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Orthodontic treatment can often assist the restorative treatment of patients with congenital
Orthodontics can help with problems such as unfavourable space distribution, tooth
alignment and deep overbite
The principles of orthodontic management of hypodontia are discussed
Stability of the orthodontic result can be a problem and retention needs careful management
The interdisciplinary management of hypodontia:
N. E. Carter,1 T. J. Gillgrass,2 R. S. Hobson,3 N. Jepson,4 J.G. Meechan,5 F. S. Nohl,6 and J. H. Nunn,7

Orthodontic treatment can greatly facilitate any restorative treatment or sometimes even eliminate the need for it. There are
several issues that commonly arise in the orthodontic management of patients with hypodontia. These include: space
management; uprighting and aligning teeth; and management of deep overbite and retention and stability. The following
paper discusses these aspects of orthodontic management.

The restorative management of spacing which

THE INTERDISCIPLINARY results from congenital absence of teeth is often
hampered by unfavourable positions of the teeth
that are present and the result can therefore be
1. Paediatric dentistry
compromised (Fig. 1). In many cases of
2. Restorative dentistry hypodontia, orthodontic treatment can greatly
3. Orthodontics facilitate any restorative treatment, or some-
4. Oral surgery times even eliminate the need for it.
5. The relationship between Patients with hypodontia often present with a
an interdisciplinary team number of associated traits that should be con-
and the general dental sidered prior to determining the definitive ortho- Fig 1. Deep overbite and unfavourable
practitioner dontic treatment plan.1 In most patients there is interdigitation of the teeth which preclude
a tendency to a reduced mandibular planes satisfactory replacement of the missing teeth
angle, associated with a reduced lower facial
height and lip protrusion, which becomes more issues that commonly arise in the orthodontic
marked with increasing severity of the hypodon- management of patients with hypodontia. These
1Consultant in Orthodontics, 3Senior
tia.2 Intra-orally, retroclined lower incisors, include:
Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in increased interincisal angle and over-eruption of
Orthodontics, 4Senior Lecturer/Honorary
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, the lower incisors also frequently contribute to • Space management
5Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in an increased overbite. There is often a fairly flat • Uprighting and aligning teeth
Oral Surgery, Consultant in Orthodontics, palatal vault which results in reduced anchorage • Management of deep overbite
School of Dental Sciences, Framlington
Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW;
capacity of upper removable appliances. • Retention and stability.
6Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Increased rotations of teeth, both adjacent and
Newcastle Dental Hospital, Richardson non-adjacent to missing permanent teeth3 and
Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4AZ; an increased prevalence of ectopic maxillary SPACE MANAGEMENT
2Consultant in Orthodontics, Edinburgh
Postgraduate Institute, Lauriston Building, canine teeth4 may also complicate management. The decision on whether to open or close space
Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9YW, The range of problems that can present in depends upon:
Scotland; 7Professor and Head of patients with hypodontia is enormous and each
Department, Department of Public and
Child Dental Health, Dental School and case should be considered on its own merits and • The age of the patient
Hospital, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Ireland discussed fully within the interdisciplinary team. • The severity of the hypodontia.
E-mail: Patients’ concerns and attitude to treatment can • The degree of inherent crowding.
Refereed Paper
also vary hugely and, as always when formulat-
© British Dental Journal 2003; 194: ing a treatment plan, these must be taken fully Age of the patient
361–366 into consideration. However, there are several In young patients, the possibility should be



