, warfare, welfare, wheelchair,
wirehair, workfare arely 2 \ar-le\ see arlie
aftercare, air-to-air, antiair, arem \er-am\ see arum 2
anywhere, bayadere, beche-de-mer,
billionaire, boutonniere, Camembert, arence 1 \er-ans\ clarence, Clarence,
chinaware, crackleware, Croix de Terence, Terrance, Terrence
Guerre, cultivar, debonair, deciare, de forbearance, transparence
la Mare, Delaware, derriere, arence 2 \ar-sn(ts)\ see arents
dinnerware, disrepair, doctrinaire,
earthenware, etagere, everywhere, arent1 \er-ant\ daren't, errant, parent
fourragere, Frigidaire, graniteware, aberrant, afferent, apparent,
hollowware, ironware, jasperware, declarant, deferent, efferent,
kitchenware, laissez-faire, Lake Saint godparent, grandparent, inerrant,
Clair, laquerware, legionnaire, knight-errant, sederunt, stepparent,
luminaire, lusterware, maidenhair, mal transparent
57 anan

inapparent argent \ar-jant\ argent, margent,

semi transparent sargent, sergeant
arent 2 \ar-ant\ arrant, daren't, arger \ar-jar\ charger
parent discharger, enlarger, recharger
apparent, declarant, godparent, supercharger, turbocharger
grandparent, stepparent, transparent turbosupercharger
inapparent arget \ar-gat\ argot, garget, target
semitransparent nontarget
aren't1 \er-ant\ see arent 1 argle \ar-gal\ gargle
aren't2 \ar-ant\ see arent 2 argle-bargle
arents \ar-9n(t)s\ Barents, Clarence argo \ar-go\ Argo, argot, cargo,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns Fargo, largo, Margo, Margot
listed at arent 2 embargo
arer \er-ar\ see earer 1
argon \ar-gan\ see argain
ares 1 \erz\ see airs
argot 1 \ar-gst\ see arget
ares 2 \ar-ez\ Ares, caries, nares
Antares argot 2 \ar-go\ see argo
Buenos Aires arh \ar\ see ar 3
primus inter pares
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, ari1 \ar-e\ Bari, gharry, laari, sari,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at arry scarry, sorry, starry
Bihari, curare, Imari, safari, scalare,
ares 3 \ar-as\ see orris1 shikari, tamari
calamari, certiorari, Cheboksary,
aret \ar-at\ see arat
Kalahari, Stradivari, zamindari
areve \ar-va\ see arva
ari2 \er-e\ see ary 1
1 3
arey \ar-e\ see arry ari3 \ar-e\ see arry 3
2 1
arey \er-e\ see ary aria \er-e-a\ area, Beria, feria, kerria,
arez \ar-as\ see orris1 varia
Bavaria, Bulgaria, hysteria, malaria,
arf1 \arf\ barf, scarf planaria, Samaria
arf2 \6rf\ see orph adularia, Carpentaria, cineraria,
fritillaria, laminaria, luminaria,
arfarin \6r-f3-rsn\ warfarin militaria, sanguinaria
hematoporphyrin calceolaria, opera seria
argain Xar-gsrA bargain, jargon acetabularia
plea-bargain aria I \er-e-al\ aerial, areal, Ariel,
burial, gharial
arge \arj\ barge, charge, large,
glossarial, notarial, subaerial,
marge, Marge, parge, sarge, sparge,
actuarial, adversarial, estuarial,
discharge, enlarge, litharge,
recharge, surcharge, take-charge,
by and large, hypercharge, arian1 \er-e-an\ Arian, Aryan,
overcharge, supercharge, undercharge Carian, Marian, Marion, parian, Parian
anan 58

agrarian, Aquarian, barbarian, ariant \ar-e-snt\ variant

Bavarian, Bulgarian, Cancerian, vicariant
cesarean, Caesarian, cnidarian,
frutarian, grammarian, Hungarian, ariat1 \er-e-at\ heriot, lariat, variate
Khymerian, librarian, Maid Marian, bivariate, salariat, vicariate
ovarian, Pierian, riparian, rosarian, commissariat, multivariate,
Rotarian, sectarian, Sumerian, proletariat, secretariat
Tartarean, Tartarian, Tocharian, undersecretariat
Tractarian, Vulgarian, Wagnerian ariat2 \ar-e-at\ see aureate 1
antiquarian, apiarian, centenarian,
culinarian, Indo-Aryan, jubilarian, ariat3 \ar-e-st\ chariot, lariat
lapidarian, libertarian, millenarian, bivariate, salariat
nonsectarian, postlapsarian, commissariat, proletariat
prelapsarian, Presbyterian, proletarian, Judas Iscariot
Rastafarian, Ripuarian, Sabbatarian,
Sagittarian, sanitarian, seminarian, ariate \er-e-at\ see ariat1
trinitarian, Trinitarian, unitarian, arib \ar-ab\ see arab
Unitarian, vegetarian, zoantharian
abecedarian, Austro-Hungarian, aric \ar-ik\ barrack, carrack
authoritarian, communitarian, Amharic, barbaric, Dinaric, Megaric,
disciplinarian, documentarian, Pindaric
egalitarian, equalitarian, futilitarian, isobaric, Balearic
hereditarian, humanitarian, arice \ar-as\ see aris 2
majoritarian, necessitarian,
nonagenarian, octogenarian, aricide \ar-3-sid\ see arricide
parliamentarian, postmillinarian,
premillinarian, predestinarian, arid \ar-sd\ arid, farad, semiarid
radiolarian, Sacramentarian, aridin \ar-9-d a n\ see arridan
sexagenarian, totalitarian, utilitarian,
veterinarian aridness \ar-3d-nas\ aridness,
establishmentarian, inegalitarian, preparedness
latitudinarian, platitudinarian, aried1 \er-ed\ see erried
septuagenarian, solitudinarian,
uniformitarian, valetudinarian aried 2 \ar-ed\ see arried
ariel \er-e-al\ see arial
arian 2 \ar-e-an\ Arian, Aryan,
arier1 \er-e-sr\ see errier
carrion, clarion, Marian, Marion,
parian, Parian arier2 \ar-e-ar\ see arrier2
agrarian, Aquarian, barbarian,
Bavarian, Bulgarian, caesarean, aries \ar-ez\ see ares 2
Caesarian, cesarean, contrarian, ariff \ar-af \ paraph, tariff
Hungarian, Megarian, ovarian,
rosarian, Tartarean, Tartarian, aril \ar-ai\ see arrel 2
Tocharian, vulgarian
arilee1 \ar-a-le\ see aralee
Indo-Aryan, Rastafarian
Austro-Hungarian arilee 2 \er-a-le\ see arily
ariance \ar-e-9ns\ tarriance, arily \er-9-le\ Marilee, merrily,
variance Merrily, Saralee, scarily, sterily, verily
covariance, vicariance contrarily, primarily
59 ark

arbitrarily, customarily, dietarily, aris 2 \ar-as\ arras, arris, Clarice,

exemplarily, fragmentarily, honorarily, harass, Harris, heiress, Paris, parous,
literarily, mercenarily, militarily, varus
momentarily, necessarily, salutarily, coheiress, embarrass, Polaris
sanguinarily, sanitarily, secondarily, disembarrass, millionairess
temporarily, unitarily, voluntarily Lewis with Harris, plaster of paris
contemporarily, documentarily,
elementarily, extemporarily, arish 1 \er-ish\ bearish, cherish,
extraordinarily, hereditarily, fairish, garish, perish, squarish
imaginarily, involuntarily, nightmarish
preliminarily, rudimentarily, arish 2 \ar-ish\ garish, marish, parish
subsidiarily, unnecessarily
evolutionarily, revolutionarily arison \ar-9-san\ characin, garrison,
Garrison, Harrison, Saracen, warison
arin \ar-an\ florin, foreign, Lauren, caparison, comparison
Orrin, sarin, sporran, warren, Warren
Gagarin arist \er-sst\ Marist, querist
aquarist, pleinairist, scenarist
arinate \ar-a-nat\ see aronet apiarist
arinet \ar-a-nat\ see aronet —also -est forms of adjectives listed
at are4
aring1 \er-irj\ airing, Bering, fairing,
flaring, glaring, herring, paring, raring, aritan \er-3t- 3 n\ see eratin
sparing, tearing, wearing aritor \ar-9t-ar\ see arator
cheeseparing, childbearing,
seafaring, time-sharing, unerring, arity1 \er-at-e\ see erity
unsparing, wayfaring
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at arity2 \ar-at-e\ carroty, charity,
are 4 clarity, parity, rarity
barbarity, disparity, hilarity, imparity,
aring 2 \er-sn\ see aron 1 polarity, unclarity, vulgarity
angularity, familiarity, insularity,
ario \er-e-6\ stereo peculiarity, popularity, regularity,
Ontario similarity, singularity, solidarity
arion1 \ar-e-an\ see arian 2 complementarity, dissimilarity,
irregularity, particularity,
arion 2 \er-e-sn\ see arian 1 unfamiliarity, unpopularity
ariot \ar-e-st\ see ariat 3 arium \er-e-am\ barium
aquarium, herbarium, sacrarium,
arious \ar-e-as\ Arius, carious, samarium, solarium, terrarium,
Darious, scarious, various velarium, vivarium
Aquarius, burglarious, calcareous, cinerarium, columbarium,
contrarious, denarius, gregarious, honorarium, leprosarium, oceanarium,
guarnerius, hilarious, nefarious, planetarium, sanitarium, syllabarium,
precarious, senarius, vagarious, termitarium
vicarious armamentarium
multifarious, omnifarious,
septenarius, Stradivarius, Sagittarius, arius \er-e-as\ see arious
ark1 \ark\ arc, ark, bark, Clark,
1 1
aris \ar-as\ see orris Clarke, dark, hark, lark, marc, Marc,
ark 60

mark, Mark, marque, narc, nark, park, aftermarket, hypermarket,

Park, quark, sark, shark, spark, stark matriarchate, patriarchate,
aardvark, airpark, anarch, ballpark, supermarket
birchbark, birthmark, Bismarck,
arkey \ar-ke\ see archy
bookmark, debark, demark, Denmark,
earmark, embark, endarch, exarch, arkian \ar-ke-an\ Graustarkian,
footmark, futhark, Graustark, Lamarckian, Monarchian
hallmark, ironbark, landmark, Lake
Clark, Lamarck, monarch, ostmark, arkic \ar-kik\ see archie
Ozark, Petrarch, pitch-dark, Plutarch,
arking \ar-kirj\ barking, Barking,
pockmark, postmark, pressmark,
carking, parking
pugmark, reichsmark, remark,
remarque, Remarque, ringbark, loan-sharking
seamark, shagbark, sitzmark, skylark, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
soapbark, tanbark, tetrarch, tidemark, ark1
titlark, touchmark, trademark arkle \ar-kal\ see archal
acritarch, cutty sark, deutsche mark,
disembark, double-park, hierarch, arks \arks\ Marks, parks
Joan of Arc, matriarch, meadowlark, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
metalmark, minipark, oligarch, and -s forms of verbs, listed at ark
patriarch, stringybark, telemark, arky \ar-ke\ seearchy
trierarch, watermark
heresiarch, symposiarch arl \arl\ carl, Carl, farl, gnarl, jarl,
2 2 Karl, marl, parle, quarrel, snarl
ark \6rk\ see ork ensnarl, housecarl, unsnarl
ark3 \ark\ see ork1 Albemarle

arka1 \ar-ka\ charka, parka aria \ar-te\ Carla, Darla, Karla,

anasarca Maria
Hamilcar Barca arlan \a-lan\ see arline
arka2 \ar-ka\ see urka1 arland \ar-land\ garland, Garland,
arke \ark\ see ark1 Harland

arked \arkt\ marked arlatan \ar-lat- 3 n\ charlatan, tarlatan

chop-marked, infarct arlay \ar-le\ see arlie
ripple-marked, unremarked
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at arle \arl\ see arl
arlen \ar-lan\ see arline
arken Xar-kanX darken, hearken
arler \ar-lar\ see arlor
arker \ar-kar\ barker, larker, marker,
parker, Parker, sparker arless \ar-tas\ Carlos, parlous,
bookmarker, skylarker scarless, starless
nosey parker arlet \ar-lst\ charlotte, Charlotte,
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed harlot, scarlet, starlet, varlet
at ark1
arley \ar-le\ see arlie
arket \ar-kst\ market
down-market, mass-market, arlic \ar-lik\ garlic
newmarket, test-market, upmarket pilgarlic
61 arness

arlie \ar-le\ barley, charlie, Charlie, armen \ar-man\ see arman

gnarly, Harley, marly, parlay, parley,
snarly, yarely arment Xar-mantX garment, varmint
bizarrely debarment, disbarment
undergarment, overgarment
arlin \ar-lsn\ see arline
armer1 \ar-mar\ armor, charmer,
arline \ar-tan\ Arlen, carline, farmer, harmer
Harlan, marlin, Marlin, marline, disarmer
armer2 \6r-m9r\ see ormer 1
arling \ar-lirj\ carling, darling,
armic \3r-mik\ see ermic
Darling, starling
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at armine Xar-manX see arman
arming 1 \ar-mirj\ charming, farming
arlor \ar-lar\ parlor, quarreler, alarming, disarming
snarler —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
arm 1
arlos \ a r - b s \ see arless
arming 2 \6r-mirj\ see orming
arlot \ a r - b t \ see arlet
armint Xar-mantX see arment
arlotte \ar-lat\ see arlet
armless \arm-lss\ armless,
arlous \ a r - b s \ see arless charmless, harmless
arlow \ar-lo\ Barlow, Harlow armoir \ar-m9r\ see armer 1
arly \ar-le\ see arlie armon Xar-msnX see arman
arlyn \ a - b n \ see arline army \ar-me\ army, barmy, smarmy
arm \arm\ arm, barm, charm, farm, arn1 \arn\ Arne, barn, darn, Marne,
harm, smarm tarn, yarn
alarm, disarm, firearm, forearm, carbarn, lucarne
gendarme, gisarme, poor farm, rearm,
sidearm, stiff-arm, straight-arm, arn 2 \6rn\ see orn 1
strong-arm, tonearm, unarm, yardarm arna Xsr-naX see erna
overarm, underarm
arnal \arn- 3 l\ see arnel
arm 2 \ a m \ see om1
arnate \ar-nst\ Barnet, garnet
arm 3 \6rm\ see orm 2 discarnate, incarnate
arma1 Xar-msX dharma, karma, arne 1 \arn\ see am 1
arne 2 \ar-ne\ see amy
arma Xar-msX see erma arnel \arn- 3 l\ carnal, charnel, darnel
arman \ar-m9n\ barman, Carmen, arner1 \ar-nar\ darner, garner,
carmine, Harmon yarner
armed \armd\ armed, charmed arner2 \6r-nar\ see orner
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at arness \ar-nas\ harness
arm 1 bizarreness
arnet 62

arnet \ar-nat\ see arnate arp1 \arp\ carp, harp, scarp, sharp,
arney \ar-ne\ see arny cardsharp, Jew's harp
arnhem \ar-n9m\ see arnum Autoharp, vibraharp
arning \6r-nirj\ see orning arp 2 \ 6 r p \ see orp
arnish \ar-nish\ garnish, tarnish, arpen \ar-pan\ sharpen, tarpon
varnish arper \ar-psr\ carper, harper,
arnum \ar-n3m\ Arnhem, Barnum scarper, sharper
arny \ar-ne\ Barney, barny, blarney,
carny arpie \ar-pe\ see arpy
arpon \ar-psn\ see arpen
chili con carne
arpy \ar-pe\ harpy, sharpie
aro1 \er-6\ see ero 2
arque \ark\ see ark1
aro 2 \ar-6\ see arrow 2
arquetry \ar-ka-tre\ marquetry,
aro 3 \ar-a\ see ara 1 parquetry
aro 4 \ar-6\ see orrow1 arqui \ar-ke\ see archy
arob \ar-ab\ seearab
arrable \ar-9-bsl\ see arable
arody \ar-ad-e\ see araday arrack1 \ar-ik\ see aric
1 2
aroe \ar-6\ see arrow arrack2 \ar-sk\ arrack, barrack,
aroe \er-6\ see ero 2 carrack

arol \ar-al\ see arrel 2 arrage \ar-ij\ see 'orage

arold1 \ar-ald\ Darold, Harold arragon \ar-3-gan\ see aragon

arold 2 \er-9ld\ see erald arral \ar-al\ see arrel 2

arole \ar-al\ see arrel 2 arram \ar-sm\ see arum 2

arrant1 \ar-ant\ see arent 2
arom \er-am\ see arum 2
arrant2 \6r-3nt\ see orrent
aron1 \er-an\ Aaron, Charon, Erin,
garron, heron, perron, raring, Sharon, arras \ar-ss\ see aris 2
sierran arrass \ar-as\ see aris 2
rose of Sharon, sub-Saharan arrative \ar-9t-iv\ see arative 2
aron \ar-an\ Aaron, baron, barren, arrator \ar-9t-ar\ see arator
Charon, garron, Sharon, Sharron
rose of Sharon, sub-Saharan arre \ar\ see ar 3
aronet \ar-9-nat\ baronet, carinate, arred \ard\ seeard 1
arrel1 \6rl\ see orl2
arous 1 \er-as\ see errous
arrel2 \ar-al\ Aral, aril, barrel, carol,
arous 2 \ar-as\ see aris 2 Carol, Carole, Caryl, carrel, Carroll,
63 arsh

Darrel, Darrell, Darryl, Daryl, Karol, arrison \ar-3-ssn\ see arison

parol, parral, parrel
apparel arro \ar-6\ see orrow1
cracker-barrel, double-barrel arroll \ar-al\ see arrel 2
arrel3 \6r-al\ see oral1 arron \ar-an\ see aron 2
arreler \ar-lar\ see arlor arrot \ar-at\ see arat
arrell \ar-sl\ see arrel arroty \ar-at-e\ seearity 2
arrely \ar-le\ see arlie arrow1 \ar-a\ Clara, jarrah, Kara,
Sara, Sarah, Tara
arren1 \ar-sn\ see aron 2 Bukhara, cascara, mascara, Sahara,
arren 2 \6r-an\ see orin1 samara, Tamara, tantara, tiara
capybara, caracara, marinara, Santa
arren 3 \ar-sn\ see arin Clara
arrener \6r-3-nar\ see oroner arrow2 \ar-6\ aero, arrow, barrow,
Darrow, Faeroe, faro, Faroe, farrow,
arreness \ar-nas\ see arness harrow, Harrow, marrow, narrow,
arret \ar-st\ see arat pharaoh, sparrow, taro, tarot, yarrow
handbarrow, Point Barrow,
arrett \ar-st\ see arat wheelbarrow
arrh \ar\ seear 3 arrowy \ar-a-we\ arrowy, marrowy
arriage \ar-ij\ carriage, marriage arry1 \ar-e\ see ari1
disparage, miscarriage
arry2 \6r-e\ see ory
intermarriage, undercarriage
arry3 \ar-e\ Barrie, Barry, Carey,
arriance \ar-e-sns\ see ariance Carrie, carry, Cary, chary, Gary, Garry,
arricide \ar-a-sid\ parricide gharry, harry, Harry, Larry, marry,
acaricide nary, parry, Shari, tarry
glengarry, miscarry, safari, shikari
arridan \ar-s-d 9 n\ harridan cash-and-carry, hari-kari, intermarry,
cantharidin Stradivari
Tom, Dick, and Harry
arrie \ar-e\ see arry 3
arryl \ar-al\ see arrel 2
arried \ar-ed\ harried, married,
varied ars \arz\ Lars, Mars, ours
unmarried — also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of
nouns, and -s forms of verbs, listed at
arrier1 \6r-e-ar\ see arrior ar 3
arrier2 \ar-e-ar\ barrier, carrier, arsal \ar-sal\ parcel, versal, tarsal
farrier, harrier, varier metatarsal
ballcarrier, spear-carrier
arse 1 \ars\ arse, farce, marse, parse,
arrion \ar-e-an\ see arian 2 sparse
arrior \6r-e-ar\ quarrier, sorrier, arse 2 \arz\ see ars
arsh \arsh\ harsh, marsh
arris \ar-as\ see aris 2 demarche
arshal 64

arshal \ar-shsl\ see artial arten \art- 9 n\ Barton, carton,

hearten, marten, martin, Martin,
arshall \ar-shal\ see artial smarten, Spartan, tartan
arshen \ar-shsn\ harshen, martian baum marten, dishearten,
Dumbarton, freemartin, Saint Martin,
arsi \ar-se\ see arcy Sint Maarten
arsis \ar-s9s\ seearsus
arter1 \art-9r\ barter, carter, Carter,
arsle \as-9l\ see ossal charter, darter, garter, martyr, starter,
arson \ars- 3 n\ arson, Carson, parson
nonstarter, self-starter
arsus \ar-sas\ arsis, tarsus, Tarsus protomartyr
catharsis —also -er forms of adjectives listed
metatarsus at art1

art1 \art\ art, Art, Bart, cart, chart, arter2 \6t-9r\ see ater 1
Chartres, dart, fart, hart, Harte, heart, arter3 \6rt-9r\ see orter
kart, mart, part, Sartre, scart, smart,
start, tart artern \6t-9rn\ see auterne
apart, blackheart, compart, depart,
artery \art-9-re\ artery, martyry
Descartes, dispart, dogcart, Earhart,
flowchart, forepart, go-cart, artes \art\ see art 1
greenheart, handcart, Hobart, impart,
jump-start, Mozart, mouthpart, artford \art-f9rd\ Hartford, Hertford
outsmart, oxcart, oxheart, pushcart, arth \arth\ garth, Garth, hearth
rampart, redstart, restart, street-smart, Hogarth
Stuttgart, sweetheart, tipcart, upstart
a la carte, anti-art, applecart, arti \art-e\ see arty1
Bonaparte, counterpart, heart-to-heart,
artial \ar-sb.9l\ marshal, Marshal,
purpleheart, underpart, upperpart
Marshall, martial, Martial, partial
art2 \6rt\ see ort1 court-martial, impartial

arta \ar-ta\ Marta, Sparta artian \ar-sh.9n\ see arshen

Jakarta artible \art-9-b9l\ partible, startable
Magna Carta, Santa Marta, impartible, restartable
Surakarta, yogyakarta
artic1 \art-ik\ arctic, Arctic
artable Xart-a-balX see artible antarctic, Antarctic, cathartic,
artan1 \art- 3 n\ see arten Palearctic
artan 2 \6rt- 9 n\ see orten artic 2 \6rt-ik\ quartic
artar \art-ar\ see arter 1
article \art-i-k9l\ article, particle
arte1 \art-e\ see arty1 microparticle
arte 2 \art\ see art1 artile \6rt- 3 l\ see ortal
arted1 \art-ad\ seeearted artily \art- 3 l-e\ artily, heartily
arted 2 \6rt-9d\ seeorted artin \art- 3 n\ see arten
65 ary

arting \art-in\ carting, charting, artz 2 \arts\ see arts 2

karting, parting, starting
flowcharting, self-starting aru \a-rii\ Bukaru
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at Pakanbaru
art1 Johor Baharu

artisan \art-a-zan\ artisan, bartizan, arum1 \ar-9m\ larum

partisan alarum
bipartisan, nonpartisan arum 2 \er-9m\ arum, carom, harem,
artist \art-ast\ artist, chartist, Sarum
Chartist Muharram
Bonapartist harum-scarum
arbiter elegantiarum
artizan Xart-a-zarA see artisan
arus \ar-9s\ seearis 2
artless \art-las\ artless, heartless
arva \ar-va\ larva, Marva, parve,
artlet \art-tat\ martlet, partlet, tartlet pareve
artly1 \art-le\ partly, smartly, tartly arval \ar-val\ see arvel
artly \6rt-le\ see ortly arve 1 \arv\ carve, starve, varve
artment \art-m9nt\ apartment, arve 2 \ar-va\ see arva
compartment, department
arvel \ar-val\ carvel, larval, marvel
artner \art-nar\ partner
arven \ar-van\ carven, Marvin
arton 1 \6rt- 3 n\ see orton arvin \ar-van\ see arven
arton 2 \art- 3 n\ see arten arvon \ar-van\ see arven
artre \art\ see art 1 ary \er-e\ aerie, aery, airy, berry,
artres \art\ see art 1 bury, Carey, Cary, Cherie, cherry,
Cherry, chary, clary, dairy, Derry,
artridge \ar-trij\ cartridge, partridge faerie, fairy, ferry, Gary, Garry, Gerry,
arts 1 \ar\ see ar 3 glairy, glary, hairy, Jere, Jeri, Jerrie,
Jerry, kerry, Kerry, Mary, marry,
arts 2 \arts\ Hartz merry, Merry, nary, perry, Perry,
—also -s, 's, and -s' forms of nouns, prairie, quaere, query, scary, serry,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at art Shari, Sheri, Sherrie, sherry, Sherry,
skerry, terry, Terry, vary, very, wary,
arture \ar-char\ see archer
arty1 \art-e\ arty, hearty, party, baneberry, barberry, bayberry,
smarty, tarty bearberry, bilberry, blackberry,
Astarte, ex parte, Havarti blaeberry, blueberry, Bradbury,
Buonaparte bunchberry, Burberry, canary, Canary,
commedia dell'arte chokeberry, chokecherry, cloudberry,
contrary, costmary, cowberry,
arty2 \6rt-e\ see orty
cranberry, crowberry, deerberry,
artyr \art-ar\ see arter 1 dewberry, equerry, gooseberry,
ground-cherry, hackberry, hegari,
artyry \art-9-re\ see artery inkberry, Juneberry, knobkerrie,
artz1 \6rts\ seeorts library, mulberry, nondairy, pokeberry,
ary 66

primary, raspberry, rosemary, Jerry, topiary, tributary, tutelary,

Rosemary, scalare, shadberry, unitary, urinary, vestiary, visionary,
sheepberry, snowberry, soapberry, voluntary, vulnerary, Waterbury,
strawberry, summary, teaberry, tilbury, whortleberry, winterberry
twinberry, unwary, vagary, wolfberry, ablutionary, accretionary,
youngberry antiphonary, apothecary, bicentenary,
actuary, adversary, airy-fairy, bilmillenary, concessionary,
ancillary, antiquary, apiary, arbitrary, conclusionary, concretionary,
aviary, axillary, beriberi, bestiary, confectionary, confectionery,
biliary, boysenberry, breviary, consigliere, constabulary,
budgetary, calamari, calamary, contemporary, convulsionary,
candleberry, Canterbury, capillary, coparcenary, deflationary, delusionary,
cartulary, cassowary, catenary, depositary, digressionary, disciplinary,
cautionary, cavitary, cemetery, discretionary, distributary,
centenary, certiorari, chartulary, diversionary, electuary, epistolary,
checkerberry, chinaberry, ciliary, exclusionary, expansionary,
cinerary, cometary, commentary, extemporary, extortionary,
commissary, condottiere, coralberry, extraordinary, fiduciary, hereditary,
corollary, coronary, culinary, illusionary, imaginary, incendiary,
customary, dictionary, dietary, inflationary, insanitary, intercalary,
dignitary, dingleberry, dromedary, involuntary, itinerary, judiciary,
dysentery, elderberry, emissary, libationary, obituary, officiary,
estuary, farkleberry, February, pecuniary, petitionary, precautionary,
formicary, formulary, fragmentary, preliminary, presidiary, previsionary,
fritillary, functionary, funerary, probationary, proprietary,
honorary, huckleberry, intermarry, provisionary, reactionary,
janissary, January, lamasery, lapidary, recessionary, reflationary, residuary,
lectionary, legendary, legionary, reversionary, revisionary,
limitary, lingonberry, literary, stagflationary, stipendiary, subliterary,
loganberry, luminary, mammillary, subsidiary, subversionary,
mandatary, maxillary, medullary, tercentenary, traditionary, tumultuary,
mercenary, miliary, military, unnecessary, veterinary, vocabulary,
millenary, milliary, millinery, voluptuary
miserere, missionary, momentary, abolitionary, beneficiary,
monastery, monetary, mortuary, consuetudinary, devolutionary,
necessary, ordinary, ossuary, papillary, disinflationary, domiciliary,
parcenary, partridgeberry, pensionary, eleemosynary, elocutionary,
phalanstery, pigmentary, plagiary, evidentiary, evolutionary,
planetary, Pondicherry, prebendary, expeditionary, extraliterary,
presbytery, pulmonary, pupillary, intermediary, paramilitary,
quaternary, questionary, reliquary, penitentiary, quatercentenary,
rowanberry, salivary, salmonberry, revolutionary, semicentenary,
salutary, sanctuary, sanguinary, semilegendary, sesquicentenary,
sanitary, secondary, secretary, superciliary, supernumerary,
sedentary, seminary, serviceberry, tintinnabulary, transdisciplinary,
silverberry, solitary, stationary, usufructuary, valetudinary
stationery, statuary, Stradivari, interdisciplinary, plenipotentiary
subcontrary, sublunary, sugarberry, counterrevolutionary
sumptuary, syllabary, temporary,
termitary, tertiary, textuary, ary2 \ar-e\ see arry 3
thimbleberry, Tipperary, Tom and
ary 3 \ar-e\ see ari1
67 ash

aryan1 \er-e-an\ see arian 1 ascence \as- 3 ns\ nascence

aryan 2 \ar-e-9n\ see arian 2
ascent 1 \as- 9 nt\ nascent, passant
aryl \ar-al\ see arrel 2 renascent
as 1 \ash\ see ash 3 ascent 2 \as- a nt\ see acent
2 3
as \as\ see a s s asch 1 \ask\ see ask
a s \az\ see azz asch 2 \ash\ see ash 1
4 1
a s \a\ see a asch 3 \6sh\ see ash 2
5 1
as \ash\ see ash aschal \as-kal\ see ascal
a s 6 \az\ see oise 1 ascia 1 \a-sha\ see acia
7 1
a s \az\ see euse ascia 2 \ash-a\ see asha 2
8 1
as \as\ see OS ascible \as-3-bal\ see assable
as 9 \ 6 \ see aw1 ascicle \as-i-k3l\ see assical
asa \as-g\ casa, fossa, glossa, asco 1 \as-ko\ see oscoe
Lhasa, Ossa
kielbasa, Kinshasa, Landrace, a s c o 2 \as-ko\ fiasco, Tabasco
tabula rasa ascon \as-kan\ see askin

asa 2 \az-a\ see aza 1 ascot \as-kat\ see asket

asa 3 \as-a\ see assa a s c u s \as-kas\ Damascus,

asable 1 \a-z3-bal\ grazeable
ase 1 \as\ see ace 1
paraphrasable a s e 2 \az\ see aze 1
asable 2 Na-ss-bslX see acGable a s e 3 \az\ see oise 1
asal 1 \a-ssl\ basal, Basil, staysail asel \az-al\ see ozzle
ased \ast\ see aced
asal 2 \a-zal\ basal, Basil, hazel,
Hazel, nasal, phrasal a s e l e s s \a-slss\ see aceless
appraisal, Azazel aseman Xa-smarA see aceman
asally \az-le\ see aisley asement \as-mant\ basement,
asca \as-ks\ see aska debasement
ascal \as-kal\ paschal, rascal bargain-basement

ascan \as-kan\ see askin aser 1 \a-sar\ see acer 1

aser 2 \a-zar\ see azer
ascar \as-ksr\ see asker
asey \a-se\ see acy
ascence 1 \as- 3 ns\ nascence
complacence, complaisance, ash 1 \ash\ bosh, cosh, Fosh, frosh,
renascence gosh, gouache, josh, Mache, nosh,
ash 68

posh, quash, slosh, squash, swash, asher 1 \ash-3r\ josher, nosher,

tosh, wash squasher, swasher, washer
awash, backwash, blackwash, dishwasher
cohosh, czardas, Dias, downwash,
eyewash, galosh, ganache, goulash, asher 2 \6sh-ar\ swasher, washer
kibosh, midrash, mishmash, brainwasher, dishwasher,
mouthwash, musquash, panache, whitewasher
rainwash, Siwash, whitewash, wish- asher 3 \ash-ar\ Asher, basher,
wash brasher, clasher, crasher, dasher,
hamantasch, mackintosh, Mcintosh flasher, masher, rasher, slasher,
smasher, splasher, thrasher
ash 2 \6sh\ Bosch, Foch, gosh, grosz,
quash, slosh, squash, swash, wash gate-crasher
awash, backwash, Balkhash, haberdasher
blackwash, brainwash, brioche, ashew \ash-u\ cachou, cashew-
Bydgoszcz, downwash, eyewash,
hogwash, mouthwash, outwash, ash i1 \ash-e\ see ashy 1
rainwash, Siwash, whitewash, wish- ashi 2 \ash-e\ see ashy 2
hamantasch ashing \ash-in\ crashing, dashing,
3 flashing, mashing, slashing, smashing
ash \ash\ ash, bash, brash, cache, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
cash, clash, crash, dash, fash, flash, ash 3
gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, pash,
plash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, ashion \ash-9n\ see assion
stash, thrash, thresh, trash
abash, backlash, backsplash, asht \asht\ see ashed 2
Balkhash, calash, Chumash, czardas, ashy 1 \ash-e\ dashi, Iasi, Kashi,
encash, eyelash, goulash, mishmash, squashy, washy
moustache, mustache, panache, Funabashi, Lubumbashi, Toyohashi,
potash, rehash, slapdash, soutache, wishy-washy
stramash, tongue-lash, unlash,
whiplash ashy 2 \ash-e\ ashy, flashy, Kashi,
balderdash, calabash, succotash splashy, trashy

asha 1 \ash-a\ kasha, pasha, quassia asi 1 \as-e\ see ossy 1

Falasha asi 2 \az-e\ see azi1
asha 2 \ash-a\ cassia, fascia, pasha asi 3 \ash-e\ see ashy 1
ashan \ash-an\ see assion asia \a-zha\ Asia
ashed \6sht\ sloshed aphasia, Eurasia, fantasia, Malaysia
stonewashed, unwashed Anastasia, Australasia, euthanasia
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at antonomasia
ash 2 asian 1 \a-shan\ see ation1
ashed \asht\ dashed, Rasht, asian 2 \a-zhsn\ see asion
unabashed asible \a-z3-bal\ see asable 1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ash 3 asic \a-zik\ basic, phasic
biphasic, diphasic
ashen \ash-sn\ see assion multiphasic, polyphasic
69 aspirate

asid \as-ad\ see acid asked \ast\ see ast 2

asie \a-se\ see acy asker \as-kar\ lascar, masker,
1 2
asil \as-al\ see assel Madagascar
asil 2 \az-9l\ see azzle asket \as-kat\ ascot, basket, casket,
asil \as-al\ see asal 1 gasket
breadbasket, handbasket,
asil 4 \az-sl\ see asal 2 wastebasket, workbasket
asil 5 \az-sl\ see ozzle askin \as-kan\ gascon, gaskin
3 1
Alaskan, Tarascan
asin \as- n\ see ason Athapaskan
asing 1 \a-sirj\ see acing asking \as-kirj\ multitasking
2 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
asing \a-zirj\ see aising
asion \a-zhan\ Asian, suasion
asm \az-9m\ chasm, plasm, spasm
abrasion, Caucasian, corrasion,
chiasm, orgasm, phantasm, sarcasm
dissuasion, equation, Eurasian,
chiliasm, ectoplasm, pleonasm
evasion, invasion, occasion, blepharospasm, enthusiasm,
persuasion, pervasion
Amerasian, Athanasian,
dermabrasion, Rabelaisian asma \az-m9\ asthma, plasma
overpersuasion chiasma, miasma, phantasma
asional \azh-nal\ equational, asman \az-m9n\ see asmine
asmine \az-man\ jasmine, Tasman
asis 1 \a-sas\ basis, stasis
oasis asn't \az- a nt\ doesn't, wasn't

asis 2 \as-as\ see assis 2 aso 1 \as-6\ see asso 1

asium \a-ze-3m\ dichasium, a s o 2 \as-6\ see asso 2

gymnasium ason 1 \as- 3 n\ basin, caisson,
asive \a-siv\ suasive chasten, hasten, Jason, mason, Mason
abrasive, assuasive, corrasive, Foxe Basin, Freemason, Great Basin,
dissuasive, embracive, evasive, stonemason, washbasin
invasive, persuasive, pervasive diapason, Donets Basin
noninvasive ason 2 \az- 3 n\ see azon
ask \ask\ ask, bask, Basque, cask, asp \asp\ asp, clasp, gasp, grasp,
casque, flask, mask, masque, Pasch, hasp,rasp
task enclasp, handclasp, last-gasp,
unmask unclasp
asper \as-par\ clasper, jasper, Jasper
aska \as-ka\ Alaska, Itasca,
Nebraska asperate \as-prst\ aspirate
Athabaska exasperate
askan \as-k9n\ see askin aspirate \as-prst\ see asperate
asque 70

asque \ask\ see ask asse 1 \as\ see a s s 3

asquer \as-kar\ see asker a s s e 2 \as\ seeos 1
ass 1 \as\ see ace 1 assed \ast\ seeast 2
a s s 2 \as\ see OS1 a s s e e \as-e\ see assy
a s s \as\ as, ass, bass, Bass, brass, asseh \as-a\ see assa
class, crass, frass, gas, glass, grass,
has, lass, mass, pass, sass, strass, tace, assel 1 \as-al\ see ossal
tasse, trass, vas, wrasse assel 2 \as-sl\ acyl, basil, castle,
admass, alas, Alsace, amass, avgas, facile, gracile, hassle, Kassel, passel,
bagasse, band-pass, bluegrass, tassel, vassal, wrestle
bromegrass, bunchgrass, bypass, forecastle, Newcastle
cordgrass, crabgrass, crevasse, cuirass,
cut-grass, declass, degas, Donbas, asser \as-ar\ crasser, gasser, Nasser,
Drygas, eelgrass, en masse, eyeglass, placer
first-class, groundmass, harass, high- harasser
class, hourglass, impasse, jackass, antimacassar
knotgrass, Kuzbass, landmass,
Madras, morass, outclass, outgas, asset \as-at\ see acet 2
palliasse, Petras, plateglass, repass,
assia 1 \ash-a\ see asha 2
ribgrass, rubasse, ryegrass, sandglass,
shortgrass, spyglass, subclass, assia 2 \ash-a\ see asha 1
sunglass, surpass, switchgrass,
tallgrass, teargas, trespass, Troas, assian \ash-an\ see assion
wineglass, wiseass, witchgrass assible \as-9-bsl\ see assable
biogas, biomass, demiglace,
demitasse, fiberglass, gallowglass, assic \as-ik\ classic
gravitas, Hallowmas, hardinggrass, Jurassic, Liassic, thalassic, Triassic
hippocras, isinglass, Kiribati, neoclassic, pseudoclassic,
lemongrass, lower-class, middle-class, semiclassic
overpass, pampas grass, peppergrass,
Plexiglas, sassafras, superclass, assical \as-i-kal\ classical, fascicle
underclass, underpass, upper-class, postclassical, unclassical
weatherglass semiclassical

assa \as-a\ massa assid \as-ad\ see acid

Manasseh assie 1 \as-e\ see assy
Lake Nyasa
assie 2 \as-e\ see ossy 1
assable \as-3-bal\ chasuble,
passable, passible assim 1 \as-sm\ see ossum
impassable, impassible, irascible
assim 2 \as-3m\ passim
assail \as-al\ see ossal sargassum
assailer \as-3-for\ see ossular assin \as- 3 n\ see asten 2
assal \as-al\ seeassel 2 assion \ash-an\ ashen, fashion,
assant \as- nt\ see ascent 1 passion, ration
Circassian, compassion, dispassion,
assar \as-9r\ see asser impassion, refashion, Wakashan
71 aster

assional \ash-nal\ see ational 3 repast, roughcast, sandblast, sand-cast,

1 shamefast, soothfast, sportscast,
assis \as-e\ see assy steadfast, sunfast, topmast, trade-last,
a s s i s \as-as\ classis, stasis typecast, unasked, upcast, windblast
Parnassus acid-fast, chiliast, cineast, colorcast,
Halicarnassus colorfast, flabbergast, fore-topmast,
hard-and-fast, main-topmast,
assist \a-sast\ bassist, racist mizzenmast, narrowcast, opencast,
contrabassist overcast, pederast, rebroadcast,
scholiast, simulcast, telecast,
assive \as-iv\ massive, passive
ecdysiast, encomiast, enthusiast,
assle \as-9l\ see assel 2 iconoclast, radiocast, symposiast
a s s l e s s \as-las\ classless, glassless, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
massless ass3
assment \as-m3nt\ blastment asta 1 \as-ta\ seeosta
amassment, harassment
asta 2 \as-ta\ Rasta
a s s n e s s \as-n9s\ see astness canasta, Jocasta, Mount Shasta
a s s o \as-6\ basso, lasso astable \at-3-bal\ see atible
El Paso, Picasso, sargasso, Sargasso
Bobo-Dioulasso astard \as-tard\ bastard, dastard,
2 mastered, plastered
a s s o \as-6\ Campo Basso
Burkina Faso aste 1 \ast\ seeaced
assock \as-ak\ cassock, hassock aste 2 \ast\ see ast 2

assum \as-am\ see assim 2 asted \as-tad\ blasted, masted,

a s s u s \as-ss\ see assis —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
assy \as-e\ brassy, chassis, classy,
gassy, glacis, glassie, glassy, grassy, asteful \ast-fal\ tasteful, wasteful
lassie, massy, sassy distasteful
Malagasy, Tallahassee
Haile Salassie asten 1 \as- 3 n\ see ason 1
asten 2 \as- 3 n\ fasten
ast 1 \ast\ see list1
assassin, unfasten
ast 2 \ast\ bast, blast, cast, caste, aster 1 \a-star\ taster, waster
clast, fast, gast, ghast, hast, last, mast,
past, vast aster 2 \as-tar\ aster, Astor, caster,
aghast, avast, bedfast, Belfast, castor, Castor, faster, gaster, master,
bombast, broadcast, bypast, contrast, pastor, plaster, raster
dicast, dismast, downcast, dynast, bandmaster, broadcaster, bushmaster,
fantast, flypast, forecast, foremast, cadastre, choirmaster, disaster,
forepassed, gymnast, half-caste, half- drillmaster, headmaster, linecaster,
mast, handfast, holdfast, lightfast, loadmaster, paymaster, piaster,
mainmast, makefast, march-past, pilaster, postmaster, quizmaster,
miscast, newscast, oblast, offcast, remaster, ringmaster, schoolmaster,
outcast, outcaste, precast, recast, scoutmaster, shinplaster, shipmaster,
astered 72

sportscaster, spymaster, taskmaster, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at

three-master, toastmaster, truckmaster, ast 2
wharfmaster, whoremaster, yardmaster
alabaster, burgomaster, astion \as-chan\ bastion
concertmaster, criticaster, ironmaster, Erastian
oleaster, overmaster, poetaster, astle \as-al\ see assel 2
quartermaster, rallymaster,
stationmaster, weathercaster, astly \ast-le\ ghastly, lastly
Zoroaster astment Xas-mantX see assment
astness \as-nss\ crassness, fastness,
astered \as-tsrd\ see astard gastness, pastness
astering \as-t9-rirj\ overmastering asto \as-to\ impasto
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at antipasto
astor \as-tar\ see aster 2
astes \as-tez\ cerastes
Ecclesiastes astoral \as-trsl\ see astral
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns astral \as-trsl\ astral, gastral,
listed at asty 2 pastoral, plastral
asthma \az-m9\ see asma cadastral
astre \as-tar\ see aster 2
astian \as-chan\ see astion
astric \as-trik\ gastric
astic \as-tik\ drastic, mastic, plastic,
bombastic, dynastic, elastic, astrophe \as-tr9-fe\ anastrophe,
fantastic, gymnastic, monastic, catastrophe
sarcastic, scholastic, stochastic
anelastic, Hudibrastic, inelastic, asty 1 \a-ste\ hasty, pasty, tasty
onomastic, orgiastic, paraphrastic, asty 2 \as-te\ blastie, nasty, pasty,
pederastic, periphrastic, superplastic vasty
ecclesiastic, enthusiastic, capacity, contrasty
iconoclastic, interscholastic, pederasty
semimonastic angioplasty, bepharoplasty,
astics \as-tiks\ gymnastics, osteoplasty, overcapacity
slimnastics asuble \as-3-bsl\ see assable
astid \as-tad\ see asted asure 1 \a-shar\ glacier, Glacier,
astie \as-te\ see asty 2 erasure
astiness \a-ste-n9s\ hastiness, asure 2 \a-zhsr\ see azier
asy \as-e\ see assy
asting 1 \a-stirj\ basting, wasting
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at at1 \ a \ see a 1
aced at 2 \at\ see ot1
asting \as-tirj\ typecasting at 3 \at\ see ut1
everlasting, narrowcasting,
overcasting at4 \6t\ see ought1
73 atch

at5 \at\ bat, batt, blat, brat, cat, Cat, muleta, peseta, potato, pro rata,
chat, chert, drat, fat, flat, frat, gat, substrata, tomato, viewdata
gnat, hat, mat, matt, Matt, matte, pat, corona radiata
Pat, plait, plat, rat, Rat, sat, scat, scatt,
skat, slat, spat, splat, sprat, stat, tat, ata 3 \at-a\ data
that, vat errata, mulatto, non grata, pro rata,
all that, at bat, backchat, begat, reata, regatta, riata, viewdata
bobcat, brickbat, bullbat, Cassatt, paramatta, Paramatta
chitchat, combat, comsat, cowpat, persona grata
cravat, Croat, defat, dingbat, doormat, persona non grata
expat, fiat, firebrat, format, Hallstatt, atable 1 \at-3-bal\ datable, ratable,
hellcat, hepcat, high-hat, jurat, statable
meerkat, muscat, Muscat, muskrat, debatable, dilatable, inflatable,
nonfat, polecat, Sadat, savate, Sno- locatable, rotatable, translatable
Cat, stand pat, standpat, stonechat, allocatable, circulatable,
strawhat, Surat, thereat, tipcat, tomcat, confiscatable, correctable,
whereat, whinchat, wildcat, wombat detonatable, undebatable
acrobat, apparat, Ararat, assignat,
autocrat, Automat, bureaucrat, atable 2 \at-3-bal\ see atible
butterfat, caveat, cervelat, concordat,
copycat, democrat, diplomat, atal \at- 3 l\ fatal, natal, ratel, shtetl
Dixiecrat, Eurocrat, habitat, Kattegat, hiatal, postnatal, prenatal
Laundromat, marrowfat, mobocrat, antenatal, neonatal, perinatal
monocrat, Montserrat, ochlocrat, pas atalie \at- 3 l-e\ see attily
de quatre, photostat, pit-a-pat,
plutocrat, pussycat, rat-a-tat, scaredy- atally \at- 3 l-e\ fatally, natally
cat, semimatte, technocrat, theocrat, postnatally, prenatally
thermostat, tit for tat, Uniate, ziggurat antenatally, neonatally, perinatally
aristocrat, gerontocrat, heliostat,
Jehoshaphat, magnificat, meritocrat, atalyst \at- 3 l-ast\ catalyst
Physiocrat, requiescat, thalassocrat philatelist
proletariat, professoriat, secretariat atan 1 \at-9n\ see aten 1
6 3
at \a\ see ah atari2 \at- 3 n\ see atin2
ata1 \at-a\ cotta, data, kata atancy \at- 3 n-se\ blatancy, latency
balata, cantata, Carlotta, errata, dilatancy
fermata, frittata, La Plata, Maratha,
Niigata, non grata, pinata, pro rata, atant1 \at- 3 nt\ blatant, latent, natant,
reata, riata, regatta, sonata, Sorata, patent, statant
atant 2 \at- 3 nt\ patent
caponata, Hirakata, Mar del Plata, combatant
serenata, terracotta, Uspallata noncombatant
Basilicata, desiderata, inamorata,
missa cantata, persona grata, res atany \at- 3 n-e\ atony, rhatany
persona non grata, res adjudicata, atar \at-sr\ see otter
Rio de la Plata atary \at-a-re\ see ottery
medulla oblongata
atch 1 \ech\ see etch
ata 2 \at-a\ beta, data, eta, strata,
theta, zeta atch 2 \ach\ see otch
atch 74

atch 3 \6ch\ see auch 1 abate, ablate, adnate, aerate, age-

4 mate, agnate, airdate, airfreight, alate,
atch \ach\ bach, batch, catch, arete, await, backdate, baldpate,
cratch, hatch, klatch, latch, match, bedmate, bedplate, berate, birthrate,
natch, patch, ratch, scratch, snatch, bistate, bookplate, breastplate,
thatch casemate, castrate, caudate, cerate,
attach, book-match, Crosshatch, cheapskate, checkmate, chordate,
crosspatch, despatch, detach, dispatch, classmate, clavate, cognate, collate,
nuthatch, outmatch, potlatch, rematch, comate, conflate, connate, cordate,
Sasquatch, throatlatch, unlatch, create, cremate, crenate, curate, cut-
Wasatch rate, deadweight, debate, deflate,
coffee klatch, kaffeeklatsch, delate, dentate, derate, dictate, dilate,
overmatch disrate, donate, doorplate, downstate,
atcher 1 \ach-sr\ botcher, watcher drawplate, elate, equate, estate,
bird-watcher, clock-watcher, faceplate, falcate, fellate, filtrate, first-
debaucher, topnotcher rate, fishplate, fixate, flatmate,
floodgate, flyweight, formate,
atcher 2 \ach-ar\ batcher, catcher, frustrate, gelate, gestate, gyrate,
hatcher, matcher, scratcher, stature, hamate, hastate, headgate, helpmate,
thatcher housemate, hydrate, ice-skate, inflate,
cowcatcher, dispatcher, dogcatcher, ingrate, inmate, innate, instate, irate,
eye-catcher, flycatcher, gnatcatcher jailbait, jugate, khanate, Kuwait,
oyster catcher lactate, legate, liftgate, ligate,
lightweight, liquate, lobate, locate,
atchet \ach-at\ hatchet, latchet, lunate, lustrate, lych-gate, lyrate,
rachet, ratchet magnate, makebate, makeweight,
atchily \ach-a-le\ patchily, patchouli mandate, messmate, migrate,
misstate, mutate, nameplate, narrate,
atching \ach-irj\ back-scratching, negate, Newgate, nitrate, notate,
cross-hatching, eye-catching, nutate, oblate, orate, ornate, ovate,
nonmatching palmate, palpate, peltate, phonate,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at pinnate, placate, playmate, plicate,
atch 4 portrait, postdate, predate, primate,
probate, prolate, prorate, prostate,
atchman Xach-msnX see otchman prostrate, pulsate, punctate, pupate,
atchment \ach-mant\ catchment, quadrate, ramate, rebate, red-bait,
hatchment relate, restate, roommate, rostrate,
attachment, detachment rotate, saccate, schoolmate,
seatmate, sedate, sensate, septate,
atchouli \ach-s-le\ see atchily serrate, shipmate, short weight,
soleplate, spectate, spicate, squamate,
atchy \ach-e\ catchy, patchy, stagnate, stalemate, stellate, striate,
scratchy sublate, substrate, sulcate, summate,
Apache tailgate, teammate, Tebet, tenth-rate,
ternate, terneplate, testate, third-rate,
ate 1 \at\ ait, ate, bait, bate, blate,
tinplate, toeplate, tollgate, tractate,
cate, Cate, crate, date, eight, fate, fete,
translate, tristate, truncate, unweight,
freight, gait, gate, grate, great, haet,
update, uprate, upstate, V-8, vacate,
hate, Kate, late, mate, pate, plait,
vallate, valvate, vibrate, virgate,
plate, prate, quoit, rate, sate, skate,
vulgate, whitebait, workmate,
slate, spate, state, straight, strait, teth,
trait, wait, weight
75 ate

abdicate, abnegate, abrogate, formulate, fornicate, fractionate,

absorbate, acclimate, acerbate, acetate, fragmentate, fulminate, fumigate,
activate, actuate, acylate, adsorbate, fustigate, geminate, generate,
advocate, adulate, adumbrate, germinate, glaciate, Golden Gate,
aggravate, aggregate, agitate, allocate, graduate, granulate, gratulate,
altercate, alternate, ambulate, gravitate, heavyweight, hebetate,
amputate, animate, annotate, annulate, herniate, hesitate, hibernate,
antedate, antiquate, apartheid, hundredweight, hyphenate, ideate,
apostate, approbate, arbitrate, arcuate, illustrate, imamate, imbricate, imitate,
arrogate, aspirate, automate, aviate, immigrate, immolate, impetrate,
bantamweight, bifurcate, billingsgate, implicate, imprecate, impregnate,
bipinnate, boilerplate, bombinate, incarnate, increate, incubate,
brachiate, cachinnate, calculate, inculcate, inculpate, incurvate,
calibrate, caliphate, candidate, indagate, indicate, indurate, infiltrate,
cantillate, capitate, captivate, innervate, innovate, insensate,
carbonate, carbon-date, carinate, insolate, inspissate, instigate, insulate,
castigate, catenate, cavitate, celebrate, interstate, intestate, intimate, intonate,
cerebrate, circinate, circulate, city- intraplate, inundate, invocate, iodate,
state, cogitate, collimate, collocate, irrigate, irritate, isolate, iterate,
commentate, commutate, compensate, jubilate, juniorate, lacerate, laminate,
complicate, concentrate, condensate, Latinate, laureate, legislate, levigate,
confiscate, conglobate, conjugate, levitate, liberate, liquidate, litigate,
consecrate, constellate, consternate, littermate, lubricate, macerate,
constipate, consummate, contemplate, machinate, magistrate, marginate,
copperplate, copulate, coronate, margravate, marinate, masticate,
correlate, corrugate, coruscate, masturbate, maturate, mediate,
counterweight, crenulate, crepitate, medicate, meditate, meliorate,
criminate, cruciate, cucullate, menstruate, microstate, micturate,
culminate, cultivate, cumulate, middleweight, militate, ministrate,
cuneate, cupulate, cuspidate, miscreate, mithridate, mitigate,
cyclamate, deaerate, decimate, moderate, modulate, motivate,
decollate, decorate, decussate, multistate, mutilate, nation-state,
dedicate, defalcate, defecate, delegate, nauseate, navigate, neonate, nictitate,
demarcate, demonstrate, denigrate, niobate, nominate, numerate,
deviate, deprecate, depredate, derivate, obfuscate, objurgate, obligate,
derogate, desecrate, desiccate, obovate, obviate, operate, opiate,
designate, desolate, detonate, orchestrate, ordinate, oscillate,
devastate, deviate, digitate, diplomate, osculate, out-of-date, overstate,
discarnate, dislocate, dissertate, overweight, ovulate, paginate, palliate,
dissipate, distillate, divagate, palpitate, paperweight, patinate,
dominate, duplicate, edentate, educate, peculate, penetrate, pennyweight,
elevate, elongate, eluate, emanate, percolate, perennate, perforate,
emigrate, emirate, emulate, enervate, permeate, perorate, perpetrate,
ephorate, escalate, estimate, estivate, personate, pollinate, populate,
excavate, exculpate, execrate, expiate, postulate, potentate, predicate,
explicate, expurgate, exsiccate, procreate, profligate, promulgate,
extirpate, extricate, exudate, fabricate, propagate, prorogate, pullulate,
fascinate, featherweight, fecundate, pulmonate, punctuate, quantitate,
federate, fenestrate, festinate, rabbinate, radiate, re-create, reclinate,
fibrillate, flabellate, flagellate, recreate, regulate, reinstate, relegate,
flocculate, fluctuate, fluoridate, foliate, relocate, reluctate, remonstrate,
ate 76

renovate, replicate, reprobate, deconsecrate, decrepitate, defibrinate,

resonate, retardate, retranslate, defribrillate, degenerate, deliberate,
roseate, rubricate, ruminate, runagate, delineate, demodulate, denominate,
rusticate, sagittate, salivate, sanitate, depopulate, depreciate, deregulate,
satiate, saturate, scintillate, second- desegregate, desiderate, devaluate,
rate, segregate, self-portrait, separate, diaconate, dilapidate, discriminate,
sequestrate, seriate, sibilate, simulate, disintegrate, disseminate, dissimilate,
sinuate, situate, speculate, spoliate, dissimulate, dissociate, divaricate,
stablemate, stimulate, stipulate, domesticate, edulcorate, effectuate,
strangulate, stridulate, stylobate, ejaculate, elaborate, electroplate,
subjugate, sublimate, subrogate, eliminate, elucidate, elucubrate,
subulate, suffocate, sultanate, elutriate, emaciate, emancipate,
supplicate, surrogate, syncopate, emarginate, emasculate, encapsulate,
syndicate, tablemate, tabulate, enumerate, enunciate, episcopate,
terminate, tessellate, tete-a-tete, thirty- equilibrate, equivocate, eradicate,
eight, titillate, titivate, tolerate, etiolate, evacuate, evaluate, evaporate,
transmigrate, transudate, tribulate, eventuate, eviscerate, exacerbate,
tribunate, trifurcate, trilobate, exaggerate, exasperate, excogitate,
tripinnate, triplicate, tunicate, excoriate, excruciate, exfoliate,
turbinate, ulcerate, ululate, umbellate, exhilarate, exonerate, expatiate,
uncinate, underrate, understate, expatriate, expectorate, expostulate,
underweight, undulate, ungulate, expropriate, extenuate, exterminate,
urinate, vaccinate, vacillate, validate, extrapolate, extravagate, exuberate,
valuate, variate, vaticinate, vegetate, facilitate, fantasticate, felicitate,
venerate, ventilate, vertebrate, gesticulate, habilitate, habituate,
vicarate, vindicate, violate, vitiate, hallucinate, homologate, humiliate,
Watergate, welterweight hypothecate, illuminate, impersonate,
abbreviate, abominate, accelerate, inactivate, inaugurate, incarcerate,
accentuate, accommodate, acculturate, incinerate, incorporate, incriminate,
accumulate, acidulate, adjudicate, indoctrinate, inebriate, infatuate,
administrate, adulterate, affiliate, infuriate, ingratiate, ingurgitate,
agglomerate, agglutinate, alienate, initiate, inoculate, inosculate,
alleviate, alliterate, amalgamate, inseminate, insinuate, instantiate,
ameliorate, annihilate, annunciate, intenerate, intercalate, interpellate,
anticipate, apostolate, appreciate, interpolate, interrelate, interrogate,
appropriate, approximate, articulate, intimidate, intoxicate, invaginate,
asphyxiate, assassinate, asseverate, invalidate, investigate, invigilate,
assimilate, associate, attenuate, invigorate, irradiate, italianate,
authenticate, barbiturate, bicarbonate, itinerate, lanceolate, legitimate,
calumniate, campanulate, capacitate, luxuriate, machicolate, mandarinate,
capitulate, catholicate, certificate, manipulate, matriarchate, matriculate,
circumvallate, coagulate, coelenterate, Merthiolate, necessitate, negotiate,
collaborate, commemorate, noncandidate, obliterate, obnubilate,
commiserate, communicate, officiate, orientate, originate,
compassionate, concatenate, oxygenate, participate, particulate,
concelebrate, conciliate, confabulate, patriarchate, patriciate, penicillate,
confederate, conglomerate, perambulate, peregrinate, perpetuate,
congratulate, consociate, consolidate, pontificate, potentiate, precipitate,
contaminate, cooperate, coordinate, predestinate, predominate,
corroborate, de-escalate, debilitate, prefabricate, premeditate,
decapitate, decerebrate, deconcentrate, prenominate, preponderate,
77 atem

prevaricate, procrastinate, belated, ill-fated, outdated, related,

prognosticate, proliferate, propitiate, striated, three-gaited, truncated,
proportionate, quadruplicate, unbated, X-rated
quintuplicate, reciprocate, aberrated, addlepated, animated,
recriminate, recuperate, redecorate, calculated, capsulated, carbonated,
redintegrate, reduplicate, reeducate, carburated, castellated, complicated,
refrigerate, regenerate, regurgitate, crenellated, disrelated, elevated,
reincarnate, reintegrate, reiterate, fenestrated, fimbriated, floriated,
rejuvenate, remunerate, renominate, foliated, inspissated, laminated,
repatriate, repristinate, repudiate, marginated, mentholated, perforated,
resupinate, resuscitate, retaliate, pileated, pixilated, pustulated,
reticulate, revaluate, revegetate, saturated, tessellated, trabeated,
reverberate, scholasticate, unabated, uncreated, understated,
seventy-eight, sextuplicate, variegated
somnambulate, sophisticate, affiliated, asteriated, configurated,
stereobate, subordinate, substantiate, coordinated, decaffeinated,
syllabicate, tergiversate, transliterate, domesticated, incorporated,
transvaluate, triangulate, variegate, inebriated, interrelated, intoxicated,
vituperate, vociferate opinionated, sophisticated,
beneficiate, circumambulate, uncalculated, uncelebrated,
circumnavigate, circumstantiate, uncomplicated, underinflated,
contraindicate, decontaminate, unmediated, unmitigated, unsaturated,
deteriorate, differentiate, disaffiliate, unsegregated
disambiguate, disarticulate, unadulterated, unanticipated,
disassociate, discombobulate, unarticulated, unconsolidated,
disintoxicate, disorientate, undereducated, underpopulated,
disproportionate, domiciliate, undissociated, unsophisticated
excommunicate, free-associate, polyunsaturated, underappreciated
hyperventilate, incapacitate, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
individuate, intermediate, ate 1
interpenetrate, misappropriate,
multivariate, ratiocinate, recapitulate, ateful \at-fal\ fateful, grateful,
rehabilitate, renegotiate, superannuate, hateful
superelevate, superheavyweight, ungrateful
superordinate, supersaturate,
transilluminate, transubstantiate, atel1 \at- 3 l\ see ottle
underestimate atel 2 \at- 3 l\ see atal
intercommunicate, lithium niobate ateless \at-las\ dateless, stateless,
diammonium phosphate, weightless
peroxyacetyl nitrate atelist \at- 3 l-ast\ see atalyst

ate 2 \at\ see at ately 1 \at-le\ greatly, lately, stately,

straightly, straitly
ate 3 \at\ see ot1 innately, irately, ornately
ate 4 \at-e\ see ati up-to-dately
ate 5 \at\ see ut
ately 2 \at- 3 l-e\ see attily
ated \at-sd\ gaited, lated, pated,
stated atem \at-am\ see atum 1
atement 78

atement Xat-mantX statement ates 1 \ats\ Yeats

abatement, debatement, Gulf States
misstatement, restatement Papal States
overstatement, reinstatement, Persian Gulf States, United States
understatement Federated Malay States
United Arab Emirates
aten 1 \at- 3 n\ greaten, laten, Satan, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
straighten, straiten and -s forms of verbs, listed at ate
ates 2 \at-ez\ nates
aten 2 \at- 3 n\ see atin2 Achates, Euphrates, Penates
aten 3 \at- 3 n\ see otten —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at aty
atent 1 \at- 3 nt\ see atant 1
atest \at-ast\ latest, statist
atent 2 \at- 3 nt\ see atant 2 —also -est forms of adjectives listed
ater1 \6t-ar\ daughter, slaughter, at ate 1
tauter, water atey \at-e\ see aty
backwater, bathwater, blackwater,
breakwater, cutwater, dewater, ath1 \ath\ see oth1
deepwater, dishwater, firewater,
floodwater, forequarter, freshwater, ath 2 \6th\ see oth 2
goddaughter, granddaughter, ath 3 \ath\ bath, hath, lath, math,
groundwater, headwater, hindquarter, path, rathe, snath, strath, wrath
jerkwater, limewater, manslaughter, birdbath, bloodbath, bypath,
meltwater, rainwater, rosewater, footbath, footpath, sunbath, towpath,
saltwater, seawater, self-slaughter, warpath
shearwater, springwater, stepdaughter, aftermath, polymath, psychopath,
tailwater, tidewater, wastewater telepath
milk-and-water, polywater, naturopath, osteopath, sociopath
atha \at-a\ see ata 1
ater 2 \at-ar\ see ator
athe 1 \ath\ swathe
ateral \at-a-ral\ lateral enswathe, unswathe
bilateral, collateral, trilateral
contralateral, dorsolateral, athe 2 \ath\ bathe, lathe, rathe,
equilateral, ipsilateral, multilateral, saithe, scathe, spathe, swathe
quadrilateral, unilateral, ventrolateral sunbathe, unswathe
athe 3 \ath\ see ath
aterer \6t-9r-ar\ slaughterer, waterer
dewaterer atheless \ath-las\ see aithless

ateress \at-3-rss\ cateress, ather1 \ath-ar\ bother, father, pother,

traitorous rather
forefather, godfather, grandfather,
atering \6t-9-rirj\ mouth-watering housefather, stepfather
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ater 1 ather2 \9th-ar\ see other1

atery1 \at-a-re\ see ottery ather 3 \ath-ar\ blather, Cather,

gather, lather, Mather, rather, slather
atery 2 \6t-a-re\ cautery, watery forgather, ingather, wool-gather
79 atical

athering \alh-rirj\ ingathering, magmatic, neumatic, phlegmatic,

woolgathering plasmatic, pneumatic, pragmatic,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at prismatic, protatic, quadratic,
ather 3 rheumatic, schematic, schismatic,
sciatic, sematic, Socratic, somatic,
athi \at-e\ see ati spermatic, stigmatic, sylvatic,
athic \ath-ik\ empathic thematic, traumatic, villatic
amphipathic, psychopathic, achromatic, acrobatic, Adriatic,
telepathic aerobatic, anabatic, antistatic,
homeopathic, idiopathic, sociopathic aromatic, astigmatic, autocratic,
automatic, bureaucratic, charismatic,
athlon \ath-l3n\ biathlon, decathlon, cinematic, democratic, dilemmatic,
pentathlon, triathlon diplomatic, Dixiecratic, Eleatic,
emblematic, enigmatic, enzymatic,
athy \ath-e\ Cathie, Cathy, Kathie,
fungistatic, Hanseatic, hieratic,
Kathy, wrathy
Hippocratic, kerygmatic, leviratic,
melismatic, miasmatic, mobocratic,
ati1 \at-e\ Ate, Dottie, dotty, Dotty, monocratic, morganatic, numismatic,
grotty, knotty, naughty, plotty, potty, ochlocratic, operatic, phonematic,
Scottie, Scotty, snotty, spotty, squatty plutocratic, pre-Socratic, problematic,
Amati, basmati, chapati, coati, programmatic, symptomatic,
flokati, karate, Marathi, metate, syntagmatic, systematic, technocratic,
Scarlatti, Tol'yatti theocratic, timocratic, undogmatic,
glitterati, Gujarati, Hakodate, literati, undramatic
manicotti anagrammatic, apothegmatic,
illuminati aristocratic, asymptomatic, axiomatic,
conglomeratic, diagrammatic,
ati2 \ate\ see atty diaphragmatic, epigrammatic,
ati3 \ats\ see ots gerontocratic, gynecocratic,
homeostatic, idiomatic,
ati4 \as\ see a s s 3 logogrammatic, melodramatic,
meritocratic, monochromatic,
atia \a-shs\ see acia
monodramatic, monogrammatic,
atial \a-shal\ see acial pantisocratic, paradigmatic,
physiocratic, psychodramatic,
atian \a-sh9n\ see ation1 psychosomatic, semiaquatic,
atians \a-shanz\ seeations theorematic, undemocratic,
atible \at-3-bal\ compatible, antidemocratic, Austroasiatic,
getatable biosystematic, ideogrammatic,
incompatible, self-compatible semiautomatic
biocompatible, self-incompatible
atica \at-i-ka\ Attica
atic 1 \at-ik\ see otic1 hepatica, sciatica, viatica
atic 2 \at-ik\ attic, Attic, batik, phatic, atical \at-i-kal\ statical
static, vatic dogmatical, erratical, fanatical,
agnatic, aquatic, astatic, asthmatic, grammatical, piratical, pragmatical,
chromatic, climatic, comatic, sabbatical, schismatical
dalmatic, dogmatic, dramatic, ecstatic, autocratical, emblematical,
emphatic, erratic, fanatic, hepatic, enigmatical, magistratical,
judgmatic, komatik, lymphatic, mathematical, ochlocratical,
atics 80

problematical, systematical, regulating, self-replicating,

theocratical, timocratical, subordinating, uncalculating,
ungrammatical undeviating, unhesitating
anagrammatical, diagrammatical, indiscriminating, self-incriminating
epigrammatical, pantisocratical —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ate 1
atics \at-iks\ statics
chromatics, dogmatics, dramatics, atinous \at-nas\ seeatness
pneumatics, pragmatics ation 1 \a-shsn\ Asian, Haitian,
acrobatics, informatics, mathematics, nation, Nation, ration, station,
numismatics, systematics Thracian
melodramatics, psychosomatics ablation, agnation, Alsatian,
—also -s, -s, and -s' forms of nouns carnation, castration, causation,
listed at atic cessation, cetacean, chrismation,
atie \at-e\ see aty citation, cognation, collation,
conation, conflation, creation,
atiens \a-shanz\ see ations cremation, crenation, Croatian,
crustacean, cunctation, dalmatian,
atient \a-shant\ patient damnation, deflation, dictation,
impatient, inpatient, outpatient dilation, donation, duration, elation,
rubefacient, somnifacient enation, equation, Eurasian, filtration,
abortifacient fixation, flotation, formation,
atik \at-ik\ see atic 2 foundation, frustration, furcation,
gestation, gradation, gustation,
atile \at- 3 l-e\ see attily gyration, hydration, illation, inflation,
lactation, laudation, lavation, legation,
atim \at-am\ see atum 2 libation, libration, ligation, location,
lustration, mentation, migration,
atin1 \at- 3 n\ see otten mutation, narration, natation,
atin 2 \at- 3 n\ batten, fatten, flatten, negation, nitration, notation, novation,
gratin, Latin, latten, matin, paten, nutation, oblation, oration, outstation,
patten, Patton, platan, platen, ratton, ovation, phonation, planation,
satin plantation, plication, potation,
cisplatin, manhattan, Manhattan, predation, privation, probation,
Powhatan pronation, proration, prostration,
lovastatin, Neo-Latin pulsation, purgation, quotation,
reflation, relation, rogation, rotation,
atin 3 \at- 3 n\ see aten 1 saltation, salvation, sedation,
sensation, serration, slumpflation,
atinate \at- 3 n-3t\ concatenate, squamation, stagflation, stagnation,
Palatinate starvation, striation, stylization,
Rhineland-Palatinate sublation, substation, summation,
ating \at-irj\ bating, grating, plating, tarnation, taxation, temptation,
rating, skating, slating translation, truncation, vacation,
abating, bearbaiting, bullbaiting, venation, vexation, vibration,
frustrating, self-rating vocation, workstation, zonation
calculating, lancinating, maid-in- abdication, aberration, abjuration,
waiting, nauseating, operating, abnegation, acceptation, acclamation,
titillating acclimation, accusation, activation,
humiliating, lady-in-waiting, actuation, adaptation, adjuration,
nonterminating, self-liquidating, self- admiration, adoration, adulation,
81 ation

adumbration, advocation, affectation, designation, desolation, desperation,

affirmation, aggravation, aggregation, destination, detestation, detonation,
allegation, allocation, amputation, devastation, deviation, dilatation,
alteration, altercation, alternation, disclamation, disinflation, dislocation,
Amerasian, angulation, animation, dispensation, disputation, disrelation,
annexation, annotation, annulation, dissertation, dissipation, distillation,
antiquation, Appalachian, appellation, divination, domination, dubitation,
application, approbation, arbitration, duplication, education, elevation,
aspiration, assentation, assignation, elongation, emanation, embarkation,
attestation, augmentation, embrocation, emendation, emigration,
Aurignacian, automation, aviation, emulation, encrustation, enervation,
avocation, blaxploitation, botheration, epilation, equitation, eructation,
brachiation, cachinnation, calculation, escalation, estimation, estivation,
calibration, cancellation, capitation, evocation, exaltation, excavation,
captivation, carbonation, carburation, excitation, exclamation, exculpation,
castigation, celebration, cementation, execration, exhalation, exhortation,
cerebration, circulation, claudication, expectation, expiation, expiration,
cogitation, collocation, coloration, explanation, explication, exploitation,
combination, commendation, exploration, exportation, expurgation,
commination, commutation, extirpation, extrication, exudation,
compellation, compensation, exultation, fabrication, fascination,
compilation, complication, federation, fenestration, fermentation,
compurgation, computation, fibrillation, figuration, filiation,
concentration, condemnation, flagellation, fluoridation, fluctuation,
condensation, condonation, foliation, fomentation, formulation,
confirmation, confiscation, fornication, fragmentation,
conflagration, conformation, fulguration, fulmination, fumigation,
confrontation, confutation, gemination, generation, germination,
congelation, congregation, glaciation, graduation, granulation,
conjugation, conjuration, connotation, gravitation, habitation, hesitation,
consecration, conservation, hibernation, hyphenation, ideation,
consolation, conspiration, illustration, imbrication, imitation,
constellation, consternation, immigration, immolation,
constipation, consultation, implantation, implication, importation,
consummation, contemplation, imprecation, imputation, incantation,
contestation, conurbation, incarnation, incitation, inclination,
conversation, convocation, copulation, incrustation, incubation, inculcation,
coronation, corporation, correlation, indentation, indexation, indication,
corrugation, coruscation, crenellation, indignation, induration, infestation,
culmination, cupellation, cuspidation, infiltration, inflammation, information,
cybernation, decimation, declamation, inhalation, innovation, insolation,
declaration, declination, decoration, inspiration, installation, instauration,
dedication, defalcation, defamation, insufflation, insulation, intonation,
defecation, defloration, deformation, inundation, invitation, invocation,
degradation, degustation, dehydration, irrigation, irritation, isolation,
delectation, delegation, demarcation, iteration, jactitation, jubilation,
demonstration, denegation, laceration, lacrimation, lamentation,
denigration, denotation, depilation, lamination, legislation, levitation,
deportation, depravation, depredation, liberation, limitation, lineation,
deprivation, deputation, derivation, liquidation, literation, litigation,
derogation, desecration, desiccation, lubrication, lucubration, maceration,
ation 82

machination, maculation, transplantation, transportation,

malformation, malversation, trepidation, tribulation, trituration,
margination, mastication, ulceration, ululation, undulation,
masturbation, maturation, mediation, urination, usurpation, vaccination,
medication, meditation, melioration, vacillation, validation, valuation,
menstruation, mensuration, variation, vegetation, veneration,
metrication, ministration, moderation, ventilation, vindication, violation,
modulation, molestation, motivation, visitation
navigation, nomination, numeration, abbreviation, abomination,
obfuscation, objurgation, obligation, acceleration, accentuation,
observation, obturation, occultation, accommodation, accreditation,
occupation, operation, orchestration, acculturation, accumulation,
ordination, oscillation, osculation, actualization, adjudication,
ostentation, ovulation, oxidation, administration, adulteration,
ozonation, pagination, palliation, affiliation, afforestation,
palpitation, patination, penetration, agglomeration, agglutination,
perforation, permeation, permutation, alienation, alleviation, alliteration,
peroration, perpetration, perspiration, amalgamation, amelioration,
perturbation, pigmentation, pixilation, amortization, amplification,
pollination, population, postulation, analyzation, anglicization,
predication, preformation, prelibation, annihilation, annunciation,
preparation, presentation, anticipation, appreciation,
proclamation, procreation, appropriation, approximation,
procuration, profanation, argumentation, articulation,
prolongation, propagation, asphyxiation, assassination,
prorogation, protestation, provocation, asseveration, assimilation, association,
publication, punctuation, radiation, attenuation, authorization,
recitation, reclamation, recordation, autoxidation, barbarization,
re-creation, recreation, reformation, bastardization, beautification,
refutation, registration, regulation, bowdlerization, brutalization,
relaxation, relocation, reparation, canalization, canonization,
replantation, replication, reprobation, capacitation, capitulation,
reputation, reservation, resignation, carbonylation, centralization,
respiration, restoration, retardation, certification, cicatrization, civilization,
revelation, revocation, ruination, clarification, classification,
salivation, salutation, sanitation, coagulation, coeducation,
satiation, saturation, scatteration, cohabitation, colonization,
scintillation, segmentation, collaboration, columniation,
segregation, separation, sequestration, commemoration, commiseration,
sexploitation, simulation, situation, communication, communization,
solmization, speciation, speculation, compartmentation, complementation,
spoliation, sternutation, stimulation, concatenation, conciliation,
stipulation, strangulation, confabulation, confederation,
structuration, subjugation, configuration, conglomeration,
sublimation, subrogation, suffocation, congratulation, consideration,
suspiration, susurration, sustentation, consociation, consolidation,
syncopation, syndication, tabulation, contamination, continuation,
termination, tessellation, titillation, cooperation, coordination,
titivation, toleration, transformation, corroboration, crustification,
translocation, transmigration, crystallization, deactivation,
transmutation, transpiration, debilitation, decapitation,
83 ation

decompensation, defenestration, indoctrination, inebriation, infatuation,

deforestation, degeneration, ingratiation, inhabitation, initiation,
deglaciation, deification, deliberation, inoculation, insemination, insinuation,
delineation, denomination, instrumentation, internalization,
denunciation, depopulation, interpretation, interrelation,
depreciation, deregulation, intimidation, intoxication,
desegregation, despoliation, invagination, investigation,
determination, devaluation, invigoration, irradiation, itemization,
dilapidation, diphthongization, jollification, justification, labanotation,
disapprobation, discoloration, laicization, latinization, legalization,
discrimination, disembarkation, lionization, localization,
disinclination, disinformation, machicolation, magnetization,
disintegration, dissemination, magnification, maladaptation,
dissimilation, dissimulation, manifestation, masculinization,
dissociation, divarication, matriculation, maximization,
documentation, domestication, mechanization, miscegenation,
dramatization, echolocation, mobilization, modernization,
edification, ejaculation, elaboration, modification, mollification,
elicitation, elimination, elucidation, mongrelization, monopolization,
emaciation, emancipation, moralization, mortification,
emasculation, enumeration, multiplication, mystification,
enunciation, epoxidation, equalization, nationalization, naturalization,
equivocation, eradication, evacuation, necessitation, negotiation,
evagination, evaluation, evaporation, neutralization, normalization,
evisceration, exacerbation, notarization, notification, novelization,
exaggeration, examination, nullification, optimization,
exasperation, excoriation, organization, orientation,
excruciation, exercitation, ornamentation, ossification,
exhilaration, exoneration, pacification, paralyzation,
expostulation, expropriation, participation, pasteurization,
extenuation, extermination, patronization, penalization,
extrapolation, facilitation, perambulation, perpetuation,
factorization, falsification, perseveration, personalization,
fantastication, feminization, plasticization, pluralization,
fertilization, Finlandization, petrification, polarization,
formalization, formulization, pontification, preadaptation,
fortification, fossilization, precipitation, predestination,
fructification, gasification, prefiguration, premeditation,
gentrification, gesticulation, preoccupation, preregistration,
glamorization, globalization, prettification, procrastination,
glorification, glycosylation, prognostication, proliferation,
gratification, habituation, pronunciation, propitiation,
hallucination, harmonization, pulverization, purification,
haruspication, hellenization, qualification, quantification,
humanization, hyperinflation, ramification, randomization,
idolization, illumination, imagination, ratification, ratiocination, realization,
immunization, impersonation, reciprocation, recombination,
implementation, improvisation, recommendation, recrimination,
inauguration, incarceration, recuperation, redecoration,
incardination, incineration, reduplication, reforestation,
incorporation, incrimination, refrigeration, regeneration,
ation 84

regimentation, regurgitation, demystification, derealization,

reification, reincarnation, derivitization, desulfurization,
reintegration, remediation, deterioration, differentiation,
remuneration, renunciation, disassociation, discombobulation,
representation, republication, disorientation, disorganization,
repudiation, reticulation, disproportionation, disqualification,
retrogradation, reverberation, diversification, dolomitization,
robotization, romanization, electrification, excommunication,
sanctification, sanitization, exemplification, experimentation,
scarification, sedimentation, extemporization, externalization,
sensitization, Serbo-Croatian, familiarization, federalization,
signification, simplification, generalization, homogenization,
socialization, solemnization, hospitalization, hyperventilation,
solicitation, sophistication, idealization, identification,
specialization, specification, immobilization, immortalization,
stabilization, standardization, incapacitation, inconsideration,
sterilization, stratification, incoordination, indemnification,
stultification, subalternation, indetermination, indiscrimination,
subinfeudation, subordination, individuation, institutionalization,
subpopulation, subsidization, insubordination, intensification,
summarization, supplementation, intermediation, intermodulation,
syllabication, symbolization, intrapopulation, italicization,
synchronization, systemization, legitimization, lexicalization,
teleportation, tergiversation, maladministration, mathematization,
terrorization, theorization, megacorporation, militarization,
transfiguration, transliteration, miniaturization, misappropriation,
transvaluation, traumatization, miscommunication, misinterpretation,
triangulation, trivialization, mispronunciation, misrepresentation,
uglification, unification, unionization, noncooperation, nonproliferation,
urbanization, vandalization, overcompensation, overpopulation,
vaporization, variegation, vaticination, palatalization, periodization,
velarization, verbalization, personification, photoduplication,
verification, versification, photoexcitation, popularization,
victimization, vilification, vinification, predetermination, prestidigitation,
vitalization, vituperation, vocalization, proselytization, radicalization,
vociferation, vulgarization, ratiocination, rationalization,
westernization, x-radiation reafforestation, recapitulation,
acclimatization, allegorization, reconciliation, reconsideration,
alphabetization, autocorrelation, rehabilitation, reinterpretation,
automatization, beneficiation, renegotiation, reorganization,
capitalization, characterization, revitalization, ritualization,
circumnavigation, codetermination, Schrodinger equation, secularization,
commercialization, conceptualization, solidification, subvocalization,
consubstantiation, containerization, supererogation, syllabification,
counterreformation, criminalization, tintinnabulation, transubstantiation,
cross-examination, cryopreservation, unappreciation, underestimation,
decarboxylation, decimilization, de- undervaluation, unsophistication,
Stalinization, decasualization, visualization
decentralization, declassification, Americanization, automanipulation,
decontamination, dehumanization, decriminalization, depersonalization,
dehydrogenation, delegitimation, electrodesiccation,
85 ative

intercommunication, industrialization, ationist \a-shn9St\ Salvationist,

internationalization, materialization, vacationist
oversimplification, particularization, annexationist, confrontationist,
pictorialization, photointerpretation, conservationist, educationist,
pseudosophistication, recapitalization, integrationist, isolationist,
spiritualization, telecommunication, liberationist, operationist,
universalization preservationist, recreationist,
biodeterioration, deindustrialization, segregationist, separationist,
intellectualization, reindustrialization preservationist
deinstitutionalization accomodationist, administrationist,
assimilationist, associationist,
ation 2 Xa-zharA see asion collaboration! st, emancipationist
ation 3 \ash-an\ see assion
ations \a-sh9nz\ Galatians,
ational1 \a-shnal\ stational impatiens, relations
citational, formational, gestational, Lamentations, Revelations
gradational, migrational, narrational, United Nations
notational, relational, sensational, Rhode Island and Providence
vocational Plantations
aberrational, adaptational,
atious \a-sh9s\ see acious
avocational, compensational,
computational, conformational, atis 1 \at-9s\ seeatus 3
confrontational, congregational,
conjugational, connotational, atis 2 \at-as\ see ottis
conservational, conversational,
convocational, derivational, atist \at-9st\ see atest
educational, fluctuational, atitude \at-a-tiid\ see attitude
generational, gravitational,
ideational, informational, atium \a-she-9m\ Latium
innovational, inspirational, pancratium, solatium
invitational, irrotational, limitational,
navigational, observational, atius \a-shas\ see acious
operational, orchestrational, ative \at-iv\ dative, native, stative
postradiational, prevocational, ablative, constative, creative,
progestational, recreational, dilative, mutative, rotative, summative,
reformational, situational, translative
transformational aggregative, agitative, alterative,
communicational, coeducational, applicative, carminative, cogitative,
denominational, improvisational, combinative, commutative,
interpretational, investigational, connotative, consecrative,
organizational, representational consultative, contemplative,
nonrepresentational, reorganizational copulative, corporative, cumulative,
interdenominational decorative, denotative, dissipative,
educative, explicative, facultative,
ational 2 \azh-n3l\ see asional
federative, generative, germinative,
ational 3 \ash-nal\ national, imitative, implicative, innovative,
passional, rational integrative, irritative, iterative,
binational, cross-national, irrational, legislative, limitative, meditative,
transnational meliorative, motivative, nominative,
international, multinational, nuncupative, operative, palliative,
supranational, suprarational pejorative, penetrative, procreative,
atl 86

propagative, qualitative, quantitative, annatto, castrato, legato, marcato,

recreative, regulative, replicative, mulatto, rabato, rebato, ridotto, rubato,
separative, speculative, terminative, sfumato, spiccato, staccato
vegetative agitato, animato, ben trovato,
accelerative, accumulative, Guanajuato, moderato, obbligato,
administrative, agglutinative, ostinato, pizzicato
alliterative, appreciative, assimilative,
associative, authoritative, ato 2 \at-6\ Cato, Plato
collaborative, commemorative, Orvieto, potato, tomato
commiserative, communicative, Barquisimeto
contaminative, continuative, atomist \at-a-rri9st\ atomist
cooperative, corroborative, anatomist
degenerative, deliberative, delineative,
determinative, discriminative, atomy \at-9-me\ atomy
evaporative, exhilarative, exonerative, anatomy
illuminative, interpretative,
investigative, justificative, aton \at- 3 n\ seeatin 2
multiplicative, obliterative,
atony \at- 3 n-e\ see atany
opinionative, originative,
postoperative, premeditative, ator \at-ar\ baiter, cater, crater,
preoperative, proliferative, Crater, dater, faitour, freighter, gaiter,
reciprocative, recuperative, gator, grater, hater, krater, later, mater,
regenerative, remunerative, plater, rater, satyr, skater, slater, stater,
reverberative, significative, stator, tater, traitor, waiter
vituperative aerator, collator, Bay Stater, creator,
excommunicative, incommunicative, curator, debater, Decatur, dictator,
noncooperative, quasi-legislative, donator, dumbwaiter, equator, first-
semiquantitative, uncommunicative rater, glossator, headwaiter, levator,
locator, mandator, Mercator, narrator,
atl \at- 3 l\ see ottle pronator, pulsator, rotator, spectator,
tailgater, testator, theater, third-rater,
atlas \at-lss\ atlas, Atlas, hatless
translator, upstater, vibrator
atless \ a t - b s \ see atlas actuator, abdicator, activator,
adulator, advocator, agitator, alligator,
atli \at-le\ see otly allocator, alternator, animator,
atling \at-lirj\ fatling, flatling, annotator, applicator, arbitrator,
rattling aspirator, aviator, buccinator,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at calculator, captivator, carburetor,
celebrator, circulator, commentator,
commutator, compensator,
atly \at-le\ flatly, rattly compurgator, concentrator,
confiscator, congregator, consecrator,
atnam Xst-nsmX Machilipatnam, consummator, contemplator,
Vishakhapatnam corporator, correlator, depredator,
desecrater, desecrator, designator,
atness \at-nas\ fatness, flatness
cultivator, decorator, delegator,
demonstrator, detonator, deviator,
dissipater, dominator, duplicator, dura
ato 1 \at-6\ auto, blotto, grotto, lotto, mater, educator, elevator, emulator,
motto, otto, Otto, potto escalator, estimator, excavator,
87 atted

explicator, expurgator, extirpator, atre1 \atr 3 \ pas de quatre

fascinator, formulator, fornicator, coup de theatre
generator, gladiator, hibernator,
illustrator, incubator, indicator, atre 2 \at\ see at 5
infiltrator, innovator, inhalator, atric \a-trik\ Patrick
inspirator, insulator, integrator, sympatric, theatric
lacrimator, liquidator, literator, allopatric, geriatric, pediatric,
mediator, moderator, motivator, podiatric, psychiatric
navigator, nomenclator, nominator,
numerator, obturator, operator, atrick \a-trik\ see atric
orchestrator, oscillator, percolator, atrics \a-triks\ theatrics
perpetrator, pia mater, pollinator,
postulator, procreator, procurator,
propagator, radiator, regulator, atrist \a-trsst\ geriatrist, physiatrist
resonator, respirator, revelator, second-
rater, selling-plater, separator, atrix \a-triks\ matrix
simulator, subjugator, syndicator, cicatrix, testatrix
tabulator, terminator, valuator, aviatrix, dominatrix, mediatrix
ventilator, violator administratrix
accelerator, accommodator, atron \a-tran\ matron, natron, patron
accumulator, administrator,
adulterator, alienator, alleviator, ats 1 \ats\ see ots
annihilator, annunciator, anticipator, ats 2 \ats\ bats, rats
appreciator, appropriator, assassinator, ersatz
attenuator, continuator, calumniator, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
collaborator, commemorator, and -s forms of verbs, listed at at
communicator, conciliator,
congratulator, consolidator, atsa \at-sa\ seeatzo 1
contaminator, cooperator, coordinator,
atsch \ach\ see atch 4
corroborator, defibrillator, delineator,
denominator, depredator, atsk \atsk\ Bratsk
determinator, discriminator, Okhotsk
disseminator, dissimulator, Petrozavodsk
ejaculator, eliminator, emancipator,
enumerator, equivocator, eradicator, atsu \at-sii\ Shiatsu, shiatzu
evaluator, evaporator, exterminator, Hamamatsu, Takamatsu
extrapolator, impersonator, atsy \at-se\ seeazi 3
improvisator, incinerator, inseminator,
interrogator, intimidator, att1 \at\ see at 5
investigator, negotiator, oxygenator, att2 \at\ see ot1
pacificator, perambulator,
predestinator, procrastinator, atta \at-a\ see ata 1
purificator, redecorator, refrigerator,
regenerator, resuscitator, subordinator, attage \at-ij\ see ottage
totalizator attan \at- 3 n\ see atin2
excommunicator, rehabilitator, atte \at\ see at 5
immunomodulator atted \a-tsd\ superfatted
—also -er forms of adjectives listed —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
at ate 1 at 5
attel 88

attel \at- 9 l\ see attle attle \at- 3 l\ battle, brattle, cattle,

chattel, prattle, rattle, tattle
atten \at- 3 n\ see atin2 embattle, Seattle
atter \at-ar\ attar, batter, blatter, tittle-tattle
chatter, clatter, fatter, flatter, hatter, attler \at-tar\ battler, prattler, rattler,
latter, matter, natter, patter, plaiter, tattler
platter, ratter, satyr, scatter, shatter,
smatter, spatter, splatter, tatter attling \at-lirj\ see atling
backscatter, bespatter, flat-hatter, attly1 \at- 3 l-e\ see attily
standpatter, wildcatter
antimatter, pitter-patter attly2 \at-le\ see atly

attering \at-a-rirj\ nattering, atto 1 \at-a\ see ata 3

smattering atto 2 \at-6\ see ato 1
backscattering, earth-shattering, self-
flattering, unflattering atton \at- 8 n\ see atin2
Rayleigh scattering
atty \at-e\ batty, catty, bratty, chatty,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
fatty, Hattie, natty, Patti, Pattie, patty,
Patty, platy, ratty, scatty, tattie, tatty
attern \at-arn\ pattern, Saturn, Cincinnati
atum 1 \at-am\ bottom, datum, satem
attery \at-9-re\ battery, cattery, erratum, pomatum
clattery, flattery, mattery desideratum
Cape Flattery, self-flattery
atum 2 \at-9m\ datum
atti \at-e\ see ati 1 pomatum, substratum, verbatim
ageratum, literatim, seriatim,
atti2 \at-e\ see atty ultimatum
corpus allatum, corpus striatum,
attic \at-ik\ see atic 2 desideratum
attica \at-i-ka\ see atica atum 3 \at-3m\ atom, datum
erratum, substratum
attice 1 \at-as\ see atus 3
attice 2 \at-ish\ see attish atuous \ach-w3s\ fatuous
attie \at-e\ see atty ignis fatuus

attily \at- 9 l-e\ cattily, chattily, atur \at-sr\ see ator

Natalie, Nathalie, nattily, rattly atural \ach-ral\ natural
philately connatural, transnatural, unnatural
sal volatile preternatural, seminatural,
atting \at-irj\ batting, matting,
tatting ature1 \a-chsr\ nature
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at denature, 4-H'er
at 5 magistrature, nomenclature,
attish \at-ish\ brattish, fattish,
flattish ature 2 \ach-ar\ see atcher 2
attitude \at-9-tiid\ attitude, latitude aturn \at-arn\ see attern
89 auditive

atus 1 \at-as\ flatus, gratis, status, auch 1 \6ch\ nautch, watch

stratus debauch
afflatus, hiatus, meatus
apparatus auch 2 \ach\ see otch
coitus reservatus auche \osh\ see oche 2
atus \at-as\ see ottis auchely \6sh-le\ see ocially
atus \at-as\ brattice, gratis, lattice, auckiand \6k-land\ Auckland,
status, stratus Falkland
altostratus, apparatus, cirrostratus, aucous \6-kss\ caucus, glaucous,
nimbostratus raucous

atute \ach-at\ see atchet aucus \6-kas\ see aucous

atuus \ach-wss\ see atuous aud \6d\ awed, baud, bawd, broad,
Claud, Claude, clawed, fraud, gaud,
aty \at-e\ eighty, Haiti, Katie, Katy, god, jawed, laud, Maud, Maude, yod
Leyte, matey, platy, slaty, weighty, yeti abroad, applaud, belaud, defraud,
1080, Papeete dewclawed, maraud, whipsawed
eisteddfod, lantern-jawed,
atyr \at-ar\ see ator
atz1 \ats\ see ats 2 — also -ed forms of verbs listed at
atz 2 \ats\ see ots
aud 2 \ad\ see od
atzo 1 \at-sa\ matzo, tazza
Hidatsa, piazza audable \6d-a-b9l\ audible, laudable
2 1
applaudable, illaudable, inaudible
atzo \at-so\ see azzo
audal \6d- 3 l\ caudal, caudle, dawdle
atzu \at-six\ seeatsu
audative \6d-at-iv\ see auditive
au 1 \ 6 \ see ow1
2 1
aude 1 \aiid-e\ see owdy
au \ii\ see ew
aude 2 \6d-e\ see awdy
au 3 \au\ see ow2
aude 3 \aud-9\ howdah
au 4 \ 6 \ see aw 1 cum laude
magna cum laude, summa cum laude
aub \ a b \ see ob 1
aude 4 \6d\ see aud 1
auba \6-ba\ carnauba, Catawba
audible \6d-3-bsl\ see audable
aube \6b\ see obe 1
auding \6d-irj\ auding
auber \6b-ar\ dauber applauding
Micawber self-applauding
auble \ab-al\ see abble 1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
auce \6s\ see oss 1
audit \6d-3t\ audit, plaudit
aucer \6-sar\ see osser
auditive \6d-9t-iv\ auditive,
aucet \as-9t\ see osset laudative
audle 90

audle \6d- 3 l\ see audal aui \au-e\ see owie

1 1
audy \ad-e\ see ody auk \6k\ see alk
audy \6d-e\ see awdy aukee \6-ke\ see alkie
auer \aur\ see ower aul \61\ see all
auf \auf \ see owff aulay \6-le\ see awly
auffeur \6-far\ see ofer auld1 \61\ see all
auga \6-ga\ massasauga, auld2 \ 6 \ see ow1
Mississauga, Onondaga
auldron \61-drsn\ see aldron
auge \ a j \ see age3
auled \61d\ see aid
augeable \a-j3-bal\ see ageable
auler \6-tar\ see aller1
auged \ajd\ see aged
aulin \ 6 - b n \ see alien
auger1 \6-gsr\ see ogger2
auling \6-lirj\ see ailing
auger2 \a-jar\ see ager1
aulish \6-lish\ see allish
augh1 \af\ see aph
aulk \6k\ see alk
augh2 \a\ see a1
aulker \6-kar\ see alker
augh3 \ak\ see ach1
aulking \6-kirj\ see alking
augh4 \ 6 \ see aw1
aulle \61\ see all1
aughable \af-a-b9l\ see affable
aulm \6m\ see aum1
augham \6m\ see aum
ault1 \61t\ see alt
1 1
aughn \an\ see on
ault2 \ 6 \ see ow1
2 3
aughn \6n\ see on aulter \61-tar\ see alter
aught1 \at\ see ot1 aulting \61-tirj\ see alting
2 1
aught \6t\ see ought aultless \61t-bs\ see altless
aughter \af-tsr\ see after aulty \61-te\ see alty
2 1
aughter \6t-ar\ see ater aum 1 \ 6 m \ gaum, haulm, Maugham,
aughterer \6t-ar-9r\ see aterer qualm, shawm
meerschaum, Radom
aughty 1 \6t-e\ haughty, naughty,
aum2 \am\ see om1
Michelangelo Buonarroti aun1 \an\ see on1
aughty2 \at-e\ see ati aun2 \an\ see un
augre \6g-sr\ see ogger2 aun3 \6n\ see on 3
augur \6g-ar\ see ogger2 aun4 \aun\ see own2
augury \6-gs-re\ see oggery2 auna1 \an-a\ see ana1
91 aus

