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The PPJPC Sunrise Garden Business Model: 1-2 years

1 Value Proposition: 3 Key Partners: 4 Key Resources: 5 Impact Populations:

What we want to do The people we hope will help What we need to get The people this project will effect
the job done  Homeless/Mentally Ill
 Reduce homelessness o
 Community garden o Outreach
 Provide therapeutic  Hillside Community Center
location o Provide safe productive place during the day
environment o Provide the community garden
 Gardening supplies o Provide fresh, healthy food
 Provide place for  Seeds Community Café o Resource referrals
o Volunteer sign up system  Outreach services
homeless individuals to  City of Colorado Springs
o Gets fresh food from the garden referring
go during day o Reduce the number of homeless individuals
homeless/mentally ill
 Increase access to healthy  AspenPointe on the streets
individuals to our location
o Provide incoming referrals to
food  Referral resources  Seeds Community Café
 Provide resource referrals (directory) o Provide fresh, healthy, natural food for café
o Provide resources/mental health
to people in need  Food Distributors  Volunteers
services (outgoing resources
 Volunteer system o Create a safe environment to volunteer and
2 Key Activities: increase interaction and understanding of
 United Way - 211  Tracking/database
How we want to do it system
homeless population
o Provides incoming referrals to
 Gardening garden
 Homeless outreach o Provides resources referrals 6 Channels of Access:
service (outgoing referrals) How we will reach the impacted populations
 Resource referral services  CSU Master Gardening Program  Homeless/Mentally ill
 Provision of healthy food o Provide gardening expertise o Current outreach/referral services
to homeless and low  Volunteers
income families o Seeds Community Cafe
 All groups
o Marketing: i.e.: Newspapers, E-newsletter, Flyers, Meetings with partners

Costs Potential Funding Sources

 Garden supplies  Grants
o Soil, Seeds, Water, Raised beds maintenance  Sponsors
 Master Gardener, Garden supervisor, or Sign up system for regular coverage  Individual Donors
 Volunteer system overhead
 Donated supplies (gardening)
 Food distribution
 Trained outreach/resources specialists
 Tracking/database system  Farmers Market stand
*Things highlighted in red are things we are not yet providing, partnerships we still need to form, costs/systems we still need to design, etc.
 Greenhouse  Food supply to local restaurants

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