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1 Complete the sentences.

Example: Are they from Switzerland?
1 I ________ sing, but I can play the guitar.
2 ‘How did your phone break?’ ‘________ fell on the floor.’
3 We ________ British. We’re American.
4 There isn’t ________ milk in the fridge.
5 ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s ________ identity card.’
6 ________ Holly have any children?
7 I’m taller ________ my brother.
8 ‘Would you like to fly a plane?’ ‘No, I ________.’
9 The art gallery is closed ________ Mondays.
10 ‘What’s the time?’ ‘It’s half ________ three.’
11 ________ aren’t many books on the shelf.
12 I spoke to him on the phone ten minutes ________.
13 I hardly ________ watch TV at the weekend.
14 They ________ like the film – they left after 10 minutes.
15 ‘How much coffee do you drink?’ ‘Quite a ________.’
16 They are ________ noisiest neighbours in the street.

2 Underline the correct form.

Example: My mother work / works in a hospital.
1 We don’t have some / any money.
2 My father’s dentist / a dentist.
3 I have a lot of / a lot brothers and sisters.
4 We had an excellent meal / a meal excellent.
5 Please drive careful / carefully. The weather’s bad.
6 Can we meet on / in Monday evening?
7 I have always / always have breakfast at home.
8 It’s raining. Let’s go / We go inside.
9 I don’t like get up / getting up early.
10 He’s hoping to study / study law at university.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Example: Mark and Emma have (have) a house in Portugal.
1 I ________ (not be) to Egypt. Is it nice?
2 He________ (not ask) for a cappuccino – he asked for a latte.
3 ________ she ________ (travel) to India next summer?
4 Colin ________ (not be) at work yesterday.
5 I ________ (buy) a new car last week.
6 She ________ (not listen) to music at the moment.
7 I ________ (start) cooking classes next week.
8 Where ________ (be) he yesterday morning?
9 ________ you ever ________ (break) your leg?
10 ‘How often ________ you ________ (go) to the theatre?’ ‘Every month.’
11 Emma ________ (write) him a letter two days ago.
12 Who ________ (be) the three greatest politicians of the twentieth century?
13 He has an exam tomorrow, so he ________ (study) now.
14 She ________ (not like) using lifts.


4 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: We go to the supermarket every Saturday morning.
1 The cooker’s really d________. We need to clean it.
2 I think it’s going to rain. Let’s take an u________.
3 I gave my brother a w________ – he often loses his money.
4 I read the n________ every day.
5 The car park’s normally full but today it’s quite e________.
6 I was late for work because the b________ was late.
7 I usually have a s________ for lunch. I love bread.
8 She’s listening to the news on the r________.
9 I want to write something – can I borrow your p________, please?
10 I read two b________ when I was on holiday last summer.

5 Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: We eat in the ________.
A bathroom  B bedroom  C dining room 

1 My mother’s brother is my ________.
A grandfather  B nephew  C uncle 
2 My sister works in an office. She’s a ________.
A receptionist  B musician  C builder 
3 I don’t see Pete very much, but we often ________at weekends.
A download  B skype  C search 
4 Can I pay by credit ____, please?
A ticket  B money  C card 
5 I work with sick animals. I’m a ________.
A lawyer  B politician  C vet 
6 I got your email but I couldn’t open the ________.
A wifi  B attachment  C Internet 
7 My father’s a ________. He flies all over the world.
A pilot  B builder  C nurse 
8 I need some ________ for this letter, please.
A stamps  B keys  C coins 
9 My brother’s daughter is my ________.
A granddaughter  B sister  C niece 
10 You can buy food at a ________.
A pharmacy  B market  C post office 

6 What is the next word?
Example: one, two, three
1 Wednesday, Thursday, ________
2 twenty, thirty, ________
3 July, August, ________
4 summer, autumn, ________
5 third, fourth, ________
6 eight hundred, nine hundred, ________

7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: She walks to work every day.
1 The opposite of tall is s________.
2 If you break your leg you have to go to h________.
3 Marc’s a c________. He works in a French restaurant.
4 I need to cut some paper. Do you have any s________?
5 A c________ is a place where you can buy medicine.
6 I don’t read books but I like reading m________ and newspapers.
7 Can I see your i________ card, please?
8 Do you want to c________ a taxi?
9 I didn’t t________ off my phone and it rang in the lesson!
10 She often t________ by plane.
11 I usually m________ dinner at 8.00.
12 I d________ a Volkswagen.
13 I always w________ up early.
14 Your son’s daughter is your g________.