auna 2 \6n-3\ see onna 1 aura1 \6r-a\ see ora

aunce \6ns\ jaunce, launce aura 2 \ar-a\ see ara 1
aunch 1 \anch\ conch, cranch, aural \6r-al\ see oral1
craunch, paunch, raunch, stanch
Romansh aure \6r\ see or1

aunch 2 \6nch\ craunch, haunch, aurea \6r-e-s\ see oria

launch, paunch, raunch, stanch, aurean \6r-e-an\ see orian
aureate 1 \ar-e-at\ baccalaureate,
auncher \6n-ch3r\ launcher, commisariat
stancher, stauncher
aureate 2 \6r-e-at\ aureate, laureate
aunchy \6n-che\ paunchy, raunchy baccalaureate, professoriat
aund \6nd\ awned, maund aurel \6r-al\ see oral1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
on 3 auren 1 \ar-sn\ see arin
aunder 1 \6n-dar\ launder, maunder auren 2 \6r-an\ see orin1
aunder 2 \an-dar\ see onder 1 aurence \6r-3n(t)s\ see awrence
aunish \an-ish\ see onish aureus \dr-e-ss\ see orious
aunt \6nt\ daunt, flaunt, gaunt, auri \aiir-e\ see owery
haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt, want, wont
avant, avaunt, keeshond, romaunt aurian \6r-e-an\ see orian
John of Gaunt auric \6r-ik\ see oric
aunt 2 \ant\ see ant 5 aurice 1 \ar-ss\ see orris1
3 2
aunt \ant\ see ant aurice 2 \6r-as\ see aurus
aunted \6nt-3d\ see onted auricle \6r-i-kal\ see orical
aunter1 \ant-ar\ saunter, taunter aurie1 \6r-e\ see ory
mishanter, rencontre
aurie 2 \ar-e\ see ari
aunter 2 \6nt-ar\ gaunter, haunter,
saunter, taunter aurous \6r-as\ see aurus
aunty \6nt-e\ flaunty, jaunty, aurus \6r-as\ aurous, Boris, chorus,
vaunty Doris, Flores, Horace, Horus, loris,
Maurice, morris, Morris, Norris, orris,
aunty 2 \ant-e\ seeanti 1 porous, sorus, Taurus, Torres, torus
aunus \an-as\ see onus 1 canorous, Centaurus, clitoris,
decorous, Delores, Dolores, pelorus,
aup \ 6 p \ gawp, scaup, whaup, yawp phosphorous, sonorous, thesaurus
aupe \6p\ see ope allosaurus, brontosaurus, deoch an
doris, doch-an-dorris, stegosaurus
auphin \6-f3n\ see offin apatosaurus, tyrannosaurus
aur1 \aiir\ see ower 2 aury \6r-e\ see ory
aur \6r\ see or 1
aus 1 \a-as\ see ais 1
aus 92

aus 2 \aiis\ see ouse 2 auterne \6t-arn\ quartern, sauterne,

3 1 sauternes
aus \6z\ see ause
auternes \6t-9rn\ see auterne
ausal \6-zal\ causal, clausal
menopausal autery \6t-a-re\ see atery
autic \6t-ik\ orthotic
ause 1 \6z\ Broz, cause, clause, aeronautic, astronautic
gauze, hawse, pause, tawse, yaws
applause, because, kolkhoz, sovkhoz autical \6t-i-kal\ nautical
aeropause, diapause, menopause, aeronautical, astronautical
Santa Claus
— also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of autics \at-iks\ seeotics
nouns, and -s forms of verbs, listed at aution \6-shan\ caution, groschen
aw1 incaution, precaution
ause 2 \ s z \ see euse 1 autious \6-shas\ cautious, nauseous
auseous \6-shas\ see autious incautious

auser \6-zar\ causer, hawser auto 1 \6t-6\ auto, Giotto

ausey \6-ze\ causey, gauzy
auto 2 \at-6\ see ato 1
auss \aiis\ see ouse
auve \6v\ seeove 2
aussie 1 \as-e\ see ossy 1
auze \6z\ see ause 1
aussie 2 \6-se\ see ossy 2
auzer \au-zar\ see ouser
aust 1 \aust\ see oust
auzy \6-ze\ see ausey
aust 2 \6st\ see ost 3
av 1 \av\ see olve 2
austen \6s-tsn\ see oston
av 2 \av\ see alve 2
austin \6s-tsn\ see oston
ava 1 \av-a\ brava, fava, guava, Java,
austless \6st-lss\ costless Java, kava, lava
exhaustless baklava, cassava, ottava, Warszawa
austral 1 \as-tr9l\ see ostrel balaclava, Bratislava, Costa Brava,
lavalava, piassava
austral 2 \6s-tral\ see ostral 1
ava 2 \av-a\ java
1 1
aut \ 6 \ see ow Ungava
aut 2 \aut\ see out 3
avage \av-ij\ ravage, savage
aut 3 \at\ see ot1
avan \a-van\ see aven 1
aut 4 \6t\ see ought 1
avant \av-ant\ haven't, savant
autch \6ch\ see auch 1
avarice \av-ras\ see averous
aute \6t\ see oat
ave 1 \av-a\ ave, clave, grave, Jahveh,
auten \6t- 3 n\ boughten, tauten soave
93 avity

ave \av\ brave, clave, cave, crave, semiquaver

Dave, fave, gave, glaive, grave, knave, demisemiquaver
lave, nave, pave, rave, save, shave, hemidemisemiquaver
slave, stave, they've, trave, waive, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
wave, Wave at ave2
airwave, behave, concave, conclave,
aver 3 \av-sr\ slaver
deprave, dissave, drawshave, enclave,
cadaver, palaver
engrave, enslave, exclave, forgave,
Great Slave, margrave, octave, avern \av-arn\ cavern, klavern,
outbrave, p-wave, palsgrave, tavern
shortwave, spokeshave
averous \av-ras\ avarice
after-shave, architrave, biconcave,
contraoctave, photoengrave avery \av-re\ bravery, knavery,
3 3 quavery, savory, slavery, wavery
ave \av\ see alve unsavory
ave 4 \av\ see olve 2 avey \a-ve\ see avy
aved \avd\ waved avia \a-ve-a\ Moldavia, Moravia
depraved, unsaved Scandinavia
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ave 2 avial \a-ve-9i\ gavial
avel \av-al\ cavil, gavel, gravel,
ravel, travel avian \a-ve-an\ avian, Shavian
unravel Moravian
aveless \av-las\ graveless, waveless
avid \av-sd\ avid, gravid, pavid
aveling \av-lirj\ raveling, traveling avie \a-ve\ see avy
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
avel avil \av-sl\ see avel
avement \av-mant\ pavement avin \av-sn\ Avon, raven, ravin,
depravement, enslavement savin, spavin

aven 1 \a-vsn\ Avon, Cavan, craven, aving \a-virj\ caving, craving,

graven, haven, maven, raven, shaven paving, raving, saving, shaving
New Haven flagwaving, lifesaving, timesaving
riboflavin laborsaving
Stratford-upon-Avon —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ave 2
aven 2 \av-an\ see avin
avis \a-vas\ Davis, favus, mavis,
aven't \av-ant\ see avant Mavis
rara avis
aver1 \av-ar\ slaver
palaver, windhover avish 1 \a-vish\ knavish, slavish
aver \a-var\ caver, claver, favor, avish 2 \av-ish\ lavish, ravish
flavor, graver, haver, laver, quaver,
avist \av-sst\ Slavist, suavest
raver, saver, savor, shaver, slaver,
waiver, waver
disfavor, enslaver, face-saver, flag- avity \av-at-e\ cavity, gravity
waver, lifesaver concavity, depravity
avl 94

antigravity, microgravity, mackinaw, Omaha, Ottawa, overawe,

supergravity overdraw, oversaw, overslaugh,
padishah, panama, son-in-law,
avl \av-al\ see ovel1 usquebaugh, Wichita, williwaw,
avo 1 \av-6\ bravo, Bravo windlestraw, Yakima
centavo, octavo brother-in-law, daughter-in-law,
father-in-law, mother-in-law,
avo 2 \a-vo\ octavo, relievo pipsissewa, serjeant-at-law, sister-in-
mezzo relievo law
Straits of Mackinac
avon 1 \a-van\ seeaven 1
aw 2 \av\ seeolve 2
avon 2 \a-van\ see avin
aw 3 \6f \ see off2
avor \a-var\ see aver 2
aw 4 \af \ see off1
avored \a-vard\ favored, flavored
ill-favored, well-favored awa 1 \a-wa\ Chihuahua, Tarawa,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at Urawa
aver 2 Fujisawa, Ichikawa, Kanazawa,
avory \av-re\ see avery Ahashikawa
avus \a-vas\ see avis awa 2 \a-va\ see ava 1
avvy \av-e\ navvy, savvy awain \au-an\ see owan 2
avy \a-ve\ cavy, Davey, Davy, gravy, awan \au-an\ see owan 2
navy, shavie, slavey, wavy
awar \aiir\ see ower 2
aw \ 6 \ aw, awe, blaw, braw, ca, caw,
chaw, claw, craw, daw, draw, faugh, awba \6-bs\ see auba
flaw, gnaw, haugh, haw, jaw, la, law, awber 1 \ab-ar\ see obber
maw, pa, paw, pshaw, Ra, rah, raw,
saw, shah, shaw, Shaw, slaw, spa, awber 2 \6b-ar\ see auber
squaw, straw, tau, taw, thaw, yaw
awd \6d\ see aud 1
backsaw, bashaw, bedstraw,
bucksaw, bylaw, catclaw, cat's-paw, awddle \ad- 3 l\ see oddle
coleslaw, cumshaw, cushaw, Danelaw,
declaw, dewclaw, Esau, forepaw, awdle \6d- 3 l\ seeaudal
fretsaw, grandma, grandpa, guffaw,
awdry \6-dre\ Audrey, tawdry
hacksaw, handsaw, hawkshaw, hee-
haw, hurrah, in-law, jackdaw, awdust \6d-ast\ see adist 1
jackstraw, jigsaw, kickshaw, lockjaw,
macaw, Nassau, old-squaw, outdraw, awdy \6d-e\ bawdy, gaudy
outlaw, pasha, pooh-bah, ricksha, summa cum laude
rickshaw, ringtaw, ripsaw, scofflaw,
awe \ 6 \ see aw1
scrimshaw, seesaw, southpaw, trishaw,
tussah, undraw, Utah, vizsla, Warsaw, awed \6d\ see aud 1
whipsaw, windflaw, wiredraw,
withdraw aweless \6-las\ see awless
Arkansas, Chickasaw, Chippewa, awer \6r\ see or1
clapperclaw, decree-law, foofaraw,
jinrikisha, Kiowa, Mackinac, awers \6rz\ see oors
95 axman

awful \6-fal\ awful, coffle, lawful, awny 1 \6-ne\ brawny, fawny, lawny,
offal sawney, scrawny, Taney, tawny
god-awful, unlawful mulligatawny
awfully \6f-9-le\ awfully, lawfully, awny 2 \an-e\ see ani 1
unlawfully awp \ 6 p \ see aup
awrence \6r-9n(t)s\ Florence,
awing \6in\ cloying, drawing
Laurence, Lawrence, Torrence
abhorrence, Saint Lawrence
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
aw 1
and -s forms of verbs, listed at orrent
awk \6k\ see alk
awry \6r-e\ see ory
awker \6-kar\ see alker aws \6z\ see ause 1
awkes \6ks\ Fawkes awse \6z\ see ause 1
—also -s, -'s, and -s'forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at alk awser \6-zar\ see auser
awkish \6-kish\ gawkish, hawkish, awsi \au-se\ seeousy 2
awy \6i\ see oy
awky \6-ke\ see alkie
awyer \6-yar\ lawyer, sawyer
awl \61\ see all
ax 1 \aks\ see ox
awler \6-lar\ see aller
ax 2 \aks\ ax, fax, flax, lax, max,
awless \6-las\ aweless, flawless, Max, pax, rax, sax, tax, wax
lawless addax, Ajax, anthrax, banjax,
beeswax, borax, broadax, climax,
awling \6-lirj\ see ailing coax, earwax, galax, gravlax, hyrax,
meat-ax, panchax, pickax, poleax,
awly \6-le\ brawly, crawly, dolly, pretax, relax, smilax, storax, styrax,
drawly, Raleigh, scrawly, squally surtax, syntax, thorax, toadflax
Bengali, Macaulay aftertax, battle-ax, Halifax, minimax,
awm \6m\ see aum 1 overtax, parallax, supertax
anticlimax, Astyanax
awn 1 \an\ see on 1 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ack
awn 2 \6n\ see on 3
axant \ak-sant\ see accent
awned \6nd\ see aund
axen \ak-ssn\ see axon
awner1 \6n-ar\ fawner, goner,
pawner, prawner, spawner axi \ak-se\ seeaxy

awner 2 \an-ar\ see onor 1 axic \ak-sik\ ataraxic

awney \6-ne\ see awny
axis \ak-sas\ axis, Naxos, praxis
awning \an-irj\ see oning1
axman \ak-sman\ axman,
awnly \an-le\ see anly1 cracksman
axon 96

axon \ak-san\ flaxen, Jackson, Green Bay, greenway, guideway,

Klaxon, Saxon, waxen gunplay, halfway, hallway, hatchway,
Port Jackson headway, hearsay, Hebei, Hefei,
Anglo-Saxon heyday, highway, homestay, hooray,
horseplay, Hubei, in re, inlay, inveigh,
axos \ak-sss\ see axis issei, jackstay, jete, keyway, Kobe,
axy \ak-se\ flaxy, maxi, taxi, waxy koine, kouprey, lame, laneway,
leeway, lifeway, Lome, Lough Neagh,
ay1 \ a \ a , ae, aye, bay, bey, blae, lwei, lycee, M-day, maguey, mainstay,
brae, bray, chez, clay, Clay, day, dey, Malay, malgre, man-day, Mande,
dray, eh, fay, Fay, Faye, fey, flay, fley, Manet, manque, margay, Marseilles,
frae, fray, Frey, gay, Gay, gey, gley, masse, mate, May Day, Mayday,
gray, Gray, Grey, hae, hay, he, hey, melee, metier, meze, midday, Midway,
Hue, j , jay, Jay, Jaye, k, kay, Kay, Millay, Millet, mislay, misplay, moire,
Kaye, lay, lei, may, May, nay, ne, nee, Monet, moray, neve, Niamey, nisei,
neigh, pay, pe, play, pray, prey, qua, noonday, Norway, nosegay, obey, OK,
quai, quay, Rae, ray, Ray, re, say, sei, ole, ombre, osprey, outlay, outre,
shay, slay, sleigh, spae, spay, splay, outstay, outweigh, oyez, PA, parfait,
spray, stay, stray, sway, they, tray, trey, parkway, parlay, parquet, partway,
way, weigh, whey, yea passe, pate, pathway, pave, payday,
abbe, affray, agley, airplay, airway, per se, pince-nez, pique, piquet, PK,
all-day, allay, allee, Angers, Anhui, plie, plisse, pommee, Pompeii,
Anhwei, archway, array, ashtray, portray, prepay, projet, pulque, puree,
assay, astray, Augier, away, aweigh, purvey, quale, raceway, railway,
backstay, ballet, beignet, belay, rappee, relay, Rene, Renee, repay,
beltway, benday, Benet, beret, betray, replay, risque, roadway, role-play,
bewray, bidet, bikeway, birthday, ropeway, rose, rosebay, Roubaix, roue,
Biscay, Bizet, blase, bobstay, Bombay, routeway, runway, sachet, Sale, sansei,
bombe, bouchee, boucle, boule, sashay, saute, screenplay, seaway,
bouquet, bourree, breezeway, seme, shar-pei, shipway, short-day,
Broadway, buffet, byplay, byway, sideway, Skopje, skyway, slideway,
cachet, cafe, cahier, Cambay, Cape slipway, sluiceway, soigne, soiree,
May, Carrier, Cathay, causeway, someday, someway, soothsay, souffle,
chaine, chalet, chambray, chasse, cire, speedway, spillway, stairway,
cliche, cloque, conge, convey, corvee, sternway, stingray, straightway,
coude, coupe, crawlway, crochet, strathspey, subway, survey, swordplay,
croquet, crossway, cube, cure, cy pres, Taipei, tempeh, thoughtway, three-
DA, daresay, decay, deejay, defray, way, thruway, tideway, Tigre, today,
delay, dengue, dismay, display, Tokay, tollway, Torbay, touche,
distrait, DJ, donnee, doomsday, toupee, trackway, tramway, unlay,
doorway, dossier, downplay, dragee, unsay, valet, V-day, veejay, vide, vise,
driveway, duvet, embay, entree, epee, Vouvray, walkway, waylay, weekday,
essay, estray, Ewe, fairway, file, filet, windway, wireway, wordplay,
fillet, fireclay, fishway, flambe, workday, X ray, x-ray, Yaounde
floodway, flyway, folkway, footway, Adige, Agnus Dei, A-OK, alleyway,
foray, forebay, foreplay, forestay, anyway, applique, arrive, atelier,
formee, forte, fouette, four-way, attache, ballonet, Beaujolais, beurre
fourchee, foyer, franglais, frappe, manie, BHA, botonee, braciole,
freeway, frieze, frise, fumet, gainsay, breakaway, bustier, cabaret, cableway,
Galway, gamay, gangway, Gaspe, Camaguey, canape, cap-a-pie,
gateway, gelee, glace, godet, gourmet, caraway, carriageway, Carrier,
97 ayden

cassoulet, castaway, champleve, costumier, couturier, decollete,

chansonnier, chardonnay, Charolais, diamante, Dies Irae, eglomise, felo-
chevalier, Chippewa, cloisonne, de-se, Fiesole, habitue, Jubilate,
consomme, coryphee, croupier, laissez-passer, Lavoisier, marrons
crudites, cutaway, day-to-day, glace, mezzo forte, Morgan le Fay,
debauchee, declasse, degage, degree- objet trouve, out-of-the-way, papier
day, demode, devotee, disarray, colle, papier-mache, pas de bourree,
disobey, distingue, divorce, divorcee, photo-essay, Port Philip Bay, pouilly-
DNA, emigre, engage, entranceway, fuisse, Pouilly-Fume, pret-a-porter,
entremets, entryway, espalier, etoufee, roche moutonnee, roman a clef,
everyday, expose, expressway, roturier, sine die, sub judice,
fadeaway, fallaway, faraday, Faraday, superhighway, ukiyo-e, Ulan-Ude,
faraway, fiance, fiancee, flageolet, yerba mate
flyaway, foldaway, Galloway, garde- Alto Adige, arriere pensee,
manger, Georgian Bay, getaway, Guanabara Bay, lettre de cachet
giveaway, gratine, gratinee, guillemet, catalogue raisonne, cinema verite,
Harare, haulageway, Hemingway, Dumfries and Galloway, vers de
hereaway, hideaway, HLA, societe, video verite
Hogmanay, holiday, Hugh Capet, IgA, sinfonia concertante, Trentino-Alto
inter se, interplay, intraday, IPA, IRA, Adige
Joliet, Kootenay, Kutenai, kyrie,
lackaday, latter-day, layaway, lingerie, ay 2 \ e \ see ee 1
macrame, Mandalay, Massenet, ay 3 \ i \ see y1
matinee, MIA, Molise, Monterrey,
motorway, muscadet, negligee, aya1 \a-ya\ ayah, maya, taille
overlay, overplay, overstay, overweigh, Malaya
Paraguay, passageway, patissier, Koshigaya
Petare, photoplay, pikake, piolet, pis
aller, play-by-play, poly (A), Ponape, aya2 \i-a\ see iah1
popinjay, pourparler, pousse-cafe, aya 3 \a-a\ see aia 1
present-day, protege, protegee,
Rabelais, rambouillet, ratine, recamier, ayable \a-3-bal\ payable, playable,
rechauffe, recherche, reconvey, sayable
repartee, repousse, resume, retrousse, defrayable, displayable, unsayable
ricochet, right-of-way, rockaway,
rondelet, roundelay, RNA, runaway, ayah \I-a\ see iah1
Saguenay, San Jose, San Jose, Santa ayal \al\ see ail
Fe, Sao Tome, semplice, sobriquet,
sommelier, steerageway, standaway, ayan 1 \a-an\ crayon
stowaway, straightaway, Table Bay, Chilean, Malayan, ouabain, papain,
taboret, take-away, tarsier, taxiway, Pompeian, Pompeiian
tearaway, teleplay, Tempere, Tenebrae, Galilean, Himalayan
thataway, throwaway, Thunder Bay,
Udine, underlay, underpay, underplay, ayan 2 \I-an\ see ion1
underway, Uruguay, veloute, Venite,
aybe 1 \a-be\ see aby
verite, vertebra, virelay, walkaway,
waterway, wellaway, Whitsunday, aybe 2 \eb-e\ see ebby
workaday, Yenisey, Zuider Zee
ayday \a-da\ Ede, Mayday, May
areaway, auto-da-fe, bichon frise, Day
boulevardier, cabriolet, cafe au lait,
cantabile, cDNA, communique, ayden \l-d 3 n\ see iden
aye 98

aye 1 \a\ see ay1 aylor \a-lar\ see ailer

2 1
aye \I\ seey ayly \a-le\ see aily
ayed \ad\ see ade ayman \a-ni9n\ see amen 1
ayer \a-sr\ brayer, layer, mayor, ayment \a-mant\ ament, claimant,
payer, player, prayer, preyer, sayer, clamant, payment, raiment
sprayer, stayer, strayer co-payment, embayment,
ballplayer, betrayer, bilayer, prepayment
bricklayer, cardplayer, conveyer, underlayment, underpayment
crocheter, decayer, delayer,
doomsayer, doomsdayer, essayer, ayne \an\ see ane 1
forayer, gainsayer, horseplayer, ayness \a-nas\ anus, feyness,
inlayer, inveigher, obeyer, manslayer, gayness, grayness, heinous, Janus,
minelayer, portrayer, purveyor, manus
ratepayer, soothsayer, swordplayer, awayness, uranous, Uranus
surveyor, taxpayer, tracklayer, yea-
every dayness
disobeyer, holidayer aynim \a-nam\ see anum 1
— also -er forms of adjectives listed
at ay1 ay n't \a-ant\ see eyant

ayered \erd\ see aired ayo 1 \a-6\ see eo 1

ayest \a-ast\ mayest, sayest ayo 2 \I-6\ see io1

epeeist, essayist, fideist, Hebraist, ayon \a-an\ see ayan 1
—also -est forms of adjectives listed ayor \a-ar\ see ayer1
at ayA
ayou 1 \l-s\ see iah1
ayin1 \I-sn\ see ion1
ayou 2 \T-6\ see io1
ayin 2 \In\ see ine1
ayr \er\ see are 4
ayin 3 \a-yan\ see aiian
ays 1 \ez\ fez, Fez, Geez, prez, says
aying \a-irj\ gleying, maying, Cortez, gainsays, Inez, Suez, unsays
playing, saying creme anglaise, Louis Seize, Louis
bricklaying, long-playing, Treize
soothsaying, surveying, taxpaying, Isthmus of Suez, Vincente Lopez
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at ays 2 \az\ see aze 1
aysia \a-zha\ see asia
ayish \a-ish\ clayish, grayish
ay-so \a-so\ see eso 1
ayist \a-ast\ see ayest
ayton \at- 9 n\ Clayton, Dayton,
ayle \al\ see ail Layton
ayless \a-las\ rayless, talus, wayless ayyid 1 \I-ad\ see yad
aurora australis, Corona Australis ayyid 2 \ed-e\ see eedy
ayling \a-lirj\ see ailing az1 \az\ see azz
99 azza

az 2 \az\ see oise 1 azement \az-m3nt\ amazement,

az 3 \ats\ see Ots
azen \az- 3 n\ see azon
aza 1 \az-a\ Gaza, plaza
piazza azer \a-zar\ blazer, brazer, Fraser,
tabula rasa gazer, glazer, grazer, hazer, laser,
maser, mazer, praiser, razer, razor
aza 2 \az-a\ plaza appraiser, fund-raiser, hair-raiser,
piazza hell-raiser, stargazer, trailblazer
azar1 \az-ar\ see ozzer paraphraser
free-electron laser
azar 2 \az-ar\ lazar
alcazar, Belshazzar azi1 \az-e\ quasi, Swazi
azard \az-srd\ hazard, mazard, Anasazi, kamikaze
haphazard azi 2 \az-e\ see azzy

aze 1 \az\ baize, blaze, braise, braze, azi 3 \at-se\ Nazi, patsy, Patsy
chaise, craze, days, daze, Draize, faze, neo-Nazi
feaze, fraise, gaze, glaze, graze, Hays, azi 4 \at-se\ Nazi
haze, lase, laze, maize, maze, phase, neo-Nazi
phrase, praise, raise, rase, raze, smaze,
vase, ways azier \a-zhar\ brazier, Frasier,
ablaze, agaze, amaze, appraise, glacier, glazier, grazier, leisure,
breadthways, catchphrase, crossways, measure, pleasure, rasure, treasure
deglaze, dispraise, edgeways, admeasure, embrasure, erasure
emblaze, endways, flatways,
foodways, gainsays, hereways, azing \a-zirj\ seeaising
leastways, lengthways, liaise, malaise, azo \az-6\ diazo, terrazzo
mores, pj's, sideways, slantways,
stargaze, ukase, upraise, weekdays azon \az- 3 n\ blazon, brazen, raisin
anyways, chrysoprase, cornerways, emblazon, Marquesan
creme anglaise, holidays, Louis Seize, diapason, hexenbesen
Louis Treize, lyonnaise, mayonnaise,
metaphrase, multiphase, nowadays, azor \a-zar\ see azer
overglaze, overgraze, paraphrase, azquez \as-kas\ see ascus
polonaise, polyphase, single-phase,
underglaze azy \a-ze\ crazy, daisy, Daisy, hazy,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, lazy, mazy
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ay stir-crazy
witch of Agnesi
aze 2 \az\ see oise 1
azz \az\ as, has, jazz, razz
aze 3 \az-e\ see azi 1 Hejaz, La Paz, pizzazz, topaz,
whenas, whereas
azeable \a-z3-bal\ see asable 1 razzmatazz
azed \azd\ unfazed azza 1 \az-a\ see aza 2
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
aze 1 azza 2 \az-a\ see aza 1
azel \a-zal\ see asal 2 azza 3 \at-sa\ see atzo 1
azzar 100

azzar \az-sr\ see azar 2 azzo 1 \at-so\ matzo

palazzo, terrazzo
azzard \az-ard\ see azard paparazzo
azzle \az-al\ basil, Basil, dazzle, azzo 2 \az-6\ see azo
bedazzle azzy \az-e\ jazzy, snazzy
razzle-dazzle Ashkenazi
e 1 \a\ see ay1 eachy \e-che\ beachy, chichi,
2 1 Nietzsche, peachy, preachy, screechy
e \ e \ see ee caliche, Campeche
e 3 \a\ see U3
eacle \e-kal\ see ecal 1
e \a\ see ay
eacly \e-kle\ see eekly
ea 1 \a\ see ay1
eacon \e-kan\ beacon, deacon,
ea 2 \a-a\ see aia 1 sleeken, weaken
archdeacon, Mohican, subdeacon
ea 3 \ e \ see ee 1
ea 4 \e-a\ see ia1
ead 1 \ed\ bed, bled, bread, bred,
eabee \e-be\ see ebe 1 dead, dread, ed, Ed, fed, fled, Fred,
head, Jed, lead, led, med, Ned, ped,
eace \es\ see iece pled, read, red, Red, redd, said, shed,
eaceable \e-s3-bsl\ see easable 1 shred, sled, sped, spread, stead, ted,
Ted, thread, tread, wed, zed
each \ech\ beach, beech, bleach, abed, ahead, airhead, baldhead,
breach, breech, each, fleech, leach, beachhead, bedspread, bedstead,
leech, peach, pleach, preach, reach, beebread, behead, bestead, bighead,
screech, speech, teach biped, blackhead, blockhead,
beseech, forereach, impeach, Long bloodred, bloodshed, bobsled,
Beach, outreach, unteach bonehead, bridgehead, brown bread,
overreach, practice-teach bulkhead, bullhead, cathead, childbed,
Huntington Beach coed, cokehead, corn-fed, cowshed,
crispbread, crossbred, crosshead,
eachable Xe-chs-balX bleachable, daybed, deadhead, death's-head,
leachable, reachable, teachable deathbed, dispread, dogsled,
impeachable dopehead, drophead, drumhead,
unimpeachable dumbhead, egghead, embed, far-red,
eacher \e-cb.9r\ bleacher, creature, farmstead, fathead, flatbed, forehead,
feature, leacher, preacher, reacher, foresaid, gainsaid, Gateshead,
screecher, teacher godhead, green-head, half-bred,
defeature, disfeature, schoolteacher hardhead, highbred, hogshead,
homebred, homestead, hophead,
eacherous \ech-ras\ see echerous hotbed, hothead, ill-bred, inbred,
instead, jarhead, juicehead, lamed,
eachery \ech-re\ see echery light bread, longhead, lowbred,
lunkhead, masthead, meathead,
eaching \e-chirj\ see eeching misled, misread, moped, naled,
each merit \ech-m9nt\ preachment nonsked, outsped, outspread,
impeachment packthread, phys ed, pinhead, pithead,
ead 102

pothead, premed, printhead, purebred, hotheaded, light-headed, longheaded,

railhead, redhead, re-tread, retread, lunkheaded, pigheaded, pinheaded,
roadbed, roadstead, Roundhead, roundheaded, sapheaded, softheaded,
saphead, scarehead, seabed, seedbed, soreheaded, swelled-headed,
sheep ked, sheepshead, sheetfed, swellheaded, thickheaded, towheaded,
shewbread, shortbread, sickbed, unleaded, white-headed
skinhead, snowshed, softhead, bubbleheaded, chowderheaded,
sorehead, spearhead, springhead, chuckleheaded, dunderheaded, empty-
steelhead, straightbred, streambed, headed, featherheaded, hydra-headed,
subhead, sweetbread, swellhead, knuckleheaded, levelheaded,
thickhead, toolhead, toolshed, muddleheaded, pointy-headed,
towhead, trailhead, unbred, undead, puzzleheaded, woodenheaded, woolly-
unread, unsaid, unthread, untread, headed
warhead, webfed, well-bred, well-
read, wellhead, white-bread, eaded2 \e-dad\ see eeded
whitehead, widespread, wingspread, eaden \ed- 3 n\ deaden, leaden,
woodshed, woolshed redden, steading
acidhead, aforesaid, arrowhead, Armageddon
barrelhead, Birkenhead, bubblehead,
bufflehead, chowderhead, eader 1 \ed-ar\ bleeder, breeder,
chucklehead, colorbred, copperhead, cedar, ceder, feeder, kneader, leader,
dragonhead, dunderhead, featherbed, pleader, reader, seeder, speeder,
featherhead, fiddlehead, figurehead, weeder
fountainhead, gingerbread, go-ahead, bandleader, cheerleader, conceder,
hammerhead, infrared, interbred, impeder, lip-reader, newsreader,
knucklehead, letterhead, loggerhead, nonreader, proofreader, repleader,
lowlihead, maidenhead, newlywed, ringleader, seceder, stampeder,
overhead, overspread, pinniped, stockbreeder, succeeder
pointy-head, poppyhead, quadruped, copyreader, interpleader
riverbed, saddlebred, Saint John's eader 2 \ed-ar\ bedder, cheddar,
bread, Samoyed, showerhead, chedar, header, shedder, shredder,
sleepyhead, slugabed, standardbred, sledder, spreader, tedder, threader,
straight-ahead, timberhead, treader, wedder
thoroughbred, thunderhead,
underbred, underfed, watershed,
doubleheader, triple-header
far-infrared, fire-engine red, near- eadily \ed- 3 l-e\ headily, readily
infrared, West Quoddy Head unsteadily
eading 1 \ed-irj\ bedding, heading,
ead \ed\ see eed Reading, steading, wedding
bobsledding, farmsteading,
ead3 \ad\ see ud subheading, wide-spreading
eadable 1 \ed-9-bal\ kneadable, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
pleadable, readable ead 1

eadable 2 \ed-9-bal\ see edible eading 2 \ed- 3 n\ see eaden

eaded 1 \ed-ad\ bedded, headed eading 3 \ed- 3 n\ see edon

bareheaded, bigheaded, bullheaded, eading 4 \ed-irj\ see eeding 1
clearheaded, coolheaded, eggheaded,
embedded, fatheaded, hardheaded, eadle 1 \ed- 9 l\ see edal 1
103 eaky

eadle 2 \ed- 9 l\ see eedle outspeak, perique, physique, Pikes

Peak, pip-squeak, pratique, relique,
eadly \ed-le\ see edley technic, technique, Tajik, unique,
eadsman 1 \edz-man\ headsman, unspeak, workweek
leadsman biunique, Bolshevik, Chesapeake,
dominique, doublespeak, ecofreak,
eadsman 2 Xedz-msnX see eedsman fenugreek, hide-and-seek, Lassen
eady 1 \ed-e\ Eddie, eddy, Eddy, Peak, Martinique, Menshevik,
Freddie, heady, leady, ready, steady, Mozambique, verd antique, Veronique
Teddie, teddy, Teddy, thready electroweak, semi-antique
already, makeready, unsteady opera comique, realpolitik
gingerbready, rough-and-ready eak 2 \ak\ see ake
eady 2 \ed-e\ see eedy eak 3 \ek\ see eck
eaf1 \ef\ see ef eakable Xa-ka-balX see akable
eaf \ef\ see ief eake \ek\ see eak 1
eafless Xe-flssX see iefless eaked 1 \e-kad\ peaked, streaked
eafy \e-fe\ see eefy eaked 2 \ekt\ beaked, freaked,
eag \eg\ see igue peaked, streaked
eagart \a-gsn\ see agin —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
eak 1
eager \e-gar\ eager, leaguer, meager
beleaguer, intriguer eaked 3 \ik-ad\ see icked1
Xinjiang Uygur
eaken \e-kan\ see eacon
eagh \a\ see ay1
eaker 1 \e-kar\ beaker, leaker, reeker,
eagle \e-gal\ see egal seeker, sneaker, speaker, squeaker
loudspeaker, self-seeker, sunseeker
eague \eg\ see igue doublespeaker
eaguer \e-gar\ see eager —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
at eak 1
eah Ve-s\ see ia1
eaker 2 \a-kar\ see aker
eak1 \ek\ beak, bleak, cheek, chic,
cleek, clique, creak, creek, Creek, eke, eaking 1 \e-kirj\ freaking, sneaking,
flic, freak, geek, gleek, Greek, keek, speaking, streaking
leak, leek, meek, peak, peek, peke, heat-seeking, self-seeking
pic, pique, reek, screak, seek, sheik, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
sheikh, shriek, sic, Sikh, sleek, sneak, eak 1
speak, squeak, steek, streak, streek, eaking 2 \a-kin\ see aking1
teak, tweak, weak, week, wreak
antique, apeak, batik, Belgique, eakish \e-kish\ bleakish, cliquish,
Belleek, bespeak, bezique, boutique, freakish, weakish
cacique, caique, critique, debeak, eakly \e-kle\ see eekly
forepeak, forespeak, grosbeak,
hairstreak, halfbeak, houseleek, eaky \e-ke\ cheeky, cliquey, creaky,
misspeak, muzhik, mystique, freaky, leaky, piki, reeky, sneaky,
newspeak, nonpeak, oblique, off-peak, screaky, squeaky, streaky, tiki
eal 104

daishiki, dashiki, Tajiki ealand \e-bnd\ see eland

cock-a-leekie, Kurashiki, Manihiki
eald \eld\ see ield
eal 1 \e-al\ empyreal, hymeneal,
ealed \eld\ see ield
apophyseal, pharmacopeial ealer \e-lsr\ dealer, feeler, healer,
2 heeler, kneeler, peeler, reeler, sealer,
eal \el\ ceil, chiel, creel, deal, deil, spieler, squealer, stealer, stelar, vealer,
eel, feel, heal, heel, he'll, keel, Kiel, velar, wheeler
kneel, leal, meal, Neal, Neil, peal, appealer, concealer, four-wheeler,
peel, real, reel, seal, seel, she'll, shiel, freewheeler, newsdealer, repealer,
speel, spiel, squeal, steal, steel, Steele, revealer, scene-stealer, side-wheeler,
Streel, teal, tuille, veal, weal, we'll, stern-wheeler, three-wheeler, two-
wheal, wheel, zeal wheeler
aiguille, allheal, anneal, appeal, double-dealer, eighteen-wheeler, 18-
Arbil, bastille, Bastille, bonemeal, wheeler, snowmobiler, wheeler-dealer
bonspiel, Camille, Castile, cartwheel,
Cecile, chainwheel, chenille, ealie \e-le\ see eely
cogwheel, conceal, congeal, cornmeal,
enwheel, Erbil, flywheel, forefeel, ealing \e-lirj\ see eeling
four-wheel, freewheel, genteel, eally 1 \e-s-le\ leally
handwheel, ideal, inchmeal, Irbil, ideally
irreal, Kuril, Lucille, misdeal, mobile, hymeneally, industrially
Mobile, newsreel, nosewheel, oatmeal,
O'Neill, ordeal, pastille, piecemeal, eally 2 \il-e\ see illy1
pinwheel, repeal, reveal, schlemiel,
self-heal, side-wheel, singspiel, eally 3 \e-le\ see eely
somedeal, stabile, surreal, tahsil, ealm \elm\ see elm
Tarheel, thumbwheel, unreal, unreel,
unseal eal merit \el-mant\ concealment,
acetyl, airmobile, Ardabil, congealment, revealment
bidonville, beau ideal, blastocoel,
bloodmobile, Bogomil, bookmobile, ealot \el-st\ see ellate
campanile, chamomile, cochineal, ealotry \el-a-tre\ see elotry
cockatiel, commonweal, difficile,
dishabille, down-at-heel, glockenspiel, ealous \el-9s\ Ellis, Hellas, jealous,
goldenseal, Guayaquil, manchineel, trellis, zealous
megadeal, mercantile, pimpmobile, cancellous, ocellus
skimobile, snowmobile, thunderpeal,
waterwheel ealousy \el-a-se\ see elacy
automobile, Solomon's seal, ealth \elth\ health, stealth, wealth
varicocele commonwealth
eal 3 \al\ see ail ealthy \el-the\ healthy, stealthy,
4 wealthy
eal \il\ see ill unhealthy
ealable Xe-la-balX peelable, reelable, ealty \el-te\ fealty, realty
appealable, concealable, revealable, eam 1 \em\ beam, bream, cream,
repealable deem, deme, dream, gleam, mime,
irrepealable, unappealable neem, Nimes, ream, scheme, scream,
105 eaning

seam, seem, seme, steam, stream, ean 1 \e-an\ aeon, eon, Ian, Leon,
team, teem, theme paean, peon, paeon, zein
abeam, agleam, airstream, berseem, Achaean, Actaeon, Aegean, Antaean,
beseem, bireme, blaspheme, Archean, Augean, Chaldean, Chilean,
bloodstream, centime, daydream, Fijian, Korean, Kuchean, Linnaean,
downstream, esteem, extreme, Mandaean, Matthean, pampean,
grapheme, Gulf Stream, hakim, plebeian, protean, pygmaean, Tupian
headstream, hornbeam, ice cream, apogean, Aramaean, Atlantean,
inseam, kilim, lexeme, mainstream, Caribbean, Cerberean, circadian,
midstream, millime, millstream, cyclopean, Clytherean, Damoclean,
moonbeam, morpheme, onstream, empyrean, epigean, European,
phoneme, redeem, regime, sememe, Galilean, Hasmonaean, Herculean,
sidestream, slipstream, sunbeam, Jacobean, kallikrein, Maccabean,
supreme, Tarim, taxeme, toneme, Manichaean, Mycenaean, Odyssean,
trireme, unseam, upstream panacean, perigean, Sadducean,
academe, disesteem, double-team, Sisyphean, Typhoean, Tyrolean
enthymeme, misesteem, monotreme, antipodean, epicurean, Laodicean,
self-esteem, treponeme Ponce de Leon, proboscidean,
succes d'estime Pythagorean, terpsichorean, un-
earn2 \im\ see im1 epithalamion, Indo-European, Tupi-
eaman Xe-manX see emon 1 Guaranian

earned 1 \emt\ see empt ean 2 \en\ see ine 3

earned 2 \emd\ beamed, steamed, ean 3 \6n\ see on 3
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ean 4 \a-sn\ see ayan 1
earn eane \en\ see ine 3
earner \e-mar\ creamer, dreamer, eaner \e-nar\ cleaner, gleaner,
femur, lemur, reamer, schemer, keener, meaner, preener, teener,
screamer, seamer, steamer, streamer weaner, weiner, wiener
blasphemer, daydreamer, redeemer congener, convener, demeanor,
—also -er forms of adjectives listed fourteener
ar earn 1 carabiner, contravener, intervenor,
earning \e-mirj\ see eeming misdemeanor, submariner, trampoliner

eamish \e-mish\ beamish, eanery \en-re\ beanery, deanery,

squeamish greenery, scenery
eamless \em-las\ dreamless, turbomachinery
ean id \e-3-nad\ Leonid
eamon \e-man\ see emon 1 Oceanid
eamster \em-st9r\ seamster, eanie \e-ne\ see ini1
eaning \e-nirj\ greening, leaning,
eamy \e-me\ beamy, creamy, meaning, screening
dreamy, gleamy, preemie, seamy, housecleaning, spring-cleaning,
steamy sunscreening, unmeaning, well-
polysemy meaning
eanist 106

overweening earance 1 \ir-ans\ see erence 1

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at earance 2 \er-ans\ see arence
ine 3
eanist 1 \e-nast\ see inist2 earch \arch\ see urch

eanist 2 \e-a-nist\ see ianist earchist Xar-chsstX see urchless

eanliness \en-le-nas\ see endliness eard1 \ird\ beard, eared, tiered,

eanling \en-lirj\ greenling, afeard, bat-eared, bluebeard, crop-
weanling, yeanling eared, dog-eared, graybeard, lop-
eanly 1 \en-le\ cleanly, greenly, eared, misleared, whitebeard
leanly, meanly, queenly chandeliered, engineered
pristinely, routinely, uncleanly pre-engineered
serpentinely —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
eer 2
eanly 2 \en-le\ see endly
eard 2 \ard\ see ird
eanne \en\ see ine 3
eare \ir\ see eer 2
eanness \en-nas\ cleanness,
greenness, meanness earean \ir-e-an\ see erian 1
betweenness, uncleanness eared 1 \erd\ see aired
eannie \e-ne\ see ini eared 2 \ird\ see eard 1
eano \e-no\ see ino
earer1 \er-9r\ airer, bearer, carer,
eanor \e-nar\ see eaner error, sharer, terror
casebearer, crossbearer, cupbearer,
eanse \enz\ see ens 1 declarer, furbearer, live-bearer,
eant \ent\ see ent 1 pallbearer, seafarer, talebearer,
torchbearer, trainbearer, wayfarer
eany \e-ne\ see ini1 color-bearer, standard-bearer,
eap \ep\ see eep
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed
eapen \e-pan\ see eepen at are 4
eaper \e-par\ see eeper earer \ir-ar\ cheerer, clearer, fearer,
hearer, mirror, shearer, smearer
eapie \e-pe\ see eepy coherer, sheepshearer, veneerer
eapish \e-pish\ see eepish electioneerer
—also -er forms of adjectives listed
eapo \e-po\ see epot at eer2
ear1 \er\ see are 4 earful \ir-fal\ cheerful, earful,
2 2 fearful, tearful
ear \ir\ see eer
earies \ir-ez\ see eries
earable 1 \er-a-b3l\ bearable,
shareable, terrible, wearable earing 1 \ir-irj\ clearing, earing,
unbearable, unwearable earring, gearing
earable 2 \ar-a-bal\ see arable God-fearing, sheepshearing
fictioneering, hard-of-hearing
earage \ir-ij\ see eerage orienteering
107 easel

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at brokenhearted, chickenhearted,

eer 2 heavyhearted, ironhearted,
lionhearted, openhearted, single-
earing 2 \er-irj\ see aring 1 hearted, stonyhearted, tenderhearted
earish \er-ish\ see arish 1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
earl \arl\ see irl1
earth 1 \arth\ see arth
earle \irl\ see irl1
earth 2 \arth\ see irth
earler \ar-for\ see irler
eartha \ar-tha\ see ertha
earless \ir-las\ cheerless, fearless,
gearless, peerless, tearless earthen \3r-than\ see urthen
earling 1 \ir-lirj\ shearling, yearling earthy \9r-ihe\ see orthy
earling 2 \ar-tan\ see erlin eartily \art- 3 l-e\ see artily
early \ir-le\ clearly, dearly, merely,
eartless \art-tas\ see artless
nearly, queerly, yearly
austerely, biyearly, severely, earty \art-e\ see arty1
cavalierly, insincerely, semiyearly eary \ir-e\ aerie, beery, bleary,
cheery, dreary, eerie, Erie, leery,
early \ar-le\ see urly Peary, peri, quaere, query, smeary,
earn \arn\ see urn sphery, teary, veery, weary
aweary, Kashmiri, Lake Erie,
earned \9rnd\ see urned Valkyrie, world-weary
hara-kiri, miserere, overweary,
earner \3r-nar\ see urner
earnist Xar-nastX see ernist Mount Dhaulagiri
earnt XarntX burnt, learnt, weren't e a s \e-as\ see eus 1
earring \ir-irj\ see earing 1 easable 1 \e-s3-bsl\ peaceable
earsal \ar-s3l\ see ersal 1
earse \srs\ see erse easable 2 \e-z3-bal\ see easible

earser \ar-sar\ see ursor easand 1 \iz- 3 n\ see ison 2

earst \arst\ see urst easand 2 \ez- a nd\ see easoned

eart \art\ see art 1 ease 1 \es\ see iece
earted \art-ad\ hearted, parted e a s e 2 \ez\ see eze
bighearted, coldhearted,
downhearted, fainthearted, eased 1 \ezd\ pleased
freehearted, good-hearted, diseased
greathearted, halfhearted, hard- —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
hearted, kindhearted, largehearted, eze
lighthearted, proudhearted, eased 2 \est\ see east 1
softhearted, stouthearted, truehearted,
uncharted, warmhearted, weakhearted, easel \e-zal\ bezel, deasil, diesel,
wholehearted easel, measle, teasel, weasel
easeless 108

e a s e l e s s \e-slas\ ceaseless, easoned \ez- 3 nd\ weasand

creaseless, greaseless unreasoned
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
easel ly \e-zle\ see easly
easement Xez-mantX easement
easoning \ez-nirj\ reasoning,
easer 1 \e-S9r\ creaser, greaser, unreasoning
degreaser, increaser, one-piecer, eason less \ez- 3 n-l9s\ reasonless,
releaser, two-piecer seasonless

easer 2 \e-z9r\ Caesar, freezer, easor \e-zgr\ see easer 2

geezer, greaser, pleaser, seizer, east 1 \est\ beast, east, East, feast,
sneezer, squeezer, teaser, tweezer fleeced, geest, least, piste, priest, reest,
appeaser, brainteaser, crowd-pleaser, triste, yeast
degreaser, misfeasor, stripteaser, archpriest, artiste, batiste, deceased,
timepleaser Far East, modiste, Near East,
eash \esh\ see iche 2 northeast, southeast, tachiste
arriviste, dirigiste, hartebeest,
easible \e-z3-bal\ feasible, Middle East, north-northeast,
squeezable pointillist, wildebeest
appeasable, defeasible, infeasible —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
inappeasable, indefeasible, iece
east 2 \est\ see est
easil \e-z9l\ see easel
easted \es-tad\ see ested
easily \ez-le\ see easly
easter \e-stsr\ Dniester, Easter,
easing 1 \e-sin\ leasing keister, leister, quaestor
unceasing down-easter, northeaster, southeaster
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
iece eastie \e-ste\ see easty
easing 2 \e-zirj\ pleasing eastly \est-le\ beastly, Priestley,
subfreezing priestly
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
eze easty \e-ste\ beastie, yeasty

easingly \e-sirj-le\ decreasingly, easurable Xezh-ra-balX pleasurable,

increasingly, unceasingly treasurable
easle \e-z9l\ see easel
easure 1 \ezh-ar\ leisure, measure,
easly \ez-9-le\ easily, measly, pleasure, treasure
weaselly admeasure, displeasure
eason \ez- 3 n\ reason, season, seisin, countermeasure
treason easure 2 \a-zhar\ see azier
disseisin, off-season, unreason
diocesan easurer \ezh-3r-ar\ measurer,
easonable \ez-n9-bgl\ reasonable,
seasonable, treasonable easy 1 \e-ze\ breezy, cheesy, easy,
unreasonable, unseasonable greasy, queasy, sleazy, sneezy, wheezy
109 eathe

pachisi, Parcheesi, speakeasy, conceited, deep-seated, repeated

uneasy, Zambezi overheated, superheated
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
easy 2 \e-se\ see eecy eat 1
eat 1 \et\ beat, beet, bleat, cheat,
eated 2 \et-ad\ see etid
cleat, Crete, deet, eat, feat, fleet, Geat,
gleet, greet, heat, keet, lied, meat, eated 3 \it-ad\ see itted
meet, mete, neat, peat, Pete, pleat,
seat, sheet, skeet, sleet, street, suite, eaten 1 \et- 3 n\ eaten, beaten, Cretan,
sweet, teat, treat, tweet, weet, wheat cretin, Eaton, Eton, neaten, sweeten,
accrete, aesthete, afreet, athlete, wheaten
backbeat, backseat, backstreet, browbeaten, moth-eaten, secretin,
bedsheet, bolete, Bradstreet, unbeaten, worm-eaten
broadsheet, browbeat, buckwheat, overeaten, weather-beaten
bystreet, clipsheet, compete, compleat,
complete, conceit, concrete, crabmeat, eaten 2 \at- a n\ see aten 1
deadbeat, deceit, defeat, delete, eater 1 \et-ar\ beater, bleater, cheater,
deplete, discreet, discrete, disseat, eater, fetor, greeter, heater, liter, meter,
downbeat, drumbeat, effete, elite, en peter, Peter, pleater, praetor, rhetor,
suite, entreat, escheat, esthete, excrete, seater, sheeter, skeeter, teeter, treater,
facete, forcemeat, foresheet, tweeter
groundsheet, heartbeat, heat-treat, anteater, beefeater, blue peter,
helpmeet, hoofbeat, ill-treat, Demeter, drumbeater, eggbeater,
mainsheet, maltreat, mesquite, excreter, fire-eater, flowmeter, man-
mincemeat, mistreat, offbeat, petite, eater, Main Streeter, maltreater,
preheat, receipt, recheat, regreet, preheater, propraetor, repeater,
repeat, replete, retreat, secrete, slip- saltpeter, secretor, seedeater, toadeater,
sheet, sweetmeat, terete, unmeet, Wall Streeter, windcheater, world-
unseat, upbeat, vegete, volkslied, beater
altimeter, centiliter, centimeter,
aquavit, biathlete, bittersweet, deciliter, decimeter, lotus-eater,
cellulite, corps d'elite, country seat, milliliter, millimeter, overeater,
decathlete, exegete, incomplete, taximeter
indiscreet, indiscrete, lorikeet, —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
marguerite, Marguerite, Masorete, at eat 1
meadowsweet, Nayarit, obsolete,
overeat, overheat, Paraclete, parakeet, eater 2 \et-ar\ see etter
pentathlete, plebiscite, polychaete,
progamete, self-conceit, semisweet, eatery \et-a-re\ see etory
superheat, triathlete, winding-sheet
eath 1 \eth\ eath, heath, Keith,
2 1 Meath, neath, sheath, wreath
eat \at\ see ate
beneath, bequeath, hadith, monteith
eat 3 \et\ see et 1 underneath
eat 4 \it\ see it1 eath 2 \eth\ see eathe
eatable \et-9-b3l\ eatable, heatable,
treatable eathe \etji\ breathe, Meath, seethe,
depletable, escheatable, repeatable, sheathe, teethe, wreathe
unbeatable bequeath, ensheathe, enwreathe,
inbreathe, unsheathe, unwreathe,
eated 1 \et-ad\ heated, pleated Westmeath
eathean 110

eathean \e-the-an\ lethean eautiful Xiit-i-fslX see utiful

eauty \ut-e\ see ooty1
eather 1 \eth-ar\ see ether
eaux \ 6 \ see ow1
eather 2 \e-thar\ see either
eavable Xe-va-balX see eivable
eathern \eth-arn\ see ethern
eaval \e-val\ see ieval
eathery \eth-re\ feathery, heathery,
leathery eave 1 \ev\ breve, cleave, eve, Eve,
greave, grieve, heave, leave, lief,
eathing \e-thirj\ breathing, peeve, reave, reeve, reive, scrieve,
sheathing, teething sheave, shrieve, sleave, sleeve, steeve,
firebreathing Steve, thieve, weave, weve
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at Abib, achieve, aggrieve, believe,
eathe bereave, conceive, deceive, inweave,
khedive, Maldive, motive, naive,
eathless \eth-las\ breathless, perceive, qui vive, receive, relieve,
deathless reprieve, retrieve, shirtsleeve, unreeve,
eathy \e-the\ heathy, lethe, wreathy unweave, upheave
apperceive, by-your-leave,
eating \et-irj\ beating, eating, disbelieve, Genevieve, interleave,
fleeting, meeting, seating, sheeting, interweave, Laccadive, make-believe,
sweeting misbelieve, misconceive, preconceive,
breast-beating, drumbeating, fire- semibreve, Tel Aviv, undeceive
eating, man-eating, unweeting adam-and-eve, recitative, ticket-of-
Sunday-go-to-meeting leave, underachieve
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at Saint Agnes' Eve
eave 2 \iv\ see ive2
eatise \et-ss\ see etus
eaved \evd\ leaved, sleeved
eatly 1 \at-le\ see ately1 aggrieved, bereaved, relieved
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
eatly 2 \et-le\ see eetly eave 1
eaton \et- 3 n\ see eaten 1 eavement \ev-mant\ see evement
eats 1 \ets\ Keats eaven \ev-sn\ devon, Devon, Evan,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, heaven, Kevin, leaven, levin, Nevin,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eat 1 seven, Sevin, sweven
eats 2 \ats\ see ates 1 eleven, replevin, South Devon

eature \e-char\ see eacher eaver \e-var\ see iever

eavers \e-v9rz\ cleavers, vivers
eaty \et-e\ meaty, peaty, sleety,
sweetie, treaty, ziti eaves \evz\ eaves, Treves
entreaty, Tahiti shirtsleeves
Dolomiti, spermaceti
eavey \e-ve\ peavey
eau \ 6 \ see ow1 divi-divi
eaucracy \ak-rs-se\ see ocracy eaward \e-ward\ see eeward
eauteous \ut-e-as\ see uteous eaze 1 \ez\ see eze
111 eche

eaze 2 \az\ see aze 1 e b s 2 \ebz\ Debs

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
eazo \e-zo\ see izo1 and -s forms of verbs, listed at eb
eazy \e-ze\ see easy 1 ebt \et\ see et1
eb \ e b \ bleb, deb, ebb, neb, pleb, ebted \et-ad\ see etid
reb, Reb, web
ardeb, celeb, cobweb, cubeb, Deneb, ebtor \et-ar\ see etter
Horeb, subdeb, Zagreb, zineb
cause celebre, Johnny Reb, ebus \e-bas\ Phoebus, rebus
spiderweb ephebus

eba \e-ba\ Chiba, Reba, Sheba ec 1 \ek\ see eck

amoeba, zareba e c 2 \ets\ see ets
eca \e-ka\ see ika1
ebate \ab-st\ see abit
ecal \e-ksl\ cecal, fecal, meikle,
ebb \ e b \ see eb treacle
ebbie \eb-e\ see ebby intrathecal
ebble \eb-al\ pebble, rebel, treble
ecan \ek-an\ see eckon
ebbuck \eb-ak\ kebbuck, rebec
ecant \e-kant\ piquant, secant
ebby \eb-e\ blebby, Debbie, Debby,
maybe, webby e c a s \a-kas\ Turks and Caicos,
cobwebby Zacatecas

ebe 1 \e-be\ BB, freebie, Hebe, ecca \ek-9\ Decca, mecca, Mecca,
phoebe, Phoebe, Seabee weka
caribe, Galibi Rebecca, Rebekah, Rijeka

ebe 2 \ e b \ glebe, grebe, plebe eccable \ek-3-bal\ see eckable

ephebe, sahib eccan \ek-9n\ see eckon
ebec \eb-9k\ see ebbuck e c c e \ek-e\ see ecky
ebel \eb-al\ see ebble e c c o \ek-6\ see echo
eber \a-bar\ see abor ecency \es- 3 n-se\ decency, recency
e b e s \ebz\ Thebes
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns ecent \es- 3 nt\ decent, recent
listed at ebe 2 indecent, obeisant
eble \eb-al\ see ebble e c e s \e-sez\ see ecies
ebo \e-bo\ see ibo ech 1 \ek\ see eck
ebral \e-bral\ cerebral, palpebral, ech 2 \sk\ see uck
ech 3 \esh\ see esh 1
ebrity \eb-rat-e\ celebrity
muliebrity eche 1 \ash\ creche, fleche, Laoighis,
Leix, resh, seiche
ebs1 \eps\ see eps bobeche, tete-beche
eche 112

Bangladesh ecious \e-shas\ specious

Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, capricious, facetious, Lucretius
Uttar Pradesh
Himadral Pradesh ecium \e-she-9m\ aecium
Arunachal Pradesh lutecium, technetium, zoecium
androecium, apothecium,
eche 2 \esh\ see esh 1 gynoecium, Paramecium, perithecium
eche 3 \e-che\ see eachy eck \ek\ beck, check, cheque, Czech,
1 deck, dreck, fleck, heck, lek, neck,
eche \esh\ see esh pec, peck, reck,sec, sneck,spec,
eche \esh\ see esh 1 speck, trek, wreak, wreck
Aztec, Baalbek, backcheck, bedeck,
eched \echt\ see etched breakneck, Capek, cromlech,
echerous \ech-ras\ lecherous, crookneck, cross-check, cusec, ewe-
treacherous neck, exec, flyspeck, fore-check,
foredeck, gooseneck, hacek, hatcheck,
echery \ech-re\ lechery, treachery henpeck, high tech, kopeck, limbeck,
low-tech, Lubeck, Mixtec, paycheck,
echie \ek-e\ see ecky pinchbeck, Quebec, rebec, ringneck,
echin \ek-an\ see eckon roll-neck, roughneck, samekh,
shipwreck, spot-check, Steinbeck,
echo \ek-6\ deco, echo, gecko, tenrec, Toltec, Uzbek, wryneck, xebec
secco afterdeck, a la grecque, Aquidneck,
El Greco, reecho biotech, bodycheck, bottleneck,
echnical \ek-ni-k9l\ technical Chiang Kai-shek, countercheck, demi-
biotechnical, geotechnical sec, discotheque, double-check,
double-deck, hunt-and-peck,
echt \ekt\ see ect leatherneck, littleneck, Pont l'eveque,
quarterdeck, rubberneck, triple sec,
ecia \e-sha\ see esia 1 turtleneck, Yucatec, Zapotec
ecially \esh-le\ see eshly cinematheque, Melchizedek,
ecian \e-shan\ see etion1
eckable Xek-a-balX checkable
ecibel \es-3-bal\ see essible impeccable
ecie 1 \e-se\ see eecy ecked \ekt\ see ect
ecie \e-she\ see ishi ecker \ek-ar\ checker, chequer,
ecies \e-sez\ feces, species, theses decker, pecker, trekker, wrecker
prostheses, subspecies exchequer, three-decker, woodpecker
exegeses dominicker, double-decker,
rubbernecker, triple-decker
ecil 1 \e-sal\ Cecil, diesel
ecking \ek-irj\ decking, necking
ecil 2 \es-ai\ see estle 1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ecile \es-al\ see estle 1
ecily \es-s-le\ see essaly ecklace \ek-lss\ see eckless

ecimal \es-3-m3l\ see esimal eckle \ek-al\ deckle, freckle, heckle,

shekel, speckle
eciman Xes-msiA see essman kenspeckle
113 ectile

eckless \ek-las\ feckless, checkless, ecta \ek-ta\ dejecta, ejecta, perfecta,

necklace,reckless trifecta
ectable \ek-t9-bal\ affectable,
ecko \ek-6\ see echo collectible, correctable, deflectable,
delectable, detectable, ej ectable,
eckon \ek-an\ beckon, Brecon, electable, erectable, expectable,
Deccan, reckon, zechin inflectable, injectable, perfectible,
Aztecan, misreckon, Toltecan projectable, respectable
Yucatecan disrespectable, indefectible
ecks \ecks\ eks\ see ex ectacle \ek-ti-kal\ see ectical
ecky \ek-e\ Becky, recce, techie ectal \ek-t 3 l\ see ectile
Shimonoseki ectance \ek-tans\ expectance,
econ \ek-an\ see eckon reflectance

econd 1 \ek-and\ see ecund ectant \ek-tant\ expectant,

humectant, injectant, protectant
econd 2 \ek-ant\ seeeccant disinfectant

ecque \ek\ see eck ectar \ek-tsr\ see ector

ectarous \ek-tras\ see ectress
e c s \eks\ see ex
ectary \ek-t9-re\ sectary
ect \ekt\ necked, sect, specked insectary
abject, affect, aspect, bisect, cathect,
collect, confect, connect, convect, ected \ek-tad\ affected, collected,
correct, defect, deflect, deject, detect, complected, dejected
direct, dissect, effect, eject, elect, recollected, self-affected, self-
erect, ewe-necked, expect, collected, self-elected, self-selected,
goosenecked, infect, inflect, inject, unaffected, undirected, unexpected,
insect, inspect, neglect, object, unselected
pandect, perfect, porrect, prefect, inner-directed, other-directed
prelect, project, prospect, protect, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
rednecked, refect, reflect, reject, ect
resect, respect, ring-necked, select,
stiff-necked, subject, suspect, traject, ecten \ek-tan\ nekton, pecten,
transect, trisect, Utrecht, V-necked pectin
fibronectin, ivermectin
acrolect, architect, circumspect,
deselect, dialect, disaffect, disconnect, ecter \ek-tar\ see ector
disinfect, disrespect, double-decked,
ectible \ek-t3-bsl\ see ectable
genuflect, grapholect, incorrect,
indirect, intellect, interject, intersect, ectic \ek-tik\ hectic, pectic
introject, introspect, misdirect, cathectic, eclectic, synectic
preselect, re-collect, recollect, anorectic, apoplectic, catalectic,
redirect, reelect, resurrect, retrospect, dialectic
self-respect, turtlenecked, vivisect
ectical \ek-ti-kal\ spectacle
aftereffect, hypercorrect, idiolect,
interconnect, megaproject, semierect
semi-indirect ectile \ek-t 3 l\ sectile
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at erectile, insectile, projectile
eck colorectal, dialectal
ectin 114

ectin \ek-tan\ see ecten introspectionist, resurrectionist,

ecting \ek-tirj\ affecting
self-correcting, self-respecting ective \ek-tiv\ advective, affective,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at adjective, bijective, collective,
ect connective, convective, corrective,
defective, deflective, detective,
ection \ek-shan\ flexion, lection, directive, effective, elective, ejective,
section infective, inflective, inj ective,
abjection, advection, affection, invective, objective, perfective,
bisection, collection, complexion, perspective, projective, prospective,
confection, connection, connexion, reflective, respective, selective,
convection, correction, C-section, subjective
defection, deflection, dejection, cost-effective, imperfective,
detection, direction, dissection, ineffective, intellective, introspective,
ejection, election, erection, evection, nondirective, nonobjective,
infection, inflection, injection, retrospective
inspection, midsection, objection, cryoprotective, intersubjective
perfection, prelection, projection,
protection, refection, reflection, ectless \ek-bs\ see eckless
rejection, resection, selection, ectly \ekt-le\ abjectly, correctly,
subjection, subsection, trajection, directly, erectly
transection, trisection incorrectly, indirectly
by-election, circumspection,
disaffection, disconnection, ectness \ekt-nas\ abjectness,
disinfection, genuflection, correctness, directness, erectness,
imperfection, indirection, introjection, selectness
introspection, insurrection, incorrectness, indirectness
intellection, interjection, intersection, hypercorrectness
misdirection, predilection,
preselection, recollection, ecto \ek-to\ recto
redirection, reelection, reinfection, perfecto
resurrection, retroflexion, ecto my \ek-t9-me\ mastectomy,
retrospection, vivisection vasectomy
antirej ection, hypercorrection, appendectomy, hysterectomy,
interconnection tonsillectomy
Cesarean section clitoridectomy
ectional \ek-shnal\ sectional ector \ek-tsr\ hector, Hector, lector,
affectional, bisectional, nectar, rector, sector, specter, vector
complexional, connectional, bisector, collector, convector,
convectional, correctional, cross- corrector, defector, deflector, detector,
sectional, directional, inflectional, director, dissector, effector, ejector,
proj ectional, reflectional elector, erector, infector, injector,
bidirectional, introspectional, inspector, neglecter, objector,
interjectional, resurrectional, perfecter, projector, prospector,
vivisectional protector, reflector, selector, trisector
omnidirectional, unidirectional vivisector
ectionist Xek-sha-nastX ectoral \ek-trsl\ spectral, pectoral
perfectionist, projectionist, electoral, protectoral
protectionist, selectionist multispectral
115 ede

ectorate \ek-t3-rat\ rectorate ecutive \ek-st-iv\ consecutive,

directorate, electorate, inspectorate, executive
protectorate inconsecutive
ectory \ek-ta-re\ rectory ed \ed\ seeead 1
directory, protectory, refectory,
trajectory e'd \ed\ see eed
ex-directory eda 1 \ed-a\ Freda, Frieda, Leda,
ectral \ek-tral\ see ectoral
ectress \ek-tras\ nectarous alameda
directress, electress, protectress olla podrida
ectrix \ek-triks\ rectrix eda 2 \ad-a\ see ada 3
directrix edal 1 \ed- 3 l\ heddle, medal, meddle,
ectrum Xek-trarrA plectrum, pedal, peddle, treadle
spectrum backpedal, bipedal, soft-pedal
electrum intermeddle

ectual 1 \ek-ch3-wal\ effectual edal 2 \ed- 3 l\ see eedle

ineffectual, intellectual edance \ed- 3 ns\ see edence
edar 1 \ed-ar\ see eader 2
ectual 2 \eksh-wal\ see exual
edar 2 \ed-sr\ see eader 1
ectually \ek-cha-le\ effectually
ineffectually, intellectually edator \ed-9t-ar\ see editor
ectural Xek-chs-ralX conjectural, edd \ed\ see ead 1
prefectural edda \ed-a\ Jedda, Vedda
eddar \ed-ar\ see eader 2
ectural 2 \ek-shral\ flexural
conjectural edded \ed-ad\ see eaded
edden \ed- 3 n\ see eaden
ecture \ek-char\ lecture
conjecture, prefecture edder \ed-ar\ see eader 2
architecture eddie \ed-e\ see eady 1
ectus \ek-tas\ conspectus, edding \ed-irj\ see eading 1
eddle \ed- 9 l\ see edal 1
ecular Xek-ya-larX secular, specular
molecular eddler \ed-l9r\ meddler, medlar,
ecum \e-kam\ vade mecum intermeddler
subpoena duces tecum
eddon \ed- 3 n\ see eaden
ecund \ek-and\ fecund, second
femtosecond, microsecond, eddy \ed-e\ see eady 1
millisecond, nanosecond ede 1 \ad\ see ade 1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
eckon ede 2 \ed\ see eed
ede 116

ede 3 \a-da\ see ayday edian \ed-e-an\ median

1 comedian, tragedian
edeas \ed-e-as\ see edious
ediant \ed-e-gnt\ see edient
eded \e-dad\ see eeded
edible \ed-3-bai\ credible, edible,
edel \ad-gl\ see adle spreadable
eden \ed- 3 n\ Eden, Sweden incredible, inedible
Dunedin edic 1 \ed-ik\ comedic
edence \ed- ns\ credence cyclopedic, logaoedic, orthopedic
impedance, precedence encyclopedic
edic 2 \ed-ik\ Eddie, medic
edent \ed- nt\ credent, needn't comedic
decedent, precedent, succedent paramedic, samoyedic
edic 3 \ad-ik\ see adic 1
eder \ad-sr\ see ader
edicable Xed-i-ka-balX medicable,
eder 2 \ ed-ar\ see eader 1 predicable
e d e s \e-dez\ Archimedes, Diomedes
edical \ed-i-kal\ medical, pedicle
edge \ e j \ dredge, edge, fledge, premedical
hedge, kedge, ledge, pledge, sedge, biomedical, paramedical
sledge, veg, wedge
allege, frankpledge, gilt-edge, two- edicate \ed-i-k9t\ dedicate,
edged, hard-edge, knife-edge, predicate
nutsedge, straightedge
featheredge, sortilege edicle \ed-i-kal\ see edical

edged \ejd\ edged, wedged edience \ed-e-9ns\ expedience,

alleged, full-fledged, gilt-edged, two- obedience
edged, unfledged disobedience, inexpedience
deckle-edged, double-edged edient \ed-e-ant\ mediant
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at expedient, ingredient, obedient,
edge submediant
edger \ej-9r\ dredger, edger, hedger, disobedient, inexpedient
ledger, leger, pledger ediment Xed-a-mantX pediment,
edgie \ej-e\ see edgy sediment
edgy \ej-e\ edgy, ledgy, Reggie,
sedgy, veggie, wedgie, wedgy edin \ed- 3 n\ see eden
Himeji eding \ed-irj\ see eeding 1
edi \ad-e\ see ady edious 1 \ed-e-ss\ tedious
edia \ed-e-a\ media, Media supersedeas
acedia edious 2 \e-jas\ see egis
cyclopedia, via media
encyclopedia edist \ed-3st\ orthopedist
edial \ed-e-sl\ medial, predial
remedial edit \ed-at\ credit, edit
117 ee

accredit, coedit, discredit, noncredit, edwin \ed-wan\ Edwin

reedit, subedit bedouin
ee \ e \ b, be, bee, Brie, c, cay, cee,
editor \ed-3t-ar\ creditor, editor,
Cree, d, dee, Dee, dree, e, fee, flea,
predator flee, free, g, gee, ghee, gie, glee, gree,
coeditor, subeditor he, key, Key, Klee, knee, lea, lee, Lee,
edium \ed-e-3m\ medium, tedium Leigh, li, me, mi, p, pea, plea, pree,
cypripedium quay, re, scree, sea, see, she, shri, si,
ski, spree, sri, t, tea, tee, the, thee,
edlar \ed-tar\ see eddler three, ti, tree, Ts, Tshi, twee, Twi, v,
edley \ed-le\ deadly, medley, redly vee, we, wee, whee, ye, z, zee
chance-medley agley, aiguille, agree, alee, ani,
Bacchae, bailee, Bangui, banshee,
edly \ed-le\ see edley bargee, bawbee, Belgae, Black Sea,
edo 1 \ed-6\ credo, lido, Lido, speedo bohea, bootee, bougie, buckshee,
aikido, libido, Toledo, torpedo, bungee, burgee, Bt, Capri, carefree,
tuxedo Castries, CB, CD, Chablis, Chaldee,
chick-pea, Chi-li, chili, confit, cowpea,
edo 2 \ad-6\ see ado 2 croquis, curie, Curie, Dead Sea,
debris, decree, deep-sea, degree,
edo 3 \ed-s\ see eda 1
Denis, donee, DP, draftee, drawee,
edo 4 \e-do\ Edo, meadow, Yedo Dundee, emcee, ennui, esprit, etui,
farci, feoffee, foresee, fusee, GB,
edom \ed-9m\ see edum germfree, glacis, goatee, grand prix,
edon \ed- 3 n\ bleeding, Eden, grandee, grantee, GT, heart-free,
steading, Sarpedon he/she, Horae, IC, IV, Jaycee, jaygee,
boustrophedon jayvee, Jiangxi, knock-knee, KP,
latchkey, lessee, look-see, low-key, LP,
edouin \ed-wsn\ see edwin mame, maquis, Marie, marquee, MC,
edra \e-dra\ Phaedra metis, Midi, mille-feuille, muggee,
cathedra must-see, Nancy, ngwee, OD, off-key,
ogee, Osee, Parcae, pardie, passkey,
edral \e-drel\ cathedral, dihedral, Pawnee, payee, PC, perdie, per se, PG,
trihedral pledgee, pongee, post-free, precis,
hemihedral, holohedral, octahedral, puree, puttee, qt, raki, rani, razee,
pentahedral, polyhedral, procathedral, rooftree, rupee, rushee, RV, sati,
tetrahedral scotfree, settee, Shaanxi, Shanxi,
dodecahedral, icosahedral, Shawnee, s/he, sightsee, signee, sirree,
tetartohedral spadille, spahi, spondee, squeegee,
squilgee, standee, strophe, suttee,
edro \a-dro\ Pedro sycee, T-3, TB, testee, 3-D, titi, to-be,
Murviedro topee, towhee, townee, trainee, trustee,
edulous \ej-a-l9s\ credulous, trusty, Tupi, turfski, turnkey, tutee,
sedulous Tutsi, tutti, TV, unbe, vendee, vestee,
incredulous Volsci, vouchee, whangee, whoopee,
would-be, Yang-Tze, yen-shee
edum \ed-am\ Edam, Edom,
freedom, sedum abatis, ABC, ABD, absentee,
addressee, adoptee, advisee, alienee,
edure \e-jar\ besieger, procedure allottee, ambergris, AMP, amputee,
supersedure appellee, appointee, apres-ski,
ee 118

arrestee, assignee, attendee, BVD, exuviae, facetiae, fait accompli, felo-

Bahai, barley-bree, batterie, billi-bi, de-se, fortunately, Galilei, HTLV,
bonhomie, booboisie, bourgeoisie, interrogee, interviewee, jaborandi,
brasserie, brusquerie, bumblebee, Jiamusi, minutiae, Omega-3, Pasiphae,
camporee, cap-a-pie, causerie, CCD, patisserie, prima facie, reliquiae,
chickaree, chimpanzee, coati, Coligny, relocatee, Sargasso Sea, Simon
committee, conferee, consignee, Legree, Sault Sainte Marie, Southend
counselee, context-free, counterplea, on Sea
Danae, DDD, Debussy, departee, communicatee, HTLV-III, taedium
DDT, debauchee, DDE, deportee, vitae, Tupi-Guarani
dernier cri, deshabille, designee, ignoratio elenchi, petitio principii
detainee, devisee, devotee, diploe,
disagree, dischargee, dishabille, ee 2 \a\ see ay1
divorce, divorcee, DME, DMT, ee \ a \ see ay1
dungaree, duty-free, eau-de-vie,
employee, endorsee, enlistee, enrollee, eeable \e-9-bal\ seeable, skiable
epopee, escadrille, escapee, ESP, agreeable, foreseeable
evictee, expellee, FAD, fancy-free, disagreeable
fantasie, fantasy, fedayee, filigree, eebie \e-be\ see ebe 1
fleur-de-lis, formulae, franchisee,
fricassee, galilee, Galilee, garnishee, e e c e \es\ see iece
gaucherie, Gemini, GTP, guarani,
eeced \est\ see east 1
guarantee, Hawaii, HIV, honeybee,
honoree, humble-bee, hydro-ski, IgE, eech \ech\ see each
IgG, inductee, internee, invitee, IUD,
jacquerie, jamboree, jus soli, Kayseri, eecher \e-chsr\ see eacher
kidnappee, LCD, LED, legatee, e e c h e s \ich-az\ see itches
libelee, licensee, LSD, maitre d',
manatee, Medici, millidegree, eeching \e-chirj\ breeching
murderee, NAD, nominee, obligee, far-reaching
oversea, oversee, parolee, parti pris, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
patentee, pedigree, peppertree, each
picotee, piroshki, point d'appui, eechy \e-che\ see eachy
potpourri, praecipe, presentee,
promisee, rapparee, referee, refugee, eecy \e-se\ fleecy, greasy, specie
rejectee, renminbi, repartee, retiree, Tbilisi
retrainee, returnee, Rosemarie, RPV, AC/DC
saddletree, Sadducee, San Luis, eed \ed\ bead, Bede, bleed, brede,
sangaree, Savaii, selectee, Semele, breed, cede, creed, deed, feed, Gide,
shivaree, snickersnee, SST, STD, glede, gleed, greed, he'd, heed, keyed,
Tenebrae, Tennessee, thirty-three, knead, kneed, lead, mead, Mead,
TNT, toile de Jouy, torii, transferee, Mede, meed, need, plead, read, rede,
undersea, Uriimqi, vaccinee, value- reed, Reed, Reid, screed, seed, she'd,
free, verdigris, VIP, vis-a-vis, speed, steed, swede, Swede, treed,
warrantee tweed, Tweed, we'd, weed
Adar Sheni, Agri Dagi, alienee, accede, airspeed, allseed, bindweed,
biographee, bouquet garni, casus belli, birdseed, blueweed, bourride, breast-
charcuterie, charivari, chincherinchee, feed, bugseed, burweed, cheerlead,
chinoiserie, covenantee, DBCP, chickweed, concede, crossbreed,
dedicatee, de Medici, delegatee, cudweed, debride, degreed, duckweed,
distributee, ESOP, evacuee, examinee, exceed, fairlead, fireweed, flaxseed,
119 eekly

Godspeed, gulfweed, half-breed, eedle \ed- a l\ aedile, beadle, credal,

hand-feed, hawkweed, hayseed, high- creedal, daedal, needle, wheedle
speed, horseweed, impede, implead,
inbreed, indeed, ironweed, Jamshid, eedless \ed-las\ deedless, heedless,
jetbead, knapweed, knotweed, Lake needless, seedless
Mead, linseed, lip-read, milkweed, eedn't \ed- 9 nt\ see edent
misdeed, mislead, misread, moonseed,
nosebleed, off-speed, oilseed, eedo \ed-6\ see edo 1
pigweed, pinweed, pokeweed,
pondweed, Port Said, precede, eedom \ed-9m\ see edum
proceed, proofread, ragweed, e e d s \edz\ Leeds, needs
rapeseed, recede, reseed, rockweed, Beskids, proceeds
seaweed, secede, self-feed, Siegfried, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
sight-read, silkweed, smartweed, and -s forms of verbs, listed at eed
snakeweed, sneezeweed, speed-read,
spoon-feed, stall-feed, stampede, eedsman \edz-m9n\ beadsman,
stickseed, stickweed, stinkweed, seedsman
succeed, ten-speed, tickseed, weak-
kneed, witchweed, wormseed eedy \ed-e\ beady, deedy, greedy,
aniseed, antecede, beggarweed, needy, reedy, seedy, speedy, tweedy,
bitterweed, bottle-feed, bugleweed, weedy
butterweed, carpetweed, centipede, eef \ef \ see ief1
copyread, cottonseed, cottonweed,
crazyweed, Ganymede, interbreed, eefe \ef\ see ief1
intercede, interplead, jewelweed,
jimsonweed, locoweed, millipede, eefy \e-fe\ beefy, leafy, reefy
overfeed, pedigreed, pickerelweed, e e g e e \e-je\ see iji
pumpkinseed, retrocede, riverweed,
rosinweed, Runnymede, silverweed, eeing \e-irj\ seeing, skiing
supersede, thimbleweed, tumbleweed, farseeing, ill-being, sight-seeing,
underfeed, waterweed turfskiing, well-being
velocipede heli-skiing, waterskiing
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
eedal \ed- 9 l\ see eedle ee 1
eeded \e-dad\ beaded, deeded, eek 1 \ik\ see ick
receded eek 2 \ek\ see eak 1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at eeked \ekt\ see eaked 2
eeken \e-kan\ see eacon
eeder \ed-ar\ see eader 1
eeker \e-kar\ see eaker 1
eedful \ed-fal\ heedful, needful
eekie \e-ke\ see eaky
eeding 1 \ed-irj\ bleeding, breeding,
leading, reading, reeding eeking \e-kirj\ see eaking 1
inbreeding, linebreeding, lipreading,
outbreeding, preceding, speed-reading eekly \e-kle\ bleakly, chicly, sleekly,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at weakly, weekly, treacly
eed biweekly, midweekly, newsweekly,
eeding 2 \ed- 3 n\ see edon semiweekly
eeks 120

eeks XeksX see ixe1 een 1 \in\ see in1

eeky \e-ke\ see eaky een 2 \en\ see ine 3

eel \el\ see eal 2 e'en \en\ see ine 3

eelable Xe-la-balX see ealable eena \e-na\ see ina 2

eele \el\ see eal 2 eene \en\ see ine 3

eener \e-nar\ see eaner
eeled \eld\ see ield
eenery \en-re\ see eanery
eeler \e-lar\ see ealer
eening \e-nirj\ see eaning
eeley \e-le\ see eely
eenling \en-lin\ see eanling
eelie \e-le\ see eely
eenly \en-le\ see eanly1
eel in \ e - b n \ see el in
e e n n e s s Xen-nssX see eanness
eeling \e-lirj\ ceiling, dealing,
Ealing, feeling, peeling, shieling, e e n s \enz\ Queens, teens
wheeling Grenadines, Philippines, smithereens
appealing, Darjeeling, freewheeling,
self-dealing, self-feeling, self-sealing, eenwich \in-ich\ see inach
unfeeling eeny \e-ne\ see ini1
double-dealing, self-revealing,
snowmobiling, unappealing eep \ e p \ beep, bleep, cheap, cheep,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at clepe, creep, deep, heap, jeep, Jeep,
eal 2 keep, leap, neap, neep, peep, reap,
seep, sheep, sleep, sneap, steep,
eelson \el-san\ see elson sweep, threap, veep, weep
eely \e-le\ Chi-li, dele, eely, Ely, asleep, barkeep, bopeep, dustheap,
freely, Greeley, mealie, mealy, really, housekeep, knee-deep, skin-deep,
seely, steelie, steely, stele, syli, vealy, upkeep, upsweep
wheelie overleap, oversleep
scungilli, surreally, Swahili Lakshadweep
campanile, contumely, Isle of Ely, Louis Philippe
monostele, touchy-feely eepage \e-pij\ creepage, seepage
eem \em\ see earn 1 eepen Xe-panX cheapen, deepen,
eeman Xe-manX see emon 1 steepen

eemer Xe-marX see earner eepence Xap-ansX see uppance

eemie \e-me\ see eamy eepenny \ap-ne\ see openny

eeming \e-min\ seeming, streaming eeper \e-par\ beeper, creeper,

redeeming keeper, leaper, Dnieper, peeper, reaper,
unbeseeming sleeper, sweeper, weeper
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at barkeeper, beekeeper, bookkeeper,
earn 1 crowkeeper, doorkeeper, gamekeeper,
gatekeeper, goalkeeper, greenkeeper,
eemly \em-le\ seemly groundskeeper, housekeeper,
supremely, unseemly innkeeper, lockkeeper, minesweeper,
121 eer

peacekeeper, scorekeeper, shopkeeper, revere, Revere, Robespierre, revers,

stockkeeper, storekeeper, timekeeper, Saint Pierre, santir, severe,
zookeeper Shakespeare, Shropshire, sincere,
honeycreeper slick-ear, tapir, uprear, Vanir, veneer,
—also -er forms of adjectives listed vizier, voir dire, wheatear, Wiltshire,
ateep Ymir, Yorkshire, zaire, Zaire
atmosphere, auctioneer, balladeer,
eepie \e-pe\ see eepy bandolier, bayadere, Bedfordshire,
eeping \e-pirj\ creeping, keeping, Bedivere, belvedere, biosphere, black-
weeping tailed deer, bombardier, boutonniere,
beekeeping, bookkeeping, brigadier, buccaneer, budgeteer,
gatekeeping, housekeeping, Cambridgeshire, cameleer, cannoneer,
minesweeping, peacekeeping, cassimere, cavalier, chandelier,
safekeeping, timekeeping chanticleer, chevalier, chiffonier,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at chocolatier, commandeer, corsetiere,
eep cuirassier, Denbighshire, Derbyshire,
diapir, disappear, domineer,
eepish \e-pish\ cheapish, sheepish Dumfriesshire, ecosphere, Elzevir,
eeple \e-pal\ see eople engineer, fictioneer, financier,
fourdrinier, fusilier, gadgeteer,
eepy \e-pe\ cheapie, creepy, seepy, gasolier, gazetteer, Gloucestershire,
sleepy, sweepy, tepee, tipi, weepie, gondolier, grenadier, Guinevere,
weepy halberdier, hemisphere, Herefordshire,
Hertfordshire, IJsselmere, insincere,
eer 1 \e-ar\ freer, seer, skier, we're interfere, jardiniere, junketeer,
CBer, decreer, foreseer, sightseer kerseymere, Lanarkshire, Lancashire,
overseer, water-skier lavaliere, leafleteer, marketeer,
eer \ir\ beer, bier, blear, cere, cheer, Meyerbeer, missileer, Monmouthshire,
clear, dear, deer, drear, ear, fear, fere, Morayshire, mountaineer, Mount
fleer, gear, hear, here, jeer, Lear, leer, Ranier, muleteer, musketeer, mutineer,
mere, mir, near, peer, pier, Pierre, Oxfordshire, overhear, overseer,
queer, rear, schmear, sear, seer, sere, oversteer, pamphleteer,
shear, sheer, skirr, smear, sneer, spear, Pembrokeshire, persevere, pioneer,
speer, sphere, spier, steer, tear, tier, pistoleer, pontonier, privateer,
Trier, Tyr, veer, we're, year profiteer, puppeteer, racketeer,
adhere, Aesir, Ajmer, ambeer, Radnorshire, rocketeer, Rutlandshire,
appear, arrear, Asir, austere, Ayrshire, scrutineer, Selkirkshire, sloganeer,
Berkshire, besmear, brassiere, Cape sonneteer, souvenir, Staffordshire,
Fear, career, cashier, cashmere, stratosphere, summiteer, Tyne and
Cheshire, chimere, clavier, cohere, Wear, understeer, volunteer,
compeer, destrier, dog-ear, Ellesmere, Warwickshire, white-tailed deer,
emir, Empire, endear, ensphere, eyrir, Windermere, Worcestershire,
Fafnir, Fifeshire, Flintshire, footgear, yesteryear
frontier, gambier, Goodyear, haltere, acyclovir, animalier, black
Hampshire, headgear, inhere, Izmir, marketeer, Buckinghamshire,
Kashmir, kefir, killdeer, laveer, light- Clackmannanshire, carabineer,
year, man-year, menhir, mishear, Caernarvonshire, Cardiganshire,
monsieur, mouse-ear, nadir, Carmarthenshire, charioteer,
Nairnshire, out-year, Pamir, conventioneer, Dunbartonshire,
Perthshire, pickeer, portiere, premier, electioneer, Eskisehir,
premiere, redear, rehear, reindeer, Glamorganshire, free-marketeer,
e'er 122

harquebusier, Huntingdonshire, eeten \et- 3 n\ see eaten 1

Invernessshire, Kincardineshire,
Montgomeryshire, Northamptonshire, eeter \et-ar\ see eater 1
Nottinghamshire eethe \eth\ see eathe
eether \e-thar\ see either
e'er \er\ see are 4
eething \e-ihin\ see eathing
eerage \ir-ij\ peerage, steerage
arrearage eetie \et-e\ see eaty
eered \ird\ see eard eeting \et-irj\ see eating
eerer \ir-ar\ see earer 2
eetle \et- 9 l\ see etal
eeress \ir-as\ see erous eetly \et-le\ featly, fleetly, neatly,
eerful \ir-fal\ see earful completely, concretely, discreetly,
eerie 1 \ir-e\ see eary discretely, effetely
bittersweetly, incompletely,
eerie 2 \e-re\ see eirie indiscreetly
eering \ir-in\ see earing 1 eety \et-e\ see eaty
eerist \ir-ast\ see erist ee-um \e-am\ see eum 1
eerless \ir-las\ see earless eeve \ev\ see eave 1
eerly \ir-le\ see early 1 eeved \evd\ see eaved
eersman Xirz-msnX steersman e e v e s \evz\ see eaves
eevil \e-v3l\ see ieval
eerut \ir-at\ see irit
eevish \e-vish\ peevish, thievish
eery \ir-e\ see eary
eeward \e-ward\ leeward, Leeward,
e e s \ez\ see eze seaward
e e s e \ez\ see eze eewee \e-we\ kiwi, peewee, pewee
eesh \esh\ see iche 2 eewit \ii-9t\ see uet
eesi \e-ze\ see easy 1 eez \ez\ see eze
eesia \e-zha\ see esia 2 eezabie \e-z3-bal\ see easible
e e s o m e \e-sam\ gleesome, eeze \ez\ see eze
eezer \e-zsr\ see easer 2
eest 1 \ast\ see aced
eezing \e-zirj\ see easing 2
eest 2 \est\ see east 1
eezy \e-ze\ see easy 1
eesy \e-ze\ see easy 1
ef1 \ef\ chef, clef, deaf, ef, f, lev, ref,
eet \et\ see eat teff
eetah \et-a\ see ita2 aleph, Brezhnev, enfeoff, HF, Kiev,
stone-deaf, tone-deaf
eete \at-e\ see aty emf, Kishinev
123 egian

ef2 \ a \ see ay1 ega 3 \e-gs\ see iga1

ef3 \ef\ see ief1 egal \e-gal\ beagle, eagle, egal,
legal, regal
efanie \ef-a-ne\ see ephony illegal, porbeagle, spread-eagle,
efany \ef-a-ne\ see ephony viceregal
extralegal, paralegal
efe \ef-e\ see effie medicolegal
eferable Xef-rs-bslX preferable, egan \e-g9n\ Megan, vegan
referable Mohegan
eference \ef-rans\ deference, e g a s \a-gss\ see agus
preference, reference
cross-reference ege 1 \ezh\ barege, cortege, Liege,
manege, solfege
eferent \ef-rant\ deferent, referent
e g e 2 \eg\ see eg 2
eff \ef\ see ef1
e g e 3 \ e j \ see edge
effer \ef-sr\ see ephor
e g e 4 \eg\ see igue
efic \ef-ik\ Efik
benefic, malefic e g e 5 \ig\ see ig

eficence \ef-3-sans\ beneficence, eged \ejd\ see edged

maleficence egel \agal\ see agel
efik \e-fik\ see efic egent \e-J9nt\ regent, sejant
efsk \efsk\ Izhefsk allegiant, vice-regent
Prokopyevsk eger \ej-ar\ see edger
eft \eft\ cleft, deft, eft, heft, klepht, egg \eg\ see eg 2
left, theft, weft
bereft eggar \eg-sr\ see egger
efty \ef-te\ hefty, lefty eggary \eg-a-re\ beggary, Gregory
eg \ag\ Craig, plague, vague egger \eg-sr\ beggar
stravage, The Hague bootlegger, Heidegger
eg 2 \eg\ beg, Craig, dreg, egg, gleg,
Greg, Gregg, keg, leg, peg, reg, skeg, eggie \ej-e\ see edgy
yegg eggio \ej-e-6\ Reggio
blackleg, bootleg, bowleg, dogleg, arpeggio, solfeggio
foreleg, jackleg, jake leg, muskeg,
nutmeg, redleg, renege, roughleg, e g g s \egz\ see egs
Tuareg, unpeg
Winnipeg eggy \eg-e\ dreggy, eggy, leggy,
mumblety-peg Peggy, plaguey
eg 3 \ e j \ see edge
egia \e-ja\ Ouija
ega 1 \eg-a\ omega aqua regia, aquilegia, paraplegia,
rutabaga quadriplegia
ega 2 \a-ga\ see aga 2 egian \e-jan\ see egion
egiant 124

egiant \e-jant\ see egent ei 3 \I\ seey 1

egiate \e-jat\ collegiate, elegit eia 1 \e-9\ see ia1
eia 2 \I-9\ see iah1
egic \e-jik\ strategic
eial \e-al\ see eal 1
paraplegic, quadriplegic
eian 1 \e-3n\ see ean 1
egie \eg-e\ see eggy
eian 2 \a-an\ see ayan 1
egion \e-jan\ legion, region
collegian, Norwegian, subregion eic \e-ik\ oleic
epigeic, logorrheic, mythopoeic
egious \e-jas\ see egis onomatopoeic
egis \e-jas\ aegis, egis, Regis, eich \ek\ see ei1
egregious eiche \ash\ see eche 1

egit \e-jat\ see egiate eickel \i-kal\ seeycle

egm \em\ see em 1 eid 1 \at\ see ate 1

egn \an\ see ane 1 eid 2 \lt\ see ite

egnant \eg-nant\ pregnant, regnant eid 3 \ed\ see eed

impregnant, unpregnant eidel 1 \ad-al\ see adle
egnly \an-le\ see ainly eidel 2 \id- a l\ see idal
egno \an-yo\ see eno 1 eidi \Id-e\ see iday
ego \e-go\ chigoe, ego, Vigo eidon \Id- 3 n\ see iden
alter ego, impetigo, superego eier \ir\ see ire1

e g o 2 \a-go\ see ago 2 eifer \ef-ar\ see ephor

egory \eg-a-re\ see eggary eige \azh\ beige

e g s \egz\ sheerlegs
yellowlegs eiger \i-gar\ see iger
butter-and-eggs, daddy longlegs eigh 1 \a\ see ay1
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eg eigh 2 \ e \ see ee 1
egular \eg-tar\ see egler eighbor \a-bar\ see abor
eh 1 \a\ see ay1 eight 1 \at\ see ate 1
eh 2 \ a \ see ah eight 2 \lt\ see ite1
ehen \an\ see ane 1 eighter \at-sr\ see ator
ehner \a-nar\ see ainer eightless \ a t - b s \ see ateless
ei \ek\ dreich, skeigh eights \lts\ see ights
2 1
ei \ a \ see ay eighty \at-e\ see aty
125 eisel

gn \an\ see ane1 ein4 \In\ see ine1

gner \a-nsr\ see ainer eine1 \an\ see ane1
i \a\ see ay1 eine2 \en\ see ine3
ian \a-an\ see ayan1 eine3 \I-ns\ see ina1
ji \a-je\ see agy eine4 \en\ see en1
k \ek\ see eak eined \and\ see ained
kh \ek\ see eak einer1 \a-nsr\ see ainer
kle \e-ksl\ see ecal einer2 \e-nsr\ see eaner
11 \al\ see ail eing \e-in\ see eeing
2 1
1 \el\ see el einie \I-ne\ see iny1
3 2
1 \el\ see eal eining \a-nirj\ see aining
4 1
1 \fl\ see ile einous \a-nas\ see ayness
la \e-b\ see ela eins \anz\ see ains
led \ald\ see ailed einsman Xanz-manX see ainsman
ler \I-tor\ see ilar eint \ant\ see aint
ling \a-liri\ see ailing einte \ant\ see ant5
ling2 \e-lir)\ see eeling einture Xan-chsA see ancher2
II \el\ see eal2 einy \a-ne\ see ainy
llance \a-lsns\ see alence eipt \et\ see eat1
llant \a-bnt\ see alant eir \er\ see are4
lies1 \a\ see ay1 eira \ir-s\ see era2
lies2 \alz\ see ales eird \ird\ see eard1
My \a-le\ see aily eiress \ar-as\ see aris2
m1 \am\ see ame1 eiric \I-rik\ seeyric
2 1
m \Im\ see ime eiro \er-6\ see ero2
mer M-marX see imer1 eirs \erz\ see airs
1 n 1
ms \a s\ see ance eis1 \as\ see ace1
ms \emz\ Reims, Rheims eis 2 \e-9s\ see eus1
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at earn eis 3 \Is\ see ice1
ein1 \an\ see ane1 eisant \es-ant\ see ecent
ein2 \e-9n\ see ean1 eise \ez\ see eze
3 3
ein \en\ see ine eisel \i-zal\ see isal2
eisen 126

eisen \Iz- 3 n\ see izen1 imperceivable, inconceivable,

irretrievable, unbelievable,
eiser 1 \I-sar\ see icer unconceivable
eiser 2 \i-zar\ see izer eive \ev\ see eave 1
eisha \a-sha\ see acia eiver \e-var\ see iever
eisha 2 \e-sha\ see esia 1 eix \ash\ see eche 1
eisin \ez- n\ see eason eize 1 \az\ see aze 1
e i s s \Is\ see ice eize 2 \ez\ see eze
3 1
eissen \Is- n\ see ison eizure \e-zhar\ leisure, seizure
eist 1 \a-ast\ see ayest ejant \e-jant\ see egent
eist 2 \ist\ see ist1
eji \ej-e\ see edgy
eister 1 \I-star\ shyster, tryster
ejo \a-6\ see eo 1
concertmeister, kapellmeister
ek \ek\ see eck
eister 2 \e-stsr\ see easter
eisure Xe-zharX see eizure eka 1 \ek-a\ see ecca

eit1 \e-9t\ fiat eka 2 \e-ka\ see ika1

albeit, howbeit ekah \ek-a\ see ecca
eit 2 \it\ see it1 eke \ek\ see eak 1
3 1
eit \et\ see eat ekel \ek-al\ see eckle
eit 4 \lt\ see ite1
ekh \ek\ see eck
eited \et-ad\ see eated 1
eki \ek-e\ see ecky
eiter1 \it-ar\ see itter
ekker \ek-ar\ see ecker
eiter 2 \I-tar\ see iter1
ekoe \e-ko\ see icot
eith \eth\ seeeath 1
ekton \ek-tan\ see ecten
either \e-lh9r\ breather, either,
neither, teether el 1 \el\ bel, bell, Bell, belle, eel, cell,
dell, dwell, el, ell, fell, gel, Hel, hell,
eitus \It-9s\ see itis jell, knell, 1, mell, quell, sel, sell, shell,
smell, snell, spell, swell, tell, they'll,
eity \e-9t-e\ deity
well, yell
corporeity, spontaneity, synchroneity Adele, Ardell, artel, barbell, befell,
diaphaneity, homogeneity, Blackwell, bluebell, boatel,
incorporeity, instantaneity bombshell, Boswell, botel, bridewell,
cadelle, cartel, carvel, chandelle,
contemporaneity, extemporaneity,
clamshell, compel, cormel, cornel,
heterogeneity, inhomogeneity
corral, cowbell, Cromwell, cupel,
eivable Xe-va-balX cleavable Danielle, diel, dispel, doorbell,
achievable, believable, conceivable, dumbbell, duxelles, echelle, eggshell,
deceivable, perceivable, receivable, Estelle, excel, expel, farewell, foretell,
relievable, retrievable gabelle, gazelle, Giselle, gromwell,
127 ele

handbell, hard-shell, harebell, hotel, elacy \el-9-se\ jealousy, prelacy

impel, indwell, inkwell, jurel,
lampshell, lapel, marcel, maxwell, elagh \a-le\ seeaily
Maxwell, micelle, Michele, Michelle, elah \ e - b \ see ela 1
misspell, morel, Moselle, motel,
nacelle, Nobel, noel, nouvelle, eland \e-tand\ eland, Leland,
nutshell, oat-cell, Orel, Orwell, Zealand
outsell, pall-mall, Parnell, pastel, pell- New Zealand
mell, pixel, pointelle, presell, propel,
quenelle, rakehell, rappel, Ravel, elanie \el-s-ne\ see elony
rebel, refel, repel, respell, retell, riel, elar \ e - b r \ see ealer
Rochelle, rondel, saurel, scalpel,
seashell, sequel, Seychelles, soft-shell, elate \el-at\ see ellate
solgel, speedwell, spinel, stairwell, elatin \el-at- 3 n\ seeeleton
unsell, unwell, upwell, Weddell, wind-
bell elative \el-at-iv\ relative
Annabelle, APL, aquarelle, asphodel, appellative, correlative, irrelative
Azazel, bagatelle, BAL, barbicel, elba \el-ba\ Elba, Elbe, Melba
bechamel, brocatelle, Camberwell,
caramel, caravel, carousel, cascabel, elbe \el-ba\ see elba
chanterelle, chaparral, Charles Martel,
citadel, clientele, cockleshell, elbert \el-bart\ Delbert, Elbert
Cozumel, damozel, decibel, Mount Elbert
demoiselle, fare-thee-well, fontanel, elch \elch\ belch, squelch, welch,
immortelle, Isabel, Isabelle, Jezebel, Welch
kiss-and-tell, lenticel, mangonel,
muscatel, ne'er-do-well, Neufchatel, eld 1 \eld\ eld, geld, held, meld,
nonpareil, organelle, oversell, shelled, weld
parallel, pedicel, pennoncel, beheld, danegeld, handheld, hard-
personnel, petronel, Philomel, shelled, upheld, withheld
pimpernel, show-and-tell, jet-propelled, self-propelled
tortoiseshell, undersell, T4 cell, unparalleled
villanelle, William Tell, zinfandel —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Aix-la-Chapelle, au naturel, creme el1
caramel, mademoiselle, maitre
eld 2 \elt\ see elt
d'hotel, materiel, Mont-Saint-Michel,
spirituel, T-helper cell, Thompson's elda \el-d9\ Zelda
gazelle, VLDL
antiparallel, antipersonnel, AWOL eldam \el-dam\ see eldom

el 2 \al\ see ail elder \el-dar\ elder, welder

ela 1 \ e - b \ Gila, Leila, Lela, selah, eldom \el-dam\ beldam, seldom

sheila, Sheila, stela, Vila hoteldom
Braila, candela, tequila, weigela eldon \el-dsn\ Sheldon, Weldon
Coahuila, Philomela, sinsemilla,
Tutuila eldt \elt\ see elt
ela 2 \a-ta\ see ala 3 ele 1 \a-le\ see aily
ela 3 \el-a\ see ella ele 2 \el\ see el
elable \el-9-bal\ see ellable ele 3 \el-e\ see elly
ele 128

ele 4 \e-le\ see eely elible \el-3-bal\ see ellable

eled \eld\ see eld elic 1 \e-lik\ parhelic
eled 2 \eld\ see ield
elic 2 \el-ik\ melic, relic, telic
elen \el-an\ see elon angelic, Goidelic, smart aleck
elena \el-3-na\ Elena, Helena archangelic, autotelic, philatelic,
elens \el-anz\ Saint Helens
Mount Saint Helens elical \el-i-k9i\ helical, pellicle
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns angelical
listed at elon double-helical, evangelical

eleon \el-yan\ see elian 2 elier \el-yer\ see elure

eletal \el-9t- 3 l\ pelletal, skeletal el in \e-tan\ shieling, theelin

eleton \el-at- 3 n\ gelatin, skeleton elion 1 \el-e-an\ see ellian

eleus \e-le-as\ see elious elion 2 \el-ysn\ see elian 2

elf \elf\ elf, Guelf, pelf, self, shelf elion 3 \el-e-an\ see elian1
bookshelf, herself, himself, itself, elios \e-le-ss\ see elious
myself, nonself, oneself, ourself, top-
shelf, thyself, yourself elious \e-le-as\ Helios, Peleus
mantelshelf Cornelius
do-it-yourself contumelious

elfish \el-fish\ elfish, selfish elish \el-ish\ see ellish

unselfish elist \el-ast\ cellist, trellised
elhi \el-e\ see elly Nobelist, pastelist

eli \el-e\ see elly elius 1 \a-le-as\ see alius

elia 1 \el-ya\ Delia, Lelia, Shelia eli us 2 \e-le-ss\ see elious

Amelia, camellia, Camellia, Cecilia, elix \e-liks\ Felix, helix
Cornelia, Karelia, lobelia, obelia, double helix
Ophelia, Rumelia, sedilia, stapelia
psychedelia, seguidilla elk1 \elk\ elk, whelk

elia 2 \il-e-9\ see ilia1 elk 2 \ilk\ see ilk

elial \e-le-al\ Belial ell \el\ see el1

epithelial e'll \el\ see eal 2
elian \e-le-an\ Melian, Pelion elia \el-9\ Celle, Delia, Ella, fella,
abelian, Karelian, Mendelian fellah, stella, Stella
elian 2 \el-yan\ anthelion, aphelion, Benguela, candela, Capella, Estella,
carnelian, chameleon, cornelian, favela, Gisela, glabella, lamella,
Mendelian, parhelion Luella, Marcella, Mandela, novella,
perihelion paella, patella, prunella, quiniela,
Aristotelian, Mephistophelian rubella, sequela, umbrella, vanilla
a cappella, Cinderella, citronella,
elian 3 \el-e-an\ see ellian columella, fraxinella, Isabella,
129 el low

mortadella, mozzarella, panatela, elletal \el-9t- 3 l\ see eletal

salmonella, sarsaparilla, subumbrella,
tarantella, villanella elley \el-e\ see elly
valpolicella elli \el-e\ see elly
ellable \el-9-bal\ fellable, gelable ellia \el-y9\ see elia
compellable, expellable, indelible
ellian \el-e-an\ Chellean
ellah \el-a\ see ella Boswellian, pre-Chellean, Sabellian,
ellan \el-an\ see elon
Machiavellian, Pantagruelian
ellant \el-9nt\ gellant ellicle \el-i-kal\ see elical
appellant, flagellant, propellant,
repellent ellie \el-e\ see elly
elline \el-an\ see elon
ellar \el-sr\ see eller
elling \el-irj\ belling, selling,
ellas \el-as\ see ealous spelling, swelling, telling
bookselling, compelling, indwelling,
el late \el-at\ helot, pellet, prelate, misspelling, tale-telling, upwelling
zealot fortune-telling, self-propelling
appellate, flagellate, haustellate, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
lamellate, scutellate el1
ellative \el-at-iv\ see elative ellington \el-irj-tan\ Ellington,
elle \el\ see el Wellington
beef Wellington
elle 2 \el-a\ see ella
el I Ion \el-yan\ hellion
ellean \el-e-sn\ see ellian rebellion

elled \eld\ see eld1 ellis \el-as\ see ealous

ellen \el-an\ see elon ellised \el-sst\ see elist

ellent \el-anf\ see ellant ellish \el-ish\ hellish, relish

disrelish, embellish
eller \el-ar\ cellar, dweller, feller,
elllst \el-ast\ see elist
heller, Keller, seller, sheller, smeller,
speller, stellar, teller, yeller ello \el-6\ bellow, Bellow, cello,
best-seller, bookseller, compeller, fellow, Jell-O, mellow, yellow, Yellow
expeller, foreteller, glabellar, impeller, bargello, bedfellow, bordello, duello,
indweller, lamellar, ocellar, patellar, hail-fellow, Longfellow, marshmallow,
propeller, rathskeller, repeller, morello, niello, Othello, playfellow,
rostellar, saltcellar, tale-teller schoolfellow, yokefellow
cerebellar, circumstellar, columellar, Pirandello, punchinello, ritornello,
fortune-teller, interstellar, Rockefeller, saltarello
storyteller Robin Goodfellow, violoncello
elles 1 \el\ see el ell-o \el-6\ see ello
elles 2 \elz\ see ells ellous \el-as\ see ealous
ellet \el-at\ see ellate ellow 1 \el-a\ see ella
el low 130

ellow 2 \el-6\ see ello elopment Xel-ap-mantX

development, envelopment
ells \elz\ Welles redevelopment
Dardanelles overdevelopment
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at el elos \ a - b s \ see ayless
ellum \el-3m\ blellum, skellum, elot \el-at\ see ellate
elotry \el-a-tre\ helotry, zealotry
postbellum, rostellum
antebellum, cerebellum elp \elp\ help, kelp, skelp, whelp,
ellus \el-as\ see ealous
elsea \el-se\ see elsie
elly \el-e\ belly, Delhi, deli, felly,
jelly, Kellie, Kelly, Nellie, shelly, elsie \el-se\ Chelsea, Elsie
Shelley, Shelly, smelly, tele, telly, Kensington and Chelsea
New Delhi, nice-nelly, potbelly, elson \el-ssn\ keelson, nelson,
rakehelly, sowbelly Nelson
Boticelli, nervous Nellie, underbelly, elt \elt\ belt, celt, Celt, dealt, delt,
vermicelli dwelt, felt, gelt, melt, pelt, Scheldt,
Machiavelli smelt, spelt, svelte, veld, welt
Dadra and Nagar Haveli black belt, flybelt, forefelt, greenbelt,
heartfelt, hot-melt, jacks melt, Krefeld,
ellyn \el-an\ see elon
self-belt, snowbelt, snowmelt, Sunbelt
elm \elm\ elm, helm, realm, whelm Bielefeld, Roosevelt, shelterbelt
overwhelm, underwhelm
elte \elt\ see elt
elma \el-ma\ Selma, Velma
elted \el-tad\ bias-belted
elmar \el-msr\ see elmer —also -ed forms of verbs listed at elt

elmer \el-mar\ Delmar, Delmer, elter \el-tar\ belter, melter, pelter,

Elmer shelter, skelter, smelter, spelter,
swelter, welter
elmet \el-mst\ helmet, Helmut, helter-skelter
eltered \el-tard\ earth-sheltered
elmut \el-m9t\ see elmet —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
elo \e-lo\ see ilo2
elting \el-tirj\ belting, felting,
elon \el-gn\ Ellen, Ellyn, felon, melting, pelting
Helen, melon —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
avellan, Magellan, McClellan, elt
muskmelon, vitelline
Mary Ellen, watermelon elure \el-ysr\ velure
Strait of Magellan hotelier
elony \el-3-ne\ felony, Melanie elve \elv\ delve, helve, shelve,
elop \el-ap\ develop, envelop
redevelop elves \elvz\ elves, ourselves,
overdevelop themselves, yourselves
131 emian