considered of carrying out interceptive meas- adapt to occlusal disturbance. The ideal goals of
ures to simplify later orthodontic treatment. orthodontics — aesthetics, function and stability
Where there is mild crowding, selective extrac- - are not always achievable and a degree of
tion of primary teeth in the early mixed denti- compromise may have to be accepted.9
tion may be of advantage to allow some
favourable, spontaneous tooth movement. Severity of the hypodontia
Joondeph5 found that extracting second pri- The presentation of hypodontia may vary from a
mary molars at the appropriate time often led single tooth to multiple missing teeth. As the
to some relief of anterior crowding and sponta- number of absent teeth increases, the tendency
neous space closure. Similarly, where upper lat- for permanent tooth displacement increases, the
eral incisors are absent in an otherwise crowd- overbite tends to become more severe1,2 and
Space management ed arch, extraction of the primary lateral overall the treatment need for such cases tends
incisors may encourage mesial migration of to increase.10 The treatment option of space clo-
permanent canines. This results in a more adja- sure becomes unrealistic and instead orthodon-
Whether to open or cent position between the permanent central tic treatment aims to provide space distribution
close space depends incisor and canine as the latter erupts. Howev- and tooth positions which are optimal to facili-
er, as discussed below the indication for these tate restoration of the spaces.11
on the number of
early extractions depends very much on the
teeth missing, the degree of crowding present. Degree of crowding
degree of crowding Patients with absent or diminutive permanent No crowding. Where there is no crowding and
and the type of lateral incisor teeth have been shown to have an the extent of the hypodontia is limited, it is
increased prevalence of ectopic maxillary often best not to close the space but either
malocclusion. canines.6 Where a canine appears to be ectopic, restore it prosthetically or leave the primary
Judicious extraction extraction of its primary predecessor should be tooth in situ if its condition is satisfactory. The
of primary teeth can considered as this has been shown to lead to an option of retaining a good primary tooth
improvement in canine position in the majority should always be considered, and is particular-
sometimes help of cases7 provided that the degree of displace- ly appropriate where a permanent premolar is
encourage more ment of the canine is not too severe.8 absent from an otherwise uncrowded arch.
favourable eruption The ideal time for definitive orthodontic Preservation of the primary tooth has the added
treatment of patients with hypodontia is very benefit of preserving alveolar bone which
of the permanent often early adolescence, when most of those per- would be invaluable if an implant were to be
teeth manent teeth that have developed are erupting. placed at a later stage.
At this stage the greater part of facial growth has Moderate crowding. In a crowded arch, the
taken place, but such growth as does remain degree of crowding should be assessed as if all
facilitates overbite reduction and spontaneous permanent teeth were present, and then any
tooth movements. congenitally absent permanent teeth considered
Space closure and improvement in alignment as ‘extractions’ to relieve the crowding. Howev-
are very often incomplete following these inter- er, where the crowding is mild or moderate,
ceptive measures, and patients and parents extraction of the retained primary tooth may
should be warned that further restorative or well provide too much space and it is in these
orthodontic intervention may well be necessary. cases that early extraction of the primary tooth
Fig 2a,b Where there is mild incisor
At the other end of the age range, there has may be of help. Figure 2 shows diagrammatical-
crowding but absence of the lower
second premolar, early extraction of been a steady increase in adults seeking ortho- ly such a situation where the crowding is mild
the lower E allows some relief of dontic treatments. The management of adults is and a lower second premolar is absent. The
crowding and forward movement of often complicated by the effects of caries and extraction of the lower E could easily provide
the lower first molar, thereby periodontal disease, and by the lack of facial too much space, but removing it early has two
simplifying later appliance therapy
growth potential which reduces the ability to beneficial effects:

a b



• It allows the lower 6 to drift mesially and take

up some of the excess space, thereby simplify-
ing subsequent orthodontic space closure,
• It often allows some spontaneous improve-
ment in the alignment of the anterior teeth.

Severe crowding. Where the orthodontic treat-

ment is going to need a lot of space and a second
premolar is absent, it is prudent to delay the
extraction, keeping the primary molar as a natu-
ral space maintainer until enough of the perma-
nent teeth have erupted to allow orthodontic
treatment to begin. In cases where space is at a
premium and a primary second molar has to be
lost, for example because of caries or severe
infra-occlusion, provision of a space maintainer
should be considered.

