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さXP各則M各N丁 Pa「aIleI-circuit DesjgれConside「ation§


盤嵩浩蒸器蕊悪霊莞一端?i,ei w′th 180

RJ = 81 n to slide-rし〃le ‘lCCllrac〉・. 1=s evldcnt章hen

撮ミロhc 82-教】eS短0「 ,n S-ock -‥hぐ「eq面「cJ凡・

P「ObIem 2

Assu調c章h亡絡a和ぐs10Ck種s in p○○bie調I. 1-心c章ech.

nicjan lnuS‥icsi即u∴Cj「cui‥equjring a 60-n Ie-

SoI〃iiのn. By lnSPeCt】On i( is eviden=ha1 60 f!

is one"halfthe rcsjstance va血e of 120 ‘一・ By manip-
u厨唯Eq・ (】7-D言( C種n bc s血own Ih曳白rII印uaト
Valued resjstors. sa)′代l, arC COnnCCled ln Para‖el.

1hci「 (〇両resis(ance Rγ, -S equa白o (1I′き) × R-.丁ha(

i§・ a general fom=ta fo「 the totai resis‘ance Rγ of
I! Para=eトcomecしed 「esIstors each of which mca.
SしIreS R, ohms is

Rγニ告  。7-〕)

Using Eq. ( i7-3) yields the soiution lo this problem.

name】)′ tWO I 20重resjstors ,COnnCCted in paral!ei・

ance ‘s also 60 rL Howevc「, hc「e th「eecomponents
a「e used 「athe「 than thc two 120.0 resjsIOrS.

ProbIem 3

ln the cj「cllj章Of Fig. 】7-】. a lechnlCian mcasIJreS

[he re§islance between po血Sノ4 and B and finds It

lS I80 r). His circuil 「cquires lha=he reSIS(ance
between A and β musl bc45 rL Howcanhe mOd担y
田園聖堂登一一二一=一一三      二∴

l. h恒sure 'he resistance ‘,f eg'Ch o=he 「e涌o一“S

s岬串d丸いd 「cco「d i-s >討山e in丁年lble I7工
2. Dc剛ninc ・一両証a一一ゝ・ ‘‘柚Pi…IIcl …nbi-
n諏)n Of tl-C 「CSistors suPPlicd刷l準ld the
ヽ両c 4i7帥1ppl・O持i調種tely)・ Usc -】1eぐ両「-
coded `alucs値hc 「esistors fo再his computn-
1i(1n …d show ye…・ぐ0叩両章io調s・ Reco記1he
c点)「-CO刷、高時S Of代in Table 17-ユ・
3. Cl)nneC‘ the pa「州el conlbini‘‘ion mJ me‘l…C
(he 10融I・cSis-租nCc凡声高h an (,h爪調eしe- ・ Re・
…いhe mC脚「ed va‘`一e in Ti`bIe 17-2.

笥霊嵩詰謹言?Ch v両町
;しSin轡thc 「eSis10-・S Sし-pp--ed dc直と- p油1eI

colく)r.COdcd v乱lues Of柄n Tnblc 17工
6. (・∪れneぐ=トぐCi「cし11t種nd調邸u「e (he curIcnし
Il・・ RccO「d血V両i証ble 17-鼻・
7. 。ctemine. ana両ca時“'l‘at `血e of ‘′時eC
l′刷be -・equ-1・ed両Ci「cu両爪輝くo Fig・
17_1.冊一十・‥し)O Q・代言-・8。0帥nd車
。.05 A. Sho時ur C‘,mP`一tat-OnS. Reco一し。IIC
computed wh'e ‘一f "n T謝17.3.
8JonneCt the c-rCし両nd串。ltc叩Pl}′ lln(ll
there lS O.05 A In the circul‘.陳asu「ethe sllP-

時、′〇時l′寄れd 「eco「直his nle櫨Su「e両1ue

9. Deslgn a ‘WO-b「anch pa即el c-rCu冊om the

「esis10rS SuPI)lled so 'ha- 0.03 A of cLlr「enl言s
inlOne brilnCh. 0 02 A in thc other branCh. DT洲
しhc 。「cu…nd ゝhow y〇時CO細、pula(ions川-
c両inB ‘ e VO一‘agC ’ぺOnlPutCd. Record the
両「・COdcd v亀Iues O白-1c re諒…「§ in丁種blぐ

10. ConneCl the urCuit. Set the dc supPl}’a両

computed value Of vo-tage V. Measiu'`e and re-
cord the ou[Ten‘ ,言∩樟Ind /! in Jtご・
1l. Theore‘ically design a parallel clrCuit wi-h thc
「esist○○s in this cxpc「i爪e-1t・ uSing

a.丁wo 「eSIStOrS
b. Three reSIStO「S

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