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..... CHAPTER 7

To provide leak-proof conoection.s bttwoeo two pieces of pipes.. pipes and noalet,
shells aod ends or bnween two part, of vcs.scl1, they can be either 'NeJdcd rh·c:tcd or flanged
as lhc case ma.y bo. First two mc1hod1 give permane.ot joints. Range j~int oo the other
hand permits disaucmbty and removal or cleanina or internal pa.rt,.
Different types of flanges commooly used are :
I. Weldina-o«k (Pia. 7.1 a)
2. Slip-on (Pig. 7. I b)
3. Lap-joiot (Pia. 7.1 c)
,. Blind (F;a. 7 , J d)
Welding-neck flanges d iffer from other types in that they have a lo.n.g . tapered bub
bctwu .n the flange ring a nd th'c weld joint with the- pipe or shell. This bub provides a
more gradual transition from the flange riog
thit kneJ.S to the pipe wa11 thickness, thereby
decreasing lhe disco1itinuity stresse1 and conse·
quently io·c-rea~iag tbc strength or the ftange.
MU I bl
This type it the 5lr◊ngest among the dift'ercnL
kioch offtaoges. Therefore, this type of ftanges Io)
is prcfc:rred for exlreme service conditions such
u : repeated bending from line c:xpansioo or
other forces, wide Ouctutuions in pressure or
temperature, high pressure, high temperature,
10d sub-zero temperature. The1e flanges arc
(C) Cd}
recommended for t ho handling of, costly, fta mm~ Fil. 7,1 Commolly .,.,l)ype e...., '
able, or expfosjvc fluids, where ra,rurc or leakaa . Th. type of flange is dhectJy welded
or a naoge joint might bring disnurous conbesequence:- alia~~ while welding to the nonlc or
to the pipe or ooztle. Flanaes must propc~ Y
lhell. Flange, arc normally mooufaotured by forg101, ,
. . . ed on lo the pipe or shell and lap welded. Tbd
The slip·on Oangc lS sunp1y shp~ ter case of a.tigomcnt in wekling anembly
lyp, of ftanae is widely used becau<e of ,ts ~ f this ft&na• u c,lculaled from io1croal
Ind because of ils low initi&l cos~ The 11 ~ ": 0; a correspondimg welding·ntck: type or
pref5ure considcratioo5, ;, approx1m1tcly 2/ t be1limited to moderate acrvice, where pro11ure
11,ng, The we of thi, 1ypc of Oang• should

fluctuat ions, temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and shock

severe. The fatigue life of this flange is approximately 1/3
Lap -joint flanges are usually used with lap-joint stub. The combined
two parts is more than the cost of welding-neck flange of the same size and presscost of the

These flanges have the disad vantage of having only about l O% of the fatigue life
neck flanges. The primary advantages are- the bolt holes are easily aligned Weldin~.
These flanges are as good as the slip-on flange to withstand the pressure witho ur~ tat~og.

simplifies the erection of vessels of large diameter and unusually stiff piping. The an~ th is
are also useful in cases where frequent dismantling for cleaning or inspection is :~ ngcs
or where it is necessary to rotate the pipe. s.sary,
Bli_nd flan_ges are extensively used to blank off process vessel openings such as hand.
holes and 10spect1on ports. They are also used to block off the ends of piping and val
Blind flanges absorb high bending stresses. vcs.

The design of flange involves :

A. Selection of the gasket (material, type and dimensions),
B. Flange fad ng,
....... C. Bolting,
D. Hub proportions,
E. Flange width,
F. Flange thickness.
Flange dimensions should be such that the stresses in the flange do not exceed the
permissible limits given in IS : 2825 - J969.


to ) ( b) ( C)

~ ~ (d) (el

Fie. 7 .2 Commoal1 1l'9ed tinge races

(a) PlalD face (Ffs. 7 .2 a)

Both the connecting flanges are identical. Simple in construction and inexpen•
sivc. But there is the danger of gasket blow out. Good for low pressure service.

Characteris.tlcally same as plain faced flanges. But this type ensures better com•
pres,ion load on ga.siet as there is no contact between metal faces at the point of load
application, even w.h cn the gasket is totally pressed.

(c} Mm and ;emale (Fig. 7 .2 c)

One face is raised and the other one is recessed. This type is more expco1ive than
raise face. This type is suitable for high pressure operation os·blow out or gasket is pre-
vented. But at high vacuum or large external pressure, gasket may be squeezed in to the
inner diameter of tile vessel.

(4) Tongae and groove (Fig. 7.2 d)

This type is most suitable for high pressure as well as for high vacuum operation.
There is no possibility or blowing out or squeezing in of the gasket. This type is very
<>pensive. The tongue may be damaged while dismantling.

<•) Riag type (Fie. 7.2 e)

. . This type got groove in both the faces. In this type also blow out and squ..,z•
1 1
" of the gaskc·t arc eliminated. As construction is compara1i vely simpler. tt.i1 type is
n c.pc n$1ve'
thllD tvngue and groove. Bui for t his · . I
type special d ,._
y ma e ga-ts are
"'•&sary. •

• flan • · •oinl are finely machined and free fro m any irrci u·
If both 1M faces of_lb 1' .J • inl wiihoul ihe use of any ex1ernal agcnc r
larilics. it is possible to achic•• Jcak·t:ghl J~ . ot required. Therefore, to ob1a· YI ikc
g15keL But this will be very eJpens,vc an is " m cak.
proof joinl wi1b reasonably machined flallge facings, gaskets are used .
Gaskets are normally soft packing ,na1erials . which ore introJuceJ in hcl ween lhc
flange faces. While initially tighten ing tb• f!Jlnges with ?e l>olis •. t ~• gaskel g, is J cform d
under compressive 1ciad and seals 1bc rnioule surface 1rregularitoCS to p,cvcnl leakage of
the O"id. The amount of force that must be apphed to the gasket 10 now and seal 1bc
surface irrcgularilies is known as the ''yield" or "sealing'' fo rce. T his force is usually,
etpres>ed as a unit stress in force per uni1 area and is independent of lhc p ressur< in,idc
tbe vessel. Thus, yidd stress represcots the minimum load t.h ot must be applied 10 1hc
psket to seat it •veo though v«Y low pressure are used in the vesse l.