Space Closure — advantages and disadvantages

Where space closure is possible in mild Fig. 3 A satisfactory appearance following
closure of both upper lateral incisor spaces
hypodontia cases, the need for a prosthesis, with
its associated long-term maintenance, is avoid-
ed. In hypodontia cases however, space closure within the face. Figure 3 illustrates a satisfac-
may be slower than normal and it may not be tory appearance following closure of both
possible to close the space completely. Possible upper lateral incisor spaces.
explanations include reduced alveolar bone Finally, placing the first premolar in what
mass, generally smaller teeth and anchor units was the canine position means that a canine
which are weaker because of the reduced size protected occlusion is not feasible and lateral
and number of teeth.11 occlusal forces are applied to the smaller and
Attempts to close substantial amounts of thinner roots of the first premolar.16 Although
space will tend to retract the anterior teeth, some workers fear this may lead to periodon-
which may or may not be desirable. Space clo- tal breakdown, long term periodontal studies
sure in the upper arch may well assist with suggest that space closure is preferable to
reduction of an increased overjet, but unwanted orthodontic space opening.17
retraction of the anterior teeth can affect the
incisor relationship adversely. For example, in a Space opening and redistribution — advantages
Class 1 occlusion, where there is no scope to use and disadvantages
some of the space to correct the incisor relation- Space opening or re-creation is usually the
ship, attempts to close space in one arch could best option where there is little or no crowd-
easily spoil the incisor relationship by over- ing, especially where orthodontic treatment Interdisciplinary
retracting incisors. The use of protraction head- does not need to make use of the space and
gear to the upper arch may be necessary where attempts to close it could result in the undesir- planning
the overjet is tenuous. There may also be con- able effects described above. Indeed, space
cerns about aesthetics and function where space opening is considered by some authors to be Decisions about
is closed in the anterior part of the upper arch.12 advantageous both functionally and occlusal-
Closure of the space from a missing upper later- ly, favouring good intercuspation in the buc-
space management
al incisor results in the canine tooth being cal segments,18 but its major disadvantage is must be made by the
moved mesially into contact with the central that it commits the patient to a permanent interdisciplinary
incisor, and the first premolar being positioned prosthesis.
team, taking into
in what was the canine position. The space required for the prosthesis is usual-
The resulting appearance varies enormously ly determined by two factors. The first is the aes- account the risks
and often is satisfactory, but potentially this thetics: for example an upper lateral incisor and benefits of all
situation does have some disadvantages. First- should be two thirds of the width of the upper options
ly, the canine is more pointed, wider and dark- central incisor.19 The second factor is the occlu-
er than the lateral incisor it replaces. This sion. Ideally, at the end of treatment there should
appearance can be improved by selective be a good Class I occlusion, with coincident cen-
grinding of the cusp tip, by the addition of tre lines and optimal overbite and overjet. How-
composite material, and by bleaching13 with- ever this may be difficult in hypodontia cases
out any adverse long term reactions clinically because of unusual tooth form and the anchor-
or radiographically.14,15 Secondly, the impor- age problems associated with reduced numbers
tant question of symmetry and centre lines of teeth, which are often of smaller size. Figure 4
must be considered. Where there is crowding shows a patient with absent UR2(12) and
or an increased overjet, extraction of the con- diminutive UL2(22) treated with a fixed appli-
tralateral lateral incisor may help preserve ance to recreate the space to allow replacement
symmetry and keep the dental midline correct of UR2(12) and enlargement of UL2(22).