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, December, dismember, November,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at elve remember, September
elvin \el-van\ Elvin, Kelvin, Melvin,
Melvyn emble 1 Xam-bslX wamble
elvyn \el-van\ see elvin
ely \e-le\ see eely emble 2 \em-bsl\ tremble
assemble, atremble, dissemble,
em 1 \em\ Clem, creme, em, femme, resemble
gem, hem, m, mem, phlegm, REM, disassemble
Shem, stem, them
ad rem, ahem, AM, Arnhem, Belem, em bier \em-blar\ temblor, trembler
bluestem, condemn, contemn, FM, assembler, dissembler
idem, in rem, item, mayhem, emblor \em-blar\ see embler
millieme, modem, poem, problem, pro
tern, proem, Shechem embly \em-ble\ trembly
ABM, anadem, apothegm, apothem, assembly
Bethlehem, diadem, exanthem, disassembly, self-assembly,
ibidem, IgM, meristem, OEM, SAM, subassembly
ad hominem, carpe diem, creme de erne1 \em\ see em 1
la creme, ICBM
post meridiem, star-of-Bethlehem, erne 2 \em\ see earn 1
terminus ad quern emel \a-msl\ see emile
2 1
em \am\ see um
emely \em-le\ see eemly
ema \e-ma\ bema, Lima, Pima,
schema emen 1 \e-man\ see emon 1
Colima, eczema, edema emen 2 \em-an\ see emon 2
diastema, emphysema, Hiroshima,
Iwo Jima, Kagoshima, Matsushima, emen 3 \a-man\ see amen 1
terza rima, Tokushima
ottava rima emer \e-mar\ see earner

emacist \em-a-s3st\ see emicist emeral \em-ral\ femoral

1 2
eman \em-an\ see emon
emery \em-re\ emery, Emery,
eman 2 Ne-manX see emon 1 Emory, memory
emane \em-3-ne\ see emony
emesis \em-a-s9s\ emesis, nemesis
emanence \em-3-nans\ see
eminence emi \em-e\ see emmy

emanent \em-3-nsnt\ see eminent emia \e-me-a\ anemia, bohemia,

Bohemia, leukemia, toxemia
ematis \em-3t-9s\ see emitus academia, septicemia, thalassemia
hypoglycemia, hypokalemia
ematist \em-3t-3st\ see emitist
ematous \em-3t-9s\ see emitus
emian \e-me-sn\ anthemion,
ember \em-b9r\ ember, member Bohemian
emic 132

emic 1 \e-mik\ emic emitist \em-3t-ast\ Semitist

anemic, graphemic, morphemic, systematist
lexemic, phonemic, taxemic, tonemic
epistemic emitus \em-3t-3s\ clematis, fremitus
emic 2 \em-ik\ chemic
alchemic, endemic, pandemic, emlin \em-lan\ gremlin, kremlin
polemic, sachemic, systemic, totemic
emma \em-9\ Emma, gemma,
academic, epidemic, epistemic
lemma, stemma
emical \em-i-kal\ chemical dilemma
alchemical, polemical
academical, biochemical, emme \em\ see em1
epidemical, petrochemical emmer \em-ar\ emmer, hemmer,
biogeochemical stemmer, tremor
emicist Xem-a-ssstA polemicist, condemner, contemner
supremacist emming \em-irj\ see eming
emics \e-miks\ graphemics,
em my \em-e\ Emmy, gemmy,
morphemics, phonemics, proxemics
jemmy, phlegmy, semi, stemmy
emile Xa-malX Emile, Memel
emn \em\ see em 1
eminal \em-an- l\ geminal, seminal
emner \em-3r\ see emmer
eminate \em-3-nat\ geminate
effeminate emnity \em-nat-e\ indemnity,
eminence \em-3-nans\ eminence,
remanence emo \em-6\ demo, memo
emon 1 \e-man\ demon, freeman,
eminent \em-3-n3nt\ eminent, Freeman, gleeman, Piman, seaman,
remanent semen
preeminent Lake Leman, pentstemon, Philemon
cacodemon, Lacedaemon
eming \em-irj\ Fleming, Heminge,
lemming emon \em-an\ Bremen, leman,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at lemon, Yemen
em 1
emone \em-9-ne\ see emony
eminge \em-irj\ see eming
emony \em-s-ne\ Gemini, lemony
emini \em-3-ne\ see emony anemone, bigeminy, Gethsemane,
eminy \em-a-ne\ see emony hegemony
emion \e-me-an\ see emian emor \em-ar\ see emmer
emis \e-mas\ see emus emoral \em-ral\ see emeral
emish \em-ish\ blemish, Flemish emory \em-re\ see emery
emist \em-ast\ chemist emous \e-mas\ see emus
biochemist emp \emp\ hemp, kemp, temp
133 enate

emperer Xem-par-arX emperor, Phnom Penh, playpen, RN, Touraine,

temperer Tynmen, somewhen
Adrienne, Debrecen, DPN, five-and-
emperor Vem-psr-srX see emperer ten, FMN, julienne, Kerguelen, La
emplar \em-pl3r\ Templar Fontaine, LPN, madrilene, mise-en-
exemplar scene, samisen, Sun Yat-sen, TPN
carcinogen, comedienne,
emple \em-p3l\ semple, temple equestrienne, tamoxifen, tragedienne,
emps \a n \ see ant 1
en 2 \en\ see ine 3
empt \emt\ dreamt, kempt, tempt
attempt, contempt, exempt, preempt, en 3 \a n \ see in4
undreamed, unkempt
tax-exempt en 4 \ s n \ see un

emptable Xem-ta-balX attemptable, en 5 \ a n \ see ant 1

contemptible ena 1 \a-na\ see aena 1
emptible Xem-ta-balX see emptable ena 2 \a-na\ see ana 2
emption \em-shan\ exemption, ena 3 \an-ys\ see ania 3
preemption, redemption
ena 4 \e-na\ see ina 2
emptive \em-tiv\ preemptive,
redemptive enable \en-3-bal\ tenable
amenable, untenable
emptor \em-tsr\ tempter
preemptor enace \en-as\ see enis 1
caveat emptor
enacle \en-i-kal\ see enical
emptory \em-tre\ peremptory,
enae \e-ne\ see ini1
enal \en- 3 l\ penal, renal, venal
emulous \em-y9-tas\ emulous,
adrenal, vaccinal
emur \e-mar\ see earner
enancy \en-9n-se\ tenancy
emus \e-mas\ Remus lieutenancy, subtenancy
in extremis, Polyphemus,
enant \en-ant\ pennant, tenant
polysemous lieutenant, se tenant, subtenant
emy \e-me\ see eamy sublieutenant, undertenant

en 1 \en\ ben, Ben, den, en, fen, gen, enary \en-s-re\ hennery, plenary,
glen, Glen, Glenn, Gwen, hen, ken, senary, venery
Ken, Len, men, n, pen, Penn, Rennes, centenary, millenary
Seine, sen, Sten, ten, then, wen, when, bicentenary, bimillenary,
wren, Wren, yen, Zen quincentenary, tercentenary
again, amen, Ardennes, Big Ben, quatercentenary, semicentenary,
Cayenne, Cevennes, Cheyenne, sesquicentenary
Chosen, Dairen, doyen, doyenne, enas \e-nss\ see enus 1
Duchenne, hapten, hymen, Karen, La
Tene, moorhen, peahen, pigpen, enate \en-at\ see ennet
enator 134

enator \en-9t-sr\ see enitor addend, amend, append, ascend,

attend, augend, befriend, Big Bend,
enQal \en-sal\ see encil bookend, boyfriend, closed-end,
commend, compend, contend, dead
ence 1 \ens\ see ense
end, dead-end, defend, depend,
ence 2 \a n s\ see ance 1 descend, distend, downtrend, emend,
expend, extend, forfend, girlfriend,
ence 3 \ans\ see ance 2 godsend, hornblende, impend, intend,
Land's End, low-end, missend,
encel \en-sal\ see encil misspend, offend, outspend, perpend,
enceless \en-slas\ see enseless pitchblende, portend, pretend,
propend, protend, rear-end, resend,
encer \en-sar\ see ensor South Bend, stipend, subtend,
suspend, transcend, unbend,
ench \ench\ bench, blench, clench, unkenned, upend, uptrend, weekend,
drench, french, French, mensch, year-end
quench, stench, tench, trench, wench, adherend, apprehend, bitter end,
wrench comprehend, condescend, Damavend,
entrench, luftmensch, retrench, discommend, dividend, minuend,
unclench, workbench overspend, recommend, repetend,
Anglo-French reprehend, subtrahend, vilipend
Mariana Trench hyperextend, misapprehend,
enchant \en-chant\ see entient overextend, superintend
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
enched \encht\ trenched en 1
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at enda \en-ds\ Brenda, Glenda, Venda
ench addenda, agenda, pudenda
corrigenda, hacienda, referenda
encher \en-ch9r\ see enture definienda

enchman Xench-manX Frenchman, endable Xen-da-bslX lendable,

henchman mendable, spendable, vendible
amendable, ascendable,
encia \en-cha\ see entia commendable, defendable,
dependable, descendible, expendable,
encil \en-S9l\ mensal, pencel, pencil, extendable, unbendable
stencil, tensile comprehendable, recommendable
blue-pencil, commensal, extensile,
Provencal, prehensile, red-pencil, endal \en-d 9 l\ Grendel, Kendall,
utensil Mendel, Wendell
intercensal prebendal, pudendal
encon \en-san\ see ensign endall \en-d 3 l\ see endal
ency \en-se\ Montmorency, endance \en-dans\ see endence
nonresidency endancy \en-dsn-se\ see endency

end \end\ bend, blend, blende, end, endant \en-dant\ see endent
fend, friend, lend, mend, rend, scend, ende 1 \end\ see end
send, shend, spend, tend, trend, vend,
wend, Wend ende 2 \en-de\ see endi
135 ene

ended \en-dad\ ended, splendid endible Xen-ds-bslX see endable

befriended, unfriended
double-ended, open-ended, endid \en-dad\ see ended
undescended ending \en-dirj\ bending, ending,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at pending, sending
end ascending, attending, fence-
endel \en-d3l\ see endal mending, goaltending, heartrending,
mind-bending, unbending, unending
endell \en-dal\ see endal unpretending
endence \en-dans\ tendance
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ascendance, attendance, intendance,
resplendence, transcendence
condescendence, independence, endium \en-de-9m\ compendium
Independence antependium
endless \end-tas\ endless, friendless
endency \en-dan-se\ pendency,
tendency endliness \en-le-nas\ cleanliness,
ascendancy, dependency, friendliness
resplendency, transcendency uncleanliness, unfriendliness
endly \en-le\ cleanly, friendly
uncleanly, unfriendly
endent \en-dant\ pendant, pendent, loop of Henle
appendant, ascendant, attendant, endment \en-mant\ amendment,
defendant, dependent, descendant, intendment
impendent, intendant, respendent, endo \en-do\ kendo
transcendent crescendo, stringendo
independent decrescendo, innuendo
superintendent diminuendo
endor \en-dsr\ see ender
ender \en-dsr\ bender, blender,
fender, gender, lender, mender, render, endous \en-dss\ horrendous,
sender, slender, spender, splendor, stupendous, tremendous
tender, vendor
amender, ascender, attender, endron \en-dran\ philodendron,
auslander, bartender, commender, rhododendron
contender, defender, descender, ends \enz\ see ens 1
emender, engender, expender,
extender, fork-tender, goaltender, endum \en-dam\ addendum,
hellbender, intender, offender, agendum, pudendum
pretender, surrender, suspender, corrigendum, referendum
tailender, weekender definiendum
double-ender, moneylender, over-
spender, self-surrender endy \en-de\ see endi

endi \en-de\ bendy, Mende, trendy, ene 1 \a-na\ nene, sene

Wendy ene 2 \en\ see en 1
modus vivendi ene 3 \en-e\ see enny
ene 136

ene 4 \e-ne\ see ini1 engthen \erj-than\ lengthen,

5 3 strengthen
ene \en\ see ine
ene 6 \an\ see ane 1 engue \erj-ge\ see engi

enel \en- 3 l\ see ennel enh \en\ see en 1

eneous \e-ne-as\ genius enia 1 \e-ne-a\ taenia

homogeneous Slovenia
heterogeneous sarracenia, schizophrenia
ener \e-nar\ see eaner enia 2 \e-nys\ Armenia, Encaenia,
Eugenia, gardenia, Ruthenia, Tigrinya
enerable Xen-rs-balX generable,
venerable enial \e-ne-al\ genial, menial, venial
regenerable congenial
eneracy \en-ra-se\ degeneracy, enian \e-ne-3n\ Fenian
regeneracy Armenian, Essenian, Icenian,
enerate \en-rat\ degenerate, sirenian, Slovenian, Tyrrhenian
Achaemenian, Magdalenian
unregenerate enic 1 \en-ik\ genie, scenic
enerative \en-rat-iv\ generative enic 2 \en-ik\ fennec, pfennig,
degenerative, regenerative phrenic, splenic, sthenic
neurodegenerative arsenic, asthenic, Edenic, Essenic,
eneris \en-3-ras\ mons veneris eugenic, Hellenic, hygienic, irenic,
sui generis transgenic
allergenic, androgenic, autogenic,
enery 1 \en-a-re\ see enary 2 calisthenic, chromogenic, cryogenic,
cryptogenic, hygienic, mutagenic,
enery 2 \en-re\ see eanery
Panhellenic, pathogenic, photogenic,
enet 1 \en-st\ see ennet Saracenic, schizophrenic, telegenic
carcinogenic, cariogenic
enet 2 \e-nat\ see eanut hallucinogenic, hypoallergenic
eng 1 \arj\ see ang 2
enical \en-i-kal\ cenacle
eng 2 \arj\ see ung 1 arsenical, galenical
enge \enj\ venge
avenge, revenge, Stonehenge enice \en-as\ see enis 1
engi \erj-ge\ dengue, sengi enicist \en-a-sast\ eugenicist
english \in-glish\ English, Yinglish ecumenicist

engo \erj-go\ marengo enics \en-iks\ eugenics, euphenics,

camerlengo euthenics, hygienics
calisthenics, cryogenics
ength 1 \erjth\ length, strength —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
full-length, half-length, wavelength listed at enic
industrial-strength enie 1 \en-e\ see enny
ength 2 \enth\ see enth enie 2 \e-ne\ see ini1
137 enny

enience \e-nysns\ lenience enne 3 \an\ see an 5

convenience, provenience
inconvenience en nee \en-ik\ see enic 2

enient \en-yant\ convenient, enned \end\ see end

prevenient ennel \en- a l\ crenel, fennel, kennel
enim \en-3m\ see enom unkennel

enin \en-an\ see ennon enner \en-ar\ see enor 1

enior \e-nyar\ senior ennery \en-a-re\ see enary 2

ennes \en\ see en 1
enis \en-as\ Denis, Dennis, Denys,
ennet \en-at\ Bennett, genet, jennet,
genus, menace, tenace, tennis, Venice
rennet, senate, sennet, sennit, tenet
summum genus
enis 2 \e-nas\ see enus 1 ennett \en-at\ see ennet

enison 1 \en-a-ssn\ benison, enney \en-e\ see enny

Tennyson, venison enni \en-e\ see enny
enison 2 \en-a-zan\ benison, ennial \en-e-al\ biennial, centennial,
denizen, venison decennial, millennial, perennial,
enist \en-ast\ tennist quadrennial, quinquennial, septennial,
euthenist triennial, vicennial
bicentennial, bimillennial,
enitive \en-at-iv\ genitive, lenitive postmillennial, premillennial,
philoprogenitive quincentennial, tercentennial
polyphiloprogenitive semicentennial, sesquicentennial,
enitor \en-3t-sr\ senator
progenitor ennies \en-ez\ tennies
primogenitor —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at enny
enity \en-at-e\ see entity
enium \e-ne-9m\ hymenium, ennig \en-ik\ see enic 2
proscenium ennin \en-sn\ see ennon
enius \e-ne-3s\ see eneous ennis \en-as\ see enis 1
enizen \en-3-zsn\ see enison 2 ennist \en-ast\ see enist
enn \en\ see en 1 ennit \en-st\ see ennet
enna \en-s\ Glenna, henna, senna ennium \en-e-am\ biennium,
antenna, duenna, Gehenna, sienna, decennium, millennium, quadrennium,
Vienna quinquennium, triennium
ennae \en-e\ see enny ennon \en-an\ Lenin, pennon,
ennant \en-ant\ see enant rennin, tenon
enne 1 \en\ see en 1
enny \en-e\ any, benne, benny,
enne 2 \en-e\ see enny Benny, blenney, Dene, Denny, fenny,
ennyson 138

genie, Jennie, jenny, Jenny, many, intense, missense, nonsense, offense,

penni, penny, Penny prepense, pretense, propense,
antennae, catchpenny, halfpenny, sequence, sixpence, suspense,
Kilkenny, Na-dene, pinchpenny, twopence
sixpenny, tenpenny, threepenny, accidence, antisense, commonsense,
truepenny, twopenny confidence, consequence, diffidence,
lilangeni, spinning jenny evidence, frankincense, multisense,
nondefense, providence, Providence,
ennyson Xen-s-sanX see enison 1 recompense, residence, self-defense,
eno 1 \an-yo\ segno subsequence
dal segno coincidence, ego-defense,
jalapefio inconsequence, New Providence,
nonresidence, self-confidence, self-
eno 2 \en-6\ steno evidence
enseful \ens-fal\ menseful, senseful
eno 3 \a-no\ see ano 2 suspenseful
enoch \e-nik\ see inic1 e n s e l e s s \en-slas\ fenceless,
enom \en-sm\ denim, plenum, senseless
venom defenseless, offenseless
envenom ensem \en-sam\ see ensum
enon \en-an\ see ennon enser \en-sar\ see ensor
enor 1 \en-ar\ Brenner, Jenner,
ensian \en-chan\ see ension
tenner, tenor, tenour
countertenor, heldentenor ensible \en-s3-bai\ sensible
2 compensable, condensable,
enor \e-nar\ see eaner
defensible, dispensable, distensible,
enour \en-ar\ see enor 1 extensible, insensible, ostensible
apprehensible, commonsensible,
enous \e-nas\ see enus 1 comprehensible, incondensable,
ens 1 \enz\ cleanse, gens, lens indefensible, indispensable,
amends, beam-ends, weekends reprehensible, supersensible
sapiens incomprehensible
definiens, locum tenens ensign \en-san\ ensign
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, alen§on
and -s forms of verbs, listed at en
ensil \en-s3i\ see encil
e n s 2 \ens\ see ense
ensable \en-s9-bal\ see ensible ensile \en-sal\ see encil

ensal \en-s9i\ see encil ension \en-chan\ gentian, mention,

pension, tension
ensary \ens-re\ see ensory abstention, ascension, attention,
contention, convention, declension,
ensch \ench\ see ench
descension, detention, dimension,
e n s e \ens\ cense, dense, fence, dissension, distension, extension,
flense, gens, hence, mense, pence, indention, intension, intention,
sense, spence, tense, thence, whence invention, Laurentian, low-tension,
commence, condense, defense, posttension, prehension, pretension,
dispense, expense, immense, incense, prevention, recension, retention,
139 ent

subvention, suspension, sustention, ensory \ens-re\ sensory

Vincentian, Waldensian dispensary, suspensory
Albigensian, apprehension, extrasensory, multisensory,
circumvention, comprehension, supersensory
condescension, contravention,
hypertension, hypotension, ensual 1 \en-chsl\ see ential
inattention, reinvention, reprehension,
ensual 2 \ench-wal\ see entual 1
incomprehension, misapprehension, ensum \en-S3m\ sensum
nonintervention, overextension, per mensem
ensurable \ens-r3-bal\ censurable,
ensional \ench-nal\ tensional mensurable
ascensional, attentional, commensurable, immensurable
conventional, declensional, incommensurable
dimensional, extensional, intensional,
intentional ensure \en-char\ see enture
unconventional, tridimensional,
unidimensional e n s u s \en-s3s\ census
consensus, dissensus
ensioner Xench-narX see entioner amanuensis

ensis \en-sss\ see ensus ent 1 \ent\ bent, Brent, cent, dent,
gent, Ghent, Gwent, hent, Kent, leant,
ensitive \en-s3t-iv\ sensitive lent, Lent, meant, pent, rent, scent,
insensitive sent, sklent, spent, sprent, tent, Trent,
hypersensitive, oversensitive, vent, went
photosensitive, supersensitive absent, accent, Advent, anent, ascent,
assent, augment, besprent, cement,
ensity \en-sst-e\ density, tensity
chimkent, comment, concent, consent,
extensity, immensity, intensity,
content, convent, descent, detent,
propensity dissent, docent, event, extent, ferment,
ensive \en-siv\ pensive, tensive foment, forewent, forspent, fragment,
ascensive, defensive, expensive, frequent, hell-bent, indent, intent,
extensive, intensive, offensive, invent, lament, loment, low-rent,
ostensive, protensive, suspensive mordent, outspent, outwent, percent,
apprehensive, coextensive, pigment, portent, present, prevent,
comprehensive, hypertensive, quitrent, relent, repent, resent,
hypotensive, inexpensive, segment, Tashkent, torment, unbent,
inoffensive, reprehensive, self- well-meant, wisent
defensive accident, aliment, argument,
counteroffensive, labor-intensive circumvent, compartment,
complement, compliment, confident,
ensor \en-sar\ censer, censor, devilment, diffident, discontent,
fencer, sensor, spencer, Spencer, document, evident, heaven-sent,
Spenser, tensor implement, instrument, Jack-a-Lent,
commencer, condenser, dispenser, malcontent, nonevent, Occident,
extensor, precensor, sequencer, ornament, orient, president, provident,
suspensor regiment, reinvent, represent, re-
biosensor present, resident, sediment, self-
—also -er forms of adjectives listed content, Stoke on Trent, subsequent,
atense supplement, underwent
ent 140

coincident, disorient, experiment, documentalist, fundamentalist,

ferro-cement, inconsequent, governmentalist, incrementalist,
misrepresent, nonresident, instrumentalist, orientalist,
privatdocent, self-evident sacramentalist, sentimentalist,
ent 2 \ant\ see ant 2 environmentalist, experimentalist
ent 3 \a n \ see ant 1 ental n e s s \ent- 3 l-n9s\ see
enta \ent-a\ menta, yenta
magenta, momenta, placenta, entance \ent- 3 ns\ see entence
polenta, tegmenta, tomenta
irredenta entary \en-tre\ gentry, sentry
impedimenta passementerie, reentry, subentry
alimentary, complementary,
entable \ent-a-bal\ fermentable, complimentary, documentary,
presentable, preventable elementary, filamentary,
documentable, representable, parliamentary, rudimentary,
sedimentable sedimentary, supplementary,
tenementary, testamentary
entacle \ent-i-kal\ see entical integumentary, uncomplimentary,
entage \ent-ij\ tentage, ventage unparliamentary
percentage semidocumentary
entative \ent-at-iv\ tentative
ental \ent- 3 l\ cental, dental, dentil,
augmentative, fermentative,
gentle, lentil, mental, rental
frequentative, presentative,
cliental, fragmental, judgmental,
parental, placental, segmental preventative
argumentative, representative
accidental, adjustmental,
apartmental, biparental,
compartmental, complemental, ente 1 \en-ta\ al dente
condimental, continental, lentamente
departmental, detrimental,
documental, excremental, elemental, ente 2 \ent-e\ see enty
firmamental, fundamental,
governmental, grandparental, ente 3 \ant\ see ant 2
incidental, incremental, instrumental, ented \ent-ad\ tented
managemental, monumental, augmented, contented, demented,
nonjudgmental, occidental, oriental, lamented, segmented, untented
ornamental, regimental, rudimental,
battlemented, malcontented,
sacramental, sentimental,
oriented, self-contented, unfrequented
supplemental, temperamental,
transcendental, vestamental
overrepresented, underrepresented
coincidental, developmental, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
environmental, experimental, ent1
presentimental, subcontinental,
transcontinental, uniparental enten \ent- 3 n\ Benton, dentin,
intercontinental, interdepartmental, Denton, Kenton, Lenten, Quentin,
intergovernmental, semigovemmental Trenton
entalist \ent- a l-ast\ gentlest, entence \ent- 3 ns\ sentence
mentalist repentance
141 entioner

enter \ent-sr\ center, enter, mentor, intelligential, interferential,

renter, stentor, tenter, venter jurisprudential, multipotential,
assenter, augmentor, cementer, reminiscential
concenter, consenter, dissenter,
fermenter, frequenter, incenter, entialist Xen-cha-lastX essentialist
indenter, inventor, precentor, existentialist
preventer, rack-renter, reenter,
entian \en-chan\ see ension
repenter, subcenter, tormentor
documenter, epicenter, hypocenter, entiary \ench-re\ century
metacenter, representer, penitentiary
supplementer plenipotentiary
experimenter, hundred-percenter
entic \ent-ik\ lentic
entered \en-tsrd\ centered argentic, authentic, crescentic,
face-centered, self-centered identic
body-centered inauthentic
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
enter entical \ent-i-kal\ denticle, pentacle,
enterie \en-tre\ see entary conventicle, identical
entful \ent-fsl\ eventful, resentful nonidentical, self-identical
entice \ent-as\ see entous
enth \enth\ nth, strength, tenth
creme de menthe enticle \ent-i-kal\ see entical

enthe \enth\ see enth entient \en-ch9nt\ penchant,

sentient, trenchant
enthesis \en-tha-sas\ epenthesis, dissentient, insentient, presentient
entil \ent- 3 l\ seeental
enti \ent-e\ see enty
entin \ent- 3 n\ see enten
entia \en-chs\ dementia, Florentia,
sententia, Valencia enting \ent-irj\ dissenting
differentia, in absentia unrelenting
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ential \en-ch3l\ cadential, ent 1
consensual, credential, demential,
essential, eventual, potential, ention \en-ch9n\ see ension
prudential, sciential, sentential,
sequential, tangential, torrential entionable Xench-ns-balX
componential, conferential, mentionable, pensionable
confidential, consequential, unmentionable
deferential, differential, evidential,
entional \ench- nal\ see ensional
existential, expedential, exponential,
inessential, inferential, influential, entioned \en-chand\
nonessential, penitential, pestilential, aforementioned, well-intentioned
preferential, presidential, providential, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
referential, residential, reverential, ension
transferential, unessential
circumferential, equipotential, entioner \ench-nar\ mentioner,
experiential, inconsequential, pensioner, tensioner
entious 142

entious \en-chss\ abstentious, entress \en-tras\ gentrice

contentious, dissentious, licentious, inventress
pretentious, sententious, tendentious
conscientious, unpretentious entric \en-trik\ centric
acentric, concentric, dicentric,
entis \ent-as\ see entous eccentric
acrocentric, androcentric,
entist \ent-ast\ dentist Christocentric, egocentric,
cinquecentist, irredentist ethnocentric, Eurocentric, geocentric,
entity \en-9t-e\ entity, lenity phallocentric, polycentric, theocentric,
amenity, identity, nonentity, topocentric
obscenity, serenity anthropocentric, areocentric,
coidentity, self-identity Europocentric, heliocentric,
entium \ent-e-9m\ jus gentium
unnilpentium entrice \en-tras\ see entress

entive \ent-iv\ adventive, attentive, entry \en-tre\ see entary

incentive, inventive, pendentive, ents \ents\ gents
preventive, retentive events
argumentive, disincentive, inattentive dollars-and-cents
entle \ent- 3 l\ see ental —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ent
entleness \ent- 9 l-nas\ gentleness
accidentalness entual 1 Xen-cha-wslX sensual
accentual, consensual, conventual,
entment \ent-mant\ contentment, eventual
presentment, resentment
discontentment, self-contentment entual 2 \en-chal\ see ential
ento \en-to\ cento, lento, Trento entum \ent-9m\ centum, mentum
memento, pimento, pimiento, cementum, momentum, per centum,
seicento, trecento tegmentum, tomentum
cinquecento, Papiamento, argumentum
portamento, quatrocento, Sacramento enture \en-char\ bencher, censure,
aggiornamento, divertimento, denture, drencher, trencher, venture,
risorgimento wencher
pronunciamento adventure, backbencher, debenture,
enton \ent- 3 n\ see enten front-bencher, indenture, misventure
misadventure, peradventure
entor \ent-ar\ see enter
enturer \ench-rsr\ censurer,
entOUS \ent-as\ prentice venturer
apprentice, argentous, momentous, adventurer
compos mentis, filamentous, enturess \ench-ras\ see enturous
ligamentous enturous Xench-rssX venturous
non compos mentis adventuress, adventurous
in loco parentis
entury \ench-re\ see entiary
entral \en-tral\ central, ventral
subcentral enty \ent-e\ plenty, sente, senti,
dorsiventral tenty, twenty
143 eph

aplenty, licente eopardess \ep-9rd-as\ leopardess,

cognoscente, twenty-twenty shepherdess
Deo volente
dolce far niente eople \e-pal\ people, pipal, steeple
craftspeople, dispeople, laypeople,
enuis \en-y9-wss\ see enuous newspeople, salespeople,
spokespeople, townspeople,
enum \en-am\ see enom tradespeople, tribespeople, unpeople,
enuous \en-ya-w9s\ strenuous, workpeople
tenuis, tenuous anchorpeople, businesspeople,
ingenuous congresspeople
disingenuous eopled \e-psld\ unpeopled
enus 1 \e-nss\ genus, lenis, penis, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
venous, Venus eople
Campinas, Delphinus, Maecenas, eordie \6rd-e\ see ordy1
Quirinus, silenus
intravenous eorem \ir-9m\ see erum
2 1
enus \en-as\ see enis eorge \6rj\ see orge
eny \a-ne\ see ainy eorgian \6r-jsn\ see orgian
enys \en-as\ see enis eorist \ir-sst\ see erist1
enza 1 \en-za\ Penza eoul \61\ see ole 1
cadenza, credenza
influenza e o u s \e-as\ seeeus 1

enza 2 \en-sa\ Polenza, Vicenza ep \ e p \ hep, pep, prep, rep, schlepp,

skep, step, steppe, strep, yep
Alep, crowstep, doorstep, footstep,
eo 1 \a-6\ mayo, Mayo goose-step, instep, lockstep, misstep,
cacao, paseo, rodeo one-step, quickstep, salep, sidestep,
aparejo, Bulawayo, cicisbeo, zapateo two-step, unstep
Montevideo corbiestep, demirep, overstep, step-
e o 2 \e-6\ see io2 Gaziantep
eoff1 \ef\ see ef eparable Xep-ra-balX reparable,
eoff2 \ef\ see ief1 separable
inseparable, irreparable
eoffor \ef-ar\ see ephor
epard \ep-ard\ see eopard
eolate \e-9-tat\ triolet
alveolate, areolate, urceolate epe \ a p \ see ape 1
eoman \6-m9n\ see oman epee \e-pe\ see eepy
1 1
eon \e-an\ see ean eper \ep-ar\ see epper
eon \e-an\ eon, freon, neon, prion eperous \ep-ras\ leprous
eonid \e-3-nad\ see eanid
epey \a-pe\ see apey
eopard \ep-ard\ jeopard, leopard,
peppered, shepard, shepherd eph \ef \ see ef1
epha 144

epha \e-fa\ ephah editio princeps

synalepha, synaloepha —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ep
ephalin \ef-a-bn\ cephalin
encephalon, enkephalin epsis \ep-sas\ skepsis
acanthocephalan prolepsis, syllepsis
ephaly \ef-a-le\ anencephaly,
brachycephaly, microcephaly epsy \ep-se\ catalepsy, epilepsy,
narcolepsy, nympholepsy
ephen \e-v9n\ see even
ept \ept\ crept, kept, sept, slept,
epherd \ep-grd\ see eopard stepped, swept, wept
epherdess \ep-9rd-9s\ see accept, adept, backswept, concept,
eopardess except, incept, inept, percept, precept,
transept, upswept, windswept, yclept
ephone \ef-a-ne\ see ephony high-concept, intercept, nympholept,
overslept, self-concept
ephony \ef-9-ne\ Stefanie, Stefany
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ep
Persephone, telephony
eptable \ep-t9-bal\ see eptible
ephor \ef-9r\ deafer, ephor, feoffor,
heifer, zephyr eptacle \ep-ti-kal\ skeptical
hasenpfeffer conceptacle, receptacle
ephrine \ef-ran\ epinephrine epter \ep-tar\ see eptor
eptible \ep-t9-b9i\ acceptable,
epht \eft\ see eft perceptible, susceptible
imperceptible, insusceptible,
ephyr \ef-ar\ see ephor
epi \a-pe\ see apey
eptic \ep-tik\ peptic, septic, skeptic
epid \ep-ad\ tepid, trepid aseptic, dyspeptic, eupeptic,
intrepid proleptic, sylleptic
antiseptic, cataleptic, epileptic,
epo \ep-6\ see epot narcoleptic, nympholeptic
epot \ep-6\ depot, Ipo, pepo eptical \ep-ti-kgl\ see eptacle
el cheapo
eptile \ep-t a l\ see eptal
epp \ e p \ see ep
eption \ep-shan\ conception,
eppe \ep\ see ep
deception, exception, inception,
epped \ept\ see ept perception, reception, subreption
apperception, contraception,
epper \ep-9r\ hepper, leper, pepper, interception, misconception,
stepper preconception, self-conception, self-
Colepeper, Culpeper, sidestepper perception
eppy \ep-e\ peppy, preppy eptional \ep-shnal\ conceptional,
orthoepy deceptional, exceptional
eprous \ep-ras\ see eperous unexceptional
e p s \eps\ biceps, forceps, triceps eptive \ep-tiv\ acceptive,
quadriceps conceptive, deceptive, exceptive,
145 erbet

inceptive, perceptive, preceptive, chimaera, chimera, hetaera, lempira,

receptive, susceptive Madeira, mbira
apperceptive, contraceptive, Altamira
erable Xar-a-balX thurible
eptor \ep-tar\ scepter conferrable, deferrable, deferrable,
accepter, acceptor, inceptor, inferable, preferable, transferable
preceptor, receptor
intercepter, interceptor erah \ir-a\ see era 2

eptual \ep-chal\ conceptual, eral1 \ir-al\ Cyril, feral, serai,

perceptual spheral, virile
eptus \ep-tas\ conceptus eral 2 \er-al\ see eril
textus receptus
eral 3 \ar-3l\ see erral
epy \ep-e\ see eppy
erald \er-ald\ Gerald, Harold,
epys \eps\ Pepys herald, Jerald, Jerold, Jerrold
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, Fitzgerald, FitzGerald
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eep
eraph \er-af\ see erif
equal \e-kwsl\ equal, prequel,
sequel erapy \er-ald\ therapy
coequal, unequal chemotherapy, chronotherapy
eque \ek\ see eck
eratin \er-at- 3 n\ keratin, Sheraton
equel \e-kwal\ see equal Samaritan
equence \e-kwans\ frequence, erative \er-at-iv\ see arative1
infrequence, subsequence eraton \er-9t- 3 n\ see eratin
equency \e-kw3n-se\ frequency, erb \ s r b \ blurb, curb, herb, kerb,
sequency Serb, verb
infrequency acerb, adverb, disturb, exurb,
perturb, potherb, pro-verb, proverb,
equent \e-kwant\ frequent, sequent
reverb, suburb, superb
erbal Xsr-balX burble, gerbil, herbal,
equer \ek-ar\ see ecker
er1 \a\ see ay1 de verbal, nonverbal, pre verbal
er 2 \er\ see are 4 erbalist Xar-ba-bstX herbalist,
er \ar\ see eur 1 verbalist
er 4 \ir\ see eer 2
erbally Xsr-bs-leA verbally
era1 \er-s\ era, Sara, Sarah, sclera, hyperbole, nonverbally
caldera, Rivera, sierra, tiara erber \9r-bsr\ see urber
aloe vera, ciguatera, cordillera, erberis Xar-bar-asX berberis,
guayabera, habanera, Halmahera, Cerberus
riviera, Riviera, Santa Clara
erberus Xar-bar-ssX see erberis
era 2 \ir-s\ era, gerah, Hera, lira,
Pyrrha, sera, sirrah, Vera, wirra erbet \9r-b9t\ see urbit
erbia 146

erbia \ar-be-3\ see urbia erd \ard\ see ird

erbial \ar-be-3l\ adverbial, erde 1 \erd\ see aired
erde 2 \ard\ see ird
erbid Xsr-badX see urbid
erde 3 \ard-e\ see urdy
erbil \9r-bsl\ see erbal
erder Xsrd-arX birder, girder, herder
erbium Xar-be-amX erbium, terbium murder
ytterbium self-murder, sheepherder
erbole \ar-b3-le\ see erbally erderer Xard-ar-arX see urderer
erbolist Xsr-ba-tastA see erbalist erdi1 \ar-de\ see urdy
erby \sr-be\ derby, Derby, herby, erdi2 \er-de\ Verdi
Kirby Monteverdi
ercal Xar-kalX see ircle erd in \3rd- 3 n\ see urden
erce \ars\ see erse erding \ard-irj\ wording
1 sheepherding
erce \ers\ see arce —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ercel \sr-s3l\ see ersal 1 ird

ercement Xar-smantX amercement, erdu \ar-du\ perdu, perdue, Urdu

disbursement erdue \ar-du\ see erdu
erdure Xar-jarX see erger
ercer \9r-sar\ see ursor
ere 1 \er\ see are 4
ercery \ars-re\ see ursary
ere 2 \er-e\ seeary 1
erch \arch\ see urch
ere 3 \ir\ see eer 2
ercia Xsr-shaX see ertia
ere 4 \ir-e\ see eary
erciai \9r-shal\ Herschel, Hershel
commercial, inertial ere 5 \ar\ see eur 1
controversial, uncommercial e're \e-ar\ see eer 1
ere \er\ see are 4
ercian Xsr-shanX see ertian
ereal \ir-e-sl\ see erial
ercible Nar-sa-balX see ersible
ereid \ir-e-ad\ see eriod
ercion Xar-zhsnX see ersion 1
erek \erik\ see eric1
ercis \ar-s3s\ see ersus
erely \ir-le\ see early1
ercive \ar-siv\ see ersive
erement \er-9-m3nt\ see eriment
ercular Xar-kya-larX see ircular
erence 1 \ir-ans\ clearance
ercy \ar-se\ Circe, mercy, Percy, adherence, appearance, coherence,
pursy inherence
gramercy incoherence, interference,
controversy perseverance
147 eria

erence 2 \ar-3ns\ see urrence ergative \sr-g9-tir\ ergative,

3 purgative
erence \er-ans\ see arence
erge \ s r j \ see urge
erency 1 \ir-an-se\ coherency,
vicegerency ergeant \ar-jant\ see argent
erency \er-an-se\ see errancy ergen \ar-gan\ Bergen
erent 1 \ir-snt\ gerent
adherent, coherent, inherent, ergence \3r-jans\ convergence,
sederunt, vicegerent divergence, emergence, immergence,
incoherent insurgence, resurgence, submergence

erent 2 \er-snt\ see arent 1 ergency \3r-jsn-se\ urgency

convergency, detergency, divergency,
eren't1 \arnt\ see earnt emergency, insurgency
eren't 2 \sr-3nt\ see urrent
ergent \sr-J3nt\ see urgent
ereo \er-e-6\ see ario
ergeon \ar-jin\ see urgeon
ereous \ir-e-ss\ see erious
erger \3r-jsr\ merger, perjure,
erer \ir-ar\ see earer 2 purger, scourger, urger, verdure, verger
eres 1 \erz\ see airs
ergh \srg\ see erg
eres 2 \ir-ez\ see eries
ergic \sr-jik\ allergic, synergic,
eres 3 \ars\ see ers theurgic
eresy \er-3-se\ clerisy, heresy demiurgic, dramaturgic,
ereth \er-at\ see erit alpha-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic
ereus \ir-e-as\ see erious ergid \ar-jid\ see urgid
erf \srf\ see urf ergne 1 \arn\ see urn
erg \arg\ berg, burg, erg ergne 2 \ern\ see em 1
Augsburg, Boksburg, exergue,
hamburg, Hamburg, Hapsburg, ergo \9r-go\ ergo, Virgo
homburg, iceberg, Lemberg, Limburg, ergue \arg\ see erg
Lindbergh, Newburg, Pittsburgh,
Salzburg, Sandburg, Strasbourg, ergy \sr-je\ see urgy
svedberg, Tilburg
Drakensberg, Gutenberg, Harrisburg, eri1 \er-e\ see ary1
Inselberg, Konigsberg, Luxembourg, eri2 \ir-e\ see eary
Magdeburg, Nuremberg, Rube
Goldberg, Toggenburg, Venusberg, eria1 \ir-e-a\ feria, Styria, Syria
Wallenberg, Wiirttemberg Algeria, Assyria, asteria, bacteria,
Johannesburg, St. Petersburg, von collyria, criteria, diphtheria, Egeria,
Hindenburg franseria, Illyria, Liberia, Nigeria,
Baden-Wiirttemberg, plumeria, porphyria, Siberia, wisteria
Pietermaritzburg, Yekaterinburg cafeteria, cryptomeria, latimeria,
Roodepoort-Maraisburg opera seria, sansevieria, washateria
eria 148

eria 2 \er-e-a\ see aria erics \er-iks\ sferics

erial \ir-e-al\ aerial, cereal, ferial,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at eric1
arterial, bacterial, empyreal, ethereal,
funereal, imperial, material, sidereal, eried \ir-e-ad\ see eriod
venereal, vizierial
eries \ir-ez\ Ceres, series
immaterial, magisterial, managerial,
ministerial, presbyterial
erian1 \ir-e-an\ Adlerian, Assyrian, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
Aterian, Cimmerian, criterion, and -s forms of verbs, listed at eary
Hesperian, Hutterian, Hyperion,
erif \er-af\ seraph, serif, sheriff,
Iberian, Illyrian, Mousterian,
Mullerian, Pierian, Shakespearean,
sans serif
Spencerian, Spenglerian, Sumerian,
valerian, Valerian, Wagnerian eriff \er-af\ see erif
Hanoverian, Presbyterian
erik \erik\ see eric1
erika \er-i-ka\ see erica
erian 2 \er-e-an\ see arian 1
eril \er-al\ beryl, Beryl, Cheryl,
eric 1 \er-ik\ Berwick, cleric, Derek,
Errol, feral, ferrule, ferule, Merrill,
derrick, Eric, Erich, Erik, ferric,
peril, Sherrill, Sheryl, sterile, Terrell,
Herrick, xeric
aspheric, chimeric, choleric,
entheric, generic, Homeric, mesmeric,
atmospheric, cholesteric, climacteric, erilant \er-9-lsnt\ see erulent
congeneric, dysenteric, esoteric
erile \er-al\ see eril
erilous \er-3-las\ perilous, querulous
eric 2 \ir-ik\ lyric, pyric, pyrrhic,
spheric, xeric
aspheric, chimeric, empiric, satiric, eriment \er-3-mant\ cerement
satyric experiment
atmospheric, hemispheric, gedankenexperiment
panegyric, stratospheric
erin \er-an\ see aron 1
erica \er-i-ka\ erica, Erica, Erika
ering \ar-in\ see aring 1
esoterica, North America, South eriod \ir-e-9d\ myriad, nereid,
America Nereid, period
Latin America photoperiod
erical1 \er-i-k9l\ clerical erion \ir-e-an\ see erian 1
chimerical, numerical
anticlerical erior \ir-e-ar\ querier
anterior, exterior, inferior, interior,
erical 2 \ir-i-k9l\ lyrical, miracle, posterior, superior, ulterior
spherical, spiracle Lake Superior
empirical —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
hemispherical at eary
erich \erik\ see eric1 eriot \er-e-at\ see ariat1
149 erment

erious \ir-e-9s\ cereus, Nereus, erker \9r-kgr\ see orker1

serious, Sirius
cinereous, delirious, Guarnerius, erkin \9r-kgn\ see irkin
imperious, mysterious, Tiberius erking \9r-kirj\ see orking
erkly \gr-kle\ clerkly
eris 1 \ir-9s\ see erous berserkly
eris 2 \er-as\ see errous erky \gr-ke\ birkie, jerky, murky,
perky, smirky, turkey, Turkey, Turki
erist \ir-9St\ querist, theorist, verist Albuquerque, herky-jerky
panegyrist erle \grl\ see irl1
— also -est forms of adjectives listed erlie \er-le\ see airly
erlin \9r-tan\ merlin, Merlin,
erist 2 \er-9st\ see arist merlon, Merlyn, purlin, yearling
erisy \er-9-se\ see eresy erling \9r-lirj\ see urling
erit \er-at\ ferret, merit, terret erlon \gr-l9n\ see erlin
demerit, inherit
disinherit erlyn \9r-tan\ see erlin
Shemini Atzereth erm \9rm\ see orm 1
eritable \er-9t-9-bgl\ heritable, erma \9r-nti9\ dharma, Erma, herma,
veritable Irma
inheritable scleroderma, terra firma
eritor \er-9t-9r\ ferreter, heritor ermal \9r-m9l\ dermal, thermal
inheritor nonthermal, subdermal, transdermal
ectodermal, endothermal, epidermal,
erity \er-9t-e\ ferity, ferrety, rarity, exothermal, hydrothermal,
verity hypodermal, hypothermal
asperity, celerity, dexterity, legerity,
posterity, prosperity, severity, erman \9r-m9n\ ermine, german,
sincerity, temerity German, germen, Herman, Hermann,
insincerity merman, sermon, Sherman, Thurman,
ambidexterity, subsidiarity vermin
determine, extermine, Mount
erium \ir-e-9m\ Miriam Hermon
bacterium, collyrium, criterium, cousin-german, predetermine
delirium, imperium, psalterium Tibeto-Burman
atmospherium, magisterium
archaeobacterium ermanent \9rm-n9nt\ permanent
determinant, impermanent
erius 1 \er-e-9s\ see arious semipermanent
erius 2 \ir-e-9s\ see erious ermann \9r-m9n\ see erman

erjure \9r-jgr\ see erger ermary \9rm-re\ see irmary

erjury \9ij-re\ perjury, surgery erment \9r-mgnt\ averment,

microsurgery, neurosurgery conferment, deferment, determent,
interment, preferment
erk \grk\ see ork1 disinterment
ermer 150

ermer Xar-marX see urmur erna Xsr-naX dharna, Myrna, sterna,

ermes Xsr-mezX Hermes, kermes cisterna
ermi Xar-meX see ermy ernal \3rn- a l\ colonel, journal,
kernel, sternal, vernal
ermic Xar-mikX dharmic, thermic
diurnal, eternal, external, fraternal,
geothermic, hypodermic, taxidermic
hibernal, infernal, internal, maternal,
nocturnal, paternal, supernal
ermin Xar-manX see erman coeternal, sempiternal
erminable Xarm-na-balX terminable
determinable, interminable ernary Xar-na-reX fernery, ternary,
indeterminable turnery
erminal Xarm-nslX germinal,
terminal erne1 \ern\ see em 1
preterminal, subterminal erne2 \arn\ see urn
erminant Xarm-nsntX see ermanent erned \arnd\ see urned
ermine Xar-manX see erman ernel \arn- 3 l\ see ernal

ermined Xar-mandX ermined erner Xar-nsrX see urner

determined ernes1 \ern\ see em 1
overdetermined ernes2 \arn\ see urn
ernest \ar-nast\ see ernist
erminous Xar-ma-nasX terminus,
verminous ernia \ar-ne-3\ hernia
conterminous, coterminous Hibernia
erminus Xar-ma-nasX see erminous ernian \ar-ne-9n\ Hibernian,
quaternion, Saturnian
ermis Xar-mssX dermis, kermis,
kirmess, thermos ernible Xar-na-bslX see urnable
endodermis, epidermis, exodermis ernie \ar-ne\ see ourney1
ermit Xar-matX hermit, Kermit, ernier \ar-ne-3r\ see ourneyer
Thermit ernion \ar-ne-3n\ see ernian
ermon Xsr-msnX see erman ernist Xar-nastX earnest, Earnest,
ermos Xar-masX see ermis Ernest
ermy Xar-meX fermi, germy, squirmy, ernity Xar-nat-eX eternity, fraternity,
wormy maternity, modernity, paternity,
diathermy, endothermy, taxidermy quaternity
ern1 \ern\ bairn, Bern, cairn, hern, coeternity, confraternity,
Nairn sempiternity
Auvergne, moderne, Pitcairn, ernment Xarn-msntX adjournment,
Sauternes, Ygerne attornment, concernment,
art moderne discernment, internment
ern2 XarnX see urn ernum Xar-nanA see urnum
151 erron

erny \sr-ne\ see ourney1 errand \er-and\ errand, gerund

ero \e-ro\ giro, gyro, hero, Hero, errant \er-ant\ see arent1
Nero, zero
subzero erre \er\ see are4
antihero, superhero
errell \er-al\ see eril
ero 2 \er-6\ aero, cero, Duero,
Faeroe, faro, Faroe, pharaoh, taro, errence1 \ar-3ns\ see urrence
tarot errence2 \er-sns\ see arence
bolero, bracero, cruzeiro, Guerrero,
Herero, Madero, montero, pampero, errent Xsr-antX see urrent
primero, ranchero, sombrero, torero,
vaquero errer \ar-3r\ burrer, stirrer
burladero, caballero, Mescalero, conferrer, deferrer, demurrer,
novillero deterrer, inferrer, preferrer, referrer,
banderillero, carabinero, transferrer
embarcadero erret \er-at\ see erit
Rio de Janeiro
erreter \er-9t-ar\ see eritor
ero 3 \ir-6\ giro, guiro, gyro, hero,
zero erria \er-e-a\ see aria
errible \er-9-bal\ see earable1
erod \er-9d\ Herod
out-Herod, viverrid erric \er-ik\ see eric1
erold \er-9ld\ see erald errick \er-ik\ see eric1
eron \er-sn\ see aron errid \er-ad\ see erod
erous \ir-9s\ cerous, cirrus, Eris, errie \er-e\ see ary1
peeress, Pyrrhus, scirrhous, seeress,
serous erried \er-ed\ berried, serried, varied
erp \arp\ see urp —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ary 1
erpe \ar-pe\ see irpy
errier \er-e-ar\ burier, terrier, varier
erque \ar-ke\ see erky bullterrier
err1 \er\ see are4 —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
at ary 1
err2 \ar\ see eur1
errill \er-al\ see eril
erra \er-a\ see era1
errily \er-9-le\ see arily
errable Xar-a-balX see erable
erring1 \ar-irj\ see aring1
errace \er-as\ see errous
erring2 \ar-irj\ see urring
erral \ar-3l\ bharal, scurrile, squirrel
conferral, deferral, demurral, erris \er-as\ see errous
referral, transferal
errol \er-al\ see eril
errance \er-sns\ see arence
errold \er-ald\ see erald
errancy \er-an-se\ errancy
aberrancy, coherency, inerrancy erron \er-an\ see aron1
error 152

error \er-ar\ see earer 1 ershel Xar-shalX see ercial

errous \er-9s\ derris, Eris, ferrous, ersial Xar-shalX see ercial
parous, terrace
nonferrous ersian Xar-zhanX see ersion 1
millionairess ersible Xsr-sa-bslX coercible,
errule \er-al\ see eril conversable, dispersible, eversible,
immersible, reversible, submersible,
erry \er-e\ see ary 1 traversable
incoercible, irreversible
ers 1 \arz\ furze, hers semisubmersible
Voyageurs ersion 1 W-zhsnX Persian, version
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, aspersion, aversion, coercion,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eur conversion, dispersion, diversion,
emersion, eversion, excursion,
ers 2 \ a \ see ay1 immersion, incursion, inversion,
perversion, recursion, reversion,
ersa \ar-sa\ bursa, Bursa submersion, subversion
vice versa ambiversion, extroversion,
ersable Xar-sa-bslX see ersible interspersion, introversion,
reconversion, retroversion
ersal 1 \ar-S3l\ bursal, tercel, versal animadversion, seroconversion
dispersal, rehearsal, reversal,
transversal, traversal ersion 2 Xar-shanX see ertian
universal ersional Xarzh-nalX versional
ersal 2 \ar-sal\ see arsal conversional, re versional

ersant \srs- 3 nt\ versant ersionist Xsrzh-nastX diversionist,

conversant excursionist
ersity 1 \ar-s3t-e\ adversity, diversity
ersary \ars-re\ see ursary
multiversity, university
erse \ars\ birse, burse, curse, Erse, biodiversity
hearse, nurse, perse, purse, terce,
terse, thyrse, verse, worse ersity 2 \ar-ste\ see irsty
adverse, amerce, asperse, averse, ersive \ar-siv\ cursive
coerce, commerce, converse, cutpurse, ambersive, aversive, coercive,
disburse, disperse, diverse, immerse, detersive, discursive, dispersive,
inverse, Nez Perce, obverse, perverse, excursive, inversive, perversive,
rehearse, reverse, sesterce, stress- recursive, subversive
verse, submerse, transverse, traverse extroversive, introversive
intersperse, reimburse, universe
erson \ars- 3 n\ person, worsen
ersed \arst\ see urst chairperson, craftsperson,
erser \3r-ssr\ see ursor draftsperson, houseperson,
MacPherson, newsperson, nonperson,
ersey \ar-ze\ furzy, jersey, Jersey, salesperson, spokesperson, unperson
kersey, Mersey anchorperson, businessperson,
New Jersey gentleperson, weatherperson
erschel Xar-shalX see ercial erst \arst\ see urst
153 ertinent

ersted \sr-st3d\ oersted, worsted — also -ed forms of verbs listed at

kilooersted ert1
ersus Xsr-sasX cercis, thyrsus, versus ertedly Xart-ad-leA assertedly,
excursus concertedly, pervertedly
ersy \ar-se\ see ercy ertence \art- a ns\ advertence
ert1 \srt\ Bert, blurt, Burt, chert, inadvertence
curt, dirt, flirt, girt, hurt, Kurt, pert, ertent \art- 9 nt\ advertent, revertant
quirt, shirt, skirt, spurt, squirt, sturt, inadvertent
vert, wert, wort
advert, alert, assert, avert, bellwort, erter \srt-3r\ blurter, skirter,
birthwort, Blackshirt, brownshirt, squirter, stertor
Cape Vert, colewort, concert, convert, converter, inverter, subverter
covert, desert, dessert, dissert, divert, controverter
evert, exert, expert, exsert, figwort, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
fleawort, frankfurt, glasswort, at ert 1
hoopskirt, hornwort, inert, insert,
invert, lousewort, lungwort, madwort, ertes 1 \art-ez\ certes
milkwort, nightshirt, outskirt, overt, Laertes
pervert, pilewort, ragwort, redshirt,
ertes 2 \srts\ see erts
revert, ribwort, saltwort, sandwort,
seagirt, Schubert, soapwort, ertford \art-fsrd\ see artford
spearwort, spleenwort, stitchwort,
stonewort, subvert, sweatshirt, erth \arth\ see irth
toothwort, T-shirt, ungirt
ertha Xsr-thsX Bertha, Eartha
ambivert, bladderwort, butterwort,
controvert, disconcert, extrovert, ertia Xsr-shaX Mercia, Murcia
feverwort, inexpert, introvert, inertia
liverwort, malapert, miniskirt,
mitrewort, moneywort, overshirt, ertial Xsr-shalX see ercial
overskirt, pennywort, pettiskirt,
preconcert, reconvert, Saint-John's- ertian Xar-shanX Mercian, tertian
wort, spiderwort, swallowwort, assertion, Cistercian, desertion,
thoroughwort, undershirt, underskirt exertion, insertion
animadvert, interconvert
ert2 \er\ see are 4 ertible Xart-s-balX convertible,
3 5
ert \at\ see at controvertible, inconvertible
erta \art-3\ Gerta incontrovertible, interconvertible
Alberta, Roberta ertile \srt- a l\ curtal, fertile, hurtle,
ertain \art- 3 n\ burton, Burton, kirtle, myrtle, Myrtle, spurtle, turtle
certain, curtain, Merton cross-fertile, exsertile, infertile
uncertain interfertile

ertant \art- 3 nt\ see ertent ertinence \grt- 9 n-3ns\ pertinence,

erted \art-3d\ skirted appurtenance, impertinence
concerted, perverted, T-shirted
extroverted, miniskirted, ertinent1 \9rt- 3 n-snt\ pertinent
undershirted appurtentant, impertinent
ertinent 154

ertinent 2 Xart-nsntX see irtinent erve \arv\ curve, MIRV, nerve,

serve, swerve, verve
erting \art-irj\ shirting, skirting conserve, deserve, disserve, hors
disconcerting, self-asserting d'oeuvre, incurve, observe, preserve,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at reserve, self-serve, subserve, unnerve
ert1 unreserve
ertion Xar-shanX see ertian erved \srvd\ nerved
ertisement Xart-as-mantX decurved, deserved, recurved,
advertisement, divertissement reserved
underserved, unreserved
ertium Xar-shsnA see urtium — also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ertive \art-iv\ furtive
assertive ervency Xar-van-seA fervency
self-assertive, unassertive conservancy
erton \art-n\ see ertain ervent Xar-vantA see ervant
ertor \art-3r\ see erter erver \ar-var\ fervor, server
deserver, observer, preserver,
erts \arts\ certes, hertz, nerts timeserver
gigahertz, kilohertz, megahertz ervice \sr-v9s\ nervous, service
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, disservice, full-service, in-service,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ert1 self-service
erty \sr-te\ see irty
ervil Xsr-vslX chervil, serval, servile
ertz \arts\ see erts
ervile Xar-valX see ervil
erule \er-al\ see eril
erviness Xar-ve-nasX nerviness
erulent \er-3-lant\ sterilant topsy-turviness
puberulent, pulverulent
erving \sr-virj\ Irving, serving
erulous \er-3-las\ see erilous deserving, self-serving, timeserving,
erum \ir-9m\ theorem, serum unswerving
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
erund \er-and\ see errand erve
erunt \er-ant\ see arent 1 ervitor W-vat-srX servitor
erval \9r-vsl\ see ervil
ervor \ar-v9r\ see erver
ervancy \ar-v3n-se\ see ervency
ervous Xar-vasX see ervice
ervant \9r-vant\ fervent, servant
maidservant, manservant, observant ervy \sr-ve\ see urvy

ervative \ar-v3t-iv\ conservative, erwick \er-ik\ see eric1

preservative erwin Xar-wanX Irwin, Sherwin
neoconservative, semiconservative ery1 \er-e\ see ary1
ervator Xsr-vat-arX see ervitor ery 2 \ir-e\ see eary
155 esh

eryl \er-sl\ see eril luminescence, obsolescence,

opalescence, prepubescence
erz \erts\ see ertz preadolescence
es 1 \a\ see ay1 escency \es- a n-se\ excrescency,
e s 2 \as\ see ace 1
escent \es- 3 nt\ crescent, Crescent
e s 3 \az\ see aze 1 candescent, canescent, concrescent,
e s 4 \es\ see ess decrescent, depressant, excrescent,
fluorescent, frutescent, incessant,
e s 5 \ez\ see eze increscent, liquescent, pearlescent,
pubescent, putrescent, quiescent,
e's \ez\ see eze rufescent, senescent, suppressant,-
tumescent, turgescent, virescent
esa 1 \a-sa\ mesa, Mesa, presa
omasa, Teresa, Theresa acaulescent, acquiescent, adolescent,
arborescent, coalescent, convalescent,
esa 2 \a-za\ presa detumescent, effervescent,
impresa, marchesa efflorescent, evanescent, incandescent,
Bel Paese inflorescent, intumescent, irridescent,
Maria Theresa juvenescent, luminescent, opalescent,
phosphorescent, prepubescent,
e s a g e \es-ij\ see essage recrudescent, viridescent
antidepressant, preadolescent
esan 1 \az- 3 n\ see azon
escible \es-3-bal\ see essible
esan 2 \ez- 3 n\ see eason
escience \esh-ans\ nescience,
esant \ez- 3 nt\ bezant, peasant, prescience
pheasant, pleasant, present
unpleasant escive \es-iv\ see essive
e s c o \es-ko\ alfresco
e s a s \a-zas\ Marquesas
e s c u e \es-kyu\ fescue, rescue
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at esa 2 ese 1 \es\ see iece
e s c e \es\ see e s s e s e 2 \ez\ see eze
e s c e n c e \es- 3 ns\ essence e s e 3 \a-se\ see acy
candescence, concrescence,
excrescence, florescence, e s e n c e \ez- 3 ns\ pleasance, presence
fluorescence, pearlescence, omnipresence
pubescence, putrescence, quiescence, e s e u s \e-se-as\ Theseus
quintessence, senescence, tumescence,
turgescence, virescence
acquiescence, adolescence, esh 1 \esh\ creche, fleche, flesh,
arborescence, coalescence, fresh, mesh, thresh
convalescence, decalescence, afresh, bobeche, caleche, creme
defervescence, deliquescence, fraiche, enmesh, gooseflesh,
detumescence, effervescence, horseflesh, immesh, parfleche, refresh,
efflorescence, evanescence, tete-beche
incandescence, inflorescence, Bangladesh, Gilgamesh, intermesh,
iridescence, juvenescence, Marrakech
esh 156

Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, esiccant \es-i-ksnt\ desiccant,

Uttar Pradesh vesicant
Himachral Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh esidency \ez-3d-sn-se\ presidency,
e s h 2 \ash\ see eche 1 nonresidency, vice-presidency
esh 3 \ash\ see ash 3 esident \ez-ad-3nt\ president,
eshed \esht\ fleshed, meshed nonresident, vice-president
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
esh 1 esima Xes-a-maX Quinquagesima,
eshen \esh-3n\ see ession Septuagesima
eshener \esh-nsr\ see essioner esimal \es-9-mal\ centesimal,
esher \esh-ar\ see essure millesimal, vigesimal
duodecimal, planetesimal,
eshly \esh-le\ fleshly, freshly, sexagesimal
specially infinitesimal
esin \ez- 3 n\ resin
eshment \esh-mant\ fleshment muezzin
enmeshment, refreshment oleoresin
esi 1 \a-ze\ see azy esion \e-zhan\ see esian 1
esi 2 \a-se\ see acy e s i s \e-S9s\ Croesus, thesis, tmesis
ascesis, askesis, esthesis, mimesis,
esia 1 \e-sha\ geisha, Moesia prosthesis
Letitia, Lucretia, Magnesia, anamnesis, catachresis, catechesis,
Phoenicia Dionysus, exegesis
alpoecia hyperkinesis, Peloponnesus,
esia 2 \e-zha\ freesia psychokinesis, telekinesis
amnesia, esthesia, frambesia, amniocentesis
magnesia, rafflesia, Silesia, Tunisia esium \e-ze-am\ see ezium
analgesia, anesthesia, Austronesia,
Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, esive \e-siv\ adhesive, cohesive
Polynesia, synesthesia self-adhesive
esial \e-ze-9i\ mesial esk \esk\ see esque
ecclesial esley \es-le\ see essly
esian \e-zhan\ Friesian, Frisian, eslie \es-le\ see essly
adhesion, Cartesian, cohesion, e s n e \en\ see ine 3
etesian, Salesian eso 1 \a-so\ peso, say-so
Austronesian, Holstein-Friesian,
Indonesian, Melanesian, Micronesian, e s o 2 \es-6\ see esso
Polynesian e s p a s s \es-pss\ Thespis, trespass
2 1
esian \e-shan\ see etion espis \es-pas\ see espass
esias \e-se-as\ see eseus espite \es-pat\ see espot
esicant \es-i-k9nt\ see esiccant espot \es-pat\ despot, respite
157 ession
esque \esk\ desk essan \es- 3 n\ see essen
burlesque, grotesque, moresque
arabesque, Bunyanesque, copydesk, e s s a n c y \es- 3 n-se\ see escency
gigantesque, humoresque, Junoesque, essant \es- 3 nt\ see escent
Kafkaesque, picaresque, picturesque,
plateresque, Romanesque, e s s e 1 \es\ see e s s
Rubenesque, sculpturesque, statuesque e s s e 2 \es-e\ see essy
e s s e 3 \es-a\ Hesse
e s s \es\ bless, cess, chess, cress, Odessa, Vanessa
dress, ess, fess, guess, Hesse, jess,
less, loess, mess, ness, press, s, stress, e s s e d \est\ see est
tress, yes
essedly \es-ad-le\ blessedly,
abscess, access, address, aggress,
confessedly, professedly, possessedly
assess, caress, clothespress, coatdress,
compress, confess, CS, depress,
digress, distress, duress, egress, essel \es-9l\ see estle 1
excess, express, finesse, handpress,
headdress, housedress, impress, e s s e n \es- 3 n\ Essen, lessen, lesson,
ingress, largess, Meknes, nightdress, messan
noblesse, obsess, oppress, outguess, delicatessen
pantdress, possess, precess, prestress, e s s e n c e \es- 3 ns\ see escence
princess, process, profess, progress,
recess, redress, regress, re-press, esser \es-ar\ see essor
repress, shirtdress, sidedress, SS,
success, sundress, suppress, top-dress, e s s e x \es-iks\ Essex, Wessex
transgress, undress, unless, winepress essful \es-fal\ stressful
ABS, acquiesce, baroness, coalesce, distressful, successful
convalesce, DES, decompress, unsuccessful
deliquesce, derepress, dispossess,
effervesce, effloresce, evanesce, essian \esh-an\ see ession
gentilesse, GR-S, IHS, in-process, essible \es-3-bsl\ decibel
incandesce, intumesce, inverness, accessible, addressable,
Inverness, letterpress, luminesce, compressible, confessable,
Lyonnesse, minidress, nonetheless, depressible, expressible, impressible,
obsolesce, otherguess, overdress, processible, putrescible, suppressible
pennycress, phosphoresce, politesse, inaccessible, incompressible,
prepossess, preprocess, recrudesce, inexpressible, insuppressible,
repossess, reprocess, retrogress, irrepressible
second-guess, SOS, sweaterdress,
unsuccess, watercress, window-dress e s s i e \es-e\ see essy
another-guess, nevertheless
essile \es-al\ see estle 1
e s s a \es-s\ see e s s e 3
ession \esh-an\ cession, freshen,
essable \es-3-bal\ see essible hessian, session
accession, aggression, compression,
e s s a g e \es-ij\ message, presage concession, confession, depression,
expressage digression, discretion, egression,
essaly \es-s-le\ Cecily, Thessaly expression, impression, ingression,
obsession, oppression, possession,
essamine Xes-manX see essman precession, procession, profession,
essional 158

progression, recession, refreshen, e s s o n \es- 3 n\ see essen

regression, repression, secession,
succession, suppression, transgression essor \es-ar\ dresser, guesser, lesser,
decompression, dispossession, pressor, stressor
indiscretion, intercession, intersession, addresser, aggressor, assessor,
introgression, misimpression, caresser, compressor, confessor,
prepossession, reimpression, depressor, expressor, hairdresser,
repossession, retrogression, self- oppressor, processor, professor,
confession, self-expression, self- regressor, repressor, successor,
possession, supersession suppresssor, transgressor, vinedresser
antecessor, dispossessor, intercessor,
essional \esh-nal\ sessional predecessor, repossessor, second-
accessional, concessional, guesser
congressional, diagressional, microprocessor, multiprocessor
expressional, obsessional,
possessional, precessional, essory \es-a-re\ pessary
processional, professional, accessory, possessory
progressional, recessional, intercessory
successional essure \esh-ar\ pressure
preprofessional, subprofessional impressure, low-pressure, refresher
paraprofessional, semiprofessional acupressure, overpressure
essioner \esh-nsr\ freshener e s s y \es-e\ Bessie, dressy, Jesse,
concessioner Jessie, messy
essionist \esh-nast\ expressionist, est \est\ best, breast, Brest, chest,
impressionist, repressionist, crest, gest, geste, guest, hest, jessed,
secessionist jest, lest, nest, pest, prest, quest, rest,
test, tressed, vest, west, West, wrest,
essity \es-te\ see esty zest
essive \es-iv\ crescive abreast, appressed, armrest, arrest,
aggressive, caressive, compressive, attest, backrest, beau geste, behest,
concessive, degressive, depressive, bequest, bird's-nest, celeste, Celeste,
digressive, excessive, expressive, compressed, congest, conquest,
impressive, ingressive, obsessive, contest, detest, devest, digest, divest,
oppressive, possessive, progressive, egest, field-test, flight-test, footrest,
recessive, regressive, successive, gabfest, hard-pressed, headrest,
suppressive, transgressive hillcrest, houseguest, imprest, incest,
inexpressive, retrogressive, infest, ingest, inquest, interest, invest,
unexpressive low-test, Mae West, Midwest, molest,
manic-depressive northwest, posttest, pretest, professed,
protest, redbreast, repressed, request,
essly \es-le\ Leslie, Lesley, Wesley retest, revest, slugfest, southwest,
expressly suggest, trapnest, Trieste, t-test,
unblessed, undressed, unrest,
essman Xes-manX chessman, unstressed
pressman almagest, anapest, Bucharest,
expressman, jessamine, specimen Budapest, decongest, disinfest,
essment Xes-mantX see estment disinvest, empty-nest, galley-west,
manifest, north-northwest, palimpsest,
e s s o \es-6\ gesso predigest, reinvest, rinderpest, second-
espresso best, self-addressed, self-confessed,
159 estle

self-interest, self-possessed, estial \es-te-al\ celestial, forestial

sweatervest, uninterest, unprofessed
autosuggest, disinterest, robin estible Xes-ta-balX testable
redbreast, supraprotest, underinvest comestible, detestable, digestible,
thirty-second rest ingestible, investable, suggestible
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at incontestable, indigestible
ess estic \es-tik\ gestic
domestic, majestic
esta \es-ta\ cesta, cuesta, testa,
anapestic, catachrestic
vesta, Vesta
Avesta, celesta, egesta, fiesta, esticai \es-ti-kal\ see esticle
ingesta, siesta
Zend-Avesta esticle \es-ti-kal\ testicle
estable \es-ta-b9l\ see estiblG
estimate Xes-ts-matX estimate,
estae \es-te\ see esty guesstimate
estal \es-t 3 l\ crestal, pestle, vestal estinate \es-t3-nat\ festinate
estan \es-tan\ see estine
estine \es-tan\ destine, Preston
estant \es-tent\ arrestant, Avestan, clandestine, intestine,
contestant, infestant, protestant, predestine
decongestant, disinfestant, esting \es-tirj\ cresting, vesting,
manifestant westing
este \est\ see est —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ested \es-tad\ bested, crested,
nested, tested, vested estion \es-chsn\ question
time-tested congestion, cross-question,
barrel-chested, double-breasted, digestion, egestion, ingestion, self-
hairy-chested, indigested, single- question, suggestion
breasted decongestion, indigestion, self-
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at suggestion
est autosuggestion
ester \es-tar\ Chester, ester, Esther, estis \es-tss\ cestus, testis
fester, Hester, jester, Leicester, Lester, Alcestis, asbestos, Hephaestus
nester, Nestor, pester, quaestor,
quester, questor, nester, tester, wester, estival \es-ta-v9l\ estival, festival
yester, zester estive \es-tiv\ festive, restive
ancestor, arrester, contester, detester, congestive, digestive, egestive,
digester, infester, investor, ingestive, suggestive
Manchester, molester, northwester, decongestive
Rochester, semester, sequester,
south wester, sou'wester, estle 1 \es-3l\ Bessel, Cecil, decile,
suggester, Sylvester, trimester, nestle, pestle, sessile, trestle, vessel,
Winchester wrestle
arbalester, empty-nester, monoester, Indian-wrestle
polyester estle 2 \as-al\ see assel 2
esti \es-te\ see esty estle 3 \as-3l\ see ustle
estless 160

estless \est-las\ crestless, restless et1 \et\ bet, Bret, Brett, debt, et, fret,
get, jet, let, Lett, met, net, pet, ret, set,
estment \es-m9nt\ vestment stet, sweat, Tet, threat, vet, wet, whet,
arrestment, assessment, divestment, yet
impressment, investment abet, aigrette, Annette, asset,
disinvestment, reinvestment Babette, backset, baguette, banquette,
esto \es-to\ pesto, presto barbette, Barnet, Barnett, barquette,
manifesto barrette, beget, beset, blanquette,
boneset, brevet, briquette, brochette,
eston \es-tan\ see estine brunet, burette, burnet, cadet, cassette,
cermet, Claudette, Colette, coquet,
estor \es-tar\ see ester coquette, cornet, corselet, corvette,
e s t o s \es-t9s\ see estis coset, courgette, croquette, curette,
curvet, cuvette, daleth, dinette,
estra \es-tr9\ fenestra, orchestra, diskette, dragnet, duet, egret, fan-jet,
palaestra fishnet, flechette, forget, frisette,
Clytemnestra gazette, georgette, Georgette, gillnet,
godet, grisette, handset, hard-set,
estral \es-tral\ estral, kestrel headset, ink-jet, inlet, inset, Janette,
ancestral, campestral, fenestral, Jeanette, Jeannette, Juliet, kismet,
orchestral, semestral layette, lorgnette, lunette, Lynette,
estrel \es-tral\ see estral maquette, Marquette, mind-set,
moonset, moquette, motet, musette,
estress \es-tras\ see estrus Nanette, Nannette, noisette, nonet,
nymphet, octet, offset, onset, Osset,
estrial \es-tre-9l\ semestrial, outlet, outset, paillette, palet, pallette,
terrestrial palmette, Paulette, pipette, piquet,
extraterrestrial planchette, poussette, preset, quartet,
estrian \es-tre-an\ equestrian, quickset, quintet, raclette, ramet,
regret, reset, revet, rocket, roomette,
rosette, roulette, saw-whet, septet,
estrous \es-tras\ see estrus sestet, sextet, sharp-set, soubrette,
spinet, stylet, sublet, subset, sunset,
estrum Xes-trsnA estrum Syrette, tacet, thickset, Tibet, toilette,
sequestrum tonette, trijet, twinset, typeset, unset,
upset, vedette, vignette, well-set,
estrus \es-trss\ estrous, estrus
aiguillette, alphabet, anchoret,
estry \es-tre\ vestry andouilette, anisette, Antoinette,
ancestry avocet, banneret, basinet, bassinet,
bayonet, Bernadette, bobbinet,
estuous \es-cha-was\ incestuous,
briolette, burgonet, calumet, canzonet,
castanet, cellarette, chemisette,
esture \es-cb.9r\ gesture, vesture cigarette, clarinet, consolette, coronet,
corselet, crepe suzette, dragonet,
estus \es-tas\ see estis electret, en brochette, epaulet, epithet,
etiquette, falconet, farmerette,
esty \es-te\ chesty, pesty, testae,
featurette, flageolet, flannelette,
testy, zesty
guillemet, heavy set, jaconet, Juliett,
necessity, res gestae, Tibesti kitchenette, Lafayette, landaulet,
e s u s \e-sss\ see esis lanneret, launderette, Leatherette,
161 eth

luncheonette, maisonette, majorette, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at

marmoset, marquisette, martinet, etch
mignonette, minaret, minuet,
miquelet, novelette, Olivet, oubliette, etcher \ech-ar\ etcher, catcher,
parapet, paupiette, photoset, pirouette, fetcher, fletcher, Fletcher, lecher,
quodlibet, rondelet, Samoset, satinet, sketcher, stretcher
scilicet, sermonette, serviette, cowcatcher, dogcatcher, eye-catcher,
silhouette, sobriquet, solleret, flycatcher, gnatcatcher
somerset, Somerset, soviet, spinneret, etching \ech-irj\ etching, fletching
statuette, stockinette, suffragette, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
superjet, swimmeret, taboret, etch
thermoset, towelette, trebuchet,
tricolette, underlet, usherette, etchy \ech-e\ sketchy, stretchy,
vinaigrette, wagonette tetchy
analphabet, bachelorette, drum ete 1 \at\ see ate
majorette, electrojet, Hospitalet,
marionette, microcassette, ete 2 \et\ see et1
micropipette, musique concrete,
photo-offset, videlicet ete 3 \et\ see eat 1
audiocassette, caulifloweret, hail- ete 4 \at-e\ see aty
fellow-well-met, Marie Antoinette,
videocassette ete \at\ see ate 1

et 2 \a\ see ay1 eted \ad\ see ade 1

et 3 \at\ see ate 1 etel \et- a l\ see etal

etely \et-le\ see eetly
et 4 \es\ see e s s
eteor \et-e-ar\ meteor
eta 1 \at-a\ see ata 2 confiteor
eta 2 \et-s\ see etta —also -er forms of adjectives listed
at eaty
eta 3 \et-a\ see ita2
eter \et-ar\ see eater 1
etable \et-9-bal\ see ettable
etera \e-tra\ see etra
etable 2 \et-9-bal\ see eatable
eterate \et-3-rat\ see eterit
etal1 \et- 3 l\ beetle, betel, fetal
decretal, excretal eterit \et-3-r9t\ preterit
etal 2 \et- 3 l\ see ettle
etes \et-as\ see etus
etan 1 \et- 3 n\ Breton, threaten
Cape Breton, Tibetan eth 1 \eth\ Beth, breath, breadth,
death, saith, Seth, snath
etan 2 \et- 3 n\ see eaten 1 daleth, handbreadth, hairbreadth,
etch \ech\ catch, etch, fetch, fletch, Ashtoreth, isopleth, megadeath,
ketch, kvetch, lech, letch, retch, shibboleth
sketch, stretch, vetch, wretch Elisabeth, Elizabeth
backstretch, homestretch, outstretch
eth 2 \as\ see ace 1
etched \echt\ teched
farfetched eth 3 \at\ see ate 1
eth 162

eth 4 \et\ see et1 nomothetic, parenthetic, sympathetic,

synergetic, synesthetic
etha \e-ths\ Aretha, Ibiza aeromagnetic, antimagnetic,
ethane \e-than\ ethane, methane antipathetic, antipoetic, antipyretic,
nitromethane apologetic, epexigetic, epigenetic,
dichloroethane ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic,
geomagnetic, gyromagnetic,
ethe \e-the\ see eathy homogametic, hydrokinetic,
hydromagnetic, hyperkinetic,
ether 1 \elh-ar\ blether, feather, isomagnetic, monophyletic,
heather, Heather, leather, nether, morphogenetic, ontogenetic,
tether, weather, wether, whether optokinetic, palingenetic,
aweather, bellwether, pinfeather, paramagnetic, pathogenetic,
together, untether peripatetic, phylogenetic,
altogether, get-together polyphyletic, psychokinetic,
ether2 \3th-ar\ see other telekinetic, thermomagnetic
aposiopetic, cyanogenetic,
ethic \eth-ik\ ethic electrokinetic, electromagnetic,
erethic heterogametic, parasympathetic,
parthenogenetic, psychotomimetic,
ethral \e-thral\ urethral unapologetic
ethyl \eth-al\ bethel, Ethel, ethyl,
methyl etical \et-i-kal\ metical, reticle
triethyl aesthetical, genetical, heretical,
eti1 \et-e\ see eaty antithetical, arithmetical,
catechetical, cybernetical, epithetical,
eti 2 \at-e\ see aty exegetical, geodetical, hypothetical,
etia \e-shs\ see esia 1 parenthetical, theoretical
atheoretical, epexegetical
etian \e-shsn\ see etion1
eticist \et-3-sast\ geneticist,
etic 1 \et-ik\ thetic kineticist
acetic, docetic cyberneticist
etic 2 \et-ik\ etic, thetic etics \et-iks\ aesthetics, athletics,
aesthetic, ascetic, athletic, balletic, genetics, kinetics, phonetics, poetics,
bathetic, cosmetic, docetic, eidetic, tonetics
emetic, frenetic, gametic, genetic, cybernetics, dietetics, homiletics
hermetic, kinetic, limnetic, magnetic, apologetics, cytogenetics
mimetic, noetic, Ossetic, paretic, immunogenetics
pathetic, phenetic, phonetic, phrenetic, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
phyletic, poetic, prophetic, prosthetic, listed at etic
pyretic, splenetic, syncretic, syndetic,
synthetic, tonetic, Venetic etid \et-ad\ fetid, fretted, sweated
alphabetic, analgetic, anesthetic, indebted
antithetic, apathetic, asyndetic, parapeted
copacetic, cybernetic, diabetic, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
dietetic, digenetic, diphyletic, diuretic, et 1
empathetic, energetic, epithetic,
geodetic, homiletic, Masoretic, etin \et- 3 n\ see eaten 1
163 etta

etion 1 \e-shsn\ Grecian etous \et-ss\ see etus

accretion, Capetian, completion,
concretion, deletion, depletion, etra1 \e-trg\ Petra, tetra
excretion, Ossetian, Phoenician, etcetera
repletion, secretion, suppletion, etra 2 \e-tra\ Petra
Tahiti an Kenitra
Austronesian, Diocletian,
Melanesian, Polynesian etral1 \e-tral\ petrel, retral
etral2 \e-trgl\ see etrel1
etion \esh-an\ see ession etre \etr 3 \ fete champetre, raison
etious \e-shss\ see ecious d'etre
etis 1 \et-as\ see etus etrel1 \e-tral\ petrel, petrol, retral
etis 2 \et-as\ see ettuce etrel 2 \e-tral\ see etral1
etist \et-9St\ cornetist, librettist, etric \e-trik\ metric
vignettist obstetric, symmetric
clarinetist, exegetist, operettist asymmetric, barometric, decametric,
—also -est forms of adjectives listed dekametric, diametric, dissymmetric,
aret 1 geometric, hypsometric, isometric,
optometric, psychometric, telemetric,
etitive \et-9t-iv\ competitive, volumetric
repetitive acidometric, amperometric,
uncompetitive sociometric
etrical \e-tri-kal\ metrical
etium \e-she-am\ see ecium obstetrical, symmetrical
etius \e-shss\ see ecious asymmetrical, barometrical,
diametrical, geometrical,
etive \et-iv\ accretive, completive, unsymmetrical
decretive, depletive, secretive,
suppletive etrics \e-triks\ obstetrics
geometries, isometrics, sabermetrics
etl1 \at- 3 l\ see atal
etrist \e-trsst\ metrist
etl 2 \et- 3 l\ see ettle belletrist
etiand \et-bnd\ Shetland, wetland etrol \e-tral\ see etrel1
etment \et-m9nt\ abetment, ets \ets\ let's
besetment, curettement, revetment Donets, rillettes, Steinmetz
pantalets, solonetz, Sosnowiec
eto 1 \at-6\ see ato 2 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
eto 2 \et-6\ see ito1 and -s forms of verbs, listed at et1

eton \et- 3 n\ see eaten 1 etsk \etsk\ Donetsk, Kuznetsk,

etor1 \et-ar\ see etter Novokuznetsk
etor 2 \et-ar\ see eater 1 ett \et\ see et1
etory \et-9-re\ eatery etta \et-a\ betta, Etta, feta, geta,
decretory, secretory, suppletory Greta, Quetta
ettable 164

biretta, cabretta, galleta, Loretta, Citialtepetl

mozzetta, pancetta, poinsettia, Popocatepetl
Rosetta, Valletta, vendetta
anchoveta, arietta, cabaletta, ettlesome \et- 3 l-S3m\ mettlesome,
Henrietta, Marietta, operetta, nettlesome
sinfonietta ettling \et-lirj\ fettling, settling
ettable \et-3-bal\ retable, wettable unsettling
forgettable, regrettable —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
unforgettable ettle
ette \et\ see et1 etto \et-6\ ghetto, stretto
cavetto, falsetto, in petto, larghetto,
etter \et-ar\ better, bettor, debtor, libretto, palmetto, stiletto, zucchetto
fetter, getter, letter, netter, rhetor, allegretto, amaretto, amoretto,
setter, sweater, tetter, wetter, whetter fianchetto, Kazan Retto, lazaretto,
abettor, begetter, bonesetter, enfetter, Tintoretto, vaporetto
gill-netter, go-getter, jet-setter,
newsletter, pacesetter, pinsetter, red- ettor \et-ar\ see etter
letter, regretter, trendsetter, typesetter, ettuce \et-as\ lettuce, Thetis
unfetter, vignetter Hymettus
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed ettus \et-as\ see ettuce
at et1
etty1 \et-e\ Betty, jetty, Nettie, netty,
ettered \et-ard\ fettered, lettered petit, petty, sweaty, yeti
unfettered, unlettered brown Betty, cavetti, confetti,
libretti, machete, Rossetti, spaghetti
ettes \ets\ see ets amoretti, cappelletti, cavalletti,
ettia \et-s\ see etta Donizetti, Serengeti, spermacetti,
ettie \et-e\ see etty1
etty 2 \it-e\ see itty
ettier \it-e-ar\ see ittier etum \et-3m\ pinetum
ettiness \it-e-nas\ see ittiness arboretum, equisetum

etting \et-irj\ netting, setting etus \et-as\ Cetus, fetus, Thetis,

bed-wetting, bloodletting, go- treatise
getting, onsetting, typesetting acetous, Admetus, boletus, coitus,
thermosetting quietus
phototypesetting diabetes
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at etzsche \e-che\ see eachy
et 1
euben \u-ban\ Cuban, Reuben,
ettish \et-ish\ fetish, Lettish, pettish, Ruben
wettish von Steuben
novelettish euce \iis\ see use 1

ettle \et- 3 l\ fettle, kettle, metal, euced \u-sad\ see ucid

mettle, nettle, petal, settle, shtetl eucey \ii-se\ see uicy
bimetal, gunmetal, nonmetal,
teakettle, unsettle euch \iik\ see uke
165 euse

euchre \u-kar\ see ucre shirr, sir, skirr, slur, spur, stir, thir,
'twere, were, whir, your, you're
eucid \u-sad\ see ucid as per, astir, auteur, aver, bestir,
eud 1 \iid\ see ude chasseur, chauffeur, claqueur, coiffeur,
concur, confer, danseur, defer, demur,
eud 2 \6id\ see oid1 deter, douceur, du jour, farceur,
eudal \ud- 3 l\ see oodle flaneur, friseur, frondeur, hauteur,
him/her, his/her, incur, infer, inter,
eudist \iid-3st\ see udist1 jongleur, larkspur, liqueur, longspur,
masseur, millefleur, occur, Pasteur,
eudo \iid-6\ see udo poseur, prefer, recur, refer, sandbur,
eue \ u \ see ew1 sandspur, seigneur, transfer, voyeur
accoucheur, amateur, cocklebur,
euer \u-sr\ see ewer 1 colporteur, connoisseur, cri de coeur,
euil \al\ see ail cross-refer, cubature, curvature, de
rigueur, disinter, force majeure, franc-
euille \ e \ see ee 1 tireur, monseigneur, nonconcur,
pasticheur, prosateur, raconteur,
euk \iik\ see uke rapporteur, regisseur, saboteur,
eukin Xii-karA see ucan secateur, underfur, voyageur
arbitrageur, carillonneur,
eul 1 \al\ see ull entrepreneur, litterateur, provocateur,
eul 2 \arl\ see irl restaurateur
eulah \u-la\ see ula agent provocateur
eulean \u-le-an\ see ulean eur 2 \ u r \ see ure 1

eum 1 \e-3m\ geum eure \ar\ see eur 1

lyceum, museum, no-see-um, eurial \ur-e-al\ see urial1
odeum, per diem, Te Deum
athenaeum, coliseum, colosseum, eurish \ar-ish\ seeourish
hypogeum, mausoleum
eurs \arz\ seeers 1
eum 2 \a-am\ see ahum
eury \ur-e\ see ury1
3 1
eum \iim\ see oom
eus 1 \e-as\ Aeneas, Aggeus,
euma \u-ma\ see uma Alpheus, Arius, Chryseis, Linnaeus,
Micheas, Piraeus, uraeus
eume \tim\ see oom 1 coryphaeus, epigeous, scarabaeus
eumon Xu-marA see uman prelate nullius
Duque de Caxias, Judas Maccabaeus
eumy \u-me\ see oomy
e u s 2 \ u s \ see use 1
eunice Yii-nasX see ewness
euse 1 \az\ buzz, 'cause, coz, does,
eunt \iint\ see unt1 fuzz, 'twas, was
abuzz, because, outdoes, undoes
eunuch \ii-nik\ see unic overdoes
eur1 \ar\ birr, blur, buhr, burr, Burr, e u s e 2 \us\ see use 1
chirr, churr, cur, curr, err, fir, for, fur,
her, knur, murre, myrrh, per, purr, e u s e 3 \iiz\ see use 2
eusel 166

eusel 1 \u-ssl\ see usal 1 evement \ev-mant\ achievement,

2 2 aggrievement, bereavement
eusel \u-zal\ see usal underachievement
eut \iit\ see ute even \e-van\ even, Stephen, Steven
euter \ut-ar\ see uter breakeven, break-even, Genevan,
Kesteven, uneven
euth \iith\ seeooth 2
eventh \ev-9nth\ seventh
eutian Xii-shanX see ution eleventh
eutic \ut-ik\ see utic ever 1 \ev-ar\ clever, ever, lever,
eutical \ut-i-kal\ see utical never, sever, Trevor
dissever, endeavor, forever, however,
eutics \iit-iks\ toreutics soever, whatever, whenever, wherever,
hermeneutics, therapeutics whichever, whoever, whomever
cantilever, howsoever, live-forever,
eutist \ut-ast\ see utist whatsoever, whencesoever,
euton \ut- 3 n\ see utan whensoever, wheresoever,
whichsoever, whomsoever,
eutonist \ut- 3 n-ast\ see utenist whosesoever, whosoever
euve \sv\ see ove 1 whithersoever

euver \u-var\ see over 3 ever 2 \e-var\ see iever

eux \ix\ see ew1 everage \ev-rij\ beverage, leverage

ev 1 \ef\ see ef1 everence \ev-r9ns\ reverence,

ev \6f\ see off disseverance, irreverence
eva \e-v9\ see iva2 every \ev-re\ every, reverie
eval \e-vsl\ see ieval eves \evz\ see eaves
evalent \ev-9-bnt\ see evolent eviate \e-ve-3t\ deviate, qiviut
evan 1 \e-van\ see even evice \ev-ss\ clevis, crevice
evan 2 \ev-an\ see eaven Ben Nevis
eve 1 \ev\ breve, rev, Sevres evil \e-vsl\ see ieval
Negev eville \ev-al\ see evel
alia breve
evilry \ev-al-re\ devilry, revelry
eve 2 \ev\ see eave 1
evin \ev-3n\ see eaven
evel \ev-9l\ bevel, devil, level,
Neville, revel evious \e-ve-as\ devious, previous
baselevel, bedevil, bi-level, evis 1 \ev-ss\ see evice
daredevil, dishevel, go-devil, split-
level evis 2 \e-vas\ see evus
evity \ev-at-e\ brevity, levity
eveler \ev-lsr\ leveler, reveler longevity
evelly \ev-9-le\ heavily, levelly, evo \e-vo\ in vivo, relievo, ring-a-
reveille lievo
167 ew

alto-relievo, basso-relievo, mezzo- Hutu, imbrue, imbue, IQ, jackscrew,

relievo, recitativo K2, Kansu, karoo, Karoo, kazoo,
Antananavivo Khufu, kung fu, Kwangju, leadscrew,
lean-to, make-do, Matthew, me-too,
evocable Xev-a-ka-balX evocable, mildew, milieu, miscue, misdo,
revocable misknew, muumuu, Nehru, non-U,
irrevocable old-shoe, one-two, outdo, outgrew,
evolence \ev-9-l9ns\ prevalence perdu, Peru, poilu, preview, pursue,
benevolence, malevolence purview, ragout, redo, renew, Ren
Crew, review, revue, rough-hew, run-
evolent \ev-3-lant\ prevalent through, sandshoe, see-through, set-to,
benevolent, malevolent setscrew, shampoo, Shih Tzu, skiddoo,
snafu, snowshoe, soft-shoe, span-new,
evor \ev-ar\ see ever1 subdue, surtout, taboo, Taegu, tattoo,
evous \e-vas\ grievous, Nevis, nevus thank-you, thereto, thumbscrew, to-do,
longevous too-too, undo, undue, unglue, unscrew,
redivivus untrue, vatu, vendue, venue, vertu,
Saint Kitts and Nevis virtu, wahoo, walk-through,
wherethrough, whereto, who's who,
evsk \efsk\ see efsk withdrew, worldview
apercu, avenue, babassu, ballyhoo,
evus \e-vas\ see evous barbecue, barley-broo, billet-doux,
evy \ev-e\ bevy, heavy, levee, levy black-and-blue, buckaroo, bugaboo,
replevy, top-heavy callaloo, caribou, catechu, clerihew,
cockapoo, cockatoo, Cotonou,
ew 1 \ii\ blue, boo, brew, chew, clew, counterview, deja vu, derring-do,
clue, coo, coup, crew, cue, dew, do, detinue, feverfew, follow-through,
doux, drew, due, ewe, few, flew, flu, gardyloo, hitherto, honeydew, Ignacu,
flue, fou, glue, gnu, goo, hew, hue, ingenue, interview, IOU, jabiru,
Hugh, Jew, knew, lieu, loo, Lou, mew, Jiangsu, kangaroo, Kathmandu,
moo, moue, mu, new, nu, ooh, pew, kinkajou, loup-garou, Makalu,
phew, piu, pooh, prau, q, queue, roux, manitou, marabou, Masaru,
rue, screw, shoe, shoo, shrew, Sioux, Montague, Montesquieu, ormolu,
skew, slew, slough, slue, smew, sou, overdo, overdue, overflew, overgrew,
sous, spew, sprue, stew, strew, sue, overshoe, overstrew, overthrough,
Sue, thew, threw, thro, through, to, overview, parvenu, parvenue, pas de
too, true, two, u, view, whew, who, deux, passe-partout, PDQ, peekaboo,
woo, Wu, xu, yew, you, zoo Port Salut, rendezvous, residue,
accrue, adieu, ado, aircrew, airscrew, retinue, revenue, Richelieu, Ryukyu,
anew, Anjou, askew, au jus, Baku, seppuku, Shikoku, succes fou,
bamboo, battu, battue, bedew, switcheroo, talking-to, teleview,
beshrew, bestrew, bijou, boubou, Telugu, thereunto, thirty-two,
brand-new, breakthrough, burgoo, thitherto, Timbuktu, tinamou, trou-de-
cachou, can-do, canoe, caoutchouc, loup, twenty-two, view halloo,
Cebu, Cheng-du, Chongju, Chonju, vindaloo, w, wallaroo, Waterloo, well-
construe, Corfu, corkscrew, coypu, to-do, whoop-de-do, Xanadu
CQ, debut, ecu, endue, ensue, eschew, Aracaju, Brian Boru, didgeridoo,
floor-through, fondue, fordo, Guangxi Zhuangzu, hullabaloo,
foreknew, Gansu, Gentoo, Gifu, Ningxia Huizu, Ouagadougou,
gumshoe, guru, hairdo, hereto, pirarucu, Port du Salut, tu-whit
Honshu, horseshoe, how-to, HQ, tu-whoo, Vanuatu
ew 168

