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Chocolate smart cake


300 grams of powdered sugar

200 grams of melted chocolate

200 grams of melted butter

150 grams of flour

50 grams of cocoa

9 separated eggs

1 liter of milk

a teaspoon of rum essence

a pinch of salt


1.Mix the powdered sugar with the 9 yolks until the yolks
look like a cream.

2.Add the melted chocolate, then the melted (and cooled)

butter and mix well.

3.Add cocoa and rum essence (which can be omitted or

replaced with vanilla essence). While the mixer is working,
add a little lukewarm milk and a tablespoon of flour until the
flour is finished, and then add the rest of the milk little by
little. The composition must now be liquid.

4.Put the egg whites in a bowl and a pinch of salt and mix
very well until the egg whites become a hard foam.

5.Put the beaten egg whites over the chocolate mixture

made earlier and incorporate very slowly with a whisk.

6.Pour the composition into a tray lined with baking paper

and place in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for about an

7.At the end, the top part of the cake should be perfectly
baked and the inside must be soft. When shaking the tray,
the top shouldn't move.

8.Refrigerate overnight and powder with sugar. Serve as

such or with fresh fruit.

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