Upon the applicstion of interoal pressure in the vessel, an e nd fo rce tends lo

s•parale 1he flanges and 10 d«rease the unil slress on the ga5kcl. Jf the hydrosta1ic end
fo...., is , ullidenUy la~~• that the diffcrencr between it and boll-load frrce reduces 1hc
gasket load below a criucal. value, leakage will ""cur. It may also be possible 1hat lhc
h JS blo.,D
'd I out
k due lo 101crnal
• pressure when conlaCI pressure is v•ry
. lo w. ·1berc,ore,
1 ,
er•" • k•• ct force wbocb is equal lo gasket seat ing force m inus 1he hvd 0,1atit
0for~ must not be less than lbat required 10 p rcvrnt leakage of the int~rnal fl uid
under operallDi preuure.
1 15
pressureThe ratio ofthe
is termed gaaket strctl
the "gasket Tb th e vcsse . under pressure, to the /n1emal
fact ;.,.when
material and cons1ruc1ion and is inde':,.,.n·den• •rgasket fact.o r 1s a property of
o tho internal . the ga.skd
prtssures. In selceciog the proper gasket for an . . pressure o ver a wade range
involve the determination of the toial exllting closure, one of the first step 1boul4
and 10 maintain a tight seal under'.'"nl of fo~e necessary to make the psket yield
ra ing condt1101U.

Besides pressure, the temperature

also ~e re_lative use and economy of i=~~l~hcmical nature of the confined material a11d

':"' eralton for the selccoion of gasket Th at,on and maiotenanc,e arc to be taken ;,,to
i:e :uipmcnt wilh whi~h lh: :aa.~et .materia l s~ould be as serviceable • •
factor, m, aod the ernm~e faces.. Some co mmo~ :1 ,s used, but must not form • pcr111•·
widlh of the gaskcl b um d~sign scaling slress ypes ~f gas ket materials with ~ •
width, which is Jess• h• for various types of , : y , are ltsted in Table 7 I The cffccu•·• 1
. I an ihc act I ,acmgs is . . . . ,e
~ ruction ofUic lla
I • cings. Therefore,
ua wid th N
Load fficc, on gasket deter,~· • , will
o f the
given tn Table 7.2. Th• ,ffc<l '
be gas kc t, depends on ihe facing er•.
o_eccs,a~y to ensure a1 light .. unc the required . . different for differe nt types of fla•~
yield w1d1h, b, is first lo be :'"I at opera1ing o JOIOl·Contact surfa ces compre~ ion 10,, t
clermiocd fro m T r working condit ions the elfc<li>C B"ic
able 7.2. •

l)dJON ot NON-9'1'Akl>Alll> Pl.ANGIS 103

Table 7 .1 Gasket Materfal1 ... ___.. Vai.. of m ud JI

(IS : 2825 - 1969)

Ga,kd Min. Duig,, M 111. Att1141

Factor Seating Streu, JI, Ga,lcel Width
m MN/m> (mm)
Gasket Mattrlal

Vulcanized rubber sheet JO

bardotsS above 70 IHRD 1.00 J.38

Asbestos with a suitable l, 3.2 mm 10

binder for operating ~ thick 2.00 JI 00
condition, J 1.6 ..
0.8 ,,
44.8S JO
Rubber with cotton fabric insertion l.2S 2.76 !O
2.2S IS.25 JO
Rubber with asbestos fabric } 3-ply 20.00 JO
insertion, with or without 2- ., 2.50
2.15 25.SO 10
wire reinforcement J•. .,
1.15 1.56 10
Voactable fibre
20,00 10 ·
Spinl-wouod m•tal, }Carbon Steel 31.00 10
ubeltos filled S.S. or monel metal 3.00
20.00 JO
Corr11gated metal, l Soft Al 2.SO 25.00 10
asbesto1·1oscr1ed I Soft Cu or brua 2.75 31.00 10
or. Asbestos fil- ~ Iron or soft steel 3.00 JO
led conugated I Mooel metal 3.2S 38 00
45.00 JO
metal jacket J S.S. 3.SO
25.SO JO
Soft Al 2.7S JO
Corrugated 1 Soft Cu or brass
Iron or soft steel
38.00 10
1 Mooel metal
Soft Al
Asbestos Soft Cu or brass
3.15 Sl .0S JO
filled Iron or soft steel 55.00 10
flat metal Monel metal 3.50 JO
3.15 62.SO
.iacket S.S.
61.00 6
Soft Al 4.00 6
4.15 90.00
Solid Soft Cu or brass 6
flat S.50 125.00
Iron or soft steel 150.00 6
metal Monel metal 6.00 6
6.50 I 80.00
S.S. 6
Iron or soft steel 125.00
I 50.00 6
Ring joint Mooel metal 6.00 6
6.50 180.00
104 C)IIU>IJCAL W.dtb
Tabl• 7 .2 Effective G asket I

(IS : 2815 - 1969)

- - ---:::-;;:,:;;;;- ;:;:;;;~
Ty~ 0/ flange Jadlig
--- /JD,slc gasktt seating
wlchh, b.
Effecti~e gask, 1

N/l, where N is _tbe actual b = b•• when

P!Ain face (f ig. 7.2 a) "• ~ 6.3 mm
gasket width in contact

Raised face (Fig. 7.2 b) N/2 b= 2.5 '1/b-.. wh,.n

b. > 6.3 mm
Male and female (Fig. 7.2 c) N/2
Tongue and groove (N + W)/4, where W is the
(Fia. 7.2 d) width of tbe t ongue and
N is the width of the
Ring type (i.e. groove in both WJ&. where Wis the width
tbe faces, Fig. 7 .2 e) of the ring gasket

7.3.l Trmpttalure ud press,.,. coesideratlons

For temperatures up to 400 •c and pressures upto 2 MN / m1 • temperature a1"
rootrolliog factor i.n gasket selection. For pressures below I MN/m1 and temper&111111
below 80 •c. any of the gasket materials given in Table i . I are applicable.
Following Table gives commonly used gasket materials at various temperature acd
pre<1u1c ranges.


