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The Promised Neverland

Script for The Chamber Theater

Project in English 9


Argonza, Francis Lee E.

Marcial, Mark Andrei B.
Natavio, Serjohn Lee F.
Paderon, Fhritz Andrew L.
Senora, Yuan Marrich T.
Castillo, Iris Fatima S.
Galangan, Asia N,
Gulleban, Kyzia Mae M,
Talusan, Hannah Faith D.M.
Tubuan, Sophia Marielle V.
*Intro: Closed Curtains*
Fhritz: A group of the smartest kids at a seemingly perfect orphanage uncover its dark truth when
they try to break a rule to never leave the orphanage grounds. Once the truth is discovered, they
begin to plan an escape to save all of the children. Set in the year 2046, let’s join Emma,
Norman, and Ray through their journey to escape the orphanage.

Scene 1:
Emma: Good morning, everyone!

*eating at the dining area*

Mama: All right,everyone! Conny is lucky as she is being adopted tomorrow. Say your goodbyes
to her.
Conny: Yay! Goodbye! I promise I will not forget to write letters for you all.

*Orphans will be teary-eyed and one by one will fist bomb Conny.*
*Conny and Mama will leave the scene, Conny forgot her teddy bear at the table*

Emma: Hey, isn't that Conny's teddy bear? *goes and grabs it*

Norman: Oh yeah, it is. Let's go and give it to her quickly

*They ran after Mama and Conny. Runs out of the scene. Close curtain, turn off lights*

Scene 2:
*open curtains and lights*
Emma: Hey! I thought we're not allowed in here.
Norman: Well yeah but we're just giving it to Conny.
Emma - Fine!

*They wander around the place and they saw that there is a box there just laying on the

Norman: There's a random box here.

Emma: There is.Let’s see what's inside! *proceeds to open the box*
Norman: *scared* Emma,wha- wha- what is that?
Emma: *terrified* It- It's Conny.
*on and off lights*
*noises of the door, platform, amd voices*
*They heard noises of talking and quickly hid in a tree.*

Demons: When are the next harvests?

Mama: Within 3 months, we’ll have new harvests for you. Emma, an energetic kid. She’s very
smart and strategic. Norman is the smartest of them all. He outwits everyone. Ray, quiet but has
a lot to prove. He’s also one of the smart kids.
Demons: I see that the next harvests are in good condition, huh.
Demons: Hey, I smell something .
Mama: What?
*The Demons looked around and acted suspicious.*

Demons: Hmm, maybe, that's just my imagination.

*Drags box and gets out of the place. After they got out, Mama saw Conny's Teddy bear
lying on the ground.She fell on to her knees. Curtains will close, lights off.*
*open lights and curtains*

Emma: *exhausted* What happened to Conny?!

Norman: *shakes Emma* She's dead! Emma, she's dead!
Norman: It’s like…we’re in a farm.
Emma: Fa- fa- farm?!
Norman: Yes.
Emma: Let's hurry back to the orphanage before Mama sees us.

*Curtains will close, lights off*

Scene 3:
*open lights and curtains*
*Emma and the other orphans were having breakfast. Emma and Norman is sitting in a
table in front of each other.*
Emma: *whispers to Norman* Hey, what do you plan to do? Last night was terrifying.
Norman: I thought of a plan overnight, we should not tell the other orphans because it might
cause chaos and Mama might know that were the ones behind this.
Emma: I want to escape with everyone. *punching the table lightly*
Norman: Yeah, I know but we should keep quiet until the time of our plan.
Emma: Fine.
*ONLY close curtains*
*Remove all chairs. Only Emma and Norman will be left in the scene.*

Norman: So, here's my plan, I will scout the area of where we are gonna escape while you are in
charge of stalling me time.Then, after that we should tell Gilda and Don about the whole
situation so we can have more people involved.
Emma: Sounds like a good plan.Lets do it!
Norman: I'm gonna go out later and see for myself what's on the other side and I also decided
that we should tell Don and Gilda about this.
Emma: Why though?
Norman: We need the most man power we can get.
*Only Emma and Mama will be left in the scene.*
Emma: Good morning, Mama!
Mama: Where are the other kids?
Emma: They went back to their rooms after breakfast.
Mama: I see. You should too, Emma.
Emma: I will help in the cleaning.
Mama: Oh sure. Thank you, Emma.