Scegli la preposizione corretta.

1 Who is the beautiful woman of/with/for blue eyes?

2 I’m going to London in/by/at the weekend.
3 He’s not interested in/for/on football.
4 Jenny broke the glass on/by/over accident.
5 I would like to apply on/for/to the job in the bank.
6 You must wait for/with/at the lights to change to green.
7 He is married with/by/to a dentist.
8 Katie lives on/at/by the first floor of an apartment block.
9 They can play tennis outside on/in/at summer.
10 She goes to school with/in/by bus.

Relative clauses
Completa le frasi con who, which, that, whose o where.

1 The girls ………. names are Maria and Alice are in my class.
2 London, ………. has over eight million inhabitants, has lots of parks.
3 I know a restaurant ………. the food is very good.
4 In summer we stay in Edinburgh, ………. is in Scotland.
5 Mary, ………. lives next door, is a hairdresser.
6 The man ………. daughter was in the newspaper was very sad.
7 She started crying, ………. surprised me.
8 The couple ………. live on the second floor are Spanish.
9 ………. is that handsome man?
10 The shop ………. I work is very expensive.

Prefixes and suffixes

Completa le frasi con una parola adatta scelta dal riquadro e i prefissi dis-, im-, in-, un-.

Dependent advantage mature tidy friendly

1 She never talks to me when I pass her in the street. She’s very ……………. .
2 Although computers are useful, one ……………………. is that they can lose your information.
3 His desk is such a mess, he can’t find anything. He’s ……………….…. .
4 John has left home and lives on his own. He is ………………………. .
5 Although she is twenty she seems much younger. She is …………………. .
Aggiungi un suffisso alle parole tra parentesi per completare le frasi.

6 I nearly fell asleep in the chair it was so ………………………. (comfort).

7 It was the most ………………………. (wonder) film I have ever seen.
8 The doctor said the operation wouldn’t hurt and that it was …………..…………. (pain).
9 The ……………..……. (exam) told us not to talk in the exam.
10 She had a big …………………….……. (argue) with her boyfriend.

Leggi i testi e scegli l’alternativa corretta: A, B, C o D.

1 Sally’s at home. Which sentence is correct?

A Her’s in her house. B She’s in her house.
C She’s in his house. D He’s in her house.

2 Which sentence is correct?

A The cinema’s in New Street. B We’re from USA.
C Your bag’s in a kitchen. D My mum’s nurse.

3 Which sentence is correct?
A There’s birds in the park. B There isn’t birds in the park.
C There aren’t some birds in the park. D There are birds in the park.

4 You are wearing a new watch. What do you say?

A These is my new watch. B Those is my new watch.
C This is my new watch. D That’s my new watch.

5 Which sentence is correct?

A Is this bag Paul’s? Yes, it’s hers. B Are these the girls’bags? Yes, they’re theirs.
C Whose is this book? Yes, it’s mine. D Are these Fran’s CDs? Yes, they’re her.

6 Which sentence is NOT correct?

A Linda doesn’t go to bed early. B Ned watches TV every day.
C Ben tryes to study on Saturdays. D I don’t live in New York.

7 Which question is correct?

A Do you go usually out on Friday? B Do you usually go out on Friday?
C Do you go out usually on Friday? D Do usually you go out on Friday?

8 Joel doesn’t like Maria. Which sentence is correct?

A He doesn’t like she. B He doesn’t like her.
C He doesn’t like. D He doesn’t her like.

9 Which question is correct?

A Where Jess working today? B Where Jess is working today?
C Where’s working Jess today? D Where ‘s Jess working today?

10 Which sentence is correct?

A We’ve got any rice. B I haven’t got some tea.
C There aren’t some books here. D Would you like some juice?

11 Which question is correct?

A Can you use a computer? B Pip can drive well?
C Can cook Carla a curry? D Can he to read French?