Daman and Diu, Kota Baharu, Nova ewing 1 \6-irj\ see oing1
ewing 2 \u-in\ see oing 2
2 1
ew \ 6 \ see OW
ewis \ii-3s\ see ouis 2
1 1
ewable \6-3-bal\ see owable
ewish \ii-ish\ bluish, Hewish
ewable 2 \u-3-bal\ see uable Jewish, newish, shrewish
ewage \ii-ij\ brewage, sewage
ewl \ul\ see ool1
ewal \u-al\ see uel1
ewless \u-lss\ clueless, crewless,
ewar \u-sr\ see ewer1 dewless, shoeless, viewless
eward1 \iird\ see ured 1 ewly \u-le\ see uly
eward 2 \u-ard\ Seward, steward ewman \u-man\ see uman
ewd \iid\ see ude ewment Xu-mantX strewment
ewdness \ud-nas\ see udinous accruement
ewe 1 \ 6 \ see ow1 ewn \iin\ seeoon 1
ewe 2 \ii\ see ew1 e w n e s s \u-nas\ blueness, dueness,
Eunice, newness, skewness, Tunis
ewed \ud\ see ude askewness
ewee \e-we\ see eewee ewpie \u-pe\ see oopy
ewel \u-9l\ see uel ewry \ur-e\ see ury1
eweled \iild\ see ooled ews \iiz\ see use 2
ewel I \u-sl\ see uel1 ewsman Xiiz-manX bluesman,
ewer 1 \u-ar\ brewer, chewer, dewar, newsman
doer, ewer, fewer, hewer, queuer, ewsy \xi-ze\ see oozy
screwer, sewer, skewer, spewer, suer,
viewer, wooer, you're ewt \iit\ see ute
horseshoer, me-tooer, misdoer,
previewer, renewer, reviewer, ewter \ut-ar\ see uter
shampooer, snowshoer, tattooer, ewterer Xiit-sr-arX see uiterer
undoer, wrongdoer
barbecuer, evildoer, interviewer, ewton \iit- 3 n\ see utan
revenuer, televiewer
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed ewy \ii-e\ bluey, buoy, chewy,
a?ew 1 Dewey, dewy, flooey, gluey, gooey,
hooey, Louie, Louis, newie, phooey,
ewer 2 \iir\ see ure 1 rouille, screwy, sloughy, viewy
chop suey, mildewy, Port Louis
ewer 3 \6-sr\ see oer 4
ratatouille, waterzooi
ewerage \ur-ij\ see oorage 1
ex \eks\ dex, ex, flex, hex, lex, rex,
ewery \iir-e\ see ury1 Rex, sex, specs, vex, x
ewey \u-e\ see ewy annex, apex, carex, codex, complex,
convex, cortex, culex, desex, duplex,
ewie \ii-e\ see ewy DX, fourplex, ibex, ilex, index,
169 eyen

Kleenex, Lastex, latex, mirex, murex, extrous \ek-stras\ see exterous

MX, narthex, perplex, Perspex, pollex,
Pyrex, reflex, remex, Rx, scolex, silex, extual \eks-chal\ textual
silvex, simplex, spandex, telex, Tex- contextual, subtextual
Mex, triplex, unsex, vertex, vortex exual \eksh-wal\ sexual
analects, belowdecks, biconvex, asexual, bisexual, effectual,
circumflex, cross-index, googolplex, pansexual, transsexual
haruspex, intersex, Malcolm X, ambisexual, homosexual,
Middlesex, multiplex, PBX, pontifex, hypersexual, intersexual, parasexual,
retroflex, spinifex, subindex, unisex psychosexual, unisexual
videotex heterosexual, sociosexual
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, anti-intellectual
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eck
exural \ek-shral\ see ectural 2
exas \ek-s9s\ see exus
exus \ek-sas\ lexis, nexus, plexus,
exed \ekst\ see ext texas, Texas
exedly \ek-s9d-le\ vexedly Alexis
perplexedly exy \ek-se\ prexy, sexy
exer \ek-ssr\ flexor, hexer apoplexy
duplexer, indexer ey 1 \a\ see ay1
demultiplexer ey 2 \ e \ see ee 1
exia \ek-se-a\ dyslexia ey 3 \ i \ see y1
eya 1 \a-a\ see aia 1
exic \ek-sik\ dyslexic
anorexic eya 2 \e-a\ see ia1

exical \ek-si-kal\ lexical eyance \a-ans\ abeyance,

indexical, nonlexical conveyance, purveyance, surveillance
exion \ek-shsn\ see ection
eyant \a-snt\ mayn't
exis \ek-sas\ see exus abeyant, surveillant
exity \ek-sat-e\ complexity, eyas \I-as\ see ias
convexity, perplexity
ey'd \ad\ see ade 1
exor \ek-sar\ see exer
eye \I\ seey 1
ext \ekst\ next, sexed, sext, text,
vexed eyed 1 \ed\ see eed
context, deflexed, inflexed,
perplexed, plaintext, pretext, reflexed, eyed 2 \Id\ see ide1
subtext, urtext eyedness \Id-nss\ eyedness,
ciphertext, oversexed, teletext, snideness
undersexed cockeyedness
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ex
eyeless \I-bs\ see ilus
extant \ek-stant\ extant, sextant
eyelet \ i - b t \ see ilot
exterous \ek-strgs\ dexterous
ambidextrous eyen \ln\ see ine1
eyer 170

eyer 1 \a-sr\ see ayer1 menses, nates, Pisces, quick-freeze,

Ramses, reprise, sharp-freeze, soubise,
eyer 2 \Ir\ see ire1 striptease, Tabriz, Thales, trapeze,
eyes \Iz\ see ize unease, unfreeze, Xerxes
Amboinese, Androcles, Annamese,
eying \a-irj\ see aying antifreeze, Assamese, Balinese,
ey'll1 \al\ see ail Brooklynese, Cantonese, Cervantes,
Chersonese, Congolese, Cyclades.
ey'll2 \el\ see el1 Damocles, diocese, Eloise, Erinyes,
expertise, Faeroese, federalese,
eyn \in\ see in1 genovese, gourmandise, Hebrides,
eynes \anz\ see ains Heracles, Hercules, Hunanese,
Hyades, Japanese, Javanese,
e y n e s s \a-nas\ see ayness Johnsonese, journalese, Kanarese,
Lake Louise, legalese, litotes,
eyor \a-ar\ see ayer1 manganese, Nipponese, overseas,
eyre \er\ see are 4 Pekinese, Pekingese, Pericles,
Pleiades, Portuguese, Pyrenees,
ey're \er\ see are 4 Siamese, Silures, Sinhalese, Socrates,
Sophocles, Sporades
eyrie \Ir-e\ see iry1
Albigenses, antipodes, Aragonese,
eys \ez\ see eze archdiocese, Averroes, bona fides,
bureaucratese, cheval-de-frise,
eyser \I-zsr\ see izer computerese, Diogenes, Dodecanese,
Eumenides, Euripides, Florida Keys,
eyte \a-te\ see aty
Gaucher's disease, governmentese,
ey've \av\ see ave 2 Great Pyrenees, Hesperides,
Hippocrates, Hippomenes, Hodgkin's
ez 1 \ez\ see ays 1 disease, Indo-Chinese, nephritides,
officialese, pentagonese, Philoctetes,
ez 2 \a\ see ay1 Sammarinese, superficies,
ez 3 \as\ see ace 1 telegraphese, Themistocles,
Thucydides, Vietnamese
eza \e-za\ Giza, Lisa, Pisa, visa Alcibiades, Aristophanes,
mestiza educationese, ferromanganese, Lou
lespedeza Gehrig's disease, Mephistopheles,
eze \ez\ bise, breeze, cheese, ease, sociologese, sword of Damocles
feaze, feeze, freeze, frieze, he's, jeez, muscae volitantes, Pillars of
lees, please, res, seize, she's, sleaze, Hercules
sneeze, squeeze, tease, tweeze, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
wheeze and -s forms of verbs, listed at ee
Andes, appease, Aries, Belize, ezel \e-zal\ see easel
betise, Burmese, camise, Castries,
cerise, chemise, Chinese, deep-freeze, ezi \e-ze\ see easy 1
Deep-freeze, degrease, Denise, ezium \e-ze-am\ cesium
disease, displease, disseise, d.t.'s, magnesium, trapezium
Elise, fasces, fauces, Ganges,
headcheese, heartsease, Hermes, ezzle \ez-sl\ bezel
Kirghiz, Louise, Maltese, marquise, embezzle
i1 \ e \ see ee 1 qualifiable, quantifiable, rectifiable,
2 1 satisfiable, specifiable, undeniable,
i \I\ see y unifiable, verifiable
i3 \a\ see ay1 emulsifiable, identifiable,
ia1 \e-a\ Gaea, kea, Leah, Mia, rhea,
Rhea, rya, via iable 2 \e-3-bal\ see eeable
Achaea, althaea, Apia, Bahia, Baile
Atha Cliath, buddleia, cabrilla, iacal \I-3-kal\ dandiacal, heliacal,
cattleya, Chaldea, Crimea, Euboea, maniacal, theriacal, zodiacal
Hygeia, idea, Judea, Kaffiyeh, Korea, ammoniacal, elegiacal, simoniacal
mantilla, Maria, Medea, mens rea, dipsomaniacal, egomaniacal,
Morea, Nicaea, ohia, Omiya, Oriya, hypochondriacal, monomaniacal,
ouguiya, rupiah, Sangria, Sofia, nympomaniacal, pyromaniacal,
Sophia, spirea, tortilla paradisiacal
bibliomaniacal, megalomaniacal
Banranquilla, barathea,
bougainvillea, camarilla, Caesarea, iad \i-ad\ see yad
cascarilla, Cytherea, dulcinea, Eritrea,
fantasia, Galatea, gonorrhea, iah1 \I-a\ ayah, maya, Maya, playa,
granadilla, hamartia, Hialeah, Idumea, Praia, stria, via
Ikaria, Jicarilla, Kampuchea, latakia, Aglaia, Marian, messiah, papaya,
Latakia, logorrhea, Manzanilla, pariah, Thalia
mausolea, mythopoeia, Nabatea, Hezekiah, jambalaya, Jeremiah,
Nicosia, panacea, Parousia, pizzeria, Nehemiah, Obadiah, Surabaja,
ratafia, sabadilla, Santeria, sapodilla, Zechariah, Zephaniah
seguidilla, sinfonia, Tanzania, trattoria Atchafalaya, Iphigenia, peripeteia
alfilaria, Andalucia, Andalusia, Ave
Maria, Cassiopeia, echeveria, Ismailia, iah 2 \e-a\ see ia1
peripeteia, pharmacopoeia,
prosopopoeia ial1 \i-al\ dial, diel, pial
Diego Garcia, onomatopoeia redial
Joseph of Arimathea ial2 \il\ see ile1
2 1
ia \I-a\ see iah ialer \I-tar\ see ilar
ia3 \a\ see a 1
ially \e-s-le\ see eally1
iable \i-3-b9l\ dryable, dyeable,
flyable, friable, liable, pliable, triable, iam \i-am\ Priam
viable per diem
deniable, inviable, reliable ian1 \e-sn\ see ean 1
certifiable, classifiable, justifiable,
liquefiable, notifiable, pacifiable, ian 2 \i-an\ see ion1
lance 172

iance \I-ans\ science iath2 \e-a\ see ia1

affiance, alliance, appliance,
iatry \I-3-tre\ podiatry, psychiatry
compliance, defiance, nonscience,
reliance iaus \aus\ see ouse 2
mesalliance, misalliance
ib1 \ib\ bib, bibb, crib, drib, fib, gib,
iancy \I-3n-se\ pliancy glib, jib, lib, nib, rib, sib, squib
compliancy ad-lib, corncrib, midrib, sahib
ianist \e-t-nist\ pianist
Indo-Europeanist ib 2 \ e b \ see ebe 2
iant \I-ant\ Bryant, client, giant, ib 3 \ev\ see eave 1
pliant, riant
affiant, compliant, defiant, reliant iba \e-ba\ see eba
incompliant, self-reliant, supergiant ibable M-ba-balX bribable
ascribable, describable
iao \aii\ see ow2
iaour \aur\ see ower 2
ibal \i-bal\ bible, Bible, libel, scribal,
iaper \I-par\ see iper tribal
iar \ir\ see ire1 ibb \ib\ see ib1
iary1 \I-3-re\ diary, fiery, priory ibband \ib-an\ see ibbon
iary2 \ir-e\ see iry1 ibbed \ibd\ bibbed
ias \I-3s\ Aias, bias, dais, eyas, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Laius, Lias, pious, Pius ib1
Abdias, Elias, Messias, Tobias
Ananias, Jeremias, Malachias, ibber \ib-ar\ bibber, cribber, dibber,
Nehemias, Roncesvalles, Sophonias, fibber, gibber, glibber, jibber, ribber
Mount Saint Elias ibbet \ib-9t\ gibbet
exhibit, inhibit, prohibit
ias 2 \e-as\ see eus 1 flibbertigibbet
ias 3 \ash\ see ash 1 ibbing \ib-irj\ cribbing, ribbing
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
iasis \I-3-s3s\ diesis, diocese ib1
archdiocese, psoriasis
acariasis, amebiasis, ascariasis, ibble \ib-al\ dibble, dribble, fribble,
bilharziasis, helminthiasis, gribble, kibble, nibble, quibble,
leishmaniasis, satyriasis scribble, sibyl, Sibyl
elephantiasis, hypochondriasis,
schistosomiasis ibbler \ib-br\ dribbler, nibbler,
quibbler, scribbler
iat1 \e-at\ see eit1
ibbly \ib-le\ dribbly, ghibli, glibly
iat2 \I-3t\ see iet
ibbon \ib-sn\ gibbon, Gibbon,
iate \I-at\ see iet ribbon
iath1 \I-3th\ Wyeth
Goliath ibby \ib-e\ Libby, ribby
173 ice

ibe 1 \Ib\ bribe, gibe, gybe, jibe, kibe, attribute, contribute, distribute
scribe, tribe, vibe redistribute
ascribe, conscribe, describe, imbibe,
inscribe, prescribe, proscribe, ibute 2 \ib-at\ see ibbet
subscribe, transcribe ibutive \ib-y9t-iv\ attributive,
circumscribe, diatribe, redescribe, contributive, distributive, retributive
superscribe redistributive
ibutor \ib-9t-ar\ see ibitor
ibe 2 \e-be\ see ebe 1
ibyl \ib-al\ see ibble
ibel \I-b9l\ see ibal
iber \i-bsr\ briber, fiber, giber, ic1 \ik\ see ick
Khyber, scriber, Tiber ic 2 \ek\ see eak 1
describer, inscriber, prescriber,
proscriber, subscriber, transcriber ica 1 \i-ka\ mica, Micah, pica, pika,
plica, spica, Spica
ibi \e-be\ see sbG Formica, lorica
ibia \i-be-a\ Lybia, tibia balalaika
Namibia ica 2 \e-ks\ see ika1
ibin \ib-an\ see ibbon icable \ik-3-bsl\ despicable,
ibit \ib-9t\ see ibbet explicable, extricable
inexplicable, inextricable
ibitive \ib-at-iv\ exhibitive,
prohibitive icah \i-ka\ see ica1

ibitor \ib-3t-ar\ exhibitor, inhibitor ical \ik-sl\ see ickle

ACE inhibitor icament \ik-3-mant\ medicament,
ible M-bslX see ibal predicament

iblet \ib-bt\ driblet, giblet, riblet ican \e-kgn\ see eacon

ibli \ib-le\ see ibbly icar \ik-ar\ see icker1

ibly \ib-le\ see ibbly icative \ik-at-iv\ fricative, siccative

affricative, explicative, indicative,
ibo \e-bo\ Ibo, Kibo vindicative
gazebo multiplicative
iboly \i-a-le\ see ybele iccative \ik-at-iv\ see icative
ibrous \i-bras\ fibrous, hybris iccio \e-cho\ capriccio, pasticcio
ibs \ibz\ dibs, nibs ice 1 \Is\ Bryce, dice, fice, fyce,
spareribs gneiss, ice, lice, lyse, mice, nice, pice,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, price, rice, rise, slice, spice, splice,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ib syce, thrice, trice, twice, vice, vise
ibular \ib-v3-tor\ fibular advice, allspice, Brandeis, bride-
mandibular, vestibular price, concise, cut-price, deice, device,
infundibular entice, excise, precise, suffice
beggars-lice, cockatrice, edelweiss,
ibute1 \ib-yat\ tribute imprecise, merchandise, overprice,
ice 174

paradise, point-device, sacrifice, ichen 2 \ich-sn\ see itchen

ichener Xich-narX see itchener
imparadise, self-sacrifice
icher \ich-ar\ see itcher
ice 2 \e-cha\ see iche 1
iches \ich-az\ see itches
ice 3 \es\ see iece
ichi1 \e-che\ see eachy
ice 4 \I-se\ see icy
ichi 2 \e-she\ see ishi
ice 5 \Iz\ see ize
ichment \ich-mant\ see itchment
ice 6 \et-za\ see itza1
ichore \ik-re\ see ickery
iceless \I-slas\ iceless, priceless
ichu \ish-ii\ see issue 1
icely \is-le\ see istly
icia1 \ish-a\ see itia
iceous \ish-9s\ see icious1
icia 2 \esh-9\ see esia 1
icer \I-S9r\ dicer, Dreiser, nicer,
pricer, ricer, slicer, splicer icial \ish-al\ altricial, comitial,
deicer, sufficer initial, judicial, official, simplicial,
sacrificer solstitial, surficial
self-sacrificer artificial, beneficial, cicatricial,
interstitial, prejudicial, sacrificial,
ices \I-sez\ Pisces superficial
Polynices ician \e-shan\ see etion1
Coma Berenices icience \ish-ans\ omniscience
icety \I-ste\ see eisty insufficience
iciency \ish-an-se\ deficiency,
icey \I-se\ see icy
efficiency, proficiency, sufficiency
ich 1 \ich\ see itch inefficiency
ich 2 \ik\ see ick
icient \ish-snt\ deficient, efficient,
ichael \I-kal\ see ycle1 omniscient, proficient, sufficient
coefficient, cost-efficient, inefficient,
iche 1 \e-cha\ ceviche, seviche insufficient, self-sufficient
Beatrice, cantatrice
icinable Xis-ns-balX see istenable
iche 2 \esh\ fiche, leash, quiche,
sneesh icinal \is- 3 n-9l\ vicinal
baksheesh, corniche, hashish, medicinal, officinal, vaticinal
maxixe, pastiche, schottische, unleash icing 1 \I-sirj\ icing, splicing
microfiche, nouveau riche self-sufficing
iche 3 \ish\ see ish1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
iche 4 \ich\ see itch
icing 2 \I-zirj\ see izing
iche \e-che\ see eachy
icious 1 \ish-as\ vicious
ichen \I-kan\ lichen, liken ambitious, auspicious, capricious,
proteoglycan delicious, factitious, fictitious,
175 icken

flagitious, judicious, lubricious, aeroelasticity, anthropocentricity,

malicious, Mauritius, nutritious, aperiodicity, carcinogenicity,
officious, pernicious, propitious, homoscedasticity
pumiceous, seditious, sericeous, quasiperiodicity
icity 2 \is-te\ christie, Christie, misty,
adscititious, adventitious, avaricious,
twisty, wristy
expeditious, inauspicious, injudicious,
Corpus Christi, sacahuiste
meretricious, prejudicious,
subreptitious, superstitious, ick \ik\ brick, chick, click, crick,
suppositious, surreptitious creek, Dick, flick, hick, kick, KWIC,
excrementitious, supposititious lick, mick, nick, Nick, pic, pick, prick,
quick, rick, shtick, sic, sick, slick,
icious 2 \e-shss\ see ecious
snick, stick, strick, thick, tic, tick,
icipal \is-3-bal\ see issible trick, wick
airsick, bluetick, bootlick, boychick,
icipant \is-9-p9nt\ anticipant, brainsick, broomstick, carsick,
participant chopstick, cowlick, crabstick,
icit \is-st\ licit dabchick, dead-stick, detick, dik-dik,
complicit, elicit, explicit, illicit, dipstick, drop-kick, drumstick,
implicit, solicit firebrick, flagstick, goldbrick,
inexplicit greensick, handpick, hayrick,
heartsick, homesick, joystick, lipstick,
icitor1 \is-at-9r\ elicitor, solicitor lovesick, matchstick, moujik, muzhik,
nightstick, nitpick, nonstick, nutpick,
icitor2 \is-tar\ see ister outslick, peacenik, pigstick, pinprick,
icitous \is-3t-as\ complicitous, placekick, redbrick, rubric, seasick,
duplicitous, felicitous, solicitous self-stick, shashlik, sidekick, slapstick,
infelicitous slipstick, Tajik, toothpick, topkick,
unpick, unstick, uptick, yardstick
icity1 \is-9t-e\ basicity, causticity, bailiwick, biopic, Bolshevik,
centricity, chronicity, complicity, candlestick, candlewick, Dominic,
conicity, cyclicity, duplicity, ethnicity, dominick, Dominick, double-quick,
felicity, lubricity, mendicity, plasticity, EBCDIC, fiddlestick, hemistich,
publicity, rhythmicity, seismicity, heretic, lunatic, Menshevik,
simplicity, spasticity, sphericity, meters tick, overtrick, politic, politick,
tonicity, toxicity, triplicity polyptych, Reykjavik, singlestick,
atomicity, authenticity, canonicity, taperstick, undertrick, Watson-Crick
catholicity, concentricity, domesticity, arithmetic, carrot-and-stick,
eccentricity, elasticity, electricity, computernik, impolitic, kinnikinnick
ellipticity, endemicity, ergodicity,
historicity, iconicity, impudicity, icka \e-ka\ see ika1
infelicity, multiplicity, organicity, icked 1 \ik-sd\ picked, wicked
pneumaticity, quadruplicity,
specificity, synchronicity, volcanicity icked 2 \ikt\ see ict1
aromaticity, automaticity, ickel \ik-al\ see ickle
ecumenicity, egocentricity,
epidemicity, ethnocentricity, icken \ik-an\ chicken, quicken,
hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, sicken, stricken, thicken
inauthenticity, inelasticity, awestricken
pathogenicity, periodicity, panic-stricken, planet-stricken
theocentricity poverty-stricken
ickens 176

ickens \ik-anz\ dickens, Dickens, bicycle, icicle, obstacle, Popsicle,

pickings spectacle, tricycle, vehicle
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, pumpernickel
and -s forms of verbs, listed at icken ickler \ik-tar\ stickler, tickler
icker1 \ik-ar\ bicker, dicker, flicker, bicycler, particular
icker, kicker, liquor, nicker, picker,
ickly \ik-le\ fickly, prickly, quickly,
pricker, sicker, slicker, snicker, sticker,
sickly, slickly
ticker, tricker, vicar, whicker,
billsticker, bootlicker, dropkicker, ickness \ik-nss\ lychnis, quickness,
flea-flicker, nitpicker, pigsticker, sickness, slickness, thickness
placekicker, pot likker, ragpicker airsickness, heartsickness,
dominicker, politicker homesickness, lovesickness,
—also -er forms of adjectives listed seasickness
at \ck
icksy \ik-se\ see ixie
icker2 \ek-sr\ see ecker
icky \ik-e\ dickey, hickey, icky,
ickery \ik-re\ chicory, flickery, kicky, Mickey, picky, quickie, rickey,
hickory, snickery, trickery sickie, sticky, tricky, Vicki, Vickie,
Terpsichore Vicky
icket \ik-at\ cricket, picket, Pickett,
pricket, spigot, stickit, thicket, ticket, icle \ik-sl\ see ickle
wicket icly1 \ik-le\ see ickly
Big Thicket, big-ticket
icly2 \e-kle\ see eekly
ickett \ik-9t\ see icket
ico \e-ko\ see icot
ickety \ik-at-e\ rickety, thickety
pernickety, persnickety icope \ik-a-pe\ see icopy

ickey \ik-e\ see icky icopy \ik-a-pe\ wicopy

icki \ik-e\ see icky
icory \ik-re\ see ickery
ickie \ik-e\ see icky
icot \e-ko\ fico, pekoe, picot, tricot
icking \ik-irj\ ticking, wicking Tampico
brain-picking, flat-picking, high- Puerto Rico
sticking, nit-picking ics \iks\ see ix1
cotton-picking, finger-picking
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at ict1 \ikt\ picked, Pict, strict, ticked
ick addict, afflict, conflict, constrict,
convict, delict, depict, edict, evict,
ickings \ik-anz\ see ickens inflict, lipsticked, predict, restrict,
ickish \ik-ish\ hickish, sickish, unlicked
trickish benedict, Benedict, contradict,
derelict, interdict, maledict, retrodict
ickit \ik-at\ see icket eggs Benedict
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ickle \ik-al\ brickie, chicle, fickle, ick
mickle, nickel, pickle, prickle, sickle,
stickle, strickle, tical, tickle, trickle ict 2 \It\ see ite1
177 id

ictable Mt-a-balX see itable1 ictum \ik-t3m\ dictum, victim

3 obiter dictum
ictal \ik-t l\ fictile, rictal
edictal icture \ik-char\ picture, stricture
icted \ik-tad\ conflicted, evicted, ictus \ik-tas\ ictus, rictus
restricted Benedictus
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ict
icula \ik-y3-ls\ auricula, Canicula
icter \ik-tar\ see ictor
iculant Xik-ya-lsntX gesticulant,
ictic \ik-tik\ deictic, panmictic matriculant
amphimictic, apodictic
icular1 \ik-y3-lar\ spicular
ictile \ik-t l\ see ictal acicular, articular, auricular,
canicular, clavicular, curricular,
ictim \ik-t9m\ see ictum cuticular, fascicular, follicular,
iction \ik-shan\ diction, fiction, funicular, lenticular, navicular,
friction, stiction orbicular, ossicular, particular,
addiction, affliction, confliction, radicular, reticular, testicular,
constriction, conviction, depiction, vehicular, ventricular, vermicular,
eviction, indiction, infliction, versicular, vesicular
nonfiction, prediction, reliction, appendicular, perpendicular
restriction, transfixion extracurricular, extravehicular, intra-
benediction, contradiction, articular, supraventricular
crucifixion, dereliction, jurisdiction, icular2 \ik-lar\ see ickler
malediction, metafiction, valediction
iculate \ik-v3-tat\ articulate,
ictional \ik-shn9l\ fictional, denticulate, geniculate, particulate,
frictional reticulate, straticulate, vermiculate
nonfictional inarticulate
iculous Xik-ya-lasX meticulous,
ictionist \ik-shnast\ fictionist pediculous, ridiculous
iculum \ik-y9-lam\ curriculum,
ictive \ik-tiv\ Active reticulum
addictive, afflictive, connective, diverticulum
constrictive, inflictive, restrictive,
vindictive icuous \ik-ya-w3s\ conspicuous,
nonrestrictive perspicuous, transpicuous
ictment Mt-mantX see itement
icy \i-se\ dicey, icy, pricey, spicy
ictor \ik-tar\ lictor, stricter, victor
constrictor, depicter, evictor, inflicter id1 \id\ bid, chid, Cid, did, fid, gid,
contradictor grid, hid, id, kid, Kidd, lid, mid, quid,
vasoconstrictor rid, skid, slid, squid, SQUID, whid
amid, backslid, bifid, El Cid, equid,
ictory \ik-t9-re\ victory eyelid, forbid, grandkid, Madrid,
benedictory, contradictory, nonskid, outdid, resid, schoolkid,
maledictory, valedictory trifid, undid
ictual \it- 3 l\ see ittle katydid, ootid, overbid, overdid,
pyramid, underbid
ictualler \it- 3 l-ar\ see italer tertium quid, Valladolid
id 178

id2 \ed\ see eed iddish \id-ish\ kiddish, Yiddish

I'd \Id\ see ide iddity \id-at-e\ see idity
1 1
ida \ed-a\ see eda iddle \id- 3 l\ diddle, fiddle, griddle,
middle, piddle, riddle, twiddle
ida 2 \I-ds\ Haida, Ida, Vida
idable1 Md-a-bslX guidable paradiddle, taradiddle
decidable, dividable
subdividable iddler \id-tar\ diddler, fiddler,
middler, riddler, tiddler
idable 2 \id-3-bal\ see iddable
idd ling \id-lirj\ fiddling, middling,
idal \Id- 3 l\ bridal, bridle, idle, idol, piddling, riddling
idyll, seidel, sidle, tidal
unbridle iddly \id-le\ diddly, ridley, tiddly
Barmecidal, fratricidal, fungicidal, iddock \id-ik\ see idic
genocidal, germicidal, herbicidal,
homicidal, intertidal, lunitidal, iddur \id-sr\ see idder
matricidal, parricidal, patricidal,
septicidal, spermicidal, suicidal, iddy \id-e\ biddy, giddy, kiddie,
viricidal, virucidal middy, midi, skiddy, widdy
bactericidal, infanticidal, insecticidal ide1 \Id\ bide, bride, chide, Clyde,
idance \Id- ns\ guidance, stridence eyed, fried, glide, guide, hide, I'd,
abidance, misguidance pied, plied, pride, ride, side, slide,
snide, stride, thighed, tide, tried, wide
idas \Id-as\ Midas, nidus abide, allied, applied, aside, astride,
backside, backslide, bankside,
iday \id-e\ Friday, Heidi, tidy, vide
beachside, bedside, beside, bestride,
alcaide, man Friday, untidy
betide, blear-eyed, blindside,
mala fide
blowdried, blue-eyed, broadside,
idays \Id-ez\ see ides 1 bromide, bug-eyed, Burnside, clear-
eyed, cockeyed, cold-eyed, collide,
idd \id\ see id1 confide, courtside, cowhide, cross-
eyed, curbside, dayside, decide,
iddable \id-3-bal\ biddable
deride, divide, dockside, doe-eyed,
downside, downslide, dry-eyed, elide,
iddance \id- 3 ns\ riddance fireside, fluoride, foreside, four-eyed,
forbiddance freeze-dried, glass-eyed, graveside,
green-eyed, hagride, hawkeyed,
idden \id- 3 n\ bidden, chiden, hayride, hillside, horsehide, inside,
hidden, midden, ridden, stridden, ironside, joyride, kingside, lakeside,
swidden landslide, lynx-eyed, misguide, moon-
backslidden, bedridden, bestridden, eyed, nearside, nightside, noontide,
forbidden, outbidden, unbidden offside, onside, outride, outside, pie-
overridden eyed, poolside, pop-eyed, preside,
provide, quayside, queenside, rawhide,
idder \id-sr\ bidder, gridder, kidder, reside, ringside, riptide, roadside,
siddur, skidder seaside, sharp-eyed, shipside,
consider, forbidder shoreside, Shrovetide, sloe-eyed,
reconsider, underbidder snowslide, springtide, squint-eyed,
iddie \id-e\ see iddy stateside, statewide, storewide,
179 idgen

Strathclyde, streamside, subside, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at

tailslide, Tayside, tongue-tied, topside, ide1
trackside, trailside, untried, upside,
vat-dyed, walleyed, waveguide, ideless \id-las\ idlesse, tideless
wayside, wide-eyed, wild-eyed, iden \Id- 3 n\ guidon, Haydn, widen
worldwide, yuletide Poseidon
alkoxide, almond-eyed, alongside,
Argus-eyed, Barmecide, bleary-eyed, idence \Id- a ns\ see idance
bona fide, chicken-fried,
ideness Md-nssX see eyedness
Christmastide, citified, citywide,
classified, coincide, countrified, ident \id- 9 nt\ strident, trident
countryside, countrywide, cut-and-
dried, cyanide, deicide, demand-side, ideon \id-e-an\ see idian
dewy-eyed, dignified, double-wide,
ideous \id-e-as\ see idious
Eastertide, eventide, feticide,
formamide, fratricide, fungicide, ider1 \Id-sr\ bider, cider, eider,
genocide, germicide, gimlet-eyed, glider, guider, hider, rider, slider,
glassy-eyed, goggle-eyed, googly- spider, strider, stridor
eyed, harbor-side, herbicide, abider, backslider, confider, decider,
homicide, Humberside, humified, derider, divider, insider, joyrider,
matricide, Merseyside, misty-eyed, misguider, outrider, outsider, presider,
miticide, monoxide, mountainside, provider, resider, rough rider, Top-
nationwide, Naugahyde, open-eyed, Sider
override, overstride, parricide, subdivider, supply-sider
Passiontide, patricide, pesticide, supercollider
planetwide, qualified, rarefied, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
raticide, regicide, riverside, Riverside, at ide1
set-aside, silverside, sissified,
slickenside, spermicide, starry-eyed, ider2 \id-ar\ see idder
subdivide, suicide, supply-side,
trisulfide, underside, verbicide, ides 1 \id-ez\ Fridays
vermicide, viricide, waterside, Aristides
Whitsuntide, wintertide —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at iday
acrylamide, antimonide,
borohydride, dissatisfied, ides 2 \Idz\ ides
formaldehyde, infanticide, insecticide, besides, burnsides
interallied, Jekyll and Hyde, silversides, sobersides
preoccupied, rodenticide, self- —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
satisfied, thalidomide, Trinitytide, and -s forms of verbs, listed at ide
tyrannicide, uxoricide
monoglyceride, overqualified, idge \ i j \ bridge, fidge, fridge, midge,
parasiticide ridge
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at y abridge, Blue Ridge, browridge,
drawbridge, footbridge, Oxbridge,
ide 2 \ed\ see eed teethridge
idean \id-e-sn\ see idian idged \ijd\ ridged
ided \Id-sd\ sided —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
lopsided, misguided, one-sided, slab- idge
sided, two-sided
many-sided, sobersided idgen \ij-sn\ seeygian
idget 180

idget \ij-at\ Brigitte, digit, fidget, gelidity, gravidity, hispidity, humidity,

midget, widget hybridity, limpidity, liquidity, lividity,
double-digit lucidity, morbidity, rabidity, rapidity,
rigidity, sapidity, solidity, stupidity,
idgin \ij-sn\ seeygian tepidity, timidity, torridity, turbidity,
turgidity, validity, vapidity, viridity,
idi \id-e\ see iddy
idia \i-de-9\ Lydia illiquidity, insipidity, intrepidity,
basidia, chlamydia, Clostridia, invalidity
coccidia, conidia, glochidia, nephridia, idium \id-e-am\ see idiem
Numidia, oidia, peridia, Pisidia,
presidia, pycnidia, pygidia idle \Id- 3 l\ see idal
antheridia, enchiridia, hesperidia,
miricidia, ommatidia idlesse \ld-las\ see ideless

idian \id-e-sn\ Gideon, Lydian, idley \id-le\ see iddly

Midian idney \id-ne\ kidney, Sidney,
ascidian, Dravidian, euclidean, Sydney
Floridian, meridian, obsidian,
ophidian, quotidian, viridian ido 1 \id-6\ dido, Dido, fido
enchiridion, non-euclidean Hokkaido

idic \id-ik\ piddock ido 2 \ed-6\ see edo

acidic, bromidic, Davidic, druidic, idol \Id- 3 l\ see idal
fatidic, fluidic, Hasidic, nuclidic
ids 1 \idz\ Beskids, rapids
idical \id-i-kal\ druidical, fatidical, Grand Rapids
juridical, veridical —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
pyramidical and -s forms of verbs, listed at id
id ice \id-9-se\ Chalcidice, Eurydice ids 2 \edz\ see eeds
idiem \id-e-am\ idiom idst \idst\ didst, midst
iridium, presidium, rubidium amidst
post meridiem
ante meridiem idual1 \ij-wal\ residual
iding \Id-irj\ riding, Riding, siding,
tiding idual 2 \ij-al\ see igil
abiding, confiding, East Riding, idulent \ij-9-lant\ see igilant
joyriding, West Riding
law-abiding, nondividing idlllOUS \ij-3-las\ stridulous
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at acidulous
ide1 idus \Id-3s\ see idas
idiom \id-e-am\ see idiem iduum \ij-3-w3m\ triduum
idious \id-e-ss\ hideous
fastidious, insidious, invidious, idy \id-e\ see iday
idyll \Id- 3 l\ see idal
idity \id-9t-e\ quiddity ie 1 \ a \ see ay1
acidity, aridity, avidity, cupidity,
fluidity, flaccidity, floridity, frigidity, ie 2 \ e \ see ee 1
181 ieler

ie 3 \I\ see y1 leitmotiv, misbelief, overleaf, unbelief,

iece \es\ cease, crease, fleece, aperitif, Capitol Reef, Vinson Massif
grease, Greece, kris, lease, Nice, Great Barrier Reef
niece, peace, piece Santa Cruz de Tenerife
apiece, Bernice, Burmese, camise,
caprice, cassis, cerise, chemise, ief2 \ev\ see eave 1
Chinese, Clarice, Cochise, codpiece,
coulisse, crosspiece, decease, iefless \e-flss\ briefless, leafless
decrease, degrease, Denise, Dumfries, ief ly \e-fle\ briefly, chiefly
earpiece, Elise, eyepiece, Felice,
fieldpiece, grandniece, hairpiece, ieg 1 \eg\ see igue
headpiece, heelpiece, increase, Janice, ieg 2 \ig\ see ig
lend-lease, Matisse, Maurice,
mouthpiece, nosepiece, obese, one- iege 1 \ e j \ liege, siege
piece, pastis, pelisse, police, re-lease, besiege, prestige
release, seapiece, shankpiece,
showpiece, sidepiece, stringpiece, iege 2 \ezh\ see ige1
sublease, surcease, tailpiece, Therese, ieger \e-jar\ see edure
timepiece, toepiece, two-piece, valise,
workpiece iek \ek\ see eak 1
afterpiece, altarpiece, Amboinese, iel1 \el\ see eal 2
Annamese, Assamese, Balinese,
Brooklynese, Cantonese, centerpiece, iel2 \I-al\ see ial
Chersonese, chimneypiece, diocese,
directrice, ex libris, expertise, iela \el-a\ see ella
Faeroese, frontispiece, mantelpiece,
ield \eld\ bield, field, keeled, shield,
masterpiece, Nipponese, Pekinese,
weald, wheeled, wield, yield
Pekingese, Portugese, predecease,
afield, airfield, backfield, brickfield,
rerelease, S„o Luis, Siamese,
coalfield, cornfield, downfield,
Sinhalese, timed-release, verdigris
Enfield, four-wheeled, Garfield,
archdiocese, computerese, goldfield, grainfield, infield,
Dodecanese, officialese, telegraphese, Masefield, midfield, minefield,
Vietnamese outfield, playfield, Sheffield,
educationese Smithfield, snowfield, Springfield,
iecer \e-ssr\ see easer 1 subfield, unsealed, upfield, well-
heeled, windshield, Winfield
ied1 \ed\ see eed battlefield, broken-field, chesterfield,
Chesterfield, color-field, Huddersfield,
ied 2 \et\ see eat 1 track-and-field, unaneled
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ied 3 \id\ see ide1
eal 2
ieda \ed-s\ see eda
ielder \el-dsr\ fielder, shielder,
ief1 \ef\ beef, brief, chief, fief, grief, wielder, yielder
kef, leaf, lief, reef, sheaf, thief infielder, outfielder
belief, debrief, endleaf, enfeoff, ields \eldz\ South Shields
flyleaf, loose-leaf, massif, motif, naif, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
O'Keefe, relief, sharif, sherif, shinleaf and -s forms of verbs, listed at ield
bas-relief, cloverleaf, disbelief,
handkerchief, leatherleaf, neckerchief, ieler \e-lar\ see ealer
ieless 182

ieless \I-l9s\ see ilus ierial \ir-e-sl\ seeerial

ieling \e-bn\ see elin ierian \ir-e-9n\ seeerian1
ieling2 \e-lirj\ see eeling ierly \ir-le\ see early1
iem1 \e-am\ see eum1 ierre1 \ir\ see eer 2
iem2 \I-3m\ see iam ierre2 \er\ see are4
ien \en\ see ine3 iers \irz\ Algiers, Pamirs
ience \I-9ns\ see iance —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eer
iend \end\ see end
iersman \irz-man\ see eersman
iendless \en-tas\ see endless
iery \I-9-re\ see iary1
iendliness \en-le-n9s\ see
endliness ies1 \ez\ see eze
iendly \en-le\ see endly ies 2 \e\ see ee 1
iene \en\ see ine3 ies 3 \es\ see iece
iener1 Xe-narX see eaner iesel1 \e-zal\ see easel
iener2 \e-ne\ see ini1 iesel2 \e-sal\ see ecil1
ienic \en-ik\ see enic2 ieseling \ez-lirj\ see esling
ienics \en-iks\ see enics iesian \e-zhan\ see esian1
ienie \e-ne\ see ini1 iesis \I-9-s3s\ see iasis
ienist \e-nast\ see inist iesling \ez-lirj\ see esling
iennes \en\ see en iest \est\ see east1
ient \I-9nt\ see iant iester \e-stsr\ see easter
ieper \e-par\ see eeper iestley \est-le\ see eastly
1 2
ier \ir\ see eer iestly \est-le\ see eastly
2 1
ier \e-ar\ see eer iet \i-at\ diet, fiat, quiet, riot, striate,
3 1 Wyatt
ier \ir\ see ire disquiet, unquiet
ierate \ir-9t\ see irit ietal \I-3t-3l\ parietal, societal,
ierce \irs\ Bierce, birse, fierce, varietal
pierce, Pierce, tierce ieter \I-3t-9r\ dieter, quieter, rioter
transpierce proprietor
iere1 \er\ see are4 ietor \I-9t-9r\ see ieter
iere2 \ir\ see eer 2 iety \I-9t-e\ piety
iered \ird\ see eard1 anxiety, dubiety, impiety, nimiety,
propriety, satiety, sobriety, society,
ieria \ir-e-9\ see eria1 Society, variety
183 ific

contrariety, impropriety, inebriety, ife2 \ef\ see ief

insobriety, notoriety
ifeless M-ftasN lifeless, strifeless,
ietzsche \e-che\ see eachy wifeless
ieu \xi\ see ew1 iter \i-far\ see ipher
ieur \ir\ see eer iferous \if-3r-as\ coniferous,
floriferous, lactiferous, luciferous,
iev \ef \ see ef pestiferous, somniferous,
ievable \e-v3-bal\ see eivable splendiferous, vociferous
carboniferous, luminiferous,
ieval \e-val\ evil, shrieval, weevil odoriferous, salutiferous,
coeval, khedival, medieval, primeval, seminiferous, soporiferous,
reprieval, retrieval, upheaval sudoriferous
ieve 1 \iv\ see ive2 iff \if\ biff, cliff, glyph, if, iff, jiff,
2 1
kif, miff, quiff, riff, Riff, skiff, sniff,
ieve \ev\ see eave spiff, spliff, stiff, syph, tiff, whiff
ieved \evd\ see eaved Er Rif, midriff, Plovdiv, triglyph,
what-if, Wycliffe
ievement \ev-mant\ see evement anaglyph, bindle stiff, hieroglyph,
hippogriff, logogriph, petroglyph
iever \e-var\ beaver, cleaver, fever,
griever, leaver, reaver, reiver, weaver iffany \if-a-ne\ see iphony
achiever, believer, conceiver,
iffe \if\ see iff
deceiver, enfever, perceiver, receiver,
reliever, retriever, upheaver iffed \ift\ see ift
school-leaver, transceiver
cantilever, disbeliever, misbeliever, iff en \if-an\ see iff in
misconceiver, unbeliever iffey \if-e\ see iffy
overachiever, underachiever
iffian \if-e-an\ Riffian
ievish \e-vish\ see eevish Pecksniffian
ievo \e-vo\ see evo iff in \if-9n\ griffin, griffon, stiffen,
ievous \e-vas\ see evous
iffish \if-ish\ sniffish, stiffish
ieze \ez\ see eze
iffle \if-sl\ piffle, riffle, skiffle,
if1 \if \ see iff sniffle, whiffle, Wiffle
if2 \ef\ see ief1 iffler \if-lar\ riffler, sniffler, whiffler
ife \If \ fife, Fife, knife, life, rife, iffness \if-nas\ stiffness, swiftness
strife, wife
alewife, drawknife, fishwife, flick- iffon \if-an\ see iff in
knife, goodwife, half-life, housewife, iffy \if-e\ iffy, cliffy, jiffy, Liffey,
jackknife, loosestrife, lowlife, midlife, sniffy, spiffy
nightlife, oldwife, penknife, pro-life,
true-life, wakerife, whole-life, wildlife ific \if-ik\ glyphic
afterlife, antilife, Duncan Phyfe, calcific, febrific, horrific, magnific,
nurse-midwife, pocketknife, right-to- pacific, Pacific, prolific, salvific,
life, Yellowknife specific, terrific, vivific
ifical 184

anaglyphic, beatific, calorific, igamy \ig-3-me\ bigamy, digamy

colorific, felicific, frigorific, polygamy
hieroglyphic, honorific, scientific,
soporific, sudorific, tenebrific igan 1 \i-gan\ ligan, tigon
prescientific igan 2 \ig-an\ see iggin
ifical \if-i-kal\ magnifical, pontifical igand \ig-and\ brigand, ligand
ificate \if-i-kat\ certificate, igas \i-g3s\ seeygous
igate \ig-at\ see igot1
ificent \if-9-sant\ magnificent,
omnificent ige 1 \ezh\ siege
ifle \i-fsl\ rifle, stifle, trifle noblesse oblige
if ling \I-flirj\ rifling, stifling, trifling
ige 2 \ e j \ see iege 1
ift \ift\ drift, gift, grift, lift, rift, shift,
igel \ij-9l\ see igil
shrift, sift, squiffed, swift, Swift, thrift
adrift, airlift, blueshift, downshift, igenous \ij-3-nas\ see iginous
face-lift, festschrift, forklift,
frameshift, gearshift, Great Rift, igeon \ij-an\ seeygian
makeshift, redshift, shoplift, iger \I-gsr\ tiger
snowdrift, spendthrift, spindrift, braunschweiger
spoondrift, unshift, uplift, upshift
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at iff igerent \ij-rant\ belligerent,
ifter \if-tar\ drifter, snifter, swifter cobelligerent
sceneshifter, shape-shifter, shoplifter
iggan \ig-an\ see iggin
ifth \ith\ see ith2
iggard \ig-ard\ niggard, triggered
iftness \if-nas\ see iffness —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ifty \if-te\ drifty, fifty, nifty, shifty, igger
thrifty, wifty igged \igd\ twigged, wigged
fifty-fifty, LD 50 bewigged, cat-rigged, square-rigged
ig \ig\ big, brig, dig, fig, gig, Grieg, periwigged
grig, jig, pig, prig, rig, sprig, swig, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at ig
trig, twig, vig, Whig, wig, zig, igger \ig-ar\ bigger, chigger, digger,
bagwig, bigwig, bushpig, earwig, jigger, rigger, rigor, snigger, swigger,
hedgepig, lime-twig, renege, shindig, trigger, vigor, vigour
unrig ditchdigger, outrigger, rej igger,
caprifig, infra dig, jury-rig, periwig, reneger, square-rigger
thimblerig, whirligig, WYSIWYG, thimblerigger
thingamajig iggered \ig-ard\ see iggard
iga \e-ga\ Riga, Vega, viga iggery \ig-a-re\ piggery, priggery,
Antigua, omega, quadriga Whiggery
iga 2 \l-gs\ see aiga iggie \ig-e\ see iggy
igamous \ig-9-m3s\ bigamous iggin \ig-an\ biggin, piggin, wigan
polygamous balbriggan
185 igilant

iggish \ig-ish\ biggish, piggish, ightful \It-f3l\ frightful, rightful,

priggish, Whiggish spiteful, sprightful
delightful, despiteful, foresightful,
iggle \ig-al\ giggle, higgle, jiggle, insightful
niggle, sniggle, squiggle, wiggle,
wriggle ightie \lt-e\ see ite2
iggler \ig-tar\ giggler, higgler, ightily \it- 3 l-e\ flightily, mightily
niggler, wiggler, wriggler ightiness \It-e-nas\ flightiness,
iggy \ig-e\ biggie, piggy, twiggy mightiness
igh \I\ see y1
ighting \It-irj\ see iting
ighed \Id\ see ide1
ightless \it-tas\ flightless, lightless,
ighland M-lsndX highland, Highland, sightless
island, Thailand
Long Island, Rhode Island ightly \It-le\ brightly, knightly,
Staten Island lightly, nightly, rightly, sightly,
slightly, sprightly, tightly, tritely,
Prince Edward Island
ighlander \i-lan-d3r\ highlander, contritely, finitely, forthrightly,
islander '%, fortnightly, midnightly, outrightly,
%.. politely, unsightly, uprightly
ighlands \Manz\ Highlands eruditely, impolitely, reconditely
Virgin Islands
ightment Mt-msntX see itement
ighly \Me\ see yly
ightning \It-nirj\ lightning,
ighness \i-nas\ see inus 1 tightening
ight \It\ see ite1 belt-tightening
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ightable Mt-a-balX see itable1 ighten
ighted \it-sd\ blighted, sighted, ightn't \lt- 3 nt\ see itant
ighton \it-9n\ see ighten
attrited, benighted, clear-sighted,
farsighted, foresighted, longsighted, ights \Its\ lights, nights, tights
nearsighted, sharp-sighted, footlights, houselights, weeknights
shortsighted, skylighted, united Dolomites, Golan Heights
unrequited —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at and -s forms of verbs, listed at ite1
ightsome Mt-ssnA lightsome
ighten \It- 3 n\ brighten, Brighton, delightsome
chitin, chiton, frighten, heighten,
ighty \It-e\ see ite2
lighten, tighten, titan, Titan, triton,
Triton, whiten igian \ij-9n\ see ygian
igid \ij-sd\ Brigid, frigid, rigid
ightener \It-nsr\ brightener,
igil \ij-al\ Rigel, sigil, strigil, vigil
lightener, tightener, whitener
ightening \It-nirj\ see ightning
igilant Xij-a-lantX vigilant
ighter \it-ar\ see iter1 acidulent
igine 186

igine \ij-a-ne\ polygyny ignon \in-yan\ see inion

ignor \e-nyar\ see enior
iginous \ij-s-n9s\ caliginous,
fuliginous, indigenous, polygynous, igo 1 \I-go\ Sligo
vertiginous prurigo
igion \ij-an\ see ygian
igo 2 \e-go\ see ego
igious \ij-as\ litigious, prestigious,
prodigious, religious igoe \e-go\ see ego
irreligious igon \I-gan\ see igan1
igit \ij-3t\ see idget igor \ig-ar\ see igger
igitte \ij-at\ see idget igorous \ig-ras\ rigorous, vigorous
iglet \ig-lat\ piglet, wiglet igot1 \ig-at\ bigot, frigate, gigot,
igm1 \im\ see im1
igot 2 \ik-at\ see icket
igm 2 \Im\ see ime1
igour \ig-ar\ see igger
igma \ig-ma\ sigma, stigma
enigma, kerygma igrapher Xig-ra-fsrX calligrapher,
epigrapher, polygrapher, serigrapher
igment \ig-mant\ figment, pigment
igraphist \ig-ra-fsst\ calligraphist,
ign \In\ see ine1 epigraphist, polygraphist
ignable M-na-balX see inable igraphy \ig-ra-fe\ calligraphy,
ignancy \ig-nan-se\ benignancy, epigraphy
malignancy pseudepigraphy
ignant \ig-nant\ benignant, igua \e-gs\ see iga1
indignant, malignant igue \eg\ gigue, Grieg, league
igned \Ind\ see ind1 blitzkrieg, colleague, fatigue,
garigue, intrigue, squeteague
igneous \ig-ne-as\ igneous, wampumpeag
iguer \e-gar\ see eager
igner \i-nar\ see iner1
iguous \ig-y9-was\ ambiguous,
igness \ig-nss\ bigness, Cygnus contiguous, exiguous
ignet \ig-nat\ see ygnet unambiguous

igning \I-nin\ see ining igured \ig-ard\ see iggard

ii \ i \ seey 1
ignity \ig-nst-e\ dignity
indignity, malignity iing \e-irj\ see eeing
ignly \In-le\ see inely ija \e-js\ see egia
ignment \In-m3nt\ alignment, ijah \I-ja\ Elijah
assignment, confinement, steatopygia
consignment, enshrinement,
iji \e-je\ Fiji, squeegee
nonalignment, realignment ijl \I1\ see lie1
187 ilch

ijn \In\ see ine1 ikes \Iks\ yikes

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
ijssel \I-S3\ see isal and -s forms of verbs, listed at ike
ik1 \ik\ see ick ikey \I-ke\ see ike1
ik2 \ek\ see eak ikh \ek\ see eak 1
ika1 \e-ks\ pika, theca iki1 \ik-e\ see icky
areca, eureka, Frederica, Fredericka, iki2 \e-ke\ see eaky
paprika, Topeka
Costa Rica, Dominica, oiticica, iking \I-kirj\ liking, striking, Viking
Tanganyika shunpiking
bibliotheca —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ika2 \I-ka\ see ica1
ikker \ik-ar\ see icker1
ike1 \I-ke\ crikey, Nike, Psyche,
spiky iky \I-ke\ see ike1

ike2 \ik\ bike, caique, dike, fyke, il1 \il\ see ill
haik, hike, like, mike, Mike, pike, il2 \el\ see e a r
psych, shrike, sike, spike, strike, trike,
tyke iia1 \il-a\ see ilia
alike, belike, catlike, childlike,
iia2 \ e - b \ see ela 1
clocklike, dislike, fly-strike, garpike,
godlike, handspike, hitchhike, iia3 \ I - b \ Lila
homelike, Klondike, lifelike, mislike, Delilah
pealike, prooflike, push-bike, rampike,
restrike, scalelike, sheaflike, shunpike, ilae \i-le\ see yly
suchlike, ten-strike, turnpike, unlike, Mage \I-lij\ mileage, silage
Updike, Vandyke, warlike, wifelike,
winglike ilah \i-ta\ see iia3
berrylike, businesslike, fatherlike,
ilament \il-9-mant\ filament
ladylike, look-alike, machinelike,
marlinespike, marlinspike, minibike,
motorbike, rubberlike, Scafell Pike,
soundalike, thunderstrike, womanlike, ilar \I-lsr\ dialer, filar, flier, hilar,
workmanlike miler, smiler, stylar, styler, tiler, Tyler
unsportsmanlike beguiler, bifilar, compiler, defiler,
freestyler, profiler, rottweiler,
iked1 \ikt\ liked, piked, spiked stockpiler
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ilary \il-a-re\ see illary
ilate \I-bt\ see Not
iked 2 \I-kad\ see ycad
ilbe \il-be\ see ilby
iken \I-ksn\ see ichen1
ilbert \il-bart\ filbert, gilbert, Gilbert
iker \I-kar\ biker, diker, duiker, ilby \il-be\ trilby
hiker, piker, spiker, striker astilbe
disliker, hitchhiker, shunpiker
minibiker ilch1 \ilk\ see ilk
ilch 188

ilch 2 \ilch\ filch, milch, zilch pensile, profile, puerile, quartile,

1 quintile, redial, reptile, resile, retrial,
ild \Hd\ mild, piled, wild, Wilde revile, sandpile, scissile, sectile,
brainchild, godchild, grandchild, senile, servile, sessile, stabile,
hog-wild, man-child, pantiled, stockpile, sundial, tactile, tensile,
Rothschild, schoolchild, self-styled, textile, turnstile, typestyle, unpile,
stepchild utile, vagile, virile, woodpile,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at worthwhile
ile1 afebrile, airmobile, Anglophile,
ild2 \il\ see ill chamomile, contractile, crocodile,
discophile, domicile, endostyle,
ild3 \ilt\ see ilt epistyle, erectile, extensile,
ild4 \ild\ see illed Francophile, Gallophile, halophile,
homophile, hypostyle, infantile,
ilda \il-ds\ Hilda, tilde, Wilda interfile, juvenile, low-profile,
ilde1 \il-da\ see ilda mercantile, oenophile, otherwhile,
pedophile, percentile, peristyle,
ilde 2 \Hd\ see ild1 prehensile, projectile, protractile,
pulsatile, reconcile, refractile,
ilder 1 \il-dsr\ builder, gilder, guilder,
retractile, self-denial, Slavophile,
spermophile, technopile, thermopile,
bewilder, boatbuilder, shipbuilder,
turophile, urostyle, versatile, vibratile,
bodybuilder, jerry-builder
ailurophile, amphiprostyle,
ilder 2 \Il-dar\ milder, wilder, Wilder audiophile, bibliophile, electrophile,
fluviatile, Germanophile, heterophile,
ilding \il-dirj\ building, gilding,
Italophile, nucleophile
abuilding, outbuilding, shipbuilding ile 2 \il\ see ill
ile 3 \e-le\ see eely
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
illed ile 4 \el\ see eal 2
ildish \Il-dish\ childish, wildish ile 5 \il-e\ see illy1
ildly \fld-le\ childly, mildly, wildly Mead \il-e-ad\ see iliad
ile1 \fl\ aisle, bile, dial, faille, file, ileage \I-lij\ see ilage
guile, I'll, isle, Kyle, lisle, Lyle, mile,
ileal \il-e-al\ see ilial1
Nile, phial, pile, rile, roil, smile, spile,
stile, style, tile, trial, vial, vile, viol, ileless \Il-l3s\ guileless, pileless,
while, wile smileless
abseil, aedile, agile, anile, argyle,
Her1 \ e - b r \ see ealer
Argyll, audile, awhile, axile, beguile,
Blue Nile, Carlyle, compile, condyle, iler2 \I-lar\ see ilar
cross-file, de Stijl, decile, defile,
iles \Ilz\ Giles, Miles, Niles
denial, docile, ductile, enisle, ensile,
erewhile, erstwhile, espial, exile,
British Isles, Western Isles
febrile, fictile, fissile, flexile, fragile,
freestyle, futile, genial, gentile, ileum \il-e-3m\ see ilium
gracile, habile, hairstyle, Kabyle,
labile, life-style, meanwhile, mistrial, iley \I-le\ see yly
mobile, motile, nubile, pantile, penile, ilford \il-fard\ Milford, Wilford
189 ility

ili1 \il-e\ see illy1 iliment Xil-a-msntX see ilament

Hi \e-le\ see eely iling1 \I-lirj\ filing, piling, spiling,
styling, tiling
ilia1 \il-e-a\ Celia, cilia
Cecelia, Cecilia, Massilia
Anglophilia, basophilia, coprophilia, iling 2 \e-lirj\ see eeling
hemophilia, juvenilia, necrophilia,
neophilia, pedophilia, sensibilia ilion1 Xil-yarA see illion
memorabilia ilion 2 \il-e-an\ see ilian1
ilia2 \il-ya\ Brasilia, sedilia
bougainvillea, sensibilia ilious 1 \il-e-9s\ punctilious
memorabilia supercilious
materfamilias, paterfamilias
ilia3 \el-ys\ see elia
ilious 2 \il-yas\ bilious
iliad \il-e-ad\ Gilead, Iliad atrabilious, supercilious
balm of Gilead
ilip \il-ap\ see illip
ilial \il-e-al\ filial, ileal
familial, unfilial ilitant \il-3-tant\ militant
ilian1 \il-e-an\ Gillian, Ilian, Lillian rehabilitant
Basilian, reptilian ility \il-at-e\ ability, agility, anility,
Abbevillian, crocodilian, preexilian, civility, debility, docility, ductility,
vespertilian facility, fertility, fragility, futility,
ilian2 Xil-ysrA see illion gentility, gracility, hostility, humility,
lability, mobility, motility, nobility,
ilias \il-e-9s\ see ilious1 nubility, scurrility, sectility, senility,
iliate \il-e-st\ ciliate stability, sterility, suability, tactility,
affiliate tranquility, utility, vagility, virility
actability, affability, arability,
ilic \il-ik\ killick audibility, bearability, biddability,
acrylic, allylic, Cyrillic, dactylic, breathability, brushability, capability,
exilic, idyllic, sibylic changeability, coilability, contractility,
amphiphilic, Anglophilic, countability, credibility, crossability,
hemophilic, necrophilic, pedophilic, culpability, curability, cutability,
postexilic, zoophilic disability, disutility, drapability,
bibliophilic drillability, drinkability, durability,
ilica \il-i-ks\ silica dyeability, edibility, equability,
basilica erectility, fallibility, feasibility,
fishability, fiammability, flexibility,
ilican \il-i-kan\ see ilicon forgeability, formability, frangibility,
friability, gullibility, imbecility,
ilicon \il-i-kan\ Millikan, silicon,
immobility, inability, incivility,
indocility, infantility, infertility,
instability, inutility, juvenility,
laudability, leachability, legibility,
ilience \il-yans\ see illiance liability, likability, livability,
mailability, meltability, miscibility,
iliency Vl-yan-seA see illiancy movability, mutability, notability,
ilient \il-ysnt\ brilliant packability, placability, plausibility,
resilient playability, portability, possibility,
ility 190

potability, pregnability, prehensility, extractibility, extrudability,

printability, probability, puerility, fashionability, fatigability, filterability,
readability, risibility, roadability, fissionability, formidability,
salability, sensibility, sewability, habitability, heritability, illegibility,
shareability, sociability, solubility, immiscibility, immovability,
solvability, spreadability, immutability, impalpability,
squeezability, stainability, impassability, impassibility,
stretchability, tenability, testability, impeccability, implacability,
traceability, treatability, tunability, implausibility, impossibility,
usability, vendability, versatility, impregnability, impressibility,
viability, visibility, volatility, improbability, improvability,
washability, wearability, wettability, inaudibility, incapability, incredibility,
workability indelibility, inductibility, ineffability,
absorbability, acceptability, infallibility, infeasibility,
accessibility, accountability, inflammability, inflexibility,
adaptability, adjustability, infrangibility, infusibility,
admirability, admissibility, insensibility, insolubility, insurability,
adoptability, adorability, advisability, intangibility, invincibility, invisibility,
affectability, agreeability, alterability, irascibility, irritability,
amenability, amiability, amicability, knowledgeability, machinability,
appealability, applicability, maintainability, manageability,
approachability, assumability, marketability, merchantability,
attainability, automobility, availability, measurability, modulability,
believability, collapsibility, navigability, negligibility,
combustability, comparability, nonflammability, openability,
compatibility, compensability, operability, opposability, palatability,
compressability, computability, penetrability, perceptibility,
conceivability, conductability, perdurability, perfectibility,
confirmability, contemptibility, performability, perishability,
contractibility, controllability, permeability, permissibility,
convertibility, corrigibility, pleasurability, practicability,
corruptibility, cultivability, preferability, presentability,
damageability, decidability, preservability, preventability,
deductibility, defeasibility, processibility, programmability,
defensibility, delectability, punishability, reasonability,
demonstrability, deniability, refundability, reliability, renewability,
dependability, desirability, repeatability, reputability, resistibility,
destructibility, detachability, respectability, responsibility,
detectability, deterrability, retrievability, reusability, reversability,
detonability, digestibility, dilatability, salvageability, separability,
dispensability, disposability, severability, serviceability,
dissociability, dissolubility, suggestability, supportability,
distensibility, distractibility, suppressibility, survivability,
divisibility, educability, electability, susceptibility, sustainability,
eligibility, employability, tolerability, trafficability,
enforceability, equitability, erasability, transferability, translatability,
erodability, exchangeability, transmissibility, transplantability,
excitability, excludability, transportability, unflappability,
exhaustibility, expansibility, unthinkability, untouchability,
expendability, explosibility, variability, violability, vulnerability,
exportability, extensibility, weatherability
191 ill

alienability, analyzability, incommunicability,

assimilability, codifiability, incomprehensibility,
commensurability, communicability, incontrovertibility, indefatigability,
comprehensibility, decomposability, indistinguishability, ineradicability,
deliverability, discriminability, interoperability, irreconcilability,
disrespectability, distinguishability, irreproducibility
enumerability, exceptionability,
hypnotizability, illimitability, ilium \il-e-am\ cilium, ileum, ilium,
impenetrability, imperishability, Ilium, milium, trillium
impermeability, impermissibility, beryllium
imponderability, impracticability, penicillium
impressionability, inaccessibility, ilk \ilk\ bilk, ilk, milch, milk, silk
inadmissibility, inadvisability, buttermilk, liebfraumilch
inalterability, inapplicability,
incalculability, incombustibility, ilker \il-kar\ bilker, milker
incomparability, incompatibility,
incompressibility, inconceivability, ilky \il-ke\ milky, silky
incontestability, inconvertibility, ill \il\ bill, Bill, brill, chill, dill, drill,
incorrigibility, incorruptibility, fill, frill, gill, grill, grille, hill, ill, Jill,
indefeasibility, indefensibility, kill, krill, mil, mill, mille, nil, nill, Phil,
indefinability, indestructibility, pill, prill, quill, rill, shill, shrill, sild,
indigestibility, indispensability, sill, skill, spill, squill, still, swill, thill,
indissolubility, indivisibility, thrill, til, till, trill, twill, vill, will, Will
indomitability, indubitability, anthill, backfill, bluegill, Brazil,
ineducability, ineffaceability, Catskill, Churchill, cranesbill,
ineligibility, ineluctability, crossbill, de Mille, dentil, deskill,
inevitability, inexhaustibility, distill, doorsill, downhill, duckbill,
inexplicability, inexpressibility, dullsville, dunghill, foothill, freewill,
inextricability, inheritability, fulfill, goodwill, Granville, gristmill,
insatiability, inseparability, handbill, hawksbill, hornbill,
insociability, insusceptibility, Huntsville, instill, Knoxville, lambkill,
intelligibility, interchangeability, landfill, limekiln, manille, Melville,
intolerability, invariability, molehill, mudsill, Nashville, no-till,
invulnerability, irreducibility, playbill, quadrille, refill, roadkill,
irreformability, irrefutability, sawmill, self-will, Seville, sheathbill,
irremovability, irrepealability, shoebill, sidehill, sigil, spadille,
irreplaceability, irrepressibility, spoonbill, stabile, standstill, stockstill,
irreproachability, irresistibility, storksbill, T-bill, treadmill, unreal,
irresponsibility, irretrievability, until, uphill, vaudeville, waxbill,
irreversibility, irrevocability, waybill, windchill, windmill
maneuverability, manipulability, Brazzaville, chlorophyll, daffodil,
negotiability, polarizability, deshabille, de Toqueville, dishabille,
recognizability, recoverability, escadrille, espadrille, Evansville,
rectifiability, reprehensibility, fiberfill, Francophil, Hooverville,
reproducibility, substitutability, Jacksonville, Libreville, Louisville,
unacceptability, unaccountability, minimill, overfill, overkill, overspill,
understandability, undesirability, razorbill, rototill, tormentil, verticil,
verifiability windowsill, whippoorwill, winter-kill,
biocompatability, biodegradability, Yggdrasil
differentiability, inalienability, acidophil, ivorybill, minoxydil,
incommensurability, Nizhni Togil, run-of-the-mill
I'll 192

I'll \I1\ see ile1 Brynhild, engild, gold-filled,

1 goodwilled, rebuild, self-willed,
ilia \e-ys\ barilla, cuadrilla spoonbilled, unbuild, unskilled,
banderilla, quesadilla upbuild, wergild
Ilia2 \il-9\ scilla, Scylla, squilla, villa, jerry-build, overbuild, semiskilled
Willa —also -ed forms of verbs listed at ill
ancilla, Aquila, Attila, axilla, illedness \il-ngs\ see ilness
Camilla, cedilla, chinchilla, flotilla,
gorilla, guerrilla, manila, Manila, illein \il-an\ see illon
megillah, papilla, perilla, Priscilla,
iller \il-ar\ biller, chiller, driller,
scintilla, vanilla
filler, giller, griller, hiller, killer,
camarilla, cascarilla, granadilla,
miller, Miller, pillar, schiller, spiller,
potentilla, sabadilla, sapodilla,
swiller, thriller, tiller, triller
axillar, distiller, fulfiller, painkiller,
ilia3 \e-a\ see ia1 pralltriller, von Schiller
caterpillar, lady-killer, Rototiller
ilia4 \el-ya\ see elia —also -er forms of adjectives listed
ilia5 \e-l9\ see ela 1
illery \il-re\ pillory
illable \il-3-bal\ billable, drillable,
artillery, distillery
fillable, spillable, syllable, tillable
disyllable, refillable, trisyllable illes \il-ez\ see illies
decasyllable, monosyllable,
octosyllable, polysyllable illet \il-at\ billet, fillet, millet, rillet,
hendecasyllable skillet, willet
illage \il-ij\ grillage, millage, pillage,
spillage, tillage, village illful \il-fal\ skillful, willful
no-tillage, permillage unskillful
Greenwich Village illi1 \il-e\ see illy1
illah \il-a\ see ilia illi2 \e-le\ see eely
illain \il-sn\ see illon illian1 \il-e-9n\ see ilian1
illar \il-ar\ see iller illian2 \il-yan\ see illion
illary \il-a-re\ Hilary, Hillary, illiance \il-yans\ brilliance
phyllary resilience
illiancy \il-y9n-se\ brilliancy
i I late \il-9t\ see illet resiliency
ille1 \il\ see ill illiant \il-y9nt\ see ilient
ille \ e \ see ee 1 illick \il-ik\ see ilic
ille \el\ see eal 2 illie \il-e\ see illy1

illea \il-y9\ see ilia2 illies \il-ez\ willies

Achilles, Antilles
illed \ild\ build, dilled, drilled, gild, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles
gilled, guild, skilled, twilled, willed Netherlands Antilles
193 iloquy

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns illous \il-as\ see illus
listed at illy1
illow1 \il-a\ see ilia2
illikan \il-i-kan\ see ilicon
illow2 \il-6\ see illo1
illikin \il-i-kan\ see ilicon
illowy \il-3-we\ billowy, pillowy,
illin1 \il-3m\ see ilium willowy
illin2 \il-an\ see illon ills \ilz\ Black Hills, no-frills
illing \il-irj\ billing, drilling, filling, Alban Hills
killing, milling, schilling, shilling, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
skilling, twilling, willing and -s forms of verbs, listed at ill
fulfilling, spine-chilling, unwilling ilium \il-3m\ chillum
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at\\\ vexillum
illion \il-ysn\ billion, jillion, Lillian, illus \il-as\ Phyllis, villous, Willis
million, pillion, trillion, zillion bacillus, lapillus
caecilian, Castilian, centillion, amaryllis
civilian, cotillion, decillion, modillion, toga virilis
nonillion, octillion, pavilion, postilion,
quadrillion, Quintilian, quintillion, illy1 \il-e\ Billie, billy, Chile, chili,
reptilian, septillion, sextillion, chilly, dilly, filly, frilly, gillie, hilly,
toubillion, vaudevillian, vermilion illy, Lillie, lily, Lily, Millie, really,
crocodilian, Maximilian, preexilian, Scilly, silly, stilly, Willie, Willy
quindecillion, sexdecillion, bacilli, Caerphilly, daylily, fusilli,
tredecillion, undecillion, vespertilian, guidwillie, hillbilly
vigintillion piccalilli, rockabilly, willy-nilly
duodecillion, novemdecillion,
octodecillion, septendecillion illy2 \il-le\ shrilly, stilly
quattuordecillion iln1 \il\ see ill
illip \il-ap\ fillip, Philip
iln2 \iln\ kiln, Milne
illis \il-9s\ see illus
ilne \iln\ see iln2
illium \il-e-9m\ see ilium
ilo1 \I-16\ milo, Milo, phyllo, silo
illness \il-n9s\ chillness, illness,
shrillness, stillness ilo 2 \e-lo\ helo, kilo, phyllo
illo1 \il-6\ billow, pillow, willow
Negrillo, tornillo ilom M-larrA see ilum
Amarillo, armadillo, cigarillo,
coyotillo, peccadillo, tamarillo iloquence \il-3-kwans\
grandiloquence, magniloquence
illo2 \e-6\ see io2
iloquent \il-3-kwant\ grandiloquent,
illon \il-9n\ billon, Dylan, Uilleann, magniloquent
villain, villein
tefillin iloquist \il-9-kwast\ soliloquist,
penicillin ventriloquist
iloquy \il-a-kwe\ soliloquy,
illory \il-re\ see illery ventriloquy
ilot 194

ilot \i-lat\ eyelet, islet, Pilate, pilot, im 2 \em\ see earn 1

I'm \Im\ see ime1
autopilot, Pontius Pilate ima \e-ma\ see ema
ils \ils\ fils, grilse, Nils imable M-ma-balX climable
sublimable, unclimbable
ilse \ils\ see ils
imace \im-as\ grimace, tzimmes
ilt \ilt\ built, gilt, guilt, hilt, jilt, kilt,
lilt, milt, quilt, silt, stilt, tilt, wilt image \im-ij\ image, scrimmage
atilt, bloodguilt, Brunhild, self-image
homebuilt, inbuilt, rebuilt, unbuilt, afterimage
carvel-built, clinker-built, custom- iman Xe-marA see emon 1
built, purpose-built imate \i-mat\ climate, primate
ilter \il-tar\ filter, kilter, milter, acclimate
philter imb1 \im\ see im1
imb 2 \im\ see ime1
Mth \ilth\ filth, spilth, tilth
imba \im-ba\ limba
iltie \il-te\ see ilty kalimba, marimba
Mton \ilt- 3 n\ Hilton, Milton, Stilton, imbable M-ma-balX see imable
imbal \im-bal\ see imble
ilty \il-te\ guilty, kiltie, milty, silty
bloodguilty imbale Xim-balX see imble

ilum M-bmX filum, hilum, phylum, imbed \imd\ limbed, rimmed

whilom, xylem clean-limbed
asylum —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ilus \i-las\ eyeless, pilus, stylus,
imber1 \im-bar\ limber, timber
sawtimber, unlimber
ily1 \i-le\ seeyly imber 2 M-marX see imer1
2 1
ily \il-e\ see illy imble \im-bal\ cymbal, gimbal,
im1 \im\ bream, brim, dim, glim, nimble, symbol, thimble, timbal,
grim, Grimm, gym, him, hymn, Jim, timbale, wimble
Kim, limb, limn, mim, nim, prim, rim, imbo \im-bo\ bimbo, limbo
scrim, shim, skim, slim, swim, Tim, akimbo
trim, vim, whim gumbo-limbo
bedim, dislimn, forelimb, passim,
prelim, Purim, Sikkim, slim-jim, snap- imbral \am-brsl\ see ambrel
brim imbre \am-bar\ see ambar 2
acronym, anonym, antonym,
eponym, homonym, metonym, imbrel \im-br3l\ timbrel, whimbrel
paradigm, paronym, pseudonym,
imbus Xim-bssX limbus, nimbus
seraphim, synonym, tautonym,
toponym, underbrim ime 1 \Im\ chime, climb, clime,
ad interim, heteronym crime, dime, disme, grime, I'm, lime,
195 imitz

mime, prime, rhyme, rime, slime, imes 2 \em\ see earn 1

stime, thyme, time
airtime, all-time, bedtime, begrime, imeter \im-3t-ar\ dimeter, limiter,
big time, birdlime, daytime, scimitar, trimeter
downtime, dreamtime, enzyme, altimeter, delimiter, perimeter,
flextime, foretime, halftime, lifetime, tachymeter
longtime, lunchtime, Mannheim, imetry \im-3-tre\ symmetry
Maytime, mealtime, meantime, gravimetry
nighttime, noontime, old-time, polarimetry, sypersymmetry
onetime, part-time, pastime,
peacetime, playtime, quicklime, imian \im-e-an\ Simeon, simian
ragtime, schooltime, seedtime, small- Endymion, prosimian
time, sometime, space-time,
springtime, sublime, teatime, two- imic \im-ik\ see ymic2
time, uptime, wartime imical \im-i-kal\ inimical,
aftertime, Anaheim, anytime, metonymical, synonymical,
beforetime, Christmastime, toponymical
dinnertime, double-time, harvesttime,
Jotunheim, lysozyme, maritime, imicry \im-i-kre\ gimmickry,
monorhyme, overtime, pantomime, mimicry
paradigm, summertime, wintertime
imilar \im-3-l9r\ similar
nickel-and-dime dissimilar
ime 2 \em\ see earn 1 imile \im-9-le\ simile, swimmily
imel \im-9l\ gimel, gimmal, kiimmel facsimile

imeless \Im-las\ rhymeless, timeless iminal1 \im-9n- 3 l\ criminal, liminal

imely \Im-le\ primely, timely supraliminal
iminal2 \im-n9l\ see ymnal
imen M-manX flyman, hymen,
Hymen, limen, Lyman, Simon iminy \im-9-ne\ see imony

imeon \im-e-9n\ see imian imis \I-mas\ primus, thymus,

imeous M-mssX see imis imprimis, untimeous
imer1 M-marX chimer, climber, imitable \im-at-3-b3l\ imitable
dimer, mimer, primer, rhymer, timer, illimitable, inimitable
imitar \im-9t-9r\ see imeter
full-timer, old-timer, small-timer,
sublimer, two-timer imiter \im-9t-9r\ see imeter
imits \im-its\ limits, Nimitz
imer2 \im-3r\ see immer
imity \im-9t-e\ dimity
imerick \im-rik\ see ymric proximity, sublimity
anonymity, equanimity, longanimity,
imes 1 \Imz\ times magnanimity, pseudonymity,
betimes, daytimes, sometimes synonymity, unanimity
betweentimes, oftentimes pusillanimity
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ime imitz \im-its\ see imits
imm 196

imm \im\ see im1 imple \im-pal\ dimple, pimple,

simple, wimple
immable \im-a-b9l\ dimmable,
imply \im-ple\ dimply, limply,
immage \im-ij\ see image
pimply, simply
immal \im-3l\ see imel
impy \im-pe\ crimpy, gimpy,
imme \i-me\ see immy scrimpy, shrimpy, skimpy, wimpy
immed \imd\ see imbed imsy \im-ze\ flimsy, slimsy, whimsy
immer \im-3r\ brimmer, dimmer, imulus \im-ya-tas\ limulus, stimulus
glimmer, krimmer, limmer, limner,
primer, shimmer, simmer, skimmer, imus M-masX see imis
slimmer, swimmer, trimmer
—also -er forms of adjectives listed imy \I-me\ grimy, limey, limy, rimy,
at im1 slimy, stymie, thymy
immes \im-as\ see imace
in1 \in\ been, bin, blin, chin, din, fin,
immick \im-ik\ see ymic Finn, gin, grin, Gwyn, hin, in, inn, kin,
linn, Lynn, Lynne, pin, shin, Shin, sin,
immickry \im-i-kre\ see imicry
skin, spin, thin, tin, twin, whin, win,
immily \im-9-le\ see imile wyn, yin, zin
again, agin, akin, all-in, backspin,
immy \im-e\ gimme, jimmy, limby, bearskin, begin, Benin, Berlin,
shimmy, swimmy Boleyn, bowfin, break-in, buckskin,
built-in, burn-in, calfskin, capeskin,
imn \im\ see im1
cave-in, chagrin, check-in, Chongjin,
imner \im-ar\ see immer close-in, clothespin, coonskin,
Corinne, crankpin, cut-in, deerskin,
imo \e-mo\ primo doeskin, drive-in, drop-in, duckpin,
sentimo dustbin, fade-in, fill-in, foreskin,
goatskin, Guilin, hairpin, Harbin, has-
imon Xi-msnX see imen
been, headpin, herein, Jilin, Kerin,
imony \im-a-ne\ simony kidskin, kingpin, lambskin, lead-in,
niminy-piminy lie-in, linchpin, live-in, lived-in, lobe-
fin, locked-in, look-in, love-in,
imothy \im-3-the\ timothy, Timothy moleskin, munchkin, Nankin, ninepin,
polymathy no-win, oilskin, Pekin, phone-in,
pigskin, pinyin, plug-in, pushpin, ruin,
imp \imp\ blimp, chimp, crimp,
run-in, saimin, scarfpin, scarfskin,
gimp, guimpe, imp, limp, pimp,
sealskin, set-in, sharkskin, sheepskin,
primp, scrimp, shrimp, simp, skimp,
shoo-in, shut-in, sidespin, sit-in, sleep-
in, snakeskin, stand-in, step-in,
impe \imp\ see imp stickpin, swanskin, tailspin, take-in,
tap-in, teach-in, tenpin, therein,
imper \im-par\ limper, shrimper, tholepin, threadfin, throw-in, tie-in,
simper, whimper tiepin, tip-in, toe-in, trade-in, tuned-in,
turn-in, unpin, walk-in, weigh-in,
imping Njm-panX seeympan wherein, wineskin, within, woolskin,
impish \im-pish\ blimpish, impish write-in
197 inching

candlepin, catechin, Ha-erh-pin, Ho inach \in-ich\ Greenwich, spinach

Chi Minh, Lohengrin, lying-in,
mandolin, maximin, Mickey Finn, inah1 \e-na\ see ina2
onionskin, palanquin, Tianjin, inah 2 \I-na\ see ina1
underpin, underspin, Vietminh, violin,
whipper-in inal1 \In- 3 l\ clinal, final, rhinal,
canthaxanthin spinal, trinal, vinyl
matutinal, officinal, quarterfinal,
in 2 \en\ see ine 3 semifinal, serotinal
in3 \an\ see an 5
inal2 \en- 3 l\ see enal
in \a \ Chopin, doyen, Gauguin,
moulin, Petain, Rodin, serin inally \In- 3 l-e\ clinally, finally,
coq au vin, coup de main, fleur de spinally
coin, Mazarin matutinally

in5 \an\ see un1 inary \I-na-re\ binary, trinary

ina1 \I-na\ china, China, Dina, inas 1 \I-nas\ see inus1

Dinah, Heine, Ina, mina, mynah inas 2 \e-nas\ see enus 1
Aegina, angina, Lucina, nandina,
piscina, Regina, salina, shechinah, i native \in-9t-iv\ see initive
Cochin China, Carolina, Indochina, inc \irjk\ see ink
kamaaina, Poland China inca \irj-ka\ Dinka, Inca, vinca
North Carolina, South Carolina Mandinka
ina2 \e-ns\ Deena, Dena, kina, Lena, incal \in-k9l\ see inkle
Nina, plena, Shina, Tina, vena, vina
arena, Athena, cantina, catena, incan \irj-kan\ Incan
Christina, coquina, corbina, corvina, Lincoln
czarina, Edwina, euglena, farina,
fontina, Georgina, hyena, kachina, ince 1 \ins\ blintz, chintz, mince,
Kristina, marina, Marina, medina, prince, quince, rinse, since, wince
Medina, Messina, nandina, novena, convince, evince, shinsplints
patina, piscina, platina, Regina, Port-au-Prince
retsina, Rowena, salina, sestina, ince 2 \ans\ see ance 3
Shechinah, subpoena, verbena
Agrippina, amberina, Angelina, incely \in-sle\ princely, tinselly
Argentina, ballerina, casuarina,
Carolina, Catalina, catilena, cavatina, incer \in-ch3r\ see incher
Chianina, concertina, Filipina, inch \inch\ chinch, cinch, clinch,
javelina, Katerina, ocarina, Palestrina, finch, flinch, grinch, inch, lynch,
Pasadena, Saint Helena, semolina, pinch, squinch, winch
signorina, sonatina, Taormina, bullfinch, goldfinch, greenfinch,
Teresina, Wilhelmina hawfinch, unclinch
Herzegovina, Pallas Athena, Strait of
Messina incher \in-chsr\ clincher, flincher,
lyncher, pincer, pincher, wincher
inable M-na-balX minable affenpinscher, penny-pincher
consignable, declinable, definable, Doberman pinscher
indeclinable, indefinable inching \in-chirj\ unflinching
incible 198

penny-pinching ind 2 \ind\ finned, Ind, Sind, skinned,

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at wind
inch buckskinned, crosswind, downwind,
exscind, prescind, rescind, soft-finned,
incible \in-s3-bal\ principal, thick-skinned, thin-skinned, upwind,
principle, vincible whirlwind, woodwind
evincible, invincible Amerind, spiny-finned, tamarind
inconvincible —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
incing \in-sirj\ ginseng, mincing in
convincing ind \int\ see int
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at inda \in-d9\ Linda
ince1 Lucinda, Melinda
incipal Xin-sa-balX see incible
incipie \in-s3-bal\ see incible indar \in-dar\ see inder 2

inck \irjk\ see ink inded 1 \in-d9d\ minded, rinded

broad-minded, fair-minded, high-
incky \irj-ke\ see inky minded, large-minded, like-minded,
low-minded, right-minded, small-
incoln \irj-k9n\ see incan minded, strong-minded, tough-
inct \int\ linked, kinked, tinct minded, weak-minded
distinct, extinct, instinct, precinct, absentminded, bloody-minded, civic-
succinct, unlinked minded, evil-minded, feebleminded,
indistinct narrow-minded, open-minded,
simpleminded, single-minded, social-
inction Xirj-shsnX distinction, minded, tender-minded
extinction —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
contradistinction ind1
inctive \irj-tiv\ distinctive, inded 2 \in-dad\ brinded,
extinctive, instinctive long-winded, short-winded
indistinctive broken-winded
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
incture \in-ch3r\ cincture, tincture
ind1 \Ind\ bind, blind, find, grind,
inder1 \In-d9r\ binder, blinder,
hind, kind, mind, rind, signed, spined,
finder, grinder, hinder, minder, winder
tined, wind, wynd
bookbinder, faultfinder, highbinder,
affined, behind, confined, inclined,
netminder, pathfinder, reminder, ring
in-kind, night-blind, purblind, refined,
binder, self-binder, sidewinder,
remind, rewind, sand-blind, snow-
spellbinder, stem-winder, viewfinder
blind, spellbind, stone-blind,
streamlined, unbind, unkind, unwind
—also -er forms of adjectives listed
color-blind, double-blind, gavelkind,
at ind1
gravel-blind, hoodman-blind,
humankind, mastermind, nonaligned, inder2 \in-dar\ cinder, hinder,
single-blind, unaligned, undersigned, Pindar, tinder
well-defined, womankind
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at indful \In-f3l\ mindful
ine1 remindful, unmindful
199 me

indhi \in-de\ see indy beeline, benign, Bernstein, bloodline,

bovine, bowline, branchline,
indi \in-de\ see indy breadline, buntline, bustline, byline,
indie \in-dik\ Indie, syndic canine, caprine, carbine, carmine,
cervine, clothesline, coastline,
indie \in-de\ see indy combine, compline, condign, confine,
consign, corvine, cutline, dateline,
inding \In-dirj\ binding, finding,
deadline, decline, define, design,
divine, dragline, driveline, earthshine,
bookbinding, fact-finding,
Einstein, eiswein, enshrine, ensign,
faultfinding, pathfinding, self-winding,
entwine, equine, ethyne, feline, ferine,
spellbinding, stem-winding
fraulein, frontline, gantline, grapevine,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at guideline, hairline, hard-line, headline,
ind1 hemline, hipline, Holbein, Holstein,
indlass \in-bs\ see inless incline, indign, in-line, jawline,
landline, lang syne, lifeline, longline,
indie \in-d 3 l\ brindle, dwindle, lupine, mainline, malign, midline,
kindle, spindle, swindle moline, moonshine, off-line, old-line,
enkindle opine, outline, outshine, ovine,
Pauline, Pennine, Petrine, pipeline,
indless \In-bs\ kindless, mindless,
piscine, plotline, pontine, Pontine,
porcine, potline, propine, quinine,
indling1 \in-lsn\ pindling, kindling rapine, recline, redline, refine, reline,
repine, resign, ridgeline, roofline,
indling 2 \ind-lirj\ dwindling, Sabine, saline, setline, shoreline,
kindling, pindling, spindling sideline, Sixtine, skyline, soft-line,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at straight-line, strandline, streamline,
indie1 strychnine, subline, sunshine, supine,
indly1 \in-le\ see inly syncline, taurine, tie-line, time-line,
topline, touchline, towline, tramline,
indly2 \m-le\ see inely1 trapline, trephine, trotline, truckline,
tumpline, turbine, untwine, ursine,
indness \fn-n9s\ blindness, vespine, vulpine, waistline, woodbine,
fineness, kindness zayin, zebrine
purblindness, unkindness
loving-kindness aerodyne, alkaline, androgyne,
Angeline, anodyne, anserine,
indowed \in-dad\ see inded 2 anticline, aquiline, argentine, asinine,
auld lang syne, borderline, bottom-
indus \in-das\ Indus, Pindus line, Byzantine, calamine, calcimine,
indy \in-de\ Cindy, Hindi, indie, Caroline, catarrhine, Catiline,
lindy, shindy, Sindhi, windy celandine, centerline, cisalpine,
Rawalpindi Cisalpine, clandestine, colubrine,
columbine, Columbine, concubine,
ine1 \In\ bine, brine, chine, cline, Constantine, countermine,
dine, dyne, eyen, fine, Jain, kine, line, countersign, crystalline, cytokine,
Line, Main, mine, nine, pine, Rhein, disincline, eglantine, endocrine,
Rhine, rind, shine, shrine, sign, spine, exocrine, falconine, fescennine,
spline, stein, Stein, swine, syne, thine, Frankenstein, gregarine, infantine,
tine, trine, twine, vine, whine, wine interline, intertwine, iodine,
A-line, affine, airline, align, alkyne, Johannine, leonine, Liechtenstein,
alpine, assign, balkline, baseline, monkeyshine, muscadine, opaline,
me 200

palatine, Palestine, passerine, on-screen, patine, Pauline, piscine,

porcupine, psittacine, realign, Pontine, poteen, praline, preteen,
redefine, redesign, riverine, pristine, propine, protein, quinine,
Rubenstein, saccharine, sapphirine, Rabin, Racine, ratteen, ravine, routine,
saturnine, serpentine, sibylline, sixty- saline, saltine, Salween, sardine,
nine, subalpine, Theatine, timberline, sateen, scalene, serene, shagreen,
turnverein, turpentine, underline, Sharlene, shebeen, siren, Sistine,
undermine, Ursuline, uterine, sixteen, Slovene, soybean, spalpeen,
valentine, vespertine, viperine, strychnine, subteen, sunscreen,
vulturine, waterline, zibeline Szczecin, takin, taurine, terrene,
accipitrine, adamantine, adulterine, terrine, thirteen, Tolkien, tontine,
alexandrine, amaranthine, Capitoline, tureen, umpteen, unclean, undine,
elephantine, Evangeline, Frankfurt am unseen, vaccine, vitrine, windscreen,
Main, Rembrandt van Rijn, yestreen, Yibin, zechin
Schleswig-Holstein Aberdeen, almandine, Angeline,
nonoxynol-9 argentine, Argentine, Augustine,
barkentine, bengaline, Bernadine,
ine 2 \e-na\ fine bombazine, Borodin, brigandine,
wahine brigantine, brilliantine, Byzantine,
ine 3 \en\ bean, clean, dean, Dean, carotene, carrageen, celandine,
Deane, dene, e'en, gene, Gene, glean, clandestine, columbine, Constantine,
green, Green, greene, jean, Jean, contravene, crepe de chine, crystalline,
Jeanne, keen, lean, lien, mean, mesne, damascene, Dexedrine, Dramamine,
mien, peen, preen, quean, queen, duvetyn, eglantine, endocrine, Eocene,
scene, screen, seen, sheen, shin, sin, epicene, Ernestine, estaurine,
skean, skene, spean, spleen, teen, evergreen, fescennine, figurine,
tween, wean, ween, wheen, yean Florentine, fukerene, gabardine,
Aileen, Arlene, baleen, beguine, gaberdine, gadarene, galantine,
Beguine, Benin, Bernstein, between, gasoline, Geraldine, Ghibelline, go-
boreen, bovine, buckbean, caffeine, between, grenadine, Gretna Green,
canteen, carbine, careen, Carlene, guillotine, Halloween, haute cuisine,
Cathleen, Charlene, chlorine, chopine, Hippocrene, histamine, Holocene,
chorine, Christine, citrine, Claudine, Imogene, in-between, indigene,
codeine, colleen, Colleen, convene, intervene, Jeraldine, Josephine,
Coreen, cotquean, cuisine, Darlene, Kalinin, kerosene, langoustine,
dasheen, dauphine, demean, demesne, legatine, libertine, limousine, Ml6,
dentine, Doreen, dry-clean, dudeen, magazine, mangosteen, margravine,
eighteen, Eileen, Essene, Eugene, Medellin, melamine, messaline,
fanzine, fascine, fifteen, fluorine, Methedrine, mezzanine, Miocene,
fourteen, Francine, gamine, gangrene, mousseline, Nazarene, nectarine,
glassine, gyrene, Helene, Hellene, nicotine, overseen, opaline, organzine,
Hermine, hoatzin, holstein, Holstein, palanquin, palatine, pelerine,
horsebean, houseclean, hygiene, Ilene, percaline, peregrine, philhellene,
Irene, Jacqueline, Jeanine, Jeannine, Philistine, plasticene, plasticine,
Jolene, Justine, Kathleen, khamsin, Pleistocene, Pliocene, riverine,
Kristine, Ladin, lateen, latrine, quarantine, reserpine, saccharine,
Lorene, Lublin, machine, malines, Sakhalin, Saladin, San Joaquin, San
marine, Marlene, Maureen, Maxine, Martin, sapphirine, schizophrene,
moline, moreen, morphine, Nadine, serpentine, seventeen, silkaline,
nankeen, naphthene, Nicene, nineteen, Stelazine, submarine, subroutine,
nongreen, Noreen, obscene, offscreen, supervene, tambourine, tangerine,
201 ing

