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10 homebrew herbs for

your DnD campaign

[credits: Moonalym]
→ Artemiria

A crush of this plant, consumed by a conscious creature with 1

action, returns 2 hp / hour for 1d4 hours. Cost: 65 gold per dose.

It grows in autumn, and remains unchanged until early spring. If not

collected, then it dies.

It is a long-stemmed ower, the leaves grow oblique and are also

quite oblong. The ower is lilac, streaked with yellow. To obtain the
crushed mixture, the protruding black pistil is mixed with the petals
and the leaves, respectively 1 pistil / 2 g of petals / 1 g of leaves
per dose.

→ Fakewheat
It grows throughout the year. It is a rare herb, di cult to
misunderstand as it grows by itself, actually looking like wheat
in the middle of a forest. Cost: 10 gold per plant. 5 fakewheat
plants have enough seeds to make an infusion. About 2 hours
to prepare a single infusion, and 1 minute to consume it.

It tastes terrible, sure, but it grants +1 to ST(WIS) against the

Charmed condition for one hour. The seeds can be used in
cooking, mostly for baking (reddish bread with a strong avor).

→ Lucciolata

Plant found in very dense forests, where there is little light at

ground level. The white dots are luminescent, attract pollinating
insects. It is a relatively rare plant. Cost: 1 gold per dose. The
petals must be dried, and to consume them they are placed under
the tongue. They have an adrenalinizing and hallucinogenic e ect.
A conscious creature that consumes 2 petals has an advantage on
all straight DEX rolls for one minute, and has disadvantage on all
CON and WIS based rolls for 8 hours.


→ Drunken tree

It is a shrub, rather low. Common plant.

The pistils of the owers, halfway between lilac and an emerald

green, should be chopped fresh. Cost: 5sp / dose

It is not a very well seen plant, although it grows

spontaneously, so much so that people tend to eradicate it if it
appears near their home. The reason is that it is hallucinogenic.

A creature that consumes a dose has: 

✓ Truevision for 30 feet, 1 minute

✓ Considered poisoned for 8 h. Those immune to poison

cannot even bene t from true vision.

After consuming one dose, the Truevision gained in this way
with all the successive doses is halved each time.

→ Pinaco

It is a typical tree of mountainous forests, the fronds start from

a certain height leaving the base of the trunk bare. Covered
with a toxic resin, and the forest animals feed on its fruits.

Mixing the seeds of the fruit in other preparations allows you to

reduce the amount of the other ingredients. For every Pinaco
seed, you can decrease total the cost of the recipe by 25 gp,
at your DM’s discretion.

→ Prillino

It is a river plant, tolerates brackish water to the maximum. It is

not so much the plant, which produces a kind of rice grain, as
interesting as the mushroom that occasionally grows near it. It
is consumed by predators, especially birds, in order to sh
with apparent greater e ectiveness. Usable for alchemical

Otherwise, the consumption of a Prillino ensures an additional

number of minutes without having to breathe underwater equal
to half the consumer's mod (CON), rounded down and at least
1 minute.

→ Nighteater

It is a typical tree of forests crossed by rivers. It is not the
tree itself of alchemical or herbalistic interest, but a thick, soft
moss that tends to carpet the trunk. It appears to be eaten
by animals, predators and otherwise, because it a ects

If eaten by a character, grants Darkvision within 10 feets for

10 minutes.

→ Deersdevours

Carnivorous plant that deceives with the fruit, around it has adhesive substance, if you go there, it
incorporates you. Athletic Check at DC10 to not take 5
slashing damage (DC 8 to escape), as soon as you enter it
and then at the beginning of each of your turns you take 1d6
acid damage.

→ Chiarisa

It can be found in any dense forest with little light, it is low,

teal in color, unlike other ferns it makes owers, the ower is
eaten / used by non-pollinating animals.

→ Phebo

It is a very poisonous mushroom. The top is cut o and the

poison from the stem is squeezed out. The most skilled hands
use its components to create healing potions.

⚕ 25 gp (1 mushroom) and 8h of work → Small healing potion

⚕ 50 gp (3 mushrooms) and 16h of work, check WIS DC 10 →

medium healing potion

⚕ 250 gp (15 mushrooms) and 48h of work, check WIS DC 15

every day → superior healing potion

⚕ 2500 gp (150 mushrooms) and 200h of work, check WIS DC

18 → Supreme healing potion.


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