Below 80
Table 7.3 Gasket & led ioa'

MN/m1 Commonly uud gaikel ,r!DI~
Up to ,so Belo w I
Asbestos, fibre, or ru
bb(f i1rt11
Up to 2 '--10 s sbtcl '
Compressed as-• . fo!C''
vatious metallic ~s.
Up to 400
asbesLos sheets and clot ,~
Up to 2 1,CStOS g ..._
Corrugated me!a\-as alu~:;;
fac«drng 400 and plam iron, IF
copper and M 00

Pla in metal gaskets

£ qu1rntn1 t: ( U·l l a ••

Jo th• last case the pressure becomes the deciding factor in the gasket selection.
,ocials and alloys used must have softening or plastic ftow temperatures well above
901 th •orating temperature.
1h0 OP The plain face 6aoge 1s
. used extens1vely
. for temperatures upto 250 •c and pressures
uplOJ MN/m>.
_ _ Gasket dimeasions
7 3 2 Besides tcmpera1ure, pressure and corrosive nature of the confined ftuiils, the
s,leciion of gasket material is also based upon the gasket width. If the gasket is made too
narrow, the unit stress on it will be excessive. If, •gain, the gasket is made too wide,
ih• bolt load will be unnecessarily increas<d . For preliminary estimate of the gasket
diaJ11eters following opproacb can be adopted. As menlione!l earlier, the residual gasket
fore• can not be less I.ban that required to prevent kakagc of the internal ftuid under
op<ratiog pressure, then, (Gasket seating force)-(Hyd roslatic pressure force)
= (Residual gasket force)
Let d, and d, are !be outer and inner diamelers of the )!)lsket and y, p and m are minimum
de,ign yield stress, internal pressure and gasket factor respectively. Tbeo,
; (d.2 - d,') y - ":•• p = ~ (d,2 - d 1') pm ... (7.3. 1)
Ailbough the above equation disregards the elastic deformation of bolh, gasket aod Hanses,
thisrelalionsh ip is useful for initial proportioning of the gaskc1s. Eq. 7.3. 1 may be oriented
as follows :
d1 ~
( y-prn
y-p(m I) +
)i ... (7.3.2)

The product pm is the unit load requ ired to compress the gasl<et under operating
condilion. Generally a gasket seating stress larger than)' should not be used, as this may
kad to the crushing of the g;,skel. If such condition is required, this shou ld be limited to
lhc system like tongue and groove joints.
IS: 4870 - 1968 gives the following informa1ion about gasket thickness and width
or 1he gaskel.
Thickness Width
(mm) (mm)
3 Up to 20
4 'Over 20 and up to 30
Tb' S Over 30
ickncss smalltr than 3 mm can be used, if lar~cr gasket seal ing stress is desired .
"• Bolt spacing is 1be distance of 1hc ccn1res of two adjacent bolls. For prnclical
,.,,:•.~ boil spacing should not be too ~mall or too large: If it is too small sufficient
ligan: 0 'spanner clearance will not be available for t1~hten1ng 1he bolls and also the
,., ~~• <fficicncy of the nangc will be reduced which may <nose crack in the flans• between
th• g, ~ holes. On the olher hand if 1he bolt soacin• is 100 larpe, proper compression of
' ur ~lluc 10 tleflcc11on
o_ • s..~, aJI along lhc c .,rcumfcrcnce will nol 0C1! . offlungt. Max .imum
boll 1peciog ror a tight joint can be determined from the rollowiag Cl!lpi.
ship.' 6t
Bolt spacing (mu.) - 2d + m + 0 .5
Where, d - bolt diameter,
m =psket factor,
t = l\ange thickness
Tbe minimum bolt spacing should not be less than 2.5 d for smaller bolt diam•
Table 7 .4 gives lbe recomm,nded bolt spacin~ and also t he .-..llal dill:
the bolt circle to the extreme outer edge or the bub or nozzle or weld, the blat
value for the r~d,us of corvaturc r, of the rounded corner between bub and 1
dis1ancc of the bolt circle from the flange outer edge (A - C)/2.
Table 7.4 'Rec:omaeNed Boll Spec:mca>
(All in mm)

B, R ,.
~,._ &Jr Diam Bolt Spacing (minimum) (maxt- ) ~
\· ....
) ,,"' ·:: .
• ·,
8 X I
10 X I
M 12 X 1.5 30- 75 20 6
' ' M 11 X LS
M I G >< I.:>
M 18 X 2 4S-75 27 10
M 20 X 2 50-75 30 10
M 22 X 2 SS-7S 3) 10
M 24 X 2 60-75 35 11
M 27 X 2 61-75 38 11
M 30 X 2 75 44
M 33 X 2 14
77 47 14
M 36 X 3 80 50
M 39 X 3 IS
86 52 IS
M 42 X 3 91 55 15
M 45 X J 96
M 48 X 3 57 IS
102 61
M Sl X 3 IS
110 65 11
M 56 X 4 118
M 60 X 4 69 17
126 75
M 64 X 4 20
134 80
M 68 X 4 142 20
M 72 X ◄ 150 85 21
M 76 X 4
158 89 21
M 80 X 4 166 93 23
M 90 X 4 96 23
M 100 X 4
-- - -- --:-- - - - -
a. " - - - - ------:::-::'
laduuric~ •
Vs. antorow,11eh "O.. - --
• Ell V<rtae Tccbnik n'__.. l""ntiaktlr d<r ApPQr.a•e
acntn. 19SS. •
un4 Mascbi- fud

It is recommended in IS : · 282S - 1969 that the bolts aod siuds for fastening
lla•P should have a nominal diameter of not less than 12 mm under normal cases. If
smaller diameter,i are used, bolling materials •hould be of alloy steel to avoid ovcrstressing
or ,mailer diameter bolls.
To achieve uniform tightening the number of bolls should be in multiple of 4. It
is also recommended I that the outer diameter of the Range must be at least 20 mm larger
than the sum of the bolt-circle and bolt diameter to accommodate the bolt head. Bolt hole
diameter in the 6ange should be 2-3 mm larger tht.n the bolt diameter.
For welded neck flanges the bub thickness may be 0.S-0.75 times the ftaoge
In calculation minimum thickness of the flange is to be taken. If there is a groove
in the flange-ring, the thickness I is to be taken from the base of t he groove.