12 Which sentence is correct?

A I’m hopeless singing. B Toni’s great at acting.
C We’re not very good to draw. D Bill’s quite good at take photos.

13 Which request is NOT correct?

A Can I close the door? B Could you be quiet?
C Can we to open the biscuits? D Could I speak to your mother?

14 Which question is correct?

A When you was at the cinema? B When Zak was on holiday?
C Where were you last night? D Where was Kim and Joe on Sunday?

15 Did you break the window? Which answer is correct?
A No, I not break. B No, I didn’t.
C Yes, I did break. D Yes, I broke.

16 Which is NOT a past time expression?

A yesterday morning B last afternoon
C five hours ago D last Sunday

17 Which sentence is correct?

A I think you won’t like it. B I think you’ll not like it.
C I don’t think you’ll like it. D I don’t think you won’t like it.


1 “Dove siete? Non siete in giardino.” “Siamo in garage.”


2 Mia nonna vive in casa con noi. Ha 85 anni.


3 Mi piacciono i film horror ma a mio fratello non piacciono.


4 “Paolo è italiano?” “No, viene dalla Spagna.”


5 Sono le nove e mezzo di mattina e ho fame.


6 “C’è un aeroporto nella tua città?” “No, non c’è.”


7 Siamo in cinque in famiglia.


8 “Di che colore sono i tuoi capelli?” “Sono biondi.”


9 Quanto spesso Michele è in ritardo per la scuola?


10 “Posso usare il tuo vocabolario?” “Eccolo qui.”


11 “Quanti studenti ci sono nella tua scuola?” “Ce ne sono circa 800.”


12 “Qual è la risposta alla domanda 10? Sei sicura?” “Sì, hai ragione!”


13 Mio fratello vuole fare l’avvocato.


14 Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti vive nella Casa Bianca.


15 Guardate! Ci sono due ladri con quei poliziotti.


16 Non mi piacciono i topi. Ho paura.


17 I Robinson non hanno una casa grande.


18 Posso uscire con i miei amici stasera, per favore?


19 Liam non sa suonare la chitarra ma sa cantare.


20 Annie non può andare al concerto perché non ha un biglietto.


21 Non dimenticate di portare il libro di grammatica domani.


22 “Che cosa c’è?” “Ho una verifica importante domani. Mi puoi aiutare?


23 Buone vacanze! ………………………………………………………………………

24 È il mio compleanno oggi quindi sono molto felice.


Leggi i testi e scegli l’alternativa corretta: A, B
oppure C?

Francesco! Problem: Sophie has borrowed JAZZ ON A SUMMER EVENING
my History textbook and she’s away. Could No tickets left for Sunday’s performance
you lend me yours? Leave it with Daniel
when you see him. Thanks, Federica
A All Sunday evening tickets are already
Whose textbook does Federica want to sold.
borrow? B You must book tickets for Sunday in
A Daniel’s advance.
B Sophie’s C A ticket is necessary for Sunday evening.
C Francesco’s

This car park is locked after business
To: Eleonora
hours each day From: Enrico
What time does your flight arrive
A Users must lock the car park after
tomorrow? Can’t pick you up if it’s earlier
B People can park here while they are at than midday as I’m holding a meeting at
work. our office – sorry
C This car park is for employees only.
A Enrico will be able to see Eleonora early
tomorrow evening.
B Eleonora needs to arrive in time for Enrico’s
3 meeting tomorrow.
PLAYERS WANTED C Enrico can collect Eleonora from the airport
for Friday’s basketball match against tomorrow afternoon.
Barton College – can YOU help me?
Come to the gym at 3 pm today,
whatever your level!

A The basketball team only wants to see experienced players.

B There aren’t enough team members available on Friday.
C The Barton College team will visit the gym later today.

Leggi i testi e scegli l’alternativa corretta: A, B, 4
oppure C
Men working on platform 3 UMBRELLA HERE
trains for Cambridge are late
and are leaving
A You have to leave your coat and umbrella
from platform 5 today and tomorrow
B You don’t have to pay a fee if you leave
your coat and umbrella here.
A You can’t catch a train for Cambridge
C You can leave your coat and umbrella here
from platform 3 today.
only if you pay.
B Trains from Cambridge are late today.
C Men are working on platform 5 today
and tomorrow.

