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Unsustainable Developments: The Consequences of Anthropocentric Goals on a

Global Scale

Word Counts: 604

Global catastrophes are becoming more often as the world population grows.

Different countries and international organizations have approached this global issue in

different ways. The United Nations is one of the countries that stands out as having a

solution to a global problem. They established the UNSDG Goals, or United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, which appeared to solve every issue that the world was

facing. However, the UNSDGs have been criticized, therefore this study will examine the

specified metacognitive reading article.

After reading the article, I’ve learned three things. First, about poverty. As I have

read the article it’s stated that poverty is about concentrating on the economic growth of

a country. As a result, it appears that economic expansion does not correspond to poverty

eradication, but rather causes it. The second thing I've learned is that the environmental

problem is, in reality, a consciousness issue. Every individual of the world is aware of the

current global problem and how to handle it, but few are aware of the impact that

environmental deprivation has on all species on Earth. The third thing I've learnt is that

non-human nature is the primary sufferer of unsustainable behavior. The goal of human-

centric sustainability puts the environment in a dilemma that may never be resolved.

After reading the article, there are three things that remain unclear to me. The first

things that is unclear to me is about Marginalization of environmental justice and

biosphere egalitarianism. That, I understand, relates to human-nonhuman species

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justice. The specifics of its implications are the portion that remains unclear to me. The

second thing that is unclear to me, is about commodification and planetary borders. As

far as I can tell, these two are working to solve environmental issues. But I'm not sure

what their specific disadvantages and implications are. The third things that still unclear

to me is about the human population growth. I am aware that human population growth

has several negative consequences, particularly for the environment. What I don't

understand is why some leaders are unwillingly to address the population growth.

Before reading the article, I used to think that the Sustainable Development

Goals were a faultless strategy that addressed every global issue that the globe is

experiencing; but I've come to know that it will not entirely safeguard the world's future

as it aspires for. Although the Sustainable Development Goals include 17

interconnected goals, one of which being Climate Action, the ultimate purpose of these

interconnected goals is to ensure human existence is sustained. Anthropocentrism's

long-term aims will inevitably degrade the ecosystem, especially for non-human

species, which are already suffering and will die first.

I’ve three questions that I want to ask about the article. First, determine whether

population increase is a contributing element to various global challenges and the

achievement of sustainable development goals. Is it reasonable to believe that the

present sustainable development targets will benefit all life on the planet? Second, I

recognize the importance of focusing greater emphasis on environmental protection

without an anthropocentric agenda. Should institutions and organizations focus on

adapting to environmental change such as global warming through technology and

other means? Third, is about global world for environmental action. We are all aware

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that certain people are working to safeguard and maintain our environment. Will there

be any substantial change as a result of all of this?

In conclusion, the Anthropocentric objectives do not completely solve all

problems. Especially when it comes to the environment. Anthropocentrism's long-term

goals, like those of Anthropocentrism, would ultimately damage the ecosystem,

particularly for non-human species. People should learn more about environmental

preservation and protection in general.

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