To reduce the stresses in the flange, bolt-circle diameter should be as small as

practicable. T he practical minimum bolt-circle diameter will be calculated either on the
requirement of satisfying the radial clearances, i.e.
C= B + 2 (g, + R) ... (7.4.2)
or, to satisfy the boll spacing requirement, i.e.
C - ,.»,{"' ... (7. -4.3)
Where, C ~ bolt-circle diameter,
B = inside diameter of flange,
g1 - thickness of hub at back of 0aoge,
R - radial clearance from bolt circle to point of connection of hub or nozzle
and back of flange,
<, n = actual number of bolls,
B, - bolt spacing.
Lorger of the two values obtained from Eqs. 7.4.2 and 7.4.3 is to be lalcen. When both the
Values become approximately equal, optimum value may be got.


Carbon steel with a guaranteed yield point of not less than 235 MN/ m' at room
tcm~rature i,, quite adequate for bolts nt working temp~ra.turH below 300 \"C. Material
specifications for bolts and nuts are given in IS : 1363-1967, IS : 1364-1967 and JS :
_1862-1967. Alloy steel is to be chosen if service conditions require ii and carbon steel
'M' found to be not adequate. Table 7.5 gives allowable stresses for bolting matcrfals in
N/111 2•

Table 7.5 AJJo,.•bl• S tresus for Bofll11c Material I• MN/ m•

Allowable stuss MNf m• for design 11Uta/

tempnature not euu ding (°C)
Ho t rolled carbon steel
55 I
53. 5
300 350
~- 12

s~. Cr Mo s1ct1 138.0 138.0 D8.0 llF.0 138.0 138.0 lli,O 7.6 I l D,re
I ;.g Cr N i Sleel 129.0 109.0 85.0 18 .S 76.0 73.2 For i,
13° 0 Cr Ni Sleel 176.0 162.0 140. 5 134.0 126.5 I 19.0 104.S 1
18 Cr 2 N i steel 212.0 195.0 170.0 161 0 1S2.0 i«.o Where,
7.6.1 Dttern..
under boltioa,
7.6. t Flange o, hnll lo•~

· :.:.
= The I03ds nering on rhe flange arc to be calculn rcd both for operating as wcU as for
> ,- '· boltmg-up conditions and greater of the two will be taken for determining rhe fulnge
stresses. Where,
Undo,- th e op~r~ui"& ni'\n,lhlo n$ ir is rrrtuircd t o resist the hvc.lrostatic e nd force o(
tbe de,13n pre-sure 1end,ng to part the joint, :ind 10 maintain on the casket o r jo1n1-con1ac1
s urface ~uffic icn t com,,rcssion to assura:, leak- tigh t joint, all a t the design tempcrarurr.
The m inimu m unJ cr operat ing cor1tJ1tio11~ is. therefore. o functio n of the dcsi&n Theoretica
pressure, lhe gaskr.t mnrerial, and lhc e1Tccl1vc gasket o r contact :ire'1 to be kept tight under desirn A0 and
pr('ssu rc 7.6.2. 1 D,t.,
The boltrng-up conditions arc required to be considered because the gasket 0 ' A C-IOI
join1-contnct surface is mndc to he seated hy npr,lying on initia l load with the_bo! 15
wfl•: Next, a sta.od:
aucmbling the joints at aunosr,heric 1cmpcr:1ture ur.d pressu re. The m inimum 1°1113~ : , it is a mu ltipf,
considered to be adeq uate for r,ropcr seating 1s a functio n of gas ket material 3 large o r too sr
elTective gukct or contuet area to be seated. AR. It will t
T o pr
16 I 1 Derermlnatlon of bolt loads under Internal pressure satisfied .
bolt 1oad
To retain " lcnk-tighl joint under o pcrnting condition the minimum A
require,! W 0 is ,:,vcn hy : . 76.I)
1 Where, N
W0 - II I II,
whcrc, II - load due to design prcs.~urc, p, acting on an a rea • G'/4 If Eq, 7.6.S is
r.G ' (t is ,.,
- 4P 7.6.J Flange
- 101 • I
hydrosratic end force , 0 1iPt To de
II, - load to acl11cvc ndcquarc compression of the gasket 0nd~r or- n,ages, ,ategr,
- ,,c (2b) mp

G = diameter at location of gasket load reaction

= mean diamete.r of gasket contact fact, if bo < 6.3 mm
= outside diameter of gasket contact face less 2b, if b. > 6.3 mm.
(2b) = cllcctivc gasket prmurc width,
b ~ effective gasket seating widtb, (Table 7.2)
m ~ gasket factor, (Table 7.1)
7.6.Ll Deltrminmlon of bolt load under bolting-up condition
For initial gasket seating the minimum bolt load required W, is given by :
W, = ~ Gby ... (7 .6.2)
Where, y = minimum gasket seating stress, (Table 7.1)

7.6.l Detel"Gliutloa of miaimam bOlt area tbeoreticaUY ttqORred, A.,.

If A, is the boll area required under operating condition and A, is the area required
under boltiog-up condition, then,
Ao=s - s,
... (7.6.3)

W, ... (7 .6.4)
A, =S,
Where, S0 = allowable stress for bolting material at design temperature,
(Table 7.5)
S-. - allowable stress for bo'lting material at atmospheric tem_pcraturo.
(Table 7.5)
l'beoretically required mioim•im bo:t are•. A•· will be larger of A, and A,. For ideal
dC$ign Ao and 4, should be approximated equal. DtterminaJlon of actual bolt ar,a, A,
Actual bolt area, A,, will not be less than A~ to satisfy the theoretiC¾I requirement.
Next, a standard bolt diameter is 10 be selected ; actual number of bolts should be such that
it is a multiple of 4 from puctieal co:isideratiQn and also t~e bolt spacing should not be too
large or too small. After satisfying all these requirements A, ~om~s usually luger than
A.. It will be economical if the difference is small.
. To prevent d,magc to the gasket during bolting-up, following condition is to be
A, s,
~ < 2y ... (7.6.5)

Where, N ~ actual width or u,e gasket in contact.