Theatine, tourmaline, trampoline, designer, diviner, eyeliner, hardliner,

transmarine, travertine, Tridentine, headliner, incliner, jetliner, long-liner,
Vaseline, velveteen, wintergreen, moonshiner, one-liner, recliner,
wolverine, Ursuline refiner, repiner, sideliner, soft-liner,
adamantine, alexandrine, streamliner
amphetamine, aquamarine, Asia Minor, Canis Minor, forty-
Benedictine, bromocriptine, carbon niner, party-liner, superliner, Ursa
13, doxycycline, elephantine, Minor
Evangeline, internecine, leukotirene,
methylxanthene, mujahideen, iner2 \e-nar\ see eaner
niphedipine, nouvelle cuisine, inery1 \in-re\ finery, pinery, vinery,
Oligocene, Paleocene, pentamedine, winery
tricothecene, ultramarine refinery
antihistamine, benzoapyrene,
diphenhydramine, Mary Magdalene, inery 2 \en-re\ see eanery
NC-17, polybutadiene
ines 1 \en\ see ine 3
alpha-fetaprotein, apolipoprotein,
buckminsterfullerene, General San ines 2 \enz\ see eens
Martin, oleomargarine
ines 3 \Inz\ Mainz
ine 4 \in-e\ see inny Appenines
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
ine 5 \e-ne\ see ini1
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ine1
ine 6 \an\ see un
inest M-nastX see inist1
inea \in-e\ see inny
inet \in-9t\ see innet
ineal \in-e-al\ finial, lineal
inew \in-yii\ see inue
matrilineal, patrilineal, unilineal
infield \in-feld\ infield, Winfield
ined \Ind\ see ind1
ing \irj\ bring, Ching, cling, ding,
inee \I-ne\ see iny1
fling, king, King, ling, Ming, ping,
ineless \in-tas\ see indless ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string,
swing, thing, wing, wring, zing
inely1 \In-le\ blindly, finely, kindly backswing, Baoding, bedspring,
affinely, condignly, equinely, Beijing, bi-swing, bitewing,
felinely, purblindly, unkindly bowstring, bullring, Chongqing,
clearwing, downswing, drawstring,
inely 2 \en-le\ see eanly 1
D ring, earring, first-string, forewing,
inement Mn-mantX see ignment G-string, greenwing, hairspring,
hamstring, handspring, headspring,
ineness Mn-nasX see indness heartstring, Kunming, lacewing,
lapwing, latchstring, mainspring,
ineous \in-e-ss\ gramineous,
Nanjing, Nanning, O-ring, offspring,
Paoting, plaything, redwing,
consanguineous, ignominious
shoestring, showring, unsling,
iner1 \I-n9r\ briner, diner, finer, liner, unstring, upspring, upswing,
miner, minor, shiner, Shriner, signer, wellspring, whitewing, wind-wing,
twiner, whiner wingding, Xining
airliner, aligner, baseliner, byliner, a la king, anything, buck-and-wing,
combiner, confiner, cosigner, definer, ding-a-ling, double-ring, everything,
mya 202

innerspring, Liaoning, pigeonwing, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at

superstring, underwing ing
inga \irj-ga\ anhinga, syringa ingit Xin-kstX see inket
inge \inj\ binge, cringe, dinge, ingle \irj-gal\ cringle, dingle, jingle,
fringe, hinge, singe, springe, swinge, mingle, shingle, single, tingle
tinge, twinge, whinge atingle, commingle, immingle, Kriss
impinge, infringe, syringe, unhinge Kringle, surcingle
inged \irjd\ ringed, stringed, winged
net-winged ingler \irj-glsr\ jingler, shingler
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at inglet \in-l3t\ kinglet, ringlet,
ing winglet
ingement Xinj-mantX impingement, ingletree \irj-gsl-tre\ singletree,
infringement swingletree
ingency \in-jan-se\ stringency ingli \irj-gle\ see ingly
astringency, contingency
inglish \irj-glish\ see english
ingent \in-J9nt\ stringent
ingly \in-gle\ jingly, shingly, singly,
astringent, constringent, contingent,
tingly, Zwingli
ingo \irj-go\ bingo, dingo, jingo,
inger1 \irj-sr\ bringer, dinger, lingo, pingo
dinger, flinger, pinger, ringer, singer, flamingo, Mandingo
springer, stinger, stringer, swinger, Santo Domingo
winger, wringer, zinger
folksinger, gunslinger, humdinger, ings \irjz\ Kings, springs
left-winger, mudslinger, right-winger eyestrings, Hot Springs
mastersinger, Meistersinger, Colorado Springs
minnesinger —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ing
inger 2 \irj-gsr\ finger, linger
five-finger, forefinger, malinger ingue \arj\ see ang 2
ladyfinger inguish \irj-wish\ distinguish,
inger 3 \in-jar\ ginger, Ginger, injure, extinguish
singer, swinger ingy 1 \irj-e\ clingy, dinghy, springy,
ingery \inj-re\ gingery, injury stringy, swingy, zingy
inghy \irj-e\ see ingy1
ingy 2 \in-je\ dingy, mingy, stingy
ingi \irj-e\ see ingy1
inh \in\ see in1
ingian \in-jan\ Thuringian
Carlovingian, Carolingian, ini1 \e-ne\ beanie, djinni, genie,
Merovingian greeny, Jeanie, Jeannie, meanie,
meany, jinni, Meany, sheeny, spleeny,
inging \irj-irj\ ringing, springing, teeny, weanie, weeny, wienie
stringing, swinging Alcmene, Athene, Bellini, Bernini,
folksinging, free-swinging, bikini, Bikini, Cabrini, Cellini,
gunslinging, handwringing, Eugenie, linguine, martini, Mazzini,
mudslinging, upbringing Mbini, Mycenae, Puccini, rappini,
203 inka

Rossini, Selene, tahini, wahine, champignon, dominion, Justinian,

zucchini opinion, Sardinian
fantoccini, fettucine, kundalini, Abyssinian
malihini, Mussolini, Mytilene, nota
bene, scaloppine, spaghettini, teeny- inis \in-as\ finis, pinnace
weeny, tetrazzini, tortellini Erinys

ini2 \in-e\ see inny inis 2 \I-nas\ see inus1

inia \in-e-3\ zinnia inish \in-ish\ finish, Finnish,

Bithynia, Gdynia, gloxinia, Lavinia, thinnish
Sardinia, Virginia diminish, refinish
Abyssinia, West Virginia
inist 1 \I-nast\ dynast, finest
inial \in-e-3l\ see ineal
inist 2 \e-nast\ hygienist, machinist,
inian \in-e-an\ Arminian, Orleanist
Darwinian, Latinian, Sardinian, Byzantinist, magazinist, trampolinist
initive \in-at-iv\ carminative,
Apollinian, Argentinian,
definitive, infinitive
Augustinian, Carolinian
inity \in-3t-e\ trinity, Trinity
inian2 \in-yan\ see inion
affinity, bovinity, concinnity,
inic1 \e-nik\ Enoch divinity, felinity, feminity, infinity,
nicotinic latinity, salinity, sanguinity, vicinity,
inic 2 \in-ik\ clinic, cynic, Finnic alkalinity, aquitinity, clandestinity,
platinic, rabbinic consanguinity, crystallinity,
Jacobinic, mandarinic, misogynic, femininity, inconcinnity, masculinity,
muscarinic, nicotinic, parafinic saccharinity
inical \in-i-kal\ binnacle, clinical, inium \in-e-am\ delphinium,
cynical, finical, pinnacle triclinium
dominical condominium
injure \in-jar\ see inger 3
inican \in-i-ksn\ see inikin
injury \inj-re\ see ingery
inikin \in-i-kan\ minikin
Dominican ink \irjk\ blink, brink, chink, clink,
dink, drink, fink, gink, ink, jink, kink,
inim \in-9m\ minim link, mink, pink, plink, prink, rink,
Houyhnhnm shrink, sink, skink, slink, stink, swink,
sync, think, wink, zinc
ining \I-nirj\ lining, mining, shining bethink, chewink, cross-link,
declining, designing, inclining, long- eyewink, groupthink, hoodwink,
lining iceblink, lip-synch, misthink, outthink,
interlining, undesigning preshrink, rethink, snowblink, unkink
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at bobolink, countersink, distelfink,
ine doublethink, interlink, kitchen-sink,
Maeterlinck, rinky-dink
inion \in-yan\ minion, minyan,
pinion, pinon inka \irj-ka\ see inca
inkable 204

inkable Xirj-ks-bslX drinkable, inley \in-le\ see inly

sinkable, thinkable
undrinkable, unsinkable, unthinkable inly \in-le\ inly, spindly, thinly
inkage \in-kij\ linkage, shrinkage, Mount McKinley
inn \in\ see in1
inke \irj-ke\ see inky
innace \in-as\ see inis1
inked \int\ see inct
innacle \in-i-kal\ see inical
inker \irj-kar\ blinker, clinker,
drinker, pinker, sinker, skinker, stinker, inned \ind\ see ind2
tinker, winker
diesinker, freethinker, headshrinker inner \in-ar\ dinner, ginner, grinner,
inner, pinner, sinner, skinner, spinner,
inket \in-kat\ Tlingit, trinket spinor, thinner, tinner, winner
beginner, breadwinner, prizewinner
inkey \irj-ke\ see inky
inkgo \irj-ko\ see inko
innet \in-3t\ linnet, minute, spinet
inki \irj-ke\ see inky
inney \in-e\ see inny
inkie \irj-ke\ see inky
inni \e-ne\ see ini1
inking \irj-kirj\ freethinking,
unblinking, unthinking innia \in-e-a\ see inia
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at innic \in-ik\ see inic2
innie \in-e\ see inny
inkle \irj-kal\ crinkle, inkle, sprinkle,
tinkle, twinkle, winkle, wrinkle inning \in-in\ ginning, inning,
besprinkle spinning, winning
periwinkle, Rip van Winkle beginning, breadwinning,
inkling \irj-klirj\ inkling, sprinkling,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
inkly \in-kle\ crinkly, pinkly, tinkly, innish \in-ish\ see inish
twinkly, wrinkly innity \in-at-e\ see inity
inko \irj-ko\ ginkgo, pinko in now \in-6\ minnow, winnow
inks \ins\ see inx topminnow

inky \irj-ke\ dinkey, dinky, inky, inny \in-e\ cine, finny, ginny, guinea,
kinky, pinkie, pinky, slinky, stinky, Guinea, hinny, mini, Minnie, ninny,
zincky pinny, Pliny, shinny, skinny, spinney,
Helsinki, Malinke squinny, tinny, whinny, Winnie
ignominy, micromini
inland \in-land\ Finland, inland, Papua New Guinea
Vinland Equatorial Guinea
inless \in-lss\ chinless, sinless, ino 1 \I-no\ lino, rhino, Taino, wino
skinless, spinless, windlass albino
205 intz

ino \e-no\ beano, chino, fino, keno, intage \int-ij\ mintage, vintage
leno, Pinot, vino, Zeno
bambino, casino, cioppino, ladino, intager \int-i-jar\ see integer
merino, sordino, zecchino intain \int- 3 n\ see inton
andantino, Angeleno, Bardolino,
campesino, cappuccino, concertino, intal1 \int- 3 l\ lintel, pintle, quintal
Filipino, maraschino, palomino, San Septuagintal
Marino, pecorino, sopranino
Cape Mendocino, San Bernardino intal2 \ant- 9 l\ see antle
ino 3 \e-na\ see ina2 integer \int-i-jar\ integer, vintager
inon \in-ysn\ see inion intel \int- 3 l\ see intal1
inor \in-sr\ see inner inter \int-ar\ hinter, linter, minter,
inor2 \i-nar\ see iner1 printer, sinter, splinter, sprinter,
squinter, tinter, winter
inos \I-nas\ see inns imprinter, midwinter, reprinter
inot \e-no\ see ino2 overwinter, teleprinter

inous \I-n3s\ see inus1 intery \int-9-re\ printery, splintery

inscher \in-char\ see incher inth \inth\ plinth, synt
inse \ins\ see ince colocynth, labyrinth, terebinth
inselly \in-sle\ see incely
inthia \in-the-a\ Cynthia
inseng \in-sirj\ see incing Carinthia
insk \insk\ Minsk inthian \in-the-3n\ Corinthian
Dzerzhinsk labyrinthian
inthine \in-than\ hyacinthine,
insky \in-ske\ buttinsky, kolinsky,
Nijinsky, Stravinsky
inster \in-star\ minster, spinster inting \int-irj\ imprinting, unstinting
Axminster, Westminster —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
Kidderminster int

int \int\ bint, Clint, dint, flint, Flint, intle \int- 3 l\ see intal1
glint, hint, lint, mint, print, quint,
into1 \in-to\ pinto, Shinto, spinto
skint, splint, sprint, squint, stint, suint,
tint into 2 \in-tii\ thereinto, whereinto
blueprint, catmint, footprint, forint,
gunflint, handprint, hoofprint, inton \int- 3 n\ Clinton, quintain,
horsemint, imprint, in-print, large- Winton
print, newsprint, offprint, preprint, badminton
remint, reprint, skinflint, spearmint,
thumbprint, voiceprint ints \ins\ see ince
aquatint, calamint, cuckoopint, inty \int-e\ flinty, linty, minty,
fingerprint, mezzotint, monotint, squinty
overprint, peppermint, photoprint, pepperminty
Septuagint intz \ins\ see ince
inue 206

inue \in-yii\ sinew iolet 2 \e-9-bt\ see eolatG

discontinue ion 1 \I-an\ ayin, Brian, Bryan, cyan,
ion, lion, Lyon, Mayan, Ryan, scion,
inuous \in-y3-was\ sinuous Sion, Zion
continuous Amphion, anion, Bisayan, Ixion,
discontinuous Orion, Visayan
inus 1 \I-nss\ dryness, finis, highness, counterion, dandelion, zwitterion
Minas, Minos, minus, shyness, sinus, ion 2 \e-9n\ see ean 1
slyness, spinous, vinous, wryness
Aquinas, Delphinus, echinus, ion 3 \e-an\ see eon 2
ior \Ir\ see ire1
Pontus Euxinus iory \I-9-re\ see iary1
2 1
inus \e-nss\ see enus iot \i-9t\ see iet
inute \in-9t\ see innet ioter \I-3t-sr\ see ieter
inx \irjs\ jinx, links, lynx, minx,
iouan Xii-aiA see uan
hijinks, methinks ious \I-3s\ see ias
ioux \ u \ see ew1
iny1 \I-ne\ briny, heinie, liny, piny,
shiny, spiny, tiny, twiny, viny, whiny, ip \ip\ blip, chip, clip, dip, drip, flip,
winy grip, grippe, gyp, hip, kip, lip, nip,
enshrinee, sunshiny pip, quip, rip, scrip, ship, sip, skip,
slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, whip, yip, zip
iny2 \in-e\ see inny
airship, airstrip, atrip, bullwhip,
inya \e-nya\ see enia 2 catnip, chiefship, clerkship, courtship,
cowslip, deanship, equip, fieldstrip,
inyan \in-yan\ see inion filmstrip, flagship, friendship,
iny I \m- 3 l\ see inal1 guildship, gunship, half-slip, handgrip,
hardship, harelip, headship,
inys \in-as\ see inis1 horsewhip, inclip, judgeship, kingship,
io1 \I-6\ bayou, bio, Clio, Io kinship, landslip, lightship, lordship,
Lucayo, Ohio nonslip, outstrip, oxlip, pip-pip,
princeship, Q-ship, queenship, reship,
io 2 \e-6\ brio, Cleo, clio, guyot, Krio, round-trip, saintship, sheep-dip,
Leo, Rio, trio sideslip, spaceship, steamship,
caudillo, con brio, Negrillo, tornillo, thaneship, township, transship,
Trujillo troopship, unship, unzip, wardship,
cigarillo, Hermosillo, Manzanillo, warship
airmanship, authorship, battleship,
iocese \I-3-sas\ see iasis biochip, brinkmanship, censorship,
chairmanship, chaplainship,
iolate \I-9-l9t\ see iolet1 chieftainship, churchmanship,
iolet1 \I-3-lst\ triolet, violate, violet, coverslip, dealership, draftsmanship,
Violet ego-trip, externship, fellowship,
inviolate fingertip, gamesmanship, Gaza Strip,
ultraviolet grantsmanship, helmsmanship,
near-ultraviolet horsemanship, internship, ladyship,
207 ipient

leadership, lectureship, listenership, daguerreotype, electrotype,

marksmanship, membership, stereotype
microchip, oarsmanship, overslip, anti-idiotype
ownership, partnership, penmanship,
pogonip, premiership, readership, iped 1 \I-ped\ biped
ridership, rulership, salesmanship, parallelepiped
scholarship, seamanship, iped 2 \Ipt\ stiped, striped
showmanship, skinny-dip, pin-striped
speakership, sponsorship, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
sportsmanship, statesmanship, ipe
stewardship, studentship,
swordsmanship, trusteeship, underlip, ipend \I-pand\ ripened, stipend
upmanship, viewership, workmanship
assistantship, attorneyship, iper \i-par\ diaper, griper, hyper,
championship, chancellorship, piper, riper, sniper, striper, viper,
citizenship, companionship, wiper
containership, cross-ownership, bagpiper, sandpiper
dictatorship, directorship, good- candy-striper
fellowship, guardianship, stereotyper
instructorship, landownership, iperous \I-pr9s\ seeypress
laureateship, governorship,
musicianship, one-upmanship, ipetal \ip-9t- 9 l\ basipetal, bicipital,
outdoorsmanship, professorship, centripetal, occipital
protectorship, receivership,
relationship, survivorship, ipety \ip-9t-e\ snippety
treasurership peripety
ambassadorship, associateship, serendipity
bipartisanship, entrepreneurship, iph \if\ see iff
librarianship, nonpartisanship,
proprietorship, secretaryship, iphany \if-9-ne\ see iphony
ipher \I-f9r\ cipher, lifer, rifer
decipher, encipher, pro-lifer
ipal \e-pal\ see eople right-to-lifer

ipari \ip-re\ see ippery iphery \if-re\ see ifery

iphon \I-f9n\ seeyphen
ipatus \ip-9t-as\ see ipitous
iphony \if-9-ne\ tiffany, Tiffany
ipe \Ip\ Cuyp, gripe, hype, pipe, ripe, antiphony, epiphany, polyphony
slype, snipe, stipe, stripe, swipe, tripe,
type, wipe ipi \e-pe\ see eepy
bagpipe, blowpipe, downpipe,
drainpipe, hornpipe, hosepipe, lead- ipid \ip-9d\ lipid
pipe, n-type, p-type, panpipe, insipid
pinstripe, rareripe, sideswipe, ipience \ip-e-9ns\ incipience,
standpipe, stovepipe, tintype, touch- percipience
type, unripe, windpipe impercipience
archetype, calotype, Dutchman's-
pipe, guttersnipe, haplotype, Linotype, ipient \ip-e-9nt\ excipient, incipient,
liripipe, logotype, monotype, overripe, percipient, recipient
prototype, stenotype, Teletype impercipient
iping 208

iping \I-pirj\ piping, striping blue-chipper, day-tripper,

blood-typing mudskipper, Yom-Kippur
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at double-dipper, gallinipper, lady's
ipe slipper, skinny-dipper
ipit \ip-st\ see ippet ippery \ip-re\ frippery, Lipari,
ipital \ip-3t-al\ see ipetal
ippet \ip-at\ pipit, sippet, snippet,
ipitance \ip-3t-sns\ see ipotence tippet, trippet, whippet
ipitant \ip-at-3nt\ see ipotent ippety \ip-at-e\ see ipety
ipitous \ip-3t-ss\ peripatus, ippi \ip-e\ see ippy
serendipitous ippie \ip-e\ see ippy
ipity \ip-at-e\ see ipety ippily \ip-9-le\ nippily, tripoli,
1 Tripoli
iple \ip-al\ see ipple Gallipoli
iple 2 \i-pal\ seeypal ippin \ip-an\ see ippen
ipless \ip-l9s\ dripless, lipless, ipping \ip-in\ chipping, clipping,
zipless dripping, lipping, nipping, ripping,
ipling \ip-lirj\ Kipling, stripling shipping
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at double-dipping, skinny-dipping
ipple —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ipment Xip-mantX shipment
equipment, transshipment ippingly \ip-irj-le\ grippingly,
nippingly, trippingly
ipo \ep-6\ see epot
ipple \ip-sl\ cripple, nipple, ripple,
ipoli \ip-9-le\ see ippily stipple, tipple, triple
ipotence \ip-3t-3ns\ omnipotence, participle
precipitance ippur \ip-ar\ see ipper
ipotent \ip-at-ant\ omnipotent, ippy \ip-e\ chippy, dippy, drippy,
plenipotent, pluripotent, precipitant flippy, grippy, hippie, hippy, Lippi,
lippy, nippy, slippy, snippy, tippy,
ippe 1 \ip\ see ip
trippy, whippy, yippee, yippie, zippy
ippe 2 \ip-e\ see ippy Xanthippe
ippe 3 \ep\ see eep
ips \ips\ snips, thrips, yips
ipped \ipt\ see ipt eclipse, ellipse, midships
ippee \ip-e\ see ippy amidships, athwartships, fish-and-
chips, tidytips, apocalypse
ippen \ip-sn\ lippen, pippin —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
ipper \ip-sr\ chipper, clipper, dipper, and -s forms of verbs, listed at ip
dripper, flipper, gripper, hipper, kipper, ipse \ips\ see ips
nipper, ripper, shipper, sipper, skipper,
slipper, snipper, stripper, tipper, ipso \ip-so\ dipso
tripper, whipper, zipper calypso, Calypso
209 ird

ipster \ip-stsr\ hipster, quipster, ir2 \ar\ see eur 1

ira1 \ir-a\ see era 2
ipsy \ip-se\ see ypsy
ira2 \i-ra\ see yra
ipt \ipt\ crypt, hipped, lipped, ripped,
script, tipped irable M-ra-balX wirable
conscript, decrypt, encrypt, acquirable, desirable, respirable
harelipped, postscript, prescript, undesirable
rescript, subscript, tight-lipped, iracle \ir-i-kgl\ see erical 2
transcript, typescript
eucalypt, filter-tipped, manuscript, irae \fr-e\ see iry1
nondescript, superscript, swivel- ira I \i-ral\ chiral, gyral, spiral, viral
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ip irant \I-rant\ spirant, tyrant
aspirant, retirant
ipter \ip-tar\ scripter
lithotripter irate \ir-at\ see irit
iptic \ip-tik\ seeyptic irby \ar-be\ see erby
iption \ip-shan\ ascription, irca \ar-k9\ see urka1
conniption, conscription, decryption, irce \sr-se\ see ercy
description, Egyptian, encryption,
inscription, prescription, proscription, irch \arch\ see urch
subscription, transcription
circumscription, nonprescription irchen 1 Xar-chanX see urchin

iptive \ip-tiv\ ascriptive, descriptive, irchen 2 Xsr-kanX see irkin

inscriptive, prescriptive, proscriptive ircher Xar-chsrX Bircher, lurcher,
iptych \ip-tik\ seeyptic
irchist Xar-chastX Birchist
ipular \ip-y3-lar\ stipular
ircon \3r-ksn\ see irkin
ipy \I-pe\ stripy, typey
stenotypy ircuit \9r-kst\ circuit
daguerrotypy, stereotypy trifurcate
iquant \e-kant\ see ecant
ircular Xar-kya-lsrX circular
ique \ek\ see eak 1 opercular, tubercular
iquey \e-ke\ see eaky semicircular

iquish \e-kish\ seeeakish ird \ard\ bird, burred, curd, furred,

gird, heard, herd, nerd, spurred, surd,
iquitous \ik-wat-3s\ iniquitous, third, word
ubiquitous absurd, begird, bellbird, blackbird,
bluebird, buzzword, byword, Cape
iquity \ik-wat-e\ antiquity, iniquity, Verde, catbird, catchword, cowbird,
obliquity, ubiquity cowherd, crossword, cussword,
iquor \ik-ar\ see icker1 engird, goatherd, headword, jailbird,
jaybird, kingbird, loanword, lovebird,
ir1 \ir\ see eer 2 lyrebird, oilbird, password, potsherd,
irder 210

railbird, rainbird, redbird, reword, down-to-the-wire, identifier,

ricebird, seabird, Sigurd, shorebird, intensifier, Second Empire
snakebird, snowbird, songbird, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
sunbird, surfbird, swearword, aty'1
swineherd, textured, ungird, unheard,
watchword, yardbird ire2 \ir\ see eer 2
afterword, bowerbird, butcher-bird, ire3 \I-re\ see iary1
cedarbird, dollybird, hummingbird,
ladybird, mockingbird, ovenbird, ire4 \Ir-e\ see iry1
overheard, riflebird, tailorbird,
thunderbird, undergird, wattlebird, ire5 \ar\ see eur
weaverbird, whirlybird
ired \Ird\ fired, spired, tired, wired
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
hardwired, retired
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
irder \srd-9r\ see erder ire1
irdie \srd-e\ see urdy ireless \ir-las\ tireless, wireless
irdle \srd- l\ see urdle ireman Mr-manX fireman, wireman
irdum Xard-amA dirdum irement Mr-msntA environment,
reductio ad absurdum requirement, retirement
ire1 \ir\ briar, brier, byre, choir, dire, iren \i-ran\ Byron, gyron, Myron,
drier, fire, flier, friar, fryer, gyre, hire, siren
ire, liar, lyre, mire, prier, prior, pyre, environ
quire, shire, sire, Speyer, spier, spire, ribavirin
squire, tier, tire, trier, tyer, Tyre, wire,
zaire irge \arj\ see urge
acquire, admire, afire, Altair, aspire, irgin \ar-j9n\ see urgeon
attire, backfire, balefire, barbed wire,
barbwire, bemire, Blantyre, blow- irgo \ar-go\ see ergo
dryer, bonfire, brushfire, bushfire,
catbrier, cease-fire, compiler, conspire, iri \ir-e\ see eary
defier, denier, desire, drumfire, empire, iriam \ir-e-3m\ see erium
Empire, entire, esquire, expire, flytier,
grandsire, greenbrier, gunfire, iric \ir-ik\ see eric 2
haywire, hellfire, highflier, hot-wire,
inquire, inspire, misfire, outlier, irile \ir-sl\ see eral1
perspire, pismire, prior, quagmire,
require, respire, retire, rimfire, irin \I-ran\ see iren
samphire, sapphire, satire, Shropshire, irine \I-rsn\ see iren
spitfire, surefire, suspire, sweetbrier,
tightwire, transpire, umpire, vampire, iring \fr-in\ firing, wiring
wildfire retiring
amplifier, Biedermeier, butterflyer, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
classifier, fly-by-wire, fortifier, ire
lammergeier, magnifier, modifier,
multiplier, nitrifier, nullifier, pacifier, irious \ir-e-9s\ see erious
qualifier, quantifier, rapid-fire, iris \T-r9s\ see irus
rectifier, retrofire, sanctifier, signifier,
testifier, versifier irish \Ir-ish\ Irish, squirish
211 irsch

irit \ir-at\ Meerut, spirit irn1 \irn\ firn, girn, pirn

dispirit, emirate, inspirit, vizierate
irn2 \grn\ see urn
irium \ir-e-sm\ see erium
iro1 \ir-6\ see ero 3
irius \ir-e-as\ see erious
iro2 \e-ro\ see ero 1
irk1 \irk\ birk, skirk
iro3 \I-ro\ seeyro 1
irk2 \ark\ see ork1
iron1 \Irn\ iron
irker \ar-k9r\ see orker1 andiron, environ, flatiron, gridiron
irkie \ar-ke\ see erky iron2 \I-ran\ see iren
irkin \ar-kan\ firkin, gherkin, jerkin, ironment Mr-mantX see irement
Gelsenkirchen irp \arp\ see urp

irky \sr-ke\ see erky irps \arps\ stirps, turps

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
irl1 \arl\ birl, burl, churl, curl, dirl, and -s forms of verbs, listed at urp
earl, Earl, Earle, furl, girl, hurl, knurl,
merle, Merle, pearl, Pearl, purl, skirl, irpy \ar-pe\ chirpy
squirrel, swirl, thirl, thurl, tirl, twirl, Euterpe
virl, whirl, whorl irque \ark\ see ork1
aswirl, awhirl, cowgirl, impearl, pas
seul, playgirl, salesgirl, schoolgirl, irr1 \ir\ see eer 2
showgirl, uncurl, unfurl
mother-of-pearl irr2 \ar\ see eur 1

irl2 \irl\ dirl, skirl irra \ir-a\ see era 2

irler Xar-larX birler, curler, pearler, irrah \ir-s\ see era 2

twirler, whirler irrel1 \arl\ see irl
irley \9r-le\ see urly irrel2 \sr-3l\ see erral
irlie \ar-le\ see urly irrely \ar-le\ see urly
irling \3r-lirj\ see urling irrer \ar-9r\ see errer
irlish \ar-lish\ see urlish irrhous \ir-as\ see erous
irly \ar-le\ see urly irring \ar-irj\ see urring
irm \ s r m \ see orm1 irror \ir-ar\ see earer 2
irma Xar-maX see erma irrup \sr-3p\ chirrup, stirrup, syrup
irmary \3rm-re\ spermary irrupy Xar-s-peX chirrupy, syrupy
irrus \ir-9s\ see erous
irmess Xsr-masX see ermis
irry \ar-e\ see urry
irmity Xsr-mat-eA furmity
infirmity irs \irz\ see iers
irmy Xar-meA see ermy irsch \irsh\ see irsh
irse 212

irse 1 \irs\ see ierce is 1 \is\ see iss 1

irse 2 \srs\ see erse is 2 \iz\ see iz1
irsh \irsh\ girsh, kirsch is 3 \ e \ see ee 1
irst \arst\ seeurst is 4 \es\ see iece
irsty \sr-ste\ thirsty is 5 \ish\ see ish1
i's \Iz\ see ize
irt \art\ see ert 1
isa 1 \e-z9\ see eza
irted \grt-9d\ see erted
isa 2 \I-Z9\ Lisa, Liza
irter Nart-arN see erter
Elisa, Eliza
irth \arth\ berth, birth, dearth, earth,
firth, girth, mirth, Perth, worth isabeth \iz-9-b9th\ see izabeth
childbirth, Fort Worth, rebirth, self- isable \I-z9-bgl\ see izable
worth, stillbirth, unearth, Wordsworth
afterbirth, down-to-earth, isal1 \I-s9l\ Faisal, Ijssel, sisal,
pennyworth skysail, trysail
irthful \9rth-fal\ mirthful, worthful isal 2 \I-Z9l\ Geisel
incisal, reprisal, revisal, surprisal
irthless Xsrth-tasX mirthless, paradisal
isan \is- 3 n\ see isten
irtinent Xart-nsntX pertinent
appurtenant, impertinent isbane \iz-b9n\ see isbon
irting \9rt-irj\ see erting isbe \iz-be\ Frisbee, Thisbe
irtle \3rt- 3 l\ see ertiile isbee \iz-be\ see isbe
irtually \arch-le\ see urchly
isbon \iz-bgn\ Brisbane, Lisbon
irtue \9r-chs\ see ercha
isc \isk\ see isk
irty \9rt-e\ dirty, QWERTY, shirty,
thirty iscable \is-k9-b9l\ confiscable,
irus \I-r9s\ Cyrus, iris, Iris, Skyros,
virus iscan \is-kgn\ see iskin
desirous, Epirus, Osiris, papyrus iscate \is-k9t\ see isket
lentivirus, parvovirus, rotavirus
papillomavirus isce \is\ see iss 1
irv \arv\ see erve iscean 1 \I-se-9n\ Piscean
irving \9r-virj\ see erving
iscean 2 \is-ke-gn\ Piscean
irwin \9r-wan\ see erwin saurischian
iry \ir-e\ eyrie, friary, miry, spiry, ornithischian
wiry iscean 3 \is-e-9n\ seeysian 1
expiry, inquiry, venire
praemunire iscence \is- 3 ns\ puissance
anno hegirae dehiscence, impuissance
213 isht

indehiscence, reminiscence, iser \I-zar\ see izer

ises \I-sez\ see ices
iscent \is- 3 nt\ puissant
ish 1 \ish\ dish, fiche, fish, flysch,
dehiscent, impuissant
Nis, pish, squish, swish, whish, wish
indehiscent, reminiscent, reviviscent
blackfish, blowfish, bluefish,
isces \T-sez\ see ices bonefish, catfish, codfish, crawfish,
crayfish, dogfish, filefish, finfish,
ische \esh\ see iche 2 flatfish, garfish, globefish, goldfish,
goosefish, Irtysh, kingfish, knish,
ischian \is-ke-an\ see iscean 2 lungfish, lumpfish, monkfish, pigfish,
iscia \ish-a\ see itia pipefish, ratfish, redfish, rockfish,
sailfish, sawfish, shellfish, spearfish,
iscible \is-3-bal\ see issible starfish, stonefish, sunfish, swordfish,
tilefish, unwish, weakfish, whitefish
iscience \ish-9ns\ see icience angelfish, anglerfish, archerfish,
iscient \ish-snt\ see icient butterfish, candlefish, cuttlefish,
damselfish, devilfish, jellyfish, John
iSCO \is-ko\ cisco, disco Bullish, ladyfish, lionfish, microfiche,
Francisco, Jalisco, Morisco muttonfish, needlefish, overfish,
San Francisco paddlefish, ribbonfish, silverfish,
surgeonfish, triggerfish
iscopal \is-k3-bal\ see iscable
ish 2 \esh\ see iche 2
iscous \is-kas\ see iscus
isha \ish-a\ see itia
iscuit \is-kat\ see isket
ishable \ish-3-b3l\ fishable
iscus \is-kss\ discus, viscous, viscus justiciable
hibiscus, meniscus
ished \isht\ dished, whisht
ise 1 \es\ see iece —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ise 2 \ez\ see eze
isher \ish-sr\ fisher, fissure, swisher
ise 3 \Is\ see ice1 ill-wisher, kingfisher, well-wisher
ise 4 \iz\ see ize ishery \ish-re\ fishery, Tishri
ised 1 \ist\ see ist1
ishi \e-she\ chichi, specie
ised 2 \Izd\ see ized
isel \iz-sl\ see izzle
ishing \ish-irj\ bonefishing, fly-
iseled \iz-ald\ see izzled fishing, sportfishing, well-wishing
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
iseler \iz-tar\ see izzler ish1
isement \Iz-m9nt\ advisement, ishioner \ish-nar\ see itioner
chastisement, despisement,
disguisement ishna \ish-na\ Krishna, Mishnah
advertisement, disfranchisement, ishnah \ish-na\ see ishna
disenfranchisement isht \isht\ see ished
ishu 214

ishu \ish-ii\ see issue 1 decisive, derisive, divisive, incisive

ishy \ish-e\ dishy, fishy, squishy,
swishy isive 2 \iz-iv\ visive
derisive, divisive
isi1 \e-ze\ see easy 1
isk \isk\ bisque, brisk, disc, disk,
isi 2 \e-se\ see eecy fisc, frisk, risk, whisk
isia 1 \izh-s\ baptisia lutefisk
artemisia, Dionysia asterisk, basilisk, blastodisc,
compact disc, laserdisc, obelisk,
isia 2 \e-zha\ see esia 2 odalisque, tamarisk
isian 1 \izh-an\ see ision videodisc

isian 2 \e-zb.9n\ see esian 1 isker \is-kar\ brisker, frisker, risker,

isible \iz-3-bal\ risible, visible
divisible, invisible isket \is-kat\ biscuit, brisket, frisket
indivisible iskey \is-ke\ see isky
isin \i-zan\ see ison 2 iskie \is-ke\ see isky
ising \I-zirj\ see izing iskin \is-kan\ siskin
ision \izh-an\ fission, Frisian, Franciscan
scission, vision isky \is-ke\ frisky, pliskie, risky,
abscission, collision, concision, whiskey
decision, derision, division, elision,
elysian, envision, excision, incision, island M-landX see ighland
misprision, precisian, precision, islander M-lsn-darX see ighlander
prevision, provision, recision,
rescission, revision islands \I-tonz\ see ighlands
circumcision, Dionysian,
isle \il\ see ile1
imprecision, indecision, subdivision,
supervision, television isles \Ilz\ see iles
isional \izh-nsl\ visional islet \I-l3t\ see ilot
collisional, decisional, divisional,
excisional, previsional, provisional isling \iz-lirj\ brisling, quisling

isis \I-S3s\ crisis, Isis, lysis, nisus isly \iz-le\ see izzly
Dionysus ism \iz-3m\ chrism, chrisom, ism,
stare decisis prism, schism
isit \iz-at\ visit abysm, autism, baalism, baptism,
exquisite, revisit Birchism, bossism, Buddhism,
casteism, centrism, charism, Chartism,
isite \iz-9t\ see isit chemism, classism, cubism, cultism,
czarism, deism, dwarfism, faddism,
isitive \iz-at-iv\ acquisitive, fascism, fauvism, Gaullism, Grecism,
inquisitive Hobbism, holism, Jainism, Klanism,
isitor \iz-9t-ar\ visitor leftism, lyrism, Mahdism, Maoism,
acquisitor, inquisitor Marxism, monism, mutism, Nazism,
nudism, Orphism, priggism, purism,
isive 1 \I-siv\ visive racism, Ramism, rightism, sadism,
215 ism

Saivism, sapphism, Scotism, sexism, Ibsenism, idealism, imagism, Irishism,

Shaktism, Shiism, Sikhism, simplism, Islamism, Jansenism, jingoism,
snobbism, sophism, statism, Sufism, journalism, John Bullism, Judaism,
tachism, Tantrism, Taoism, theism, Junkerism, kaiserism, Krishnaism, Ku
Thomism, tourism, tropism, truism, Kluxism, laconism, laicism, Lamaism,
Turkism, verism, Whiggism, Yahwism Lamarckism, landlordism, Latinism,
absurdism, activism, Adventism, legalism, Leninism, lobbyism,
alarmism, albinism, alpinism, localism, locoism, Lollardism,
altruism, amorphism, anarchism, luminism, lyricism, magnetism,
aneurysm, anglicism, animism, mammonism, mannerism,
aphorism, Arabism, archaism, Marcionism, masochism, mechanism,
asterism, atavism, atheism, atomism, melanism, meliorism, Menshevism,
atticism, Bahaism, barbarism, Mendelism, mentalism, mesmerism,
Benthamism, biblicism, methodism, me-tooism, modernism,
blackguardism, bolshevism, Mohockism, monachism, monadism,
boosterism, botulism, bourbonism, monarchism, mongolism, Montanism,
Brahmanism, Briticism, Byronism, moralism, Mormonism, morphinism,
cabalism, Caesarism, Calvinism, mullahism, mysticism, narcissism,
careerism, Castroism, cataclysm, nationalism, nativism, nepotism,
catechism, Catharism, centralism, neutralism, new dealism, nihilism,
chauvinism, chimerism, classicism, nomadism, occultism, onanism,
colorism, communism, concretism, optimism, oralism, Orangeism,
conformism, cretinism, criticism, organism, ostracism, pacifism,
cronyism, cynicism, dadaism, paganism, Pan-Slavism, pantheism,
dandyism, Darwinism, defeatism, de paroxysm, Parsiism, passivism,
Gaullism, despotism, die-hardism, pauperism, pessimism, phallicism,
dimorphism, dirigisme, Docetism, do- pianism, pietism, plagiarism,
goodism, dogmatism, Donatism, Don Platonism, pleinairism, Plotinism,
Juanism, druidism, dualism, pluralism, pointillism, populism,
dynamism, egoism, egotism, elitism, pragmatism, presentism, privatism,
embolism, endemism, erethism, prosaism, Prussianism, puerilism,
ergotism, erotism, escapism, pugilism, Puseyism, Pyrrhonism,
Essenism, etatism, eunuchism, Quakerism, quietism, rabbinism,
euphemism, euphuism, exorcism, racialism, rationalism, realism,
expertism, extremism, fairyism, reformism, rheumatism, rigorism,
familism, fatalism, feminism, robotism, Romanism, Rousseauism,
feudalism, fideism, Fidelism, fogyism, rowdyism, royalism, satanism,
foreignism, formalism, futurism, savagism, scapegoatism, schematism,
Galenism, gallicism, galvanism, scientism, sciolism, Scotticism,
gangsterism, genteelism, Germanism, Semitism, Shakerism, Shamanism,
giantism, gigantism, globalism, Shintoism, skepticism, socialism,
gnosticism, Gongorism, Gothicism, solecism, solipsism, Southernism,
gourmandism, gradualism, specialism, speciesism, Spartanism,
grangerism, greenbackism, Hasidism, Spinozism, spiritism, spoonerism,
heathenism, Hebraism, hedonism, Stalinism, standpattism, stoicism,
Hellenism, helotism, hermetism, syllogism, symbolism, synchronism,
hermitism, heroism, highbrowism, syncretism, synergism, talmudism,
Hinduism, hipsterism, hirsutism, tarantism, tectonism, tenebrism,
hispanism, Hitlerism, hoodlumism, terrorism, Teutonism, titanism,
hoodooism, hucksterism, humanism, Titoism, tokenism, Toryism, totalism,
Hussitism, hybridism, hypnotism, totemism, transvestism, traumatism,
ism 216

tribalism, tritheism, Trotskyism, functionalism, gallicanism,

ultraism, unionism, urbanism, gutturalism, henotheism, hermeticism,
utopism, Vaishnavism, vampirism, Hispanicism, historicism,
vandalism, vanguardism, Vedantism, hooliganism, Huguenotism,
veganism, verbalism, virilism, hypocorism, idiotism, illiberalism,
vitalism, vocalism, volcanism, illuminism, illusionism, immanentism,
voodooism, vorticism, voyeurism, immobilism, impressionism,
vulcanism, vulgarism, Wahhabism, indifferentism, Indianism, infantilism,
warlordism, welfarism, Wellerism, inflationism, initialism, insularism,
witticism, yahooism, Yankeeism, invalidism, iotacism, irredentism,
Yiddishism, Zionism, zombiism Ishmaelitism, Italianism, Jacobinism,
absenteeism, absolutism, Jacobitism, Jesuitism, Keynesianism,
abstractionism, adoptionism, know-nothingism, legitimism,
adventurism, aestheticism, lesbianism, liberalism, libertinism,
Africanism, agnosticism, alcoholism, literalism, Lutheranism, Lysenkoism,
alienism, amateurism, amoralism, Magianism, malapropism,
anabaptism, anachronism, mandarinism, McCarthyism,
Anglicanism, animalism, antagonism, medievalism, mercantilism,
Arianism, astigmatism, athleticism, messianism, metabolism,
asynchronism, Atlanticism, atonalism, metamorphism, militarism,
Australianism, automatism, avant- minimalism, misoneism, monasticism,
gardism, behaviorism, Big monetarism, monotheism, mosaicism,
Brotherism, bilingualism, biologism, mutualism, naturalism, Naziritism,
bipedalism, biracialism, Bonapartism, necrophilism, negativism, neologism,
bureaucratism, cannibalism, neo-Nazism, neuroticism, nice-
capitalism, Cartesianism, nellyism, nominalism,
catastrophism, Catholicism, nonconformism, objectivism,
cavalierism, charlatanism, clericalism, obscurantism, obstructionism,
collectivism, Colonel Blimpism, officialism, opportunism, organicism,
commensalism, commercialism, pacificism, Pantagruelism, parallelism,
communalism, Confucianism, parasitism, pastoralism, paternalism,
conservatism, constructivism, patriotism, Peeping Tomism,
consumerism, corporatism, perfectionism, personalism,
creationism, credentialism, Pharisaism, physicalism, plebeianism,
determinism, diabolism, didacticism, poeticism, polyglotism, polytheism,
diffusionism, dilettantism, positivism, postmodernism,
doctrinairism, do-nothingism, pragmaticism, primitivism,
eclecticism, ecumenism, egocentrism, probabilism, progressivism,
Eleatism, empiricism, epicenism, proselytism, protectionism,
epicurism, epigonism, eremitism, Protestantism, provincialism,
eroticism, erraticism, essentialism, pseudomorphism, psychologism,
ethnocentrism, eudaemonism, puritanism, radicalism, rationalism,
euhemerism, evangelism, exclusivism, recidivism, reductionism, refugeeism,
exoticism, expansionism, regionalism, relativism, restrictionism,
expressionism, externalism, revisionism, revivalism, ritualism,
Fabianism, factionalism, factualism, romanticism, ruffianism,
fanaticism, favoritism, federalism, Sadduceeism, salvationism,
Fenianism, feuilletonism, fifth sansculottism, sardonicism,
columnism, flagellantism, Fourierism, scholasticism, secessionism,
fraternalism, freneticism, sectionalism, secularism, sensualism,
Freudianism, funambulism, separatism, serialism, Slavophilism,
217 isme

solidarism, somnambulism, sovietism, Postimpressionism, professionalism,

Stakhanovism, structuralism, pseudoclassicism, reconstructionism,
subjectivism, suprematism, surrealism, republicanism, Rosicrucianism,
Sybaritism, sycophantism, sacerdotalism, sacramentalism, self-
systematism, Tammanyism, determinism, sadomasochism,
teetotalism, theocentrism, sectarianism, sensationalism,
triumphalism, Uncle Tomism, sentimentalism, Socinianism,
vagabondism, ventriloquism, spiritualism, theatricalism,
vigilantism, voluntarism, Tractarianism, traditionalism,
volunteerism, Wesleyanism, transcendentalism, transsexualism,
workaholism, Zwinglianism trilateralism, ultramontanism,
abolitionism, academicism, universalism, utopianism,
agrarianism, Americanism, vernacularism, Victorianism,
analphabetism, anthropomorphism, vocationalism, voluntaryism
anthropopathism, anti-Semitism, Albigensianism, anticlericalism,
Arminianism, autoerotism, antiquarianism, apocalypticism,
barbarianism, bibliophilism, assimilationism, associationism,
bicameralism, biculturalism, Augustinianism, autoeroticism,
biloquialism, bipartisanism, ceremonialism, collaborationism,
bohemianism, colloquialism, Congregationalism, cosmopolitanism,
colonialism, conceptualism, ecclesiasticism, ecumenicalism,
confessionalism, constitutionalism, environmentalism, epicureanism,
conventionalism, corporativism, Evangelicalism, experimentalism,
cosmopolitism, deviationism, Hamiltonianism, homoeroticism,
ecumenicism, emotionalism, immaterialism, individualism,
esotericism, Europocentrism, institutionalism, intellectualism,
evolutionism, exceptionalism, internationalism, libertarianism,
exhibitionism, existentialism, middle-of-the-roadism,
expatriatism, fundamentalism, millenarianism, neo-conservatism,
governmentalism, Hegelianism, neo-impressionism, operationalism,
hermaphroditism, hypercriticism, Pan-Americanism, Peripateticism,
hyperrealism, hyperurbanism, photoperiodism, Pre-Raphaelitism,
imperialism, incendiarism, Presbyterianism, Pythegoreanism,
incrementalism, indeterminism, Rastafarianism, reactionaryism,
industrialism, instrumentalism, Sabbatarianism, supernaturalism,
interventionism, introspectionism, Swedenborgianism, territorialism,
irrationalism, isolationism, Trinitarianism, unitarianism,
Malthusianism, Manichaeanism, vegetarianism, Zoroastrianism
manorialism, materialism, Aristotelianism, authoritarianism,
millennialism, Monarchianism, egalitarianism, Episcopalianism,
mongolianism, Monophysitism, humanitarianism, Machiavellianism,
Muhammadanism, multilingualism, neocolonialism, neo-Expressionism,
neoclassicism, Neoplatonism, predestinarianism,
neorealism, Nestorianism, representationalism, utilitarianism
Occidentalism, operationism, establishmentarianism,
orientalism, Palladianism, latitudinarianism
parajournalism, parochialism,
particularism, pedestrianism, isma \iz-ma\ charisma, melisma
Pelagianism, Pentecostalism,
phenomenalism, photojournalism, ismal \iz-msl\ see ysmal
pictorialism, pococurantism,
isme 1 \im\ see ime1
isme 218

isme 2 \iz 3 m\ see ism issel \is-sl\ see istle

ismo \ez-mo\ machismo, verismo isser \is-ar\ hisser, kisser
issible \is-3-b9l\ kissable, miscible
iSO \e-so\ miso, piso admissible, immiscible, municipal,
omissible, permissible, remissible,
isom \iz-9m\ see ism transmissible
ison 1 \Is- 9 n\ bison, hyson, Meissen impermissible, inadmissible
streptomycin issile \is-al\ see istle
Aureomycin, erythromycin
ission 1 \ish-an\ see ition
ison 2 \iz- 3 n\ dizen, mizzen, prison,
risen, weasand, wizen ission 2 \izh-an\ see ision
arisen, imprison, Tok Pisin, uprisen
issionable Xish-na-balX fissionable
isor \i-zsr\ see izer conditionable
isored \I-zard\ guisard, visored issioner \ish-n9r\ see itioner
isory \Iz-re\ advisory, provisory, issive \is-iv\ missive
revisory admissive, derisive, dismissive,
supervisory emissive, permissive, submissive,
isp \isp\ crisp, lisp, LISP, wisp
will-o-the-wisp issome \is-am\ lissome
isper \is-psr\ crisper, lisper, whisper
issor \iz-ar\ scissor, whizzer
ispy \is-pe\ crispy, wispy
issue 1 \ish-ii\ fichu, issue, tissue
isque \isk\ see isk reissue
iss \is\ bis, bliss, cis, Chris, cuisse, Mogadishu, overissue
Dis, hiss, kiss, miss, sis, Swiss, this, issue 2 \ish-a\ see itia
vis, wis
abyss, amiss, coulisse, dehisce, issure \ish-ar\ see isher
dismiss, iwis, koumiss, remiss,
submiss issus \is-as\ byssus, missus, Mrs.
ambergris, hit-and-miss, hit-or-miss, narcissus, Narcissus
reminisce, verdigris ISSy \is-e\ hissy, missy, prissy, sissy
issa \is-a\ abscissa, mantissa, ist1 \ist\ Christ, feist, heist, hist, tryst
Melissa, Orissa, vibrissa Zeitgeist
Antichrist, black-a-vised, poltergeist
issable \is-3-bai\ see issible —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
issal \is-al\ see istle ice1
issance \is- 3 ns\ see iscence ist 2 \ist\ cist, cyst, fist, gist, grist,
kist, list, Liszt, mist, schist, tryst,
issant \is- 3 nt\ see iscent twist, whist, wist, wrist
assist, backlist, blacklist, checklist,
isse 1 \is\ see iss consist, delist, desist, encyst, enlist,
isse 2 \es\ see iece entwist, exist, handlist, insist, persist,
playlist, protist, Rehnquist, resist,
issed \ist\ see ist 2 shortlist, subsist, untwist
219 istic

catechist, coexist, dadaist, exorcist, istency \is-tan-se\ consistency,

intertwist, preexist insistency, persistency
love-in-a-mist inconsistency
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
iss istent \is-tant\ distant
assistant, consistent, existent,
ist 3 \est\ see east 1 insistent, persistent, resistant,
ista 1 \e-sta\ turista coexistent, equidistant, inconsistent,
camorrista, Fidelista inexistent, nonexistent, nonpersistent,
ista 2 \is-ta\ crista, vista nonresistant, preexistent
arista, ballista ister \is-tsr\ bister, blister, clyster,
sacahuiste glister, klister, lister, Lister, mister,
istaed \is-tad\ see isted sister, twister
resister, resistor, solicitor, stepsister,
istal \is-t 3 l\ Bristol, crystal, Crystal, transistor
distal, listel, pistil, pistol
istery \is-tre\ see istory
istan \is-tan\ see iston
istful \ist-fal\ tristful, wistful
istance \is-tsns\ see istence
isthmus Nis-masX see istmas
istant \is-t9nt\ see istent
isti \is-te\ see icity2
iste 1 \is-te\ see icity2
istic \is-tik\ cystic, distich, fistic,
iste 2 \est\ see east 1 mystic
artistic, autistic, ballistic, cladistic,
iste 3 \is-ts\ see ista 2 cubistic, eristic, fascistic, faunistic,
isted \is-tad\ twisted, vistaed floristic, heuristic, holistic, hubristic,
closefisted, enlisted, ham-fisted, juristic, linguistic, logistic, meristic,
hardfisted, limp-wristed, tightfisted, monistic, patristic, phlogistic, puristic,
two-fisted, unlisted, untwisted, white- sadistic, simplistic, sophistic, statistic,
listed stylistic, Taoistic, theistic, Thomistic,
ironfisted, unassisted touristic, truistic, veristic, wholistic,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at Yahwistic
ist2 activistic, agonistic, alchemistic,
altruistic, amoristic, anarchistic,
istel \is-t a l\ see ist 2 animistic, aphoristic, archaistic,
atavistic, atheistic, atomistic,
isten \is- 3 n\ christen, glisten, listen, belletristic, cabalistic, Calvinistic,
Nisan casuistic, catechistic, Catharistic,
istenable Xis-ns-baiX listenable centralistic, chauvinistic,
medicinable communistic, crosslinguistic,
dadaistic, dualistic, dyslogistic,
istence \is-tsns\ distance egoistic, egotistic, essayistic,
assistance, consistence, existence, eucharistic, eulogistic, euphemistic,
insistence, outdistance, persistence, euphuistic, exorcistic, fabulistic,
resistance, subsistence familistic, fatalistic, feministic,
coexistence, inconsistence, fetishistic, feudalistic, fideistic,
inexistence, nonexistence, formalistic, futuristic, gongoristic,
nonresistance, preexistence haggadistic, Hebraistic, hedonistic,
istical 220

Hellenistic, humanistic, humoristic, colonialistic, Deuteronomistic,

idealistic, imagistic, inartistic, emotionalistic, exhibitionistic,
Jansenistic, jingoistic, journalistic, fundamentalistic, existentialistic,
Judaistic, Lamaistic, legalistic, imperialistic, indeterministic,
masochistic, mechanistic, melanistic, introspectionistic, irrationalistic,
mentalistic, methodistic, modernistic, materialistic, oligopolistic,
moralistic, narcissistic, nationalistic, Postimpressionistic, sadomasochistic,
nativistic, nepotistic, nihilistic, sensationalistic, sociolinguistic,
novelistic, onanistic, optimistic, spiritualistic, traditionalistic
pantheistic, pessimistic, pianistic, individualistic
pietistic, plagiaristic, Platonistic,
pluralistic, pointillistic, populistic, istical \is-ti-kal\ mystical
pugilistic, quietistic, realistic, deistical, eristical, linguistical,
Romanistic, sciolistic, shamanistic, logistical, monistical, patristical,
shintoistic, socialistic, solecistic, sophistical, statistical, theistical
solipsistic, specialistic, surrealistic, alchemistical, atheistical, casuistical,
syllogistic, symbolistic, synchronistic, egoistical, egotistical, exorcistical,
syncretistic, synergistic, terroristic, pantheistical
totalistic, totemistic, ultraistic, anomalistical, hypocoristical,
unrealistic, urbanistic, utopistic, monotheistical, polytheistical
vandalistic, verbalistic, vitalistic, istich \is-tik\ see istic
voodooistic, voyeuristic, Zionistic
istics \is-tiks\ ballistics, ekistics,
absolutistic, adventuristic,
linguistics, logistics, patristics,
anachronistic, animalistic,
statistics, stylistics
anomalistic, antagonistic,
behavioristic, cannibalistic,
capitalistic, characteristic, criminalistics
collectivistic, commercialistic, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
contortionistic, deterministic, listed at istic
evangelistic, eudaemonistic, istie \is-te\ see icity2
euhemeristic, expansionistic,
expressionistic, extralinguistic, istil \is-t 3 l\ see istal
functionalistic, Hinayanistic, istin \is-tan\ see iston
hypocoristic, immanentistic,
impressionistic, liberalistic, literalistic, istine \is-tan\ see iston
Mahayanistic, melioristic, istle \is-al\ bristle, fissile, gristle,
mercantilistic, militaristic, missal, missile, scissile, thistle,
mediumistic, metalinguistic, whistle
misogynistic, monopolistic, abyssal, dickcissel, dismissal, epistle
monotheistic, naturalistic, negativistic, penny whistle
neologistic, opportunistic,
paternalistic, physicalistic, istler \is-br\ whistler, Whistler
polytheistic, probabilistic, epistler
propagandistic, psycholinguistic, istless \ist-las\ listless
rationalistic, recidivistic, resistless
reductionistic, relativistic, revivalistic,
ritualistic, secularistic, sensualistic, istly \is-le\ bristly, gristly, thistly
separatistic, sociolinguistic, sweet cicely
somnambulistic, ventriloquistic, istmas \is-mas\ Christmas, isthmus
violinistic, voluntaristic Kiritimati
221 itch

isto \is-to\ aristo, Callisto intromit, manumit, megahit,

recommit, retrofit
istol \is-t l\ see istal cost-benefit, lickety-split,
iston \is-tan\ Kristin, piston, Tristan overcommit
Philistine, phlogiston jack-in-the-pulpit
amethystine it2 \ e \ see ee 1
istor \is-tar\ see ister it3 \et\ see eat 1
istory \is-tre\ blistery, history, ita1 \it-9\ vita
mystery baryta
consistory, prehistory amanita
istral \is-tral\ mistral ita2 \et-a\ cheetah, eta, Greta, Nita,
sinistral pita, Rita, theta, vita, zeta
Akita, Anita, Bonita, bonito, casita,
istress \is-trss\ mistress excreta, Granita, Juanita, Lolita,
headmistress, postmistress, partita, Suita
schoolmistress, sinistrous, amanita, arboreta, feterita, incognita,
taskmistress, toastmistress manzanita, margarita, senhorita,
istrophe \is-tra-fe\ antistrophe, senorita
epistrophe Bhagavad Gita
itable1 \it-9-bal\ citable, writable
istrous \is-tras\ see istress
excitable, indictable
isty \is-te\ see icity2 copyrightable, extraditable

isus \I-S3s\ see isis itable 2 \it-9-bal\ see ittable

iszt \ist\ see ist 2 itae \It-e\ see ite 2

itain \it-n\ see itten
it1 \it\ bit, bitt, brit, Brit, chit, dit, fit,
flit, frit, git, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, ital1 \It- 3 l\ title, vital
mitt, nit, pit, Pitt, quit, sit, skit, slit, detrital, entitle, nontitle, recital,
snit, spit, split, Split, sprit, teat, tit, requital, subtitle
twit, whit, wit, writ, zit disentitle, intravital, supravital
acquit, admit, armpit, backbit,
backfit, befit, bowsprit, Brigitte, ital2 \it- 3 l\ see ittle
bushtit, cesspit, close-knit, cockpit, italer \it- 3 l-ar\ whittler, victualler
commit, culprit, demit, Dewitt, belittler, Hospitaler
dimwit, emit, fleapit, gaslit, godwit,
half-wit, henbit, house-sit, legit, lit italist \It- 3 l-9st\ titlist, vitalist
crit, misfit, mishit, moonlit, nitwit, recitalist
obit, omit, outfit, outwit, peewit, itan \it- a n\ see ighten
permit, pinch-hit, Prakrit, pulpit, refit,
remit, sandpit, Sanskrit, snakebit, itant \It- 3 nt\ mightn't
starlit, submit, sunlit, switch-hit, excitant, incitant, renitent
tidbit, tight-knit, titbit, tomtit,
transmit, turnspit, twilit, two-bit, unfit, itany \it- 3 n-e\ Brittany, dittany,
unknit, well-knit litany
baby-sit, benefit, candlelit, itch \ich\ bitch, ditch, fitch, flitch,
counterfeit, hypocrite, intermit, glitch, hitch, itch, kitsch, niche, pitch,
itchen 222

quitch, rich, snitch, stitch, such, fanlight, finite, firefight, firelight,

switch, twitch, which, witch fistfight, flashlight, fleabite, floodlight,
backstitch, bewitch, cross-stitch, foresight, forthright, fortnight,
enrich, fast-twitch, hemstitch, frostbite, Gadite, gaslight, gastight,
lockstitch, slow-pitch, slow-twitch, ghostwrite, graphite, gunfight, Gunite,
topstitch, unhitch, whipstitch half-light, Hamite, handwrite,
czarevitch, featherstitch, headlight, highlight, hindsight, Hittite,
microswitch homesite, hoplite, Hussite, ignite,
illite, infight, in-flight, incite, indict,
itchen \ich-an\ kitchen, richen indite, insight, invite, jacklight,
itchener \ich-nar\ Kitchener, jadeite, lamplight, Levite, lighttight,
Michener lignite, limelight, lintwhite, lowlight,
Lucite, Luddite, lyddite, Melchite,
itcher \ich-ar\ hitcher, pitcher, midnight, millwright, miswrite,
richer, snitcher, stitcher, switcher moonlight, night-light, off-site, off-
enricher, hemstitcher white, on-site, outright, outsight,
Lubavitcher, water witcher partite, penlight, playwright, polite,
prizefight, pyrite, recite, requite,
itchery \ich-a-re\ bitchery, stitchery,
respite, rushlight, safelight,
searchlight, Semite, Servite, Shemite,
bewitchery, obituary
Shiite, shipwright, sidelight, skintight,
itches \ich-az\ britches, riches skylight, skywrite, smectite, snakebite,
Dutchman's-breeches snow-white, spaceflight, speedlight,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, spotlight, starlight, sticktight,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at itch stoplight, streetlight, sunlight, Sunnite,
taillight, termite, tonight, torchlight,
itchman \ich-man\ pitchman, trothplight, twilight, twi-night,
switchman typewrite, unite, unsight, upright,
itchment Xich-mantX bewitchment, uptight, wainwright, weeknight,
enrichment wheelwright
acolyte, aconite, Ammonite,
itchy \ich-e\ bitchy, itchy, kitschy, Amorite, amosite, anchorite,
pitchy, twitchy, witchy anthracite, antiwhite, apartheid,
it'd \it-ad\ see itted appetite, Bakelite, Benthamite,
bipartite, black-and-white,
ite1 \It\ bight, bite, blight, bright, blatherskite, bleacherite, chalcocite,
byte, cite, dight, dite, Dwight, fight, Canaanite, Carmelite, castroite,
flight, fright, height, hight, kite, catamite, cellulite, copyright,
knight, krait, kyte, light, lite, might, disinvite, disunite, dynamite, erudite,
mite, night, plight, quite, right, rite, expedite, extradite, Fahrenheit,
sight, site, sleight, slight, smite, spite, featherlight, fly-by-night, gelignite,
sprite, tight, trite, white, White, wight, gesundheit, gigabyte, Hashemite,
Wight, wite, wright, Wright, write Hepplewhite, Himyarite, Hitlerite,
affright, airtight, albite, alight, all hug-me-tight, impolite, Ishmaelite,
right, all-night, aright, backbite, Israelite, Jacobite, Josephite,
backlight, bedight, Birchite, birthright, Kimberlite, laborite, Leninite,
bobwhite, bombsight, bullfight, leukocyte, lily-white, localite,
campsite, cockfight, contrite, Cushite, malachite, manganite, Marcionite,
daylight, deadlight, delight, despite, Masonite, Mennonite, Minorite,
dogfight, downright, droplight, Moabite, muscovite, Nazirite, out-of-
earthlight, excite, eyebright, eyesight, sight, overbite, overflight, overnight,
223 ithee

oversight, overwrite, parasite, copywriter, expediter, fly-by-nighter,

perovskite, plebiscite, proselyte, Gastarbeiter, underwriter
Puseyite, pyrrhotite, recondite, reunite, teletypewriter
satellite, shergottite, socialite, sodalite, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
sodomite, Stagirite, stalactite, at ite1
stalagmite, Sybarite, time-of-flight,
transfinite, transvestite, tripartite, iter2 \it-ar\ see itter
troglodyte, Trotskyite, ultralight, iter3 \et-ar\ see eater 1
underwrite, urbanite, Wahhabite,
watertight, Wycliffite, yesternight iteral \it-3-rsl\ clitoral, literal,
adipocyte, anthophyllite, littoral
cosmopolite, exurbanite, sublittoral, triliteral
geir^tlichkeit, hermaphrodite, Indo-
Hittite, McCarthyite, multipartite, iterally \it-ar-le\ see itterly
quadripartite, suburbanite, theodolite iterate \it-9-rst\ literate
Areopagite, Pre-Raphaelite illiterate, nonliterate, postliterate,
Great Australian Bight preliterate, presbyterate, subliterate
ite 2 \it-e\ flighty, mighty, nightie, semiliterate
righty, whity ites 1 \It-ez\ barytes, sorites,
almighty, Almighty, Venite Thersites
Aphrodite, aqua vitae, arborvitae, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
lignum vitae listed at ite2
ite 3 \it\ see it1 ites 2 \its\ see ights
4 1
ite \et\ see eat itey \it-e\ see ite2
ited \lt-sd\ see ighted ith \ith\ fifth, frith, grith, kith, myth,
pith, sith, smith, Smith, swith, with,
iteful \it-fal\ see ightful withe
itely \It-le\ see ightly blacksmith, forthwith, goldsmith,
Goldsmith, gunsmith, herewith,
item \it-9m\ item locksmith, songsmith, therewith,
ad infinitum tinsmith, tunesmith, wherewith,
whitesmith, wordsmith
itement Mt-mantX alightment, coppersmith, eolith, Granny Smith,
excitement, incitement, indictment Hammersmith, megalith, metalsmith,
iten \It- 3 n\ see ighten microlith, monolith, neolith,
itener Mt-narX see ightener paleolith
itent \it- 3 nt\ see itant ith 3 \et\ see eat 1
iteor \et-e-ar\ see eteor ith4 \eth\ see eath
iter1 \It-ar\ blighter, fighter, lighter, ithe1 \Ith\ blithe, kithe, lithe, scythe,
miter, niter, titer, writer tithe, withe, writhe
all-nighter, braillewriter, exciter,
first-nighter, lamplighter, nail-biter, ithe 2 \ith\ see ith2
one-nighter, prizefighter, screenwriter, ithe 3 \ith\ see ith1
scriptwriter, songwriter, speechwriter,
sportswriter, states righter, typewriter ithee 1 \ith-e\ see ithy2
ithee 224

ithee 2 \ith-e\ see ithy1 anaclitic, analytic, anchoritic,

catalytic, cenobitic, copralitic,
ither \ith-ar\ blither, cither, dither, crystallitic, diacritic, dialytic,
hither, slither, swither, thither, whither, dynamitic, eremitic, Himyaritic,
wither, zither hypercritic, Jesuitic, paralytic,
come-hither, nowhither, somewhither parasitic, sodomitic, stalactitic,
itherward Xith-sr-wardX stalagmitic, sybaritic, thallophytic,
thitherward, whitherward thrombolytic, troglodytic
cryptanalytic, electrolytic,
ithesome Mth-sairA blithesome, hermaphroditic, meteoritic,
lithesome Monophysitic
ithia \ith-e-s\ see ythia psychoanalytic
itical \it-i-kal\ critical
ithic \ith-ik\ lithic Levitical, political
ornithic analytical, apolitical, cenobitical,
batholithic, Eolithic, granolithic, diacritical, eremitical, hypercritical,
megalithic, Mesolithic, monolithic, hypocritical, impolitical, Jacobitical,
neolithic Jesuitical, parasitical, sodomitical,
Paleolithic supercritical
ithing \I-thirj\ tithing, trithing geopolitical, meteoritical
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at sociopolitical
ithe1 itics \it-iks\ Semitics
ithmic \ith-mik\ seeythmic analytics
meteoritic s
ithy1 \ith-e\ prithee, withy —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at itic
ithy2 \ith-e\ mythy, pithy, prithee,
smithy, withy itid \it-ad\ see itted
iti \et-e\ see eaty itimati \is-m9s\ see istmas

itia1 \ish-a\ Lycia, Mysia, wisha itin \it- 3 n\ see ighten

Alicia, Cilicia, comitia, episcia, iting \It-irj\ biting, flyting, lighting,
Galicia, indicia, Letitia, militia, whiting, writing
Patricia, Phoenicia backbiting, bullfighting,
Dionysia cockfighting, daylighting, exciting,
freewriting, frostbiting, handwriting,
itia2 \e-sha\ see esia 1 infighting, inviting, newswriting,
itial \ish-9l\ see icial prewriting, prizefighting, skywriting,
song writing, sports writing,
itian1 \ish-an\ see ition typewriting
itian2 \e-shsn\ see etion1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
itiate \ish-at\ initiate, novitiate
uninitiate ition \ish-an\ fission, hycian,
mission, titian, Titian
itic \it-ik\ clitic, critic addition, admission, ambition,
arthritic, bronchi tic, dendritic, attrition, audition, beautician,
enclitic, granitic, graphitic, Hamitic, clinician, cognition, coition,
jaditic, mephitic, proclitic, pruritic, commission, condition, contrition,
rachitic, Sanskritic, Semitic, Shemitic, demission, dentition, dismission,
Sinitic Domitian, edition, emission, ethician,
225 itment

fruition, ignition, lenition, logician, apparitional, appositional,

magician, monition, mortician, compositional, definitional,
munition, musician, nutrition, depositional, expositional,
omission, optician, partition, patrician, inquisitional, oppositional,
perdition, permission, petition, prepositional, propositional,
Phoenician, physician, position, repetitional, suppositional,
punition, remission, rendition, transpositional, unconditional
sedition, submission, suspicion, juxtapositional, presuppositional
tactician, technician, tradition,
transition, transmission, tuition, itioner \i-shs-nar\ missioner
volition commissioner, conditioner,
abolition, acquisition, admonition, parishioner, partitioner, petitioner,
aesthetician, air-condition, practitioner
ammunition, apparition, apposition, exhibitioner, malpractitioner, nurse-
coalition, competition, composition, practitioner
cosmetician, decommission, itionist \i-sh3-nast\ nutritionist,
decondition, definition, demolition, partitionist
deposition, dietitian, Dionysian, abolitionist, coalitionist,
disposition, disquisition, electrician, demolitionist, exhibitionist,
erudition, exhibition, expedition, intuitionist, oppositionist,
exposition, extradition, imposition, prohibitionist
inhibition, inquisition, intermission,
intromission, intuition, linguistician, itious \ish-9s\ see icious1
logistician, malnutrition, malposition,
manumission, mathematician, itis \it-as\ situs, Titus
mechanician, micturition, obstetrician, arthritis, botrytis, bronchitis, bursitis,
opposition, Ordovician, parturition, colitis, cystitis, detritus, gastritis, iritis,
phonetician, politician, precognition, mastitis, nephritis, neuritis, phlebitis
precondition, premonition, dermatitis, enteritis, gingivitis,
preposition, prohibition, proposition, hepatitis, Heracleitus, ileitis,
recognition, recondition, repetition, laryngitis, meningitis, pharyngitis,
requisition, rhetorician, statistician, pneumonitis, prostatitis, retinitis,
submunition, superstition, supposition, sinusitis, tonsillitis, spondylitis,
transposition tendinitis, urethritis, vaginitis
academician, arithmetician, appendicitis, conjunctivitis,
decomposition, diagnostician, encephalitis, endocarditis,
dialectician, disinhibition, endometritus, folliculitis,
geometrician, geriatrician, Hermaphroditus, peritonitis
indisposition, interposition, analysis situs, diverticulitis,
juxtaposition, metaphysician, gastroenteritis, poliomyelitis
onomastician, pediatrician, itish \it-ish\ British, skittish
presupposition, redefinition,
semiotician, theoretician itius \ish-ss\ see icious
itle \It- 9 l\ see ital1
itionable Xish-na-balX see issionable
it'll \it- 9 l\ see ittle
itional \ish-nal\ additional,
attritional, cognitional, coitional, itment \it-msnt\ fitment
conditional, nutritional, positional, commitment, remitment
traditional, transitional, tuitional, recommitment
volitional overcommitment
itness 226

itness \it-nas\ fitness, witness ittany \it- 3 n-e\ see itany

earwitness, eyewitness, unfitness
itte \it\ see it1
itney \it-ne\ jitney, Whitney
Mount Whitney itted \it-ad\ fitted, it'd, nitid, pitted,
teated, witted
ito \et-6\ keto, Leto, Quito, Tito, committed, dim-witted, half-witted,
veto quick-witted, sharp-witted, slow-
bonito, burrito, graffito, magneto, witted, thick-witted, unbitted, unfitted
Miskito, mosquito, Negrito uncommitted
Hirohito, incognito, sanbenito —also -ed forms of verbs listed at it
ito 2 \et-a\ see ita2 ittee \it-e\ see itty
iton1 \it- 3 n\ see itten itten \it- 3 n\ bitten, Britain, Briton,
2 3 Britten, kitten, litten, Lytton, mitten,
iton \it- n\ see ighten
smitten, witting, written
itoral \it-9-ral\ see iteral backbitten, flea-bitten, Great Britain,
itra \e-tra\ see etra 2 hard-bitten, New Britain, rewritten,
snakebitten, unwritten
itral \i-trsl\ mitral, nitrile
ittence \it- 3 ns\ see ittance
itrile \I-tral\ see itral
ittent \it- 3 nt\ remittent
its \its\ blitz, ditz, Fritz, glitz, grits, intermittent, intromittent
its, it's, quits, spitz
Chemnitz, Saint Kitts itter \it-ar\ bitter, chitter, critter,
slivovitz fitter, flitter, fritter, glitter, hitter, jitter,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, knitter, litter, quitter, quittor, sitter,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at it skitter, slitter, spitter, titter, twitter
aglitter, atwitter, bed-sitter, embitter,
it's \its\ see its
emitter, hairsplitter, no-hitter, outfitter,
itsail \it-sal\ see itzel rail-splitter, remitter, shipfitter,
steamfitter, switch-hitter, transmitter
itsch \ich\ see itch benefiter, counterfeiter, intromitter
itschy \ich-e\ see itchy itterer \it-3r-sr\ fritterer, litterer,
itsy \it-se\ see itzy twitterer

itt \it\ see it1 itterly \it-9r-le\ bitterly, literally

itta \it-a\ shittah, vitta ittern \it-arn\ bittern, cittern, gittern
ittable Xit-a-bslX committable, ittery \it-3-re\ glittery, jittery, littery,
habitable, hospitable, remittable, skittery, twittery
inhospitable ittie \it-e\ see itty

ittah \it-a\ see itta ittier \it-e-ar\ grittier, prettier,

Whittier, wittier
ittal \it- l\ see ittle
ittiness \it-e-nss\ grittiness,
ittance \it- 3 ns\ pittance, quittance prettiness, wittiness
acquittance, admittance, emittance,
immittance, remittance, transmittance itting1 \it-irj\ fitting, sitting, splitting,
intermittence witting
227 ive

befitting, earsplitting, fence-sitting, itzel \it-s9l\ schnitzel, spritsail

formfitting, hairsplitting, hard-hitting, Wiener schnitzel
house-sitting, resitting, sidesplitting,
unfitting, unwitting, unremitting itzi \it-se\ see itzy
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at itzy \it-se\ bitsy, glitzy, Mitzi, ritzy,
it1 schizy
itting2 \it- 3 n\ see itten iu \ u \ see ew1
ittish \it-ish\ see itish ius 1 \e-as\ see eus 1
ittle \it- l\ brittle, it'll, kittle, little, ius 2 \I-3s\ see ias 1
skittle, spital, spittle, tittle, victual,
whittle, wittol iv1 \iv\ see ive2
acquittal, belittle, committal,
embrittle, hospital, lickspittle, iv2 \ef\ see ief1
remittal, transmittal iv3 \if\ see iff
noncommittal, recommittal
iv4 \ev\ see eave
ittler \it- 3 l-ar\ see italer
iva1 \I-va\ Saiva
ittol \it- 3 l\ see ittle
gingiva, Godiva, saliva
ittor \it-ar\ see itter
iva 2 \e-va\ diva, Eva, kiva, Shiva,
ittoral \it-s-r9l\ see iteral siva, Siva, viva
geneva, Geneva, yeshiva
itts \its\ see its
iva 3 \iv-a\ Shiva, Siva
itty \it-e\ bitty, city, ditty, gritty,
kitty, Kitty, pity, pretty, tittie, witty ivable1 \I-v3-bal\ drivable
committee, self-pity, itty-bitty, derivable, revivable, survivable
Kansas City, megacity, nitty-gritty,
Salt Lake City, subcommittee, ivable 2 \iv-3-bsl\ livable
supercity, Walter Mitty forgivable
Ho Chi Minh City ival \I-val\ rival
itual \ich-3-wsl\ ritual archival, arrival, revival, survival
habitual adjectival, conjunctival, genitival,
ituary \ich-3-re\ see itchery1 infinitival
itum \It-am\ see item ivalent \iv-9-bnt\ ambivalent,
itus \It-3s\ see itis unambivalent
ity1 \it-e\ see itty
ivan \iv-sn\ see iven
ity2 \It-e\ see ite2
ivance \I-vans\ connivance,
itz \its\ see its contrivance, survivance
itza1 \et-sa\ pizza ivative \iv-at-iv\ privative
czaritza derivative
Chichen Itza, Katowice
ive 1 \Iv\ chive, dive, drive, five,
itza \it-sa\ czaritza gyve, hive, I've, jive, live, rive, shrive,
tamburitza skive, strive, thrive, wive
ive 228

alive, archive, Argive, arrive, ivid \iv-ad\ livid, vivid

beehive, connive, contrive, deprive,
derive, endive, nosedive, ogive, revive, ivil \iv-al\ see ivel
self-drive, skin-dive, survive, test- ivilly \iv-a-le\ civilly, privily
drive uncivilly
forty-five, overdrive, power-dive
ivily \iv-a-le\ see ivilly
ive 2 \iv\ give, live, sheave, shiv,
sieve, spiv iving \iv-in\ giving, living
forgive, misgive, outlive, relive, almsgiving, forgiving, free-living,
unlive misgiving, thanksgiving
underactive —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ive 3 \ev\ see eave 1
ivion \iv-e-sn\ Vivian
ivel \iv-al\ civil, drivel, frivol, oblivion
shrivel, snivel, swivel
ivious \iv-e-9s\ lascivious, oblivious
iven \iv-an\ driven, given, riven,
Sivan, striven, thriven ivir \iv-ar\ see iver2
forgiven ivity \iv-at-e\ privity
menu-driven acclivity, activity, captivity, declivity,
iver1 \I-var\ diver, driver, fiver festivity, motivity, nativity, proclivity
arriver, cabdriver, conniver, absorptivity, adaptivity, additivity,
contriver, deriver, reviver, screwdriver, affectivity, aggressivity, coercivity,
survivor cognitivity, collectivity, compulsivity,
conductivity, connectivity, creativity,
iver2 \iv-ar\ flivver, giver, liver, destructivity, diffusivity, directivity,
quiver, river, shiver, sliver effectivity, emissivity, emotivity,
almsgiver, aquiver, deliver, exclusivity, exhaustivity, expansivity,
downriver, forgiver, lawgiver, upriver expressivity, impassivity, inactivity,
Guadalquivir infectivity, negativity, perceptivity,
ivers 1 \I-varz\ divers, vivers perfectivity, permittivity, positivity,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns primitivity, productivity, progressivity,
listed at iver1 reactivity, receptivity, reflexivity,
relativity, resistivity, retentivity,
ivers 2 \e-varz\ see eavers selectivity, sensitivity, subjectivity,
susceptivity, transitivity
ivery \iv-re\ livery, shivery
delivery distributivity, hyperactivity,
insensitivity, overactivity, retroactivity
ives \ivz\ fives, hives, Ives hypersensitivity, radioactivity
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ive1 ivium \iv-e-3m\ trivium
ivet \iv-at\ civet, divot, pivot, privet,
rivet, swivet, trivet iviut \e-ve-at\ see eviate

ivi1 \iv-e\ see ivvy ivo \e-vo\ see evo

2 ivocal \iv-3-k9i\ equivocal, univocal
ivi \e-ve\ see eavey
ivia \iv-e-a\ Bolivia, Olivia
ivol \iv-3l\ see ivel
ivial \iv-e-3l\ trivial
convivial, quadrivial ivor \i-var\ see iver1
229 izard

ivorous \iv-ras\ carnivorous, ixer \ik-ssr\ fixer, mixer

granivorous, omnivorous elixir
ixia \ik-se-s\ asphyxia, panmixia
ivot \iv-at\ see ivet
ixie \ik-se\ Dixie, nixie, Nixie, pixie,
ivus \e-vas\ see evous pyxie, tricksy

ivver \iv-ar\ see iver2 ixion \ik-shan\ see iction

ivvy \iv-e\ chivy, civvy, divvy, Livy, ixir \ik-sar\ see ixer
privy, skivvy ixit \ik-sat\ quixote
tantivy ipse dixit
ixon \ik-san\ see ixen
ivy \iv-e\ see ivvy
ixote \ik-sat\ see ixit
iwi \e-we\ see eewee
ixt \ikst\ see ixed
ix1 \iks\ Brix, Dix, fix, mix, nix, pyx,
six, Styx ixture \iks-char\ fixture, mixture
admix, affix, blanc fixe, commix, admixture, commixture
deep-six, immix, infix, postfix, prefix, intermixture
premix, prix fixe, prolix, subfix, suffix, iya \e-a\ see ia1
transfix, unfix
antefix, cicatrix, crucifix, eighty-six, iyeh \e-s\ see ia1
intermix, politics, six-o-six, superfix iz \iz\ biz, fizz, frizz, his, is, Ms.,
geopolitics phiz, quiz, 'tis, whiz, wiz
RU486 gee-whiz, show biz
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ick iz2 \ez\ see eze
ix2 \ e \ see ee 1 iza1 \e-za\ see eza

ixal \ik-sal\ pixel iza 2 \e-tha\ see etna

affixal, prefixal, suffixal izabeth \iz-3-bath\ Elisabeth,
ixe1 \eks\ breeks Elizabeth
prix fixe Port Elizabeth
idee fixe izable \I-z3-bal\ sizable
Macgillicuddy's Reeks advisable, cognizable, devisable,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, excisable
and -s forms of verbs, listed at eak amortizable, analyzable, criticizable,
dramatizable, exercisable, fertilizable,
ixe 2 \iks\ see ix1
hypnotizable, inadvisable, localizable,
ixe 3 \esh\ see iche 2 magnetizable, mechanizable,
memorizable, pulverizable,
ixed \ikst\ fixed, mixed, twixt recognizable, vaporizable
betwixt, well-fixed computerizable, generalizable,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ix uncompromisable
ixel \ik-sal\ see ixal izar \I-Z9r\ see izer
ixen \ik-san\ vixen, Nixon izard \iz-ard\ blizzard, gizzard,
Mason-Dixon izzard, lizard, vizard, wizard
ize 230

ize \Iz\ guise, prise, prize, rise, size, improvise, ionize, ironize, Islamize,
wise itemize, jeopardize, journalize,
abscise, advise, apprise, apprize, Judaize, laicize, latinize, legalize,
arise, assize, baptize, breadthwise, lionize, liquidize, localize, magnetize,
capsize, chastise, clockwise, cognize, marbleize, martyrize, maximize,
comprise, crabwise, crosswise, mechanize, melanize, melodize,
demise, despise, devise, disguise, memorize, merchandise, mesmerize,
disprize, downsize, earthrise, methodize, metricize, minimize,
edgewise, emprise, endwise, excise, mobilize, modernize, moisturize,
fanwise, franchise, full-size, grecize, monetize, mongrelize, moralize,
high-rise, incise, king-size, leastwise, motorize, mythicize, narcotize,
lengthwise, Levi's, life-size, likewise, nasalize, neutralize, normalize,
low-rise, man-size, midsize, misprize, notarize, novelize, obelize, odorize,
moonrise, nowise, outsize, piecewise, optimize, organize, ostracize,
pint-size, premise, quantize, remise, otherwise, oversize, oxidize, paganize,
reprise, revise, slantwise, streetwise, paradise, paralyze, pasteurize,
stylize, suffice, sunrise, surmise, patronize, pauperize, penalize, penny-
surprise, twin-size, uprise wise, pidginize, plagiarize, plasticize,
advertise, aggrandize, agonize, Platonize, pluralize, pocket-size,
alchemize, amortize, analyze, poetize, polarize, polemize,
anglicize, anywise, aphorize, arabize, pressurize, privatize, prussianize,
atomize, authorize, autolyze, publicize, pulverize, randomize,
balkanize, barbarize, bastardize, realize, recognize, rhapsodize,
bestialize, bolshevize, botanize, robotize, romanize, rubberize,
bowdlerize, brutalize, burglarize, sanitize, satirize, scandalize,
canalize, canonize, capsulize, schematize, schismatize, scrutinize,
caramelize, carbonize, cartelize, sensitize, sermonize, signalize,
catalyze, catechize, cauterize, simonize, sinicize, slenderize,
centralize, channelize, Christianize, sloganize, socialize, sodomize,
cicatrize, circumcise, civilize, solarize, sonnetize, specialize,
classicize, colonize, communize, stabilize, Stalinize, standardize,
compromise, concertize, concretize, sterilize, stigmatize, strategize,
creolize, criticize, crystalize, subsidize, summarize, supervise,
customize, demonize, deputize, syllogize, symbolize, sympathize,
dialyze, digitize, disfranchise, synchronize, syncretize, synopsize,
dogmatize, dramatize, elegize, synthesize, systemize, tantalize,
empathize, emphasize, energize, televise, temporize, tenderize,
enfranchise, enterprise, equalize, terrorize, tetanize, teutonize, texturize,
erotize, eternize, etherize, eulogize, theorize, thermalize, totalize,
euphemize, exercise, exorcise, tranquilize, traumatize, tyrannize,
factorize, fantasize, fascistize, unionize, unitize, urbanize, utilize,
feminize, fertilize, feudalize, valorize, vandalize, vaporize,
Actionize, finalize, formalize, verbalize, vernalize, victimize,
formulize, fossilize, fragmentize, vitalize, vocalize, vulcanize, vulgarize,
fraternize, gallicize, galvanize, weather-wise, weatherize, westernize,
germanize, ghettoize, glamorize, winterize, womanize, worldly-wise
globalize, gormandize, gothicize, accessorize, acclimatize, actualize,
gourmandize, grecianize, harmonize, allegorize, alphabetize, analogize,
heathenize, hebraize, hellenize, anatomize, anesthetize, animalize,
hierarchize, humanize, hybridize, annualize, antagonize, anthologize,
hypnotize, idolize, immunize, anticlockwise, apologize, apostatize,
231 izy

apostrophize, arabicize, aromatize, psychoanalyze, self-actualize,

baby blue-eyes, bureaucratize, sentimentalize, spiritualize,
cannibalize, capitalize, categorize, underutilize, universalize
catholicize, characterize, constitutionalize, dematerialize,
commercialize, communalize, editorialize, intellectualize
computerize, conservatize, deinstitutionalize
containerize, contrariwise, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
conveyorize, cosmeticize, and -s forms of verbs, listed at y
counterclockwise, criminalize,
cryptanalize, decentralize, decolonize, ize 2 \ez\ see eze
de-emphasize, de-energize, ized \Izd\ sized
dehumanize, deionize, demagnetize, advised, outsized
demobilize, democratize, demoralize, ergotized, ill-advised, pearlized,
deodorize, depersonalize, depolarize, Sanforized, unadvised, undersized,
desalinize, desensitize, destabilize, varisized, well-advised
digitalize, disenfranchise, disorganize, elasticized, modularized,
economize, emotionalize, epitomize, unexercised
epoxidize, eroticize, eternalize, immunocompromised
euthanatize, evangelize, extemporize, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
externalize, familiarize, fanaticize, ize1
federalize, fictionalize, formularize,
gelatinize, generalize, geologize, izen 1 \Iz- 3 n\ bison, dizen, greisen
Hispanicize, homogenize, hospitalize, bedizen, horizon
hypothesize, idealize, illegalize, spiegeleisen
immobilize, immortalize, izen 2 \iz- 3 n\ see ison 2
impersonalize, Indianize, indigenize,
initialize, internalize, italicize, izer \i-zar\ Dreiser, geyser, kaiser,
legitimize, liberalize, literalize, miser, prizer, riser, sizar, visor, wiser
lobotomize, lysogenize, macadamize, adviser, divisor, incisor
metabolize, metastasize, militarize, appetizer, atomizer, energizer,
mineralize, monopolize, mythologize, enterpriser, equalizer, exerciser,
nationalize, naturalize, parenthesize, fertilizer, organizer, oxidizer,
philosophize, politicize, popularize, stabilizer, supervisor, synthesizer,
proselytize, regularize, reorganize, totalizer, tranquilizer, tyrannizer,
revitalize, romanticize, secularize, vaporizer
sexualize, sovietize, subjectivize, complementizer, deodorizer
suburbanize, subvocalize, systematize, izing \I-zirj\ rising, sizing
temporalize, theologize, traditionalize, uprising
transistorize, trivialize, ventriloquize, appetizing, enterprising,
visualize merchandising, self-sufficing,
Americanize, apotheosize, unsurprising
colonialize, compartmentalize, self-sacrificing, uncompromising
conceptualize, contextualize, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
decriminalize, demilitarize, ize1
denaturalize, departmentalize,
izo 1 \e-zo\ sleazo
depoliticize, desexualize,
chorizo, mestizo
Europeanize, exteriorize, ideologize,
immaterialize, individualize, izo 2 \e-so\ see iso
industrialize, internationalize,
izon \Iz- 3 n\ see izen1
legitimatize, materialize, miniaturize,
particularize, politicalize, izy \it-se\ see itzy
IZZ 232

izz \iz\ see iz1 izzled \iz-sld\ chiseled, grizzled

1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
izza \et-sa\ see itza
izzard \iz-ard\ see izard izzler \iz-lsr\ chiseler, sizzler,
izzen \iz- 3 n\ see ison 2 swizzler
izzer \iz-ar\ see issor izzly \iz-le\ drizzly, grisly, grizzly,
izzical \iz-i-kal\ seeysical
izzy \iz-e\ busy, dizzy, fizzy, frizzy,
izzie \i-ze\ see izzy tizzy
izzle \iz-3i\ chisel, drizzle, fizzle, tin lizzie
frizzle, grizzle, mizzle, pizzle, sizzle,
0 1 \ii\ see ew1 oak \6k\ see oke
0 2 \ 6 \ see ow1 oaken \6-kan\ see oken
oa \6-s\ boa, Goa, koa, moa, Noah, oaker \6-k9r\ see oker
proa, stoa
aloha, balboa, Balboa, jerboa, Samoa oakum \6-k3m\ see okum
Krakatoa, Mauna Loa, Shenandoah, oaky \6-ke\ see oky
Guanabacoa, Joao Pessoa oal \61\ see ole 1
oa 2 \ 6 \ see ow1 oalie \6-le\ see oly1
oable \ii-3-b9l\ see uable oam 1 \6-am\ seeoem 1
oach \6ch\ broach, brooch, coach, oam 2 \6m\ see ome 1
loach, poach, roach
abroach, approach, caroche, oamer Xo-marX see omer 1
cockroach, encroach, reproach, oaming \6-mirj\ coaming, combing,
stagecoach gloaming
oachable \6-ch3-b3l\ coachable Wyoming
approachable —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
inapproachable, irreproachable, ome 1
unapproachable oamy \6-me\ foamy, homey, loamy,
oacher \6-char\ broacher, coacher, show-me
cloture, poacher Dahomey, Naomi, Salome
oan 1 \6-an\ Owen, roan, rowan
oad 1 \6d\ see ode Minoan, Samoan, waygoing
Eskimoan, protozoan
oad 2 \6d\ see aud 1
oan 2 \6n\ see one 1
oader \6d-ar\ see Oder
oaner \6-nar\ see oner 1
oadie \6d-e\ see ody 2
oaning \6-nirj\ see oning 2
oady \6d-e\ see ody 2
oap \ 6 p \ see ope
oaf \6f\ loaf, oaf, qoph
meatloaf, witloof oaper \6-psr\ see oper
oapy \6-pe\ see opi
oafer \6-far\ see ofer
oar \6r\ see or1
oagie \6-ge\ see ogie
oard \6rd\ board, bored, chord, cord,
oah \6-a\ see oa 1 cored, floored, ford, Ford, gourd,
oarder 234

hoard, horde, lord, Lord, oared, pored, oarish \6r-ish\ see orish1
poured, sward, sword, toward, ward,
Ward oarse \6rs\ see orse 1
aboard, accord, afford, award,
oarsen \6rs- 3 n\ coarsen, hoarsen,
backboard, backsword, baseboard,
billboard, blackboard, breadboard,
broadsword, buckboard, cardboard, oarsman \6rz-m3n\ oarsman
chalkboard, chessboard, chipboard, outdoorsman
clapboard, clipboard, concord,
corkboard, dashboard, discord, oart \6rt\ see ort1
duckboard, fjord, flashboard,
floorboard, footboard, freeboard, oary \6r-e\ see ory
garbord, Gaylord, greensward, oast \6st\ see ost 2
hardboard, headboard, inboard,
keyboard, kickboard, landlord, oastal \6s-t 3 l\ see ostal 1
lapboard, leeboard, longsword,
matchboard, moldboard, onboard, oaster \6-star\ coaster, poster,
outboard, packboard, pasteboard, roaster, throwster, toaster
patchboard, pegboard, pressboard, billposter, four-poster
punchboard, rearward, record, reward, roller-coaster, roller coaster
sailboard, scoreboard, seaboard,
oasty \6-ste\ see osty
shipboard, sideboard, signboard,
skateboard, slumlord, smallsword, oat \6t\ bloat, boat, coat, cote, dote,
snowboard, soundboard, splashboard, float, gloat, goat, groat, haute, moat,
springboard, surfboard, switchboard, mote, note, oat, quote, rote, shoat,
tailboard, untoward, wallboard, smote, stoat, throat, tote, vote, wrote
washboard, word-hoard, warlord, afloat, airboat, bareboat, bluecoat,
whipcord bumboat, capote, catboat, compote,
aboveboard, bungee cord, connote, coyote, cutthroat, demote,
centerboard, checkerboard, clavichord, denote, devote, dovecote, eighth note,
disaccord, fiberboard, fingerboard, emote, endnote, fireboat, fistnote,
harpsichord, mortarbord, flatboat, footnote, greatcoat, gunboat,
motherboard, overboard, overlord, half note, headnote, Hohhot,
paddleboard, paperboard, pinafored, houseboat, housecoat, iceboat,
plasterboard, pompadoured, keelboat, keynote, lifeboat, longboat,
shuffleboard, smorgasbord, one-note, pigboat, promote, Q-boat,
storyboard, teeterboard, tetrachord, raincoat, Rajkot, redcoat, remote,
untoward, weatherboard rewrote, rowboat, sailboat, scapegoat,
misericord, particleboard sheepcote, showboat, speedboat,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at steamboat, stoneboat, Sukkot,
or1 Sukkoth, surfboat, tailcoat, topcoat,
towboat, tugboat, turncoat, U-boat,
oarder \6rd-sr\ see order unquote, wainscot, whaleboat,
whitethroat, whole note, woodnote,
oarding \6rd-irj\ see ording1
oared \6rd\ see oard anecdote, antidote, asymptote,
creosote, entrecote, ferryboat,
oarer \6r-9r\ see orer Huhehot, motorboat, overcoat,
oaring \6r-irj\ see oring paddleboat, papillote, petticoat,
powerboat, quarter note, redingote,
oarious \6r-e-as\ see orious riverboat, rubythroat, Shabuoth,
235 obe

