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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Abra
Diocesan Schools of Abra

Catholic High School of Pilar

Grade 9-HOPE Religion Teacher

Basic of Morality
A. Individual Activity

Sources of Morality Explanation

Family  We devote considerable time with our parents and relatives than with anybody else,
particularly in our early years, when we develop many of our morality.
Friends  Peer influence, but doing what we believe our peers want us to do, has a powerful
impact on us.
School  The school established ground rules for what is and is not permitted, as well as what is
true and what is false.
Conscience  Many laws and beliefs about what are good and evil are founded on the 10
commandments and the golden rule.
Media  The media has a tremendous influence on shaping attitudes and opinions, as well as
proposing ideal lifestyles. As a result, it plays a unique function in the creation of
Religion  Many of the laws and beliefs about what is right and evil are founded on the ten
commandments. Religion, depending on where you live, may also help you feel better
about yourself by making you feel like you're a part of a bigger society. Religious
persons have higher self-esteem and better psychological adjustment than non-
religious people.
A. Valuing
Pause and Reflect
Which of the sources of morality greatly influence you the most in your actions? And

External sources of morality and ethics include the effects of the home,
schools, the press and movies, the law, social presence constraint, natural
human goodness or the lack of intrinsic human badness, and the church.
Morality may be defined as a set of standards or principles generated from a
code of behavior drawn from a certain philosophy, religion, or culture, or it can
be defined as a norm that a person feels should be universal. Morality can also
be identical with "goodness" or "rightness." Family as a source and basis of
morality refers to family members' ideas about what is right and wrong, as well
as what is good and evil. Being nice and respectful to others. You must not

B. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following into 5 sentences.
1) Describe the different sources of morality?
 We spend more time with our parents and relatives than with anybody else, especially
in our early years, when we form many of our morals. Peer influence has a tremendous
impact on us, but doing what we feel our peers want us to do has a powerful impact on
us. The school set ground rules for what is and is not allowed, as well as what is true
and what is untrue. The ten commandments and the golden rule serve as the
foundation for many laws and ideas about what is good and bad. The media has a
huge impact in shaping attitudes and ideas, as well as proposing ideal lives. As a
result, it serves a distinct role in the formation of values. The ten commandments serve
as the foundation for many laws and ideas about what is good and wrong. Religion
may also make you feel better about yourself, depending on where you live, by making
you feel like you're a part of a larger culture. Religious people have higher self-esteem
and psychological well-being than non-religious ones

2) Identify the different sources of morality that influences you and why?
 "Family as a source and foundation of morality" refers to family members' perspectives
on what is right and wrong, as well as good and evil. Being kind and courteous to
others. You are not permitted to steal anything that does not belong to you.
Cooperation with parents via observance of family standards

3) State the effects of these sources of morality on your life.

 When you behave or talk against your values, you feel guilty and ashamed. You feel
terrible about your behavior, which can lead to feelings of self-disgust. Adhering to your
moral beliefs allows you to live a life you are proud of, which is linked to higher
pleasure. Trusting your instincts or what you feel deep down is correct is maybe the
most essential approach to live morally. You can't always explain why you feel a
certain way, but you can usually tell if anything is wrong. Try to avoid acts that make
you feel anxious.

Direction: Interview your parents using the provided questions below.

1. How will you be the primary source of morality?

Parents are a child’s primary source of moral development. Family morals are the
beliefs that family members have about right and wrong, and good and bad. Without
the moral basis of right and wrong, as children get older, they are likely to feel
confused about limits, and may not make good decisions.

2. What are your ways to discipline your children? Explain?

The purpose of family rules is for parents and children to establish consistent
guidelines that will help everyone know what is and what isn’t expected of them. Family
rules encourage family members to take responsibility for their own behavior and to be
contributing members of the family.
3. Will you able to accept that some of the attitudes, behavior, and characteristics of your child are
coming from you?
Yes, because his or her family has the greater impact the he /she can absorb all the
attitudes, behavior and characteristics that is morally good. Environment takes charge
on things that is immorally act of a child’s growth.

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