Ir Eq. 7.6.5 is not satisfied, gasket material should be changed.
It is to be noted that A, is to be calculated taking root area or the bolts.
7·6·3 Flaoge stresses
f\ , :ro delermjne the stress.:s; the nanges arc into 3 type&, namely, loon-type
~•ges, ,ntegral-type flinses anJ option1l-typ: ftanics.
. Loose-lYP" flanges
. I1hose designs where lhe melhod of •U•cb-
' h f. l lednl o f 'anlegral auach mcnt
« 011dored 10 glY• ,ho mc<baoic& ,,r,ogl. equiv•
io:nc typical loO!C•IYp< llanges, the Ioca~on o oa s, and welds.
p·••tot ·• ,.
· 1g. 7.) .,. ·'
neck, VCSSL
welded cot.
FiJ. 7.4 sb
other COMI


' '

Fii, 7 .J
~ •type II l oges
Integral-type Ranges cover designs of such a nature that the tlaugc and nozzle
c,ek ves;el, or pipe wall is coosidcred lo be the equivaleot of an integral structure. lo
• Id~ construction, the noule neck, vessel, or pipe wall is considered to act as a hub.
": 7.4 shows some typical integral-type flanges, the location of the loads, and welds aod
Fir construct1on
olh•r · d eta,·1s.

r ·r""•
o, C

I • W,1

o,•oo .!!.

h•1,,q0 Min

1I •i
.,I ~
n -Wo
A w
W2 w, c

G 0 .,
!LOPE I•! 1101 Oil F\..1116( ·,
Of UlrflfORU THICKNESS ....... .
90 J"OA WtL OING ,.,

Fig, 7.4 l■tegral •IJpo OH&ff

.- •. . ... .... ..... ... ,. ••~ "."
112 Option•l•tYP• ftanges cove: ,l«igns where rhc au•chmcnl of the Hangc
·- ~··,- "'· • """'
,,_ "··""' "'" ,.,, '"" "" .~•··,..;,,.=•'""
•'""" -•-""'" , ,,,

"" '""'"'
,,,.,.~ ,, ,.,,.,.
, ·: ~
' .,~
Ko= J6mm; 8 = 300 . p - 2 MN/m'.
opcro.cing temperature = 365 ~c
Ko = tbf~koe-ss of hub at smnll crd.
B =-= iii>sidc diameter of flange,

P - design prt-s1u(e.
Fig. 7.5 sbows some typical opt(onal·<YP• fla nges wirh construction dcLtils.
" --~...--1--

,,..,. -..
l i
: 11 '

ft Min


Fig. 7.s Oplion•l•type ftango&

7.6 ) . I Dtsfgn bolt or {fang, loads. W

• c ange should be as fo llow• :
The loads used in the: dc-.ign or lh fl
l·or opcr.uing condition • IV= "'•

F'olf h()lling-uf') condition,

muimum boll loads '


Dttermlnation offlange moments

Flange moments are to be calculated for bolh the• operating and the bolting-up
d't"ons, Larger of t he two, after multiplying with bolt pitch correction facto r, C,,
con 'i,e' used for determining tbe flange stresses. This correction factor is introduced
,s ,o
B, a6 2 d + t
and is given by
_ { actual bolt spacing
c,-'\J 2d+t
For initial calculation C, may be taken as unity and finally its magnitude can be
cbcd:ed ,
(a) Operating condition :
Under operating condition t he load Wo can be said comprising of 3 load
components, sucl.a as,
w. = w, + w, + w, ... (7 .6.6)
Where, W1 = hydrostatic end force on area inside of flange,
4 p.
w, ~ H- W1
= .!!.. (<]' -
JJ') p

w, = gasket load
= W0 - H

these forces acting in the Oangc are shown in Figs. 7 .3 and 7 .4. The .'
disl1oces of these forces from the bolt circle diameter give the respec1 ive moment arms
a, , tl, and a3-.
The total Range momeot is, therefore, given by :
Mo - W 1 a, + W, a, +
W 3 a, ... (7.6.7)
The values of a 1, a, and a, for different flange types are given in Table 7.6.
Table 7 .6 Moment Arms ror F11age Loads under Opentlag Conditions
Type of.ffanges a, a, a,
Integral ty pe ft•nges (Fig. 7.4) R+ .l!.
R + g, + a, C- G
2 2 J.

~°'• lype except lap joint C- B a, +_"l_ C-G

nges (Fig. 7.3\ 2 2 2
lar,· Joint
· · flanges (Fig. 7.3) C- B _C -G C -G
2 2 2

(b) Bolting-up condition :

lo this case the total flange moment is given by :
M, ~ Wa1
... (7.6,8)
where, Calculntion of induced flange stressts

For this purpose, design 8ange moment M = Mo or (,p M,), whichever is 1a....
1s to be taken.
Here, ,p is the ratio of the allowable stresses of the ffange materials at design llld
atmospheric temperatures, i.e., ,p I. <
(a) For integra.1-type Oaogcs the correlarions for flange stresses are givco
below' :
Sz = axial or longitudinal bending stress in the bub or nozzle wall (due lo
discontinu;tv at the junction of 8ange ring and bub or nozzle),
- Xf MC,
Bgi'. ... (7.6.9)
Sa = radial stress on the inside surface of the ffange ring (at the junctioo
with the bub),
.... = ( I + 1.33 F V ~ Ko ) ~ i, X ... (7.6.10)

Sr = tangential stress in the flange ring (at the same point as of S1)
= MC,
B r• Y- ZSA ...
(761 1'
• • ;

The coefficients X, Y, Z calculated from the following equations :

X= I
J. ( J+_!f_ ) + Vt>
T v'Bg, Ut.'VBKo
y = 0.955 [ ( I _ ,)
+ (I + µ) 4_605 l(l log
1(2- l
Z= K1 + I
K' - l
where, A

K 2 (I + 4.6051
~ log K) - I
T = 0.955 - - ---,,......:~,_!r~-- -
(K - I) ( I + I +
µ Kl )

0,955 K' (I + 4.605 I + I' log K) - I

Cl= - I µ
~ (I + !'l (~ - IHI(• - I)


usually flanges are made with steel for which Poisson's ratio p. = 0.3. T he values
of y, z, T and U are presented graphicaHy in Fig 7,6 for steel flanges.


