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Advanced 1 Unit 7

Unit 7
Medical Issues

Acupuncture Might Help

a. Do you remember the conversation between Freddy and Ron in the video clip in the computer
lesson? Mark whether the statements are true or false.

Statement True False

1. Freddy and Ron work together.

2. Freddy hurts his back.

3. Freddy has not been to the doctor.

4. Ron has gone to an acupuncturist

5. Freddy would rather have surgery than acupuncture.

6. Ron hurts himself.

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Advanced 1 Unit 7

b. Complete the following sentences from the dialogue in the video.

1. You do seem to be in a lot of pain .

2. I don’t know how I feel about acupuncture .
3. Should I make an appointment for both of us ?

c. Who is each statement talking about? What do they say?

1. He hurt his shoulder. Freddy / Ron

“My shoulder is killing me! .”

2. He might need to have an operation. Freddy / Ron

“I’ve been to the doctors twice already. I might need surgery .”

3. He wants his friend to try something new. Freddy / Ron

“Well, have you tried something different? Maybe acupuncture ?”

4. He has tried acupuncture and thinks it’s helpful. Freddy / Ron

“I’ve had it done a couple of times and I think it helped .”

5. He wants to know how to contact the acupuncturist. Freddy / Ron

“What’s the number ?”

d. What happens next in the video? Read the scriptwriter’s note. Then write the continuation
of the video script.

Woman walks by and notices Freddy and Ron...

Woman: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Ron/Freddy: Good afternoon Ms. We want an appointment
Woman: Sure! The doctor has time tomorrow morning at 11:00 am
Ron/Freddy: It’s okey for us.
Woman: Can you give what happened to come here?
Ron/Freddy: We lift heavy things and mi friend had a pain in his shoulder
Woman: I understand. And what about you?
Ron/Freddy: In my case, my back started to hurt me.

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Advanced 1 Unit 7

Common Sense, Not Blind Faith

a. Do you remember the text from the computer lesson? Answer the following questions.

1. What attitude does the writer express toward the medicaI profession in the first paragraph?
That we just don’t take any treatment without some research about it.

2. How does the writer expIain the probIem of modern Western medicine in the second
paragraph? It explains like the patient doesn’t agree taking medical treatment quickly

3. Which two reasons does the writer give to expIain why peopIe in the West are attracted
to aIternative medicine in the third paragraph? One is that they fear about surgery and
The second is people use to take alternative medicine to avoid strong mediation.

4. Which third reason does the writer add in the fourth paragraph?
That alternative treatment be less harmful and can be less dangerous that surgery

5. Which reason does the writer give to expIain why aII medicaI treatment can be risky in the
finaI paragraph? That can be many mistakes for the part of doctors and healers

6. With which message does the writer finish the articIe?

Tried to think that exists a lot of persons healthy for the convencional medicine

b. Match the words in column B to the most appropriate word in column A to complete the
1. a second a. faith
2. bedside b. heaIers
3. bIind c. manner
4. common d. opinion
5. dangerous e. sense
6. naturaI f. treatments

1.d 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.f 6.b

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