Tickets for weekend performances sold There aren’t any more tickets for Saturday
between 10 am and noon at the night.
newsagent’s on Fridays only. Tickets for People who booked a ticket have to give
weekday performances were all sold out. me the money before tomorrow evening.
Best seats in the theatre are still I still haven’t received any money from the
available for Sunday night performance. members of the Tennis Club!
Thanks, DJ Alex

A You can buy tickets for weekend

performances at 11am.
A You can collect the disco tickets after
B You can still get tickets for
tomorrow evening.
weekday performances.
B You must pay for your booked ticket before
C You must be at the theatre one
tomorrow evening.
hour before the show.
C DJ Alex is selling the last tickets to
the disco for Saturday night.


Are you catching a plane for the Bahamas?
Our agency is cheaper than any other in town!
Remember to book your seats with Sally at the front desk
between 9 and noon on weekdays only.
Book with Mary Ann on weekends
between 3 pm and 5 pm at the airport.

A You can book your stay in the Bahamas.

B You can’t book your seats with Sally at the front desk on Sundays.
C You can book your seats with Mary Ann every day until 5 pm.



1 1 can’t
2 It
3 aren’t
4 much / any
5 an
6 Does
7 than
8 wouldn’t
9 on
10 past
11 There
12 ago
13 ever
14 didn’t
15 lot
16 the

2 1 any
2 a dentist
3 a lot of
4 delicious meal
5 carefully
6 on
7 I always have
8 Let’s go
9 getting up
10 to study

3 1 haven’t been / ’ve not

2 didn’t ask
3 Is … going to travel
4 wasn’t
5 bought
6 ’s listening
7 ’m going to start
8 was
9 Have … broken
10 do … go
11 wrote
12 were
13 ’s studying
14 doesn’t like


4 1 dirty
2 umbrella
3 wallet
4 newspaper
5 empty
6 bus
7 sandwich
8 radio
9 pen
10 books

5 1 C
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 A
9 C
10 B

6 1 Friday
2 forty
3 September
4 winter
5 fifth
6 a / one thousand

7 1 short
2 hospital
3 chef / cook
4 scissors
5 chemist’s
6 magazines
7 identity
8 call
9 turn
10 travels
11 make
12 drive
13 wake
14 granddaughter

1 with
2 at
3 in
4 by
5 for
6 for
7 to
8 on
9 in
10 by

Relative clauses
1 whose
2 which
3 where
4 which
5 who
6 whose
7 which
8 who/that
9 Who
10 where

Prefixes and suffixes

1 unfriendly
2 disadvantage
3 untidy
4 independent
5 immature
6 comfortable
7 wonderful
8 painless
9 examiner
10 argument

1B, 2A, 3D, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7B, 8B, 9D, 10D, 11A, 12B, 13C, 14C, 15B,
16B, 17C


1. “Where are you? You’re not in the garden.” “We’re in the

2. My grandma lives with us. She’s 85.
3. I fancy horror films but my brother doesn’t like them.
4 “Is Paolo Italian?” “No, he isn’t. He’s from Spain.”
5 It’s half past nine in the morning and I’m hungry.
6 “Is there an airport in your town?” “No, there isn’t.”
7 There are five of us in my family.
8 “What colour is your hair?” “It’s blond.”
9 How often is Michele late for school?
10 “Can I use your dictionary?” “Here you are.”
11 “How many students are there in your school?” “There are about
12 “What’s the answer to question 10? Are you sure?” “Yes, you’re

13 My brother wants to be a lawyer.
14 The President of the USA lives in the White House.
15 Look! There are two thieves with those cops.
16 I don’t like mice. I’m scared.
17 The Robinsons haven’t got a big house.
18 Can I go out with my friends tonight, please?
19 Liam can’t play the guitar but he can sing.
20 Annie can’t go to the concert because she hasn’t got a ticket.
21 Don’t forget to bring your grammar book tomorrow.
22 “What’s the matter?” “I’ve got an important test tomorrow. Can
you help me?”
23 Have a good holiday!
24 It’s my birthday today so I’m very happy.


1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4A, 5C


1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B


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