Where the hypodontia is extensive, or early microdontia, adversely affects both the etch pat-
loss of retained primary teeth has resulted in terns and the fit of the bracket base to the tooth
alveolar atrophy, complete space closure will not surface when bonding with resin cements.
be possible. In these situations the final distribu- Resin-modified glass-ionomer bonding
tion of teeth and spaces must be agreed by the cements, which allow both chemical and
interdisciplinary team at the planning stage, so mechanical adhesion even in the presence of
that tooth positions can be optimised for the moisture, may be beneficial in these situations.
definitive restoration of the remaining space. Long spans of unsupported arch wire can also be
If implants or autogenous transplants are a problem, particularly when using flexible
being considered, not only must adequate space aligning wires which are easily distorted and
be created for replacement of the tooth crown displaced out of molar tubes, resulting in soft
but the roots of adjacent teeth should be parallel tissue trauma. The recently introduced thermally
Appliance selection or slightly divergent to give adequate space for active nickel titanium wires have an advantage
implant placement. The position of the roots of in this respect, in that heavy, rectangular wires
the adjacent teeth should therefore be evaluated may be placed even in the early stages of align-
Fixed appliances are radiographically before the appliances are ment and are large enough to be adequately
used for alignment removed.18 robust while at the same time producing a low,
and space redistribu- constant force.
UPRIGHTING AND ALIGNING TEETH Fixed orthodontic appliances have been
tion. Removable As well as closing space or optimising its distri- shown to lead to difficulties with oral hygiene21
appliances are bution in the arch, orthodontic treatment can and predispose to plaque accumulation22 with
often used as also improve the alignment of the teeth to facili- consequent demineralisation, especially on teeth
retainers and may tate the provision of prostheses. with small clinical crowns.23 Patients with
Many of these procedures, rather than being hypodontia, with their tendency to microdontia,
carry a bite plane for described as definitive orthodontic treatment, fit may be more at risk of plaque accumulation
overbite reduction more closely into the adjunctive category with between bracket and gingiva caused by their
limited orthodontic goals. Common examples close proximity, and may need specific oral
are uprighting tilted teeth, correction of rotated hygiene advice and preventive measures to
teeth and forced tooth eruption (extrusion) to avoid these undesirable sequelae.
improve crown length prior to restoration. Patients with moderate to severe hypodontia
Uprighting molars can aid preparation of have also been shown to be more susceptible to
abutment teeth, improve distribution of occlusal apical root resorption. Whether this is because of
forces and re-establish marginal ridge relations.20 their unusual root morphology or to the extensive
Important considerations prior to uprighting tooth movements required is unknown, but it is
include: likely24that both contribute. Where resorption is
thought to be a potential hazard, anterior intra-
• Is space required distal to the tooth to be oral radiographs should be taken before treatment
uprighted? to determine root morphology, with a follow up
• Should the tooth be uprighted by crown radiograph after 6—9 months of active treatment
movement, root movement or a combination to try to identify problems early in treatment.25
of both?
• Should extrusion of the tooth be permitted OVERBITE
with the uprighting procedure? An increased overbite is often marked in
• Does the tooth at the other side of the space patients with hypodontia, especially where the
require any tooth movement? degree of hypodontia is significant.1,2 Reduction
of the overbite must be taken into account in the
Appliance selection overall treatment plan when restoration of
The appliance selected for space management spaces is required anteriorly or when overjet
depends upon the type of tooth movement reduction is required. In hypodontia cases, the
required. Active removable appliances produce deep overbite often results in an opposing tooth
mainly tipping movements and, although indi- occupying the space to be restored, so prevent-
cated occasionally (Fig. 5), their application for ing provision of a prosthesis (Fig. 1). Reduction
space creation or closure is very limited. Howev- of overbite is best carried out in growing
er, as will be discussed below, removable appli- patients,26 when dentoalveolar and skeletal
ances are very useful for three specific purposes: adaptation is at its most accommodating. One of
the most effective methods of overbite reduction
• For overbite reduction, in growing patients is to use an upper removable
• For space maintenance in the upper arch, appliance with an anterior bite plane. This
• As retainers. allows eruption of the posterior segments whilst
restraining eruption of the lower anterior teeth.
Fixed appliances are otherwise almost always Where an upper removable appliance is being
the appliance of choice as they allow greater used for active tooth movement it can incorpo-
control of tooth movement. Patients with rate a bite plane, but hypodontia cases nearly
hypodontia do, however, present particular dif- always require fixed appliances. Unfortunately,
ficulties for fixed appliances. Altered tooth mor- overbite reduction with these appliances can be
phology, with altered enamel structure and difficult where the number of permanent teeth is