•'• '.......... -!_

"" ~
~ :,....u

' .....
1·02 t,()4 1•06 k)U40 t·10 1,30 I ,0 l •O l ·$ $,0 &-!I 4•0 ♦9' 9-0
K•A/8 K •A./1

Fig. 7.6 Values of T , U, Y aod Z for K = A/ B

The coefficieats F and Vas functions of ..,/ ~ and are presented in Fig. 7. 7 .!i.
go 8 to
for integral-type flanges and in Fig. 7.8 for loose•typc Ranges (F,., and V1,}.

I ~-=
""ii--=:-- r -

" oc
, c
---~ -
o,, ----- ii;.- ~ "'
... .. ,. t - r-~""'i
- ~ ::
.,,_____J _.., I '\ '\ O '' •o ◄ , ._<' : ~:
I, l II l "- ,o, , .. ,. .. ,,,o" '"
Pt.a. 7.7• Vataes or F
Fig. 7.7b Value• or V
O•tearal II•••• rutors}
flanae ractnr5)

AS functions of
• 1 - nnd ~
The coefficient / is obtained from Fig. 7.9 V [I 1/o Ko •
uniform thickness
11 m value of f = I for all cases. For Oanges with hub of
h "' 1) and for loose-type llaosts, f - r.

other ootr

•• •••
0 •14

0- 1•


.:' I
. .....
•••~ ,,.-, O•OI
. .... tL-- -.J.-..J-J.O ..l.;:='!

...•·• i.--,1;
O 1.S t ·O .0 tO
7.6.3,4 ,
•O 1•5 J ,D )0 ..0 S.O
Fi&. 7 8b Vtlues of V•
Flf, 7.S. V1lua of h (Joos• •ub ouge f1t1or1)
(lo... bub ff1nge f■cfors)
where_, S, C
shear. It
·•• 0.8 times
•• whichcve.1
• 7.6.4 Fh
• the same
I force und•
•·• is just op
• and is giv

•I where

FiR, 7.9 Vll111,s of / (bub atress <orTection factor)


Agaio, for the case of g, = I ; F - 0.91 aod I'= 0.~5

()tbtr ootations are : . . .
g0 = mm1mum hub thickness or nozzle wall thickneh,
g 1 - maximum hub thickness,
h =
length of hub,
A = outer diameter of ftange,
B - inner diameter of flange,
r - thickness of flange.
(b) for loose-type ring flanges following rela1 ions apply :
Sa= S, = 0
MC,· ... (7.6.12)
s.. = -.Ft•- y

1.6.3.-4 Allowable flange stresus'

The flanges designed by the procedure given io section 7.6.3,3 can be considered
,afc:, if the ioduccd stresses do not exceed I.b e following limits :
S, = I.S S ro
Sn == .";yn
S, = SJ?o
Ss + Sa= 2 S,o
s. +ST= 2 SFO
whc.,e, Sro = allowable Oange stress at design temperature. Checking for shear stress
In the case of loose-type flanges (Fig. 7.3), the, lap or weld may be subjected to
sh..,r. It is to be checked that the shearing stress carried by lap or welds does not exceed
0.8 times the allowable flange slresses for gasket seating and operating conditions. The
•bca,riog stress should be calculated on the basis of JI, or W, as denned in paragrapl,I.,? .6. I,
Whichever is larger.
7-6-• 11laoees subjedcd to external pres111re
The procedure for determining the flange sires= under external pressure will be
~he same as given in 7.6.3.) . Only poinl is to be remembered that the hydrostalic cad
. 0 ' ~• under internal pressure tends 10 part the joiot and under external pressure the elTccl
" Ju_sr opposilc. As a resull 1he flange moment under external prenure is slightly di1Terea1
" nd " given by,
M . ~ w, (0 1 - oi) + W2 (a, _: a,) ,. . (7.6.13)
n B'
W, - - 4 - I'••
1 IS : Z82., - 1969.

r I !8

W, - H- W1
1t G2
H- - 4- P•

Herc, P, - external design pressure.

For gukct seating,
M, - Wu,
where, W = A, t A, S,. ... l7.6.I◄)

Rest of the calculations are same as for •flanges under internal pressure.
7.6.5. A few remarks on OIDge design

If the correlations given for flange stress calculation in is analysed, following
obscrv•tions can be made and this may help the students and inexperienced dcsigoer
make logical decisions while designing the tlange connections. Basically two que,tioa may
i ;:,:..: - . trouble their mind.
.: "
: , • • • !;::.
' (a) When to decide for loose-type and when for integral-type flanges?
(b) How to choose ring only type or hubbed type integral llanges 1

.: The util ity and OQrvi<:cc life vf UHTt:n:m 1ypes OJ tlanges
section 7.1. Fatigue life is very poor for loosc•t}pc flanges. For high pressure <crvi«
<liscusscd in

aa well at high temperature loose·typc flanges will not be economical. The reasons
arc :

( I) Loose-type flanges arc subjected to tangential streb (ST) only. From Eq. 7.6:12
it 1s seen that the induced stress can be brought down to the allowable limit by iocrcas,og
flange thickness. Therefore, if pressure is high, flange moment will be large and ff l<"'.P"''
1ure is high , allowable flange stresses will be low. As a result a massive flange w,11 be
required which may be quite costly.
(2) Welda may fail due to shear.

