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4 keys to set goals... and to achieve them!

I'm ready to guarantee if I asked you to tell me what your goals are for the coming
months, you would recite an impressive list of things that would be for the most
part, admit it, almost impossible to achieve one day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not
saying you cannot stop smoking overnight, or you can't raise goats in the Larzac...
It's just there is a difference (and not the least) between what you would like to do
one day - a dream - and what you can do, what you are ready to act on.

As I feel that doubt is coming up on you, here are four keys to help you set goals...
and achieve them!


Smart means “intelligent” or “malin” in French but it is also the name of a method
that is used in coaching to help a client define his objective. To put all the chances
on your side, set a goal that is Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Temporal: it must speak to you, you must sincerely believe you can achieve it and
it must be defined in time (we will come back to this a little further down).

The more concrete your goal is, the more you will have the feeling of touching it as
you approach it and the easier it will be to stay motivated in the long term.

2. One goal at a time

You don't need to plan a long list of things to do by the end of the month! Start
with one goal (simple, remember) and then you can plan a second one when you
will have reached the first...

This way you will move at your own pace while building confidence. And it is
highly you will set new challenges for yourself once you have reached the first
3. Set a deadline

For your project to be realized it must be as concrete as possible and for that you
must set a deadline. What priority do you give it in your life? How much energy
are you willing to invest to make it happen? Choose a date that is realistic and not
too far away in time. How much energy are you ready to invest to make it happen?
Choose a date that is realistic and not too far off in time. Plan to run again in 10
years or tell yourself "I will do it by the end of the year" is not very motivated...
However, check the date December 20th in your calendar is much better!

4. Put your heart into it

To maintain your motivation over the long term, this goal must be close to your
heart and give you something on a personal level, i.e. you know you will feel really
satisfied once you will have achieved it. When you think about your project, you
try to project positive emotions on its achievement: joy, pride, excitement... The
more intense they are, the more meaningful everything you do will be.

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