Sialkot, sugarcoat, symbiote, table ob 2 \ 6 b \ see obe 1

d'hote, sixteenth note, undercoat,
yellowthroat oba \6-b9\ arroba, jojoba
thirty-second note algaroba, Manitoba

oate \6-at\ see oet 1 obably \ab-le\ see obbly

oated \6t-ad\ coated, noted, throated obal \6-bal\ see oble

devoted, tailcoated Obally \6-ba-le\ globally
petticoated primum mobile
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oat obar \6-bsr\ see obGr
oaten \6t- n\ see oton obber \ab-ar\ bobber, caber,
clobber, cobber, jobber, robber,
oater \6t-ar\ bloater, boater, coater, slobber, swabber, throbber
doter, floater, gloater, motor, noter, hobnobber, Micawber, Skibobber,
oater, rotor, scoter, toter, voter stockjobber
houseboater, iceboater, keynoter,
promoter, pulmotor, sailboater, tilt- obbery \ab-re\ bobbery, jobbery,
rotor, trimotor robbery, slobbery, snobbery
locomotor, motorboater corroboree
oath \6th\ see owth obbes \abz\ Hobbes
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
oathe \6th\ see othe
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ob
oathing \6-thirj\ see othing Obbet \ab-at\ gobbet, probit
oating \6t-irj\ boating, coating, obbie \ab-e\ see obby
free-floating, sailboating, obbin \ab-an\ see obin
scapegoating, speedboating,
obbish \ab-ish\ slobbish, snobbish
motorboating, undercoating obble \ab-al\ see abble 1
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
oat Obbler \ab-lsr\ cobbler, gobbler,
hobbler, nobbier, squabbler, wobbler
oatswain \6s- 3 n\ see osin
Obbly \ab-le\ knobbly, probably,
oaty \6t-e\ see ote 1 wobbly, Wobbly
Oax \6ks\ coax, hoax obby \ab-e\ Bobbie, bobby, Bobby,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, cobby, dobby, globby, hobby, knobby,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at oke lobby, nobby, snobby, swabbie
Mesabi, Punjabi, Wahhabi
Ob1 \ a b \ Ab, blob, bob, Bob, cob, Abu Dhabi, Hammurabi
daub, fob, glob, gob, hob, job, knob,
lob, mob, nob, Ob, rob, slob, snob, obe 1 \ 6 b \ daube, globe, Job, lobe,
sob, squab, stob, swab, throb, yob probe, robe, strobe
bedaub, corncob, demob, doorknob, bathrobe, conglobe, disrobe, earlobe,
heartthrob, hobnob, kabob, macabre, enrobe, microbe, wardrobe
memsahib, nabob, nawab, Punjab, Anglophobe, claustrophobe,
skibob Francophobe, homophobe,
shish kebab negrophobe, xenophobe
thingamabob ailurophobe, computerphobe
obe 236

obe 2 \6-be\ see oby obra \6-bra\ cobra, dobra

obeah \6-be-a\ see obia obster \ab-star\ lobster, mobster
obee \6-be\ see oby obular Xab-ya-larX globular, lobular
obelus \ab-3-bs\ see abilis obule \ab-yxil\ globule, lobule
ober \6-b9r\ lobar, sober Oby \6-be\ Gobi, goby, Kobe, obi,
October Obie, toby, Toby
adobe, Nairobi
obi \6-be\ see oby Okeechobee
Obia \6-be-s\ cobia, obeah, phobia obyn \ab-sn\ see obin
acrophobia, algophobia,
Anglophobia, claustrophobia, oc 1 \6k\ see oke
homophobia, hydrophobia,
negrophobia, photophobia, OC2 \ak\ see ock1
technophobia, xenophobia OC3 \6k\ see alk
triskaidekaphobia oca \6-ka\ coca, mocha, oca
obic \6-bik\ phobic carioca, Fukuoka, mandioca,
aerobic Shizuoka, tapioca
anaerobic, claustrophobic,
homophobic, hydrophobic, ocable \6-k9-bal\ smokable,
photophobic, xenophobic vocable
obile 1 \6-ba-le\ see obally
ocage \ak-ij\ see ockage
obile 2 \6-bal\ see oble
ocal \6-kal\ focal, local, socle,
obin \ab-an\ bobbin, dobbin, vocal, yokel
graben, robin, Robin, Robyn bifocal, subvocal, trifocal, unvocal
OCally \6-k9-le\ locally, vocally
Obit1 \6-bat\ obit, Tobit
post-obit ocative \ak-at-iv\ locative, vocative
evocative, provocative
obit \ab-at\ see obbet
occa \ak-s\ see aka 1
oble \6-bal\ coble, global, mobile,
noble occer \ak-ar\ see ocker
airmobile, ennoble, Grenoble,
OCCie \ach-e\ see otchy
ignoble, immobile
San Cristobal occhi \6-ke\ see alkie
obo \6-bo\ gobo, hobo, kobo, lobo, OCCO \ak-6\ socko, taco
oboe cheechako, guanaco, morocco,
adobo Morocco, scirocco, sirocco
oboe \6-bo\ see obo occule \ak-yul\ floccule, locule
obol \ab-sl\ seeabble 1 occulent Xak-ya-bntX flocculent
oboree \ab-a-re\ see obbery inoculant

obot \6-bat\ see obit1 OCCUlus \ak-y3-tas\ flocculus,

loculus, oculus
237 ock

oce \6-che\ see oche 1 ock 1 \ak\ Bach, bloc, block, bock,
brock, chock, clock, cock, croc, crock,
ocean \6-sh3n\ see otion doc, dock, floe, flock, frock, hock,
ocent \6s- 3 nt\ docent, nocent Jacque, Jacques, jock, knock, lakh,
loch, lock, Locke, lough, Mach, moc,
o c e s s \as-as\ Knossos, process mock, nock, pock, roc, rock, schlock,
colossus, proboscis shock, smock, sock, stock, wok, yak,
och 1 \ak\ see ock1 yock
acock, ad hoc, amok, Arak,
och 2 \6sh\ see ash 2 backblock, Balzac, bangkok,
och 3 \6k\ see alk Bangkok, baroque, Bartok, bawcock,
bedrock, bemock, bibcock, bitstock,
ocha \6-ka\ see oca blackcock, blesbok, bloodstock, bois
d'arc, Brecknock, breechblock,
ochal \ak-al\ see ockle
burdock, buttstock, caprock, coldcock,
ochan \a-kan\ see achen Comstock, deadlock, debacle, defrock,
dry dock, duroc, Dvorak, earlock, en
oche 1 \6-che\ Kochi, Sochi bloc, epoch, fatstock, feedstock,
penoche, veloce fetlock, firelock, flintlock, forelock,
mezza voce, sotto voce foreshock, gamecock, gemsbok,
oche 2 \6sh\ cloche, gauche, skosh gridlock, gunlock, Hancock, havelock,
brioche, caroche, guilloche haycock, headlock, headstock,
hemlock, Hickock, Iraq, jazz-rock,
oche 3 \6-ke\ see oky Kanak, Kazak, Kazakh, kapok,
oche 4 \6ch\ see oach kneesock, livestock, lovelock,
matchlock, Mohock, Nisroch, nostoc,
oche 5 \6sh\ see ash 2 o'clock, oarlock, padlock, peacock,
penstock, petcock, pibroch, picklock,
ochee \6-ke\ see oky
pinchcock, post doc, post hoc, rhebok,
ocher \6-ksr\ see oker rimrock, roadblock, rootstock,
Rorschach, Rostock, rowlock,
ochi \6-che\ see oche 1 shamrock, Sheetrock, sherlock,
ochle \sk-3l\ see uckle shylock, Sirach, slick rock, Slovak,
springbok, steenbok, stopcock, Tarlak,
ochs \aks\ see ox tarok, ticktock, traprock, van Gogh,
warlock, wedlock, woodcock,
ochum \6-k9m\ see okum
wristlock, zwieback
ocia \6-sha\ see otia1 aftershock, alpenstock, Anahuac,
ociable \6-sh3-bal\ sociable antiknock, antilock, Antioch, Arawak,
associable, dissociable, insociable, Ayers Rock, billycock, chockablock,
negotiable, unsociable hammerlock, hollyhock, interlock,
indissociable, renegotiable John Hancock, lady's-smock,
Languedoc, laughingstock, Little
OCial \6-shsl\ social Rock, manioc, mantlerock,
asocial, dissocial, precocial, unsocial monadnock, Offenbach, Otomac,
antisocial poppycock, Ragnarok, Sarawak,
shuttlecock, spatterdock, turkey-cock,
ocile \as-sl\ see ossal weathercock
OCiOUS \6-shas\ atrocious, ferocious, Czechoslovak, Bialystok,
precocious electroshock, Inupiaq, Pontianak,
Theodosius Vladivostok
ock 238

ock 2 \6k\ see alk ocks \aks\ see ox

ockage \ak-ij\ blockage, brockage, ocky \ak-e\ blocky, cocky, hockey,
dockage,lockage, socage jockey, pocky, rocky, Rocky, sake,
schlocky, stocky, Yaqui
ocke \ak\ see ock1 Abnaki, Iraqi, Ontake, peacocky,
ocked \akt\ blocked, crocked rumaki
concoct, decoct, entr'acte, half- jabberwocky, Kawasaki, Miyazaki,
cocked, landlocked Nagasaki, Okazaki, sukiyaki, teriyaki
entoproct Amagasaki, enokidake
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ocle \6-kal\ see ocal
ocne \ak-ne\ see ockney
OCker \ak-ar\ blocker, docker,
cocker, docker, hocker, knocker, OCO \6-ko\ coco, cocoa, loco, poco
locker, makar, mocker, rocker, Bioko, iroko, rococo
shocker, soccer, stocker creme de cacao, Locofoco, Orinoco
footlocker poco a poco
appleknocker, beta-blocker, ocoa \6-ko\ see OCO
ocracy \ak-r9-se\ autocracy,
ockery \ak-re\ crockery, mockery, bureaucracy, democracy, hypocrisy,
rockery mobocracy, plutocracy, slavocracy,
technocracy, theocracy
OCket \ak-at\ brocket, crocket,
aristocracy, gerontocracy,
Crockett, docket, locket, pocket,
gynecocracy, meritocracy,
rocket, socket, sprocket
pickpocket, skyrocket
out-of-pocket, retro-rocket ocre \6-kar\ see oker
ockett \ak-at\ see ocket ocrisy \ak-rs-se\ see ocracy
ockey \ak-e\ see ocky ocsin \ak-san\ seeoxin

ockian \ak-e-an\ Comstockian, oct \akt\ see ocked

Slovakian OCtion \ak-shsn\ concoction,
Czechoslovakian decoction
ockiness \ak-e-nas\ cockiness, octor \ak-tar\ doctor, proctor
rockiness, stockiness concocter
ocking \ak-in\ flocking, shocking, oculant Xak-ya-lsntX see occulent
smocking, stocking
bluestocking, silk-stocking ocular \ak-y3-lar\ jocular, locular,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at ocular
ock1 binocular, monocular
OCkish \ak-ish\ blockish, stockish ocule \ak-yul\ see occule
OCkle \ak-9i\ coccal, cockle, socle oculus \ak-y3-bs\ see occulus
debacle, epochal
ocum \6-k3m\ see okum
ockney \ak-ne\ cockney, Procne
OCUS \6-kss\ crocus, focus, hocus,
ocko \ak-6\ see occo locus
239 ode

prefocus, refocus, soft-focus odden \ad- 3 n\ sodden, trodden

hocus-pocus downtrodden, Ibadan
ocused \6-kast\ see ocust Odder \ad-ar\ dodder, fodder,
ocust \6-kast\ locust khaddar, modder, nodder, odder,
unfocused plodder, prodder, solder, wadder
glissader, hot-rodder
ocutor \ak-yat-3r\ prolocutor promenader
interlocutor —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
Od1 \ad\ bod, clod, cod, fade, Fahd, atotf
gaud, god, hod, mod, nod, od, odd, oddery \ad-re\ see awdry
plod, pod, prod, quad, quod, rod,
scrod, shod, sod, squad, tod, trod, wad o d d e s s \ad-ss\ bodice, goddess
Akkad, Arad, aubade, ballade, demigoddess
Belgrade, bipod, Cape Cod, couvade,
croustade, dry-shod, ephod, facade, Oddish \ad-ish\ cloddish, kaddish
fantod, glissade, hot-rod, jihad, oddle \ad- 3 l\ coddle, model, noddle,
lingcod, Nimrod, oeillade, pomade, swaddle, toddle, twaddle, waddle
peasecod, ramrod, Riyadh, roughshod, remodel
roulade, saccade, scalade, seedpod, mollycoddle
slipshod, synod, tie-rod, tightwad,
tomcod, torsade, tripod Oddler \ad-tar\ coddler, modeler,
accolade, amphipod, arthropod, toddler, twaddler, waddler
Ashkhabad, Bacolod, Beograde, mollycoddler
bigarade, carbonnade, chiffonade,
defilade, demigod, enfilade, esculade, oddly \ad-le\ see odly
esplanade, fusillade, gallopade, oddy \ad-e\ seeody 1
gastropod, goldenrod, hexapod,
lycopod, monkeypod, Novgorod, Novi ode \6d\ bode, bowed, code, goad,
Sad, octopod, promenade, pseudopod load, lode, mode, node, ode, road,
Ahmadabad, Allahabad, cephalopod, rode, Spode, strode, toad, toed, woad,
degringolade, Faisalabad, fanfaronade, wood
Islamabad, ornithopod, prosauropod, abode, bestrode, boatload, busload,
rodomontade, Scheherazade, byroad, carload, cartload, caseload,
Upanishad commode, corrode, crossroad, decode,
Nizhni Novgorod displode, embowed, encode, epode,
erode, explode, forebode, freeload,
od 2 \ 6 \ see ow1 geode, highroad, implode, inroad, no-
od 3 \6d\ see ode load, off-load, outmode, payload,
planeload, postcode, railroad,
Od4 \ud\ see ood 1 rhapsode, sarod, shipload, square-
od 5 \6d\ see aud 1 toed, threnode, trainload, truckload,
two-toed, unload, upload
o'd \ud\ see ude a la mode, antipode, Comstock
oda \6d-a\ coda, Rhoda, soda Lode, discommode, eigenmode,
Baroda, pagoda, sal soda electrode, episode, impastoed,
incommode, Kozhikode,
odal \6d- 3 l\ Godel, modal, nodal, Nesselrode, overrode, palinode,
yodel pigeon-toed
cathodal —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
intermodal ow1
odeine 240

odeine Xod-e-anX see odian Odical \ad-i-kal\ methodical,

3 monodical, prosodical, synodical
odel \6d- l\ see odal episodical, immethodical, periodical
odeler \ad-lar\ see oddler odice \ad-ss\ see oddess
oden \6d- 3 n\ loden, Odin, Woden odicy \ad-9-se\ see odesy
odeon \6d-e-an\ see odian odie \6-de\ see ody 2
Oder \6d-ar\ coder, loader, Oder, odin \6d- 3 n\ see oden
breechloader, decoder, freeloader, odious \6d-e-as\ odious
malodor, railroader, unloader commodious, melodious, Methodius
middle-of-the-roader incommodious
oderate \ad-rat\ moderate, quadrate Odity \ad-3t-e\ oddity
immoderate commodity
o d e s \6dz\ Rhodes
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, odium \6d-e-am\ odeum, odium,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ode podium, rhodium, sodium
Odest \ad-ast\ Mahdist, modest Odius \6-de-as\ see odious
haggadist, immodest
odless \ad-las\ godless, rodless
—also -est forms of adjectives listed
afOd1 odling \ad-lirj\ codling, godling
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
Odesy \ad-a-se\ odyssey
geodesy, theodicy
odly \ad-le\ godly, oddly
odeum \6d-e-3m\ see odium
odge \aj\ see age 1
odo \6d-6\ dodo
odger \aj-9r\ codger, dodger, lodger, Komodo
roger, Roger Quasimodo
Jolly Roger
odom \ad-3m\ shahdom, Sodom
Odgy \aj-e\ dodgy, podgy, stodgy
mystagogy, pedagogy odor \6d-sr\ see Oder

Odian \6d-e-sn\ Cambodian, odsk \atsk\ see atsk

custodian, melodeon Odular \aj-3-lar\ modular, nodular
odule \aj-ul\ module, nodule
OdiC \ad-ik\ zaddik
cathodic, ergodic, melodic, ody 1 \ad-e\ body, cloddy, gaudy,
methodic, monodic, prosodic, Mahdi, noddy, sadhe, shoddy, toddy,
rhapsodic, spasmodic, synodic, waddy, wadi
threnodic anybody, blackbody, dogsbody,
episodic, periodic embody, homebody, nobody,
antispasmodic, aperiodic, somebody, wide-body
upanishadic antibody, busybody, disembody,
quasiperiodic everybody, Irrawaddy, underbody
241 off

ody 2 \6d-e\ Cody, Jodie, Jody, oer 2 \u-ar\ see ewer 1

roadie, toady
polypody oer 3 \ur\ see ure 1

odyssey \ad-a-se\ see odesy oer 4 \6-ar\ blower, knower, lower,

mower, sewer, shower, sower
odz \iij\ see uge 1 beachgoer, churchgoer,
flamethrower, filmgoer, foregoer,
oe 1 \ 6 \ see ow1 forgoer, mindblower, snowblower,
oe 2 \6-e\ see owy snowthrower, winegrower
concertgoer, moviegoer,
oe 3 \ e \ see ee 1 whistleblower,
oea 1 \6i-9\ see oia cinemagoer, operagoer, theatergoer

oea 2 \e-s\ see ia1 o'er \6r\ see or1

oeba \e-ba\ see eba oes 1 \az\ see euse 1

oebe \e-be\ see ebe 1 o e s 2 \6z\ see ose 2

oebel \a-bsl\ see able o e s 3 \iiz\ see use 2

oebus \e-bss\ see ebus oesia \e-shs\ see esia 1

oed \6d\ see ode oesn't \az- a nt\ see asn't

oehn \9n\ see un oest \ii-9st\ see ooist

oeia \e-a\ see ia1 o e s u s \e-s9s\ see esis

oeic \e-ik\ see eic oet \6-at\ poet

inchoate, introit
oek \iik\ see ook1
o e t e s s \6-9t-3s\ coitus, poetess
oel \6-9l\ Joel, Lowell, Noel
bestowal oeuf \af\ see uff
Baden-Powell, protozoal oeur \ar\ see eur 1
oeless 1 \ 6 - b s \ seeolus oeuvre \arv\ see erve
o e l e s s 2 \ii-bs\ see ewless oey \6-e\ see owy
oem 1 \6-am\ poem, proem of1 \av\ see olve 2
of2 \av\ see ove 1
oem 2 \6m\ see ome 1
Of3 \6f\ see Off2
oeman \6-m3n\ seeoman
ofar \6-far\ see ofer
oena \e-n9\ see ina 2
Ofer \6-far\ chauffeur, gofer, gopher,
oentgen 1 Xen-charA see ension loafer, Ophir, shofar
oentgen 2 Xan-chsnX see uncheon Off1 \af\ boff, coif, doff, goif, kaph,
oepha \e-fa\ see epha prof, quaff, scoff, shroff, taw, toff
carafe, cook-off, pilaf, Wroclaw
oer 1 \6r\ see or1 Romanov
off 242

off2 \6f\ cough, doff, off, scoff, taw, Oft2 \aft\ see aft1
Azov, beg off, blast-off, brush-off, often \6-f9n\ see offin
cast-off, castoff, checkoff, Chekhov, ofty \6f-te\ lofty, softy
cook-off, cutoff, die-off, drop-off, toplofty
face-off, falloff, far-off, goof-off,
hands-off, jump-off, Khartov, kickoff, og 1 \ag\ bog, clog, cog, flog, fog,
Kirov, knockoff, Khrushchev, layoff, frog, grog, hog, jog, log, nog, Prague,
leadoff, lift-off, Lvov, one-off, Pavlov, prog, quag, shog, slog, smog, tog
payoff, pick-off, pickoff, play-off, agog, backlog, bullfrog, defog,
rake-off, rip-off, roll-off, Rostov, eclogue, eggnog, footslog, groundhog,
runoff, sawed-off, sell-off, send-off, gulag, photog, prologue, putlog,
setoff, show-off, shutoff, spin-off, quahog, Rolvaag, sandhog, stalag,
standoff, takeoff, Tambov, tap-off, tip- warthog
off, trade-off, turnoff, well-off, Wolof, analog, analogue, antilog, apalogue,
write-off catalog, decalogue, demagogue,
better-off, cooling-off, damping-off, dialogue, golliwog, monologue,
Gorbachev, Molotov, Nabokov, mummichog, mystagogue, nouvelle
philosophe, Pribilof vague, pedagogue, pollywog, semilog,
beef Stroganoff, Rachmaninoff sinologue, synagogue, Taganrog,
Rimsky-Korsakov theologue, waterlog

offal1 \af-al\ see afel og 2 \6g\ bog, clog, dog, fog, frog,
hog, jog, log, smog
offal2 \6-fal\ see awful backlog, bandog, befog, bird-dog,
offaly \6f-a-le\ see awfully bulldog, bullfrog, coydog, defog,
eclogue, firedog, groundhog,
offee \6-fe\ coffee, toffee hangdog, hedgehog, hotdog,
lapdog, leapfrog, prologue, quahog,
offer1 \af-sr\ coffer, gauffer, goffer,
sandhog, seadog, sheepdog, warthog,
offer, proffer, quaffer, scoffer, troffer
analog, analogue, apologue, catalog,
Offer2 \6f-ar\ goffer, offer, troffer decalogue, dialogue, dog-eat-dog,
reoffer duologue, epilogue, homologue,
monologue, mummichog, overdog,
Off in \6-f9n\ coffin, dauphin, soften pettifog, pollywog, sinologue,
uncoffin Tagalog, theologue, travelogue,
off it \af-3t\ see of it underdog, waterlog, yellow-dog
offie \6-fal\ see awful
og 3 \6g\ see ogue 1
of it \af-3t\ profit, prophet, soffit
nonprofit oga \6-ga\ toga, yoga
not-for-profit Conestoga
ofle \u-fal\ see ueful ogamous \ag-3-m3s\ endogamous,
1 exogamous, monogamous
Oft \6ft\ croft, loft, oft, soft, toft heterogamous
aloft, hayloft
undercroft ogamy \ag-a-me\ endogamy,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at exogamy, homogamy, misogamy,
Off2 monogamy
243 ogic

ogan \6-gsn\ brogan, shogun, oggery 1 \ag-re\ toggery

slogan demagoguery
Mount Logan
oggery 2 \6-ga-re\ augury, doggery
ogany \ag-s-ne\ see ogony
oggin \ag-an\ noggin
ogative \ag-st-iv\ derogative, toboggan
prerogative Copenhagen
oggle \ag-sl\ boggle, goggle, joggle,
oge 1 \ 6 j \ doge ogle, toggle
gamboge boondoggle, hornswoggle
horologe synagogal
oge 2 \6zh\ loge oggy 1 \ag-e\ boggy, foggy, groggy,
Limoges moggy, quaggy, smoggy, soggy, yagi
oge 3 \6-je\ see oji demagogy

o g e 4 \iizh\ see uge 2 oggy 2 \6g-e\ foggy, soggy

ogel \6-gsl\ see ogle 1 ogh 1 \6g\ see ogue 1

ogenous \aj-3-nas\ androgynous, ogh 2 \6k\ see oke

erogenous, homogenous, monogynous
ogh 3 \ak\ see ock1
ogh 4 \ 6 \ see ow
ogeny \aj-a-ne\ progeny
androgeny, autogeny, homogeny, ogi \6-ge\ see ogie
misogyny, monogyny, ontogeny,
phylogeny ogian \6-jan\ see ojan
ogic \aj-ik\ logic
oger 1 \aj-ar\ see odger choplogic, illogic
anagogic, analogic, biologic,
oger 2 \6g-ar\ see ogger 2 chronologic, cryptologic, cytologic,
o g e s \6zh\ see oge 2 demagogic, dendrologic, dialogic,
ecologic, ethnologic, geologic,
ogey 1 \6-ge\ see ogie histologic, horologic, hydrologic,
mythologic, neurologic, nosologic,
ogey 2 \iig-e\ see oogie oncologic, pathologic, pedagogic,
oggan \ag-9n\ see oggin pedologic, petrologic, phonologic,
proctologic, psychologic, serologic,
oggar \ag-ar\ see ogger 1 technologic, theologic, virologic,
ogger 1 \ag-ar\ agar, dogger, flogger,
Hoggar, jogger, laager, lager, logger, dermatologic, etiologic,
slogger gerontologic, gynecologic, hagiologic,
Ahaggar, defogger, footslogger hematologic, ideologic, immunologic,
agar-agar, cataloger, pettifogger ophthalmologic, ornithologic,
pharmacologic, physiologic,
ogger 2 \6g-ar\ auger, augur, dogger, roentgenologic, sociologic, teleologic,
jogger, logger, maugre, sauger teratologic, toxicologic, volcanologic
defogger, hotdogger bacteriologic, endocrinologic,
cataloger, pettifogger meteorologic, paleontologic,
ogical 244

parasitologic, sedimentologic, bacteriological, characterological,

symptomatologic dialectological, ecclesiological,
epidemiologic endocrinological, epistemological,
geomorphological, meteorological,
ogical \aj-i-k9l\ logical paleontological, parasitological,
alogical, illogical phenomenological, sedimentological,
anagogical, analogical, biological, symptomatological
Christological, chronological, epidemiological, gastroenterological
cosmological, cryptological,
cytological, dendrological, ecological, ogie \6-ge\ bogey, bogie, dogie,
enological, ethnological, ethological, fogy, hoagie, logy, pogy, stogie, vogie,
extralogical, gemological, geological, yogi
graphological, histological, pirogi
horological, hydrological, ogle 1 \6-gal\ Gogel, ogle
limnological, morphological,
mycological, mythological, ogle 2 \ag-al\ see oggle
necrological, neurological,
oglio \61-yo\ see olio1
nomological, oncological,
pathological, pedagogical, ogna 1 \6-ns\ see ona
pedological, penological, petrological,
philological, phonological, ogna 2 \6-ne\ see ony1
phrenological, phycological, ogna 3 \6n-ys\ see onia 2
proctological, psephological,
psychological, scatological, ogne \6n\ see one 1
seismological, serological, sinological,
tautological, technological, ogned \6nd\ see oned 1
theological, topological, typological, ogo \6-go\ go-go, logo, Logo, Togo
ufological, virological, zoological a-go-go
abiological, anthropological,
archaeological, cardiological, ogony \ag-a-ne\ cosmogony,
climatological, criminological, mahogany, theogony
demonological, dermatological, ographer \ag-r9-far\ biographer,
embryological, entomological, cartographer, chorographer,
eschatological, etiological, cryptographer, demographer,
etymological, futurological, discographer, ethnographer,
genealogical, gerontological, geographer, lithographer,
gynecological, hagiological, mythographer, phonographer,
hematological, herpetological, photographer, pornographer,
ichthyological, iconological, stenographer, typographer
ideological, immunological,
bibliographer, choreographer,
Mariological, methodological,
chromatographer, hagiographer,
mineralogical, musicological,
heliographer, iconographer,
numerological, ophthalmological,
lexicographer, oceanographer,
ornithological, pharmacological,
phraseological, physiological,
autobiographer, biogeographer,
primatological, roentgenological,
cinematographer, historiographer
selenological, semiological,
sociological, teleological, ography \ag-ra-fe\ aerography,
teratological, terminological, autography, biography, cacography,
thanatological, toxicological, cartography, chorography,
volcanological chronography, cosmography,
245 oid

cryptography, demography, ohm \6m\ see ome 1

discography, ethnography,
filmography, geography, holography, ohn \an\ see on 1
hydrography, hypsography, ohns \anz\ see onze
lithography, lymphography,
mammography, mythography, ohn's \onz\ see onze
nomography, orthography,
phonography, photography, ohnson \an-S3n\ Johnson, Jonson
pictography, planography, Wisconsin
pornography, reprography, ohr \6r\ see or1
sonography, stenography,
thermography, tomography, oi 1 \ a \ see a 1
topography, typography, venography,
xerography, xylography oi 2 \6i\ see oy
angiography, aortography, oia \6i-9\ cholla, Goya, Hoya, olla,
bibliography, cardiography, toea
choreography, chromatography, Nagoya, sequoia, Sequoya
crystallography, hagiography, atemoya, cherimoya, paranoia
heliography, iconography,
lexicography, metallography, oian \6i-an\ see oyen
oceanography, paleography,
oic \6-ik\ stoic
physiography, radiography,
azoic, bistroic, echoic, heroic
roentgenography, videography
anechoic, Cenozoic, Mesozoic,
arteriography, autobiography, mock-heroic, vetinoic
cinematography, encephalography, antiheroic, Paleozoic
historiography, psychobiography
electroencephalography oice \6is\ choice, Joyce, Royce,
ogress \6-gras\ ogress, progress
devoice, Du Bois, invoice, pro-
ogrom Xag-rsnA grogram, pogrom choice, rejoice, unvoice
ogue 1 \6g\ brogue, drogue, rogue,
togue, vogue, yogh, collogue, oiced \6ist\ see oist
crannog, pirogue, prorogue
disembogue oicer \6i-sar\ choicer, voicer
pro-choicer, rejoicer
ogue 2 \ag\ see og 1
oid 1 \6id\ Boyd, Floyd, Freud, void
ogue 3 \6g\ see og 2 android, avoid, chancroid, colloid,
conoid, cuboid, cycloid, deltoid,
oguery \ag-re\ see oggery 1 dendroid, devoid, discoid, factoid,
oguish \6-gish\ roguish, voguish fungoid, globoid, hydroid, hypnoid,
keloid, mucoid, Negroid, ovoid,
ogun \6-gsn\ see ogan percoid, prismoid, pygmoid, rhizoid,
rhomboid, schizoid, scombroid,
ogynous Xaj-a-nssX see ogenous sigmoid, spheroid, steroid, styloid,
ogyny \aj-a-ne\ see ogeny tabloid, thalloid, thyroid, toroid,
toxoid, trochoid, typhoid, Veddoid,
oh \ 6 \ see ow1 viroid
oha \6-a\ see oa 1 adenoid, alkaloid, amoeboid,
aneroid, anthropoid, arachnoid,
ohl \61\ seeole 1 asteroid, Australoid, carcinoid,
oid 246

Caucasoid, celluloid, crystalloid, oile 2 \6il\ see oil

ellipsoid, embryoid, eunuchoid,
Oiled \6ild\ foiled, oiled
helicoid, hemorrhoid, hominoid,
humanoid, hysteroid, metalloid, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, uncoiled,
Mongoloid, myeloid, nautiloid,
nucleoid, obovoid, opioid, osteoid, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at oil
overjoyed, paranoid, planetoid, Oiler \6i-lsr\ boiler, broiler, moiler,
Polaroid, retinoid, rheumatoid, oiler, spoiler, toiler
solenoid, Stalinoid, trapezoid, charbroiler, despoiler, Free-S oiler,
unalloyed, unemployed potboiler, subsoiler
cannabinoid, carotenoid, eicosanoid,
meteoroid, philanthropoid, Oiling \6i-lin\ boiling, moiling
tuberculoid, underemployed —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
Neanderthaloid Oil
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at oy oilless \6il-las\ soilless
2 1 recoilless
oid \a\ see a
oilsman \6ilz-m3n\ foilsman,
oidal \6id- 3 l\ chancroidal, choroidal, spoilsman
colloidal, conchoidal, cuboidal,
cycloidal, discoidal, spheroidal, oilus \6i-l9s\ see oyless
oily \6i-le\ doily, oily, roily
adenoidal, asteroidal, ellipsoidal,
emulsoidal, hemorrhoidal, metalloidal, oin 1 \6in\ coin, foin, groin, groyne,
planetoidal, saccharoidal, trapezoidal join, loin, quoin
paraboloidal adjoin, Burgoyne, conjoin, Des
Moines, disjoin, eloign, enjoin, essoin,
oider \6id-ar\ broider, voider purloin, recoin, rejoin, sainfoin,
avoider, embroider sirloin, subjoin
reembroider tenderloin
oie \a\ see a 1 Assiniboin

oif \af \ see off1 oin 2 \a n \ see in4

oign \6in\ see oin1 oine \an\ see on1

Oined \6ind\ conjoined, uncoined
Oil \6il\ boil, Boyle, broil, coil,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Doyle, foil, hoyle, moil, loyal, noil,
oil, roil, royal, Royal, soil, spoil, toil,
voile oiner \6i-nsr\ coiner, joiner
aboil, airfoil, assoil, charbroil,
cinquefoil, despoil, disloyal, embroil, oines \6in\ see oin1
entoil, garboil, gargoyle, gumboil, oing 1 \6-in\ bowing, going,
hard-boil, Isle Royal, langue d'oi'l, knowing, rowing, sewing, showing
milfoil, non-oil, parboil, recoil, rhyme churchgoing, deep-going, foregoing,
royal, subsoil, surroyal, tinfoil, free-flowing, glassblowing, ingrowing,
topsoil, trefoil, turmoil mind-blowing, ongoing, outgoing,
counterfoil, hydrofoil, quatrefoil, seagoing, waygoing
pennyroyal, supercoil concertgoing, easygoing,
oilage \6i-lij\ soilage, spoilage moviegoing, oceangoing, operagoing,
theatergoing, thoroughgoing, whistle-
oile 1 \al\ see al blowing
247 oisy

to-ing and fro-ing oir 4 \6r\ see or1

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
oire 1 \ar\ see ar 3
OW 1
oire 2 \6ir\ see oyer
oing 2 \ti-ir)\ bluing, doing, Ewing
misdoing, undoing, wrongdoing oire 3 \6r\ see or1
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at ois 1 \ a \ see a 1
ew1 ois 2 \6i\ seeoy
oing 3 \6-an\ see oan 1 ois 3 \6-ss\ Lois, Powys
o-ing \6-irj\ see oing1 ois 4 \6is\ see oice
oings \6-irjz\ outgoings oise 1 \az\ poise, 'twas, vase, was
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, Ahwaz, bourgeoise, Lamaze, Shiraz
and -s forms of verbs, listed at oing vichyssoise
Afars and the Issas
Oint1 \6int\ joint, point —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
adjoint, anoint, appoint, aroint, and -s forms of verbs, listed
ballpoint, bluepoint, checkpoint, atd?
conjoint, disjoint, drypoint, eyepoint,
gunpoint, knifepoint, midpoint, Oise 2 \6iz\ hoise, noise, Noyes,
nonpoint, outpoint, pinpoint, poise
pourpoint, standpoint, tuck-point, turquoise
viewpoint counterpoise, equipoise
counterpoint, disappoint, avoirdupois
needlepoint, petit point, silverpoint —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at oy
oint 2 \ant\ see ant 5
oise 3 \oi-ze\ see oisy
ointe \ant\ see ant 5
oison \6iz- 3 n\ foison, poison
ointed \6int-9d\ jointed, pointed empoison
lap-jointed, loose-jointed
double-jointed, well-appointed oist \6ist\ foist, hoist, joist, moist,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at voiced
ointer \6int-3r\ jointer, pointer —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
anointer oice
ointing \6in-tin\ finger-pointing oister \6i-star\ cloister, moister,
—also -ing, forms of verbs listed at oyster, roister
oint1 oisterous \6i-stras\ see oistress
ointment Xoint-mantX ointment oistral \6i-stral\ cloistral, coistrel
anointment, appointment
disappointment oistrel Xoi-strslX see oistral
oir \Ir\ see ire 1 Oistress \6i-stras\ boisterous,
cloistress, roisterous
oir2 \ar\ see ar 3
oisy \6i-ze\ Boise, noisy
oir3 \6ir\ see oyer cramoisie
oit 248

oit1 \6it\ doit, droit, quoit townsfolk, uncloak, unyoke, upstroke,

adroit, Detroit, exploit workfolk
maladroit, Massasoit artichoke, equivoque, fisherfolk,
gentlefolk, herrenvolk, masterstroke,
oit 2 \at\ see ate 1 okeydoke, Roanoke, thunderstroke,
oit 3 \6-at\ see oet 1 womenfolk
Mount Revelstoke
oit 4 \ a \ see a 1
oke 2 \6-ke\ see oky
oite \at\ see ot1
oke 3 \ 6 \ see ow1
oiter \6it-9r\ goiter, loiter
exploiter oke 4 \ u k \ see ook1
reconnoiter Oked \6kt\ stoked, yolked
oitus \6-3t-as\ see oetess okee \6-ke\ see oky
oivre \av\ see olve1 okel \6-kal\ see ocal
oix 1 \a\ see a 1 Oken \6-kan\ broken, oaken, spoken,
oix 2 \6i\ see oy token, woken
awoken, bespoken, betoken, fair-
oiz \6is\ see oise 2 spoken, foretoken, free-spoken,
heartbroken, housebroken, outspoken,
ojan \6-jan\ Trojan plainspoken, short-spoken, soft-
theologian spoken, unbroken, well-spoken, wind-
oje \6-je\ see oji broken

oji \6-je\ Moji, shoji oker \6-kar\ broker, choker, croaker,

anagoge, Hachioji joker, ocher, poker, soaker, smoker,
stoker, stroker
ok1 \ak\ seeock 1 chain-smoker, invoker, pawnbroker,
provoker, revoker, stockbroker
ok 2 \ak\ see uck mediocre
ok 3 \6k\ see alk okey \6-ke\ see oky
oka \6-ka\ see oca oki \6-ke\ see oky
okable \6-k3-bal\ see ocable oking \6-kirj\ broking, choking
oke 1 \6k\ bloke, broke, choke, cloak, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
coke, Coke, croak, folk, hoke, joke, oke1
moke, oak, oke, poke, Polk, roque, oko \6-ko\ see oco
smoke, soak, soke, spoke, stoke,
stroke, toke, toque, woke, yogh, yoke, okum \6-k3m\ Bochum, hokum,
yolk locum, oakum
ad hoc, awoke, backstroke, baroque, Oky \6-ke\ choky, croaky, folkie,
bespoke, breaststroke, chain-smoke, hokey, Loki, pokey, poky, smoky,
convoke, cowpoke, downstroke, troche, trochee, yolky
evoke, heatstroke, housebroke, in-
enoki, Great Smoky
joke, invoke, keystroke, kinfolk,
hokeypokey, karaoke
kinsfolk, menfolk, outspoke, presoak,
provoke, revoke, she-oak, sidestroke,
slowpoke, sunchoke, sunstroke, ol1 \61\ seeole 1
249 ole

012 \al\ see al1 centerfold, copyhold, fingerhold,

3 manifold, manyfold, marigold,
01 \61\ see all multifold, oversold, petioled,
Ola \6-ls\ bola, cola, Kola, Lola, tola, severalfold, stranglehold, throttlehold
Zola —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Angola, boffola, Canola, gondola, ole 1
granola, mandola, payola, pergola, old 2 \61d\ see aid
plugola, scagliola, Victrola, viola,
Viola oldan \61-dan\ see olden
acerola, ayatollah, braciola,
Espanola, gladiola, Gorgonzola, olden \6l-d3n\ golden, holden,
hemiola, Hispaniola, moviola, olden,soldan
Osceola, roseola beholden, embolden
Savonarola Older1 \6l-dar\ boulder, folder,
olable \6-b-b3l\ see ollable holder, molder, polder, scolder,
shoulder, smolder
olace \al-ss\ see olis beholder, bondholder, cardholder,
householder, jobholder, landholder,
olan \ 6 - b n \ see olon placeholder, shareholder, slaveholder,
oland \6-bnd\ see owland stadtholder, stakeholder, stallholder,
stockholder, toolholder
olander Xal-an-darX colander, officeholder, titleholder
Jullundur policyholder
olar1 \6-l9r\ see oiler —also -er forms of adjectives listed
or old1
olar2 \al-ar\ see ollar
older 2 \ad-ar\ see odder
olas \6-fos\ see olus
oldi \61-de\ see aldi
olater \al-3t-sr\ bardolater, idolater
bibliolater, Mariolater oldie \61-de\ see oldy
olatrous \al-3-tras\ idolatrous olding \6l-dirj\ folding, holding,
bibliolatrous, heliolatrous molding
hand-holding, inholding,
olatry \al-3-tre\ bardolatry, idolatry, landholding, slaveholding
statolatry, zoolatry —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
bibliolatry, heliolatry, iconolatry, old1
oldster \61-star\ see olster
Old1 \6ld\ bold, bowled, cold, fold,
gold, hold, mold, mould, old, polled, oldt \6lt\ see olt1
scold, sold, soled, souled, told, wold
oldy \6l-de\ moldy, oldie
acold, age-old, ahold, behold,
billfold, blindfold, controlled, Ole1 \61\ bole, boll, bowl, coal, cole,
Cotswold, cuckold, enfold, fanfold, Cole, dhole, dole, droll, foal, goal,
foothold, foretold, freehold, gatefold, hole, knoll, kohl, Kohl, mole, ole,
handhold, household, ice-cold, infold, pole, Pole, poll, prole, role, roll, scroll,
leasehold, pinfold, potholed, roothold, Seoul, shoal, skoal, sol, sole, soul,
scaffold, sheepfold, stone-cold, stole, stroll, thole, tole, toll, troll, vole,
stronghold, threshold, toehold, twice- whole
told, unfold, unmold, untold, uphold, armhole, atoll, bankroll, beanpole,
whole-souled, withhold bedroll, blowhole, bolthole, borehole,
ole 250

bunghole, cajole, catchpole, charcoal, o l e s s \6-las\ see olus

chuckhole, condole, console, control,
Creole, Creole, drumroll, enroll, oleum \6-le-3m\ see olium
ensoul, extol, eyehole, fishbowl, oleus \6-le-3s\ coleus, soleus
flagpole, foxhole, frijol, hellhole,
Huichol, inscroll, insole, keyhole, oley \6-le\ see oly1
kneehole, knothole, logroll, loophole,
manhole, maypole, midsole, Mongol, olf1 \alf\ golf, Rolf
Nicole, outsole, parole, patrol, payroll, Adolph, Randolph, Rudolph
peephole, pesthole, pinhole, pistole, Lake Rudolf
pitchpole, porthole, posthole, pothole,
Olf2 \slf\ see ulf
redpoll, resole, ridgepole, Sheol,
sinkhole, sotol, stokehole, tadpole, olfing \6f-irj\ see offing
taphole, thumbhole, top-hole,
touchhole, turnsole, unroll, Walpole, Olga \al-ga\ Olga, Volga
washbowl, wormhole oli \6-le\ see oly1
amatol, aureole, banderole, bannerol,
barcarole, buttonhole, cabriole, Olia \6-le-s\ Mongolia, pignolia
camisole, capriole, caracole, Anatolia, melancholia
carmagnole, casserole, croquignole, Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia
cubbyhole, decontrol, Demerol,
escarole, farandole, fumarole, olian \6-le-an\ aeolian, Aeolian,
girandole, grand guignol, innersole, eolian, Mongolian, napoleon,
methanol, oriole, oversoul, petiole, Napoleon, simoleon, Tyrolean
pick-and-roll, pigeonhole, protocol, Anatolian
rigmarole, Seminole olic 1 \al-ik\ colic, frolic, Gaelic,
cholesterol, Costa del Sol rollick
ole 2 \6-le\ see oly1 Aeolic, bucolic, carbolic, embolic,
Mongolic, symbolic, systolic
ole 3 \61\ see all alcoholic, anabolic, apostolic,
olean \6-le-an\ see olian1 catabolic, diabolic, hyperbolic,
melancholic, metabolic, parabolic,
oled \6ld\ see old1 vitriolic, workaholic
oleful \6l-fsl\ doleful, soulful Olic2 \6-lik\ colic
olely \6-le\ see oly 1 fumarolic
olem 1 \6-l3m\ golem, solum
olicking \a-lik-irj\ frolicking,
olem 2 \a-tom\ see alaam rollicking
olemn \al-am\ see olumn
olicy \al-a-se\ policy, Wallasey
oleon 1 \6-le-9n\ see olian1
olid \al-9d\ solid, squalid, stolid
oleon 2 \61-yan\ see olian2
olin1 \al-an\ see ollen5
oler 1 \ 6 - b r \ see oiler
olin 2 \ 6 - b n \ see olon
oler 2 \al-ar\ see ollar
Olis \al-as\ braless, Hollis, polis,
olery \6l-re\ see ollery
solace, tallith, Wallace, Wallis
olesome Xol-sanA dolesome, Cornwallis
Folsom, wholesome Manizales, torticollis
251 olio

olish \al-ish\ polish Oiled \6ld\ see old1

abolish, demolish
apple-polish ollee \6-le\ see oly1

Olitan \al-3t- 3 n\ cosmopolitan, ollege \al-ij\ see owledge

megapolitan, metropolitan, Neapolitan ollen 1 \ 6 - b n \ see olon
ollen 2 \al-3\ see ullah1
olity \al-at-e\ see ality1
ollen 3 \al-9n\ see ullen
olium \6-le-am\ scholium
linoleum, petroleum, trifolium ollen 4 \6-lan\ see alien
olivar \al-3-vsr\ see Oliver ollen 5 \al-an\ Colin, pollen, Rollin
oik1 \elk\ see elk1
Oiler \6-lsr\ bowler, choler, dolor,
oik 2 \6k\ see oke droller, molar, polar, poler, poller,
oik 3 \alk\ see ulk roller, solar, stroller, trailer
bankroller, cajoler, comptroller,
oik4 \6k\ see alk controller, extoller, logroller, patroller,
premolar, steamroller
olked \6kt\ see oked antisolar, buttonholer, Maryknoller,
olkie \6-ke\ see oky pigeonholer
olky \6-ke\ see oky ollery \6l-re\ drollery
1 1
oil \ol\ see ole
ollet \al-3t\ collet, Smollett, tallith,
Oil2 \al\ see al1 wallet
Oil3 \61\ see all whatchamacallit

olla1 \al-a\ seeala 2 ollett \al-at\ see ollet

olla 2 \6i-a\ see oia olley \al-e\ see oily1

Ollable \6-b-b3l\ controllable Ollick \al-ik\ see olic1

inconsolable, uncontrollable ollicking \a-lik-irj\ see olicking
ollack \al-9k\ see oloch
ollle \al-e\ see oily1
ollah \6-la\ see ola
ollin \al-sn\ see ollen5
2 2
ollah \al-9\ see ala
oiling \6-lirj\ bowling
ollah 3 \9l-9\ see ullah1 logrolling
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ollands \al-anz\ see ollins
Ollar \al-sr\ choler, collar, dollar,
dolor, haler, holler, loller, Mahler, ollins \al-3nz\ collins, Hollands
scholar, squalor, taler, thaler Tom Collins
blue-collar, brass-collar, half-dollar, ollis \al-as\ see olis
Emmentaler, Eurodollar, petrodollar ollity \al-3t-e\ see ality1
Ollard \al-srd\ bollard, collard, olio 1 \6l-yo\ imbroglio
collered, hollered, Lollard, pollard arroz con polio
olio 252

olio 2 \o-yo\ yo-yo cosmologist, cryptologist, cytologist,

criollo dendrologist, ecologist, enologist,
ethnologist, ethologist, fetologist,
olio 3 \al-6\ see ollow1 gemologist, geologist, graphologist,
ollop \al-ap\ collop, dollop, lollop, histologist, horologist, hydrologist,
polyp, scallop, scollop, trollop, wallop Indologist, limnologist, mixologist,
codswallop, escallop morphologist, mycologist,
mythologist, necrologist, nephrologist,
Ollow1 \al-6\ follow, hollo, hollow, neurologist, oncologist, ontologist,
swallow, wallow oologist, pathologist, pedologist,
Apollo, robalo penologist, petrologist, philologist,
Leoncavallo phonologist, phrenologist,
phycologist, psychologist,
ollow 2 \al-s\ see ala 2 seismologist, serologist, sexologist,
sinologist, technologist, topologist,
ollower \al-3-war\ follower,
typologist, ufologist, virologist,
swallower, wallower
ollster \6l-st9r\ see olster anthropologist, archaeologist,
audiologist, cardiologist,
Oily1 \al-e\ Bali, Cali, brolly, collie, climatologist, cosmetologist,
colly, dolly, folly, golly, Halle, holly, criminologist, dermatologist,
Holly, jolly, Lally, lolly, Mali, Mollie, Egyptologist, embryologist,
molly, Molly, Ollie, Pali, poly, Polly, entomologist, enzymologist,
quale, Raleigh, trolley, volley escapologist, etymologist,
Denali, finale, Kigali, loblolly, futurologist, genealogist,
Nepali, petrale, Somali, Svengali, gerontologist, gynecologist,
tamale hematologist, herpetologist,
melancholy, pastorale, teocalli ichthyologist, ideologist,
immunologist, kremlinologist,
oily 2 \6-le\ see awly lexicologist, martyrologist,
olm \ 6 m \ see ome 1 methodologist, mineralogist,
musicologist, nematalogist,
Olman \6l-m3n\ dolman, dolmen numerologist, oceanologist,
patrolman ophthalmologist, ornithologist,
osteologist, papyrologist,
olmen \61-man\ see olman pharmacologist, phraseologist,
physiologist, planetologist,
olmes \6mz\ Holmes
primatologist, rheumatologist,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
roentgenologist, semiologist,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ome
sociologist, speleologist, teleologist,
olo \6-lo\ bolo, kolo, nolo, polo, solo teratologist, thanatologist,
Barolo toxicologist, urbanologist,
Marco Polo volcanologist
bacteriologist, diabetologist,
oloch \al-ak\ Moloch, pollack, dialectologist, endocrinologist,
rowlock epistemologist, liturgiologist,
ologer \al-a-J9r\ astrologer, meteorologist, neonatologist,
chronologer, horologer, mythologer paleontologist, parasitologist,
phenomenologist, sedimentologist
ologist \al-9-jast\ anthologist, anesthesiologist, epidemiologist,
biologist, cetologist, conchologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist
253 olster

ologous \al-3-gas\ homologous, teratology, terminology, thanatology,

tautologous toxicology, urbanology, volcanology,
heterologous vulcanology
bacteriology, chronobiology,
ology \al-3-je\ anthology, apology, cryptozoology, dialectology,
astrology, biology, bryology, cetology, ecclesiology, endocrinology,
Christology, chronology, conchology, epistemology, liturgiology,
cosmology, cryptology, cytology, metapsychology, meteorology,
dendrology, doxology, ecology, microbiology, micromorphology,
enology, ethnology, ethology, fetology, neonatology, onomatology,
gemology, geology, graphology, paleontology, parapsychology,
haplology, histology, homology, parasitology, phenomenology,
horology, hydrology, hymnology, sedimentology, symptomatology
Indology, limnology, lithology, anesthesiology, epidemiology,
mixology, morphology, mycology, ethnomu sicology, gastroenterology,
myology, mythology, necrology, otolaryngology, paleobiology,
nephrology, neurology, nosology, paleopathology, periodontology
oncology, ontology, oology, pathology, otorhinolaryngology
pedology, penology, petrology,
philology, phlebology, phonology, Olon \6-lan\ bowline, Colin, colon,
phrenology, phycology, proctology, Nolan, solon, stolen, stollen, stolon,
psychology, scatology, seismology, swollen
serology, sexology, sinology, eidolon
symbology, tautology, technology, semicolon
tetralogy, theology, topology, olonel \arn- 3 l\ see ernal
trichology, typology, ufology, urology,
virology, zoology olonist \al-3-nast\ colonist, Stalinist
angelology, anthropology, olor1 \al-3r\ color, cruller, culler,
archaeology, audiology, axiology, muller, sculler
cardiology, climatology, codicology, bicolor, discolor, off-color, three-
cohomology, cosmetology, craniology, color, tricolor
criminology, dactylology, Technicolor, watercolor
demonology, deontology,
dermatology, Egyptology, olor 2 \6-for\ see oiler
embryology, entomology,
enzymology, escapology, eschatology, olor 3 \al-ar\ see ollar
etiology, etymology, futurology, olored \sl-9rd\ colored, dullard
genealogy, gerontology, gynecology, bicolored, rose-colored
hematology, herpetology, ichthyology, varicolored
iconology, ideology, immunology,
kremlinology, laryngology, lexicology, olp \ 6 p \ see ope
lichenology, Mariology, martyrology,
methodology, mineralogy, museology, olpen \6-p9n\ see open
musicology, narratology, nematology, olph \alf \ see olf
numerology, oceanology,
opthalmology, ornithology, osteology, Ols \alz\ hols, Casals
pharmacology, phraseology,
physiology, planetology, primatology, olsom \61-s3m\ see olesome
radiology, reflexology, rheumatology, olster \6l-star\ bolster, holster,
roentgenology, semiology, sociology, oldster, pollster
speleology, sumerology, teleology, upholster
olt 254

olt1 \6lt\ bolt, colt, dolt, holt, jolt, aioli, amole, anole, cannoli, frijole,
molt, poult, smolt, volt pinole, unholy
eyebolt, Humboldt, kingbolt, revolt, guacamole, ravioli, roly-poly
ringbolt, unbolt
thunderbolt oly 2 \al-e\ see oily1

Olt2 \61t\ see alt olyp \al-ap\ see ollop

olta \al-ta\ see alta om 1 \am\ balm, bomb, bombe, calm,

from, gaum, Guam, glom, malm,
olter \6l-tsr\ bolter, coulter mom, palm, Pom, pram, prom, psalm,
qualm, rhomb, ROM, torn
Oltish \6l-tish\ coltish, doltish
A-bomb, aplomb, ashram, becalm,
Oluble \al-y3-b9l\ soluble, voluble, Ceram, cheongsam, coulomb,
dissoluble, insoluble, resoluble Coulomb, dive-bomb, embalm,
indissoluble, irresoluble EPROM, firebomb, grande dame,
H-bomb, imam, Islam, Long Tom,
olum \6-l9m\ see olem napalm, nizam, noncom, phenom,
olumn \al-9m\ column, slalom, pogrom, pom-pom, reclame, rhabdom,
solemn salaam, seram, sitcom, Songnam, tam-
Malayalam tam, therefrom, tom-tom, wherefrom,
olus \6-las\ bolas, bolus, solus, cardamom, diatom, intercom,
snowless, toeless Peeping Tom, Uncle Tom, Vietnam
Coriolis, electroless, gladiolus, Dar es Salaam, Omar Khayyam
om 2 \ 6 m \ see ome 1
olvable Xal-vs-bslX solvable
dissolvable, evolvable, insolvable, om 3 \ u m \ see oom 1
resolvable, revolvable
om 4 \am\ see um1
om 5 \ u m \ see um 2
Olve1 \alv\ salve, solve
absolve, au poivre, convolve, om6\6m\seeaum1
devolve, dissolve, evolve, involve,
resolve, revolve oma \6-m9\ chroma, coma, Roma,
coevolve soma
aroma, diploma, glaucoma, sarcoma,
Olve2 \av\ grave, of, salve, Slav, Tacoma
suave, taw, waw carcinoma, granuloma, melanoma,
moshav, thereof, whereof, Zouave Oklahoma
Tishah-b'Ab, unheard-of, well- glioblastoma, neurofibroma
omac \6-mik\ see omic 2
olvement Xalv-mantX evolvement,
involvement omace 1 \am-as\ see omise
omace 2 Xam-asX see ummous
olvent \al-vant\ solvent, dissolvent
omach \9m-3k\ see ummock
olver \al-var\ solver
absolver, dissolver, involver, revolver omache \am-9-ke\ see omachy
oly \6-le\ goalie, holey, holy, lowly, omachy \am-3-ke\ Andromache,
mole, moly, pollee, slowly, solely logomachy
255 ometer

omal \6-mal\ domal, stomal ombo 2 \3m-bo\ see umbo

chromosomal ombre 1 \am-bre\ hombre, ombre

omaly \am-3-le\ balmily, homily ombre 2 \am-b3r\ see omber 2

anomaly ombre 3 \am-bre\ see umbery
oman \6-m9n\ bowman, foeman, ombus \am-b3s\ rhombus, thrombus
gnomon, nomen, omen, Roman,
showman, snowman, yeoman ome 1 \6m\ brougham, chrome,
agnomen, cognomen, crossbowman, comb, combe, dome, foam, gloam,
longbowman, praenomen, Sertoman gnome, holm, home, loam, mome,
nome, ogham, ohm, om, poem, pome,
omany \am-3-ne\ see ominy roam, Rom, Rome, tome
omas \am-9s\ see omise airdrome, at-home, bichrome,
cockscomb, coulomb, coxcomb,
omathy \am-3-the\ chrestomathy, defoam, down-home, Jerome,
stichomythy Nichrome, seadrome, shalom, sholom,
Stockholm, syndrome
omb 1 \ 6 m \ see ome 1 aerodrome, astrodome, catacomb,
omb 2 \iim\ see oom 1 chromosome, currycomb, double-
dome, gastronome, halidrome,
omb 3 \ a m \ see om 1 hecatomb, hippodrome, honeycomb,
metronome, monochrome,
omb 4 \3m\ see urn1 motordrome, palindrome, ribosome,
omba \am-b9\ see amba stay-at-home, Styrofoam

ombe 1 \6m\ see ome 1 ome 2 \6-me\ see oamy

ombe 2 \um\ see oom 1 ome 3 \am\ see urn1

ombe 3 \am\ see om 1 omedy \am-3d-e\ comedy,

ombed \umd\ seeoomed tragicomedy
omber 1 \am-ar\ bomber, calmer, omely Xam-leA see umbly2
palmar, palmer, Palmer
omen \6-m9n\ see oman
dive-bomber, embalmer
fighter-bomber omenal \am-3n- 3 l\ see ominal
omber 2 \am-b9r\ ombre, sambar, omene \am-3-ne\ see ominy
omer 1 \6-mar\ comber, foamer,
3 1
omber \6-m9r\ see omer homer, Homer, omer, roamer, vomer
beachcomber, Reaumur, Lag
ombic \6-mik\ see omic 2 b'Omer, misnomer
ombical \6-mi-k3l\ seeomical 2 omer 2 \9m-9r\ see ummer
ombie \am-be\ zombie ornery Xam-a-reA see ummery
omet \am-3t\ comet, grommet,
ombing \6-mirj\ see oaming vomit
ombo 1 \am-bo\ combo, mambo, ometer \am-3t-ar\ barometer,
sambo chronometer, cyclometer,
ometry 256

drunkometer, ergometer, gasometer, omics \am-iks\ atomics, Islamics,

geometer, hydrometer, hygrometer, tectonics
kilometer, manometer, micrometer, bionomics, economics, ergonomics
odometer, pedometer, photometer, macroeconomics, microeconomics
pulsometer, pyrometer, rheometer, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
seismometer, spectrometer, listed at omic 1
speedometer, tachometer,
thermometer omily \am-3-le\ see omaly
anemometer, audiometer, ominal \am-sn- 3 l\ nominal
diffractometer, electrometer, abdominal, cognominal, phenomenal
magnetometer epiphenomenal
ominance \am-nsns\ dominance,
ometry \am-3-tre\ astrometry, prominence
barometry, chronometry, cytometry, predominance
geometry, isometry, micrometry,
optometry, photometry, psychometry, ominant \am-nant\ dominant,
seismometry, thermometry prominent
craniometry, sociometry, predominant, subdominant
trigonometry semidominant, superdominant
omey \6-me\ see oamy ominate \am-9-nat\ innominate,
omi \6-me\ see oamy
omine \am-9-ne\ see ominy
omia \6-me-a\ peperomia,
Utsunomia ominence \am-nans\ see ominance
omic 1 \am-ik\ comic ominent \am-nant\ see ominant
anomic, atomic, coelomic, Islamic,
tsunamic oming 1 \9m-irj\ coming, plumbing
agronomic, anatomic, antinomic, becoming, forthcoming,
autonomic, economic, ergonomic, homecoming, incoming, oncoming,
gastronomic, metronomic, subatomic, shortcoming, upcoming
taxonomic, tragicomic unbecoming, up-and-coming
Deuteronomic, heroicomic, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
physiognomic, polyatomic, seriocomic urn1
macroeconomic, microeconomic oming 2 \6-mirj\ see oaming
omini \am-3-ne\ see ominy
omic 2 \6-mik\ gnomic, oghamic
Potomac, rhizomic ominous \am-3-nss\ ominous
catacombic, monochromic, prolegomenous
ominy \am-3-ne\ hominy, Romany
omical 1 \am-i-kal\ comical, domical Melpomene
agronomical, anatomical, anno Domini, eo nomine
astronomical, economical,
gastronomical, metronomical, omise \am-9s\ pomace, promise,
tragicomical shammes, shamus, Thomas
heroicomical, physiognomical Saint Thomas
doubting Thomas
omical 2 \6-mi-k3l\ domical
coxcombical omit \am-at\ see omet
257 on

omium \6-me-9m\ chromium, ompey \am-pe\ see ompy

encomium, prostomium omplement Xam-pla-mantX
complement, compliment
omma 1 \am-a\ see ama 2
ompliment Xam-pta-mantX see
omma 2 Xsm-aX see umma omplement
ommel 1 \am-sl\ pommel, Jamil, ompo \am-po\ campo, compo
Rommel, trommel
ompous \am-p3s\ see ompass 1
ommel 2 \9m-al\ pommel, pummel
Beau Brummell ompson \am-san\ see amsun
ommet \am-at\ see omet ompt \aunt\ see ount 2
ommie \am-e\ see ami ompy \am-pe\ Pompey, swampy
ommon \am-an\ Amon, Brahman, omythy \am-3-the\ see omathy
common, shaman, yamen
Roscommon on \an\ ban, Bonn, chon, con, conn,
Tutankhamen dawn, don, Don, Donn, drawn, Fan,
faun, fawn, gone, guan, Han, John,
ommoner Xam-a-narX almoner,
Jon, khan, maun, mon, on, pan, pawn,
phon, prawn, Ron, Shan, spawn, swan,
Vaughn, wan, yawn, yon
ommy 1 \am-e\ see ami 1 aeon, add-on, agon, agone, Akan,
alencon, Amman, ancon, anon,
ommy 2 \am-e\ see urn my Anshan, Anton, archon, argon,
omo \6-mo\ bromo, Como, homo, Argonne, Aswan, atman, Avon, axon,
Porno, promo barchan, baton, blouson, bon ton,
Oromo bonbon, boron, boson, bouillon,
majordomo Brython, bygone, caisson, Calgon,
canton, capon, Ceylon, chaconne,
omon \6-m9n\ see oman chiffon, chignon, Chiron, chiton,
omp 1 \amp\ champ, chomp, clomp, chrismon, cistron, clip-on, codon,
comp, pomp, romp, stamp, stomp, come-on, cordon, coupon, crampon,
swamp, tramp, tromp, whomp crayon, crepon, cretonne, crouton,
Dacron, dead-on, Dear John, dewan,
omp 2 \amp\ see ump doggone, doggoned, Dogon, Don
Juan, eon, exon, far-gone, flacon,
ompany Xamp-neA company
foregone, Freon, fronton, Fujian,
Garonne, Gibran, gluon, gnomon,
Golan, Gosplan, guidon, hadron,
ompass \am-pss\ compass, rumpus Hainan, hazan, Henan, hogan,
encompass Huainan, Hunan, icon, Inchon, intron,
gyrocompass Ivan, Jinan, Kanban, kaon, Kashan,
Kazan, Kerman, Khoisan, Kirman,
omper \am-par\ romper, stamper, koan, krypton, kurgan, Kurgan, lauan,
stomper, swamper Leon, lepton, liman, log on, Luzon,
wafflestomper macron, Massan, Medan, Memnon,
ompers \am-p9rz\ Gompers meson, micron, Milan, mod con,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns moron, mouton, Multan, muon,
listed at omper natron, neon, nephron, neuron,
on 258

neutron, ninon, nylon, odds-on, Oman, Procyon, put-upon, Rajasthan,

Oran, Orion, outgone, paeon, parton, Ramadan, Rubicon, silicon, Suleiman,
Pathan, pavane, pecan, peon, tachyon, Taiyuan, talkathon, Teheran,
Phaethon, photon, phyton, pion, telamon, telethon, thereupon, Tian
pinon, piton, plankton, pluton, Shan, Tucuman, undergone, upsilon,
pompon, prion, proton, Pusan, put-on, virion, walkathon, whereupon,
pylon, python, Qur'an, radon, rayon, woebegone, Yerevan, Xiangtan,
recon, rhyton, run-on, Saint John, Zahedan
Saipan, salon, San Juan, Schumann, abutilon, Agamemnon, archenteron,
Shaban, shaman, shaitan, Shingon, arriere-ban, asyndeton, automaton,
Simplon, Sjoelland, slip-on, snap-on, Azerbaijan, Bellerophon,
solon, soupgon, soutane, Stefan, bildungsroman, carrying-on,
stolon, Suwon, Szechuan, Szechwan, Diazenon, dimetrodon, dodecagon,
Tainan, Taiwan, taipan, tampon, taxon, encephalon, ephemeron, himation,
Teflon, teston, Tetouan, Tetuan, interferon, kakiemon, Laocoon,
thereon, tisane, torchon, toucan, mesenteron, Michoacan, millimicron,
toyon, trigon, Tristan, triton, trogon, oxymoron, phenomenon, protozoon,
Tucson, Typhon, tzigane, uhlan, pteranodon, Saskatchewan,
Ulsan, upon, walk-on, witan, whereon, septentrion, sine qua non, t'ai chi
Wonsan, wonton, Wuhan, xenon, ch'uan, Taklimakan, Vientiane, West
Xi'an, yaupon, yuan, Yukon, Yunnan, Irian
Yvonne, zircon anacoluthon, diencephalon,
Abadan, Abijan, Acheron, Ahriman, ferrosilicon, mesencephalon,
aileron, amazon, Amazon, amnion, metencephalon, prolegomenon,
Aragon, autobahn, Avalon, Babylon, prothalamion, prosencephalon,
Bakhtaran, Balaton, balmacaan, spermatozoon, telencephalon,
Bantustan, Barbizon, baryon, Basilan, ultramarathon
betatron, biathlon, cabochon, calutron, epiphenomenon, myelencephalon
carillon, carryon, celadon, chorion, kyrie eleison, San Miguel de
colophon, Culiacan, cyclotron, Tucuman
decagon, decathlon, demijohn,
deuteron, dipteron, echelon, electron, on 2 \ 6 n \ fond, ton
elevon, epsilon, etymon, fermion, ballon, baton, bouillon, Dijon,
follow-on, Fujisan, Genghis Khan, flacon, fourgon, frisson, Gabon,
goings-on, gonfalon, Grand Teton, gargon, lorgnon, Lyons, magon,
graviton, harijan, helicon, heptagon, marron, Marron, moufion, soupgon,
hexagon, hopping John, Huascaran, Toulon, Villon
Ilion, Irian, Isfahan, Kazakhstan, Aubusson, bourguignon, feuilleton,
Kublai Khan, Kyrgyzstan, Lake Ganelon, gueridon, limagon, papillon
Huron, Lebanon, leprechaun, lexicon, filet mignon
liaison, Lipizzan, logion, macedoine, Saint Emilion
marathon, Marathon, marzipan, on 3 \6n\ awn, Bonn, bonne, brawn,
mastodon, Mazatlan, Mbabane, dawn, Dawn, drawn, faun, fawn, gone,
Mellotron, Miquelon, morion, lawn, maun, on, pawn, prawn, Sean,
myrmidon, negatron, nonagon, spawn, Vaughn, won, yawn
noumenon, nucleon, Oberon, octagon, add-on, agon, agone, begone,
omicron, Oregon, organon, ostracon, bygone, chaconne, clip-on, come-on,
Pakistan, Palawan, pantheon, paragon, dead-on, doggone, far-gone, foregone,
Parmesan, parmigiana, Parthenon, hands-on, head-on, hereon, impawn,
pentagon, Percheron, Phaethon, indrawn, Kherson, odds-on, outgone,
Phlegethon, polygon, positron, Puchon, put-on, Quezon, run-on, slip-
259 ondent

on, snap-on, Taejon, thereon, turned- oncho \an-cho\ honcho, poncho,

on, upon, walk-on, whereon, rancho
wiredrawn, withdrawn
bourguignonne, carryon, follow-on, onchus \arj-kas\ bronchus,
goings-on, hanger-on, hereupon, rhonchus
looker-on, put-upon, thereupon, onco \arj-ko\ bronco, Franco
undergone, whereupon, woebegone
carrying-on ond 1 \and\ blond, bond, fond, frond,
Gond, pond, rand, sonde, wand, yond
on 4 \6n\ see one 1 abscond, Armand, beau monde,
on 5 \an\ see un beyond, despond, fishpond, Gironde,
gourmand, haut monde, millpond,
ona \6-ns\ dona, Dona, Jonah, neoned, pair-bond, respond
krone, Mona, Nona, Rhona, Rona, allemande, towmond, correspond,
Shona, trona demimonde, Eurobond, Trebizond,
Ancona, Bellona, bologna, Bologna, Trobriand, vagabond
cinchona, corona, kimono, Leona, radiosonde, slough of despond
madrona, Pamplona, persona, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Ramona, Verona on 1
Arizona, Barcelona, Desdemona
in propria persona ond 2 \ 6 n \ see on 2
ona 2 \an-a\ see ana 1 ond 3 \6nt\ see aunt 1
ona \6n-ya\ see onia 3 onda \an-d9\ Lahnda, Rhonda,
onachal \an-i-kal\ see onical Rhondda, Ronda, Wanda
Golconda, Luganda, Ruanda,
onae \6-ne\ see ony1 Rwanda, Uganda
anaconda, Campo Grande
onah \6-na\ see ona
onal 1 \6n- a l\ clonal, tonal, zonal ondam \an-dam\ see ondom 1
atonal, coronal, hormonal ondant \an-dant\ see ondent
baritonal, microtonal, polyclonal,
polytonal, semitonal onday \an-de\ see undi
2 3
onal \an- l\ Donal, Ronal ondays \sn-dez\ see undays
onald \an- ld\ Donald, Ronald ondda \an-da\ see onda
onde \and\ see ond 1
onant \6-nant\ see onent
ondeau \an-do\ see ondo
onas \6-nas\ see onus 2
ondel \an-d 3 l\ condyle, fondle,
onative \6-nat-iv\ conative, donative rondel
one \arjk\ see onk1
ondence \an-dsns\ despondence
once 1 \ans\ see ance 2 correspondence
once 2 \ans\ see unce ondency \an-dan-se\ despondency
1 1 correspondency
onch \arjk\ see onk
ondent \an-dsnt\ fondant
onch 2 \anch\ see aunch 1
despondent, respondent
oncha \arj-ks\ see anka corespondent, correspondent
onder 260

onder \an-dar\ bonder, condor, ingrown, inkstone, intone, jawbone,

maunder, ponder, squander, wander, keystone, Leon, leone, limestone,
yonder, zander lodestone, milestone, millstone,
absconder, responder, transponder misknown, moonstone, oilstone,
—also -er forms of adjectives listed outgrown, outshown, ozone, peon,
at ond 1 pinbone, pinecone, pinon, pinyon,
postpone, propone, Ramon, rezone,
onder 2 \an-dar\ see under rhinestone, sandstone, shade-grown,
ondly \an-le\ see anly1 shinbone, Shoshone, soapstone, T-
bone, tailbone, thighbone, tombstone,
ondness \an-nas\ see anness touchstone, Touch-Tone, tritone,
trombone, turnstone, twelve-tone,
ondo \an-do\ condo, Hondo,
two-tone, Tyrone, unknown, unthrone,
rondeau, rondo, tondo
well-known, whalebone, wheel-
forzando, glissando, lentando,
thrown, whetstone, windblown,
parlando, scherzando, secondo,
wishbone, Yangon
allargando, rallentando, ritardando allophone, anglophone, anklebone,
accelerando barbitone, Barbizon, barytone,
Bayamon, bombardon, Canal Zone,
ondom 1 \an-d9m\ condom, chaperon, cherrystone, cobblestone,
quondam collarbone, cornerstone, cortisone,
cuttlebone, diaphone, Dictaphone,
ondom 2 Xan-dsmN see undum epigone, francophone, free-fire zone,
ondor \an-dsr\ see onder 1 Gaborone, gramophone, herringbone,
homophone, ironstone, knucklebone,
ondrous Xsn-drssN see underous marrowbone, megaphone,
mellophone, methadone, microphone,
ondyle \an-d 3 l\ see ondel
microtone, minestrone, monotone,
one 1 \6n\ blown, bone, clone, cone, Mount Mayon, overblown, overflown,
crone, drone, flown, groan, grown, overgrown, overthrown, overtone,
hone, Joan, known, loan, lone, moan, Picturephone, polyphone, rottenstone,
Mon, mown, none, own, phone, pone, sacaton, saxophone, semitone,
prone, Rhone, roan, Saone, scone, shacklebone, silicone, sousaphone,
sewn, shone, shoon, shown, sone, speakerphone, stepping-stone,
sown, stone, throne, thrown, tone, telephone, Toreon, undertone,
trone, won, zone vibraphone, xylophone, Yellowstone
agon, aitchbone, alone, atone, anticyclone, Asuncion, bred-in-the-
backbone, bemoan, birthstone, bone, Conception, Darby and Joan,
Blackstone, breastbone, brimstone, eau de cologne, mesocyclone,
brownstone, capstone, cheekbone, norethindrone, Nuevo Leon,
chinbone, cogon, cologne, Cologne, radiophone, sine qua non,
colon, Colon, condone, curbstone, testosterone, videophone
cyclone, daimon, debone, depone, Ponce de Leon, Sierra Leone
dethrone, disown, drystone, earphone, radiotelephone
enthrone, fieldstone, flagstone,
flyblown, freestone, full-blown, one 2 \6-ne\ see ony1
gallstone, gemstone, Gijon, Gladstone,
gravestone, grindstone, hailstone, one 3 \an\ see on1
halftone, handblown, headphone, one 4 \an\ see un
headstone, high-flown, hipbone,
homegrown, hormone, impone, one 5 \6n\ see on 3
261 onged

onean \6-ne-an\ see onian 1 ong 1 \arj\ Chang, Fang, gong, hong,
Huang, prong, Shang, Tang, tong,
oned 1 \6nd\ boned, stoned, toned yang
cologned, high-toned, pre-owned, Anyang, barong, biltong, Da Nang,
rawboned, rhinestoned, two-toned dugong, Guiyang, Hanyang, Heng-
cobblestoned yang, Hong Kong, kiang, liang, Mah-
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at Jongg, Malang, Padang, satang,
one1 Shenyang, Wuchang, Zhejiang,
oned 2 \an\ see on 1 Zhenjiang
billabong, Chittagong, Liaoyang,
oneless \6n-las\ boneless, toneless Pyong-yang, Semarang, scuppemong,
onely \6n-le\ lonely, only, pronely Sturm und Drang, Vietcong,
onement \6n-m3nt\ atonement, Heilongjiang, Shijiazhuang, Ujung
cantonment, dethronement, Pandang, ylang-ylang
disownment, enthronement
ong 2 \6rj\ bong, dong, gong, long,
o n e n e s s Xan-nssX dimness, prong, song, strong, thong, throng,
doneness, oneness tong, wrong
rotundness agelong, along, Armstrong, barong,
onent \6-n3nt\ sonant belong, biltong, birdsong, chaise
component, deponent, exponent, longue, daylong, dingdong, diphthong,
opponent, proponent dugong, endlong, erelong, furlong,
bicomponent Geelong, Haiphong, headlong,
headstrong, Kaesong, kampong,
oneous \6-ne-9s\ see onious lifelong, livelong, Mekong,
monthlong, Nanchang, nightlong,
oner 1 \6-nar\ boner, donor, droner, oblong, oolong, part-song, ping-pong,
groaner, honer, loaner, loner, moaner, Ping-Pong, plainsong, prolong,
stoner, toner, zoner sarong, Shandong, sidelong, singsong,
condoner, dethroner, intoner, so long, souchong, weeklong, yard-
landowner, shipowner long, yearlong
billabong, Chittagong, cradlesong,
oner 2 \6n-9r\ see awner 1 evensong, Palembang, scuppemong,
sing-along, summerlong, tagalong,
onerous \an-9-ras\ onerous, Vietcong
ong 3 \an\ see ung1
o n e s \6nz\ Jones, nones
sawbones ong4\ung\seeung2
Davy Jones, lazybones
skull and crossbones onga \arj-ga\ conga, panga, tonga,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, Tonga
and -s forms of verbs, listed at one Kananga, mridanga
Alba Longa, Zamboanga
onest \an-ast\ honest Bucaramanga
Hinayanist, Mahayanist onge \ s n j \ see unge
1 1
oney \6-ne\ see ony onged \6nd\ pronged, thonged
2 multipronged
oney \an-e\ see unny
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oney 3 \u-ne\ see oony ong 2
onger 262

onger 1 Xsrj-gsrX hunger, monger, onial \6-ne-9l\ baronial, colonial

younger ceremonial, matrimonial, testimonial
fellmonger, fishmonger, ironmonger,
onian 1 \6-ne-3n\ chthonian
newsmonger, phrasemonger,
aeonian, Antonian, Baconian,
scaremonger, warmonger,
Clactonian, demonian, Devonian,
whoremonger, wordmonger
draconian, Estonian, Etonian,
costermonger, fashionmonger,
favonian, gorgonian, Ionian,
gossipmonger, rumormonger,
Jacksonian, Oxonian, plutonian,
Samsonian, Shoshonean, Slavonian
onger 2 \9n-jsr\ see unger 1 Amazonian, Apollonian, Arizonian,
Babylonian, calypsonian,
ongery \arj-gre\ hungry Chalcedonian, Hamiltonian,
fellmongery, ironmongery parkinsonian
ongful \6n-f9l\ wrongful, songful onian 2 \6-nysn\ Zonian
ongin \an-jan\ see ungeon Estonian
Amazonian, Babylonian,
ongish \6rj-ish\ longish, strongish Macedonian
ongo \arj-go\ bongo, Congo, onic \an-ik\ chronic, chthonic,
congou, Kongo, mongo conic, dornick, phonic, sonic, tonic
Niger-Congo, Pago Pago Aaronic, agonic, atonic, benthonic,
bionic, Brittonic, Brythonic, bubonic,
ongous Xsn-gasX see ungous Byronic, canonic, carbonic, cryonic,
ongue 1 \arj\ see ung 1 cyclonic, daimonic, demonic,
draconic, euphonic, gnomonic,
ongue 2 \6n\ see ong 2 harmonic, hedonic, ionic, Ionic,
ironic, laconic, Masonic, mnemonic,
ongued \arjd\ lunged, tongued planktonic, platonic, plutonic,
ongy \an-je\ see ungy pneumonic, Puranic, Pythonic,
sardonic, Saronic, sermonic, Slavonic,
onhomous \an-3-mas\ see symphonic, synchronic, tectonic,
onymous Teutonic, zirconic
catatonic, diachronic, diatonic,
oni \6-ne\ seeony 1
disharmonic, electronic, embryonic,
onia 1 \6-ne-a\ bignonia, clintonia, hegemonic, histrionic, homophonic,
Estonia, Laconia, Livonia, mahonia, hydroponic, inharmonic, isotonic,
paulownia, Polonia, Slavonia, macaronic, megaphonic, microphonic,
Snowdonia, tithonia, valonia, zirconia monophonic, monotonic, nonionic,
Amazonia, Caledonia, Catalonia, pharaonic, Philharmonic, polyphonic,
Macedonia quadraphonic, semitonic, Solomonic,
supersonic, supertonic, telephonic,
onia 2 \6-nya\ Konya, Sonia, Sonja, thermionic, ultrasonic
Sony a architectonic, chameleonic,
ammonia, Bologna, pneumonia, cardiotonic, electrotonic, geotectonic,
Polonia, tithonia, valonia Neoplatonic, stereophonic
anhedonia, Caledonia, Macedonia, extraembryonic
New Caledonia onica \an-i-ks\ Monica
harmonica, japonica, Salonika,
onia 3 \6n-ya\ dona veronica, Veronica
begonia Thessalonica
263 onnet

onical \an-i-kal\ chronicle, conical, onishment \an-ish-mant\

monachal, monocle admonishment, astonishment
canonical, demonical, ironical
deuterocanonical onium \6-ne-9m\ euphonium,
harmonium, plutonium
onicals \an-i-kalz\ Chronicles pandemonium, Pandemonium
onius \6-ne-as\ see onious
onicker \a-ni-ksr\ see onnicker
onja \6-nya\ see onia 2
onicle \an-i-kal\ see onical
onjon \9n-jan\ see ungeon
onicles \an-i-kalz\ see onicals
onjure \an-J9r\ conjure, rondure
onics \an-iks\ onyx, phonics
bionics, cryonics, mnemonics, onk1 \arjk\ ankh, bronc, clonk,
Ovonics, photonics, sardonyx, conch, conk, Franck, honk, Planck,
tectonics plonk, zonk
avionics, electronics, histrionics, honkytonk
hydroponics, microphonics, onk 2 \srjk\ see unk
nucleonics, quadriphonics, radionics,
supersonics, thermionics onker \arj-ksr\ conker, conquer,
architectonics honker
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns onkey 1 \arj-ke\ see onky
listed at onic
onkey 2 \arj-ke\ see unky
onika \an-i-ks\ see onica
onkian \an-ke-an\ conquian
oniker \a-ni-kar\ see onnicker Algonkian
oning 1 \an-irj\ awning
onky \arj-ke\ conkey, donkey,
wonky, yanqui
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
on 1 onless \9n-las\ see unless
oning \6-nirj\ loaning only \6n-le\ see onely
jawboning, landowning
onment \6n-m9nt\ see onement
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
one 1 onn 1 \an\ see on1
onion \3n-yan\ see union onn 2 \6n\ see on 3
onious \6-ne-as\ erroneous, onna 1 \6n-a\ donna, Donna, fauna
euphonious, felonious, harmonious, megafauna, prima donna
Polonius, Suetonius, symphonious
acrimonious, ceremonious, onna 2 \an-a\ see ana 1
disharmonious, inharmonious, onnage \an-ij\ see unnage
parsimonious, sanctimonious
Marcus Antonius, unceremonious onne 1 \an\ see on 1

onis 1 \6-nss\ see onus 2 onne 2 \an\ see un

onne 3 \6n\ see on 3
onis 2 \an-as\ see onus 1
onner \an-ar\ see onor1
onish \an-ish\ donnish, monish
admonish, astonish, premonish onnet \an-at\ bonnet, sonnet
leprechaunish bluebonnet, sunbonnet, warbonnet
onnicker 264

onnicker \a-ni-kar\ donnicker, onsil \an-s9l\ see onsul

doniker, monicker, moniker
onsin \an-san\ see ohnson
onnie \an-e\ see ani 1 onson \an-ssn\ see ohnson
onnish \an-ish\ see onish onsor \an-sar\ panzer, sponsor
onnor \an-ar\ see onor1 onsul \an-s3i\ consul, tonsil
onny 1 \an-e\ see ani 1 ont 1 \snt\ blunt, brunt, bunt, front,
onny \sn-e\ see unny grunt, hunt, lunt, punt, runt, shunt,
strunt, stunt, want, wont
ono 1 \6-no\ phono affront, beachfront, bowfront,
cui bono, kimono, pro bono breakfront, confront, forefront,
kakemono, makimono housefront, lakefront, manhunt, out-
front, seafront, shirtfront, shorefront,
ono 2 \6-na\ see ona storefront, swell-front, up-front,
ono 3 \an-6\ see ano 1 witch-hunt
battlefront, oceanfront, riverfront,
onocle Xan-i-kalX see onical waterfront
onomer Xan-a-msrX monomer ont 2 \ant\ see ant 2
astronomer, comonomer
ont 3 \6nt\ see aunt 1
onomist \an-3-ni3st\ agronomist,
autonomist, economist, ergonomist, on't \6nt\ don't, won't
gastronomist, synonymist, taxonomist ontal 1 \ant- 3 l\ pontil, fontal, quantal
Deuteronomist horizontal
onomous \an-9-m9s\ see onymous
ontal 2 \ant- a l\ see untie
onomy \an-a-me\ agronomy,
antonymy, astronomy, autonomy, ontan \ant- n \ see onton
economy, eponymy, gastronomy,
ontas \ant-9s\ see ontus
homonomy, metonymy, synonymy,
taphonomy, taxonomy, toponymy onte 1 \ant-e\ see anti1
Deuteronomy, diseconomy,
onte 2 \an-ta\ see ante 1
heteronomy, teleonomy
onted \6nt-9d\ vaunted, wonted
onor 1 \an-ar\ Bonner, fawner, goner,
honor, pawner, pawnor, spawner,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
wanner, yawner
aunt 1
dishonor, O'Connor
Afrikaner, Lipizzaner, marathoner, onter \snt-3r\ see unter
onth \snth\ month
onor 2 \6-nsr\ see oner 1 billionth, millionth, trillionth,
onorous \an-a-ras\ see onerous
ontian \ant-e-an\ Zontian
onquer \arj-kar\ see onker post-Kantian
onquian \arj-ke-an\ see onkian ontic \ant-ik\ ontic
ons 1
\anz\ see onze deontic, Vedantic
ons \ 6 n \ see on 2
265 ood

ontil \ant- 3 l\ see ontal1 anonymous, antonymous,

3 autonomous, eponymous,
ontinent \ant- n-ant\ continent homonymous, pseudonymous,
incontinent, subcontinent synonymous
supercontinent heteronomous
ontis \an-tss\ see antos 2 onymy \an-9-me\ see onomy
Ofitist \ant-ast\ Vedantist onyon 1 Xan-yanX ronyon, wanion
orthodontist, prosthodontist
onyon 2 \9n-yan\ see union
onto \an-to\ see anto 1
onyx \an-iks\ see onics
onton \ant- 3 n\ ponton, wanton
Lahontan onze \anz\ bonze, bronze, pons
long Johns, Saint John's
ontra \an-tra\ contra, mantra, tantra Afrikaans, solitons
per contra islet of Langerhans
ontre \ant-sr\ see aunter 1 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at on
ontus \ant-ss\ Pontus
onzi \an-ze\ see onzy
onzy \an-ze\ bronzy, Ponzi
onty \ant-e\ see anti1
00 1 \ii\ see ew1
onus 1 \an-as\ Cronus, Faunus
Adonis 0 0 2 \ 6 \ see ow1
onus \6-nas\ bonus, Cronus, Jonas, oob \iib\ see ube
onus, slowness
oober \u-bsr\ see uber
Adonis, colonus
ooby \ii-be\ booby, looby, ruby,
ony 1 \6-ne\ bony, coney, crony,
phony, pony, stony, Toni, tony, Tony,
yoni ooch 1 \uch\ brooch, hooch, mooch,
baloney, Benoni, bologna, canzone, pooch, smooch
Marconi, Moroni, Oenone, padrone, capuche
spumoni, tortoni scaramouch
abalone, acrimony, agrimony,
alimony, antimony, cannelloni, ooch 2 \6ch\ see oach
ceremony, chalcedony, colophony, oocher \u-char\ see uture
macaroni, mascarpone, matrimony,
minestrone, palimony, parsimony, oochy \u-che\ smoochy
patrimony, pepperoni, provolone, Baluchi, penuche, Vespucci
rigatoni, sanctimony, telephony, Kawaguchi
testimony, zabaglione
ood 1 \ud\ good, hood, pud, rudd,
con espressione, conversazione, should, stood, wood, would, yod
dramatis personae basswood, bentwood, blackwood,
ony 2 \an-e\ see ani 1 boxwood, brushwood, childhood,
cordwood, deadwood, do-good,
onya \6-nya\ see onia 2 dogwood, driftwood, Ellwood,
onymist \an-3-mast\ see onomist Elwood, falsehood, fatwood, feel-
good, firewood, fruitwood, girlhood,
onymous \an-3-m3s\ bonhomous godhood, greasewood, greenwood,
ood 266

groundwood, gumwood, hardwood, oodman \ud-man\ goodman,

ironwood, kingwood, knighthood, woodman
maidhood, manhood, monkhood,
monkshood, Mount Hood, no-good, oodoo \ud-ii\ doo-doo, hoodoo,
pinewood, plywood, priesthood, kudu, voodoo
pulpwood, redwood, rosewood, OOds \udz\ backwoods, dry goods
sainthood, selfhood, Sherwood, piney woods
softwood, sonhood, statehood, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
stinkwood, Talmud, teakwood, and -s forms of verbs, listed at ood
unhood, Wedgwood, wifehood,
withstood, wormwood oodsman \udz-man\ woodsman
arrowwood, bachelorhood, backwoodsman, ombudsman
brotherhood, buttonwood,
candlewood, cedarwood, Cottonwood, OOdy1 \iid-e\ broody, Judi, Judie,
fatherhood, hardihood, Hollywood, Judy, moody, Rudy, Trudy
likelihood, livelihood, maidenhood, OOdy2 \ud-e\ cuddy, goody, hoody,
motherhood, nationhood, woody
neighborhood, parenthood, goody-goody
personhood, Robin Hood,
sandalwood, scattergood, servanthood, oody 3 \ad-e\ see uddy1
sisterhood, spinsterhood, toddlerhood,
tulipwood, understood, widowhood, ooer \u-ar\ see ewer 1
ooey \u-e\ see ewy
misunderstood, unlikelihood,
widowerhood oof1 \uf\ goof, kloof, poof, pouf,
proof, roof, spoof, woof
ood 2 \6d\ see ode aloof, behoof, disproof, fireproof,
ood 3 \ud\ see ude foolproof, forehoof, rustproof,
shadoof, soundproof, sunroof,
ood 4 \ad\ see ud Tartuffe, unroof
bulletproof, opera bouffe,
ooded 1 \ad-ad\ blooded shatterproof, waterproof, weatherproof
cold-blooded, full-blooded, half-
blooded, hot-blooded, pure-blooded, oof \uf\ hoof, poof, roof, woof
red-blooded, star-studded, warm- forehoof, Tartuffe
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at oof3 \6f\ see oaf
oof4 \iiv\ see ove 3
ooded \ud-ad\ hooded, wooded
oofah \u-fa\ see ufa
hard-wooded, soft-wooded
oofer 1 \u-fsr\ proofer, roofer, twofer
ooder 1 \iid-ar\ see uder
ooder 2 \ad-ar\ see udder
oofer 2 \uf-ar\ hoofer, woofer
ooding \ud-in\ pudding
oofy \u-fe\ goofy, spoofy, Sufi
do-gooding, unhooding
oodle \ud- a l\ boodle, doodle, feudal, ooga \u-ga\ see uga
noodle, poodle, strudel o o g e \ u j \ see uge 1
caboodle, flapdoodle, paludal
Yankee-Doodle ooger \ug-ar\ see ugur
267 oole

oogie \iig-e\ bogey, boogie ookery \uk-a-re\ crookery, rookery

OOkie \uk-e\ bookie, brookie,
oo-goo \u-gii\ see ugu cookie, cooky, hooky, rookie, rooky
OOh \ii\ see ew1 Takatsuki, walkie-lookie

ooh-pooh \u-pii\ hoopoe, pooh- OOking \iik-irj\ booking, cooking

pooh good-looking, onlooking
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ooi \ix-e\ see ewy ook1
ooist \u-ast\ doest OOklet \uk-tat\ booklet, brooklet,
tattooist, voodooist hooklet
—also -est forms of adjectives listed
arew 1 ooks 1 \iiks\ deluxe, gadzooks
OOk \iik\ book, brook, Brooke, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
chook, cook, Cook, crook, gook, and -s forms of verbs, listed at like
hook, look, nook, rook, schnook, ooks 2 \uks\ Brooks, crux, luxe,
shook, snook, stook, took zooks
bankbook, betook, billhook, deluxe, gadzooks
caoutchouc, chapbook, checkbook, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
Chinook, cookbook, forsook, and -s forms of verbs, listed at ook1
fishhook, guidebook, handbook,
hornbook, hymnbook, Innsbruck, ooky 1 \ii-ke\ kooky, spooky
Kobuk, logbook, matchbook, mistook, bouzouki, Kabuki, saluki, tanuki
Mount Cook, notebook, outlook,
partook, passbook, Pembroke, ooky 2 \uk-e\ see ookie
playbook, pothook, promptbook,
psalmbook, retook, schoolbook, 0011 \ixl\ boule, boulle, buhl, cool,
scrapbook, sketchbook, skyhook, drool, fool, fuel, ghoul, gul, joule,
songbook, studbook, textbook, mewl, mule, pool, Poole, pul, pule,
unhook, Windhoek, workbook, rule, school, spool, stool, tool, tulle,
yearbook you'll, yule
air-cool, ampoule, babul, Banjul,
buttonhook, copybook, donnybrook,
befool, Blackpool, carpool, cesspool,
gerenuk, inglenook, Leeuwenhoek,
curule, Elul, faldstool, footstool,
overbook, overlook, overtook,
hangul, Kabul, Kurnool, misrule,
pocketbook, storybook, tenterhook,
Mosul, preschool, retool, self-rule,
undertook, Volapuk
synfuel, toadstool, tomfool, uncool,
gobbledygook vanpool, whirlpool
ook 2 \uk\ see like Barnaul, fascicule, gallinule,
graticule, groupuscule, Hartlepool,
ooka \u-ks\ yuca Istanbul, lenticule, Liverpool,
bazooka, felucca, palooka, Toluca, majuscule, minuscule, molecule,
verruca monticule, overrule, reticule, ridicule,
Juan de Fuca vestibule, water-cool
ookah \uk-s\ hookah, sukkah biomolecule
ooke \iik\ see ook1 0 0 1 2 \ i i l \ see ill
ooker \uk-ar\ booker, cooker, oola \u-ta\ see ula
hooker, Hooker, looker, snooker
good-looker, onlooker OOle \ul\ see OOl1
oolean 268

oolean \u-le-an\ see ulean oom 2 \iim\ see urn2

OOled \iild\ bejeweled, unschooled oomed \iimd\ groomed, plumed,
vestibuled wombed
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at well-groomed
OOl1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oom 1
ooler \u-lar\ cooler, gular, puler,
ruler oomer Xii-marX see umer
carpooler, grade-schooler, high
schooler, preschooler oomily Xii-ms-leA gloomily
ridiculer, watercooler contumely
oolie \ii-le\ see uly ooming 1 Xii-msnX see uman
oolish \ii-lish\ coolish, foolish, ooming 2 \ii-mirj\ see uming
ghoulish, mulish
pound-foolish oomlet Xiim-latX boomlet, plumelet
1 oomy \u-me\ bloomy, boomy,
oolly \u-le\ see uly
2 2
doomy, fumy, gloomy, plumy, rheumy,
oolly \ul-e\ see ully roomy, spumy
oom 1 \ u m \ bloom, boom, broom, costumey
brougham, brume, combe, cwm, oon 1 \ u n \ boon, Boone, coon, croon,
doom, flume, fume, gloom, glume, dune, goon, hewn, June, loon, lune,
groom, Hume, khoum, loom, neume, moon, noon, prune, rune, shoon, soon,
plume, rheum, room, spume, tomb, spoon, swoon, strewn, toon, tune
toom, vroom, whom, womb, zoom
aswoon, attune, baboon, balloon,
abloom, assume, backroom, bassoon, buffoon, Calhoun, cardoon,
ballroom, barroom, bathroom, cartoon, cocoon, commune, doubloon,
bedroom, boardroom, bridegroom, dragoon, festoon, fine-tune, forenoon,
broadloom, checkroom, classroom, gaboon, gadroon, galloon, Gudrun,
cloakroom, coatroom, consume, half-moon, harpoon, immune, impugn,
costume, courtroom, darkroom, jargoon, jejune, Kowloon, Kunlun,
dayroom, entomb, enwomb, exhume, lagoon, lampoon, lardoon, maroon,
foredoom, greenroom, guardroom, monsoon, Neptune, oppugn, Pashtun,
headroom, heirloom, homeroom, patroon, platoon, poltroon, pontoon,
houseroom, illume, inhume, jibboom, premune, puccoon, quadroon,
Khartoum, legroom, legume, raccoon, ratoon, repugn, rockoon,
lunchroom, mudroom, mushroom, rough-hewn, saloon, shalloon,
newsroom, perfume, playroom, soupspoon, spittoon, spontoon,
poolroom, pressroom, presume, teaspoon, Torun, tribune, triune,
proofroom, relume, resume, tuchun, tycoon, typhoon, untune,
salesroom, schoolroom, showroom, Walloon
sickroom, simoom, stateroom,
stockroom, storeroom, subsume, afternoon, barracoon, Brigadoon,
taproom, Targum, tearoom, toolroom, Cameroon, demilune, dessertspoon,
wardroom, washroom, workroom honeymoon, importune, macaroon,
octoroon, opportune, pantaloon,
anteroom, checkerbloom, dyer's picaroon, picayune, rigadoon,
broom, elbowroom, impostume, saskatoon, Saskatoon, tablespoon
locker-room, miniboom, nom de contrabassoon, inopportune
plume, smoke-filled room, witches'-
broom oon2 \6n\ see one1
269 oorman

oona \u-na\ see una O-op \iip\ see OOp1

oonal \un- 3 l\ see unal OOped \upd\ looped
1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oone \iin\ see oon oop
ooner \ii-nar\ crooner, crowner, oopee \ii-pe\ see oopy
lunar, pruner, schooner, sooner,
swooner, tuner OOper \u-par\ blooper, cooper,
harpooner, lacunar, lampooner, Cooper, Cowper, duper, grouper,
oppugner looper, scooper, snooper, stupor,
honeymooner, importuner, swooper, super, trooper, trouper
semilunar party pooper, paratrooper, pooper-
scooper, super-duper
oonery 1 \iin-re\ buffoonery,
lampoonery, poltroonery ooping \ii-pirj\ grouping, trooping,
2 trouping
oonery \u-na-re\ see unary —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ooney \u-ne\ see oony oop
oonie \u-ne\ see oony oopoe \u-pu\ see ooh-pooh

ooning \ii-nin\ nooning o o p s \ups\ hoops, oops, whoops,

ballooning, cartooning, gadrooning woops
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at oopy \u-pe\ croupy, droopy,
oon1 groupie, Kewpie, loopy, snoopy,
oonish \u-nish\ moonish soupy, Tupi, whoopee
buffoonish, cartoonish oor 1 \6r\ see or1
oor 2 \iir\ see ure 1
oonless \un-l9s\ moonless,
tuneless, woundless oorage 1 \ur-ij\ moorage
o o n s \iinz\ lunes, zounds
eftsoons oorage 2 \6r-ij\ see orage2
oore 1 \6r\ see or1
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at oon oore 2 \ur\ see ure 1
oony \u-ne\ gooney, loony, luny, oored \6rd\ see oard
Moonie, moony, muni, puisne, puny,
spoony, Zuni oorer \6r-sr\ see orer
Mulroney oori \ur-e\ see ury1
OOp \xip\ bloop, coop, croup, droop, ooring 1 \6r-irj\ see oring
drupe, dupe, goop, group, hoop, loop,
loupe, poop, roup, scoop, sloop, ooring 2 \ur-irj\ see uring
snoop, soup, stoop, stoup, stupe, oorish 1 \ur-ish\ boorish, Moorish,
swoop, troop, troupe, whoop poorish
age-group, in-group, out-group,
recoup, regroup, subgroup, T-group oorish 2 \6r-ish\ see orish1
alley-oop, cock-a-hoop, Guadalupe, oorly \ur-le\ see urely
Guadeloupe, nincompoop, paratroop,
supergroup oorman \6r-msn\ see orman
oors 270

oors \6rz\ Bors, drawers, yours OOted1 \ut-ad\ booted, fruited,

Azores, indoors, outdoors muted, suited
underdrawers, withindoors, abluted, deep-rooted, jackbooted,
withoutdoors pantsuited, voluted
Louis Quatorze —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, ute
and -s forms of verbs, listed at or
OOted2 \ut-ad\ footed
oorsman Xdrz-manX see oarsman barefooted, clubfooted, deep-rooted,
duckfooted, fleet-footed, four-footed,
oort \6rt\ see ort1 light-footed, slow-footed, splayfooted,
surefooted, web-footed, wing-footed
oosa \u-ss\ see usa 1
oose 1 \iis\ see use 1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
o o s e 2 \iiz\ see use 2
OOter1 \ut-ar\ footer, putter
ooser 1 \u-ssr\ see ucer shot-putter
ooser 2 \u-zsr\ see user pussyfooter

oosey \ii-se\ see uicy ooter 2 \ut-ar\ see uter

oosh 1 \iish\ see ouche ooth 1 \iith\ smooth, soothe, tooth

oosh 2 \ush\ see ush 2 OOth2 \uth\ booth, Booth, couth,

crwth, routh, ruth, Ruth, scouth,
OOSt \iist\ boost, juiced, Proust, sleuth, sooth, tooth, truth, Truth, youth
roost bucktooth, Duluth, eyetooth,
langouste, produced forsooth, half-truth, sawtooth,
self-induced, Zlatoust selcouth, tollbooth, uncouth, untruth,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at vermouth
use 1 snaggletooth
oosy \ii-ze\ see oozy oothe \ u t h \ see ooth1
OOt1 \ut\ foot, put, root, Root, soot oothed \iitht\ toothed
afoot, barefoot, bigfoot, bird's-foot, gap-toothed
Blackfoot, clubfoot, crow's-foot, snaggletoothed
enroot, flatfoot, forefoot, hotfoot,
input, kaput, outfoot, output, Rajput, oothless \uth-tas\ see uthless
shot put, snakeroot, splayfoot, taproot, oothly \iith-le\ soothly
throughput, uproot uncouthly
acre-foot, arrowroot, bitterroot,
cajeput, candle-foot, gingerroot, oothy \u-the\ couthie, toothy
orrisroot, pussyfoot, tenderfoot,
underfoot OOtie \ut-e\ see ooty1
ooting 1 \ut-in\ footing
oot 2 \ut\ see ute
OOt3 \at\ see ut1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ootage 1 \iit-ij\ fruitage, rootage,
scutage ooting 2 \ut-irj\ see uting
ootage 2 \ut-ij\ footage, rootage ootle \ut- a l\ see utile
271 opence