*Curtains Close. Lights Off. Change scene to Library Emma, Norman, Don, and Gilda will
be in the scene.*
Don: Hellooo! Emmaaa,Normaaan.There you guys are. *from Ray’s Side*
Gilda: Why'd you guys picked this place? It's scary.
Emma: We need you guys to know something important
Gilda: What's so important that you need a dark place for.
Norman: You guys know Conny? She got adopted a few days ago, Right?
Don: Yeah! You guys even gave her teddy bear back.
Emma: Well to keep it short, Conny was killed by a bunch of creatures. And Mama was talking
to them.
Gilda, Don: What?!
Don: Co- Conny Died?! This doesn't make sense! Why are you guys so calm about this?!
Norman: Yeah, we were also terrified when we first saw Conny’s dead body. But we took it
calmly and acted like everything was okay because if everyone knew, the orphanage would be in
Don: Okay! But still, that poor Conny. I'll believe you guys for now. I'll help you guys with all
that I can.
Emma: What about you Gilda?
Gilda: I'm in, too. We should need all the help we can, right?

*Ray popped out of nowhere, holding a book.* *open the other curtain*

Norman: Ray?! What are you doing here?

Ray: You guys know that this is the library, right? Look,I’m reading a book.
Norman: Did you hear anything?
Ray: I heard everything.
Norman: Will you help us?
Ray: Yeah, sure.
Emma: How did you believe that so fast?
Ray: Norman wouldn’t say such nonsense. If he says we’re in a farm, I believe him.
Norman: If my calculations are right, the next harvest will be in 3 months. We have 3 months to
save everyone.
Emma: We can do it!
*close curtain, change scene to dining hall*
Scene 4:

*Emma and the other 4 were having breakfast at the same table and they were planning
what to do.*

Norman: Hey Guys! I thought of a plan. Here's how it's gonna go. First, We could involve
everyone by playing hide and seek outside. Second, we should carry bagsthat we could need for
a survival out of the orphanage. Who knows what resides outside of the huge fence.
Don: I found huge cutters that could help us saw the gate.
Norman: Great! We now have an escape plan. We should execute this later. Now, we must do
the necessary preparations.

*Curtains will close. Change scene. Remove chairs and table*

Don: Hey, do you guys wanna play hide and seek?

Orphans: Yes!
Don: Let's start. Does anyone wanna volunteer to be the "it"?
Emma: Me!
Don: So, it's settled Emma's "it".
Emma: Are you ready, everyone? *orphans nod their heads* Alright, I'm gonna count to 30.

*Don, Gilda, Norman and Ray started to execute their plan*

Norman: Hey! Everyone, Let's go here. (on the count of 26)

*Norman and the other orphans met near the gate as planned*

Gilda: Let's wait for Emma. (on the count of 29)

*Mama appeared out of nowhere*

Mama: So, you guys are escaping, huh? I suspected that all of you guys are gone for a long time.
Norman: *Acting laid back* Alright mom, you caught us.We'll follow your orders from now on.
*changes mood* That is if you get us. I'll get the cutters. Emma, stop Mama

*Norman got the cutters in his bag but Mama held Emma down and broke her left leg.
Emma cried loudly.*

Emma: Aaaaahhhhh!

Mama: Norman! The date is settled. You're gonna be adopted 2 weeks from now. Hey everyone!
Let's go back to the house, shall we?

*All the other young orphans came with their Mama. Don, Gilda Norman and Ray were
scared for their life.*

Emma: *screaming while lying down the ground*

Gilda: *knees bent over* Emmaaa!

Mama: Okay, everyone! Let's go back, shall we? And good news, Norman is being adopted next
week. Spend time with him and also say your goodbyes.

*Mama goes back followed by the orphans. Curtains close. Lights Off* *dining hall scene*
*Sister Krone and Mama arrive and Mama introduced her to everyone. when everyone is
having breakfast, Ray and Norman are sitting across each other while the others are eating
on their own.*

Mama: Good Morning, everyone. *calm* We have a new guest. Please welcome Sister
Krone.She's going to help in the orphanage from now on.
Orphans: Good morning, Sister!
Sister Krone: Starting today, I'll be helping out at the house. Feel free to reach out to me when
you need help!
Mama: Now, that’s done. We're just gonna go out. You guys can continue your breakfast.

*Mama and Sister leave the room.*

Ray: Tch! We have another hindrance.

