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A. For easy access to information headings and table of contents should be used when necessary.

B. It is a communication that attends to specific needs of the reader. AUDIENCE DRIVEN

C. Careful integration of ideas and presentation of bring about an excellent engineering

or professional communication. VISUAL ELEMENTS

D. _______refers to a language that is personalized and the details differ from those of others.


E. When someone writes a revelation and wants to share feelings with others for the sole purpose

of entertaining the readers, it is called___________. AUTHOR DRIVEN

F. Technical manuals should be updated every now and then to ensure its ________. TIMELINESS

G. When an engineering communication aims to give a solution to a particular problem. It is

called PROPOSAL.

H. ABET stands for _______. Accreditation Board for Engineering and


I. Using appropriate form of addressing people like Ms. Or Mr. is an example of ________.


J. _________ is used when audience respond consciously or unconsciously to the emotional

impact of language and _______ when its objective meaning is taken into account.


K. It Is an engineering communication that aims to determine whether a particular endeavor is

possible or not. FEASIBLE

L. Several years ago, a group of international business leaders, primarily from the United States,

Europe, and Japan developed a document that is effectively used as a code of ethics. CAUX


M. An engineering communication that tells people not to do a particular act is called

_________. CAUTION

N. ________ is sometimes referred to as social media for business. LinkedIn

O. Ethics in engineering and technical communication is based on __________ as it reflects the

required student outcome of an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. ABET’s


P. _____ refers to persuading engineering communication where some points are highlighted

over others, but never neglecting the salient facts, even when they render the case to become

weaker. EMPHASIS

Q. if people believe that treating others as justly as possible is one of the cornerstones of them

success, it is an exemplification of the ________. ETHICS

R. if the lack of accuracy in what you communicate is intentional, the issue becomes one of a

_______ and thus of b. ___________. A. HONESTY B. ETHICS

S. ____ is the oldest professional engineering association in the United States, have

chosen to adhere to ABET’s Code of Ethics of Engineers. The third of its

Fundamental Canons states that “Engineers shall issue public statements only in

an objective and truthful manner. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS

T. When writing for ___, the communicator should be concise and direct. Explanation of technical terms
and theories is not necessary. EXPERTS

U. When construction engineer decides on using more cost-efficient, instead of the specified and agreed
materials is considered _____. DISHONESTY

V. A prezi used by a supervisor is an example of _____ engineering communication. DIGITAL


W. In technical communication topic sentences are replaced with heading and subheadings to ensure
ease of access and _____. INTEREST OF BREVITY

X. Woman comes to us from an Anglo-Saxon word, ____. Which literally means wife man. WIFMAN

Y. _____refers to the moment when ideas and things that form part of the popular culture and become
ingrained in the people’s thinking and language. CULTURAL REFERENTS

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