OOtless \ut-las\ bootless, fruitless hockshop, housetop, joypop, maintop,

milksop, nonstop, one-stop, outcrop,
OOtlet \ut-fot\ fruitlet, rootlet pawnshop, pop-top, ragtop, raindrop,
OOtS \iits\ boots redtop, ripstop, rooftop, sharecrop,
firstfruits, grassroots, slyboots, shortstop, skin-pop, slipslop,
Vaduz snowdrop, soursop, stonecrop,
shoot-the-chutes sweatshop, sweetshop, teardrop, tip-
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, top, treetop, unstop, workshop
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ute agitprop, barbershop, carrottop,
countertop, double-crop, double-stop,
ootsie \ut-se\ footsie, tootsie Ethiop, island-hop, lollipop, malaprop,
mom-and-pop, mountaintop, overtop,
OOty1 \iit-e\ beauty, booty, Clootie,
table-hop, tabletop, techno-pop,
cootie, cutie, duty, footy, fluty, fruity,
teenybop, turboprop, whistle-stop,
hooty, rooty, snooty, sooty, tutti, zooty
agouti, Djibouti
Funafuti, heavy-duty, persecutee,
tutti-frutti op 2 \ 6 \ see OW1
OOty2 \ut-e\ rooty, sooty, tutti opa \6-pa\ opa, opah
3 Europa
ooty \at-e\ see utty
opah \6-pa\ see opa
oove \iiv\ see ove 3
opal \6-p9l\ copal, nopal, opal, Opal
oover \u-var\ see over 3 Simferopol
OOVy \u-ve\ groovy, movie
ope \ 6 p \ cope, coup, dope, grope,
ooze \uz\ see use 2 holp, hope, Hope, lope, mope, nope,
oozer \ii-z9r\ see user ope, pope, Pope, rope, scop, scope,
slope, soap, stope, taupe, tope, trope
oozle \u-zal\ see usal 2 aslope, borescope, downslope, elope,
gantlope, gantelope, Good Hope,
oozy \ii-ze\ bluesy, boozy, choosy, myope, nightscope, pyrope, sandsoap,
floozy, newsy, oozy, Susie, woozy soft-soap, tightrope, towrope
antelope, antipope, calliope,
op 1 \ap\ bop, chap, chop, clop, cop, cantaloupe, chronoscope, envelope,
crop, drop, flop, fop, glop, hop, knop, epitope, Ethiope, gyroscope,
lop, mop, op, plop, pop, prop, scop, horoscope, interlope, isotope,
shop, slop, sop, stop, strop, swap, top, kinescope, microscope, misanthrope,
whop periscope, phalarope, radarscope,
Aesop, airdrop, atop, backdrop, sniperscope, snooperscope,
backstop, bakeshop, barhop, bebop, stethoscope, telescope
bellhop, blacktop, bookshop, carhop, heliotrope, kaleidoscope,
cartop, chop-chop, clip-clop, clop- stereoscope
clop, coin-op, cooktop, co-op, opean \6-pe-3n\ see opian
desktop, dewdrop, doorstop,
dramshop, Dunlop, eardrop, opee \6-pe\ see opi
eavesdrop, ESOP, estop, f-stop, fire-
open \6-pan\ holpen, open
stop, flattop, flip-flop, foretop,
reopen, wide-open
grogshop, gumdrop, hardtop,
hedgehop, high-top, hilltop, hip-hop, opence \ap-3ns\ see uppance
openny 272

openny \ap-ne\ threepenny, opia \6-pe-s\ dystopia, myopia,

twopenny sinopia, Utopia
cornucopia, Ethiopia
oper \6-par\ coper, doper, groper,
loper, moper, roper, soaper, toper opian \6-pe-an\ Aesopian,
eloper, no-hoper, soft-soaper cyclopean, dystopian, Utopian
interloper cornucopian, Ethiopian
opera \ap-rs\ see opra opic 1 \ap-ik\ topic, tropic
opey \6-pe\ see opi Aesopic, anthropic, ectopic,
oph \6f\ see oaf Ethiopic, gyroscopic, hygroscopic,
macroscopic, microscopic,
ophagous \af-9-g9s\ coprophagous, misanthropic, periscopic,
esophagus, necrophagous, philanthropic, semitropic,
sarcophagus, zoophagous stethoscopic, telescopic
kaleidoscopic, stereoscopic
ophagy \af-3-je\ coprophagy,
opic 2 \6-pik\ tropic
Ethiopic, psychotropic
ophe 1 \6-fe\ see ophy
opical \ap-i-kal\ topical, tropical
ophe 2 \6f\ see off2 anthropical, subtropical
microscopical, Neotropical,
opher \6-far\ see ofer philanthropical, semitropical
ophet \af-at\ see ofit oplar \ap-br\ see oppler
ophic \af-ik\ strophic ople \6-pal\ see opal
antistrophic, apostrophic,
catastrophic opol \6-p9i\ see opal
ophic \6-fik\ strophic, trophic opolis 1 \ap-3-tas\ propolis
atrophic acropolis, cosmopolis, metropolis,
ophical \af-i-ksl\ philosophical,
Heliopolis, megalopolis
ophie \6-fe\ see ophy
opolis 2 \ap-las\ see opless
ophir \6-far\ see ofer
opolist \ap-3-last\ monopolist
ophonous \af-9-nss\ cacophonous, bibliopolist
opoly \ap-3-le\ choppily, floppily,
ophony \af-9-ne\ cacophony, sloppily
colophony, homophony, monophony, duopoly, monopoly, vox populi
theophany oligopoly
heterophony, stereophony Tiruchchirappalli
ophy \6-fe\ Sophie, sophy, strophe, oppa \ap-a\ see apa 1
opped \apt\ see opt
opi \6-pe\ dopey, Hopi, mopey, ropy,
soapy, topee, topi oppel \ap-al\ see opple
273 or

opper \ap-ar\ bopper, chopper, opt \apt\ Copt, knopped, opt, topped
copper, cropper, dropper, flopper, adopt, close-cropped, co-opt, end-
hopper, lopper, mopper, popper, stopped
proper, shopper, stopper, swapper, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
topper, whopper, yapper op1
clodhopper, eavesdropper,
eyedropper, eyepopper, grasshopper, opter \ap-tsr\ copter
hedgehopper, improper, job-hopper, adopter
joypopper, leafhopper, namedropper, helicopter, ornithopter
rockhopper, sharecropper, optic \ap-tik\ Coptic, optic
showstopper, skin-popper, treehopper, panoptic, synoptic
woodchopper electro-optic
table-hopper, teenybopper, window-
shopper optimist \ap-t3-mast\ optimist,
oppery \ap-re\ coppery, foppery
oppet \ap-3t\ moppet, poppet
option \ap-shan\ option
oppily \ap-a-le\ see opoly adoption, co-option
oppiness \ap-e-n9s\ choppiness, optric \ap-trik\ catoptric, dioptric
Soppiness, sloppiness
opula \ap-y3-b\ copula, scopula
opping \ap-irj\ hopping, sopping,
topping, whopping opulace \ap-ya-l9s\ populace,
clodhopping, eye-popping, job- populous
hopping, name-dropping, outcropping
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at opulate \ap-y3-lat\ copulate,
op1 populate
opple \ap-al\ popple, stopple, topple
estoppel opuli \ap-9-le\ see opoly
oppler \ap-lar\ Doppler, poplar opulous \ap-v3-tas\ see opulace
oppy \ap-e\ choppy, copy, crappie, opus \6-pas\ opus
floppy, gloppy, hoppy, kopje, poppy, Canopus
sloppy, soppy, stroppy magnum opus
jalopy, okapi, serape pithecanthropus
microcopy, Nahuel Huapi,
photocopy opy 1 \6-pe\ see opi
opra \ap-ra\ copra, opera opy 2 \ap-e\ see oppy
ops \aps\ chops, copse, Ops, tops oque 1 \6k\ see oke
beechdrops, cyclops, eyedrops,
Pelops, pinedrops, sundrops oque 2 \ak\ see ock1
triceratops oque 3 \6k\ see alk
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, oquial \6-kwe-9l\ colloquial
and -s forms of verbs, listed at op ventriloquial
opse \aps\ see ops
or1 \6r\ boar, Boer, Bohr, bore,
opsy \ap-se\ dropsy chore, core, corps, crore, door, drawer,
autopsy, biopsy, necropsy floor, for, fore, four, frore, gore, Gore,
or 274

hoar, hoer, kor, lore, Moore, mor, Salvatore, semaphore, Singapore,

more, More, nor, o'er, oar, or, ore, stegosaur, stevedore, superstore,
poor, pore, pour, roar, score, shore, sycamore, Theodore, theretofore,
snore, soar, sore, splore, spoor, spore, troubador, tug-of-war, two-by-four,
store, swore, Thor, tor, tore, torr, war, uncalled-for, underscore, vavasor,
whore, wore, yore, your, you're warrantor
abhor, actor, adore, afore, and/or, alienor, ambassador, ankylosaur,
ashore, backdoor, bailor, bandore, conquistador, conservator, Corregidor,
Beardmore, bedsore, before, bezoar, de Pompadour, El Salvador, esprit de
bookstore, candor, captor, centaur, corps, forevermore, hereinbefore,
claymore, closed-door, condor, decor, ichthyosaur, insectivore, legislator,
deplore, dime-store, donor, downpour, plesiosaur, San Salvadore, toreador,
drugstore, encore, ephor, explore, tyrannosaur, Ulan Bator
Exmoor, eyesore, feoffor, fetor, administrator, lobster thermidor
Fillmore, folklore, footsore, forebore, Talleyrand-Perigord
forswore, forscore, galore, hardcore,
ichor, ignore, implore, Indore, indoor, or 2 \sr\ see eur 1
inpour, inshore, Lahore, lakeshore,
ora \6r-s\ aura, bora, Cora, Dora,
Lenore, lessor, memoir, mentor,
flora, Flora, hora, Laura, Lora, mora,
Mysore, nearshore, Nestor, offshore,
Nora, sora, Torah
onshore, outdoor, outpour, outsoar,
Andorra, angora, aurora, Aurora,
outwore, pastor, psywar, rancor,
begorra, camorra, fedora, gemara,
rapport, raptor, Realtor, restore, rhetor,
Gomorrah, Lenora, Masora, menorah,
savior, seafloor, seashore, sector,
pandora, Pandora, remora, senhora,
seignior, senhor, sehor, sensor, settlor,
sefiora, signora, Sonora
Seymour, signor, smoothbore,
sophomore, stentor, stertor, stressor, grandiflora, Juiz de Fora, Leonora,
stridor, subfloor, temblor, tensor, Simchas Torah, Tuscarora
therefor, therefore, threescore, Timor, Lomas de Zamora
trapdoor, turgor, uproar, vendor, orable \6r-9-bal\ horrible, pourable,
wherefore, woodlore storable
albacore, alongshore, anaphor, adorable, deplorable, restorable
anymore, archosaur, Baltimore,
Bangalore, Barrymore, brontosaur, orace \6r-as\ see aurus
carnivore, CD4, Coimbatore,
oracle \6r-9-kal\ coracle, oracle
commodore, comprador, confessor,
consignor, corridor, cuspidor, devisor, orage 1 \ar-ij\ barrage, borage,
dinosaur, door-to-door, Ecuador, forage, porridge
either-or, Eleanor, Eleanore, elector,
Elinor, en rapport, evermore, orage 2 \6r-ij\ borage, floorage,
franchisor, furthermore, guarantor, forage, porridge, storage
Gwalior, hackamore, hadrosaur,
hellebore, herbivore, heretofore, orah \6r-s\ see ora
humidor, Labrador, louis d'or, man-of- oral1 \6r-3i\ aural, choral, coral,
war, manticore, matador, metaphor, Coral, floral, laurel, Laurel, moral,
meteor, millepore, Minotaur, mirador, oral, quarrel, sorrel
Mount Rushmore, nevermore, aboral, amoral, auroral, balmoral,
omnivore, out-of-door, petit four, binaural, immoral, monaural, peroral,
picador, pinafore, pompadour, restoral, sororal
predator, promisor, pterosaur,
reservoir, sagamore, Salvador, oral2 \6rl\ see orl2
275 ordure

oram \6r-9m\ see orum ord 2 \ard\ see ird

orate \6r-at\ seeoret ord 3 \6r\ see or1
orative \6r-9t-iv\ explorative, ordan \6rd- 3 n\ see arden 2
pejorative, restorative
ordancy \6rd- 3 n-se\ mordancy
oray \a-re\ see urry discordancy

orb \6rb\ forb, orb, sorb, Sorb ordant \6rd- 3 nt\ mordant, mordent
absorb, adsorb, desorb, resorb accordant, concordant, discordant

orbate \6r-bst\ see orbit orde \6rd\ see oard

orbeil \6r-bal\ see orbel orded \6rd-ad\ see arded 2

orbel \6r-bal\ corbeil, corbel, warble ordent \6rd- 3 nt\ see ordant

orbent \6r-b3nt\ absorbent order \6rd-ar\ boarder, border,

immunosorbent corder, hoarder, order, warder
awarder, disorder, keyboarder,
orbet \6r-bat\ see orbit recorder, reorder, rewarder,
skateboarder, surfboarder
orbit \6r-bat\ orbit, sorbet made-to-order
ordered \6rd-srd\ bordered, ordered
ore \6rk\ see ork2
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
orca \6r-ka\ orca order
Majorca, Minorca
orders \6rd-arz\ Borders
Palma de Mallorca
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
orcas \6r-kss\ Dorcas, orchis and -s forms of verbs, listed at order

orce \6rs\ see orse 1 ordial \6rd-e-al\ exordial, primordial

orced \6rst\ see orst1 ordid \6rd-ad\ see arded 2

orceful \6rs-fsl\ see orseful ording 1 \6rd-irj\ boarding, hoarding,

orcement \6r-sm3nt\ see orsement recording, rewarding, skateboarding
orcer \6r-sar\ courser, forcer
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
discourses enforcer
—also -er forms of adjectives listed ording 2 \ard-irj\ see erding
at orse 1
ordingly \6rd-irj-le\ accordingly,
orch \6rch\ porch, scorch, torch rewardingly
blowtorch, sunporch
ordion \6rd-e-an\ accordion,
orcher \6r-cb.9r\ scorcher, torture Edwardian
orchid \6r-kad\ forked, orchid ordist \6rd-3St\ recordist
cryptorchid, monorchid clavichordist, harpsichordist
orchis \6r-kas\ see orcas ordon \6rd- 3 n\ see arden 2
ord1 \6rd\ see oard ordure \6r-jsr\ see orger
ordy 276

ordy1 \6rd-e\ Geordie, Lordy oreword \6r-wsrd\ see orward

orey \6r-e\ see ory
ordy 2 \ard-e\ see urdy
orf \6rf \ see orph
ore 1 \6r-e\ see ory
org 1 \6rg\ morgue
2 1 cyborg
ore \iir\ see ure
ore 3 \ar-3\ see orough 1 org 2 \6r-e\ see ory
ore 4 \6r\ see or1 organ \6r-gan\ gorgon, morgan,
Morgan, organ
oreal \6r-e-al\ see orial Glamorgan
orean \6r-e-9n\ see orian Demogorgon, Mid Glamorgan,
South Glamorgan, West Glamorgan
oreas \6r-e-as\ see orious
orge \6rj\ forge, George, gorge,
ored \6rd\ see oard scourge
disgorge, drop-forge, engorge, Lloyd
oredom \6rd-3m\ boredom, George, reforge
whoredom Olduvai Gorge
orehead \6r-ad\ see orrid orger \6r-jsr\ bordure, forger,
oreign \ar-an\ see arin gorger, ordure

oreign 2 \6r-an\ see orin1 orgi \6r-ge\ see orgy

oreigner \6r-3-ngr\ see oroner orgia \6r-ja\ Borgia, Georgia

Strait of Georgia
orem \6r-am\ see orum
orgian \6r-jsn\ Georgian
oreman Xor-marA see orman Swedenborgian
orence \6r-3n(t)s\ seeawrence orgon \6r-gsn\ see organ
oreous \6r-e-as\ see orious orgue \6rg\ see org
orer \6r-ar\ borer, corer, floorer, orgy \6r-ge\ corgi, porgy
horror, pourer, roarer, scorer, ori \6r-e\ see ory
schnorrer, snorer, soarer, sorer
abhorer, adorer, deplorer, explorer oria \6r-e-a\ gloria, Gloria, noria,
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed scoria
at or1 centaurea, euphoria, Peoria, Pretoria,
victoria, Victoria, Vitoria
ores 1 \6r-as\ see aurus phantasmagoria
ores 2 \6rz\ see oors orial \6r-e-al\ boreal, oriel, oriole
oreson \6rs- 3 n\ see oarsen arboreal, armorial, auctorial,
authorial, cantorial, censorial,
orest \6r-ast\ see orist corporeal, cursorial, factorial,
orester \6r-9-st9r\ see orister fossorial, manorial, marmoreal,
memorial, pictorial, praetorial,
oret \6r-9t\ floret, sororate proctorial, raptorial, rectorial,
sartorial, seignorial, sensorial,
oreum \6r-e-3m\ see orium
sponsorial, tonsorial, tutorial, uxorial,
oreward \6r-ward\ see orward vectorial
277 orium

conductorial, consistorial, curatorial, orin1 \6r-an\ chlorine, florin,

dictatorial, directorial, editorial, foreign, Lauren, Orrin, sporran,
equatorial, immemorial, incorporeal, warren, Warren
janitorial, monitorial, monsignorial, cyclosporine
natatorial, piscatorial, preceptorial, cephalosporin
professorial, purgatorial, reportorial,
senatorial, territorial orin 2 \ar-sn\ see arin
ambassadorial, conservatorial, orine \6r-sn\ see orin1
combinatorial, conspiratorial,
extracorporeal, gladiatorial, oring \6r-irj\ boring, flooring,
gubernatorial, imperatorial, roaring, shoring
inquisitorial, legislatorial, inpouring, longshoring, outpouring,
procuratorial, propriatorial, rip-roaring
prosecutorial —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
extraterritorial, improvisatorial or1

oriam \6r-e-9m\ see orium oring \ar-irj\ see urring

orian \6r-e-an\ Dorian, saurian, oriole \6r-e-9l\ see orial

Taurean orious \6r-e-as\ aureus, Boreas,
aurorean, Gregorian, historian, glorious
Nestorian, praetorian, stentorian, arboreous, censorious, inglorious,
Victorian laborious, notorious, sartorius,
dinosaurian, hyperborean, Oratorian, uproarious, uxorious, vainglorious,
prehistorian, senatorian, terpsichorean victorious
salutatorian, valedictorian meritorious
oriant \6r-e-ant\ see orient oris \6r-9s\ see aurus
oriat \6r-e-9t\ see aureate orish 1 \6r-ish\ boarish, poorish,
oric \6r-ik\ auric, choric, Doric, whorish
toric folklorish
Armoric, caloric, clitoric, dysphoric, orish 2 \ur-ish\ see oorish 1
euphoric, folkloric, historic,
phosphoric, plethoric, pyloric orist \6r-sst\ florist, forest, Forrest,
anaphoric, cataphoric, metaphoric, sorest
meteoric, paregoric, prehistoric, afforest, Black Forest, deforest,
sophomoric folklorist, reforest
aleatoric, phantasmagoric allegorist
Petrified Forest
orical \6r-i-ksl\ auricle —also -est forms of adjectives listed
historical, rhetorical at or1
ahistorical, allegorical, categorical,
metaphorical, oratorical, orister \6r-3-star\ chorister, forester
transhistorical ority \6r-at-e\ authority, majority,
sociohistorical minority, priority, seniority, sonority
orics \6r-iks\ see oryx apriority
exteriority, inferiority, interiority,
orid \6r-ad\ see orrid posteriority, superiority
oriel \6r-e-al\ see orial
orium \6r-e-9m\ castoreum,
orient \6r-e-snt\ orient, Orient ciborium, emporium, pastorium,
euphoriant scriptorium, sensorium
ork 278

auditorium, crematorium, in autoworker, metalworker,

memoriam, moratorium, natatorium, needleworker, wonderworker
sanitorium, sudatorium orker2 \6r-kar\ corker, forker,
ork1 \ark\ burke, Burke, chirk, porker, torquer
cirque, clerk, dirk, Dirk, irk, jerk, kirk, orkie \6r-ke\ see orky
Kirk, lurk, murk, perk, quirk, shirk,
smirk, stirk, Turk, work, yerk, zerk orking \sr-kirj\ hardworking, tear-
artwork, berserk, breastwork, jerking, woodworking
brickwork, bridgework, brightwork, wonder-working
brushwork, capework, casework, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
clockwork, coachwork, de Klerk, ork1
ductwork, Dunkirk, earthwork, orky \6r-ke\ corky, dorky, forky,
falsework, fieldwork, firework,
Gorky, porky, Yorkie
flatwork, footwork, formwork,
framework, goldwork, groundwork, orl1 \arl\ see irl
guesswork, hackwork, handwork,
orl2 \6rl\ schorl, whorl
headwork, homework, housework,
ironwork, knee-jerk, legwork,
lifework, make-work, meshwork, orld \arld\ burled, knurled, whorled,
mi 11 work, network, outwork, world
paintwork, patchwork, piecework, dreamworld, New World, old-world
presswork, quillwork, rework, demiworld, microworld,
roadwork, salesclerk, schoolwork, netherworld, otherworld, underworld
Selkirk, Southwark, spadework, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
steelwork, stickwork, stonework, irl1
teamwork, timework, topwork,
waxwork, webwork, woodwork orled \srld\ see orld
basketwork, busywork, crewelwork, orm1 \srm\ berm, firm, germ, herm,
donkeywork, fancywork, handiwork, perm, Perm, sperm, squirm, term,
journey work, laquerwork, therm, worm
masterwork, needlework, openwork, affirm, bookworm, budworm,
overwork, paperwork, plasterwork, confirm, cutworm, deperm, deworm,
soda jerk, wonderwork earthworm, flatworm, glowworm,
cabinetwork heartworm, hookworm, hornworm,
inchworm, infirm, long-term,
ork2 \6rk\ cork, Cork, dork, fork, lugworm, lungworm, midterm,
pork, quark, stork, torque, York pinworm, ringworm, roundworm,
bulwark, Cape York, futhorc, sandworm, screwworm, short-term,
hayfork, New York, North York, silkworm, tapeworm, woodworm
pitchfork, uncork angleworm, armyworm, caddis
orked 1 \6rkt\ corked, forked worm, disaffirm, disconfirm,
uncorked gymnosperm, pachyderm, reconfirm
angiosperm, echinoderm
orked 2 \6r-kad\ see orchid
orm 2 \6rm\ corm, dorm, form,
orker Xsr-karX jerker, lurker, norm, storm, swarm, warm
shirker, worker aswarm, barnstorm, brainstorm,
berserker, caseworker, dockworker, conform, deform, Delorme, firestorm,
fieldworker, handworker, ironworker, free-form, hailstorm, inform, L-form,
outworker, pieceworker, steelworker, landform, life-form, lukewarm,
tearjerker, wageworker, woodworker perform, planform, platform,
279 orn

postform, preform, rainstorm, re-form, ormer 2 Xar-marX see urmur

reform, sandstorm, snowstorm,
transform, triform, windstorm ormerly \6r-m9-le\ see ormally
chloroform, cruciform, dendriform, ormie \6r-me\ see ormy1
dentiform, disciform, fungiform,
funnelform, fusiform, letterform, ormily \6r-m3-le\ see ormally
microform, multiform, nonconform,
orming \6r-mirj\ brainstorming,
thunderstorm, uniform, vermiform
heartwarming, housewarming
ormable Xdr-ma-balX formable habit-forming, nonperforming
conformable, performable, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
transformable orm 2

ormal \6r-m9l\ formal, normal ormist \6r-msst\ warmest

abnormal, conformal, informal, conformist, reformist
subnormal nonconformist
paranormal, semiformal, ormity \6r-m9t-e\ conformity,
supernormal deformity, enormity
ormally \6r-ma-le\ formally, nonconformity, uniformity
formerly, normally, stormily ormless \6rm-las\ formless,
abnormally, informally, subnormally gormless
paranormally, supernormally
ormon Xor-marA see orman
orman \6r-man\ corpsman,
doorman, foreman, Mormon, Norman ormy1 \6r-me\ dormie, stormy
ormy 2 \ar-me\ see ermy
orn1 \6rn\ born, borne, bourn, corn,
ormance \6r-m9ns\ conformance,
horn, lorn, morn, mourn, Norn, porn,
scorn, shorn, sworn, thorn, torn, warn,
ormant \6r-mant\ dormant, formant acorn, adorn, airborne, alphorn,
informant althorn, baseborn, bicorne, bighorn,
blackthorn, boxthorn, broomcorn,
ormative \6r-mat-iv\ formative, buckthorn, bullhorn, Cape Horn,
normative careworn, Christ's-thorn, Dearborn,
informative, performative, dehorn, earthborn, einkorn, firethorn,
reformative, transformative firstborn, foghorn, foreborn,
foresworn, forewarn, forlorn, forworn,
orme \6rm\ see orm 2 freeborn, greenhorn, hartshorn,
ormed \6rmd\ formed, normed hawthorn, Hawthorne, highborn,
informed, malformed, unformed inborn, inkhorn, krummhorn, leghorn,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at longhorn, lovelorn, lowborn, newborn,
orm 2 outworn, popcorn, pronghorn, reborn,
seaborne, shipborne, shoehorn,
ormer1 \6r-m9r\ dormer, former, shopworn, shorthorn, skyborne,
swarmer, warmer soilborne, staghorn, stillborn,
barnstormer, benchwarmer, stinkhorn, suborn, timeworn, tinhorn,
brainstormer, conformer, heart- tricorne, trueborn, twice-born, unborn,
warmer, informer, performer, unworn, wayworn, wellborn, well-
reformer, transformer worn, wind-borne
orn 280

alpenhorn, barleycorn, Capricorn, orough 2 \ar-6\ see urrow1

fliigelhorn, foreign-born, Golden
Horn, Matterhorn, peppercorn, orous \6r-9s\ see aurus
unicorn, waterborne, waterworn, orp \ 6 r p \ dorp, gorp, thorp, warp
weatherworn, winterbourne Australorp, Krugersdorp, octothorp,
orn 2 \3rn\ see urn Oglethorpe

ornament \6r-n3-mant\ ornament, orpe \6rp\ see orp

tournament orper \6r-p9r\ dorper, torpor
orne \6rn\ see orn 1 orph \6rf\ corf, dwarf, morph
orned \6rnd\ horned, thorned Diisseldorf
unadorned anthropomorph
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
orphan \6r-fsn\ orphan
orn 1 endorphin
orner \6r-nar\ warner, Warner beta-endorphin
Cape Horner, dehorner, suborner
orpheus \6r-fe-as\ Morpheus,
ornery \an-re\ see annery 1 Orpheus
orney \sr-ne\ see ourney 1 orphic \6r-fik\ orphic
ornful \6rn-f9l\ mournful, scornful ectomorphic, endomorphic,
mesomorphic, metamorphic,
ornice \6r-nas\ cornice, ornice pseudomorphic
notornis anthropomorphic
orning \6r-nirj\ morning, mourning, orphin \6r-fsn\ see orphan
aborning orphous \6r-f9s\ amorphous
orn is \6r-nas\ see ornice
orphrey \6r-fre\ orphrey, porphyry
ornment Xarn-mantX see ernment
orphyrin \6r-f3-ran\ see arfarin
orny \6r-ne\ corny, horny, porny,
thorny, tourney orphyry \6r-fre\ see orphrey
1 1
oro \ar-3\ see orough orpoise \6r-pas\ see orpus
oro \6-ro\ Chamorro, Mindoro orpor \6r-par\ see orper
Rio de Oro
orps \6r\ see or1
oroner \6r-9-n3r\ coroner, foreigner,
warrener orpsman \6r-m3n\ see orman
1 orpus \6r-p9s\ corpus, porpoise
orough \9r-a\ borough, burgh,
burro, burrow, curragh, furrow, ore, habeas corpus
orque \6rk\ see ork2
Gainsborough, Greensboro,
Roxborough, Scarborough, orquer \6r-kar\ see orker 2
Edinburgh, kookaburra, orr \6r\ see or1
Peterborough orra1 \ar-a\ seeara 1
Soke of Peterborough
Huntingdon and Peterborough orra2 \6r-s\ see ora
281 orsted

orrader \ar-3d-ar\ see orridor orrow2 \ar-a\ see ara 1

orrah1 \6r-a\ see ora orry1 \ar-e\ see ari1
orrah2 \ar-s\ see ara 1 orry2 \ar-e\ see urry
orran1 \ar-an\ see arin ors \6rz\ see oors
orran \6r-sn\ see orin 1 orsal \6r-s9l\ see orsel

orrence \6r-ans\ see awrence orse 1 \6rs\ coarse, corse, course,

force, gorse, hoarse, horse, Morse,
orrel \6r-al\ see oral1 Norse, source
clotheshorse, concourse, deforce,
orrent \6r-ant\ horrent, torrent, discourse, divorce, endorse, enforce,
warrant extrorse, introrse, midcourse,
abhorrent packhorse, perforce, post-horse,
orrer \6r-sr\ see orer racecourse, racehorse, recourse,
remorse, resource, retrorse, sawhorse,
orres \6r-as\ see aurus stringcourse, unhorse, war-horse,
Whitehorse, workhorse
orrest \6r-ast\ see orist
charley horse, Crazy Horse,
orrible \6r-a-bal\ see orable hobbyhorse, intercourse, nonrecourse,
reinforce, stalking-horse, telecourse,
orrid \6r-ad\ florid, horrid, torrid tour de force, watercourse
orridge 1 \ar-ij\ see orage 1 orse 2 \ars\ see erse
2 2
orridge \6r-ij\ see orage orseful \6rs-fal\ forceful
remorseful, resourceful
orridor \ar-9d-ar\ corridor, forrader
orsel \6r-sal\ dorsal, morsel
orrie1 \ar-e\ see ari1
orseman \6r-sman\ horseman,
orrie2 \6r-e\ see ory Norseman
orrier \6r-e-ar\ see arrior orsement \6r-smant\ deforcement,
orrin1 \ar-en\ see arin divorcement, endorsement,
orrin2 \6r-an\ see orin1 reinforcement
orris1 \ar-ss\ charas, Jurez, orsen \ars- 3 n\ see erson
Maurice, morris, Morris, Norris, orris
Banaras, Benares, Polaris orser Xar-sarX see ursor
Ciudad Juarez orset \6r-sat\ corset, Dorset
orris 2 \6r-as\ see aurus orsey \6r-se\ see orsy
orro \6-ro\ see oro 2 orsion \6r-shan\ see ortion
orror \6r-ar\ see orer orst 1 \6rst\ forced, horst
orrow1 \ar-6\ borrow, claro, morrow, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
sorrow, taro orse 1
Pizarro, saguaro, tomorrow orst 2 \arst\ see urst
Kilimanjaro, Mohenjo-Daro orsted \sr-st9d\ see ersted
orsum 282

orsum \6r-s3m\ dorsum, foursome orted ly \6rt-ad-le\ purportedly,

orsy \6r-se\ gorsy, horsey
orten \6rt- 3 n\ quartan, shorten
ort1 \6rt\ boart, bort, court, fort,
forte, mort, Oort, ort, port, Porte,
quart, short, snort, sort, sport, swart, orter \6rt-ar\ mortar, porter, Porter,
thwart, tort, torte, wart, wort quarter, snorter, sorter, thwarter
abort, airport, amort, aport, assort, aborter, colporteur, distorter,
athwart, backcourt, bellwort, exhorter, exporter, extorter,
birthwort, bistort, Bridgeport, cavort, headquarter, importer, lambs-quarter,
cohort, colewort, comport, consort, reporter, resorter, ripsnorter,
contort, crosscourt, deport, disport, transporter
distort, downcourt, effort, escort, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
exhort, export, extort, forecourt, at ort1
frontcourt, glasswort, gosport, half-
court, homeport, milkwort, Newport, orteur \6rt-ar\ see orter
outport, passport, presort, purport, orth1 \6rth\ forth, Forth, fourth,
ragwort, report, re-sort, resort, retort, north, North
seaport, Shreveport, spaceport, thenceforth
spoilsport, Stockport, support, Firth of Forth
orth 2 \arth\ see irth
bladderwort, davenport, life-support,
nonsupport, pennywort, Saint-John's orthful \3rth-fsl\ see irthful
wort, teleport, ultrashort, worrywart
orthless Xarth-tasX see irthless
pianoforte, underreport
ort2 \6r\ see or1 orthy \ar-the\ earthy, worthy
airworthy, blameworthy, Galsworthy,
ort 3 \art\ see ert newsworthy, noteworthy,
ortable \6rt-9-b9l\ portable praiseworthy, seaworthy, trustworthy
deportable, exportable, importable, creditworthy
reportable, supportable, transportable ortic \6rt-ik\ see artic 2
ortical \6rt-i-k9l\ cortical, vortical
ortage \6rt-ij\ portage, shortage
colportage ortie \6rt-e\ see orty
ortal \6rt- l\ chortle, mortal, portal, orting \6rt-irj\ sporting
quartile self-supporting
immortal ortion \6r-shan\ portion, torsion
ortar \6rt-sr\ see orter abortion, apportion, contortion,
distortion, extorsion, extortion,
ortative \6rt-st-iv\ hortative, proportion, retortion
portative disproportion, proabortion,
assortative, exhortative reapportion
orte 1 \6rt\ see ort1 antiabortion
orte 2 \6rt-e\ see orty ortionate \6r-shn3t\ extortionate,
orted \6rt-ad\ warted disproportionate
assorted, ill-sorted
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ortionist \6r-shnsst\ abortionist,
ort1 contortionist, extortionist
283 ory

ortis \6rt-3s\ fortis, mortise, tortoise centaury, clerestory, John Dory,

aquafortis, rigor mortis outlawry, satori, vainglory
a priori, allegory, amatory, auditory,
ortise \6rt-3s\ see ortis cacciatore, castratory, category, con
ortive \6rt-iv\ sportive amore, crematory, damnatory,
abortive, contortive, extortive decretory, desultory, dilatory,
dormitory, expletory, feudatory,
ortle \6rt- 3 l\ see ortal fumitory, Goteborg, gustatory,
gyratory, hortatory, hunky-dory,
ortly \6rt-le\ courtly, portly, shortly, inventory, Lake Maggiore, laudatory,
thwartly lavatory, mandatory, migratory,
ortment \6rt-m9nt\ assortment, minatory, monitory, Montessori,
comportment, deportment, nugatory, offertory, oratory, overstory,
disportment predatory, prefatory, probatory,
promissory, promontory, purgatory,
ortoise \6rt-as\ see ortis repertory, Ruwenzori, signatory,
statutory, sudatory, territory, transitory,
orton \6rt- a n\ Morton, Norton, understory, vibratory, vomitory,
Wharton yakitori
OrtS \6rts\ quartz, shorts, sports accusatory, admonitory, adulatory, a
undershorts fortiori, aleatory, ambulatory,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, amendatory, applicatory, approbatory,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ort celebratory, circulatory, combinatory,
commendatory, compensatory,
ortunate \6rch-n9t\ fortunate condemnatory, confirmatory,
importunate, unfortunate confiscatory, conservatory,
consolatory, contributory, copulatory,
orture \6r-char\ see orcher cosignatory, declamatory, declaratory,
dedicatory, defamatory, denigratory,
orty \6rt-e\ forty, shorty, sortie,
depilatory, depository, derogatory,
sporty, warty
designatory, dispensatory, divinatory,
mezzo forte
escalatory, excitatory, exclamatory,
exculpatory, excusatory, exhibitory,
orum \6r-am\ foram, forum, jorum, exhortatory, expiatory, expiratory,
quorum explanatory, explicatory, exploratory,
decorum, Mizoram expository, expurgatory, incantatory,
ad valorem, cockalorum, indecorum, incubatory, indicatory, inflammatory,
Karakoram, variorum informatory, innovatory, inspiratory,
pons asinorum, sanctum sanctorum, inundatory, invitatory, judicatory,
schola cantorum laboratory, masticatory, masturbatory,
memento mori, millefiori, modulatory,
orus \6r-as\ see aurus obfuscatory, obligatory, observatory,
performatory, persecutory, predicatory,
orward \6r-ward\ forward, premonitory, preparatory, prohibitory,
foreward, shoreward reformatory, regulatory, repository,
henceforward retributory, revelatory, respiratory,
carryforward salutatory, stipulatory, supplicatory,
ory \6r-e\ Corey, corrie, dory, glory, transmigratory, undulatory
gory, hoary, Laurie, Lori, lorry, lory, adjudicatory, a posteriori,
nori, quarry, saury, sorry, story, Tory, annihilatory, annunciatory,
zori anticipatory, appreciatory,
oryx 284

assimilatory, circumlocutory, osable 1 \6-zs-b3l\ closable

classificatory, concilliatory, disposable, erosible, explosible,
confabulatory, congratulatory, de- opposable, reclosable, supposable
escalatory, denunciatory, depreciatory, decomposable, superposable
discriminatory, ejaculatory, indecomposable, superimposable
hallucinatory, improvisatore,
improvisatory, interrogatory, osable 2 \u-z3-bsl\ see usable
intimidatory, investigatory, osal \6-z3l\ hosel, losel
participatory, propitiatory, deposal, disposal, proposal, reposal,
recommendatory, recriminatory, supposal
renunciatory, reverberatory, viola
d'amore osan \6s- a n\ see osin
amelioratory, overcompensatory,
reconciliatory, supererogatory osch \ash\ see ash 2
immunoregulatory oschen 1 \6-shan\ see otion
oryx \6r-iks\ oryx oschen 2 \6-sh9n\ see aution
combinatorics oscible \as-a-b9l\ see ossible

orze \6rz\ see oors o s c o \as-ko\ see oscoe

05 1 \as\ boss, doss, dross, floss, o s c o e \as-ko\ Bosco, roscoe,

fosse, gloss, joss, Maas, os, pross, Roscoe
stoss, toss fiasco
Argos, bathos, benthos, bugloss, oscopy \as-ks-pe\ arthroscopy,
chaos, Chios, cosmos, Delos, demos, microscopy, spectroscopy
Ellas, emboss, Eos, epos, Eros, ethos, sigmoidoscopy
Hyksos, kaross, kudos, kvass, Lagos,
Laplace, Lemnos, Lesbos, Logos, ose 1 \6s\ close, dose, gross, os
Madras, Melos, mythos, nol-pros, arkose, Carlos, cosmos, crustose,
nonpros, Paros, pathos, peplos, cymose, dextrose, engross, erose,
pharos, ringtoss, Samos, telos, topos, fructose, globose, glucose, jocose,
tripos lactose, maltose, mannose, morose,
coup de grace, demitasse, extrados, mythos, nodose, pappose, pathos,
gravitas, intrados, isogloss, omphalos, pentose, pilose, plumose, ramose,
reredos, semigloss, Thanatos, rhamnose, ribose, rugose, scapose,
underboss, volte-face schistose, setose, spinose, strigose,
sucrose, Sukkoth, triose, vadose,
05 2 \ 6 \ see ow1 verbose, viscose
adios, adipose, bellicose, calvados,
0 5 3 \6s\ see ose 1
cellulose, comatose, diagnose,
o s 4 \ 6 s \ see oss 1 grandiose, granulose, Helios,
lachrymose, megadose, otiose,
osa 1 \6-sa\ Xhosa overdose, racemose, Shabuoth,
Formosa, mimosa, Reynosa tuberose, varicose, ventricose
curiosa, virtuosa inter vivos, metamorphose, religiose
anorexia nervosa inter alios
osa 2 \6-za\ mimosa, mucosa, serosa, o s e 2 \6z\ brose, Broz, chose, close,
Spinoza, sub rosa clothes, cloze, doze, froze, gloze,
curiosa, virtuosa, Zaragoza hose, nose, pose, prose, rose, Rose
285 osit

Ambrose, appose, aros, bedclothes, oset 3 \as-at\ see osset

bluenose, brownnose, bulldoze,
Burroughs, compose, depose, o s e y \6-ze\ see osy
dextrose, disclose, dispose, enclose, osh 1 \6sh\ see ash 2
expose, foreclose, fructose, glucose,
hardnose, impose, nightclothes, osh 2 \6sh\ see oche 2
oppose, plainclothes, primrose, oshed 1 \asht\ sloshed
propose, quickfroze, repose, rockrose,
suppose, transpose, tuberose, unclose,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
uprose, viscose, wind rose ash 1
Berlioz, counterpose, decompose,
diagnose, discompose, indispose, oshed 2 \6sht\ see ashed 1
interpose, juxtapose, letters close,
pettitoes, predispose, presuppose, oshen \6-shan\ see otion
pussytoes, recompose, shovelnose, osher \ash-ar\ see asher 1
superpose, underclothes
anastomose, metamorphose, osia \6-shs\ see otia1
overexpose, superimpose, osible \6-za-bal\ see osable 1
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, osier \6-zhar\ see osure
and -s forms of verbs, listed at OW
OSlly \6-zs-le\ cozily, nosily, rosily
o s e 3 \uz\ see use 2
osin \6s- 3 n\ boatswain, Mosan
OSed \6zd\ closed, nosed pocosin
composed, exposed, hard-nosed,
OSing \6-zirj\ closing, nosing
opposed, pug-nosed, snub-nosed,
disclosing, imposing, supposing
stenosed, supposed, unclosed
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
indisposed, shovel-nosed, toffee-
nosed, well-disposed
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at osion \6-zhan\ plosion
ose 2 corrosion, displosion, erosion,
explosion, implosion
o s e e \6-ze\ see osy
o s i s \6-s3s\ gnosis
osel \6-zal\ see osal hypnosis, narcosis, necrosis,
neurosis, orthosis, osmosis, prognosis,
osen \6z- 9 n\ chosen, frozen
psychosis, sclerosis, thrombosis
brucellosis, cyanosis, dermatosis,
diagnosis, halitosis, heterosis,
oser 1 \6-zar\ closer, dozer, poser, psittacosis, scoliosis, silicosis,
proser symbiosis
brownnoser, bulldozer, composer, anaplasmosis, autohypnosis,
discloser, disposer, exposer, imposer, coccidiosis, hyperhidrosis,
opposer, proposer pediculosis, psychoneurosis,
decomposer, interposer tuberculosis
photocomposer mononucleosis
immunodiagnosis, neurofibromatosis
oser 2 \u-zar\ see user
osit 1 \az-at\ closet, posit
oset 1 \6-zst\ see osit 2 composite, deposit, exposit
oset 2 \az-at\ see osit1 osit 2 \6-zat\ prosit, roset
osite 286

osite \az-at\ see osit1 ossal \as-al\ docile, dossal, fossil,

glossal, jostle, tassel, throstle, warsle,
OSitive \az-9t-iv\ positive wassail
appositive apostle, colossal, indocile
seropositive isoglossal
OSitor \a\z-3t-ar\ compositor,
OSSe1 \as\ see OS1
depositor, expositor
o s s e 2 \as-e\ see ossy 1
osius \6-sh9s\ see ocious
OSive \6-siv\ plosive OSSe3 \6s\ see oss 1
corrosive, erosive, explosive, o s s e d \6st\ see ost 3
implosive, purposive
osser \6-S9r\ Chaucer, crosser,
osk \ask\ mosque
050 1 \6-so\ proso o s s e t \as-at\ cosset, faucet, Osset,
maestoso, rebozo posset
arioso, furioso, gracioso, grandioso, Samoset
mafioso, Mato Grosso, oloroso, OSSible \a.s-3-b9l\ possible
spiritoso, vigoroso, virtuoso cognoscible, embossable, impossible
concerto grosso
ossic \as-ik\ see ossick
050 2 \6-zo\ bozo
rebozo ossick \as-ik\ fossick
furioso, gracioso, grandioso, isoglossic
spiritoso, vigoroso
ossil \as-9l\ see ossal
o s o 3 \u-so\ see usoe
ossity \as-9t-e\ atrocity, callosity,
osophy \as-a-fe\ philosophy, ferocity, gibbosity, monstrosity,
theosophy pomposity, porosity, precocity,
anthroposophy velocity, viscosity, zygosity
osque \ask\ see osk adiposity, animosity, bellicosity,
curiosity, generosity, grandiosity,
OSS \6s\ boss, cross, crosse, floss, hideosity, luminosity, nebulosity,
gloss, loss, moss, Ross, sauce, toss preciosity, reciprocity, scrupulosity,
across, bugloss, crisscross, emboss, sensuosity, sinuosity, strenuosity,
Kinross, kouros, lacrosse, outcross, tortuosity, tuberosity, varicosity,
pathos, ringtoss, topcross, uncross virtuosity
albatross, applesauce, autocross, impetuosity, religiosity, voluminosity
double-cross, intercross, motocross, impecuniosity
ossly \6s-le\ costly, crossly
OSS2 \6s\ see ose 1
OSSO \6-so\ see OSO1
o s s 3 \as\ see OS1
o s s o s \as-9s\ see ocess
o s s a \as-a\ see asa 1
ossular \as-9-l9r\ grossular,
ossable \as-3-bal\ see ossible was sailer
287 osure

ossum \as-9m\ blossom, passim, ostal 2 \as-t 3 l\ see ostel

opossum ostasy \as-ts-se\ apostasy, isostasy

o s s u s \as-as\ see ocess OSte \6st\ see OSt2

ossy 1 \as-e\ Aussie, bossy, dassie, ostel \as-t 3 l\ hostel, hostile

drossy, flossy, glossy, posse, quasi Pentecostal
dalasi, Kumasi, Likasi, sannyasi oster 1 \as-tar\ coster, foster, Foster,
o s s y \6-se\ Aussie, bossy, lossy, roster
mossy impostor, piaster
Double Gloucester, paternoster,
OSt1 \ast\ sol-faist snollygoster
Pentecost, teleost
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at oster 2 \6s-tar\ foster, Foster, roster
OS1 Double Gloucester

OSt2 \6st\ boast, coast, ghost, host, oster 3 \6-stsr\ see oaster
most, oast, post, roast, toast ostic \as-tik\ Gnostic
almost, bedpost, compost, doorpost, acrostic, agnostic, prognostic
endmost, foremost, gatepost, goalpost, diagnostic
Gold Coast, guidepost, headmost,
hindmost, impost, inmost, midmost, ostile \as-t 3 l\ see ostel
milepost, Milquetoast, outmost,
outpost, provost, rearmost, riposte, OStle \as-al\ see ossal
seacoast, signpost, sternmost, ostly 1 \6st-le\ ghostly, hostly, mostly
sternpost, topmost, upcoast, upmost,
utmost ostly 2 \6s-le\ see ossly
aftermost, ante-post, bottommost,
coast-to-coast, easternmost, ostomy \as-t9-me\ ostomy
farthermost, fingerpost, furthermost, colostomy
headforemost, hithermost, innermost, enterostomy
Ivory Coast, lowermost, nethermost, OSton \6s-tsn\ Austin, Boston
northernmost, outermost, rudderpost, Godwin Austen
southernmost, sternforemost,
undermost, uppermost, uttermost, ostor \as-tar\ see oster 1
ostral 1 \6s-tral\ austral, rostral
OSt \6st\ cost, frost, lost
accost, defrost, exhaust, hoarfrost, ostral2 \as-tral\ see ostrel
star-crossed ostrel \as-tral\ austral, costrel,
holocaust, Pentecost, permafrost nostril, rostral, wastrel
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at colostral
ostril \as-tral\ see ostrel
OSt4 \sst\ see USt1
OStrum \as-tram\ nostrum, rostrum
OSta \as-ta\ costa, pasta colostrum
OStal1 \6s-t 3 l\ coastal, postal OSty \6-ste\ ghosty, toasty
intercostal osure \6-zhar\ closure, crosier, osier
osy 288

composure, disclosure, disposure, microdot, Nouakchott, ocelot,

enclosure, exclosure, exposure, overshot, paraquat, patriot, Penobscot,
foreclosure peridot, polka dot, polyglot, samizdat,
discomposure sansculotte, scattershot, terawatt,
overexposure, underexposure tommyrot, touch-me-not, underplot,
undershot, Willemstadt, Wyandot,
osy \6-ze\ cozy, dozy, mosey, nosy, wyandotte
Osee, posy, prosy, rosy compatriot, forget-me-not,
ring-around-a-rosy immunoblot, Inupiat, requiescat
osyne \as- 3 n-e\ Euphrosyne, Johnny-on-the-spot
Mnemosyne Ot2 \ 6 \ see ow1
osz \6sh\ see ash
ot 3 \6t\ see oat
oszcz \6sh\ see ash
ot 4 \6t\ see ought1
ot \at\ aught, baht, blot, boite, bot,
chott, clot, cot, dot, ghat, got, grot, 6t \ 6 \ see ow1
hot, jat, jot, khat, knot, kyat, lot, Lot, Ota \ot-s\ bota, flota, lota, quota, rota
lotte, motte, naught, not, plot, pot, rot, biota, Dakota, iota, Lakota, pelota,
scot, Scot, Scott, shot, skat, slot, snot, Toyota
sot, spot, squat, swat, swot, tot, trot, Minnesota, North Dakota, South
watt, Watt, what, wot, yacht Dakota
allot, ascot, begot, besot, big shot,
bloodshot, bowknot, boycott, otable \6t-9-b9l\ notable, potable,
buckshot, bullshot, cachepot, calotte, quotable
cannot, Connacht, crackpot, Crockpot,
culotte, dashpot, despot, dreadnought, Otage \6t-ij\ dotage, flotage
earshot, ergot, escot, eyeshot, eyespot, anecdotage
feedlot, fiat, firepot, fleshpot, forgot, Otal \6t- 3 l\ dotal, motile, scrotal,
fox-trot, fusspot, fylfot, garrote, total
gavotte, grapeshot, gunshot, half-knot, immotile, subtotal, teetotal
have-not, highspot, hotchpot, hotshot, anecdotal, antidotal, sacerdotal
ikat, jackpot, Korat, kumquat, long
shot, loquat, marplot, mascot, motmot, Otalist \6t-3l-9St\ teetotalist
nightspot, one-shot, Pequot, potshot, anecdotalist, sacerdotalist
Rabat, red-hot, robot, Sadat, sandlot,
sexpot, Shabbat, shallot, Shebat, otamus Xat-a-masX see otomous
sheepcote, slingshot, slipknot, otany \at- 3 n-e\ botany, cottony
slungshot, snapshot, somewhat, monotony
stinkpot, stockpot, subplot, sunspot,
teapot, tin-pot, topknot, tosspot, try- otarist \6t-9-r9st\ motorist, votarist
pot, upshot, wainscot, whatnot, white-
hot, woodlot Otary \6t-9-re\ coterie, rotary, votary
aeronaut, aliquot, apparat, apricot, locomotory, prothonotary
aquanaut, argonaut, astronaut, Otas \6-t9s\ see otus
bergamot, cachalot, Camelot, caveat,
carry-cot, coffeepot, cosmonaut, Otch \ach\ blotch, botch, crotch,
counterplot, diddley-squat, doodley- hotch, notch, scotch, Scotch, splotch,
squat, flowerpot, gallipot, guillemot, swatch, watch
Gujarat, Hottentot, Huguenot, bird-watch, deathwatch, debauch,
kilowatt, Lancelot, megawatt, dogwatch, hopscotch, hotchpotch,
289 otic

Sasquatch, stopwatch, top-notch, Other1 \9th-9r\ brother, mother,

wrist watch nother, other, rather, smother, tother
butterscotch another, foremother, godmother,
grandmother, housemother,
Otchet \ach-at\ crotchet, rochet stepbrother, stepmother
Otchman Xach-msnX Scotchman, other 2 \ath-sr\ see ather 1
otherly \3th-sr-le\ brotherly,
Otchy \ach-e\ blotchy, boccie, motherly, southerly
botchy, splotchy grandmotherly
hibachi, huarache, huisache,
Karachi, vivace othes \ 6 z \ see ose 2
Othesis \ath-a-S3s\ prothesis
ote 1 \6t-e\ dhoti, floaty, loti, roti, hypothesis
throaty Othic \ath-ik\ gothic
cenote, coyote, chayote, peyote, neo-Gothic, Ostrogothic, Visigothic
Othing \6-thirj\ clothing, loathing
ote 2 \ 6 t \ see oat underclothing
Ote3 \ a t \ see ot 1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
otea \6t-e-a\ protea, scotia
Otho \ 6 - t o \ see oto 1
oted \ 6 t - a d \ see oated
oti 1 \ 6 t - e \ see ote 1
Otem \ 6 t - a m \ see Otum
oti 2 \ 6 t - e \ see aughty
Oten \ 6 t - n \ see oton
Otia1 \6-sh3\ scotia, Scotia
oter \6t-ar\ see oater agnosia, dystocia
Cappadocia, Nova Scotia
oterie \6t-9-re\ see otary
otia 2 \6t-e-s\ see otea
Oth1 \ath\ broth, cloth, froth, Goth,
moth, sloth, swath, troth, wroth otiable No-sha-bsA see ociable
betroth, breechcloth, broadcloth, otiant \6-shant\ see otient
cheesecloth, dishcloth, facecloth,
floorcloth, loincloth, Naboth, oilcloth, otic 1 \at-ik\ Scotic
sackcloth, sailcloth, washcloth aquatic, biotic, chaotic, demotic,
Alioth, behemoth, tablecloth, despotic, erotic, exotic, hypnotic,
Ostrogoth, Visigoth narcotic, necrotic, neurotic, Nilotic,
osmotic, psychotic, quixotic, robotic,
Oth 2 \ 6 s \ see ose 1 sclerotic
oth 3 \ 6 t \ see oat abiotic, anecdotic, asymptotic,
bibliotic, embryotic, epiglottic,
oth 4 \ 6 t h \ see owth homeotic, Huguenotic, idiotic,
melanotic, patriotic, posthypnotic,
othal \ 6 t h - s l \ see othel
sansculottic, semiotic, symbiotic
othe \6th\ clothe, loathe antibiotic, autoerotic, compatriotic,
betroth, unclothe homoerotic, macrobiotic
Othel \6th-9l\ brothel Otic2 \6t-ik\ lotic, photic
betrothal aphotic, aprotic, dichotic, robotic
otic 290

otic 3 \6t-ik\ see autic Basotho, con moto, de Soto, ex-voto,

in toto, Kyoto, Lesotho, Mosotho,
Otica \at-i-ka\ erotica, exotica Sesotho
otice \6t-as\ see otus Kumamoto, telephoto
Otics \at-iks\ robotics otomous \at-3-mas\ dichotomous
astronautics, bibliotics hippopotamus
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
listed at Otic1 Oto my \at-3-me\ dichotomy,
otid \at-sd\ see otted tracheotomy
Otient \6-sb.3nt\ quotient
negotiant oton \6t- 3 n\ croton, Jotun, oaten
Lofoten, verboten
Otile \6t- 3 l\ see Otal
oting 1 \6t-irj\ see oating Otonous 1 \at- 3 n-as\ rottenness
monotonous, serotinous
oting 2 \at-irj\ see otting
otonous 2 \at-nas\ see otness
otinous \at-nas\ see otness
otor \6t-ar\ see oater
otinous 2 \at- 3 n-9s\ see otonous 1
otorist \6t-3-rsst\ see otarist
Otion \6-shan\ Goshen, groschen,
lotion, motion, notion, ocean, potion otory \6t-a-re\ see otary
commotion, demotion, devotion,
ots \ats\ Graz, hots, lots, Scots,
emotion, Laotian, promotion, slow-
Spaatz, swats
ersatz, Galati
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
Otional \6-shnal\ motional, notional and -s forms of verbs, listed at Ot
devotional, emotional, promotional
otsk \atsk\ see atsk
Otsman \at-sm9n\ Scotsman,
Otis \6t-as\ see otus
OtiSt \6t-sst\ protist, Scotist
Ott \at\ see Ot1
Otta \at-a\ see ata 1
Otive \6t-iv\ motive, votive
emotive, promotive Ott age \at-ij\ cottage, plottage,
automotive, locomotive pottage, wattage
Otl \at- 3 l\ see ottle Ottal \at- 3 l\ see ottle
otle \at- l\ see ottle Otte1 \at\ see ot1
Otley \at-le\ see otly otte2 \6t\ see ought1
Otly \at-le\ Atli, hotly, motley Otted \at-sd\ knotted, potted, spotted
otment \at-m3nt\ allotment, carotid, proglottid
ballottement polka-dotted
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
otness \at-nas\ hotness, squatness Ot1
Oto \6-to\ koto, photo, roto, Sotho ottement Xat-mantX see otment
291 ouch

often \at- a n\ cotton, gotten, gratin, atlatl, bluebottle, Nahuatl

ratton, rotten, shotten Aristotle, epiglottal, monocotyl
au gratin, begotten, forgotten, Quetzalcoatl
guncotton, ill-gotten
otto 1 \at-6\ see ato 1
misbegotten, sauerbraten
otto 2 \6t-6\ see auto 1
ottenness \at- 3 n-3s\ see otonous 1
ottom \at-am\ see atum 1
Otter \at-ar\ blotter, cotter, daughter,
dotter, knotter, otter, plotter, potter, otty \at-e\ see ati
Potter, Qatar, rotter, spotter, squatter,
swatter, Tatar, totter, trotter, water Otum \6t-3m\ notum, scrotum, totem
alotter, backwater, bathwater, factotum, teetotum
blackwater, boycotter, breakwater, otun \6t- 3 n\ see oton
cutwater, dewater, deepwater,
dishwater, firewater, floodwater, oture \6-char\ see oacher
flyswatter, freshwater, garroter, globe- OtUS \6t-as\ lotus, notice, Otis
trotter, goddaughter, granddaughter, denotice, Pelotas
groundwater, headwater, jerkwater,
limewater, meltwater, pinspotter, oty \6t-e\ see aughty 1
rainwater, rosewater, saltwater,
otyl \at- 3 l\ see ottle
sandlotter, sea otter, seawater,
shearwater, springwater, tailwater, OU1 \ 6 \ seeow 1
tidewater, wastewater
ou 2 \xi\ see ew1
alma mater, imperator, milk-and-
water, polywater, teeter-totter, OU3 \au\ see ow2
—also -ex forms of adjectives listed oubled \3-bald\ see ubbled
<2f Ot 1 ouble \ab-3l\ see ubble
Ottery \at-a-re\ lottery, pottery, oubler \3b-tar\ bubbler, doubler,
Tatary, tottery, watery troubler
ottic \at-ik\ see otic1 oubly \ab-le\ see ubbly
ottid \at-ad\ see otted oubt \aut\ see out 3
ottie \at-e\ see ati oubted \aut-ad\ see outed
ofting \at-irj\ jotting oubter \aut-ar\ see outer 2
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at Ot ouc 1 \ii\ see ew1

ottis \at-9s\ glottis ouc 2 \iik\ see uke

clematis ouc 3 \ u k \ see ook1
epiglottis, literatus
ouce \iis\ see use 1
ottische \at-ish\ see ottish
oucester 1 \as-tar\ see oster 1
Ottish \at-ish\ hottish, schottische,
Scottish, sottish oucester 2 \6s-tar\ see oster 2
sanculottish ouch 1 \ixch\ see ooch 1
Ottle \at- 3 l\ bottle, dottle, glottal, ouch 2 \iish\ see ouche
mottle, pottle, ratel, rotl, throttle,
wattle ouch 3 \gch\ see utch1
ouch 292

OUCh4 \auch\ couch, crouch, grouch, ougham 2 \um\ see oom 1

ouch, pouch, slouch, vouch
avouch, debouch oughed \aiid\ see oud 2
retort pouch, scaramouch oug hen \af-an\ see uff in
OUChe \iish\ douche, louche, ruche, ougher \sf-9r\ see uffer
squoosh, swoosh, whoosh
barouche, capuche, cartouche, oug hie \af-e\ see uffy
debouch, farouche, kurus, tarboosh oughish \sf-ish\ see uffish
oughly \af-le\ see uffly
ouchy 1 \ach-e\ see uchy
oughs \6z\ see ose 2
ouchy \au-che\ grouchy, pouchy,
slouchy ought 1 \6t\ aught, bought, brought,
caught, dot, fought, fraught, ghat,
oud 1 \iid\ see ude lotte, naught, nought, ought, sought,
taught, taut, thought, wrought
oud 2 \aud\ boughed, bowed, cloud, besought, distraught, dreadnought,
crowd, loud, proud, shroud, stroud forethought, handwrought, high-
aloud, becloud, enshroud, wrought, onslaught, self-taught, store-
highbrowed, house-proud, purse- bought, unthought
proud, Red Cloud, unbowed aeronaut, aforethought, afterthought,
overcrowd, thundercloud aquanaut, argonaut, astronaut,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at cosmonaut, juggernaut, overbought,
OW2 overwrought
ou'd \iid\ see ude ought 2 \aiit\ see out 3
ouda \iid-3\ see uda oughten \6t- 3 n\ seeauten
oudy \aud-e\ seeowdy oughty \aut-e\ doughty, droughty,
oue \ii\ see ew 1 gouty, pouty, snouty, trouty

ouf \uf \ see oof1 oughy 1 \6-e\ see owy

ouffe \iif \ see oof1 oughy 2 \u-e\ see ewy

oug \ag\ see ug ouie \ii-e\ see ewy

ouge 1 \iij\ see uge 1 ouille \u-e\ see ewy

ouge 2 \iizh\ see uge 2 ouis 1 \ii-e\ see ewy

ouge 3 \auj\ gouge, scrouge ouis 2 \u-as\ lewis, Lewis, Louis,

ough 1 \ 6 \ see ow1 Port Louis, Saint Louis
ough 2 \ii\ see ew1 ouk \uk\ see uke
3 2
ough \au\ see ow ouki \u-ke\ see ooky1
ough 4 \ak\ see ock1 oul 1 \61\ see ole1
ough 5 \af\ see uff oul 2 \iil\ see ool1
ough 6 \6f\ see off oul 3 \aul\ see owl2
ougham 1 \6m\ see ome 1 ould 1 \61d\ see old
293 ound

ould 2 \ud\ see ood 1 ouncement \aun-smsnt\

oulder \61-dar\ see older1 announcement, denouncement,
ouldered \61-dard\ bouldered,
shouldered ouncer \aun-sar\ bouncer
round-shouldered, square-shouldered announcer
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at ouncil \aiin-s9l\ see ounsel
ouncy \aun-se\ bouncy, flouncy,
ouldest \ud-ast\ couldest, shouldest, jouncy
wouldest viscountcy
ound 1 \iind\ stound, swound, wound
ouldn't \ud- 3 nt\ shouldn't, wouldn't —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
oule 1 \u-le\ see uly oon1
oule 2 \ul\ see ool1 ound 2 \aiind\ bound, crowned,
found, ground, hound, mound, pound,
ouled \6ld\ see old1 Pound, round, sound, stound, swound,
oulee \ii-le\ see uly wound
abound, aground, all-round, around,
ouleh1 \u-b\ see ula astound, background, black-crowned,
ouleh 2 \ii-le\ see uly bloodhound, campground,
chowhound, compound, confound,
ouli \ii-le\ see uly coonhound, dachshund, deerhound,
deskbound, earthbound, eastbound,
oulle \ii-le\ see uly
elkhound, expound, fairground,
ouling \au-lin\ see owling2 fogbound, foot-pound, foreground,
foxhound, go-round, greyhound,
oulish \u-lish\ see oolish hardbound, hellhound, hidebound,
ou'll1 \iil\ see ool1 homebound, horehound, housebound,
icebound, impound, inbound,
ou'll2 \iil\ see ul1 newfound, newshound, northbound,
oulle \iil\ see ool1 outbound, playground, pot-bound,
profound, propound, rebound,
oulli \ii-le\ see uly redound, resound, rockbound,
oully \au-le\ see owly2 snowbound, softbound, southbound,
spellbound, stone-ground,
oult \6lt\ see olt1 stormbound, strikebound, surround,
oulter \61-tar\ see olter unbound, well-found, westbound,
white-crowned, wolfhound, year-
oum \ u m \ see oom 1 round
oumenal \u-m9n- 3 l\ see uminal aboveground, all-around,
belowground, battleground,
oun 1 \aun\ see own 2 decompound, go-around, muscle-
oun 2 \ u n \ see oon 1 bound, outward-bound, paperbound,
Puget Sound, runaround, turnaround,
ounce \auns\ bounce, flounce, ultrasound, underground, weather-
jounce, ounce, pounce, trounce bound, wraparound
announce, denounce, enounce, merry-go-round, superabound
pronounce, renounce also -ed forms of verbs listed at
mispronounce own
oundal 294

oundal \aun-d 3 l\ poundal, roundel ounger 1 \aun-jsr\ lounger,

oundary \aiin-dre\ see oundry
ounger 2 Xarj-garX see onger 1
ounded \aun-dad\ rounded
confounded, unbounded, unfounded, ounker Xan-karX see unker
well-founded, well-grounded
ounsel \aun-sal\ council, counsel,
oundel \aun-d 3 l\ see oundal groundsel
ounder \aun-dsr\ bounder, flounder, ount 1 \ant\ see ant 2
founder, grounder, hounder, pounder,
rounder, sounder ount 2 \aiint\ count, fount, mount
all-rounder, backgrounder, account, amount, demount, discount,
compounder, confounder, dismount, high-count, miscount,
dumbfounder, tenpounder recount, remount, seamount,
surmount, viscount
ounding \aiin-dirj\ grounding, catamount, paramount, rediscount,
sounding tantamount, undercount
astounding, high-sounding,
rockhounding ountable \aunt-9-bal\ countable
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at accountable, demountable,
ound 2 discountable, surmountable
insurmountable, unaccountable
oundless 1 \un-tas\ see oonless
ountain \aunt- 3 n\ fountain,
oundless \aun-las\ groundless, mountain
soundless transmountain
cat-a-mountain, Riding Mountain
oundlet \aun-tat\ see ownlet
ountcy \aun-se\ see ouncy
oundling \aun-lin\ foundling,
groundling ounter \aunt-ar\ counter, mounter
discounter, encounter, recounter,
oundly \aund-le\ roundly, soundly rencounter
oundness \aun-nas\ roundness ountess \aunt-as\ countess
unsoundness viscountess
oundry \aun-dre\ boundary, ountie \aunt-e\ see ounty
ounting \aunt-in\ mounting
ounds 1 \iinz\ seeoons accounting
ounds 2 \aunz\ hounds, zounds —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
inbounds ount 2
Barren Grounds, out-of-bounds ounty \aiint-e\ bounty, county,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, Mountie
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ound viscounty
oundsel \aun-ssl\ seeounsel oup 1 \ 6 p \ see ope
oundsman Xaunz-manX see oup 2 \ii\ see ew1
oup 3 \iip\ see oop 1
ounge \aunj\ lounge, scrounge
chaise lounge oupe 1 \6p\ see ope
295 ournment

oupe 2 \ixp\ see oop 1 ourer 3 \aur-ar\ flowerer, scourer,

ouper \u-par\ see ooper deflowerer, devourer
oupie \ii-pe\ see oopy —also -er forms of adjectives listed
at ower 2
ouping \ii-pirj\ see ooping
ourg 1 \ur\ see ure 1
ouple \ap-9l\ see uple1
ourg 2 \arg\ see erg
ouplet \ap-bt\ see uplet1
ourge 1 \arj\ see urge
oupous \u-pas\ see upus
ourge 2 \6rj\ see orge
oupy \u-pe\ see oopy
ourger \9r-jar\ see erger
our1 \6r\ see or1
ouri \ur-e\ see ury1
our 2 \ur\ see ure 1
ourier1 \ur-e-ar\ courier
our 3 \aiir\ see ower 2 couturier, couturiere, vaunt-courier
our 4 \ar\ see ar 3 ourier 2 \ar-e-3r\ see urrier
our 5 \sr\ see eur 1 ouring 1 \6r-irj\ see oring
oura \ur-a\ see ura ouring 2 \iir-irj\ see uring
ourable \6r-3-bal\ see orable ourish \ar-ish\ currish, flourish,
ourage \sr-ij\ courage nourish
demurrage, discourage, encourage amateurish
ourist \ur-ast\ see urist
ourbon 1 Xar-banX see urban 1
ourbon 2 \ur-ban\ see urban 2 ourly \aiir-le\ dourly, hourly, sourly

ource \6rs\ see orse 1 ourn 1 \6rn\ see orn1

ourceful \6rs-fsl\ see orseful ourn 2 \arn\ see urn

ourcing \6r-sirj\ outsourcing ournal \arn- 3 l\ see ernal

—also -ing forms of verbs listed at ournament Xor-na-msntX see
orse 1 ornament
ourd \6rd\ see oard ourne \6rn\ see orn1
ourde \iird\ see ured ourney 1 \ar-ne\ Bernie, Ernie, ferny,
ou're \6r\ see or 1 gurney, journey, tourney
ou're 2 \u-ar\ see ewer1
ourney 2 \6r-ne\ see orny
ou're 3 \iir\ see ure 1
ourneyer \ar-ne-3r\ journeyer,
ou're 4 \sr\ see eur 1 vernier
oured \6rd\ see oard ournful \6rn-f9l\ see ornful
ourer \6r-ar\ see orer ourning \6r-nirj\ seeoming
2 1
ourer \ur-sr\ see urer ournment Xsrn-mantX see ernment
ours 296

ours 1 \6rz\ see oors glasshouse, greenhouse, guardhouse,

2 henhouse, hothouse, icehouse, in-
ours \arz\ seears house, jailhouse, lighthouse,
ours 3 \aiirz\ ours lobscouse, longhouse, madhouse,
after-hours Manaus, nuthouse, outhouse,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns, penthouse, playhouse, poorhouse,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at o w e r roadhouse, roughhouse, roundhouse,
schoolhouse, smokehouse,
ours 4 \ur\ see ure 1 springhouse, statehouse, storehouse,
teahouse, titmouse, tollhouse,
ourse \6rs\ see orse 1 warehouse, washhouse, wheelhouse,
oursome Nor-ssnA seeorsum White House, whorehouse, workhouse
boardinghouse, clearinghouse,
ourt1 \6rt\ see ort1 coffeehouse, countinghouse,
customhouse, house-to-house,
ourt2 \iirt\ see urt1 meetinghouse, Mickey Mouse,
ourtesy \9rt-3-se\ courtesy, curtesy overblouse, pilothouse, porterhouse,
discourtesy powerhouse, slaughterhouse,
sugarhouse, summerhouse, treasure-
ourth \6rth\ see orth1 house, Westinghouse
ourtier \6r-char\ see orcher o u s e 3 \auz\ blouse, bouse, bowse,
browse, douse, dowse, drowse, house,
ourtly \6rt-le\ see ortly
mouse, rouse, spouse, touse
oury \aur-e\ see owery arouse, carouse, delouse, doss-house,
espouse, rehouse, roughhouse,
ous 1 \ii\ see ew1 warehouse
o u s 2 \us\ see use 1 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at OW
ousa 1 \ii-sa\ see usa 1
ouse 4 \iiz\ see use 2
2 2
ousa \u-za\ see usa
ousel \au-zsl\ see ousal
ousal \au-zal\ housel, spousal,
tousle ouser \au-zar\ dowser, houser,
arousal, carousal mouser, schnauzer, trouser, wowser
carouser, espouser, warehouser
ousand \aiiz- 3 n\ see owson rabble-rouser
ouse 1 \iis\ see use 1 ousin \9z- 3 n\ see ozen 1
o u s e \aus\ blouse, chiaus, chouse, ousinage \sz- 3 n-ij\ cousinage,
douse, Gauss, grouse, house, Klaus, cozenage
Laos, louse, mouse, scouse, souse,
spouse, Strauss OUSing \au-zirj\ housing, rousing
baghouse, bathhouse, Bauhaus, rabble-rousing
birdhouse, blockhouse, bughouse, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
bunkhouse, cathouse, chophouse, ouse 3
clubhouse, cookhouse, courthouse,
deckhouse, degauss, delouse, ousle 1 \u-z3l\ see usal 2
doghouse, dollhouse, dormouse, ousle 2 \au-z3i\ see ousal
espouse, farmhouse, firehouse,
flophouse, gashouse, gatehouse, o u s s e \iis\ see use 1
297 outrement

ousseau \u-so\ see usoe and-out, roundabout, rouseabout,

1 roustabout, runabout, sauerkraut,
oust \aust\ Faust, joust, oust, roust stirabout, thereabout, turnabout,
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at walkabout, waterspout
ouse 2
oute 1 \iit\ see ute
oust 2 \ust\ see oost
oute 2 \aiit\ see out 3
ouste \ust\ see oost
outed \aut-ad\ snouted, spouted
ousy 1 \aii-ze\ see owsy undoubted
ousy 2 \au-se\ mousy —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Firdawsi out 3

out 1 \ii\ see ew1 outer 1 \ut-ar\ see uter

out 2 \iit\ see ute outer 2 \aut-ar\ doubter, flouter,

grouter, outer, pouter, router, scouter,
out 3 \aut\ bout, clout, doubt, shouter, spouter, touter
drought, flout, glout, gout, grout, come-outer
knout, kraut, lout, out, pout, rout, down-and-outer, out-and-outer
route, scout, shout, snout, spout, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
sprout, stout, tout, trout at out 3
ablaut, about, all-out, bailout,
blackout, blissed-out, blowout, outh 1 \uth\ seeooth 2
breakout, breechclout, brownout, outh 2 \auth\ mouth, routh, scouth,
burned-out, burnout, checkout, south
clapped-out, closeout, cookout, cop- bad-mouth, goalmouth, loudmouth,
out, cutout, devout, dishclout, poor-mouth
downspout, dropout, dugout, eelpout, blabbermouth, cottonmouth, hand-
fade-out, fallout, far-out, fiameout, to-mouth, motormouth, word-of-
flat-out, foldout, force-out, freak-out, mouth
freeze out, full-out, gross-out,
groundout, handout, hangout, hideout, outherly \3th-ar-le\ see otherly
holdout, ice-out, knockout, layout,
outhey \au-the\ see outhy
lights-out, lockout, lookout, misdoubt,
payout, phaseout, pitchout, printout, outhful \uth-fal\ see uthful
psych-out, pullout, punch-out, putout,
rainspout, readout, redoubt, rollout, outhie \u-the\ see oothy
sellout, setout, shakeout, shoot-out, outhly \iith-le\ see oothly
shutout, sick-out, sold-out, spaced-out,
speak-out, spinout, stakeout, standout, OUthy \au-the\ mouthy, Southey
straight-out, stressed-out, stretch-out,
strikeout, takeout, thought-out, outi \ixt-e\ seeooty 1
throughout, throw out, time-out, outing \aut-irj\ outing, scouting
tryout, turnout, umlaut, veg out, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
walkout, washed-out, washout, way- out3
out, whacked-out, whiteout, wigged-
out, wipeout, without, workout, worn- outish \aiit-ish\ loutish, snoutish
out, zonked-out
outre \ut-ar\ see uter
all get-out, carryout, diner-out,
down-and-out, falling-out, gadabout, outrement Xu-tra-mantA see
hereabout, knockabout, layabout, out- utriment
outs 298

outs \auts\ hereabouts, ins and outs, approve, behoove, commove,

thereabouts, whereabouts disprove, improve, remove, reprove
outy \aiit-e\ see oughty
ovel 1 \av-al\ grovel, novel
ou've \uv\ see ove 3 antinovel, Yaroslavl
ouver \u-var\ see over 3 Ovel2 \av-al\ grovel, hovel, shovel
OUX \ u \ see ew1 ovement \uv-mant\ movement
1 improvement
ouy \ e \ see ee
oven 1 \av-an\ coven, oven, sloven
ouyhnhnm \in-9m\ see inim
oven 2 \6-v3n\ cloven, coven, woven
ouzel \u-zal\ see usal 2
Beethoven, handwoven
ov 1 \af \ see off1 interwoven
OV2 \6f \ see off2 over 1 \av-3r\ cover, glover, hover,
lover, plover
ova \6-va\ nova bedcover, discover, dustcover,
Craiova, Jehovah, Moldova hardcover, re-cover, recover, slipcover,
bossa nova, Casanova, Czestochowa, softcover, uncover, windhover
Kemerovo, supernova undercover
ovable \u-va-b9l\ movable, provable over 2 \6-var\ clover, Dover, drover,
approvable, disprovable, immovable, Grover, over, plover, rover, stover,
improvable, removable trover
irremovable allover, changeover, crossover,
ovah \6-vs\ see ova cutover, flashover, flopover, flyover,
hangover, Hannover, Hanover,
oval \u-val\ approval, removal holdover, layover, leftover, makeover,
disapproval moreover, once-over, Passover,
popover, pullover, pushover, rollover,
ovat \sv-3t\ see ovet runover, slipover, spillover, stopover,
ove 1 \av\ dove, glove, love, of, shove strikeover, takeover, turnover, voice-
above, foxglove, hereof, kid-glove, over, walkover, warmed-over
ringdove, thereof, truelove, whereof carryover, crossing-over, going-over,
ladylove, light-o'-love, roman- Strait of Dover
fleuve, turtledove, unheard of, well- over \u-var\ groover, Hoover,
thought-of louver, mover, prover
hereinabove earthmover, improver, maneuver,
ove 2 \6v\ clove, cove, dove, drove, remover, reprover, Vancouver
fauve, grove, hove, Jove, mauve, rove, disapprover
stove, strove, throve, trove, wove over 4 \av-ar\ see aver1
alcove, behove, cookstove,
mangrove, woodstove overable Xav-rs-balX discoverable,
Garden Grove, interwove, treasure recoverable
trove irrecoverable
ove 3 \iiv\ groove, move, prove, overly Xav-ar-leA loverly
you've Sir Roger de Coverley
299 ow

overt \6-vart\ covert, overt matelot, merlot, Meursault, Miro,

misknow, Moho, mojo, Monroe,
overy \sv-re\ discovery, recovery morceau, Moscow, mucro, mudflow,
nightglow, no-no, no-show, nouveau,
ovet \sv-3t\ covet, lovat outflow, outgo, outgrow, oxbow,
ovey \a-ve\ covey Paot'ou, Pernod, picot, Pinot, plateau,
lovey-dovey pronto, Quanzhou, rainbow, reflow,
regrow, repo, reseau, rondeau, rondo,
ovian \6-ve-9n\ Jovian Roseau, rouleau, Rousseau, sabot,
Markovian, Pavlovian, Varsovian salchow, scarecrow, self-sow, serow,
shadblow, Shantou, sideshow, skid
ovie \u-ve\ see oovy row, Soho, so-so, sourdough, sunbow,
Suzhou, tableau, Taizhou, tiptoe,
OVO \6-vo\ Provo Thoreau, tonneau, trousseau, Trudeau,
ab ovo, de novo uh-oh, unsew, up-bow, upthrow, van
Porto Novo Gogh, Watteau, windrow, windthrow,
Xuzhou, Zhangzhou, Zhengzhou,
ovost \av-ast\ see avist Zhuzhon, Zibo
ovsk \6fsk\ Dnepropetrovsk, afterglow, aikido, alpenglow,
Petropavlovsk Angelo, apropos, art deco, art
nouveau, audio, Baguio, Bamako,
ow 1 \ 6 \ beau, blow, bow, bro, Chou, barrio, Bergamo, bibelot, Bilbao,
crow, do, doe, dough, floe, flow, foe, bordereau, Borneo, buffalo, Buffalo,
fro, froe, frow, glow, go, grow, ho, bungalow, Bushido, buteo, calico,
hoe, jo, Jo, joe, Joe, know, lo, low, cameo, cachalot, cembalo, centimo,
mho, mot, mow, no, No, O, oh, owe, CEO, chassepot, cheerio, Cicero,
Po, Poe, pow, pro, rho, roe, row, Clemenceau, cogito, comedo, comme
schmo, sew, shew, show, sloe, slow, il faut, Comoro, counterflow, curacao,
snow, so, sow, stow, Stowe, strow, Curacao, curassow, curio, daimyo,
though, throe, throw, toe, tow, trow, danio, dataflow, Delano, Diderot, do-
whoa, woe, yo si-do, domino, dynamo, embryo,
aglow, ago, airflow, airglow, alow, entrepot, Erato, escargot, Eskimo,
although, backflow, backhoe, bandeau, extrados, fabliau, folio, fricandeau,
Baotou, barlow, bateau, below, bestow, furbelow, gigolo, go-no-go, guacharo,
bon mot, Bordeaux, bravo, by-blow, hammertoe, haricot, heel-and-toe,
cachepot, calo, Carlow, chapeau, hetero, HMO, Holy Joe, Idaho, indigo,
chateau, Chi-Rho, cockcrow, cornrow, Jericho, kakapo, Kosciuszko, latigo,
crossbow, Day-Glo, dayglow, Defoe, long-ago, Maceio, Manchukuo, Mario,
de trop, deathblow, deco, down-bow, massicot, medico, Mexico, mistletoe,
elbow, escrow, fencerow, flambeau, modulo, Monaco, Navaho, Navajo,
flyblow, fogbow, forego, foreknow, NCO, nuncio, oleo, olio, overflow,
forgo, Fuzhou, galop, gateau, genro, overgrow, overthrow, ovolo, Pamlico,
gigot, go-slow, Gounod, Guangzhou, Papago, patio, peridot, picaro, piccolo,
gung ho, hallo, Hangzhou, Hankow, Pierrot, polio, pomelo, pompano,
heave-ho, hedgerow, heigh-ho, hello, portico, PPO, Prospero, proximo, quid
hollo, hullo, inflow, jabot, Jane Doe, pro quo, radio, raree-show, ratio,
jim crow, Jinzhou, John Doe, Richard Roe, Rochambeau, rococo,
Hounslow, kayo, KO, Kwangchow, rodeo, Romeo, saddlebow, Sapporo,
Lanzhou, longbow, low-low, macho, sapsago, Scorpio, semipro, sloppy joe,
mahoe, maillot, manteau, Marlowe, so-and-so, SRO, standing O, status
ow 300

quo, stereo, stop-and-go, studio, owa \6-va\ see ova

subito, tallyho, tangelo, Taranto,
ticktacktoe, tic-tac-toe, tit-tat-toe, owable 1 \6-3-bsl\ knowable,
TKO, to-and-fro, Tokyo, tombolo, sewable
touch-and-go, touraco, tournedos, unknowable
tremolo, tuckahoe, tupelo, UFO, owable 2 \au-9-b9l\ plowable
ultimo, undergo, undertow, Veneto, allowable
vertigo, vibrio, virago, vireo, disavowable
Zhangjiakou, zydeco
Antonio, Arapaho, centesimo, con owage \6-ij\ flowage, stowage,
spirito, continuo, DMSO, Etobicoke, towage
ex nihilo, fantastico, fellatio, Fernando owal 1 \6-al\ see oel
Poo, fortissimo, Geronimo, get-up-
and-go, Guantanamo, hereinbelow, in owal 2 \aul\ see owl2
utero, in vacuo, La Rochfoucauld, owan 1 \6-an\ see oan 1
lentissimo, lothario, magnifico,
malapropos, milesimo, New Mexico, owan 2 \au-sn\ Gawain, gowan,
oregano, politico, portfolio, presidio, rowan, rowen
prestissimo, punctilio, Queretaro, Bandar Seri Begawan
Quintana Roo, Rosario, quo warranto,
oward1 \6rd\ see oard
Sarajevo, scenario, simpatico
ab initio, archipelago, braggadocio, oward 2 \aiird\ see owered
duodecimo, ex officio, generalissimo,
owd 1 \ud\ see ude
impresario, internuncio, oratorio,
Paramaribo, pianissimo, rose of owd 2 \aiid\ see oud 2
owdah \aud-a\ see aude 3
OW \aii\ bough, bow, brow, chiao,
chow, ciao, cow, dhow, Dou, dow, owder \aud-sr\ chowder, powder
Dow, Frau, hao, how, howe, Howe, gunpowder
jow, Lao, mow, now, ow, plow, pow, five-spice powder
prau, prow, row, scow, slough, sough, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
sow, Tao, tau, thou, vow, wow, Yao atoud2
allow, avow, Belau, Bissau, owdown \6-daiin\ blowdown,
bowwow, cacao, cahow, Callao, lowdown, showdown, slowdown
Davao, chowchow, chow chow,
Cracow, Donau, endow, enow, erenow, owdy \aud-e\ cloudy, dowdy,
eyebrow, gangplow, Haikou, Hankow, howdy, rowdy
hausfrau, haymow, highbrow, cum laude, pandowdy
hoosegow, Jungfrau, know-how, magna cum laude, summa cum laude
kowtow, Krakow, landau, lowbrow, owe \ 6 \ see ow1
luau, Lucknow, Macao, meow, miaow,
Moscow, Niihau, nohow, Pelau, owed 1 \6d\ see ode
powwow, Qing-dao, snowplow,
owed 2 \aiid\ see oud 2
somehow, Zwickau
anyhow, curagao, Curasao, disallow, owedly \au-9d-le\ allowedly,
disavow, disendow, middlebrow, avowedly
owel \aul\ see owl2
Guinea-Bissau, Marianao
holier-than-thou oweling \au-lirj\ see owling2
OW3 \6v\ see off2 owell 1 \aul\ see owl2
301 own

owell 2 \o-al\ see oel owl1 \61\ see ole 1

1 2
owen \au-sn\ see owan owl 2 \aul\ bowel, cowl, dowel, foul,
owen \6-an\ see oan 1 fowl, growl, Howell, howl, jowl, owl,
prowl, rowel, scowl, towel, trowel,
ower 1 \6r\ see or1 vowel, yowl
ower 2 \aiir\ bower, cower, dour, avowal, batfowl, befoul, embowel,
dower, flour, flower, gaur, giaour, peafowl, seafowl, wildfowl
glower, hour, lower, our, plower, disavowal, disembowel, waterfowl
power, scour, shower, sour, tour, OWland \6-land\ lowland, Poland,
tower, vower Roland
avower, cornflower, deflower,
devour, embower, empower, firepower, owledge \al-ij\ college, knowledge
high-power, man-hour, mayflower, acknowledge, foreknowledge
moonflower, off-hour, pasqueflower,
owler1 \o-lar\ see oiler
Peshawar, repower, safflower,
sunflower, wallflower, watchtower, owler 2 \au-l3r\ growler, howler,
wildflower, willpower prowler, scowler
candlepower, cauliflower, waterfowler
disendower, Eisenhower, overpower,
passionflower, person-hour, owless \6-tas\ see olus
Schopenhauer, superpower, sweet- owline \6-lan\ see olon
and-sour, thundershower, waterpower,
womanpower owling 1 \6-lirj\ see oiling
ower 3 \6-sr\ see oer 4 owling 2 \au-lin\ cowling, growling,
howling, toweling
owered \aiird\ coward, flowered, antifouling, biofouling, waterfowling
powered, towered —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
high-powered owl2
ivory-towered, superpowered,
underpowered owlock \al-ak\ see oloch
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ower 2 owly 1 \6-le\ see oly1

owerer \aur-sr\ see ourer 3 owly 2 \aii-le\ foully, growly, jowly

owerful \aur-f9l\ flowerful, owman 1 \6-m3n\ see oman
powerful owman 2 \au-m9n\ bowman,
owering \au-rirj\ lowering cowman, plowman
nonflowering ow-me \6-me\ see oamy
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ower 2 own 1 \ 6 n \ see one 1
owery \aiir-e\ bowery, cauri, dowry, own 2 \aiin\ brown, Brown, clown,
floury, flowery, kauri, Maori, showery crown, down, Down, drown, frown,
gown, lown, noun, town
owff \auf\ howff
blowdown, boomtown, breakdown,
Bridgetown, bringdown, Capetown,
owhee \6-e\ see owy clampdown, closedown, comedown,
cooldown, countdown, crackdown,
owie \au-e\ Maui, zowie
crosstown, downtown, drawdown,
owing \6-in\ see oing1 embrown, facedown, Freetown,
ownded 302

