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Motor Skill

Why Are Motor Skills Important?

Motor skills are essential for baby's physical strength and

Motor skills are used everyday throughout our lives. They help us move and
do everything from lifting heavy items to typing on a keyboard. Motor skills
and motor control begin developing after birth, and will progress as children

Having good motor control also helps children explore the world around
them, which can help with many other areas of development.
Motor skills are broken up into two categories: gross motor skills and fine
motor skills. Mastering both are important for children’s growth and
Gross motor skills are movements related to large muscles such as legs,
arms, and trunk.
Fine motor skills are movements involving smaller muscle groups such as
those in the hand and wrist.

Motor Skills: Know the Basics

Why does my child need motor skills?
 To be able to move and complete tasks independently
 To be able to explore the world around them, which
promotes cognitive, speech, and sensory development
 To give them confidence and independence, which promotes skills such
as executive function
 To meet developmental milestones
 To possibly help prevent early motor delays and conditions that can
interrupt development
When should my baby start developing motor skills?
As a newborn! They will begin developing core motor skills as soon as they
start moving. Sign up for the Baby Games Calendar or visit our Baby Games
page to learn more about the physical activities that are age-appropriate for
your little one, to help them make progress on their motor skills every week.
How often should my child work on their motor skills?

The short answer: every day!

As they get older, your little one will be working their motor skills every day
just by going about their daily routine and getting more involved in activities!
However, for infants and toddlers, they may need extra stimulation to work
their motor skills. Make sure you are encouraging physical movement and
development of these skills on a daily basis.
What are some important motor milestones?
All motor milestones are important! Which means it’s crucial to ensure your
baby is meeting their milestones. You can find all motor milestones or learn
more from the Assure the Best brochure.
The achievement of one milestone tends to lead to another. So for example,
while babies typically do not crawl until 7-9 months, they achieve plenty of
other milestones before that so they have the strength and confidence to
Learn more about encouraging your baby to crawl!

Motor Milestones

The Milestone Checklist helps parents keep track of their children’s motor,
sensory, communication and feeding milestones, from birth to 3 years old.
Also available in multiple languages.

Why Sleep Matters for Motor Skills

Changing baby's sleep direction can help strengthen baby's

neck muscles and head control
Changing head direction can help prevent positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
and positional torticollis, by encouraging baby to move their head and
strengthen both sides of their neck. When baby faces different directions
as they lay, they also vary the direction they turn their head in response to
a noise (such as a parent entering the room). This strengthens neck muscles
more evenly on both sides, and changes the places where baby puts pressure
on their head as they lay.
Motor Activities

Great ways for children to work their motor skills every day!

What to Watch For

What are some behaviors to watch out for that could affect
my child’s motor skills?

Children outgrow many of the behaviors that can interrupt motor

development. Some common ones to watch out for include:
 Toe-Walking
 Chewing on items they shouldn’t be chewing on
 Falling often or having trouble lifting their head
 W-Sitting
Watch to see what w-sitting is and why it matters:

Typical and Atypical Motor Development

Motor behaviors that should be addressed

What do typical and atypical development look like? What should it look like
when baby begins to sit, crawl, and walk? In the below graphics, see what
typical and atypical development look like. Typical development is in blue, and
means baby is right on track; atypical development is in yellow, and means
that baby may have a motor delay.
If you suspect a motor delay, reach out to baby’s healthcare provider to find
out what may be causing this delay. Early intervention is essential for
addressing development issues and preventing further delays.

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