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Acceptable Use:

Digital Citizenship

Technology Education
Miss Slack
What is Acceptable Use?
1. It is a set of rules applied by the district or
principal of a school that spells out what
electronic use is acceptable in the school
2. These rules cover cell phones, other
electronics, computers, and the use of the
school computer network and internet.
3. Be aware that all employers require their
employees to follow acceptable use policies
while at work.
YOU are a Digital Citizen!
You should know:
“Using a school computer
is a privilege not a right”

“Not all content online is

true” Cell phones and
headphones should be
“Nothing posted “Off and away during
the day!”
is private”
Computer Use
● Educational use only
● Do not violate laws: bullying, copyright, etc.
● Treat school issued instructional technology
with care (computers, chromebooks, tablets)
● Share what you are learning with your
A good digital citizen...
● Makes wise choices when using school
computers, internet, and email.
○ It’s for Educational/Instructional use ONLY - if we
aren’t using it for class it shouldn’t be open!
■ ex. No games, random internet searches or
websites, sports scores, social media…
○ Treat others as you would like to be treated!
A good digital citizen...
● Does NOT violate laws: transmission of any
material in violation of federal or state law is
○ Threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene
○ Copyrighted material
○ Plagiarized material
A good digital citizen...
● Keeps their account secure
○ Doesn’t give out username or password
○ logs in and logs out of the computer and school
email with their school issued username and
● Doesn’t use another student’s account
● Doesn’t change, delete, or mess with
another students work, including turning their
computer off so they lose their work
A good digital citizen...
● Respects and takes responsibility for the
technology they use
○ it’s expensive - you break it you buy it, can you
afford it?!?!
○ Treat the equipment with care
○ Report damaged or broken equipment to an adult
○ Stays in their assigned seat so they aren’t held
accountable for damage at another work station.
○ Is not distracting - loud sounds from speaker, etc.
A good digital citizen...
● Includes their parents
○ tell your parents what you’re doing so they know
you’re being responsible and safe
○ help teach your parents what you’re learning
■ They could benefit from the skills too!
Cell Phone &
other electronic use
● Cell Phones & headphones should be off and
away during the school day
● You will be allowed to use the above
mentioned items in the cafeteria during
breakfast and lunch
● Before leaving the cafeteria the items must
be turned off and put away
1. Verbal warning
2. Loss of privilege: Alternate
3. Extended loss of privilege: Alternate
assignments given for that period of
4. School locks you out of computers
Consequences cont...
Cell phone/other electronics:
1. Verbal warning
2. Teacher confiscates phone
a. Phone is handed to teacher after the first request
b. No debate
c. Teacher will give back at the end of class or at the
end of the school day
3. Teacher confiscates and gives phone to
administrator, administrator requires parent
pick up
It’s your CHOICE, it’s your FUTURE
Learning Activity

Create your ideal digital footprint

- Use microsoft word to
- Make a collage of images or words/text
that would be included in your ideal
digital footprint
- Your collage should be in the shape of a
- Email your document to

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