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5 Easiest Ways to Include Proof and Evidence That

You’re Their Best Candidate

Webinar presented to Chicago Chapter IFT on March 23, 2016
By Terry Kozlowski of AchieveMentor Group LLC
Reminder checklist for attendees only including all examples shared on the webinar

Secret #1. Your ‘what to say” secret weapon that’s even more powerful than words:

Example 1 Before: "I have a proven track record of delivering well-organized events and on budget. I
have extensive experience selecting cities, hotels and convention centers for small and citywide events."

Example 1 After: "Most recently I served for *** years as *** where I led over 40 successful meetings
that were on budget. Many were for 300 people or less, but I'm most proud of organizing 4 city-wide
events that each involved from 8,000 to 10,000 attendees, requiring as many as 15,000 room nights."

Example 2: "Prior, when I was *** for ***, I increased the participation from 6,000 to 150,000
consumers, which was a 250% increase from the prior year."

Example 3: “The new line I launched doubled the category average unit price and boosted profits in the
first year by more than 400K."

Secret #2. How to easily impress the interviewer and without bragging:

Comparison example 1: ". . . In an organization of ***, my performance ratings are in the "exceptional"
category which puts me in the top 5% of ***'s assessed talent."

Comparison example 2: "Of the 500 [Key Account Managers], I was one of only 20 selected to ***."

Comparison example 3: “ . . . although I was initially assigned there for only a 6-month contract, they
kept renewing me; I was there for two years until the entire operation was outsourced overseas.”

Quote example 1: "When my boss learned I needed to move out of state he said, ‘So sorry to see you go,
we're losing one of our best flavor profile developers in the entire company.'"

Quote example 2: “ the VP of *** told my manager that I brought new products and opened new markets
they had never seen in the more than 100 years they’d been in business.”

Quote example 3: “My manager said she assigned me to the project because I had a great knack for
bringing people together and working cross-functionally."

Quote example 4: ". . . said they would love to have me back as I was one of the best *** they ever had."

Quote example 5: “. . . and at *** my file included over 140 thank you emails from people who
appreciated how I solved their urgent problems. I was told this was about three times more notes than the
other *** received."

© Copyright AchieveMentor Group LLC | All Rights Reserved

To access this presentation’s recording, for all questions, or for help to win the job you really want,
please submit a support ticket to
or call 800.401.0607 #2. We look forward to hearing from you.
Secret #3. How to apply Hollywood movie techniques to be memorable:

Dinosaur example 1: “. . . invented a new packaging solution for a commodity food item that created a
40% lift in sales . . .”

Dinosaur example 2: “. . . also led a project which reduced our planning cycle time by 25% and increased
forecasting accuracies to 97% . . . “

Dinosaur example 3: “. . . I raised $715M in 3 separate transactions from U.S. public debt markets . . . ”

Backstory example 1: “. . . It was when I was serving as an intern in Senator ***'s office that I first
developed my ability to prioritize effectively . . . ”

Backstory example 2: “. . . Even in high school and college where I competed against swimmers who
went on to the Olympics, I was . . . "

Backstory example 3: “. . . from the time that I was 8 years old and convinced the kids in the
neighborhood to set up a lemonade stand, I’ve had the ability to . . . “

Interview Success Academy

Launch Announcement

During the presentation, a special invitation was made that gives you the option to continue to improve
your interview skills in 30 days or less. You are invited to participate in a comprehensive training and
coaching program as a charter member of the Interview Success Academy.

This specially discounted offer available only to Chicago Chapter IFT members and their friends is valid
for a limited time. Because of the amount of one-on-one coaching time with Terry Kozlowski included,
only 12 people can be accepted.

This special order link will expire at midnight central time on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 or
whenever 12 people have successfully registered, whichever comes first.

The first official sessions will begin the first week of April, but your direct support begins immediately
upon your order completion. All online training sessions will be recorded for later access.

See a summary of what’s included and order at:

For all questions:

please submit a support ticket at
or call 800.401.0607 #2

© Copyright AchieveMentor Group LLC | All Rights Reserved

To access this presentation’s recording, for all questions, or for help to win the job you really want,
please submit a support ticket to
or call 800.401.0607 #2. We look forward to hearing from you.

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