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1 – Comparative education involves the evaluation of education systems in many different parts

of the world. It’s usage in comparative physical education provides the ability to learn about how

different programs around the world operate. It also provides an opportunity to learn from other

programs and make improvements by comparing what may be a better way of doing things. With

learning how other programs focus their ideas and goals we can assess how our programs meet

our societal needs and goals.

2 – The problem lies with the program itself. Adopting a program that doesn’t fit your society

and cultural needs will not work. When it is adopted outside of the needs of their culture the

program does not work as intended. Another problem that can occur is the difference in culture

itself. This includes gender related aspects of programs, the needs for physical education for the

people, and a difference in culture. These problems in general make programs that may work in

western society behave differently for other countries that may try and copy it.

3 – One orientation is a focus on military fitness which promotes the physical fitness of the

younger generation to prepare them for military service in the future. Another orientation is

competitive sports training which still focuses on physical education and fitness however is used

to find talented youth in sports or to build a competitive nature in the students. Another

orientation is cultural fitness which focuses on culturally traditional activities and a low

emphasis on activities from other nations. And another general orientation is the promotion of

life long physical fitness.

4 –AEHESIS looked to promote the education of preparing graduates for a career, not just giving

the information. This involved helping graduates figure out what they wanted to do as a career,

understand the requirements and skills needed for the career, and used the data to create

educational programs. The difference between agreeing on a common set of outcomes compared

to agreeing on a common curriculum is agreeing on a common set of outcomes does not look to

set a specific curriculum everyone must follow but it makes a set of outcomes that the curriculum

should produce no matter how you have designed it. With this, universities can design a

curriculum however they would like but a common set of outcomes would ensure they are all

doing their job correctly.

5 – The International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education focuses on

promoting sport at a college level. They also focus on general physical education and hold

conventions to discuss it. Another organization, the International Council on Health, Physical

Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance focuses on sport science and more of the international

aspects of physical education and sport science. A third organization is the International

Federation of Physical Education which focuses on promoting physical education for all sexes

and ages. They do a great deal of research to promote international cooperation in physical

education and it’s benefits.

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