Norman: Calm down. We will eventually figure out something.
Ray: Come to think of it. You're gonna be shipped out soon, huh?
Norman: Yeah,it’s a few days from now.
Ray: Have you thought of a plan?
Norman: No, I’m planning to make the most of my time here at the orphanage.
Ray: Well, if that's what you want.

*Curtain closes lights out*

*Gilda wakes up and hears people talking in the other room she decides to go near the wall
and hear what’s the conversation is about.*
*open one curtain*

Ray: That's what you want, huh. Yeah, I'll help you overtake Mama.
Sister Krone: Yes! I knew there was someone that is smart enough to help me. *laughs*
Ray: Yeah yeah, stop laughing. I need something in return though.
Sister: I'll give it to you gladly.
Ray: I'll need bags and some fuel.

Sister - Why? What would you need that for? Know what, I'm not even gonna ask.

*Gilda hears everything and goes back to sleep.Curtain A closes, Curtain B Opens, lights
off A, lights on B.*

Gilda: NORMAAAAN NORMAAAN! I Have to tell you about something important.

*Gilda whispers to Norman and norman shows a face of disgust.*

Norman: That Ray!

*Curtain B closes and lights off on B, vice versa*

Sister: Here, your bags and some fuel. Weird kid.
Ray: Thanks, this will help me out a lot. *leaves room and sister vanishes from the room. go to
the closed curtain Mama enters the scene.*

Ray: Mama, I'll tell you something important.

Isabella: Why ray?

*Ray whispers the plan to mama, mama has a shooktface.*

Mama - *calm face* I'll deal with her later.

*all Curtains close and lights off, dining hall scene* *open lights and curtains*

*Mama calls out all orphans and announces that sister krone will no longer be with us.*

Mama: I have an announcement! Sorry to say but Sister will no longer be working with us. She
has been given her own orphanage.Say you're goodbyes to her now. And just to remind you
guys, Norman is being adopted tomorrow.Make sure you guys send him goodbyes as well.
Sister: *looking calm* Goodbye kids!
Orphans: Goodbye sister! we love you!

*Sister gets her bags and heads out.Curtain closes, lights out.*
*open curtains*
Sister: That isabella!!! *angry* She has the nerve to throw me out like that?!! I'll never forgive
*a demon shows up*

Sister: *screams* Stay away from me, you monster!

* demon eats sister and blood spills*

*Curtain closes and lights on*

Emma: Hey! What do you plan to do? Are you just gonna let them have their way?!! I don’t
wanna let you die!
Norman: *calm* I can't do anything, Emma. I can’t stand see you get hurt. Later, you guys can
escape while mama is busy with me. Goodbye,Emma.*walks away*

*Curtain closes. Lights out. Everyone will enter the scene. dining hall scene*

Mama: Everyone say goodbye to Norman.

Orphans: Goodbye Noormaan! Please send us letters from your new home.
*Emma and Ray are quiet. Mama and Norman leaves to the left side and the orphans goes
to the right. Only Emma and Ray will be left in the scene.*
Ray: Emma! What do you plan to do?Are we just gonna let Norman buying us time a waste?!
Emma: No! I prepared. I told Gilda and Don that we’re gonna escape TONIGHT. *holds
molotov* See this? This is the signal that we’re gonna use.
Ray: Wait? Is that my fuel?!
Emma: You bet it is.

*Emma throws the molotov and causes a fire. Gilda don and the other orphans rushing to
the scene with bags.*

Don: What are you doing?Let's go!

*All will leave the scene. Curtains close. remove chairs and table, insert the fence*

Don: Finally, the fence. Gilda, the scissors!

*Gilda gets it from bag and gives it to him. Don proceeds to cutting. Mama rushes to the
scene but she was too late.All the orphans except emma is left.*

Emma: Goodbye, Mama!

Isabella: You all made it. Take care out there. The world is more cruel outside. I just want you all
to know that I loved you all like my own children. *Sings song*

Ray: *Sings along*

Emma: *confused* How did you know the song?
Ray: Where do you think I got it from?
Isabella: Are you my son?
Ray: Maybe?
Isabella and Ray: *sings last line of the song*
Emma: *taps Ray’s shoulder* Let’s go

*Curtains will close.*

*Last scene: all of the orhans are on a big group hug.”

Emma: Norman….
Ray: He is the last one to be harvested…
Emma: *looks at Ray*
Ray: The last one.

*Curtains will close.*


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