significantly reduced. In this situation, manage- a b

ment of the overbite can often be left until the
end of fixed appliance treatment and then dealt
with by incorporating a bite plane into the
retainer (Fig. 4c). In general, slight over correc-
tion is favoured due to its relapse potential.
Functional appliances are particularly useful
for reducing an increased overjet in a patient
who is growing. They can be very useful even
where the degree of hypodontia is severe, as it is
often possible to construct a functional appli-
ance even if only a few teeth are present, and c d
many designs of functional appliance are also
effective for controlling the overbite. Their
effects are largely dentoalveolar, with incisor
tipping and molar eruption.27
In adults, the management of overbite is much
more difficult. Removable appliances with bite
planes are not very well tolerated and Dahl et al.28
described an appliance which is essentially a
small anterior bite plane made of cobalt-chromi-
um, with minimal bulk to make it better tolerat- ite, and can be successful where they do not Fig. 4a) Congenital absence of UR2
ed. These appliances can be either removable or interfere with the occlusion. Where the occlu- (12) and diminutive UL2 (22) in an
uncrowded, Class I occlusion; 4b)
cemented to the anterior teeth, and are now often sion is a problem, such as in the upper anterior
Upper fixed appliance to reopen
made of acrylic rather than cast metal. Small region, a cast metal Maryland design can be UR2 (12) space, showing also the
amounts of inter-occlusal space may be created considered but the clinical success of these is Class I buccal segment
in this way to facilitate restorative work and, for- very variable, the chances of failure increasing interdigitation; 4c) Upper
tunately, with modern restorative materials and as more teeth are involved in the retainer. In the removable retainer with spurs to
ensure maintenance of the mesio-
techniques the space required to accommodate early stages of retention, the bonded retainer distal tooth movements and an
the definitive restorations is usually quite slight, may be supplemented with a removable retainer anterior bite plane to reduce the
with 0.5–0.75 mm of space being adequate.29,30 for full time wear for 6 months followed by overbite and facilitate the
Where significant overbite reduction is night time wear for at least a further 6 months. placement of the bridge; and 4d)
The final acid etch retained bridge
required in an adult patient, intrusion mechanics This allows not only the anterior but also the
at UR2 (12) and composite veneer
with fixed appliances are usually the favoured posterior occlusion to be adequately retained at UL2 (22)
option,31 although the ability to truly intrude and also acts as a safe-guard should the bonded
labial segments is probably limited.32 Correction retainer become detached during the first year. If
of skeletal discrepancies in an adult patient will a bonded retainer is unsuccessful, long term
require orthognathic surgery. part-time wear of a removable retainer may be
the only solution. Unfortunately, wearing a
RETENTION AND STABILITY removable prosthesis increases plaque
Retention is that phase of orthodontic treatment retention33 and compliance is likely to be less.34
during which a passive appliance is used to Where space has been opened or redistributed
counteract relapse and thus maintain the it must be retained for a period prior to provision
changes achieved by orthodontic treatment. of the definitive restoration. Single tooth spaces
Many of the orthodontic movements required in may be retained by an immediate adhesive
the orthodontic treatment of hypodontia bridge,35 but much more commonly a removable
patients are inherently unstable and are prone to retainer is fitted which carries acrylic teeth and
some extent to relapse unless retention is main- wire stops (Fig. 4c). The wire stops are essential
tained long-term. Examples of these unstable to prevent loss of space should the acrylic teeth
changes include: become detached. The retainer can also conve-
niently include a flat anterior bite plane to
• Space closure in the absence of crowding encourage further overbite reduction and
• Space redistribution and creation increase the inter-occlusal space to facilitate the
• Correction of rotations provision of the definitive restoration. This type
• Overbite reduction in the absence of a stable of appliance must be worn full time for a mini-
occlusal stop. mum of 6 months, allowing dentoalveolar
remodelling in the saddle areas prior to restora-
Space closure, particularly when associated tion, following which it can be worn part time.
with either minimal or no crowding, is particu- When the definitive restoration is designed it
larly prone to relapse, as is closure of an upper should take into account the need to permanent-
midline diastema. The options for retention are ly retain the orthodontic changes, ideally with a
either a removable retainer or, in the anterior fixed-fixed bridge design with attachment of the
part of the mouth, a semi-permanent bonded pontic to the teeth on either side of the space.
retainer on the palatal or lingual surface. Bond- Alternatively, it may be possible to prevent
ed retainers are usually made of flexible ortho- mesio-distal drifting of a single abutment tooth
dontic wire bonded with a light-cured compos- by creating a broad contact area between the



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