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Denzel Ng February 4, 2021

A51 Case Analysis #1

Cause and Effect Wheel – Barangay Cabacnitan

Based on my perception, the analysis of the ever-increasing complications of barangay is perhaps
the government's disagreement mostly with NPA, which may have contributed to disoriented
social connections within the city. Furthermore, I realized that, since they had probably barely
established community connections now, they are having fewer resources to be used by the
barangay, which further caused them to lack the resources to establish a healthcare station.
Hence, the complete absence of a healthcare department implied that people in the region would
have little to no sexual education, principles, and medications such as contraceptives. Excluding
acceptable sexual preferences and understanding for young people, there have been numerous
sexual behaviors among them and growing instances of teenage pregnancies and sexually
transmitted infections.

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