Georgetown, George Town, godown, ownsman \aunz-m9n\ gownsman,

hoedown, hometown, Jamestown, groundsman, roundsman, townsman
knockdown, letdown, lockdown,
lookdown, lowdown, markdown, owny \au-ne\ brownie, browny,
meltdown, nightgown, pastedown, downy, townie
phasedown, pronoun, pushdown, put-
owper \u-par\ see ooper
down, renown, rubdown, rundown,
scale-down, shakedown, showdown, owry \aiir-e\ see owery
shutdown, sit-down, slowdown,
Southdown, splashdown, stand-down, owse \aiiz\ see ouse 2
step-down, stripped-down, sundown,
thumbs-down, tie-down, top-down, owser \au-zar\ see ouser
touchdown, turndown, uncrown, owson \auz- 3 n\ thousand
uptown, Von Braun, write-down,
Allentown, broken-down, owster \6-star\ see oaster
buttondown, Charlottetown,
owsy \au-ze\ blousy, blowsy,
Chinatown, dressing-down,
eiderdown, Germantown, hand-me- drowsy, lousy
down, reach-me-down, shantytown, owth \6th\ both, growth, loath, loth,
tumbledown, upside down, watered- oath, quoth, sloth, troth, wroth
down betroth, outgrowth, upgrowth
man-about-town Alioth, intergrowth, overgrowth,
ownded \aun-dad\ see ounded
owy \6-e\ blowy, Chloe, doughy,
ownding \aun-din\ see ounding joey, Joey, showy, snowy, towhee
owned 1 \6nd\ see oned 1 echoey
owned 2 \aund\ see ound 2
owys \6-ss\ seeois 3
owner 1 \6-nar\ see oner 1
OX \aks\ box, cox, fox, Fox, gox,
owner 2 \ii-nar\ see ooner Knox, lox, ox, pax, phlox, pox
aurochs, bandbox, boondocks,
owner 3 \au-nar\ browner, crowner, cowpox, detox, dreadlocks, firebox,
downer, frowner Fort Knox, gearbox, gravlax, hatbox,
sundowner hotbox, icebox, jukebox, lockbox,
o w n e s s \6-nas\ see onus 2 mailbox, matchbox, musk-ox, outfox,
pillbox, postbox, redox, saltbox,
ownia \6-ne-a\ see onia 1 sandbox, skybox, smallpox, snuffbox,
soapbox, strongbox, sweatbox,
ownie \aii-ne\ see owny toolbox, unbox, volvox, workbox,
owning 1 \6-nirj\ see oning 2 Xerox
chatterbox, equinox, orthodox,
owning 2 \au-ning\ Browning Orthodox, paradox, pillar-box,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at shadowbox, Skinner box, tinderbox,
own 2 witness-box
ownish \au-nish\ brownish, econobox, Greek Orthodox,
clownish heterodox, homeobox, jack-in-the-
box, unorthodox
own let \aun-l9t\ roundlet, townlet neoorthodox
303 oz

dementia praecox oyal 2 \6il\ see oil

—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at OCk oyalist \6i-9-lsst\ loyalist, royalist

oxen \ak-s9n\ oxen oyalty \6il-te\ loyalty, royalty

Niedersachsen disloyalty, viceroyalty

oxer \ak-sar\ boxer, Boxer oyance \6i-ans\ buoyance, joyance

bobby-soxer annoyance, chatoyance,
clairvoyance, flamboyance
oxie \ak-se\ see oxy
oyancy \6i-an-se\ buoyancy
oxin \ak-s3n\ coxswain, tocsin, chatoyancy, flamboyancy
dioxin oyant \6i-snt\ buoyant
afiatoxin, mycotoxin chatoyant, clairvoyant, flamboyant

oxswain Xak-ssrA see oxin oyce \ois\ see oice

oxy \ak-se\ boxy, doxy, foxy, moxie, oyd \6id\ see oid1
oxy, proxy oyden \6i-d 9 n\ Croydon, hoyden
orthodoxy, Orthodoxy oydon \6i-d 9 n\ see oyden
oyed \6id\ see oid1
oyen \6i-3n\ doyen, Goyen
oy \6i\ boy, buoy, cloy, coy, foy, goy,
hoy, joy, Joy, koi, ploy, poi, Roy, soy,
strawy, toy, troy, Troy oyer \6ir\ coir, foyer, moire
ahoy, alloy, Amoy, annoy, batboy, caloyer, destroyer
bellboy, bok choy, borzoi, busboy,
callboy, carboy, charpoy, choirboy, oyes \oiz\ see oise 2
convoy, cowboy, decoy, deploy, oying \6irj\ see awing
destroy, doughboy, employ, enjoy,
envoy, fly-boy, footboy, Hanoi, oyle \6il\ see oil
hautbois, highboy, houseboy, killjoy,
Khoikhoi, Leroy, linkboy, lowboy, oyless \6i-tas\ joyless, Troilus
McCoy, newsboy, pak choi, playboy, oyment \6i-mant\ deployment,
plowboy, po'boy, postboy, potboy, employment, enjoyment
Quemoy, Rob Roy, Saint Croix, unemployment
Savoy, schoolboy, sepoy, tallboy,
teapoy, Tolstoy, tomboy, travois, oyne \6in\ see oin1
viceroy oyo 1 \6i-6\ boyo
Adonai, attaboy, bullyboy, copyboy, arroyo
corduroy, hoi polloi, Illinois, Iroquois,
maccaboy, Niteroi, overjoy, paperboy, oyo 2 \6i-a\ see oia
redeploy, reemploy, Tinkertoy
O-yo \6-yo\ see olio2
Helen of Troy
oyster \6i-st9r\ seeoister
oya \6i-a\ see oia
oz 1 \gz\ see euse 1
oyable \6i-3-bsl\ deployable,
employable oz 2 \6z\ see ause 1
oyal1 \n\ see ile oz 3 \6z\ see ose 2
oza 304

oza \6-za\ see osa 2 ozily \6-za-le\ see osily

oze \6z\ see ose OZO1 \6-so\ see OSO1
ozen 1 \az- a n\ cousin, cozen, dozen ozo 2 \6-zo\ see oso 2
ozy \6-ze\ see osy
ozen 2 \6z- 3 n\ seeosen
ozzer \az-ar\ rozzer
ozenage \az- 3 n-ij\ see ousinage alcazar
ozer \6-zsr\ see oser 1 ozzle \az-al\ Basel, Basil, nozzle,
u 1 \ u \ see ew1 landlubber, nightclubber
2 money-grubber
U \a\ Chang-de, Lao-tzu
ubbery \9b-re\ blubbery, rubbery,
ua1 \u-3\ skua shrubbery
Karlsruhe, lehua, Quechua
Timucua ubbily \ab-3-le\ bubbly, chubbily,
2 1
ua \ a \ see a
ubbin \ab-3n\ dubbin, nubbin
liable \u-a-b9i\ chewable, doable,
suable, viewable ubbing \ab-irj\ drubbing, rubbing,
accruable, construable, renewable slubbing
ual \u-3l\ see uel1 —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
uan \u-sn\ bruin, ruin, Siouan, yuan Ub
ubble \ab-3l\ bubble, double,
uancy \u-sn-se\ see uency
nubble, rubble, stubble, trouble
uant \u-ant\ see uent abubble, redouble, undouble
uart \urt\ see urt1
ubbled \sb-9ld\ bubbled, doubled,
lib \ s b \ blub, chub, club, cub, drub, troubled
dub, flub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, redoubled
scrub, shrub, slub, snub, stub, sub, tub
bathtub, flubdub, hubbub, nightclub, ubbler \3b-tar\ see oubler
washtub ubbly1 \ab-le\ bubbly, doubly,
overdub nubbly, stubbly
ubbly 2 \sb-3-le\ see ubbily
uba \u-ba\ Cuba, juba, scuba, tuba
Aruba ubby \sb-e\ chubby, clubby, cubby,
Santiago de Cuba grubby, hubby, nubby, Rabi, scrubby,
shrubby, snubby, stubby, tubby
ubal \u-bal\ Jubal, nubile, ruble,
tubal ube \iib\ boob, cube, lube, rube,
uban \u-b9n\ see euben blowtube, Danube, flashcube,
haboob, jujube
ubbard \ab-srd\ cupboard
Mother Hubbard
uben \u-ban\ see euben
ubber \ab-sr\ blubber, clubber,
drubber, dubber, grubber, lubber, ubens \u-banz\ Rubens
rubber, scrubber, slubber, snubber, —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns
tubber listed at euben
uber 306

uber \u-bar\ Buber, cuber, goober, uccal \sk-3l\ see uckle

ucci \u-che\ see oochy
uberance Xii-bransX exuberance, UCCO \sk-6\ see ucko
uccor \ak-3r\ see ucker
uberant \u-brant\ exuberant,
protuberant uccory \ak-re\ see uckery
uberous \u-brss\ see ubris ucculence Nak-ys-lansX see
ubic \u-bik\ cubic, pubic
cherubic uce \iis\ see use 1
uced \ust\ see oost
ubile Xii-balX see ubal
ucement Xii-smantX inducement,
ubious \u-be-ss\ dubious, rubious seducement
ubis \u-bas\ pubis, rubus ucence \us- 3 ns\ nuisance
Anubis translucence
uble \u-bal\ see ubal ucer \u-sar\ juicer, looser
adducer, Bull Mooser, inducer, lime-
ublic \ab-lik\ public
juicer, producer, transducer
introducer, reproducer
ublican Xab-li-karA publican UCh1 \ich\ see itch
uch 2 \ u k \ see uke
ubman Xsb-marA clubman, Tubman
UCh3 \sch\ see utch1
ubric \u-brik\ lubric, rubric
uchal \u-kal\ see ucal
ubrious \ii-bre-3s\ lugubrious,
salubrious uche 1 \ii-che\ see oochy
insalubrious uche 2 \iich\ see ooch 1
ubris \u-bras\ hubris uche 3 \iish\ see ouche
uchen \ii-kan\ see ucan
ubtile \at- 3 l\ see uttle
ucher \u-char\ see uture
ubus \u-bas\ see ubis uchin \u-sh9n\ see ution
uby \ii-be\ see ooby uchsia \u-sha\ see utia
uca \u-ka\ see ooka uchy \ach-e\ duchy, smutchy, touchy
ucal \u-ksl\ ducal, nuchal
archducal ucia \u-sha\ see utia
ucan \u-kan\ glucan, kuchen, Lucan ucial \u-shal\ crucial
interleukin fiducial
ucat \ak-at\ see ucket ucian \ii-shan\ see ution
ucca \ii-ka\ see ooka ucible \u-s3-bal\ crucible
deducible, educible, inducible,
ucca 2 \ak-3\ see ukka producible, protrusible
307 ucting

irreducible, reproducible uckler \9k-lsr\ buckler, knuckler

irreproducible swashbuckler
UCid \u-sad\ deuced, lucid uckling \ak-lirj\ duckling, suckling
pellucid, Seleucid swashbuckling
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ucifer \u-s9-far\ crucifer, Lucifer uckle
UCity \ii-s3t-e\ abstrusity, caducity ucko \ak-6\ bucko, stucco
ucive \u-siv\ see usive uckold \ak-3ld\ see uckled
uck \ak\ buck, Buck, chuck, cluck, uckoo \ii-ku\ cuckoo
cruck, duck, guck, huck, luck, muck, Maluku
pluck, puck, Puck, ruck, schmuck,
shuck, snuck, struck, stuck, suck, ucks \sks\ see ux1
truck, Truk, tuck, yech, yuck
uckus \iik-3s\ ruckus, Sukkoth
amok, awestruck, bushbuck, Canuck,
dumbstruck, Kalmuck, lame-duck, ucky \ak-e\ ducky, lucky, mucky,
light-struck, moonstruck, mukluk, plucky, yucky
muktuk, potluck, reedbuck, roebuck, Kentucky, unlucky
sawbuck, shelduck, stagestruck, happy-go-lucky
starstruck, sunstruck, unstuck,
upchuck, woodchuck uco \u-ko\ pachuco
geoduck, Keokuk, Habakkuk, osso buco
megabuck, muckamuck, nip and tuck
high-muck-a-muck ucre \ii-kar\ euchre, lucre
UCt \akt\ duct
uck2 \iik\ see ook1
abduct, adduct, conduct, construct,
ukar \ak-3r\ see ucker deduct, destruct, eruct, induct,
instruct, obstruct
ucker Xak-arX bucker, chukar, aqueduct, deconstruct, reconstruct,
chukker, ducker, mucker, plucker, usufruct, viaduct
pucker, shucker, succor, sucker, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
trucker, tucker uck1
bloodsucker, sapsucker, seersucker
uctable Xak-ts-balX see uctible
uckery \ak-re\ puckery, succory
UCtal \sk-t 3 l\ ductal, ductile
ucket \ak-9t\ bucket, ducat, tucket
UCtance \ak-tans\ conductance,
gutbucket, Nantucket
inductance, reluctance
uckle \ak-9l\ buccal, buckle,
uctible \3k-t3-bal\ conductible,
chuckle, knuckle, suckle, truckle
constructible, deductible, destructible
Arbuckle, bare-knuckle, parbuckle,
indestructible, ineluctable,
pinochle, swashbuckle, turnbuckle,
honeysuckle uctile \ak-t a l\ see uctal
uckled \ak-9ld\ cuckold, knuckled ucting \ak-tirj\ ducting
bare-knuckled semiconducting
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
uckle uct
uction 308

UCtion Xak-sharA fluxion, ruction, udah \iid-a\ see uda

abduction, adduction, conduction, udal \ud- 3 l\ see oodle
construction, deduction, destruction, udas \ud-ss\ Judas
eduction, effluxion, induction, Santa Gertrudis
instruction, obstruction, production,
reduction, seduction udd1 \iid\ see ood 1
deconstruction, introduction, udd 2 \ad\ see ud
reconstruction, reproduction
photoreproduction udded \ad-3d\ see ooded 1
UCtive \9k-tiv\ adductive, udder \ad-ar\ budder, flooder,
conductive, constructive, deductive, judder, rudder, shudder, udder
destructive, inductive, instructive,
udd ha \ud-a\ see uda
productive, reductive, seductive
reconstructive, reproductive, self- uddhist \ixd-3st\ see udist1
counterproductive uddie \ad-e\ see uddy1

uctor \sk-t3r\ abductor, adductor, udding 1 \ad-irj\ budding, studding

conductor, constructor, destructor, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
eductor, inductor, instructor, Ud1
obstructor udding 2 \ud-irj\ see ooding
deconstructor, reconstructor
semiconductor, superconductor Uddle \ad- 3 l\ buddle, cuddle, fuddle,
huddle, muddle, puddle, ruddle
UCtress \9k-tras\ conductress, befuddle
instructress, seductress
uddly \ad-le\ cuddly, Dudley,
uculence Xak-ya-lansX succulence, muddly, studly
uddy1 \ad-e\ bloody, buddy, Buddy,
ucy \u-se\ see uicy cruddy, cuddy, duddie, muddy, ruddy,
ud1 \ad\ blood, bud, crud, cud, dud, fuddy-duddy, understudy
flood, fud, Judd, mud, rudd, scud,
spud, stud, sudd, thud uddy 2 \iid-e\ see oody 2
coldblood, disbud, full-blood, half-
blood, hotblood, lifeblood, oxblood, ude 1 \iid\ brood, crowd, crude, dude,
redbud, rosebud, warmblood feud, food, hued, Jude, lewd, mood,
stick-in-the-mud nude, oud, pood, prude, pseud, rood,
rude, shrewd, snood, stewed, who'd,
Ud2 \ u d \ see ude wood, wud, you'd
allude, collude, conclude, delude,
ud 3 \iid\ see ood 1 denude, elude, etude, exclude, extrude,
uda \ud-a\ Buddha, Gouda, Judah exude, fast-food, Gertrude, include,
Barbuda, Bermuda, remuda intrude, obtrude, occlude, postlude,
barracuda, Buxtehude preclude, prelude, protrude, quaalude,
Gautama Buddha Quaalude, seafood, seclude, subdued,
transude, unglued
udable \ud-9-b3l\ excludable, altitude, amplitude, aptitude,
extrudable, includable attitude, certitude, consuetude,
includible crassitude, desuetude, finitude,
309 ue

fortitude, gratitude, habitude, udging \9j-irj\ drudging, grudging

hebetude, interlude, lassitude, latitude, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
longitude, magnitude, mansuetude, udge 1
multitude, negritude, platitude,
plenitude, plentitude, promptitude, udgy \aj-e\ budgie, pudgy, sludgy,
pulchritude, quietude, rectitude, smudgy
seminude, servitude, solitude, udi \ix-de\ see oody1
turpitude, vastitude
beatitude, correctitude, decrepitude, udible \ud-3-bsl\ see udable
exactitude, inaptitude, incertitude, udie \ii-de\ see oody1
ineptitude, infinitude, ingratitude,
inquietude, similitude, solicitude, udinal \ud-nal\ altitudinal,
vicissitude aptitudinal, attitudinal, latitudinal,
dissimilitude, inexactitude longitudinal, platitudinal
udinous \ud-nas\ crudeness,
ude 2 \iid-a\ see uda lewdness, rudeness, shrewdness
altitudinous, multitudinous,
udel \ud- 3 l\ see oodle platitudinous, plenitudinous,
udence \ii-d 3 n(t)s\ Prudence,
students udis \iid-3s\ see udas
jurisprudence udish \ud-ish\ dudish, prudish

udeness \ud-nas\ see udinous udist 1 \vid-3St\ Buddhist, feudist,

udent \ud- 3 nt\ prudent, student —also -est forms of adjectives listed
imprudent at ude 1
udist 2 \ud-ast\ see ouldest
udents \u-d 3 n(t)s\ see udence
udity \ud-at-e\ crudity, nudity
uder \iid-ar\ brooder, Tudor
concluder, deluder, excluder, udley \ad-le\ see uddly
extruder, intruder, obtruder, preluder
udly \ad-le\ see uddly
—also -er forms of adjectives listed
at ude udo \iid-6\ judo, kudo, pseudo,
1 scudo
Udge \ s j \ budge, drudge, fudge,
escudo, Matsudo, testudo
grudge, judge, nudge, sludge, smudge,
trudge udor \ud-sr\ see uder
adjudge, begrudge, forejudge,
misjudge, prejudge udsman Xudz-manX see oodsman

udge 2 \iij\ see uge 1 udson \9d-S3n\ Hudson, Judson

udgeon \aj-sn\ bludgeon, dudgeon, udu \iid-u\ see oodoo

gudgeon udy1 \ii-de\ see oody1
udy 2 \3d-e\ see uddy1
udget \aj-3t\ budget
fussbudget ue 1 \ii\ see ew1
udgie \aj-e\ see udgy ue 2 \ a \ see ay1
ued 310

ued \ud\ see ude Ufa \u-fa\ loofah, tufa

opera buffa
ueful \u-fal\ raeful
pantofle Uff \af\ bluff, buff, chough, chuff,
cuff, duff, fluff, gruff, guff, huff, luff,
ueghel \u-gal\ see ugal muff, puff, rough, ruff, scruff, scuff,
ueil \ai\ Arauil slough, snuff, sough, stuff, tough, tuff
Argentueil dyestuff, earmuff, enough, foodstuff,
handcuff, rebuff
uel1 \u-sl\ crewel, cruel, dual, duel, oeil-de-boeuf, overstuff
gruel, jewel, Jewel, Jewell, newel,
Newell uffa \u-fa\ see ufa
accrual, eschewal, refuel, renewal uffe1 \uf\ see oof1
uffe2 \uf\ see oof2
uel 2 \iil\ see ool1
uffed \aft\ chuffed, ruffed, tuft
uely \u-le\ see uly candytuft
uement \u-msnt\ see ewment —also -ed forms of verbs listed at uff

uence \u-ans\ affluence, confluence, uffel \af-9l\ see uffle1

congruence, effluence, influence, uffer \9f-9r\ bluffer, buffer, duffer,
pursuance, refluence puffer, rougher, snuffer, stuffer, suffer
incongruence candlesnuffer
uency \u-an-se\ fluency, truancy —also -ex forms of adjectives listed
affluency, congruency, nonfluency at uff

ueness \ii-nas\ see ewness uffet \af-9t\ buffet, tuffet

uenster \gn-st9r\ see unster uffin \gf-9n\ muffin, puffin, roughen,
uent \u-ant\ fluent, suint, truant ragamuffin
affluent, confluent, congruent,
effluent, influent uff ish \9f-ish\ huffish, roughish
incongruent Uffle1 \9f-9l\ duffel, muffle, ruffle,
uer \u-ar\ see ewer 1 scuffle, shuffle, snuffle, truffle
kerfuffle, reshuffle, unmuffle
uerdon \ard- 3 n\ see urden
uffle2 \ii-f9i\ see ueful
uerile \ur-al\ see ural
uffled \9f-9ld\ truffled
ues \uz\ see use 2 unruffled
uesman Yiiz-manX see ewsman —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
uesome \u-sam\ gruesome,
twosome uffler \9f-br\ muffler, shuffler,
uesy \u-ze\ see oozy
uff ly \gf-le\ bluffly, gruffly, roughly,
uet \ii-9t\ bluet, cruet, peewit, suet ruffly
conduit, intuit
uffy \9f-e\ chuffy, fluffy, huffy, puffy,
uette \et\ see et1 scruffy, snuffy, stuffy, toughie
uey \ii-e\ see ewy ufi \ii-fe\ see oofy
311 uiceless

ufous \u-fas\ rufous, Rufus uggery 2 \ug-re\ see ugary

uft \aft\ see uffed ugget \ag-3t\ drugget, nugget
ufti \af-te\ mufti, tufty uggie \ag-e\ see uggy
ufty \sf-te\ see ufti uggish \ag-ish\ sluggish, thuggish
ufus \u-fas\ see ufous uggle \3g-al\ guggle, juggle,
smuggle, snuggle, struggle
ug \sg\ bug, chug, Doug, drug, dug,
fug, hug, jug, lug, mug, plug, pug, rug, uggler \9g-lar\ juggler, smuggler,
shrug, slug, smug, snug, thug, trug, struggler
tug, ugh, vug uggy \ag-e\ buggy, druggie, druggy,
bedbug, billbug, debug, earplug, fuggy, luggie, muggy
firebug, fireplug, goldbug, humbug,
lovebug, stinkbug, unplug ugh 1 \ag\ see ug
antidrug, chugalug, doodlebug,
ugh 2 \ii\ see ew 1
jitterbug, ladybug, litterbug,
mealybug, shutterbug ughes \iiz\ see use 2
uga \u-ga\ beluga, Cayuga, Kaluga, ugle \u-gal\ see ugal
Sevruga, Tortuga
ugli \9-gle\ see ugly
uglia \ul-y9\ see ulia
ugal \u-g9i\ Brueghel, bugle, frugal,
fugal, fugle, kugel ugly \ag-le\ smugly, Ugli, ugly
conjugal plug-ugly
ugar \ug-ar\ see ugur ugn \iin\ see oon 1
uge 1 \ixj\ huge, kludge, Lodz, ugner \ii-nar\ see ooner
scrooge, scrouge, stooge ugric \u-grik\ tugrik, Ugric
deluge Finno-Ugric
centrifuge, subterfuge
ugrik \ii-grik\ see ugric
uge 2 \iizh\ Bruges, luge, rouge
deluge, gamboge, refuge ugu \u-gii\ fugu, goo-goo
Baton Rouge ugur \ug-ar\ booger, bugger, sugar
ugel \u-gsl\ see ugal uhe \u-a\ see ua
u g e s \uzh\ see uge 2 Uhl \ul\ seeool 1
uggaree \ag-re\ see uggery uhr1 \ar\ see eur 1
ugger \sg-ar\ bugger, chugger, uhr2 \ur\ see ure 1
lugger, mugger, plugger, rugger,
slugger iihrer \ur-ar\ see urer1
Bavagar, Jamnagar, Srinagar ui1 \ a \ see ay1
hugger-mugger, Navanagar
ui2 \ e \ see ee 1
ugger \ug-ar\ see ugur
uice \us\ see use 1
uggery \sg-re\ buggery, puggaree,
uiced \iist\ seeoost
snuggery, thuggery
skulduggery uiceless \u-slas\ see useless
uicer 312

uicer \u-sar\ see ucer uise 2 \Iz\ see ize

uicy \xi-se\ goosey, juicy, Lucy, uiser \u-zar\ see user
sluicy, sprucy
Brancusi, Watusi uish \ii-ish\ see ewish
acey-deucey, Arginusae, loosey- uisne \u-ne\ see oony
uiste \is-te\ see icity2
uid \ii-id\ Clwyd, druid, fluid
uit1 \u-at\ see uet
uidable Md-s-balN see idable1
uit2 \iit\ see ute
uidance \id- 3 ns\ see idance
uitable \ut-3-bal\ see utable
uide \Id\ see ide 1
uitage \ut-ij\ see ootage 1
uided \Id-9d\ see ided
uite \ut\ see ute
uider \id-ar\ see ider1
uited \iit-3d\ see ooted 1
uidon \id- 3 n\ see iden
uiter \iit-3r\ see uter
uiker M-ksrX see iker
uiterer \ut-9r-ar\ fruiterer, pewterer
uild \ild\ see illed
uiting \ut-irj\ see uting
uilder \il-dsr\ see ilder
uitless \ut-lss\ see ootless
uilding \il-dirj\ see ilding
uitlet \ u t - b t \ see ootlet
uile \I1\ see ile1
uitor \iit-ar\ see uter
uileless \Il-tas\ see ileless
uitous \u-9t-9s\ circuitous,
uiler \I-lar\ see ilar fortuitous, gratuitous
uilleann \i-l9n\ see illon uits \uts\ see oots
uilt \ilt\ see ilt uittle1 \ut- 3 l\ see utile
uimpe \ a m p \ see amp
uittle2 \at- 3 l\ see uttle
uin \ii-an\ see uan
uity1 \ii-at-e\ acuity, annuity,
uin 2 \an\ see un circuity, congruity, fatuity, fortuity,
gratuity, vacuity
uin 3 \a n \ see in4 ambiguity, assiduity, conspicuity,
uing \ii-irj\ see oing 2 contiguity, continuity, incongruity,
ingenuity, perpetuity, promiscuity,
uint \u-ant\ see uent superfluity
uir \ur\ see ure 1 discontinuity

uirdly \ur-le\ see urely uity2 \ut-e\ see ooty1

uis \u-9s\ see ouis 2 uk1 \ u k \ see uke

uisance \us- 3 ns\ see ucence uk2 \iik\ see OOk
uisard \I-z9rd\ see isored uk3 \ak\ see uck
uise 1 \iiz\ see use 2 ukar \3-kar\ see ucker
313 ulity

uke \iik\ cuke, duke, fluke, gook, ule 2 \iil\ see ool1
juke, kook, Luke, nuke, puke, snook,
souk, spook, suq, tuque, uke, yeuk ulean \u-le-an\ Boolean
archduke, Baruch, caoutchouc, Acheulean, cerulean
Chinook, Kirkuk, Mamluk, rebuke uled \iild\ see ooled
Heptateuch, Hexateuch, Pentateuch
ulep \ii-tap\ see ulip
uki1 \ii-ke\ see ooky1
uler \ii-br\ see ooler
uki2 \u-ke\ see ookie
ules \ulz\ Jules
ukka \ak-9\ chukka, pukka, yucca
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at OOl
ukkah \uk-s\ see ookah
ulet \al-3t\ see ullet1
ukker \ak-ar\ see ucker
uley 1 \ii-le\ see uly
ukkoth \uk-as\ see uckus
uley 2 \ul-e\ see ully2
uku \u-kii\ see uckoo
Ulf \slf\ golf, gulf, Gulf
Ul1 \ul\ bull, Bull, full, pull, shul, engulf
wool, you'll Beowulf
armful, bagful, bellpull, brimful, Saronic Gulf
bulbul, canful, capful, earful, cheekful,
chestful, chock-full, cupful, drawerful, ulgar \3l-gsr\ see ulgur
earful, eyeful, fistful, forkful, glassful,
handful, houseful, jarful, John Bull, ulge \9lj\ bulge
jugful, leg-pull, mouthful, outpull, divulge, indulge
pailful, panful, pipeful, plateful, overindulge
potful, push-pull, rackful, roomful, ulgence 1 Nal-jansX divulgence,
sackful, scoopful, shelfful, skinful, indulgence, refulgence
spoonful, stickful, tankful, tinful,
topful, trainful, trayful, trunkful, ulgence 2 \ul-jsns\ effulgence,
tubful refulgence
barrelful, basketful, bellyful, ulgent Xsl-jsntX fulgent
teaspoonful indulgent
dyed-in-the-wool, tablespoonful
ulgur \sl-g3r\ bulgur, vulgar
ul2 \ul\ see ool
Ulhas \al-9s\ see ullus
ul3 \al\ see ull1
ula \ii-la\ Beulah, Fula, hula, moola, uli \ul-e\ see ully2
pula, Tula ulia \iil-y9\ Julia, Puglia
ampulla, tabbouleh Apulia
Ashtabula Friuli-Venezia Giulia
San Pedro Sula
ulie \ii-le\ see uly
ular \ii-tar\ see ooler
ulip \u-lap\ julep, tulip
ulcent \3l-ssnt\ see ulsant
ulish \ii-lish\ see oolish
ulcer \3l-sar\ see ulser
ulity \u-lst-e\ credulity, garrulity,
ulch \slch\ cultch, gulch, mulch
ule1 \u-le\ see uly incredulity
ulk 314

ulk \alk\ bulk, hulk, skulk, sulk, yolk ullitt \ul-st\ see ullet2
ulky \al-ke\ bulky, sulky ullman \ul-msn\ fulmine, Pullman
Ull \al\ cull, dull, gull, hull, Hull, ullus \al-3s\ Dulles
lull, mull, null, scull, skull, stull, trull Agulhas, Catullus, portcullis
annul, Choiseul, mogul, numskull, Cape Agulhas
pas seul
ully1 \al-e\ cully, dully, gully, sully
monohull, multihull, Sitting Bull,
Solihull ully2 \ul-e\ bully, fully, gully, muley,
Kingston upon Hull puli, pulley, woolly
ull2 \ul\ see ul1 ulmine \ul-msn\ see ullman
ulla \ul-a\ bulla, mullah, Sulla ulp \alp\ gulp, pulp
ampulla insculp
ulla2 \u-la\ see ula ulsant \3l-sant\ pulsant
3 convulsant, demulcent
ulla \al-a\ see ullah
ulse \als\ dulse, pulse
ullage \al-ij\ sullage, ullage avulse, convulse, expulse, impulse,
ullah1 \al-3\ Gullah, mullah, nullah repulse
medulla ulser \3l-sar\ pulser, ulcer
ulsion \9l-shan\ pulsion
ullah 2 \ul- 9 \ see ulla avulsion, compulsion, convulsion,
ullan \sl-3n\ see ullen emulsion, evulsion, expulsion,
impulsion, propulsion, repulsion,
ullard \al-3rd\ see olored revulsion
u I late \al-at\ see ullet1 ulsive \al-siv\ compulsive,
1 convulsive, emulsive, expulsive,
ulle \iil\ see ool impulsive, propulsive, repulsive
ullein \al-an\ see ullen ult \slt\ cult
ullen \al-3n\ mullein, stollen, sullen adult, consult, exult, incult, indult,
Lucullan insult, occult, penult, result, tumult
uller1 \ul-ar\ fuller, puller antepenult
uller2 \sl-ar\ see olor1 ultancy \9lt- 3 n-se\ consultancy,
ulles \sl-3s\ see ullus exultancy

ullet1 \9l-at\ culet, cullet, gullet, ultant \alt- 3 nt\ consultant, exultant,
mullet resultant
cucullate ultch \alch\ see ulch
ullet 2 \ul-at\ bullet, Bullitt, pullet ulter \al-t9r\ consultor, insulter,
ulley \ul-e\ see ully2 occulter

ullion \3l-yan\ cullion, mullion, ultery \al-tre\ see ultry

scullion ultor \9l-tar\ see ulter
ultry \al-tre\ sultry
ullis \9l-ss\ see ullus adultery
315 umbery

ulture \3l-char\ culture, multure, umable Xu-ma-bslX assumable,

vulture consumable, presumable, subsumable
subculture inconsumable
agriculture, apiculture, aquaculture,
aviculture, counterculture, floriculture, umage \3m-ij\ see ummage
horticulture, mariculture, uman \u-msn\ blooming, crewman,
monoculture, silviculture, viniculture human, lumen, Newman, numen,
arboriculture Truman, Yuman
acumen, albumen, albumin, bitumen,
ulty \al-te\ see alti1
ichneumon, illumine, inhuman,
ulu \u-lii\ lulu, Sulu, Zulu panhuman, subhuman
Bangweulu, Honolulu antihuman, catechumen,
protohuman, superhuman
ulunder Xsl-an-darX see olander
umanist Xu-ms-nsstA see umenist
ulva \3l-va\ ulva, vulva
umanous Vi-ma-nasX see uminous
ulvar \3l-var\ see ulver
umb \am\ see um1
ulver \3l-v9r\ culver, vulvar
umbar Xam-baA see umber1
uly \ii-le\ bluely, boule, coolie,
coolly, coulee, duly, ghoulie, Julie, limbed \amd\ green-thumbed,
muley, newly, puli, ruly, stoolie, unplumbed
Thule, truly, tule umbel \3m-bal\ see umble
Bernoulli, guayule, patchouli,
tabbouleh, unduly, unruly umbency Xam-ban-seA incumbency,
ultima Thule recumbency
um 1 \am\ bum, chum, come, crumb, umbent Xam-bantX decumbent,
cum, drum, dumb, from, glum, gum, incumbent, procumbent, recumbent
hum, lum, mum, numb, plum, plumb, superincumbent
rhumb, rum, scrum, scum, slum,
some, strum, sum, swum, them, umber1 Xam-barX cumber, Humber,
thrum, thumb lumbar, lumber, number, slumber,
alum, aplomb, become, benumb,
cucumber, encumber, outnumber,
degum, dim sum, dumdum, eardrum,
ho-hum, humdrum, income, outcome,
subgum, succumb, therefrom, Tom disencumber, Reynolds number
Thumb, tom-tom, wherefrom, yum- Avogadro's number
yum umber2 \am-9r\ see ummer
bubblegum, kettledrum, overcome,
sugarplum umbered Xam-bardX unnumbered
hop-o' my-thumb unencumbered
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
um 2 \um\ cum, groom, Qom umber 1
mare librum umberland Xam-bar-lsndX
um 3 \um\ see oom 1 Northumberland
uma Xii-maX duma, pneuma, puma umberous Xam-brssX see umbrous
Ancohuma, Montezuma umbery \sm-bre\ ombre, slumbery
umbing 316

umbing \3m-irj\ see oming umen Xii-manX see uman

umble Xam-balX bumble, crumble, umenist Xii-ma-nsstX humanist,
fumble, grumble, humble, jumble, luminist
mumble, rumble, scumble, stumble, ecumenist, illuminist, phillumenist
tumble, umbel
rough-and-tumble umer Xii-marX bloomer, Bloomer,
groomer, humor, roomer, rumor,
umbler Xam-blarX bumbler, fumbler, Sumer, tumor
grumbler, humbler, mumbler, rumbler, consumer, costumer, exhumer,
stumbler, tumbler perfumer, presumer, schussboomer
umbling Xam-blirjX rumbling, umeral Xiim-rslX humeral, humoral,
tumbling numeral
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at umerous Xiim-rasX see umorous
umerus Xiim-rasX see umorous
umbly1 Xsm-bleX crumbly, grumbly,
humbly, mumbly, rumbly umey \u-me\ see oomy
umbly Xsm-leX comely, dumbly, umf XamfX see umph
dumly, numbly
umi Xii-meX see oomy
umbness Xam-nasX dumbness,
glumness, numbness umice Xam-asX see ummous
alumnus umid Xii-msdX humid, tumid
umbo Xam-boX gumbo, jumbo, umin1 Xam-anX cumin, summon
Colombo umin 2 Xii-manX see uman
mumbo jumbo
uminal \u-m3n- a l\ luminal,
umbra Xam-braX umbra noumenal
uminate Xu-ma-nstX acuminate,
umbral Xsm-bralX see umbril illuminate
umbria Xam-bre-aX Cumbria, umine Xu-manX see uman
uming \u-mirj\ blooming
umbril Xam-bralX tumbril, umbral everblooming, time-consuming,
penumbral unassuming
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
umbrous Xam-brasX cumbrous, oom 1
uminist Xu-ma-nsstX see umenist
ume XixmX see oom 1
uminous Xu-ma-nssX luminous,
umed XumdX see oomed numinous
umedly Xii-mad-leX consumedly, albuminous, aluminous, bituminous,
presumedly leguminous, quadrumanous,
umelet Xiim-latX see oomlet
umma Xam-aX gumma, momma,
umely Xii-ma-leX see oomily summa
317 umptious

ummage \3m-ij\ rummage umness Xam-nasX see umbness

West Brumage
umnus \3m-nas\ see umbness
ummary1 \am-re\ see ummery2
umor \ii-mar\ see umer
ummary2 \3m-3-re\ see ummery1
umoral Xiim-ralX see umeral
ummate Xsm-atA see ummet
umorous \um-res\ humerus,
ummel Xam-slX see ommel2 humorous, numerous, tumorous
ummell Xam-alX see ommel2 innumerous

ummer Xam-srX bummer, comer, umous \u-m3s\ brumous, humus,

drummer, gummer, hummer, mummer, spumous
plumber, rummer, slummer, strummer, posthumous
summer ump \amp\ bump, chump, clomp,
latecomer, midsummer, newcomer clump, comp, crump, dump, flump,
overcomer, up-and-comer frump, grump, hump, jump, lump,
—also -er forms of adjectives listed mump, plump, pump, rump, slump,
arum 1 stump, sump, thump, trump, tump,
ummery \3m-3-re\ flummery, ump, whump
mummery, summary, summery mugwump, no-trump, tub-thump
Montgomery callithump, overtrump

ummet \am-3t\ grummet, plummet, umper \3m-par\ bumper, dumper,

summit jumper, lumper, plumper, pumper,
consummate stumper, thumper
ummie \am-e\ see ummy Bible-thumper
ummit \am-9t\ see ummet umph \amf \ bumf, humph
galumph, harrumph
ummock \am-9k\ hummock,
stomach umpish \sm-pish\ dumpish,
frumpish, lumpish, plumpish
ummon \am-3n\ see umin1
umpkin Xarj-ksnX see unken
ummoner Xam-nsrX see umnar
ummous Nam-asX gummous, umple \3m-pal\ crumple, rumple
hummus, pomace, pumice umply \3m-ple\ crumply, plumply,
ummox \gm-3ks\ flummox, rumply
hummocks, lummox, stomachs umps \sms\ dumps, mumps
ummus \3m-3s\ see ummous —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ump
ummy \3m-e\ chummy, crummie,
crummy, dummy, gummy, mommy, umption Xsm-shanX gumption
mummy, plummy, rummy, scummy, assumption, consumption,
slummy, tummy, yummy presumption, resumption,
umnar Xsm-narX summoner, Sumner
columnar umptious \am-sh9s\ bumptious,
umner Xam-narV see umnar presumptuous
umptive 318

umptive \am-tiv\ assumptive, unal \un- 3 l\ communal, jejunal,

consumptive, presumptive lagoonal, monsoonal, tribunal
umptuous 1 Xam-chssX sumptuous unar \u-nsr\ see ooner
unary \u-ns-re\ unary
umptuous 2 \9m-shss\ see umptious festoonery, sublunary
umpus \9m-p9s\ see ompass 2 superlunary
umpy \am-pe\ bumpy, clumpy, unate \u-nat\ unit
dumpy, frumpy, grumpy, humpy, lacunate, tribunate
jumpy, lumpy, stumpy
unc \ank\ see unk
umulous \u-my9-bs\ see umulus
uncan Xan-ksnX see unken
umulus Xu-mya-lasX cumulous,
cumulus, tumulus unce \ans\ dunce, once
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
umus \u-m3s\ see umous and -s forms of verbs, listed at ont
umy \ii-me\ see oomy
unch \anch\ brunch, bunch, Bunche,
un1 \an\ bun, done, Donne, dun, fen, crunch, hunch, lunch, munch, punch,
foehn, fun, gun, hon, Hun, jun, maun, scrunch
none, nun, one, pun, run, shun, son, keypunch
spun, stun, sun, sunn, ton, tonne, tun, ploughman's lunch
A-l, begun, blowgun, chaconne, unche \anch\ see unch
Chang-chun, Chaplin, finespun, first- uncheon Xan-chsnX luncheon,
run, flashgun, forerun, godson, puncheon, truncheon
grandson, handgun, hard-won,
homespun, long run, outdone, outgun, uncher Xan-charX cruncher, luncher,
outrun, popgun, pressrun, rerun, sea- muncher
run, shotgun, six-gun, stepson, cowpuncher, keypuncher
undone, V-l, well-done, Xiamen counterpuncher
Acheron, Algonquin, allemande, all-
or-none, Balzacian, hit-and-run, unchy \an-che\ bunchy, crunchy,
kiloton, machine-gun, megaton, one- punchy
on-one, one-to-one, overdone, uncial Xan-se-slX uncial
overrun, PL/1, Sally Lunn, scattergun, internuncial
tommy gun, twenty-one, underdone,
underrun uncle Xan-kalX nuncle, uncle
alexandrine carbuncle, caruncle, furuncle,
granduncle, peduncle
un 2 \ u n \ see oon 1
un 3 \iin\ Fushun, Lushun, tabun unco 1 \9rj-ko\ bunco, junco, unco

una \u-na\ Buna, Cunha, Luna, unco 2 \srj-k9\ see unkah

Poona, puna, tuna unct \arjt\ trunked
Altoona, kahuna, lacuna, laguna, adjunct, conjunct, defunct, disjunct
vicuna —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
Tristan da Cunha unk
una 1 \u-na\ see una
unction Xarj-shanX function,
una 2 \un-ya\ see unia junction, unction
319 ung

compunction, conjunction, undem \3n-dam\ see undum

disjunction, dysfunction, injunction,
malfunction under \9n-d9r\ Bandar, blunder,
extreme unction plunder, sunder, thunder, under,
unctional Xarj-shnalX functional, asunder, hereunder, thereunder
dysfunctional underous \sn-dras\ plunderous,
thunderous, wondrous
unctious \3rj-shas\ compunctious,
rambunctious undi1 \an-de\ Monday, sundae,
unctory \arj-tre\ emunctory, Whitmonday, Whitsunday
perfunctory barramundi, Bay of Fundy,
jaguarundi, Mrs. Grundy, salmagundi
uncture Xsn-charV juncture, coatimundi
conjuncture, disjuncture undi 2 \iin-de\ Burundi
acupuncture Ruanda-Urundi
uncular Xarj-kya-larX avuncular, undies Xan-dezX see undays
carbuncular, peduncular
undity Xsn-dat-eX fecundity,
unculus Xarj-kya-lasX homunculus, profundity, rotundity
ranunculus moribundity, orotundity, rubicundity
und1 \and\ bund, fund, gunned undle \an-d 3 l\ bundle, rundle,
defund, obtund, refund, rotund, trundle
secund unbundle
cummerbund, orotund, pudibund,
rubicund, underfund undness Xan-nssX see oneness
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at undum Xan-damX corundum
un1 ad eundem, Carborundum
und 2 \und\ bund undy \sn-de\ see undi1
une \iin\ see oon 1
und 3 \iint\ see unt1
uneau \ii-no\ see uno
und 4 \aiind\ see ound 2
uneless \un-tos\ seeoonless
unda \sn-d9\ Munda, Sunda
osmunda, rotunda uner \u-iK>r\ see ooner
barramunda, floribunda
unes \iinz\ see oons
undae \an-de\ see undi1
ung 1 \arj\ bung, clung, dung, flung,
undant Xan-dantX abundant, hung, lung, pung, rung, slung, sprung,
redundant strung, stung, sung, swung, tongue,
superabundant tung, wrung, young, Young
unday \sn-de\ see undi1 among, bee-stung, far-flung, high-
strung, Kaifeng, low-slung, unstrung,
undays \an-dez\ Mondays, unsung, well-hung
Sundays, undies adder's-tongue, double-hung,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns double-tongue, triple-tongue,
listed at undi overhung, overstrung, underslung
ung 320

ung 2 \urj\ Jung, Kung, Sung unis Xii-nasX see ewness

Antung, Bandung, Dandong,
Dadong, Hamhung, Kao-hsiung, unish 1 \an-ish\ Hunnish, punish
Tatung, Zigong unish 2 Xii-nishX see oonish
gelandesprung unit Xii-natX see unate
Gotterdammerung unitive \u-nat-iv\ punitive, unitive
ungal \an-gal\ see ungle unity Xii-nat-eX unity
unge \anj\ lunge, plunge, sponge community, disunity, immunity,
expunge impunity
importunity, opportunity
unged \arjd\ see ongued European Community
ungeon \an-jan\ donjon, dungeon, unk XarjkX bunk, chunk, clunk,
spongin drunk, dunk, flunk, funk, gunk, hunk,
unger 1 \an-jar\ lunger, plunger, junk, monk, plunk, punk, shrunk,
sponger skunk, slunk, spunk, stunk, sunk,
expunger thunk, trunk
chipmunk, debunk, Podunk, punch-
unger2 \arj-gar\ see onger1 drunk, quidnunc
ungible \an-ja-bal\ fungible unkah \an-ka\ punkah, unco
unkard \arj-kard\ bunkered,
ungle \arj-gal\ bungle, fungal, drunkard, Dunkard, hunkered
jungle, pungle
unked \arjt\ see unct
ungo Xarj-goX fungo, mungo
unken \arj-kan\ Duncan, drunken,
ungous \arj-gas\ fungous, fungus pumpkin, shrunken, sunken
unker \arj-kar\ bunker, Bunker,
ungry \an-gre\ see ongery clunker, Dunker, flunker, hunker,
junker, lunker, plunker, punker,
ungus \arj-gas\ see ungous
ungy \an-je\ grungy, spongy debunker, spelunker
unha \u-na\ see una unkie \arj-ke\ see unky
uni \ii-ne\ see oony unkin \an-kam\ see uncan
unia Xiin-yaX petunia, vicuna unks \arjs\ hunks
unic Xii-nikX eunuch, Munich, Punic,
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
runic, tunic and -s forms of verbs, listed af unk
unicate \ii-ni-kat\ tunicate
unky \arj-ke\ chunky, clunky,
donkey, flunky, funky, gunky, hunky,
unich \\i-nik\ see unic Hunky, junkie, junky, monkey, punkie,
punky, spunkie, spunky
union \an-yan\ bunion, grunion,
onion, ronyon, trunnion unless \an-las\ runless, sonless,
Paul Bunyan sunless
321 up

unn \ s n \ see un untie \ant- a l\ frontal, gruntle

confrontal, disgruntle
unnage \an-ij\ dunnage, tonnage contrapuntal
unty \ant-e\ punty, runty
unned \and\ see und1
unwale \sn- 3 l\ see unnel
unnel \sn- 3 l\ funnel, gunnel,
gunwale, runnel, trunnel, tunnel unx \srjs\ see unks
unner \an-3r\ cunner, gunner, uny \u-ne\ see oony
runner, scunner, shunner, stunner,
tonner unyan \9n-yan\ see union
forerunner, front-runner, gunrunner,
roadrunner, rumrunner uoth \u-ss\ see ewess

unnery \sn-re\ gunnery, nunnery uoy 1 \ii-e\ see ewy

unness Xan-nasX see oneness uoy 2 \6i\ see oy

unning \sn-irj\ cunning, running, uoyance \u-ans\ see oyance

uoyancy \6i-sn-se\ see oyancy
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
un1 uoyant \6i-snt\ see oyant
unnion Van-yanX see union up \ap\ cup, dup, hup, pup, scup,
1 sup, tup, up, yup
unnish Xan-isbA see unish
backup, balls-up, bang-up, beat-up,
unny \an-e\ bunny, funny, gunny, blowup, breakup, brush up, buildup,
honey, money, runny, sonny, sunny, built-up, call-up, catch-up, change-up,
tunny checkup, chin-up, cleanup, close-up,
Ballymoney cock-up, crack-up, cutup, dial-up,
dried-up, dustup, eggcup, eyecup,
uno \ii-n6\ Bruno, Juneau, Juno faceup, fill-up, flare-up, foul-up,
numero uno frame-up, fry-up, getup, giddap,
unster Xan-starX Muenster, punster grown-up, hang-up, heads-up, hepped
up, het up, holdup, hookup, hopped-
unt1 \unt\ dachshund, Dortmund up, jack-up, jam-up, kickup, kingcup,
exeunt lash-up, lay-up, lead-up, letup, line up,
linkup, lockup, lookup, louse up,
unt 2 \ant\ see ont1
made-up, makeup, markup, matchup,
untal \ant- a l\ see untie mix-up, mixed-up, mock-up, mop-up,
mug up, nip-up, one-up, pasteup,
unter \ant-ar\ blunter, bunter, pickup, pileup, pinup, pop-up, pull-up,
chunter, grunter, hunter, punter, punch-up, push-up, put-up, re-up,
shunter roundup, run-up, scaleup, screwup,
confronter, foxhunter, headhunter, send-up, setup, shack up, shake-up,
pothunter, witch-hunter shape-up, shook-up, shoot up, sign up,
unting \ant-irj\ bunting sit-up, slap-up, slipup, smashup,
foxhunting, head-hunting, witch- speedup, stand-up, start-up, step up,
hunting stepped-up, stickup, stuck-up, sum-up,
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at sunup, take-up, teacup, thumbs-up,
ont1 tie-up, toss-up, touch-up, trumped-up,
upa 322

tune-up, turnup, walk-up, warm-up, uppie \ap-e\ see uppy

washed-up, washup, windup, wised-
up, workup, wrap-up, write-up upple 1 \iip-3i\ see uple 3
belly up, buttercup, button-up, cover- upple 2 \9p-al\ see uple1
up, follow-up, higher-up, hurry-up,
pick-me-up, pony up, runner-up, uppy \ap-e\ cuppy, guppy, puppy,
seven-up, shoot-em-up, summing-up, yuppie
up-and-up, wickiup, winding-up upt \apt\ abrupt, corrupt, disrupt,
Johnny-jump-up, sunny-side up erupt, irrupt
upa \u-pa\ pupa, stupa developed, incorrupt, interrupt
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at up
upas \u-pas\ see upus
upter \9p-tar\ corrupter, disrupter
upboard Xab-ardX see ubbard interrupter
upe \iip\ see oop 1 uptible \3p-t3-bal\ corruptible,
upel \u-p3l\ see uple 2 eruptible, irruptible
incorruptible, interruptible
upelet \ u - p b t \ see uplet2
uption \3p-shan\ abruption,
uper \u-par\ see ooper corruption, disruption, eruption,
upi \ii-pe\ see oopy irruption
upid \u-pad\ Cupid, stupid
uptive \ap-tiv\ corruptive,
upil \u-pal\ see uple 2 disruptive, eruptive, irruptive
uple 1 \ap-3l\ couple, supple
decouple upus \u-p9s\ croupous, lupus, upas
uple 2 \u-pai\ cupel, duple, pupil, uq \ u k \ see uke
quadruple, quintuple, sextuple uque \uk\ see uke
3 3
uple \iip- l\ supple ur1 \6r\ see or1
quadruple, quintuple, sextuple ur2 \iir\ see ure 1
uplet \ap-bt\ couplet ur3 \ar\ see eur 1
gradruplet, quintuplet, sextuplet
ura \ur-s\ dura, durra, Jura, sura,
uplet 2 \u-ptat\ drupelet surah
quadruplet Agoura, bravura, caesura, datura,
uplicate Xii-pli-kstX duplicate Madura, tamboura, tempura
quadruplicate, quintuplicate, aqua pura, Arafura, Bujumbura
sextuplicate appoggiatura, Bonaventura,
coloratura, Telanaipura
upor \u-par\ see ooper Anuradhapura, camera obscura
uppance \ap-3ns\ threepence, urable \ur-3-bal\ curable, durable,
twopence thurible
comeuppance endurable, incurable, insurable,
upper \ap-3r\ crupper, scupper,
supper, upper uracy \ur-a-se\ curacy
stand-upper obduracy
323 ure

urae \ur-e\ see ury1 urchin \9r-chan\ birchen, urchin

urah \ur-s\ see ura urchly \srch-le\ churchly, virtually
ural \ur-sl\ crural, jural, mural, urcia \ar-sha\ see ertia
neural, plural, puerile, rural, Ural
caesural urd1 \iird\ see ured 1
commissural, extramural, intramural urd2 \ard\ see ird
uralist \ur-9-l3st\ muralist, pluralist, urdane \ard- a n\ see urden
urden \ard- 3 n\ burden, guerdon,
uran \u-rsn\ see urin2 lurdane, verdin
ura nee \iir-9ns\ durance disburden, unburden
assurance, endurance, insurance overburden
coinsurance, reassurance, urder \ard-3r\ see erder
urderer Xsrd-ar-arX murderer,
urate \ur-at\ curate, turret verderer
barbiturate urdle \srd- 3 l\ curdle, girdle, hurdle
urative \ur-a-tiv\ curative, durative
urdu \sr-du\ see erdu
urb \arb\ see erb
urdum Xard-arrA see irdum
urban1 \sr-bsn\ bourbon, Durban,
rurban, turban, turbine, urban, Urban urdy \ard-e\ birdie, sturdy, wordy
exurban, suburban hurdy-gurdy, Mesa Verde,
interurban Monteverdi
urban2 \ur-ban\ bourbon, Bourbon, ure1 \iir\ Boer, boor, bourg, cure,
rurban dour, ewer, fewer, lure, moor, Moor,
Moore, Muir, poor, pure, Ruhr, sewer,
urber \9r-bar\ Berber, Ferber,
skewer, spoor, stour, sure, tour, Tours,
your, you're
abjure, adjure, Adour, allure, amour,
urbia \ar-be-3\ Serbia Ashur, assure, brochure, ceinture,
exurbia, suburbia cocksure, coiffure, conjure, contour,
couture, demure, detour, dirt-poor,
urbid \9r-bad\ turbid, verbid endure, ensure, Exmoor, faubourg,
urbine \3r-ban\ see urban 1 Fraktur, grandeur, gravure, guipure,
hachure, immure, impure, insure,
urbit \ar-b3t\ burbot, sherbet, turbit, inure, kultur, land-poor, langur, ligure,
turbot manure, mature, mohur, obscure,
urble \ar-b9l\ see erbal parure, perdure, procure, secure,
siddur, tambour, tandoor, tenure,
urbot \9r-bst\ see urbit Uighur, unmoor, velour, velure
amateur, aperture, armature,
urcate \3r-kat\ see ircuit
blackamoor, carrefour, carte du jour,
urch \arch\ birch, church, Church, coinsure, commissure, confiture,
curch, lurch, perch, search, smirch connoisseur, coverture, cubature,
besmirch, Christchurch, research, curvature, cynosure, debouchure,
unchurch embouchure, epicure, filature,
ure 324

forfeiture, garniture, geniture, green- urety1 \ur-at-e\ see urity

manure, haute couture, immature,
insecure, ligature, manicure, overture, urety2 \urt-e\ see urti
paramour, pedicure, plat du jour, urey \ur-e\ see ury1
portraiture, prelature, premature,
quadrature, reassure, Reaumur, urf \arf\ kerf, scurf, serf, surf, turf
reinsure, saboteur, sepulture, sequitur, enserf
signature, simon-pure, sinecure, soup bodysurf
du jour, tablature, temperature,
troubadour, white amur, vavasour, urfy \ar-fe\ Murphy, scurfy, turfy
Yom Kippur urg \arg\ see erg
candidature, caricature, discomfiture,
distemperature, divestiture, urgative \ar-g3-tiv\ see urgative
entablature, entrepreneur, expenditure, urge \arj\ dirge, merge, purge,
imprimatur, investiture, literature, scourge,serge, splurge, spurge, surge,
miniature, musculature, nomenclature, urge, verge
nonsequitur converge, deterge, diverge, emerge,
primogeniture immerge, resurge, submerge, upsurge
ultraminiature dramaturge
ure 2 \ur-e\ see ury1 urgence \ar-j9ns\ see ergence
urean \ur-e-an\ see urian urgency Xar-jan-seA see ergency
ureau \ur-6\ see uro urgent Xar-jantX urgent
ured1 \urd\ gourde, Kurd, urd assurgent, convergent, detergent,
assured, steward divergent, emergent, insurgent,
underinsured resurgent
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at preemergent
ure 1
urgeon Xsr-jsrA burgeon, sturgeon,
ured 2 \ard\ see ird surgeon, virgin
urely \ur-le\ buirdly, poorly, purely, urger1 \sr-g3r\ burgher, turgor
surely cheeseburger, hamburger, Limburger
cocksurely, demurely, impurely,
urger 2 \ar-j3r\ see erger
maturely, obscurely
immaturely, insecurely, prematurely urgery \arj-re\ see erjury
urement \ur-m9nt\ allurement, urgh1 \ar-a\ see orough 1
immurement, inurement, procurement,
securement urgh 2 \ar-6\ see urrow1

uren \ur-9iA see urin2 urgh 3 \arg\ see erg

ureous \ur-e-as\ see urious urgher Xar-garX see urger1

urer \ur-ar\ curer, fiihrer, furor, urgic \ar-jik\ see ergic

furore, juror, lurer, tourer urgical Xar-ji-kalX surgical
abjurer, assurer, insurer, manurer, liturgical, theurgical
procurer, tambourer dramaturgical
coinsurer, reinsurer
—also -er forms of adjectives listed urgid \ar-jad\ turgid
at ure 1 synergid
325 urlish

urgle \3r-gsl\ burgle, gurgle urion \ur-e-an\ see urian

urgor \sr-gar\ see urger urious \ur-e-as\ curious, furious,
urgy \sr-je\ clergy incurious, injurious, luxurious,
dramaturgy, metallurgy penurious, perjurious, sulfureous,
uri \iir-e\ see ury1 usurious

urial1 \ur-e-9l\ curial, urial, Uriel uris \ur-as\ see urus

mercurial, seigneurial, tenurial urist \ur-sst\ purist, tourist
entrepreneurial manicurist, pedicurist
urial2 \er-e-al\ see arial caricaturist, chiaroscurist, miniaturist
—also -est forms of adjectives listed
urian \ur-e-9n\ durian, Hurrian at ure 1
Arthurian, centurion
epicurean urity \ur-at-e\ purity, surety
futurity, impurity, maturity,
uriance \ur-e-sns\ see urience obscurity, security
immaturity, insecurity, prematurity
uriant \ur-e-ant\ see urient
urk \ark\ see ork1
urible1 \ur-3-bal\ see urable
urka1 \3r-ka\ charka, circa, Gurkha
urible2 \3r-9-bal\ see erable mazurka
uric \ur-ik\ uric urka2 \ur-ka\ Gurkha
mercuric, sulfuric mazurka
urid \ur-ad\ lurid, murid urke \ark\ see ork1
urie \ur-e\ see ury urker Xsr-ksrX see orker1
uriel \ur-e-al\ see urial urkey \ar-ke\ see erky
urience \ur-e-ans\ prurience urkha1 \ur-ka\ see urka 2
urkha2 \ar-ka\ see urka1
urient \ur-e-ant\ esurient
luxuriant, parturient urki \ar-ke\ see erky

urier1 \er-e-ar\ see errier urky \9r-ke\ see erky

urier2 \ur-e-9r\ see ourier1 url \arl\ see irl1

uriere \ur-e-ar\ see ourier1 urled \arld\ seeorld

urlew \arl-u\ curlew, purlieu
urin1 Xar-arA burin, murrain
urlieu \arl-u\ see urlew
urin2 \ur-an\ burin, Huron, urine
Belgian Tervuren urlin \3r-ton\ see erlin
urine \ur-an\ see urin urling \ar-lirj\ curling, hurling,
uring \iir-irj\ during, mooring, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
touring irl1
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at
ure1 urlish \ar-lish\ churlish, girlish
urly 326

urly \ar-le\ burley, burly, curly, early, uro \ur-6\ bureau, duro, euro
girlie, hurly, knurly, pearly, squirrely, enduro, maduro
surly, swirly, twirly, whirly politburo
hurly-burly chiaroscuro
urman Xar-manX see erman uron \ur-an\ see urin2
urmity Xar-mat-eA see irmity uror \ur-sr\ see urer1
urmur Xar-msrX firmer, murmur, urore \ur-ar\ see urer1
termer, wormer
infirmer urous \ur-as\ see urus

urn \arn\ burn, churn, curn, earn, urp \ s r p \ burp, chirp, slurp, stirp,
erne, fern, kern, learn, pirn, quern, twerp
spurn, stern, tern, terne, turn, urn, usurp
yearn urphy \ar-fe\ see urfy
adjourn, astern, attorn, casern,
concern, discern, downturn, epergne, urple \ar-pal\ purple
eterne, extern, heartburn, intern, empurple
lucerne, nocturn, nocturne, outturn, urplice \ar-pl9s\ see urplus
return, sauternes, secern, sojourn,
sunburn, unlearn, upturn, U-turn, urplus \3r-plas\ surplice, surplus
Comintern, overturn, taciturn, urps \arps\ see irps
unconcern urr \sr\ see eur 1
urnable Xar-ns-balX burnable urra1 \ur-s\ see ura
discernible, returnable
indiscernible urra2 \ar-9\ see orough 1

urnal \arn- 3 l\ see ernal urrage \sr-ij\ see ourage

urne \arn\ see urn urragh \ar-s\ see orough 1

urned \arnd\ burned, durned urrain \ar-9n\ see urin1

concerned, unearned, unlearned, urral \9r-9l\ seeerral
well-turned, windburned
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at urrant \ar-3nt\ see urrent
urray \ar-e\ see urry
urner \ar-nar\ burner, earner, turner
discerner, returner urre \ar\ see eur 1
afterburner urred \ard\ see ird
urnery Xar-ns-reA see ernary urrence \ar-3ns\ concurrence,
urney \ar-ne\ see ourney 1 conferrence, deterrence, incurrence,
occurrence, transference
urnian \sr-ne-3n\ see ernian countertransference
urnish \9r-nish\ burnish, furnish urrent \ar-ant\ currant, current,
urnt \arnt\ see earnt
concurrent, crosscurrent, decurrent,
urnum Xar-namX sternum deterrent, occurrent, recurrent,
alburnum, laburnum, viburnum susurrant
327 urtium

countercurrent, undercurrent, ursery \ars-re\ see ursary

ursion Xar-zharA see ersion 1
urrer \sr-3r\ see errer
ursionist Xsrzh-nastA see ersionist
urret \ur-st\ see urate
ursive \ar-siv\ see ersive
urrey \ar-e\ see urry
ursor \3r-sar\ bursar, cursor, mercer,
urrian \ur-e-9n\ see urian nurser, purser, worser
disburser, disperser, precursor,
urrie \ar-e\ see urry rehearser, reverser, traverser
urrier \ar-e-3r\ courier, currier, ursory \ars-re\ see ursary
furrier, hurrier, worrier
—also -er forms of adjectives listed urst \srst\ burst, cursed, durst, erst,
at urry first, Hearst, thirst, verst, worst, wurst
accursed, airburst, Amherst, athirst,
urring \sr-irj\ furring, shirring, cloudburst, downburst, emersed,
stirring feetfirst, groundburst, headfirst,
skioring outburst, sunburst
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at liverwurst, microburst
eur 1 —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
urrish \ar-ish\ see ourish
ursus Xar-sssX see ersus
urro1 \sr-3\ see orough 1
ursy1 \ar-se\ see ercy
urro2 \ar-6\ see urrow1
ursy 2 \as-e\ see ussy
urrow1 \ar-6\ borough, burgh, burro,
burrow, furrow, thorough urt1 \iirt\ yurt
Erfurt, Frankfurt
urrow2 \ar-3\ see orough 1 Betancourt
urry \sr-e\ blurry, burry, curry, urt2 \art\ see ert 1
flurry, furry, dhurrie, gurry, hurry,
Moray, Murray, murrey, scurry, slurry, urtain \art- 3 n\ see ertain
spurrey, surrey, Surrey, whirry, worry
hurry-scurry urtal \art- 3 l\ see ertile
urtenance \art- 3 n-3ns\ see
ursa \ar-s3\ see ersa ertinence
ursal \9r-sal\ see ersal 1 urtenant Xart-nantX see irtinent
ursar \9r-sar\ see ursor urter \art-3r\ see erter
ursary \srs-re\ bursary, cursory, urtesy \art-3-se\ see ourtesy
mercery, nursery
anniversary urthen Xar-thsnX burthen, earthen

urse \ars\ see erse urther Xsr-tharX further, murther

ursed \arst\ see urst urti \urt-e\ pretty, surety

ursement Xar-smanfA see ercement
urtium Xar-shamX nasturtium,
urser \ar-s9r\ see ursor sestertium
urtive 328

urtive \srt-iv\ see ertive usable \u-z3-bal\ fusible, losable,

9 usable
urtle \art- l\ see ertile abusable, diffusible, excusable,
urton \srt- 3 n\ see ertain infusible, reusable, transfusible
inexcusable, irrecusable
urture \3r-char\ see ircher
usae \ii-se\ see uicy
uru \ur-u\ guru, kuru
Nauru usa I1 \u-sal\ streusel
urus \ur-as\ urus, Arcturus,
mercurous, sulfurous usal 2 \ii-z9i\ foozle, fusil, ouzel,
Epicurus, sui juris snoozle, streusel
tinea cruris accusal, bamboozle, occlusal,
perusal, refusal
urve \srv\ see erve
urved \srvd\ see erved use \ask\ see usk

urviness Xar-ve-nssX see erviness uscan \3s-ksn\ buskin, Ruskin,

urvy \ar-ve\ curvy, nervy, scurvy Etruscan, molluscan
uscat \as-k3t\ see usket
ury1 \iir-e\ curie, Curie, fleury, fury,
houri, Jewry, jury, Kure, Urey usele \as-3l\ see ustle
Bhojpuri, de jure, Missouri, tandoori
uscular Xss-kys-larN muscular
lusus naturae
corpuscular, crepuscular, majuscular
ury2 \er-e\ see ary 1
USCUle \as-kyul\ crepuscule,
urze \arz\ see ers opuscule
urzy \ar-ze\ seeersey use 1 \iis\ Bruce, crouse, crus, cruse,
US \as\ bus, buss, crus, cuss, fuss, deuce, douce, goose, juice, loose,
Gus, Huss, muss, plus, pus, Russ, moose, mousse, noose, nous, puce,
suss, thus, truss, us rhus, ruse, Russ, schuss, sluice,
spruce, truce, use, Zeus
airbus, concuss, cost-plus, discuss,
nonplus, percuss, railbus, untruss Aarhus, abstruse, abuse, adduce,
autobus, blunderbuss, microbus, Arhus, Atreus, burnoose, caboose,
minibus Cayuse, Cepheus, ceruse, conduce,
couscous, deduce, diffuse, disuse,
us 2 \ii\ see ew1 educe, effuse, excuse, footloose,
induce, Lanus, misuse, mongoose,
us 3 \iis\ see use 1 Morpheus, negus, obtuse, Orpheus,
us 4 \ush\ see ouche papoose, Peleus, Perseus, prepuce,
produce, profuse, Proteus, Purus,
us 5 \iiz\ see use 2 recluse, reduce, refuse, retuse, reuse,
Sanctus, seduce, Tereus, Theseus,
usa 1 \u-sa\ Sousa traduce, transduce, unloose, vamoose
Azusa, Medusa
Appaloosa, Gebel Musa, Jebel Musa Belarus, Betelgeuse, calaboose,
charlotte russe, introduce, mass-
usa 2 \u-za\ Sousa, Susa produce, Odysseus, Prometheus,
Medusa reproduce, self-abuse, Syracuse,
Arethusa Typhoeus
329 usion

hypotenuse usher 1 Xash-aA blusher, brusher,

Sancti Spiritus crusher, gusher, musher, rusher, usher
four-flusher, goldrusher
use 2 \iiz\ blues, booze, bruise, —also -er forms of adjectives listed
choose, cruise, cruse, Druze, flews, at USh1
fuse, Hughes, lose, Meuse, muse,
news, ooze, roose, ruse, schmooze, usher 2 \ush-ar\ pusher
snooze, trews, use, whose ambusher
abuse, accuse, amuse, Andrews, ushi \ush-e\ see ushy 2
bemuse, berceuse, chanteuse,
chartreuse, coiffeuse, confuse, ushing \ash-in\ onrushing,
contuse, danseuse, defuse, diffuse, toothbrushing, unblushing
diseuse, disuse, effuse, Elbrus, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
enthuse, excuse, ill-use, infuse, ush 1
masseuse, misuse, perfuse, peruse,
ushu \u-shii\ Kyushu
recluse, recuse, refuse, reuse, suffuse,
Toulouse, transfuse, vendeuse
Betelgeuse, disabuse, interfuse, ushy 1 \ash-e\ brushy, gushy, mushy,
mitrailleuse, Newport News, p's and plushy, rushy, slushy
q's, Santa Cruz, Vera Cruz
ushy 2 \ush-e\ bushy, cushy, mushy,
Goody Two-shoes pushy, sushi
used \uzd\ used usi \ii-se\ see uicy
underused usian \u-zhan\ see usion
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at usible 1 \u-s3-bal\ see ucible
usible 2 \u-z9-bal\ see usable
useless \u-slas\ juiceless, useless
usic \ii-zik\ music
user \u-zar\ boozer, bruiser, Tungusic
chooser, cruiser, doozer, loser,
snoozer, user usie \ii-ze\ see oozy
abuser, accuser, amuser, diffuser, usi I \u-zal\ see usal 2
excuser, infuser, peruser
multiuser using \9s-irj\ busing, trussing
ush 1 \ash\ blush, brush, crush, Cush, —also -ing forms of verbs listed at
flush, gush, hush, lush, mush, plush, US1
rush, shush, slush, squush, thrush, tush
usion \u-zhsn\ fusion
airbrush, bulrush, bum's rush,
affusion, allusion, Carthusian,
hairbrush, hush-hush, inrush,
collusion, conclusion, confusion,
nailbrush, onrush, paintbrush,
contusion, delusion, diffusion,
sagebrush, toothbrush, uprush
effusion, elusion, exclusion, extrusion,
bottlebrush, Hindu Kush, underbrush illusion, inclusion, infusion, intrusion,
ush 2 \ush\ bush, Bush, mush, push, Malthusian, obtrusion, occlusion,
shush, squoosh, swoosh, tush, whoosh perfusion, prelusion, profusion,
ambush, rosebush, thornbush prolusion, protrusion, reclusion,
Hindu Kush seclusion, transfusion, Venusian
Andalusian, disillusion,
ushabel Xa-sha-balX crushable, malocclusion
flushable autotransfusion
usionist 330

usionist \uzh-nast\ fusionist ussell \as-9l\ see ustle

diffusionist, exclusionist, illusionist,
perfusionist usset \9s-at\ gusset, russet
usity \u-sat-e\ see ucity
USSia \ash-3\ Prussia, Russia
usive \ii-siv\ abusive, allusive, Belorussia
amusive, collusive, conclusive,
conducive, delusive, diffusive, ussian Xssh-arA see ussion
effusive, elusive, exclusive, extrusive,
illusive, inclusive, intrusive, obtrusive, ussing \ss-irj\ see using
occlusive, prelusive, protrusive, ussion \3sh-3n\ Prussian, Russian
reclusive concussion, discussion, percussion
inconclusive Belorussian, repercussion
usk \ask\ brusque, cusk, dusk, husk, USSive \as-iv\ jussive, tussive
musk, rusk, tusk concussive, percussive
subfusc repercussive
usker \ss-k9r\ busker, husker, tusker
ussle \as-3l\ see ustle
usket \3s-kat\ muscat, musket
ussley \ss-le\ see usly
uskie \as-ke\ see usky
ussy \as-e\ fussy, hussy, mussy,
uskin Xss-karA see uscan pursy, pussy
usky \as-ke\ dusky, husky, muskie, USt1 \ast\ bust, crust, dost, dust, gust,
musky just, lust, must, musth, rust, thrust,
usly \as-le\ pussley, thusly trust, wast
adjust, adust, august, combust,
uso \ii-so\ see usoe degust, disgust, distrust, encrust,
USOe \u-so\ trousseau, whoso entrust, mistrust, moondust, piecrust,
Caruso robust, Stardust, upthrust
Robinson Crusoe antitrust, dryasdust, unitrust,
usory \us-a-re\ delusory, illusory, —also -ed forms of verbs listed at
prolusory US1
usque \ssk\ see usk USt2 \as\ see us 1
USS1 \ u s \ puss, Russ, schuss ust 3 \iist\ see oost
chartreuse, sea puss, sourpuss
glamour-puss, octopus, platypus ustable Xas-ta-balX see ustible
2 1
uss \iis\ see use ustard Xas-tardX bustard, custard,
uss 3
\ss\ see us 1 mustard
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ussant \ss- 3 nt\ mustn't uster
USted \3s-tad\ busted
ussate \ss-3t\ see usset disgusted
u s s e \iis\ see use 1 maladjusted, well-adjusted
—also -ed forms of verbs listed at
ussel \as-9l\ see ustle USt1
331 utch

USter \9s-tgr\ bluster, buster, cluster, USty \as-te\ busty, crusty, dusty,
Custer, duster, fluster, luster, muster, fusty, gusty, lusty, musty, rusty, trusty
adjuster, blockbuster, combustor, usy \iz-e\ see izzy
deluster, gangbuster, lackluster, Ut1 \at\ but, butt, cut, glut, gut, hut,
sodbuster, trustbuster jut, mutt, nut, putt, rut, scut, shut, slut,
antitruster, filibuster smut, soot, strut, tut, ut, what
UStful \ast-f9l\ lustful, thrustful, abut, beechnut, catgut, chestnut,
trustful clean-cut, clear-cut, cobnut, cockshut,
distrustful crosscut, groundnut, haircut, locknut,
offcut, peanut, pignut, rebut, recut,
usth \ast\ see ust1 rotgut, shortcut, somewhat, tut-tut,
uncut, walnut, woodcut
ustian Xas-chanX see ustion butternut, congregate, hazelnut,
ustible \as-t3-b9l\ adjustable, overcut, scuttlebutt, undercut,
combustible uppercut
incombustible open-and-shut
ustin \as-t3n\ Justin Ut2 \ u \ see ew1
Augustine ut 3 \iit\ see ute
ustine \as-t9n\ see ustin
ut4 \ut\ see oot
ustic \as-tik\ fustic, rustic
Uta \ut-s\ Baruta, likuta, valuta
ustion \3s-chan\ fustian
utable \ut-9-b9l\ mutable, scrutable,
UStiOUS \ss-ch9s\ robustious, commutable, computable,
rumbustious disputable, immutable, inscrutable,
permutable, statutable
ustive \as-tiv\ adjustive, combustive executable, incommutable,
maladjustive incomputable, indisputable,
UStle \as-3l\ bustle, hustle, muscle, irrefutable, prosecutable, substitutable
mussel, Russell, rustle, trestle, tussle utage \ut-ij\ see ootage 1
corpuscle, crepuscle, Jack Russell
utal \ut- 3 l\ see utile
ustn't \9s- 3 nt\ see ussant
utan \iit- a n\ cutin, gluten, Luton,
UStom \as-t3m\ custom, frustum
mutine, Newton, Teuton
Laputan, rambutan, Rasputin
ustor \9s-tar\ see uster
Utant \ut- 3 nt\ mutant
ustrious \as-tre-3s\ illustrious, disputant, pollutant
utative \ut-9t-iv\ putative
UStrous \3S-tras\ blustrous, lustrous commutative, imputative
UStule \9s-chiil\ frustule, pustule Utch1 \9ch\ clutch, crutch, cutch,
dutch, Dutch, grutch, hutch, much,
ustum \9s-t9m\ see ustom
scutch, smutch, such, touch
ustus \9s-tss\ Justus nonesuch, retouch
Augustus double-clutch, overmuch
utch 332

Utch2 \uch\ butch, putsch uteness \ut-nas\ cuteness,

glutenous, glutinous, muteness,
utcher \ach-9r\ scutcher mutinous
retoucher acuteness, diluteness, hirsuteness
utchy \ach-e\ see uchy absoluteness, destituteness,
Ute \ut\ boot, bruit, brut, brute, bute, irresoluteness
Bute, butte, chute, cloot, coot, cute,
flute, fruit, glout, hoot, jute, Jute, loot, Utenist \ut- 3 n-ast\ lutenist, Teutonist
lute, moot, mute, newt, pood, root,
Root, rout, route, scoot, scute, shoot, utenous \ut-nas\ see uteness
snoot, soot, suit, suite, toot, tout, ut, uteous \ut-e-as\ beauteous, duteous,
Ute gluteus, luteous
acute, astute, Asyut, beetroot, Beirut,
birthroot, bloodroot, breadfruit, butut, uter \ut-sr\ cooter, neuter, fluter,
cahoot, Canute, cheroot, clubroot, hooter, looter, pewter, rooter, router,
commute, compute, confute, scooter, shooter, souter, suiter, suitor,
crapshoot, deaf-mute, depute, dilute, tooter, tutor
dispute, elute, en route, enroot, accoutre, commuter, computer,
folkmoot, freeboot, galoot, grapefruit, confuter, crapshooter, diluter, disputer,
hardboot, hirsute, imbrute, impute, freebooter, peashooter, recruiter,
jackboot, jackfruit, jumpsuit, kashruth, saluter, sharpshooter, six-shooter,
lawsuit, minute, nonsuit, offshoot, trapshooter, two-suiter, zoot-suiter
outshoot, Paiute, pantsuit, permute, coadjutor, executor, instituter,
playsuit, pollute, pursuit, recruit, persecutor, prosecutor, prostitutor,
refute, repute, salute, seaboot, troubleshooter
snowsuit, solute, sunsuit, swimsuit, microcomputer, minicomputer
taproot, tracksuit, transmute, uproot, superminicomputer
volute —also -er forms of adjectives listed
absolute, Aleut, arrowroot, Asyut, at Ute
attribute, autoroute, bandicoot,
utes \iits\ see oots
bitterroot, bodysuit, boilersuit,
bumbershoot, constitute, convolute, uteus \ut-e-as\ see uteous
Denver boot, destitute, disrepute,
dissolute, evolute, execute, gingerroot, uth1 \ut\ see ute
institute, involute, kiwifruit,
malamute, overshoot, parachute, uth 2 \iith\ seeooth 2
persecute, prosecute, prostitute, qiviut, uther1 \u-thar\ Luther, Uther
resolute, restitute, revolute, subacute,
substitute, troubleshoot, undershoot uther 2 \a-ther\ see other1
electrocute, Hardecanute, Inuktitut,
irresolute, reconstitute uthful \uth-fal\ ruthful, truthful,
uted \iit-9d\ see ooted 1 untruthful
Utee \ut-e\ see ooty1 uthless \uth-las\ ruthless, toothless
Utely \ut-le\ cutely, mutely uti \ut-e\ see ooty1
accutely, astutely, minutely
absolutely, dissolutely utia \u-sha\ fuchsia
irresolutely minutia, Saint Lucia
uten \ut- 3 n\ see utan utian \u-shsn\ see ution
333 utt

Utic \iit-ik\ maieutic, scorbutic, utionary \u-sha-ner-e\ illocutionary,

toreutic revolutionary
hermeneutic, parachutic,
propaedeutic, therapeutic utionist \u-shn9st\ devolutionist,
elocutionist, evolutionist, revolutionist
Utical \ut-i-k9l\ cuticle redistributionist
hermeneutical, pharmaceutical
utish \ut-ish\ brutish, Vutish
uticle \ut-i-kal\ see utical
Utist \iit-ast\ chutist, flutist
utie \ut-e\ see ooty1 absolutist, parachutist, therapeutist
—also -est forms of adjectives listed
Utiful \ut-i-fal\ beautiful, dutiful at Ute
Utile \ut- 3 l\ brutal, cuittle, footle, utive \ut-iv\ dilutive
futile, tootle, utile constitutive, persecutive, substitutive
Kwakiutl utl \u-t 9 l\ see utile
utin \iit- 3 n\ see utan Utland \9t-bnd\ Jutland, Rutland
utine \iit- n\ see utan Utlass \ s t - b s \ cutlass, gutless
Uting \ut-irj\ fluting, luting, suiting Utler \9t-br\ butler, Butler, cutler,
hip-shooting, sharpshooting, sutler
—also -ing forms of verbs listed at utless \at-bs\ see utlass
Utlet \9t-bt\ cutlet, nutlet
utinous 1 \ut- a n-as\ glutinous,
utment \3t-mant\ hutment
utinous 2 \iit-nas\ see uteness
utney \at-ne\ chutney, gluttony
Utiny \ut- 3 n-e\ mutiny, scrutiny Ascutney

Ution \u-shsn\ Lucian Uto \iit-6\ Bhutto, Pluto, putto

ablution, Aleutian, capuchin, Basuto, cornuto, Maputo, tenuto
Confucian, dilution, elution, locution, sostenuto
pollution, solution
uton \iit- n \ see utan
absolution, allocution, attribution,
comminution, consecution, utor \ut-ar\ see uter
constitution, contribution,
convolution, destitution, devolution, utriment Xu-tra-mantX nutriment
diminution, dissolution, distribution, accoutrement
elocution, evolution, execution,
exsolution, institution, involution, uts \sts\ see utz
lilliputian, persecution, prosecution, utsch \uch\ see utch 2
prostitution, resolution, restitution,
retribution, revolution, Rosicrucian, utsi \ut-se\ see uzzi2
antipollution, circumlocution, Utsk \utsk\ Irkutsk, Yakutsk
electrocution, irresolution, utsy \at-se\ gutsy, klutzy
maldistribution, reconstitution,
redistribution Utt \at\ see ut1
uttack 334

uttack \9t-ak\ see uttock utzy \at-se\ see utsy

uttal \at- l\ see uttle uu \ii\ see ew1
utte \iit\ see ute uvial \u-ve-sl\ fluvial, pluvial
alluvial, colluvial, diluvial, eluvial
uttee \at-e\ see utty
uvian \ii-ve-9n\ alluvion, diluvian,
Utter1 \3t-ar\ butter, clutter, cutter, Peruvian, vesuvian, Vesuvian
flutter, gutter, mutter, nutter, putter, postdiluvian
scutter, shutter, splutter, sputter, antediluvian
strutter, stutter, utter
abutter, aflutter, haircutter, price- uvion \u-ve-9n\ see uvian
cutter, rebutter, stonecutter, unclutter, uvium \u-ve-9m\ alluvium,
woodcutter colluvium, effluvium, eluvium
utter2 \ut-ar\ see ooter 1 ux1 \aks\ crux, flux, lux, tux
Uttery \st-a-re\ buttery, fluttery, afflux, aw-shucks, conflux, deluxe,
spluttery efflux, influx, redux, reflux
utti1 \ut-e\ see ooty1 —also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at uck
utti2 \ut-e\ see ooty 2
ux 2 \uks\ see ooks 2
utting \ut-irj\ see ooting1
uxe 1 \iiks\ see ooks 1
Uttish \at-ish\ ruttish, sluttish
uxe 2 \uks\ see ooks 2
uttle \3t- 3 l\ cuittle, scuttle, shuttle,
subtile, subtle uxe 3 \aks\ see ux1
uxion \ak-sh9n\ see uction
utto \ut-6\ see uto uy \T\ see y1
uttock \3t-sk\ buttock, Cuttack, uygur \e-gar\ see eager
uyot \e-6\ see io2
utton \at- 3 n\ button, glutton, mutton,
Sutton uyp \Ip\ see ipe
keybutton, unbutton uz1 \iits\ see OOtS
uz 2 \uz\ see use 2
uttony \at-ne\ see utney
uze \iiz\ see use 2
utty \st-e\ butty, gutty, jutty, nutty,
puttee, putty, rutty, smutty uzz \az\ see euse 1

utum \ut-9m\ scutum, sputum uzzi1 \ii-ze\ see oozy

uture \u-chsr\ blucher, future, uzzi 2 \iit-se\ Tutsi

moocher, suture Abruzzi
uzzle \az-9l\ guzzle, muzzle, nuzzle,
uty \iit-e\ see ooty1
utz \sts\ futz, klutz, lutz, nuts uzzler \3Z-lar\ guzzler, puzzler
blood-and-guts gas-guzzler
—also -s, -'s, and -s' forms of nouns,
and -s forms of verbs, listed at ut uzzy \9z-e\ fuzzy, muzzy, scuzzy
y 1 \I\ ai, ay, aye, bi, buy, by, bye, chi, by-and-by, calcify, certify, Chou En-
cry, die, dry, dye, eye, fie, fly, fry, guy, lai, citify, clarify, classify, cockneyfy,
Guy, hi, hie, high, i, I, lie, lye, my, codify, crucify, cut-and-dry, DIY,
nigh, phi, pi, pie, ply, pry, psi, rye, damnify, damselfly, dandify, deify,
scythe, sei, shy, sigh, sky, sly, spry, densify, dignify, dobsonfly, do-or-die,
spy, sty, Tai, Thai, thigh, thy, tie, try, dragonfly, edify, falsify, fancify,
vie, why, wry, wye, xi, Y fortify, frenchify, fructify, gasify,
aby, agley, air-dry, ally, Altai, anti, Gemini, gentrify, glorify, goggle-eye,
apply, assai, awry, aye-aye, Bacchae, goldeneye, gratify, Haggai, hexerei,
Baha'i, banzai, barfly, Belgae, belie, horrify, Iceni, justify, lignify, liquefy,
bigeye, birds-eye, blackfly, blow-dry, lithify, Lorelei, lullaby, Madurai,
blowby, blowfly, blue-sky, Bottai, magnify, Malachi, Maracay, modify,
bone-dry, bonsai, botfly, Brunei, mollify, Molokai, Mordecai, mortify,
buckeye, bugeye, bulls-eye, bye-bye, multi-ply, multiply, mummify,
canaille, catchfly, cat's-eye, cockeye, mystify, nazify, nitrify, notify, nullify,
cockshy, comply, cross-eye, deadeye, occupy, Olduvai, ossify, overbuy,
decry, deep-fry, deep-sky, deerfly, overfly, overlie, pacify, Paraguay,
defy, Delphi, deny, descry, drip-dry, passerby, peccavi, petrify, PPI,
Dubai, elhi, Eli, espy, firefly, fish-eye, preachify, prettify, prophesy, purify,
flyby, forby, freeze-dry, frogeye, putrefy, qualify, quantify, ramify,
gadfly, gallfly, GI, good-bye, greenfly, rarefy, ratify, RBI, rectify, reify, res
grisaille, gun-shy, Haggai, Hawkeye, gestae, resupply, Russify, samurai,
hereby, hi-fi, hog-tie, horsefly, sanctify, satisfy, scarify, semidry,
housefly, imply, jai alai, July, Katmai, signify, simplify, sine die, specify,
Kaui, Kenai, knee-high, lanai, Lanai, speechify, stratify, stultify, stupefy,
lay-by, Levi, magpie, mao-tai, Masai, Tenebrae, terrify, testify, tigereye,
medfly, Moirai, mooneye, nearby, typify, uglify, ultrahigh, underlie,
necktie, nisi, outbye, outcry, oxeye, unify, Uruguay, Veneti, verify,
Panay, panfry, Parcae, piece-dye, versify, vilify, vinify, vitrify, vivify,
pigsty, pinkeye, Po Hai, pop eye, zombify
potpie, Qinghai, quasi, rabbi, red-eye, acetify, acidify, a priori, beatify,
rely, reply, re-try, rocaille, rough-dry, decertify, declassify, demystify,
Sakai, sci-fi, semi, Sendai, serai, denazify, detoxify, Dioscuri,
shanghai, Shanghai, shoofly, shut-eye, disqualify, dissatisfy, diversify,
Sinai, sky-high, small-fry, sockeye, electrify, exemplify, facetiae, Helvetii,
stand by, standby, stir-fry, supply, humidify, identify, indemnify,
swing-by, terai, test-fly, thereby, tie- intensify, objectify, personify,
dye, titi, tongue-tie, two-ply, untie, preoccupy, reliquiae, reunify, revivify,
Versailles, walleye, watcheye, well- rigidify, saponify, solemnify, solidify,
nigh, whereby, whitefly, wise guy, syllabify, transmogrify, undersupply,
worms-eye vox populi
Adonai, alibi, alkali, amplify, apple- a fortiori, caravanserai, corpus
pie, argufy, basify, beautify, butterfly, delicti, deacidify, dehumidify, ex
y 336

hypothesi, modus vivendi, nolle yd \u-id\ see uid

prosequi, oversimplify
amicus curiae, curriculum vitae, yde \id\ see ide1
modus operandi ydia \i-de-a\ see idia
y 2 \ e \ see ee 1 ydian \id-e-sn\ see idian
ya \e-9\ see ia1 ydice \id-9-se\ see idice
yable \I-9-b9l\ see iable1
ydney \id-ne\ see idney
yad \I-9d\ dryad, dyad, naiad,
ye \ i \ seey 1
sayyid, triad
hamadryad, jeremiad yeable \l-9-b9l\ see iable1
yan \I-9n\ see ion yed \ld\ see ide1
yant \i-9nt\ see iant yer \Ir\ see ire1
yatt \I-at\ see iet yeth \I-9th\ see iath1
ybe \Tb\ see ibe yfe \If\ see ife1
ybele \ib-9-le\ Cybele yfed \9r-ad\ see oved
yg \ig\ see ig
yber \I-bar\ see iber
ygamous \ig-9-m9s\ see igamous
ybia \i-be-g\ see ibia
ygamy \ig-9-me\ see igamy
ybris \I-br9s\ see ibrous
ycad \I-k9d\ cycad, spiked ygia \I-J9\ see ijah

yean \I-k9n\ see ichen1 ygian \i-J9n\ Phrygian, pidgin,

pigeon, smidgen, stygian, wigeon
yce \Is\ see ice1 religion
callipygian, Cantabrigian, irreligion
ych 1 \ik\ see ick
ygiene \i-jen\ see aijin
ych 2 \Ik\ see ike2
ygma \ig-m9\ see igma
yche \I-ke\ see ike1
ychnis \ik-n9s\ see ickness ygnet \ig-nst\ cygnet, signet

ycia \ish-9\ see itia1 ygnus \ig-nas\ see igness

ycian \ish-9n\ see ition y g o s \I-g9s\ seeygous

ycin \Is- a n\ see ison1 ygous \I-g9s\ gigas

ycle 1 \I-k9l\ cycle, Michael callipygous, hemizygous,
recycle homozygous
Calvin cycle, epicycle, Exercycle, steatopygous
hemicycle, kilocycle, motorcycle,
unicycle, Wanne-Eickel ygrapher \ig-r3-fsr\ see igrapher
ycle 2 \ik-9l\ see ickle ygraphist Mg-ra-fsstA see igraphist
ycler \ik-lar\ see ickler ygyny \ij-9-ne\ see igine
337 ynch

ying \I-irj\ crying, flying, lying, yma M-maX Chaima, cyma

yman \I-m3n\ see imen
high-flying, low-lying, outlying,
undying ymathy \im-3-the\ see imothy
nitrifying, terrifying, underlying
ymbal \im-bal\ see imble
yke \ik\ see ike2
ymbalist Xim-ba-lastN cymbalist,
yked \Ikt\ see iked1 symbolist
yl \el\ see eal 2 ymbol Xim-balX see imble
ylan \il-9n\ see illon ymbolist Mm-ba-tasfX see ymbalist
ylar \I-br\ see ilar yme \Im\ see ime1
yle \fl\ see ile1 ymeless Mm-lasX see imeless
ylem \I-bm\ see ilum ymen M-manX see imen
yler \I-l9r\ see ilar ymer \I-m9r\ see imer1
ylet \i-bt\ see ilot ymic 1 \I-mik\ thymic
yley \I-le\ see yly enzymic

yli \e-le\ see eely ymic 2 \im-ik\ gimmick, mimic

ylic \il-ik\ see ilic acronymic, antonymic, eponymic,
homonymic, matronymic, metonymic,
ylie \I-le\ see yly
patronymic, synonymic, toponymic
yling \I-lirj\ see iling1
ymical \im-i-k9l\ see imical
yll \ n \ see ile1
ymie \I-me\ see imy
ylla \il-a\ see ilia2
ymion \im-e-9n\ see imian
yllable \il-3-bal\ see illable
ymity \im-at-e\ see imity
yllary \il-g-re\ see illary
ymmetry \im-9-tre\ see imetry
yllic \il-ik\ see ilic
ymn \im\ see im1
yllis \il-9s\ see illus
ymp \imp\ see imp
yllium \il-e-9m\ see ilium
ymph \imf\ lymph, nymph
yllo 1 \e-16\ see ilo
ymric \im-rik\ Cymric, limerick
yllo 2 \I-lo\ see ilo1
ymus \I-m9s\ see imis
ylum M-bmX see ilum
ylus \I-l9s\ see ilus ymy \I-me\ see imy

yly \i-le\ dryly, highly, maile, Philae, yn \in\ see in1

riley, shyly, slyly, smiley, Wiley, wily, ynah \I-n9\ see ina1
Wyley, wryly
life of Riley ynast \I-n9st\ see inist1
ym \im\ see im1 ynch 1 \inch\ see inch
ynch 338

ynch 2 \irjk\ see ink ypo \i-po\ hypo, typo

yncher \in-ch3r\ see incher ypress \i-prss\ cypress, Cyprus,
1 viperous
ynd \Ind\ see ind
yprus \I-pr3s\ see ypress
yndic \in-dik\ see indie
ypse \ips\ see ips
yne \In\ see ine1
ypso \ip-so\ see ipso
y n e s s \i-nas\ see inus1
ypsy \ip-se\ gypsy, Gypsy, tipsy
ynia \in-e-a\ see inia
ypt \ipt\ see ipt
ynic \in-ik\ see inic2
yptian \ip-shan\ see iption
ynical \in-i-kal\ see inical
yptic \ip-tik\ cryptic, diptych,
ynn \in\ see in1 styptic, triptych
ynne \in\ see in1 ecliptic, elliptic
ynth \inth\ see inth
ypy \i-pe\ see ipy
ynthia \in-the-a\ see inthia
yr \ir\ see eer 2
ynx \irjs\ see inx
yra \I-rs\ Ira, Lyra, Myra, naira
yon \I-an\ see ion1 bell-lyra, hegira, hetaira, palmyra
yone \I-3-ne\ see yony
yral \I-ral\ see iral
yony \I-a-ne\ bryony
Alcyone yrant \I-rant\ see irant
yp \ip\ see ip yre \Ir\ see ire1
ypal \I-p9l\ typal yreal \ir-e-sl\ see erial
disciple yria \ir-e-a\ see eria1
archetypal, prototypal
yriad \ir-e-ad\ see eriod
ype \Ip\ see ipe
yrian \ir-e-an\ see erian 1
yper \i-par\ see iper
yric1 \i-rik\ pyric
ypey \I-pe\ see ipy oneiric
yph \if\ see iff panegyric
yphen \i-fan\ hyphen, siphon yric 2 \ir-ik\ see eric 2
yphic \if-ik\ see ific yrical \ir-i-k3l\ see erical2
yphony \if-3-ne\ see iphony yrie1 \ir-e\ see eary
ypic \ip-ik\ typic yrie 2 \I-re\ see iary1
philippic yril \ir-9l\ see eral1
genotypic, holotypic
stereotypic yrist \ir-sst\ see erist1
yping \I-pirj\ see iping yrium \ir-e-am\ see erium
339 ythy

yrna \ar-na\ see erna ysmal Xiz-mslX dismal

abysmal, baptismal
yro \I-ro\ biro, Cairo, gyro, Gyro, cataclysmal, catechismal
yson \Is- 3 n\ see ison1
yro 2 \ir-6\ see ero 3
y s s \is\ see iss 1
yron \ir-sn\ see iren
yssal \is-al\ see istle
yros \i-ras\ see irus
yssean \is-e-9n\ see ysian 1
yrrh \ar\ see eur 1
y s s e u s \ish-as\ see icious1
yrrha \ir-s\ see era
yssum \is-3m\ see issome
yrrhic \ir-ik\ see eric 2 y s s u s \is-9s\ see issus
yrrhus \ir-as\ see erous yst \ist\ see ist2
yrse \ars\ see erse ystal \is-t 3 l\ see istal
yrsus \sr-s3s\ see ersus yster 1 \is-tar\ see ister
yrtle \art- 3 l\ see ertile yster 2 \I-star\ see eister 1
yrup \ar-9p\ see irrup ystery \is-tre\ see istory
yrupy \ar-3-pe\ see irrupy ystic \is-tik\ see istic
yrus \I-r9s\ see irus ystical \is-ti-kal\ see istical

ysail \I-ssl\ see isal 1 ystine \is-tan\ see iston

ysch \ish\ see ish1 ysus 1 \e-s9s\ seeesis

y s e \Is\ see ice1 y s u s 2 \I-s9s\ see isis

ysh \ish\ see ish1 yta \It-9\ see ita1

yte \it\ see ite1
ysia 1 \ish-a\ see itia
yterate \it-9-r9t\ see iterate
ysia 2 \izh-a\ see isia
ytes \It-ez\ see ites
ysian 1 \is-e-an\ Piscean
Odyssean ythe 1 \i\ see v
ythe 2 \ith\ see ithe
ysian 2 \ish-an\ see ition
ythia \ith-e-9\ lithia, Scythia
ysian 3 \izh-an\ see ision forsythia
ysian 4 \I-se-9n\ see iscean 1
ythian \ith-e-9n\ Pythian, Scythian
ysical \iz-i-kal\ physical, quizzical
metaphysical ythmic \ith-mik\ rhythmic
arrhythmic, eurythmic
ysis \I-s3s\ see isis logarithmic
ysm \iz-9m\ see ism ythy \i-the\ see ithy
ytic 340

ytic \it-ik\ see itic yve \Iv\ see ive1

ytical \it-i-kal\ see itical yx \iks\ see ix1
ytics \it-iks\ see itics yxia \ik-se-s\ see ixia
yting \Tt-irj\ see iting yxie \ik-se\ see ixie
ytis \I-t9s\ see itis yze \iz\ see ize
ytton \it- n\ see itten

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