(3) Thermal &tresses may develop due to improper contact bc1.,eeo flange , nd
If ii is decided to go with the integral-type flanges, 1he following points arc to bt
considered :

( I) Ring only type flange ii ea$ier to construct and generally cheaper 1·r wtisht
variat ion is not too large.
(2) W.11 h th c ·increase o f Oangc Ih'1ck ness ( t ) , n 11 the ·,nduced s1rcs;e$ sr<

(3) If rad ial sln:u (Sn) and tangtntia l stress S,· arc conirolling, r,ng on ly tyP'
inlcgral flange can be selected.

(4) Wben bub stress (Sz) is predominant, hubbcd-type integral. ftaoge may be found
·1ablc. It may b• mentioned here that this longitudinal bending stress io tho hub or
'"'..,. Is caused due to discontinuity at the junction of hub and flange ring. The analysis is
:~bl• in tho literature.••'
(5) Hub length (/,) is a function of damping factor (JJ). Ill section S.2.S it i•
1,served that the length of cylindrical cross-section affected by load deformation can go
to,,/~ but most effective length is I / II, where, ~ = J.82 / v
B g,, Theretore, a bub
length of y - B g,fl.82 or less ca~ be selected. Lar~er valu~ of hub length reduces the hub
,tress correction factor ( f), but rncreases 1h7coeffic,eol, X, m Eq. 7.6.9. Hence a compro-
mise is to be arrived al. II may be econom,cal to keep hub length smaller.
(6) The ratio of outer flange dia,nelcr to inner diameter inftueoces the induced
tlange stresses. It is economical lo select outer ftange diameter (A) as low as
practiesble. ·
(1) Weldmenl al the j unction belwcen flange ring and noi::zle is also considered a•

7.6.6 SoiM staadard dimensloos•
This section is inlroduced to inform tile designer bow one can select various reason-
able dimension, while going with the stress analy•i•. These arc only for guidance. H ish•r
or lower values c1n be taken if so desired.
(I) For loose-type and lap-joint Ranges the inner nange · diameter (B) jg 2-3 mm
larger than the nominal or outer diameter of the nozzle or shell.
(2) For integral type flanges, B = inner diameter of shell or noi::zle.
(3) Minimum hub thickness (go) is equal to the shell or noi::zle wall th ickness.
(4) The depth of the groove for 'tongue and groove· and 'male-female' types is
1ormally 5 mm and tongue height is 6 mm.
(5) The difference in width belween tongue and groove jg 2 mm.
(6) ·n,e minimum width of the tongue is JO mm. If the boll load or flange diameter
! large, the width may be increased by 3 mm uplo 16 mm.
(7) The clearance between tongue and groove of 'male-female' type is I mm.
(8) Nominal (or out.e r) diameters (in mm) of nozzle or shells given for standard
1ange1 arc6 :
324, 368, 419; (457), 503, 600; 700, 800, 900; I 000, I 100, I 200 ;
(I 300), I 4')0, ( I 500); I 600, ( l 700), I 800; (I 900), 2 000. (2 100);
2 200, (2 300), 2 400 ; 2 600, 2 800, 3 000 ; 3 200, (l 400), 3 600 ; 3 800,
4 000.
---- (Sizes shown in 1he parentheses are of second r,referenc::)
Ne.., , : ~hn F. Harvey, " Pressure Vc,,.I Dc$ign" , f.a«-WcSI Pre« ~v1,0 Ltd., New Delhi.
\'0rt. · E. Browoe.U and e.. H. Young, ''Procfss Equlpmcnl Design' 1 John Wile)' and Sons. J~.•

' IS : 4864-1968 to IS : 4870-1968.

. . n10N-MJ!CllAN1CAL AStects
C:lfDllCAL IQUJPt,lll'T D
() ·
1 10 mare ·
(9) Standard flange thickneiS m ·
20, 25, 30, 3S, 40, 4S, 50, SS, 60, 65, 70,
75, 80, 85, 90, 95, JOO, JOS, I JO, ·
12 and bolt dia-
(10) Tbe number of bolts specified for nozilc diameter 324 mm is

meter M 16.
(11) Boll diameters (d) used for standard ftlillges aro :
M 16 and M 20 for loose-type flanges.
M J6, M 20, M 24, M 27, M 30 for integral type fla.oges .
(12) Maximum bub thickness (g1} is approximately O.S tiiocs the flange thickness.
( 13) Hub length (h) is approximately calculated frorn the relationship obtained from
darnpioe factor of di.continuity stresses. Standard values given in mm are :
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, so, ss. 60, 65.
(14) Branch pipes or norzlc :

.,.. ;
i i i.: -¼It..
.... -·- The thickness of the braocb pipe or nozzle should be adequate to meet the desian
, ..
•• t • ..... requirement and in addition it shou ld tal<e into consideration corrosion, erosion , loadJ
traosmiued from connecting piping, etc. But in no calie the thickness can be taken less thao
th• values given in Tabl• 7.7.
Tablt 7.7 Mlllimurn Nozzle Thickness (IS : 2825 - 1969)

Branch Nominal
Minimum corroded thickness (mm l
Carbon & Ferritic Austenitic Stoinltss
size (mm) Alloy Stuls Steel

SI and smaller s 3
6S, 80, 90 6 s
JOO, ISO 8 6
203, 2S4 10 8
30S II 10
356 13 JO
406, 4S7 16 13

O.:,lgn Eumpl• 7 I . A .
•hell is required to be dciign~d tor,hng-?pe n_ange with a plain face for 3 heal exchan~<r
. t e ,ollowmg s • .
0 cs,gn pre&Sure p,c1 6ca11oas :
DuiMn temperature = I MN/ m'
= ISO •c
flange material = JS : 2004 - 1962 Cius 2
Bolting steel = 5% Cr Mo steel
Gasket material - asbestos composition
Shell outside diameter = J m -=- B
Shell thickness = 0.01 m = go
Shell inside d iametcr = 0.98 m
Allowable stress of flange material - 100 MN/m2
Allowable stress or b~ll ing material = 138 MN/m2
Flange type = optional (Fig. 7.S)
Solution : Determination or gasket width by Eq. 7.3.2
~ -(
d1 -
y - pm
y - p (m + I)
Assuming a gasket thickness of 1.6 mm, from Table 7.J :
y - 25.5
m = 2.75
d, =
( 25. 5 -
25. 5 -
I X 2. 75
I (2.75 + I)
= 1.021
Let d, of the gasket equal J.01 m, i.e., 10 mm larger than B, then
J 0 = (1.02 1) (1.01) = 1.032 m

. . . ( J.032 - I.OJ ) = 0 •011

M101mum gasket w,dt.h c;
2 m

Hence, a gasket width of 0.012 m is selected, and d. becomes J.034 m

eas,c. gasket seating width,

. bo ~ T12 = 6 .0 mm
Dlameler at location or gasket load reaction is G = d, +N
~ J.01 + 0.012
= l.022 m
Estimation or bolt loads :
Load due to design pressure,
H = - - P
1' ( J.022)Z { I)
:-= 4
= 0.825 MN

Load to keep joint tight under operation

H, = ,, G (2b) mp
= "(1.022) (0.012) (2.75) (I}
= 0.106 MN
Total operating load (Eq. 7.6.1)
W0 = H + H,
= 0.82S + 0.106
= 0.931 MN
l.oad to seat gasket under bolting-up condition (Eq. 7 .6.2)
W, - .- Gby
- " (1.022) (0.006) (2S.5)
= 0.49S MN
W0 is larger •hon W, and therefore, cootroUiog load= 0.931 MN
Calculation of minimum bolting area (J;.q. 7.6.3)
IVo 0.931
A. = Ao - So - '73g"
= 6 .75 10- > m;>
Calculation of optimum bolt size (Table 7 .4)

lo this case g, = 0
= 1.41S g0 for weld ·teg.

Ac111al nB, C=ID+lx

Root arta Min No. NQ. of R B, c~ ll.41 5 go+ R)
Bolt sizt (ml) of bolts b2!ts (n) (m) (m) (m) (ml
M 16 X 1..S 1.33 X 10-< 50.8 52 0.025 0.075 1.24 1.058 3
M 18 X 2 1.54 X JO· • 43.7 44 0.027 0.07S I.OS 1.062 3
M 20 X 2 2.00 X 10-• 33.7 36 0.030 0.075 0.86 1.068 3

From the above calculation the minimum bolt-circle is I 062 3 m when using M 18
bolts. , For simplicity in dimensioning 44 bolis of 18 mm diamc;cr 00 a 1.07 m bolt-circle
arc specified.
Bolt-circle diameter, C = 1.07 m
Calculation of flange outside diameter (A) :
A - C + bolt diameter +
0.02 m (minimum)
= 1.07 + 0.018 + 0.02
- 1.108 m
- I.I 1 m (selected).

bilaiok OP NON-ff•No •
Check of pstet wldtb (Eq. 7.6.S)
A, S1 (44
" G N .. X I.S.. X Ur•) (138)
"(1.022) (0.012)-
.. 24.2 < 2,
Condition ii satia.6cd.
Flange moment computations :
(a) For operating condition :
From Eq. 7.6.6,
Wo - w, + w, +- w,
Wbere. w,--.p

- 0 .78S (1)2 (I)

- 0.715 MN
w, .. I{ - w,
- 0.825 - 0.785 - O.<M MN
W. ==- W0 - H
- H, = 0.106 MN
From Eq. 7.6 7
Mo= W1 n1 + W2 a, + W, a,
From Table 7.6
• a, - 2
I.07 - I.OO = 0.035 m
= 2
C :... G
a,= 2
1.07 - 1.022 O 024
=sc 2 - . m
a,+ a,
_ o.035 t 0.024 = 0 _030 m

Mo = (0.785) (0.035) + (0.04) CO 03) + (0 106) (0.024)
- 2.75 X 10-' + 0.12 X 10-, 0.255 X 10-• +
- 3.125 X 10-2 MJ

(b) For bolting·up condition (,io internal pressute) :
From l!q. 7 .6.8
M , - W a,

Where, w~ .4. ~ .A• s.

A. ~ 6.75 X 10-' ml
,h = 44 (I.S4 x t()-4)
- 6.16 X tO-> m2
s, = 138 MN/m'
°' (6.7S + 6.76) (lo-1) (1 38)
" - 2
- 0.932 MN
a, = 0.024 m
M, - (0.932) (0,024)
2.24 X 10-2 MJ
Mo is greater than M,. Hence moment ond:t operating oondition (M.) is
M - Me - 3.125 X 10-1 MJ.
I....... • Calculation of ftange thickness :
F rom Eq. 7.6.12
MC, Y -M Cr
,, - __.. ;.,. ;;;.~ =
8 ST B S,o
K = 8 = -r-=t.11
From Fig. 7.6 with X C(llWS I.II
Y - 18.SS
TbcRfore, auuming C, - I
12 _ (3.125 X_!<r') (18.SS)
(I) (100) C, S.8 X
or I ~ 0.076 m
Actual bolt spacing (B,) =~
- ,: (1.07)
- 0 .076 S ID
Bolt pitch correction factor (C~)

c... (-2d~)I+r
.. ( 0.076 s
0 036 + 0 .076
.,, 0.8)
v c, ~ o.912



The ftanae thickness calculated above is to be multiplied by y C11 ·~ Hence, actual flange
thickness equals to
t = 0.076 X 0.912
= 0.069 m
select a flange thickness of 70 mm.

It can be observed from Eq. 7.6.12 and Fig. 7.6, with the increase of factor K i.e.,
with the increase of outside flange diameter A. the coefficient Y decreases, that ml!ans,
flange thickness also decreases. Let it be examined, what should be the outer flange dia•
meter, to bring down the flange thickness to a value, when C-, becomes unity.
From the correlation, C-. becomes approximately unity, if t = 40 mm

From Eq. 7.6.12

y = Bt2 S-.o
(1 ) (1.6 X 10-3) (100)
3.12S X 10-2
= 5.1

and K - 1.48
That means, a flange outer diameter of 1.48 m for a shell diameter of 1 m is requir-
ed and this is neither a sood proportion, nor economical. ·

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